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阅读理解的题目中常出现的词: 主旨题:


















argues表明,认为,坚持,争论 indicates表明


leare from结论




carry 表达,携带


lead to导致


reason for原因








stands for代表,象征




The least possible choice最不可能的选择






in that


due to


as a resulf

depehd on

because of









lead to导致

result in导致

result from起因于

all this

that is why

for these reasons

as reasons作为原因





aware of the risks了解到这些风险

according根据,按照,相应的,相符的centers on集中在。。上

envisions future展望将来

deals with与。。交易



illustrates with阐明,举例,说明

is aimede at其目的在于



whether or no不管怎样

lies in在于

focus on针对,聚焦于,集中于

it comes to涉及到

it is essenhal to 最重要的是




By “…challenges explanation”(Line 2.pare.1)the author means that________goal

The author’s purpose in writing the second paragraph is to show children_________


The author gives an example in Paragraph * mainly to show that_______ The experment conducted by the researcher was meant to____________ The findings of the experiment show that__________ that

What is the one of the possible conclusions of the experiment_________ The passage mainly discusses______


The idea_________

the idea of________

The main idea of this passage is _____

What is the main topic of this passage?

What is the passage primarily concerned about?

Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?best replace the title

The best title for this passage might be________

Which is the best summary of ________

…..can we leare from this passage

The author’s attitude towards…..is______


The tone of this passage can be described as____________


Which of the following may lead to(caust)_______

The main reason for…is _________

….mastly for________

It is implied in the passage that________

The passage implies(suggests)that________


It can be inferred from the passage that______

It can be concluded from the passage that_______

From the passage we can infer(draw the conclusion)that________ The passag

The passage appears to be(is most likely)a part of_________.Where would this passage most probably be found?



C级押题 Eat to Live A meager diet may give you health and long life, but it‘s not much fun — and it might not even be necessary.We may be able to hang on to most of that youthful vigor even if we don‘t start to diet until old age.Stephen Spindler and his colleagues from the University of California at Riverside have found that some of an elderly mouse‘s liver genes can be made to behave as they did when the mouse was young simply by limiting its food for four weeks.The genetic rejuvenation won‘t reverse other damage caused by time for the mouse, but could help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins.Spindler‘s team fed three mice a normal diet for their whole lives, and fed another three on half-rations3.Three more mice were switched from the normal diet to half-feed3 for a month when they were 34 months old —

equivalent to about 70 human years.The researchers checked the activity of 11,000 genes from the mouse livers, and found that 46 changed with age in the normally fed mice.The changes were associated with things like inflammation and free radical production 一

probably bad news for mouse health.In the mice that had dieted all their lives,27 of those 46 genes continued to behave like young genes.But the most surprising finding was that the mice that only started dieting in old age also benefited from 70 per cent of these gene changes."This is the first indication that these effects kick in pretty quickly,‖ says Huber Warner from the National Institute on Aging near Washington D.C.No one yet knows if calorie restriction works in people as it does in mice, but Spindler is hopeful.―There‘s attracting and tempting evidence out there that it will work,‖ he says.If it does work in people,there might be good reasons for rejuvenating the liver.As we get older, our bodies are less efficient at metabolizing drugs, for example.A brief period of time of dieting, says Spindler, could be enough to make sure a drug is effective.But Spindler isn‘t sure the trade-off is worth it.―The mice get less disease, they live longer, but they‘re hungry,‖ he says.―Even seeing what a diet does, it‘s still hard to go to a restaurant and say: ‗I can only eat half of that,.‖

Spindler hopes we soon won‘t need to diet at all.His company, Lifespan Genetics in California, is looking for drugs that have the effects of calorie restriction.词汇:

meager adj.不足的 youthful adj.有青春活力的

vigor n.精力,活力

metabolize vt.使(一种物质)进入新陈代谢过程

genetic adj.基因的 rejuvenation n.恢复活力,返老还童 注释:

1.hang on to :继续保留。例如:You should hang on to that painting 一

it might be worth a lot of money one day.你应该继续保留那幅画-----或许有一天它会值很多钱。

2.The genetic rejuvenation won‘t reverse other damage caused by time for the mouse, but could help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins:老鼠的肝部基因恢复活力不会逆转老鼠在其他方面的老化,但却有助于肝脏代谢药物或除去毒素。other damage caused by time 岁月造成的莫他方面的破坏,即―其他方面的老化‖。metabolize drugs:代谢药物,即―使药物参与新陈代谢以提高药效‖。get rid of:摆脱,除去。

3.half-ration和 half-feed 都是指―老鼠饲料正常定量(normal diet)的一半‖。

4.free radical production:指体内自由基的产生(形成)。

5.kick in:意为―开始起作用‖。

如:We‘re still waiting for the air conditioning to kick in.我们还在等着空调开始起作用。

6.be worth it:意为―值得,有益‖。如:They are expensive, but they are worth it.那些东西很贵,但划得来。练习:

1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A Eating less than usual might make us live longer.B If we go on a diet when old, we may keep healthy.C Dieting might not be needed.D We have to begin dieting since childhood.2.Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2? A To describe the influence of old age on mice.B To illustrate the effect of meager food on mice.C To tell us how mice‘s liver genes behave.D To inform us of the process of metabolizing drugs.3.What can be inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage? A They will not experience free radical production.B They will experience more genetic rejuvenation in their lifetime.C They have more old liver genes to behave like young genes.D They are more likely to suffer from inflammation.4.According to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers?

A The mice that started dieting in old age.B 27 of those 46 old genes that continued to behave like young genes.C Calorie restriction that works in people.D Dieting that makes sure a drug is effective.5.According to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes that A calorie restriction is very important to young people.B seeing the effect of a diet, people will like to eat less than normal.C dieting is not a good method to give us health and long life.D drugs do not have the effects of calorie restriction.答案与题解:



2.B第二段提及―一只髙龄老鼠‖的时候,作者谈到,―只要连续四周限制它进食,它的肝脏基因就会变得和衰老前一样充满活力‖。据此,―为了描述节食对老鼠所产生的影响‖最好地回答了题干中的问题o 3.D 第四段提到,―正常饲养的老鼠随着年龄的增长有 46 条肝脏基因会发生变化,这种变化与炎症和有机体组织无限激增有关‖,因此,D正确。

4.A 第四段最后一个句子讲―但最惊人的发现是那些上了年纪才开始节食的老鼠也能从70%的基因变化中受益‖。―最惊人的‖自然是―最令研究人员感兴趣的‖。

5.C 文章的最后两段谈及 Spindler 对节食的看法。首先,他不能肯定节食是否值得。.其次, 他希望在不久的将来,我们不必节食。所以我们可以推知,他认为节食不是得以健康长寿的好办法。参考译文




加州大学 Riverside 分校的斯蒂芬•斯潘德尔及其同事发现,只要连续四周限制一些衰老的老鼠进食,它们的肝脏基因就会变得和衰老前一样充满活力。虽然老鼠的肝部基因恢复活力不会逆


斯潘德尔的队员们一直给其中的三只老鼠正常量的饲料,而给另外三只老鼠正常量饲料的一半,给三只 34个月大的老鼠(相当于人类年龄的 70岁)喂了一个月的半量饲料,之前这三只老鼠的饲料量是正常的。

研究者们检查了这些老鼠肝脏的 11,000 种基因的活性,发现正常饲养的老鼠有46 种基因随

年龄的改变而改变。这些改变都与体内自由基的产生有关——这对老鼠的健康来说不是什么好消息。而对于那些终身都在节食的老鼠来说,那 46种基因中的 27 种仍然继续保持着青春活力。但

是最令人吃惊的发现却是那些只是在老年时期节食的老鼠们受益于 70%的基因变异。


至今仍然没有人清楚卡路里的控制对人类来说是否如同对老鼠那样有效,但是斯潘德尔对此充满了希望:―有足以引人注意的证据表明这同样有效。‖ 如果这确实也对人类有效,我们有理由相信肝脏也可能恢复活力。举个例子,随着我们一天天衰老,我们的身体对药物的新陈代谢越来越没有效率。短时期内的节食,斯潘德尔说到,完全足以保证药效。

但是斯潘德尔并不确定这个方法值得尝试。―老鼠患病少了,寿命延长了,但是它们很饥饿,‖他说,―即使能清楚地认识到节食的功效,人们仍然很难在餐馆中说自己只能吃一半的食物。‖ 斯潘德尔希望我们根本就不用节食。他的公司,加利福尼亚州的寿命遗传学公司,正在寻找有限制卡路里效能的药物

C级押题 Common-cold Sense You can‘t beat it, but you don‘t have to join it.2 Maybe it got the name ―common cold‖ because it‘s more common in winter.The fact is, though, being cold doesn‘t have anything to do with getting one 3.Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses, and, at least so far, medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one4.Children are the most common way cold viruses are spread to adults, because they have more colds than adults – an average of about eight per year.Why do kids seem so much more easily to get colds than their parents? Simple.They haven‘t had the opportunity to become immune to many cold viruses.There are more than 150 different cold viruses, and you never have the same one twice.Being infected by one makes you immune to it – but only it.5

Colds are usually spread by direct contact, not sneezing or coughing.From another person‘s hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the most common route.6 The highest concentration of cold viruses 7 anywhere is found under the thumbnails of a boy, although the viruses can survive for hours on skin or other smooth surfaces.Hygiene is your best defense.Wash your‘ hands frequently, preferably with a disinfectant soap, especially when children in your household have colds.But even careful hygiene won‘t ward off 8 every cold.So, what works when a coughing, sneezing, runny nose 9 strikes? The old prescription of two aspirins, lots of water, and bed rest is a good place to start.But you‘ll also find some of the folk remedies10 worth trying.Hot mixtures of sugar(or honey), lemon, and water have-real benefits.词汇:

rhinovirus / n.鼻病毒

preferably /adv.更可取地,更好地 virus /n.病毒

disinfectant/n. 消毒剂,杀菌剂

immune/adj.免疫的,有免疫力的 prescription /n.诀窍;处方,药infect /vt.传染,侵染,感染


remedy /n.治疗,治疗法,药品

thumbnail/n.拇指甲 注释:

1.标题―common-cold sense‖实际上是在单词―commonsense‖(常识)中插入cold(感冒)一词,意为―关于感冒的常识‖。2.―You can‘t beat it, but you don‘t have to join it‖字面上的意思是―你无法打败它,但你并不是非得加入它的行列不可‖,实际上指的是目前尚没找到彻底对付感冒的办法,但至少我们可以试图预防感冒。

3. ...being cold doesn‘t have anything to do with getting one。动名词短语―being cold‖意思是―感到冷‖,在句中作主语;动词短语―not have anything to do with something‖意思是―与某事无关‖,在句中作谓语;最后一个不定代词―one‖指的是―一种感冒‖,作宾语。整句话的意思是―受凉和得感冒并没有什么因果关系‖。

4.... medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one.医学与其说能教你如何摆脱感冒,不如说它能告诉你如何预防感冒。

5.Being infected by one makes you immune to it--but only it.被一种病毒感染过后使你对它产生免疫力——但只是对这种(病毒)而言。be immune to sth.意思是―对某物有免疫力‖或―不受某事的影响‖。

6.From another person‘s hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the most common route.这是一个倒装句,按照正常语序句子应该是The most common route is from another person‘s hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes,意为―最普通的(传染)途径是从别人的手传到你的手中,再传到你的鼻子或眼睛里去‖。

7.The highest concentration of cold viruses:感冒病菌最集中的地方 8.ward off:避开,防止 9.runny nose:流鼻涕

10.folk remedies:土药方,偏方 全文翻译









1.According to the essay, you may have a cold because A

the weather is too cold.B

the spread of rhinoviruses gets people infected.C another person‘s coughing passes the cold to you.D you wash your hands too often.2.The best way to keep yourself from getting colds is A to keep yourself clean.B

to use a disinfectant soap.C to take two aspirins every day.D to drink lots of water.3.Children have more colds because A

they are usually infected about eight times each year.B

they are not immune to many cold viruses yet.C

they never wash their hands so that their thumbnails are dirty.D

they don‘t like eating lemon.4.When you are having a cold, A

it is always the same kind of cold that you had last time.B

it may be the same kind of cold that ‗you had last time.C

It is certainly not the same kind of cold that you had last time.D

it is probably not the same kind of cold that you had last time.5.When one is having a cold, he may often have all the following symptoms EXCEPT A coughing.B

Having a sore throat.C having a runny nose.D having a stomachache.答案与题解:

1.B 第一段虽然提到了感冒常发生于冬天,但紧接下去说得很清楚:受凉并不会导致感冒,所以A不是正确答案。文章第四段第一句说得明白:感冒通常是由于与感冒的人身体直接接触而传染的,而不是由打喷嚏或咳嗽传染的,所以C项也不是正确答案。至于D更是错误。答案B与第一段第四句的意义相吻合,因此是正确答案。

2.A 第五段的第一句话―Hygiene is your best defense‖意思是―卫生是你的最佳防御‖,与A项相吻合,因此A项是正确答案。同一段中提到的用消毒肥皂洗手,虽然也是保持卫生的手段之一,但仅是一个具体措施,不是全部措施,所以B项不是正确答案oc项提到的服阿司匹林是治感冒的手段之一,而非预防手段(况且没有说到―一天服两片‖!)D项提到的多喝水在文中也指治疗手段,所以C和D都不是正确答案。

3.B 第二段中提到儿童平均一年得八次感冒,这是一个统计数据而不是儿童得感冒的原因;文中并没有说―儿童从不洗手‖;文中也没有说―儿童不喜欢吃柠檬‖;所以A、C、D都不对。B项与第二段最后一句意思一样,是正确答案。4.C 第三段提到有150多种感冒病毒,而人们绝不会被同一种病毒侵害两次,因为得了一次感冒后对相应的病毒就获得了免疫力,所以只有C项才符合第三段的内容。

5.D 本题谈的是文中提及的感冒症状。文中并没有提到得了感冒就胃疼,实际上文中根本就没有―stomachache‖这个词或相关的字眼,所以D项是正确答案。


Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at

Bay Staying positive2 through the cold season could be your best defense against getting ill, new study findings suggest.In an experiment that exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus3, researchers found that people with a generally sunny disposition4 were less likely to fall ill.The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a ―positive emotional style‖5 can help ward off the common cold and other illnesses.Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness boosting immune function and subjective as in happy people being less troubled by a scratchy throat6 or runny nose.―People with a positive emotional style may have different immune responses to the virus,‖ explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.―And when they do get a cold, they may interpret their illness as being less severe.‖

Cohen and his colleagues had found in a previous study that happier people seemed less susceptible to7 catching a cold, but some questions remained as to8 whether the emotional trait itself had the effect.For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults complete standard measures of personality traits, self-perceived health and emotional ―style‖.Those who tended to be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style, while those who were often unhappy, tense and hostile had a negative style.He researchers gave them nasal drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus.Over the next six days, the volunteers reported on any aches, pains, sneezing or congestion they had, while the researchers collected objective data, like daily mucus production.Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes, happy people were less likely to develop a cold.词汇:


flu/(influenza的简称)n.流(行性)感(冒)virus /n.病毒

disposition /n.本性,性情

psychosomatic /adj.心身的,身心的boost/vt.& n.提高,举起 scratchy/adj.刺痛的,使人发痒的 runny/adj.流黏液的 Pittsburgh/n.匹兹堡(美国城市)

colleague/n.同事 susceptible/adj, 易感的,敏感的catch/vt.感染到 trait /n.特质;特性


energetic/adj.精力充沛的,精饱满的 easy-going/adj.随和的 tense /adj.紧张的 hostile/adj.敌意的

nasal /adj.鼻的 ache/n.(长时间连续的)疼痛,酸痛 sneeze /vi.打喷嚏

congestion /n.充血

mucus /n.黏液

woe /n.痛苦,苦恼;(复)灾难,苦头 注释:

1.Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay:情绪乐观的人不易患感冒。warm people原意是―热心肠的人,情绪高昂的人‖,keep/hold..at bay是―使……走投无路,不使……接近‖的意思,因此本题目如果直译则是―情绪高昂的人可能让感冒不能得逞‖或―情绪高昂的人可能远离感冒‖或―情绪高昂的人可能拒感冒于千里之外‖。

2.staying positive:保持积极向上(的情绪)

3.exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus:使健康的志愿者接触感冒(病毒)或流感病毒。expose原意是―使暴露,使面临‖,这里expose sb.to sth.是―使……接触……‖的意思。4.sunny disposition:乐观开朗的个性

5.positive emotional style:乐观情绪型,情绪积极型 6.scratchy throat:嗓子痛

7.susceptible to:对……敏感的,容易受到……影响的 8.as to: 关于,至于 全文翻译:




来自匹兹堡卡内基,梅隆大学的Sheldon Cohen博土是此研究的主要参与者,他解释道―积极情绪类型的人对于病毒的免疫反应可能较常人不同‖,―而且当患感冒时,他们往往不会把自己的病情想象得太糟糕。‖



1.According to a study author, when people with a positive emotional style do get a cold, they may think A

that their illness is very serious.B

That their illness is not so serious.C

that they do not get any illness at all.D

that the illness they get is not a mild one.2.People with a positive emotional style may have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT A happy.B selfish.C easy-going.D energetic.3.Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics that people with a negative emotional style may have? A Hostile.B Unhappy.C Warm-blooded.D Tense.4.How did the researchers test their volunteers? A

By giving everyone nasal drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus.B

By giving everyone a medicine that help lessen the probability of catching cold.C

By giving everyone an injection boosting immune function.D

By investigating everyone‘s characteristics, interests and hobbies.5.Which of the following items is NOT included in the data that the researchers collected? A Mucus production.B Aches and pains.C

Sneezing or congestion.D Blood test.答案与题解:

1.B 本题答案来自第三段,其中第二句说:―当他们的确患感冒时,他们认为病情并不太严重。

2.B 选项A、C、D在第五段第二句均提到,只有B项没提到,而且从逻辑推理,情绪乐观的人绝不会是―自私自利‖的人。

3.C 选项A、B、D也均在第五段第二句提到,而C项―热情洋溢‖也不应属于情绪低落、消极的人所应有的性格特征。

4.A 第六段第一句说的就是―研究者给这些志愿者一些含有感冒病毒或某种流感病毒的滴鼻剂‖,这正是本题答案。

5.D 选项A、B、C在第六段第二句均提到,而D项则不在其中之列。

第三篇:2014职称英语押题 理工B 阅读理解


第二十九篇 I’ll Be Bach(2014年新文章)

Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music.It took Cope 30 years to develop the software.Now most people can’t tell the difference between music by the famous German composer J.S.Bach1(1685-1750)and the Bach-like compositions from Cope’s computer.It all started in 1980 in the United States, when Cope was trying to write an opera.He was having trouble thinking of new melodies, so be wrote a computer program to create the melodies.At first this music was not easy to listen to.What did Cope do? He began to rethink how human beings compose music.He realized that composers1 brains work like big databases.First,they take in all the music that they have ever heard.Then they take out the music that they dislike.Finally, they make new music from what is left.According to Cope,only the great composers axe able to create the database accurately,remember it,and form new musical patterns firom it.Cope built a huge database of existing music.He began with hundreds of works by Bach.1 he software analyzed the data: it broke it down into smaller pieces and looked for patterns.It then combined the pieces into new patterns.Before long, the program could compose short Bach-like works.They weren’t good,but it was a start.Cope knew he had more work to do-he had a whole opera to write.He continued to improve the software.Soon it could analyze more complex music.He also added many other composers,including his own work,to the database.A few years later,Cope’s computer program,called “Emmy”,was ready to help him with his opera.The process required a lot of collaboration between the composer and Emmy.Cope listened to the computer’s musical ideas and used the ones that he liked.With Emmy, the opera took only two weeks to finish.It was called Cradle Fallingttind it was a great success!Cope received some of the best reviews of his career,but no one knew exactly how he had composed the work.Since that first opera, Emmy has written thousands of compositions.Cope still gives Emmy feedback on what he likes and doesn’t like of her music,but she is doing most of the hard work of composing these days!词汇:

original /9 Vicinal/ adj.有独创性

coHaboration /ka丨laebdreijan / n.合作 review/ ri'vju:/ n.评论

feedback /'fi:db®k / n.反馈 注释:

1.J.S.Bach:约翰•塞巴斯蒂安•巴赫(德语:Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685 年3 月 31 日一 1750 年7月28 H),巴洛克时期的德国作曲家,杰出的管风琴、小提琴、大键琴演奏家,同作曲家亨德

尔和泰勒曼齐名。巴赫被普遍认为是音乐史上最重要的作曲家之一,并被尊称为“西方‘现代 音乐’之父”,也是西方文化史上最重要的人物之一。


1.The music composed by David cope is about

A classical music.B pop music.C drama.D country music.2.By developing a computer software,David Cope aimed A to be like Bach.B to study Bach.C to write an opera.D to create a musical database

3.What did Cope realize about a great composer's brain? A It forms new musical patterns all by itself.B It writes a computer program.C It can recognize any music patterns.D It creates an accurate database.4.Who is Emmy?

A a database

B a computer software C a composer who helped David

D an opera

5.We can infer from the passage that

A David Cope is a computer programmer.B David Cope loves music.C Bach’s music helped him a lot.D Emmy did much more work than a composer.答案与题解:

1.A第一段的第一句:David Cope发明了一个可以编写出古典音乐的电脑软件。2.C从第二段的第一句可以看出,David编写电脑软件的目的是写歌剧。A、B和D都属于创作歌剧的一部分。

3.D第二段的后半部分讲的是伟大的歌剧作者与一般的歌剧作者的不同之处是通过对数据 进行淮确的构建、记忆而后创作出新的音乐形式。


5.D从本文第一句可知David是一个作曲家,不是计算机程序员,所以排除A;B、C内容没有 提及;从本文的第五段和第六段可知,Emmy大大提高了 David的创作速度。


作曲家大卫•科普发明了一个电脑软件,它能编写出古典音乐的原创作品。科普花了 30年才 完成这个软件,现在,科普的电脑写出的作品与德国著名作曲家J.S.巴赫写的作品很相似,很少 有人能分辨出其中不同。

这一切始于1980年的美国,那时科普正在写一部戏剧,但是他无法创作出新的旋律.于楚他 编写了一个电脑软件来帮他编曲。最开始的时候,软件写出的乐曲并不动听。科普是怎么做的呢? 他幵始重新考虑人们作曲的方式。他认识到作曲家的大脑就像一个大数据库,他们先是吸收他们 听过的所有音乐,然后去除他们不喜欢的,最后再根据留下的音乐来创作出新的旋律。科普认为,只有伟大的作曲家才能建立好的数据库,并且能熟记于心,从而创造出新的音乐。

科普根据现有的音乐建立了庞大的数据庳,最开始的时候,数据库包含了几百部巴赫的作品。科普的软件将这些数据进行分析:首先它将音乐拆解成小的片段,从中找出固定模式,然后将片 段组合成新的模式。不久,这个软件就能够写出和巴赫风格很像的小曲子。它们并不完美,但这 只是个开始。科普知道,他要做的还有很多一他得写出一整部歌剧。他进一步完普他的软件,不久它就 能够写出更复杂的音乐了。他还在数据库中加人了一些其他作曲家的作品,其中也包括他自己的作品。几年后,科普的软件“艾米”已经能够帮助他创作歌剧了。创作过程餹要作曲家和艾米共同 配合。科赘聆听艾米写出的音乐片段,从中选取他认为好的。有了艾米的帮助,科蓊只用了两个 星期就完成了这部歌剧,叫做《摇篮坠落》。演出获得巨大成功,科普也得到了他有生以来最高 的评价,但是没有人知道他究竟是怎样创作出这部歌剧的。

从那以后,艾米已经写了上千部作品。科普现在依然会给艾米反馈,吿诉她自己哪些音乐是 他喜欢的,哪些是不喜欢的,但是现在大部分艰巨的工作是由艾米来完成的!

第十九篇Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience

Shimi, a musical companion developed by Georgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology, recommends songs, dances to the beat and keeps the music pumping based on listener feedback.The smartphone-enabled, one-foot-tall robot is billed as an interactive “musical friend”.“Shimi is designed to change the way that people enjoy and think about their music,” said Professor Gil Weinberg, the robot’s creator.He will unveil the robot at the June 27th Google I/O conference in San Francisco.A band of three Shimi robots will perform for guests, dancing in sync with music created in the lab and composed according to its movements.Shimi is essentially a docking station with a “brain” powered by an Android phone.Once docked, the robot gains the sensing and musical generation capabilities of the user’s mobile device.In other words, if there’s an “app” for that, Shimi is ready.For instance, by using the phone’s camera and face-detecting software,Shimi can follow a listener around the room and position its “ears”,or speakers, for optimal sound.Another recognition feature is based on rhythm and tempo.If the user taps a beat, Shimi analyzes it, scans the phone’s musical library and immediately plays the song that best matches the suggestion.Once the music starts,Shimi dances to the rhythm.“Many people think that robots are limited by their programming instructions, said Music Technology Ph.D.candidate Mason Bretan.“Shimi shows us that robots can be creative and interactive.’’Future apps in the works will allow the user to shake their head in disagreement or wave a hand in the air to alert Shimi to skip to the next song or increase/decrease the volume.The robot will also have the capability to recommend new music based on the user’s song choices and provide feedback on the music play list.Weinberg hopes other developers will be inspired to create more apps to expand Shimi’s creative and interactive capabilities.“I believe that our center is ahead of a revolution that will see more robots in homes.” Weinberg said.Weinberg is in the process of commercializing Shimi through an exclusive licensing agreement with Georgia Tech.Weinberg hopes to make the robot available to consumers by the 2013 holiday season.“If robots are going to arrive in homes, we think that they will be this kind of machines一small, entertaining and fun,,Weinberg said.“They will enhance your life and pave the way for more intelligent service robots in our lives.” 词汇:

pump v.用抽水机抽;不断播放(音乐)scan v.扫描;浏览 skip v.轻跳,跳跃

sync n.同步,同时;v.使同步 tempo n.速度;节奏 注释:

1.Georgia Tech:全称是Georgia Institute of Technology,佐治亚理工学院,建于1885 年,位于亚特兰大市中心。佐治亚理工学齒是美国南部最大的公立理工学院,也是全美最顶尖的理工学院之一,排名仅次于麻省理工学院(MIT)和加州理工学院(CalTech)。2.pump:不断播放(音乐)。例如:This radio station recently pumps out pop music.(这家广播电台近来连续播放流行音乐。)3.smartphone-enabled:由智能手机系统支持的

4.is billed as:相当于is advertised as,意为“被标榜为”。5.docking station: 插接站,扩充基座,扩展插口

-6.Android:(科幻小说里的)机器人。本文指用于智能手机和便携式计算机移动设备的一种以Linus为基础的开放源代码操作系统,通过接口和插槽连接多种外部设备。目前Android 尚未有统一中文译名,国内较多人翻译成“安卓”或“安致”。据2012年2月数据, Android 占据全球智能手机操作系统市场52.5%的份额,中国市场占有率为68.4%。7.dock:对接

8.the sensing and musical generation capabilities:传感和音乐生成能力 9.app:应用程序(=application)10.if the user taps a beat:如果用户打出某个(音乐)拍子 11.in the works:正在准备阶段;在进行中或准备中 12.intelligent service robots:智能服务型机器人 练习:

1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the first three paragraphs? A Shimi is a one-foot tall robot.B Shimi is the creator of the musical companion.C Shimi is a docking station with a“ brain” powered by an Android phone.D Shimi can gain the sensing and musical generation capabilities of the user’s mobile device.2.What does Shimi do if the user taps a beat? A It stores the beat in the musical library.B It transmits the beat to the docking station.C It positions its speakers for optimal sound.D It selects a perfectly-matched song and plays it in sync with that beat.3.Which of the following about Shimi is true? A Robots are limited by their programming instructions, and Shimi is no exception.B Present apps allow the user to shake their head to alert Shimi to skip to the next song.C Existing apps allow the user to wave a hand to alert Shimi to turn up/down the volume.D Shimi can be creative and interactive.4.What does the author want to tell us? A The research center is developing a stronger and more versatile Shimi.B Weinberg only expects staffs from Georgia Tech.to develop more apps for Shimi.C Shimi is not yet technologically ready for commercialization.D Robots such as Shimi are created for large corporations rather than homes.5.Which of the following is Weinberg’s assertion?

A Shimi as a robotic musical companion can be applied to all types of smart phones.B human lives will be filled with more fun if Shimi is going to arrive in homes.C Shimi's creative and interactive capabilities are appreciated by most of its users.D Weinberg has reached an agreement with Georgia Tech to commercialize Shimi.答案与题解:

1.B在前三段中均可找到与选项A、C、D相应的句子,强调Shimi是一种电子设备;B与原文不符, Shimi不是该机器人的发明者,Gil Weinberg教授才是the robot’s creator。

2.D选项D简要地表述了第三段的倒数第二句“If the user taps a beat, Shimi analyzes it, scans the phone’s musical library and immediately plays the song that best matches the suggestion”的意思,所以是答案。选项A、B、C都不符合上述句子的含义。

3.D选项A的意思与原文相反。虽然人们认为机器人受到程序指令的限制,但Shimi却表现出具有创造能力和互动能力,所以A不是答案。选项D的意思与原文相同,因而是答案。第四段第三句指的是未来的应用程序: future apps in the works,而选项B,C是指目前的应用程序,两者的表述均与原文有出入。4.A第三段介绍Shimi的多种功能,第四段和第五段说Weinberg还在开发更多的应用程序来丰富Shimi的功能,还希望其他研发者也参与开发,因此,A是答案。选项B说Weinberg 仅仅希望Georgia Tech员工参与开发更多的应用软件,这与原文不符。文章最后一段告诉我们,Weinberg正在与Georgia Tech进行有关Shimi商业化的谈判,选项C的意思与此相反,不会是答案。选项D也与原文不符。5.B选项A、C和D的内容Weinberg都没有说过。第三段告诉我们,Shimi是Android smart phone的扩充基座,并不适用于所有智能手机,所以A选项不正确;Shimi尚未进入市场,还谈不上公众对Shimi欣赏与否的问题,因此选项C不符合原意;Shimi正在进行商业化运作,但绝非已经完成,所以D也不是正确选项。本题的答案是B,依据是最后一段倒数第二句。



Gil Weinberg教授是该机器人的发明者,他解释说:“Shimi设计的宗旨是改变人们欣赏音乐、认识音乐的方式。”他将在今年6月27日在旧金山的谷歌I/O大会上展示这款机器人。一个由三个机器人组成的乐队将为来宾演奏,并伴随音乐起舞。而音乐是根据不同的运动形式编制的。


“许多人认为机器人受到程序指令的限制,而Shiini给我们展示了机器人可以具有创造力和与人交互的能力。”音乐技术博士研究生Mason Bretan如是说。正在研发中的程序将使用户能沟通过摇头或摆手表示不同意,来提醒Shimi跳到下一首歌或增减音量。机器人还可根据用户对歌曲的选择推荐新音乐,并对音乐播放列表提供反馈。

Weinberg希望其他研发者会因此获得灵感,开发更多的应用程序,来扩展Shimi的创新和交互功能。他说:“我认为我们中心正在引领这场将更多机器人应用到家庭中去的变革。” Weinberg正在通过获得佐治亚理工学院的独家授权来对Shimi进行商业推广。Weinberg希望到2013年的节日季消费者可购买到Shimi。Weinberg说:“如果机器人进入家庭,我们认为就应该是这种类型的机器人:小巧、令人愉快和有趣,它们能提高我们的生活质量,为更多智能服务型机器人进人我们的生活做好准备。

第二十篇Explorer of the Extreme Deep

Oceans cover more than two-thirds of our planet. Yet,just a small fraction of the undcrwaler world has been uxplored. Now,Scientists at the Woods Hole1 Oceanographic Institution(WHOI)in Massachusetts are building an underwater vehicle hat will carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters(21,320 feet).The new machine,known as a manned submersible or human-operated vehicle(HOV),will replace another one named Alvin2 which bas an amazing

record of discovery,playing a key role in various important and famous undersea expeditions.Alvin has been operating for 40 years but can go down only 4,500 meters(14,784 feet).It’s about time for an upgrade,WHOI researchers say.

Alvin was launched in 1964.Since then,Alvin has worked between 200 and 250 days a year,says Daniel Fornari,a marine geologist and director of the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at WHOI.During its lifetime,Alvin has carried some 12,000 people on a total of more than 3,000 dives. A newer,better versions of Alvin is bound to reveal even more surprises ahout a world that is still full of mysteries,Fornari says.It might also make the job of exploration a little easier.“We take so much for granted on land,” Fornari says.“We can walk around and see with our eyes how big things are. We can see colors,special arrangements.”

Size-wise,the new HOV will be similar to Alvin.It’ll be about 37 feet long.The setting area inside will be a small sphere,about 8 feet wide,like Alvin,it’ll carry a pilot and two passengers.It will be just as maneuverable.In most other ways,it will give passengers more opportunities to enjoy the view,for one thing.Alvin has only three windows,the new vehicle will have five,with more overlap so that the passengers and the pilot can see the same thing.

Alvin can go up and down at a rate of 30 meters every second,and its maximum speed is 2 knots(about 2.3 miles per hour),while the new vehicle will be able to ascend and descend at 44 meters per second.It’ll reach speeds of 3 knots,or 3.5 miles per hour. 词汇:

fraction/5frAkFEn/n.一部分 dive/daiv/v.& n.潜水;跳水

underwater/5QndE5wC:tE(r)/adj. bound/baund /adj.受约束的,一定的 水下的;adv.在水下

sphere/sfiE(r)/n.球体;范围 manned/5mAnd/adj.载人的

maneuverable/mE5nu:vErEbl/adj. undersea/5QndEsi:/ adj.海底的,机动的,可调动的 submersible/sQb5mE:sEbl/n.潜艇;潜水器

overlap /5EuvE5lAp/v.& n.重叠 upgrade/5Qp^reid/n.升级 ascend/E5send/ v.上升 geologist/dVi5ClEdVist/n.地质学家 注释: 1. Woods Hole:美国马萨诸塞州的一个渔村,但同时拥有许多重要研究机构,如:the Marine Biological Laboratory,the Sea Education Association以及the Woods Hole Oceanographic lnstitution。

2. Alvin:世界上第一个深海潜水器,它最有名的深海探测包括1986年对泰坦尼克号残骸的测量工作。练习:

1. What is Alvin?

A A research institute. B A transporting vehicle. C A submersible. D A scientist.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT a fact about Alvin? A It can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters.

B It has played a key role in various important undersea expeditions C It was launched in the sixties of the twentieth century. D It has been used for more than 40 years.

3. “...a world that is still full of mysteries” refers to A the earth. B out space. C the ocean. D Mars.

4. In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin similar? A Size. B Speed. C Capacity. D Shape.

5. In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin different? A Offering better views. B Speed. C Size.

D Both A and B.


1. C 短文第一段的第四、第五句提供了答案

2. A 文章第一段从第三句开始说,科学家正在研制一艘可将研究人员带到6 500米深处的潜水装置,而它将替代Alvin,因为Alvin只能潜到4 500米深处。A不是事实,所以是正确选择。

3. C 本文讨论探索海底世界的潜水装置,所以“充满神秘色彩的世界”指的就是海洋。4. D 第三段的头三个句子告诉我们,HOV和Alvin在体积上和容量上相似。所以D是正确选择。

5. D 第三段最后两句告诉我们,Alvin只有三个窗户,而HOV有五个。最后一段告诉我们,两艘潜水装置的上下活动速度和行进速度有所差别。所以D是正确选择。译文: 深海探索器

海洋覆盖了我们地球三分之二的面积,但被开发的地下水却只有很小一部分。目前,马萨诸塞木洞海洋研究所的科学家们正在开发一种能载探索家们深入水下6 500米(21 320英尺)的水下交通丁具。作为一种载人潜艇或人T操作丁具,这种新的机器将替代世界上第一个深海潜水器Alvin。Azui”潜水器已经保持了惊人的纪录,在各种重要的深海考察中发挥着重要作用。Alvin潜水器已经运行了40年,但它只能深人水下4 500米(14 784英尺)。术洞海洋协会的研究家们说,潜水下具陔升级了。

Alvin潜水器下水始于1964年。海洋地质学家兼木洞海洋学研究所深海探索协会主任Daniel其不意Fornari说,自1 964年后,Alvin潜水器每年运行200~250天。在整个航程巾,它载12 000人进行过3 000多次潜水。




第十八篇Thirst for Oil

Worldwide every day, we devour the energy equivalent of about 200 million barrels of oil.Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun.In fact enough energy from the Sun hits the planet’s surface each minute to cover our needs for an entire year, we just need to find an efficient way to use it.So far the energy in oil has been cheaper and easier to get at.But as supplies dwindle, this will change, and we will need to cure our addiction to oil.Burning wood satisfied most energy needs until the steam-driven industrial revolution, when energy-dense coal became the fuel of choice.Coal is still used, mostly in power stations, to cover one quarter of our energy needs, but its use has been declining since we started pumping up oil.Coal is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel, but could make a comeback, as supplies are still plentiful: its reserves are five times larger than oil’s.Today petroleum, a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the Earth and used to produce petrol, diesel oil and various other chemical substances, provides around 40% of the world’s energy needs, mostly fuelling automobiles.The US consumes n quarter of all oil, and generates a similar proportion of greenhouse gas emissions.The majority of oil comes from the Middle East, which has half of known reserves.But other significant sources include Russia, North America, Norway, Venezuela and the North Sea.Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge1 could be a major new US source, to reduce reliance on foreign imports.Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years, though opinions and estimates vary.We could fast reach an energy crisis in the next few decades, when

demand exceeds supply.As conventional reserves become more difficult to access, others such as oil shales and tar sands may be used instead.Petrol could also be obtained from coal.Since we started using fossil fuels, we have released 400 billion tonnes2 of carbon, and burning the entire reserves could eventually raise world temperatures by 130 C.Among other horrors, this would result in the destruction of all rainforests and the melting of all Arctic ice.注释:

1.Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge:美国阿拉斯加北极国家野生动物保护区。2001年,美国众议院通过了一项基于布什提出的在那里进行石油开采的议案。该议案遭到环境保护主义组织的反对。因此,目前在该区禁止开采石油。

2.tonne:公吨(= 1,000公斤〉。不同于 ton。ton:在美国等于二千磅(=0.907公吨),所以称作 short ton:短吨。练习: 1.“… we will need to cure our addiction to oil.”Why does the author say so? A Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun.B Oil supply is increasing all the time.C Demand for oil is increasing all the time.D Oil supply is decreasing.2.Which of the following statements is NOT meant by the author, according to the second paragraph?

A Wood was the fuel of choice before coal.B The use of coal is declining.C Coal is the most environmentally unfriendly fuel next to oil.D Coal reserves are plentiful and will be likely to become the major fuel of choice.3.Which country is the biggest consumer of petroleum? A The United States.B Russia.C Norway.D Venezuela.4.What do experts say about the earth’s fuel reserves?

A The earth’s fuel reserves will be accessible for the next 50 years.B There will soon be an energy crisis.C Conventional reserves will soon become inaccessible.D Fuel demand will decline.5.What is NOT the result of consuming fossil fuels according to the last paragraph? A Rainforests will be destroyed.B Arctic ice will be melted.C The earth’s temperature will be raised.D The sea level will go up.答案与题解 : 1.D 答案在第一段昀后一句中。这里的 supplies指 oil supplies。

2.C短文的第二段告诉我们,木材曾经是主要燃料来源,然后被煤所替代;自人们开始采油后,对煤的需求下降了,但因为媒的储量远大于石油,它可能又会成为主要燃料,尽管它对环境昀具破坏力。所以 A、B、D均是作者的意思,而 C不是。next to oil除石油以外。


4.B答案在第五段第二句中。该段第一句说,地球上的燃料储量将在 50年内耗尽,所以 A不是正确选择;第三句的意思是,常规燃料的获取将变得困难,而不是不可获得,所以 C也不是正确选择; D明显不是作者的意思。

5.D 选项 A、B、C都是昀后一段中所表达的意思。所以 D是正确选择。

译文: 石油匮乏







第二十七篇Driven to Distraction

Joe Coyne slides into the driver’s eat, starts up the car and heads to town.The empty stretch of interstate gives way to urban congestion, and Coyne hits the brakes as a pedestrian suddenly crosses the street in front of him.But even if he hadn’t stopped in time, the woman would have been safe.She isn’t real.Neither is the town.And Coyne isn’t really driving.Coyne is demonstrating a computerized driving simulator that is helping researchers at Old Dominion University(ODU)examine how in-vehicle guidance systems affect the person behind the wheel.The researchers want to know if such systems, which give audible or written directions, are too distracting—or whether any distractions are offset by the benefits drivers get from having help finding their way in unfamiliar locations.“We’re looking at the performance and mental workload of drivers,” said Caryl Baldwin, the assistant psychology professor leading the research, which involves measuring drivers’ reaction time and brain activity as they respond to auditory and visual cues.The researchers just completed a study of the mental workload involved in driving through different kinds of environments and heavy vs.light traffic.Preliminary results show that as people “get into more challenging driving situations, they don’t have any extra mental energy to respond to something else in the environment,” Baldwin said.But the tradeoffs could be worth it, she said.This next step is to test different ways of giving drivers navigational information and how those methods change the drivers’ mental workload.“Is it best if they see a picture…that shows their position, a map kind of display?” Baldwin said.“Is it best if they hear it?” navigational systems now on the market give point-by-point directions that follow a prescribed route.“They’re very unforgiving,” Baldwin said.“If you miss a turn, they can almost seem to get angry.”

That style of directions also can be frustrating for people who prefer more general instructions.But such broad directions can confuse drivers who prefer route directions, Baldwin said.Perhaps manufacturers should allow drivers to choose the style of directions they want, or modify systems to present some information in a way that makes sense for people who prefer the survey style, she said.Interestingly, other research has shown that about 60 percent of men prefer the survey style, while 60 percent women prefer the route style, Baldwin said.This explains the classic little thing of why men don’t like to stop and ask for directions and women do, Baldwin added.练习:

1.Which statement is true of the description in the first two paragraphs? A.If Coyne had stopped the car in time, he wouldn’t have hit the woman.B.The woman would have been knocked over, if Coyne had followed the traffic regulations.C.Coyne is not really driving so it is impossible for him to have hit the woman.D.If the woman had not crossed the street suddenly, Coyne would not have hit her.2.What do researchers want to find out, according to the third and fourth paragraphs? A.Whether or not audible or written directions are distracting.B.how long it will take the driver to respond to auditory and visual stimuli.C.How the driver perform under certain metal workload.D.All of the above.3.What are the preliminary results given in the fifth paragraph? A.Drivers are afraid of getting into challenging driving situations.B.In challenging driving situations, drivers still have extra energy to handle other things.C.In challenging driving situations, drivers do not have any additional mental energy to deal with something else.D.Drivers’ mental load remains unchanged under different situations.4.The sixth paragraph mainly state that the researchers.A.is designing a visual navigational information system.B.is designing an audio navigational information system.C.is designing an audio-visual navigational information system.D.want to determine the best ways of giving navigational information system.5.What kind of directions do men and women prefer?

A.Women prefer more general directions and men prefer route directions.B.Men prefer more general directions and women prefer route direction.C.Both men and women prefer general directions.D.Both men and women prefer route directions.答案与解释 : 1.C 根据第一段和第二段的内容,读者可以知道,这不是 Coyne真实的驾车经历。第二段的第一句是虚拟语气,意思是即使他没有及时刹车,那位妇女也是安全的。因此 A、B和 D都不符合句意。

2.D 第三段告诉我们,研究者要了解什么样的驾车指南会使回车者分心。第四段告诉我们,他们要研究驾车者在驾驶中的精神负荷,测试驾车者对声音和图像的反应,包括反映时间和大脑活动。所以,D是正确选项。


4.D 根据本段第一句可以得知答案。

5.B 文章的昀后四段讨论驾车指南的两种类型:第九段使用的两个表达是: general instructions和 route directions 即是第八段中的 point-by-point directions that follow a prescribed route;第十段和第十一段使用的表达是:survey style 和 route style。因此,general instructions或 general directions指的是一种传递总体信息的驾车指南,point-by-point directions和 route style是一种传递具体路线信息的驾车指南。根据昀后一段的描述,大多数男士偏向于 general directions,而女士则偏向于 point-by-point directions,即 route style。















第三十二篇Mind-reading Machine

A team of researchers in California has developed a way to predict what kinds of objects people are looking at by scanning what's happening in their brains.When you look at something, your eyes send a signal about that object to your brain.Different regions of the brain process the information your eyes send.Cells in your brain called neurons are responsible for this processing.The fMRI(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)2 brain scans could generally match electrical activity in the brain to the basic shape of a picture that someone was looking at.Like cells anywhere else in your body, active neurons use oxygen.Blood brings oxygen to the neurons, and the more active a neuron is, the more oxygen it will consume.The more active a region of the brain, the more active its neurons, and in turn, the more blood will travel to that region.And by using fMRI, scientists can visualize3 which parts of the brain receive more oxygen-rich blood--and therefore, which parts are working to process information.An fMRI machine is a device that scans the brain and measures changes in blood flow to the brain.The technology shows researchers how brain activity changes when a person thinks, looks at something, or carries out an activity like speaking or reading.By highlighting the areas of the brain at work when a person looks at different images, fMRI may help scientists determine specific patterns of brain activity associated with different kinds of images.The California researchers tested brain activity by having two volunteers view hundreds of pictures of everyday objects, like people, animals, and fruits.The scientists used an fMRI machine to record the volunteers' brain activity with each photograph they looked at.Different objects caused different regions of the volunteers' brains to light up on the scan, indicating activity.The scientists used this information to build a model to predict how the brain might respond to any image the eyes see.In a second test, the scientists asked the volunteers to look at 120 new pictures.Like before, their brains were scanned every time they looked at a new image.This time, the scientists used their model to match the fMRI scans to the image.For example, if a scan in the second test showed the same pattern of brain activity that was strongly related to pictures of apples in the first test, their model would have predicted the volunteers were looking at apples.词汇:

scan v.&n.扫描 visualize v.使可见;设想

neuron n.神经元


1.Mind-reading: 能读出(猜出)人的想法的。mind-read: 可做动词,如,As a successful salesman, he is able to mind-read his customers.2.FMRI(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging): 功能性磁振造影。这是一种新兴的神经影像学方式,其原理是利用磁振造影来测量神经元活动所引发之血液动力的改变。

3.visualize: 意为make(something)visible to the eye,即“使可见,使显现”。


1.What is responsible for processing the information sent by your eyes? A)A small region of the brain.B)The central part of the brain.C)Neurons in the brain.D)Oxygen-rich blood.2.Which of the following statements is NOT meant by the writer? A)Ceils in your brain are called neurons.B)The more oxygen a neuron consumes, the more blood it needs.C)FMRI helps scientists to discover which parts of the brain process information.D)fMRI helps scientists to discover how the brain develops intelligently.3.“Highlighting the areas of the brain at work” means

A)“marking the parts of the brain that are processing information”

B)“giving light to the parts of the brain that are processing information” C)“putting the parts of the brain to work”

D)“stopping the parts of the brain from working”

4.What did the researchers experiment on? A)Animals, objects, and fruits.B)Two volunteers.C)fMRI machines.D)Thousands of pictures.5.Which of the following can be the best replacement of the tide? A)The Recent Development in Science and Technology.B)Your Thoughts Can Be Scanned.C)A Technological Dream.D)A Device that can Help You Calculate.答案与题解:

1.C 文章第二段的最后两个句子提供了答案。Cells in your brain called neurons are responsible for this processin9.这里的processin9指的就是上句中的内容。

2.D 的电容文章中没有出现。A的内容在第二段可找到。B的内容在第二段可找到。C的内容在第五段可找到。

3.A highlight:使…显得突出,标出。at work:正在工作的。这里指正在处理信息的(大脑区域)。








































情态动词表示说话人对某一动作的态度,认为“可能”、“必要”等。情态动词有词义,但词义不完全,气候一定要跟“不带to”的动词不定式(即动词原形)(ought to除外)。另外情态动词没有数和人称的变化






























6、状语 修饰动词,形容词,副词以及全句的句子成分,叫做状语。用作状语的通常是副词,介词短语,不定式和从句等。状语一般放在被修饰的词之后或放在句尾。副词作状语时可放在被修饰的词前或句首。









(1)Xiao Li went to bed as soon as he came home.小李回家后, 立刻就睡觉了。

(2)I'll go when I have had my dinner.我吃了饭就去。

















┃1.The sun│was shining.┃

┃2.The moon │rose.┃

┃3.The universe │remains.┃

┃4.We all │breathe, eat, and drink.┃


┃6.What he said │does not matter.┃

┃7.They │talkedfor half an hour.┃

┃8.The pen│writessmoothly┃



5.管它呢? 6.他所讲的没有什么关系。





意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一*

类,表示情况;get, grow, become, turn等属另一类,表示变化。be 本身没*





┃1.This │is│an English-Chinese dictionary.┃

┃2.The dinner │smells│good.┃

┃3.He │fell│in love.┃

┃4.Everything │looks │different.┃

┃5.He │is growing│tall and strong.┃

┃6.The trouble│is│that they are short of money.┃

┃7.Our well │has gone│dry.┃

┃8.His face │turned│red.┃










┃S│V(及物动词)│ O ┃


┃1.Who│knows │the answer? ┃

┃2.She│smiled│her thanks.┃

┃3.He │has refused │to help them.┃

┃4.He │enjoys│reading.┃

┃5.They │ate │what was left over.┃

┃6.He │said│“Good morning.” ┃

┃7.I│want│to have a cup of tea.┃

┃8.He │admits│that he was mistaken.┃


1.谁知道答案? 2.她微笑表示感谢。









┃S│V(及物)│ o(多指人)│ O(多指物)┃


1.She│ordered │herself │a new dress.┃

┃2.She│cooked│her husband │a delicious meal.┃

┃3.He │brought │you │a dictionary.┃

┃4.He │denies│her │nothing.┃

┃5.I│showed│him │my pictures.┃

┃6.I│gave│my car│a wash.┃

┃7.I│told│him │that the bus was late.┃

┃8.He │showed│me│how to run the machine.┃










┃ S │V(及物)│ O(宾语)│C(宾补)┃


┃1.They │appointed │him │manager.┃

┃2.They │painted │the door│green.┃

┃3.This │set │them│thinking.┃

┃4.They │found │the house │deserted.┃

┃5.What │makes │him │think so? ┃

┃6.We │saw │him │out.┃

┃7.He │asked │me│to come back soon.┃

┃8.I│saw │them│getting on the bus.┃




5.他怎么会这样想? 6.我们送他出去。






We found the hall full.我们发现礼堂坐满了。

We found the great hall full of students and teachers.我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师。

We found the great hall full of students and teachers listen-

ing to an important report.我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师,在听一个重要报告。

We found the great hall full of students and teachers listen-

ing to an important report made by a comrade from the People's

Daily on current affairs in East Europe.我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师,在听人民日报的一位同志作有关



型。以 get 为例:

He's getting angry.(S V C)

He got through the window.(S V M)

You'll get a surprise.(S V O)

He got his shoes and socks wet.(S V O C)

He got himself into trouble.(S V O M)

He got her a splendid present.(S V o O)


I found the book easily.我很容易地找到了这本书。(S V O M)

I found the book easy.我觉得这本书很容易。(S V O C)

I have to do something.我得做点事。

I have something to do.我有点事做。


下面是我找到的材料,参考一下吧.================== 基本概念

1. 定义:用作表语的从句叫做表语从句。

2. 构成:关联词+简单句

3. 引导表语从句的关联词的种类:


The trouble is that I have lost his address.麻烦是我把他的地址丢了。

(2)从属连词whether, as, as if。如:

He looked just as he had looked ten years before.他看起来还与十年前一样。

The question is whether they will be able to help us.问题是他们是否能帮我们。

注:从属连词if一般不用来引导表语从句,但as if却可引导表语从句,如:

All this was over twenty years ago, but it´s as if it was only yesterday.这都是20多年前的事了,但宛如昨天一样。

能跟表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词be, seem, look等。如:

It looked as if it was going to rain.看起来天要下雨了。

(3)连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever

连接副词 where, when, how, why。

如:The problem is who we can get to replace her.问题是我们能找到谁去替换她呢。

The question is how he did it.问题是他是如何做此事的。

That was what she did this morning on reaching the attic.那就是她今晨上了阁楼干的。


1. 连词because可引导表语从句。如:

I think it is because you are doing too much.我想这是因为你做得太多。

2. 在一些表示“建议、劝说、命令”的名词后面的表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。should+动词原形表示,should可省略。如:

My suggestion is that we(should)start early tomorrow.我的建议是我们明天一早就出发。


用动词原型表示,但单数第三人称后要加-s,在词尾加-s时要注意: 1. 一般情况:加-s 例:reads,writes,says

2. 以s,x,ch,sh收尾的词加-es 例:teaches,washes,guesses

3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y为i再加-es 例:try—tries,carry—carries。


do you know it?

are you students?

does she have a pen?


we always care for each other and help each other。

they cycle to work every day。


he loves sports。

do you sing?a little。

i major in english。

3. 遍真理:

light travels faster than sound。

two and four makes six。

the moon moves round the earth。


i feel a sharp pain in my chest。

the soup contains too much salt。

you see what i mean?

the coat fits you very well。

how do you find the book?


i send you my best wishes。

i salute your courage。

now i extend my heartfelt thanks to you。


when do the train leave(stop at jinan)?

the plane take off at 11 am。

tomorrow is saturday。

is there a firm on tonight? 但这只限少数动词,如begin,come,go,leave,sail,start,arrive,return,dine,end,stop,depart,open,close,be等。另外,在时间或条件从句中,将来动作或状态多用这一时态表示:

tell her about that when she come。

turn off the light before you leave。

we„ll start as soon as you are ready。


they say xiao wu is back。is that true?

xiao yu tells me you„re going abroad。

oh,i forget where he lives。

yes,you answer quite well。




i am working。

i am not working。

am i working?


where are they having the basket-ball match?

they are putting up the scaffolding。

he„s showing a foreign guest round the city。


how are you getting on with the work?

the work is going fairly smoothly。

you are making rapid progress。

it is blowing hard。

who are you waiting for?

whenever i see her,she is working in the garden。我每次看到她时,她总是在花园里干活。


do you see anyone over there?你看到那里有什么人吗?

are you seeing someone off?你在给谁送行吗?

i hear someone singing。我听见有人唱歌。

they are hearing an english talk?他们在听一个英语报告。

what do you think of it?你觉得这怎么样? what are you thinking about?你在想什么?


he is jumping up and down。她一上一下地跳着。

the train is arriving。火车就要进站了。

the old man is dying。老头病危了。


we are leaving on friday。

are you going anywhere tomorrow?

a foreign guest is giving a lecture in english this afternoon。

xiao hong!coming。

who is interpreting for you?

we are having a holiday next monday。


另外,“be going+不定式”这个结构经常用来表示即将发生的事或打算(准备)做的事:

i am afraid it is going to rain。

it is going to be rather cold tomorrow。

she is not going to speak at the meeting。

在这个结构中过去有许多人不赞成用go和come这两个动词,感到很别扭,主张不说are you going to go anywhere tomorrow?而说are you going anywhere tomorrow?不说is she going to come?而说is she coming?但现在在这种结构中用两个动词的人越来越多,这种用法基本上被大家接受了。


do not mention this when you are talking with him。

remember that when you are taking a rest,some else is always working。

if she is still sleeping,do not wake her up。


a. how are you feeling today?(比how do you feel today?更显亲切)

xiao hua is doing fine work at school。(比xiao hua does fine work at school。更富赞美)

he is always thinking of his work。表赞许

he is constantly leaving his thing about。她老是乱扔东西。(表不满)

he is always boasting。他老爱说大话。(表厌烦)

b.he is sleeping in the next room now。他现在现在是在隔壁房间睡了(不再原来房间睡了)。

the professor is typing his own letters while his secretary is ill。

where is he working?他现在在那里工作?(可能刚换工作)for this week we are starting work at 7:30。

he is walking to work because his bicycle is being repaired。


you are not being modest。

he is being silly。

she is being friendly。

xiao hong is being a good girl today。

do not talk rot。i am being serious。

注: 在there和here引起的句子中,常可用一般现在时代替现在进行时:

here comes the bus。(=the bus is coming.)

there goes the bell.(=the bell is ringing.)


i wonder(am wondering)how i should answer then.does your leg hurt?(is your leg hurting?)it itches(is itching)terribly.my back aches(is aching).i write(am writing)to inform you.不定代词

是不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,英语中不定代词有:some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone),no(nothing,nobody,no one),every(everything,everybody,everyone),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either,neither等 物主代词



是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。

不定代词:anything、everything、nothing 物主代词:my mine his his her hers our ours their theirs 情态动词:can could should may



第二十九篇 I’ll Be Bach


1.The music composed by David cope is about ______.A Classical music B pop music C drama D country music

2.By developing a computer software,David cope aimed ______.A to be like Bach B to study Bach C to write an opera D to create a musical database

3.What did cope realize about a great composer’s brain? A It forms new musical patterns all by itself B It writes a computer program C It can recognize any music patterns D It creates an accurate database

4.Who is Emmy?

A a databaseB a computer software C a composer who helped David D an opera

5.We can infer from the passage that ______.A David Cope is a computer programmer.B David Cope loves music.C Bach’s music helped him a lot.D Emmy did much more work than a composer.第40篇(2012新增)Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety


在最新一项关于小学生学数学的研究中,芝加哥大学的心理学家Sian Beilock和Susan Levine 发现,女教师的想法和女学生的学习之间有着惊人的联系:如果女教师对自己的数学能力感到焦虑,她的女学生很可能认为男孩子数学比女孩学得更好。




平均来说,教师的焦虑不会影响到男孩子。但是,一般说来,如果教女孩子的教师有数学焦虑症,那么女孩子们在学年结束时测试得分比其他的女孩要低。另外,在关于是否认为数学明星应该是男孩的测试中,有20个女孩认为男孩数学比女孩好,这20个女孩的老师都是女性,且都患有数学焦虑症。来自密苏里大学的心理学家David Geary说“这是一个有趣的研究,但是这只是初步结果,需要用更大的调查样本进行重复验证”。1.What is the result of the research at the University of Chicago,according to the first paragraph? AGirls comfortable with their own math skills are better than boys at math.BGirls uncomfortable with their own math skills are not as good as boys at math.CFemale teachers' math skills have influence over girl students' math skills.DFemale teachers' confidence in their math skills is related to girl's math skills.2.What is implied in the third paragraph? AMath teachers,like math learners,do not like the subject due to its difficulty.BA difficult subject like math may affect teachers' confidence in teaching the subject.CTeachers are more anxious teaching math than their students learning math.DMath is so difficult that no teachers like to teach it.3.According to the experiment,those teachers were probably anxious about math when they felt Anervous memorizing the numbers of a sales receipt.Bhelpless saving the numbers of a sales receipt.Cuneasy reading the numbers of a sales receipt.Dhopeless filling in the numbers of a sales report.4.The sixth paragraph tells us that the research findings

Aprove a strong link between female teachers' math anxiety and their female students' math

achievements.Bshow that male students are less likely to be affected by their math anxiety than female students.Cprovide strong evidence that math superstars are more likely to be males than females.D discover a strong link between teachers' math anxiety and their students' math achievements.5.David Geary thinks that Athe study is interesting but it is based on unreliable research process.Bthe research results need to be retested based on a larger sample.Cthe research results need to be reinterpreted to be meaningful.Dthe study is well based and produces significant results.***第46篇(2012年新增)Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as “Ecosystem Engineers”





Dirk Sanders是该大学生态和保护中心所做的此项研究的作者,他说:“蚂蚁是高效的食肉动物,而且能大量繁殖。它们具有很强的领地意识,并且会竭尽全力对抗其他的食肉动物来保卫自己的领地。所有这些都意味着蚂蚁对周围环境影响巨大。”


Dr Frank van Veen是本研究的另一作者,他说:“我们的发现是:如果蚂蚁的数量少,其对土壤的营养水平的影响会对动物族群产生积极的效果。如果蚂蚁的数量增加,其捕食的影响会达到最大化,因此会抵消蚂蚁通过生态工程给环境带来的积极影响。”


练习: 1.Why are ants compared to ecosystem engineers? ABecause they build their own nests.BBecause they collect food.CBecause their activity affects the environment.DBecause they are predators.2.As predators, ants Aprey on small as well as large animals.Bcollect nutritious food from the soil Ccollect food as decomposers.Dprey on species much higher up the food chain.3.Dir Sanders' study centered on how ants Acan manage to thrive in huge numbers.Bdefend their resources and territory against other predators.Cattack those invading animals for survival.Dproduce such a big impact on the environment.4.What does paragraph 6 tell us? AAnts bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.BAnts bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.CAnts' predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.DAt higher density, ants produce a positive influence on an area.5.What still remains unclear about ants, according to the last paragraph? AWhat roles do ants play in the ecosystem in which they live? BHow do ants affect the animal diversity in a given ecosystem? CHow do human activities affect ants' influence on a given ecosystem? DHow do ants alter the physical and chemical environment?

***第48篇(2013新增)Researchers Discover Why Humans Began Walking Upright




“这些黑猩猩居住的生态环境和我们最早的祖先开始直立行走时是相同的,” Richmond博士说。研究结果显示,当黑猩猩需要独占一种资源时,它们就从四肢行走转换为直立行走。由于直立行走可以解放它们的双手,这使得它们能搬更多的东西。久而久之,双足活动的强烈爆发可能导致了解剖学上的变化,因此这种变化也就成为自然选择的主题,在那种情况下,对食物或其他资源的争夺是十分激烈的。有两项研究是在几内亚完成的。第一项研究是在京都大学博苏森林的一块天然空地——“室外实验室”进行的。研究者们允许森林里的黑猩猩能得到两种不同的坚果,一种叫油棕榈坚果,自然界随处可见,一种叫可乐果,自然环境中不常见。人们监控黑猩猩在下列三种情形下的行为:(a)只有油棕榈坚果;(b)只有少量的可乐果,大多数是油棕榈坚果;(c)大多数是可乐果,少数是油棕榈坚果。当稀有的可乐果数量很少时,黑猩猩一次就会拿得多。同样,当大部分是可乐果时,黑猩猩对油棕榈坚果根本视而不见。黑猩猩认为可乐果才是珍贵的资源,并为得到可乐果激烈竞争。


第二项研究是在牛津布鲁克斯大学的Kimberley Hockings进行的。该研究历时14个月,主题是博苏的黑猩猩抢劫粮食,场景是它们不得不为稀有和不可预知的资源竞争。在这项研究中,黑猩猩35%的活动是直立行走。而这一次研究再一次证实了黑猩猩的直立行走与它们试图一次搬走尽可能多的东西有关。


1.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the first two paragraphs? A Many people question the simple human activities of walking and carrying items.B Chimpanzee’s behaviors may suggest why humans walk on two legs.C Human walking upright is viewed as an adaptation to carrying precious resources.D Our ancestors' ecological conditions resembled those of modern-day chimpanzees.2.Dr.Richmond conducted the experiment with the purpose of finding A when humans began walking on two legs.B what made our ancestors walk upright.C what benefits walking upright brought to our ancestors.D how walking upright helped chimpanzees monopolize resources.3.Kyoto, University's study discovered that chimpanzees.A regarded both types of nut as priced resources.B preferred oil palm nuts to coula nuts.C liked coula nuts better than oil palm nuts.D ignored both types of nut altogether.4.Why did the chimpanzees walk on two limbs during Kyoto University's experiment? A Because they imitated the human way of walking just for fun.B Because they wanted to please the researchers to get more coula nuts from them.C Because they wanted to get to die nut-rich forest faster by walking that way.D Because they wanted to carry more nuts with two free limbs.5.What can we infer from the reading passage? A Chimpanzees are in the same process of evolution as our ancestors were.B Chimpanzees are similar to humans in many behaviors.C Walking on two limbs and walking on four limbs each have their advantages.D Human walking on two legs developed as a means of survival.



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