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二篇章: 华堂盛典(经典西式证婚仪式)



















Summary Unit 4 P98 1 Through the story that Teresa recognized herself in the sad tale of losing creativity, it comes to a conclusion that it’s the strict school environment, restricted art class, demoralizing art teaching mode, together with the grading scheme that killed the creativity of a child who should have utilized his or her tremendously interest and talents in art.Similarly, through a new current research, creativity killers are identified as the ones listed out: surveillance, evaluation, rewards competition, over-control, restricting choice and pressure.Additionally, one thing is particularly stressed--time.As is known to us, intrinsic motivation is one key to a child’s creativity, thus time comes to an essential role of cultivating, employed for kids to savor and explore a particular activity or material to make it his or her own.Thus, in terms of the research, scientists advocate parents to follow children’s inclinations and proclivities, giving their open-ended time, and most importantly, not to interfere their absorption and interests.P104

American values in education have developed over the years, these are values listed out:

Public education should be free.Schooling should be equal and open to all.The public schools should be free of any creed or religion.Public schools are controlled by the state and local governments within which they are located.Attendance at school is compulsory.Schooling should be enriched and not just confined to the fundamentals.P106

An automobile accident has caused heartache and trouble for the Espino faimly of Brownsville,Texas.It has also caused difficulties for the Brownsville school system.Raul is confined in a plexiglass box that protects him from the heat, peering at his classmates for a whole semester.Due to an auto accident that happened when Raul was an infant, Raul was left a paraplegic and inability to control his body temperature.Thus, the district’s solution to Raul’s problem was to put him in the box.Poor as he was, he was trembled in a wheel chair and must stay in an environment isolated to other students.Nonetheless, the injury did not affect his intelligence.His parents, therefore, managed to seek cool appropriate classroom with air-conditioning for their son.After a dismayed refusal from the school, they took their case to federal court, arguing that the district is violating a lay that requires handicapped children be educated in the least restrictive environment.But consequently, no estimates of the cost of air conditioning were available.P111 Reading a newspaper in another language is and excellent way of drawing inferences about another culture.And the following selection is a quiz that appeared in a newspaper in the United States.It was designed to provide people with the opportunity to measure their aility to andle problems.By taking the quiz,we should be able to gain an understanding of the kinds of problems experienced in the United States and the ways in which people attempt to deal with them.P115 The stereotype of stereotypes

Initially,to define stereotypes, they are probabilistic beliefs we use to categorize people and objects.In the realm of stereotypes, intelligence gives way to misjudgment.Accordingly, people employ stereotypes mainly to simplify how they think about others and to enhance their views of themselves and the groups to which they belong.One thine added is that, in the hands of politically powerful folks,stereotypes abet efforts to stigmatize and exploit selected groups.Afterward, in many real-life situations,stereotypes accurately capture cultural or group differences.And it also cause social harm gained particular favor as psychologists rushed to expose errors and biases in social judgments, through which did the psychologists find more interest in delineating the extent to which decision making proves accurate in specific contexts.For the reason that group differences, not prejudice, are the root cause of tension and conflict between various cultural and racial groups,bridge-building efforts,therefore, are crucial now.They counteract the natural tendency to emphasize negative features in stereotypes.Hence,the ability to categorize individuals into types may have been essential for communicating with others as groups grew in size and complexity.In large communities, stereotypes capitalized on people’s propensity to fill social roles that match their own personal qualities.Additionally, even accurate stereotypes can result in mistaken beliefs about others.In conclusion,this approach neglects to ask whether people in a wide array of real-life situations incorporate accurate information into their stereotypes.And we desperately need to know which of the judgments we make of each other and of ourselves are right, which are wrong.P27

The globalization of tourism

To begin with, international tourist arrivals will climb, making tourism the world’s leading industry.What deserves to emphasize is that electronic technology is facilitating this growth by offering access to fare and hotel information and online reservation services.Thereafter, the east Asia region will overtake the Americans as the second most popular destination,pushing the US into third position.While France has held its place as the top destination throughout the 1990s,it will be dethroned in the next decades,with China expected to top the list even though it is not even featured on it today.P30

At the outset tourism has seriously damaged fragile ecosystems and the trekking areas worldwide,posing threat to coastal habitats like dunes,mangrove forests and coral reefs.Nevertheless,this is not to say tourism can’t do some good--but the cost-benefit equation is complex.Through much of the world,but notably in southern and eastern Africa,tourism underpins the survival of wildlife,which fuels a booming and usually illegal trade in the products of threatened wild life.Ultimately, the cumulative result of such activity is one of the biggest disruption in the Earth’s history even though in some degree it can strengthen local cultures by encouraging an awareness of tradition and the ceremonies and festivals that go with it.And if one of the major culprits has been the industrialization of travel, a genuinely postindustrial tourism,with the emphasis on people and place rather than product and profits,could turn out to be significantly more planet-friendly.P38 Learning holidays: a thumbnail guide People wanting to spend their vacations in pursuit of culture have a fairly wide choice of options that go beyond mere sight seeing.Numerous companies organize tours for lovers of architecture or art.Those who don’t mind roughing it can do volunteer project work,join archaeological digs or help with cultural studies.P41

Fowler was an observer, experiencing the spy’s life with Ausable.However,what made him dismayed was that Fowler did not fit the description of any secret agent Fowler had ever read about,following him down the musty corridor of a French hotel.The task that Ausable was carrying out was to protect a paper for which several men and women had risked their lives,came to him in the next-to-last step of its journey into official hands.At that night, one man appeared with a pistol in his hand demanding for the paper,called Max.However, without any fear,Fowler made a plot to convince Max that outside set a balcony where a person could run away from.And more smartly,he made Max believe that outside the door stood a policeman ringing the doorbell to check if everything was okay inside.Without any shadow of doubt,Ausable saved both himself and the writer.P44

Major languages other than English are spoken by over half the people on the planet.But the language now seems set to have a monopoly as the worldwide medium of communication.Thanks to the faster economic globalization going hand in hand with the growing use of English.More and more people are being encouraged to use or send messages in English rather than in their own language.It seems that this is an unavoidable trend towards worldwide uniformity and ameans whereby a growing number of people can communicate directly with each other.As a consequence, a disagreement occurs,arguing the advance of English is aimed at killing off local languages.On the contrary, still others say it’s simply a means of reaching a wider audience.Undeniably,cultural imperialism is much more subtle than economic imperialism,which is itself less tangible than political and military imperialism,whose excesses are obvious and easy to declare.Actually,it is uncertain whether uncoordinated resistance by the world’s most widely-used languages be enough to cope with the threat of cultural uniformity.Nonetheless,what is certain is that all languages have their place and a right to defend.In brief,language murder is still the semi-official aim of governments which do not recognize the rights of their native ethic minorities.P54

Half of the world’s population uses a total of eight languages in daily life,while one sixth of the world’s languages are spoken in New Guinea alone.Undeniably,the linguistic heritage is very unevenly distributed.What’s more,ten languages die out every year due to the imbalance distribution of languages.P58

Specialists reckon that only in this way that 100000 people speak languages can ensure the survivals of languages.It comes to the fact that minority languages sidelined every year.In this condition,many nation-states,whose territorial unity was closely linked to their linguistic homogeneity, has been decisive in selecting and consolidating national languages and sidelining others.By making great efforts to establish an official language in education,the media and the civil service,national governments have deliberately tried to eliminate minority languages.To sum up, the preservation of languages is an urgent matter now.


:篇章开头词 光辉岁月







军民联欢:主题鲜明,场景绚丽壮观。军民以精湛的才华和娴熟的演艺技巧,淋漓尽致把晚会推上了高潮,使观赏晚会的人们如痴如醉,再现“军爱民、民拥军” 的鱼水情深,讴歌了军民团结如磐石、试看天下谁能敌。祭奠英烈


附:篇章开头词 第一章光辉岁月



一张张和蔼可亲的笑脸,一个个熟悉的身躯背影,陌生又亲切,千言万语说不尽,相逢一笑情谊浓。记住我们当年情,战友万古青春不会老。第三章连队慰问:忆当年,敌情危;看今朝,强军梦;老战士、新同志;练兵场,共献技;卫祖国,同赴力。第四章畅游德天:绝美的风景,多在奇险的山川,绝壮的音乐多在是悲凉的韵调。瀑布――人间的仙境,美丽的传说,蕴含着多少中华优秀儿女的无私与奉献 第五章军民联欢:主题鲜明,场景绚丽壮观。军民以精湛的才华和娴熟的演艺技巧,淋漓尽致把晚会推上了高潮,使观赏晚会的人们如痴如醉,再现“军爱民、民拥军” 的鱼水情深,讴歌了军民团结如磐石、试看天下谁能敌。第六章祭奠英烈






胞弟: 蔡志坚、蔡裕庭敬挽








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