
时间:2019-12-05 07:05:15下载本文作者:会员上传


k20 Architecture 的设计师相信儿童中心是孩子们学习和兴奋的地方。墨尔本黄金街的儿童中心主要是为了满足社区和工作人员的需求,提供育儿服务和母婴健康咨询。项目从2012年开始翻新,由于社区人口等各种原因,直到2015才完成。新的中心改进了原有的功能分区,设置了多用途空间和办公区。


项目的另一个特点是通过设计尽可能减少维修和运营成本。节能措施包括引入自然光的天窗、双层窗户、LED 照明、低VOC聚酯板墙面,以及Weatertight 的密封条。所有材料都遵循低碳环保的要求。热能基本来自太阳能光伏板,同时安装燃气备份。天花板内EVR热回收系统使所有孩子们的房间在自然通风的情况下,仍能保持恒温。项目还采用了目前澳大利亚国内最先进的间接蒸发冷却器,其热控制效率比直接蒸发冷却冷提高25%。












3、搭建起文化大舞台,以邻里群体文化凝聚人社区依托邻里中心这个良好的平台,新建工作载体,围绕“邻里学”、“邻里情”、“邻里乐”、“邻里颂”等四个方面开展活动。邻里学:社区围绕深入学习实践科学发展观要求,在广大党员及居民群众中开展理论学习、知识竞赛等活动,让居民群众更好地了解并积极参与支持社区工作,同时依托社区缤纷学社,如社区歌咏班、模特班、模特班、戏曲班、太极队、舞蹈班、摄影班、编织班等学习团队每年两学期如期开展学习活动;寒暑两期青少年教育活动及学期中的义工服务活动,载体丰富,形式多样,吸引了社区内居民的广泛参与,在学习中加强了沟通,融洽了关系,提升了素质。邻里乐:社区每年一次的大型运动会已连续九届,每年吸引了上到八旬老人下至不满周岁儿童近500人的广泛参与,同时每年一次的企退人员游艺会,每季度的集体生日会,每月一次的邻里影吧正常开放,以及开月开展的系列讲座都成为社区居民愉悦身心加强邻里关系的好去处。邻里中心启用以来,社区适时开展“邻里文化节”活动,使社区每月都有一个主题文化:舍得节的置换活动、邻里茶艺茶道切磋、老年卡拉OK大赛、棋类友谊赛、乒乓争霸赛、家庭才艺秀、网络读书会,好书推介会,微型党课我来讲都,社区活动我来拍都成为社区居民津津乐道的好活动载体。同时社区每年多次举办大型邻里广场文化活动,真正让文化团队赛起来,百姓擂台动起来,社区舞台亮起来。定期活动让居民把活动当习惯,把社区当家,乐在其中。邻里情:“远亲不如近邻”,社区每月一次的楼道组长会议在多功能中心召开,经常邀请楼幢长、居民代表、老年体协骨干开展“千幢楼栋话家常、和谐邻里叙友情”座谈会,说说自己身边的邻里故事,及时发现楼道动态,发动社区志愿者主动上门为社区孤寡老人,残疾人送日常服务活动;同时结合中秋、重阳佳节,以及新年向社区保洁员、保安、外来务工人员、育龄妇女、残疾人、七十岁以上的老人等各类群体送慰问送温暖,通过系列活动的开展,架起沟通心灵的桥梁,融洽了邻里关系。如社区里的方阿姨,帮助同楼道一名失去丈夫心情极度郁闷的老阿姨,陪她聊天,给她送菜,充分体现了社区邻里真情。而社区的三号楼道更是在每年的中秋节自发性的在广场楼道进行聚会,年青的小夫妻向楼道内的耄耋老人、新老宁波人同时举杯的一刻表达了中华美德的千年传承。邻里颂:社区内的“文明小喇叭”志愿者队以及“黄昏喇叭巡逻队”编排出以文明礼仪为主题的系列节目,在邻里中心、活动广场、楼道等人群聚集处,用小品、快板、独唱、器乐演奏等节目形式进行了多样的宣传活动 把文明礼仪宣传遍及到每个角落。与此同时,社区还在青少年中倡导文明行为由我做起,要求青少年从自身做起,做一个有公德心的人,有奉献精神的人,让公德之风吹进邻里,吹遍社区每一个角落。此外社区以文化融解邻里间的“坚冰”,以家庭、个人为单位开展各类趣味活动,以“家庭特色文化”为主题的“读书之家、文艺之家、体育之家、摄影之家”等评比活动,通过展现家庭小才艺,展示社区大风采,努力培养“和睦共处,互助共进”的新型家庭及邻里关系。





第三篇:芒果街 论文




关键词:奇卡纳 女性意识 缺失的文化身份

The Analysis of Esperanza’s Female Consciousness with Absent

Cultural Identity in The House on Mango Street

Zhu Wen

Abstract: Drawing upon the theories of cultural criticism,the thesis analyzes the dilemma of Chicanas in the process of pursuing identity,and discusses the separation and permeation of ethnic culture and mainstream culture,the rejection and assimilation between the ethnic minorities and the dominant whites,and the double marginalized position of Chicanas as well as the up grading of social status of some Chicanas focusing on the analysis of the protagonist Esperanza,the thesis tries to explore how Esperanza succeeds in leaving Mango Street,identifying herself with the mainstream society and realizing self-value.Key words :Chicanafemale consciousnesscultural identity

Sandra Cisneros is most famous for her acclaimed first novel The House on Mango Street which displays the existence state of the Mexican immigrant group in the United States and which is a comprehensive representation of Chicanas’ search for identity.It became an immediate success and met with various criticism which is either directed toward such ideological issues as ethnicity,female identity ,cross-cultural presentation,or toward such formalistic issues as genre and postmodern thinkingChieanas who are“not white and not black,but brown” feel confused about their identity.Facing two cultures,they can’t integrate into either.Without a sense of belonging,they don’t know how to define themselves.The Loss of Cultural Identity

The House on Mango Street mainly depicts the position and living situation of Mexicanoppressed society-negating patriarchy and locating the vocation of “ feminine writing”in her own house as her true identity.The writer puts forward the view tllat Esperanza wants to find her true identity by the power of language and

“ feminine writing” which is a weapon to combat against the unjust patriarchy and frnally obtains the liberation.1.1 The poor life of Mexican-Americans

Sandra Cisneros says the stories,in a sense,are a girl's diary.Little narrator Esperanza just writes down a list of what she sees every day.Here is an example.“I want a house on a hill like the ones with the gardens where Papa works.We go on Sundays, Papa's day off.I used to go.I don't anymore.You don't like to go out with us, Papa says.Getting too old? Getting too stuck-up, says Nenny.I don't tell them I am ashamed--all of us staring out the window like the hungry.I am tired of looking at what we can't have.When we win the lottery...Mama begins, and then I stop listening.”

People who live on hills sleep so close to the stars they forget those of us who live too much on earth.They don't look down at all except to be content to live on hills.They have nothing to do with last week's garbage or fear of rats.Night comes.Nothing wakes them but the wind.1.2 The Discrimination of Minority Group On one hand,the ethnic minorities should search for a new“self”through appropriate cultural identifying,integrate into the mainstream society and win spiritual freedom by making compromises between self and community and improving their social position through education.On the other hand,in order to promote national integration,American society should encourage communication between different races,eliminate racial discrimination and ethnic segregation,and develop a new ethnic culture to promote the inter-subjectivity between the mainstream culture and the ethnic culture.1.3 The Suppression to Female in the Patriarchy Culture

In the multi-ethnic society of the United States,the whites are privileged for their color without any sense that most people suffer from discrimination for their color,let alone getting benefit from their position.In Teaching The House on Mango Street:Engaging Race,Class and Gender in a White Classroom,Ryan(2002)has used Louise Rosenblatt’s reading theories,Maria Lugones’s Political theories,and strategies of engaged pedagogy to discuss ways in which white,privileged teachers can encourage white,privileged students to recognize themselves as raced,classed and gendered so that they can begin to think more fully about the reasons of their cultural dominance and have a sense to question the distances between their lives of privilege and the characteres Peranza’s life of marginalization.In order to offer a deeper,interdisciplinary approach to Cisneros' The House on Mango Street,Mcleod(2002)has carefully




background.With an effort to presenting Chicanas’ identity crisis,Mcleod has given a glimpse into the history of Mexican Ameriean’ s immigration.The house one lives can represent one ' s identity or status in the society.The house Esperanza ' s family lives on Mango Street is small and shabby which Esperanza is ashamed of.She regards the house as a house she lives in not her real home which also indicates that she has no sense of place and no sense of satisfied identity.At first she is just aware of it, but later she begins to search for her re al identity in her deep heart.Before her Aunt Lupe dies, Esperanza reads her poems and her aunt encourages her to keep writing which can make her free.Esperanza realizes education really counts from her mother who is capable and can speak two languages, sing an opera, and so on but quits school just under the pretext of no nice

clothes.This is one reason why she chooses to pursue a house of her own and start writing.Her thought echoes the view of Cixous, a French feminist critic, that “ he hopes feminine writing can lead women to be awaked and eventually liberated ”Conflict between dream and reality with absent cutural identity

Drawing upon the theories of cultural criticism,the thesis analyses the dilemma of Chicanas in the process of pursuing identity,and discusses the separation and permeation of ethnic culture and mainstream culture,the rejection and assimilation between the ethnic minorities and the dominant whites,and the double marginalized position of Chicanas as well as the up grading of social status of some Chicanas focusing on the analysis of the protagonist Esperanza,the thesis tries to explore how Esperanza succeeds in leaving Mango Street,identifying herself with the mainstream society and realizing self-value.With a discussion of the conflicts and contradictions between the mainstream society and the ethnic minorities,the thesis intends to analyse the problems of self-identity construction and cultural identity and aims at finding ways to approach for cultural identity for ethnic minorities who are facing the shock of dominant culture and searching for identity in the multi-ethnic society ofthe United States.2.1 House in Mind and Reality

The teenager girl has her own choice of words.In the first chapter,Esperanza forms a sharp contrast of the real house on Mango Street and their anticipation from parents' description.Look at the following excerpt,for instance:

“They always told us that one day we would move into a house,a real house that would be ours for always so we wouldn't have

to move each year.And our house would have running water and pipes that worked.And inside it would have real stairs, nor hallway stairs, but stairs inside like the houses in TV.And we'd have a basement and at least three washrooms so when we took a bath we wouldn't have to tell everybody.Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence.This was the house Papa talked about when he held a lottery ticket and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the stories she told us before we went to bed.”

But the house on Mango Street is not the way they told it at all.It's small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath.Bricks are crumbling in places,and the front door is so swollen that you have to push hard to get in.There is no front yard, only four little elms the city planted by the curb.Out back is a small garage between the two buildings on either side.There are stairs in our house, but they're ordinary hallway stairs,and the house has only one washroom.Everybody has to share a bedroom-Mama and Papa,Carlos and Kiki,me and Nenny.2.2 Love in Mind and Reality

Under the rule of patriarchy on Mango Street, women are observed as the “ object” and dominated and oppressed by father or husband in the family.Sally's father is very strict with Sally and other sisters, thinking that to be beautiful is trouble and not allowing them to So out or dance.They are bounded in the cage of house like birds deprived of freedom.All Sally wants is to love, which “ no one would call that crazy”,but the patriarchy deprives her of opportunities to love, which is unfair.2.3 Female's Circumstances in Mind and Reality

Rafaela is locked young indoors, leaning out of the window and getting old because her husband fears that she will run away.On Tuesday Rafaela would ask the kids buy her coconut and papaya juice sweeter than the bitter empty room.Rafaela is a passive “ angel” in house.She is subordinated and oppressed by her husband and sentenced to be life-long prisoner and a victim of the

patriarchy.It is a pity that she just dreams to be locked in a better cage where she can keep coconut or papaya juice on “ a silver string”rather than clothesline.Sally escapes from her abusive father by marrying a marshmallow salesman.But her situation is worse after marriage with rulingsignificant other“ but a valuable person having the same equal rights and privileges as men do.Vargas and Minerva are strong and honored by their sense of responsibility to feed their children.If they are weak, where are the strong men? These brave women are also a negation of the patriarchy.Most of the other females in her neighborhood spend their lives isolated and trapped.At first Esperanza has pity on these women situation.But as she grows, Esperanza is not comfortable with the patriarchy.Sally escapes from her abusive father by marrying a marshmallow salesman.But her situation is worse after marriage with ruling-class husband at the top and herself in the colonized world at the bottom.Esperanza rejects Sally's practice of depending on her husband and allowing her husband to decide her fate.Thus the traumatic experiences and observations of other girls in her neighborhood which is the second reason make her determined to”say goodbye“to her impoverished Latino neighborhood.What she wants is a house of her own”Not a flat.Not an apartment in back.Not a man's house.Not a daddy's.A house all my own.With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias.My books and my stories.My two shoes waiting beside the bed.Nobody to shake a stick at Nobody's garbage to pick up after.Only a house quite as snow,a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem“"Beavoir insists that women see themselves as autonomous beings.Women, she maintains.must reject the societal construct that men are the subject or the absolute and that women are the Other.Embedded in this false assumption is the

supposition that males have power and define cultural terms and roles.Accordingly, women must define themselves outside the present social construct and reject being labeled as the Other”(Bressler 1999,182).“One day I will pack my bags of books and paper.One day I will say goodbye to Mango.I am too strong for her to keep me here forever.One day I will go away.”

Therefore, Esperanza is hopeful and optimistic to find her true identity by leaving and realizes that her leaving Mango Street is not to escape but to return for those who cannot.This is women's unfulfilled responsibility to each other and it coneys the important concept of women's mutual help.Conclusion

Through the above analysis, the House on Mango Street represents the voice of Chicano women who are not infenors to men but are capable, strong, hard-working and optimistic and their innate artistic talents can be expressed by their pen in their own house.This is the women's true identity.Emma Goldman says that“History tells us that every oppressed class gained true liberation from its masters through its own efforts.It is necessary that woman learn that lesson, that she realizes that her freedom will reach as far as her power to achieve her freedom reaches.Thus in order to gain true liberation, women should help each other which is”the spirit of Cisneros".




中兴社区邻里文化中心是江东区委、区政府十大实事工程之一。于2008年7月底建成,总投资约4300万元。占地9762平方米,其中公园占地8832平方米,文化广场300平方米。建有一幢二层服务楼,占地面积1652平方米。邻里文化中心的建成,使居民休憩有了新地方、活动有了新场所、邻里沟通有了新平台。为此社区立足于高起点、高标准,确保各项工作规范高效运作。突出 “四个到位”:









1、邻里主题文化。一是邻里学。围绕深入学习实践科学发展观有关知识,在广大党员群众中开展理论学习、知识竞赛等活动,让居民群众更好地了解并积极参与支持社区工作,同时依托社区缤纷学社,即老年大学学习分社、早期教育分社、妇女学习分社、青少年学习分社、市民教育分社、法制教育分社、读书 2


2、邻里广场文化。邻里中心广场使用率很高,早晚都有居民在广场上活动,跳舞的、打太极的、锻炼身体的,还有交流玩乐的,人气很旺。为此,社区注重广场设计,提升整体感,一是宣传形式丰富多彩。通过在公园里安设突出党建文化特色、廉政文化特色、团队文化特色的教育载体,如安设廉政格言,实现寓教于乐的教育效果等,发挥其寓教于乐的作用,形成多功能多用途的文化广场。二是传统文化氛围浓郁。社区排舞队、太极拳队等传统文化团队发展迅速,从原先的十几、二十人,发展到了近百人,愉悦了社区居民群众,形成了随意轻松的内部组织,使人们在不受干扰的情况下,拥有欣赏文化广场的场所及交流的机会。特别是一些原来爱赌博的居民,参加了社区多种歌咏班、模特队、舞蹈队,业余生活更加丰富、更加健康了。三是教育载体 3



邻里文化中心启动运行以来,居民普遍反响良好,每月到棋牌室活动的达1000余人次;参加球类活动的达850余人次;到阅览室看书、图书室阅报看书的达760余人次;参加康复训练的达360余人次。在实际工作中,邻里文化中心在促进邻里和谐发挥了三方面的作用。一是信息交流更加畅通。邻里文化中心成了居民群众休闲娱乐沟通感情的良好平台。同时,依托这个平台,社区广泛吸收居民群众的意见建议,召开听证会,积极采纳居民代表的意见,充分体现居民在后期管理中的自我管理、自我服务的地位,也让居民参与社区民主自治,提高参与社区事务的热情。二是参与热情更加高涨。目前,社区已有120位居民报名参加邻里文化中心志愿者队伍,居委会根据他们各自的空余时间安排居 4


























与其改变孩子,不如先改变自己 培养优秀儿童,妈妈要做到的10条准则

●第一条 如果批评了孩子就要加倍表扬他

●第二条 和孩子一起坚持到底

●第三条 “到什么时候为止”——给孩子灌输时间观念

●第四条 每天定时起床、吃饭、睡觉

●第五条 尽量不要在孩子面前看电视

●第六条 每天都问问孩子有什么新鲜事

●第七条 准备好“奖励”提高孩子的积极性

●第八条 让孩子在父母看得到的地方生活

●第九条 每天都坚持学习一点东西

●第十条 让孩子养成习惯,减轻其痛苦感



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