英语专业 翻译句子

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第一篇:英语专业 翻译句子

• 刘玉翠回到村里,就好比是住进了监牢里。Having returned to the village,Liu Yucui felt as if she had got into prison.• He drove as if possessed by the devil.他着魔似的驾车狂奔。

• …her sharp mind, sawing raggedly through illusions like a bread knife through a hunk of frozen fish.她敏锐的思想慢慢地剔开了错觉, 就象一把面包刀割开一块厚厚的冻鱼一样。

…(He)wanted it all with a horrible intensity, as the faun wants the nymph.他强烈得可怕地渴望着这一切,象牧神渴望林间的仙女一样。

• The pen is to a writer what the gun is to a fighter.作家的笔犹如战士的枪。

• Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.俗话说,衣柜里面藏骷髅,见不得人的事家家都有。

• Advice and correction roll off him like water off a duck’s back.劝导对他好像水过鸭背似的不起作用。

• Life is like a yo-yo.生活是一个悠悠球,充满一连串的起伏不定。• 爱自己尊如菩萨,待他人秽如粪土。She had as high an opinion of herself as if she were a goddess, and treated like dirt •.接着他们用绳子五花大绑,把节振德捆得象个粽子似的,又是一阵拳打脚踢。

• They give him a good cuff and kick, trusses him up like a fowl and then went on walloping and kicking him again till his nose and mouth were a bloody pulp.• Today you see them bouncing, buxom, red as cherries.如今你看他们又结实又胖,脸上红扑扑的。

• Every bean has its black.人皆有短处。

• The best is the enemy of the good.要求过高反难成功。

• Don’t trust him.He is an ambulance chaser.不要相信他,他是个惟利是图的人。

• 何等动人的一页又一页篇章!这是人类思维的花朵。What inspiring chapters!They are the flowers of the human brainwork.• 霎时间,东西长安街成了喧腾的大海。At once,the Eastern and Western Chang’an Roads became roaring oceans.• Jane’s uncle is an old fox,up to all kinds of evils.简的叔叔是个老狐狸,什么坏事都干得出来。

• After that long talk,Jim became the sun in her heart.那次长谈之后,吉姆成了她心中的太阳。

• 每条岭都是那么温柔,虽然下自山脚,上至岭顶,长满了珍贵的林木,可是谁也不孤峰突起,盛气凌人。All the ridges were so amiable.None of them stood above the others with arrogance,though their slopes were fully covered with precious trees. “Don’t talk to me about no opportunity any more.Opportunity’s knocking down every door in the country,trying to get in.When I was young,a man had to go out and find opportunity and drag it home by the ears.” “休说什么机会难逢。机会正在国内每家每户敲门,想要进去呢。我年轻那会儿,人们得出门去寻找机会,揪着耳朵把它拖回来。”

 How soon hath Time,the subtle thief of youth,stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!时间,这个盗窃青春的狡猾的小偷,盗窃了我二十又三年飞走了。

我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。Six years have passed by in a twinkle since

I came to the capital city from the countryside.She is the prettiest girl in the world.她是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。

 尤氏道:“我也暗暗地叫人预备了。——就是那件东西,不得好木头,且慢慢地办着罢。” “I’ve secretly sent people to get things prepared.But they haven’t found good wood for that thing yet,so we have to wait.”

His daughter is rather weak in the head.他的女儿脑子不太好使。

 我和她的关系出现了一个“黑洞”,后来“裂变”,到现在已经“死机”了。

 The initial “black hole” in the relationship between me and her later turned into a “fission” and finally into a “crash”. 秃头站在白背心的略略正对面,弯了腰,去研究背心上的文字。Baldy,standing almost directly opposite White Jerkin,stooped to study the characters written on his jerkin.

His wife spent all her life on the stage.(= theatrical profession)他的妻子在舞台上度过了一生。(=戏剧工作,表演艺术)

 Paper and ink cut the throats of men,and the sound of a breath many shake the world.(= written words;speech)纸墨能割断人的喉管,嗓音能震动整个世界。(纸墨=写几个字;嗓音=说几句话)

 Great minds think alike.(= Great people think alike.)英雄所见略同。(不宜译成 “伟大的脑袋所见略同。”)

 Gray hair should be respected.(gray hair = the aged)老年人应受到尊敬。(不宜译成


 得到母亲去世的消息,我很悲痛。(“得到”= “我得到”)On hearing of my mother’s death,I was caught in a tremendous grief.(“on hearing of”= “as soon as I heard of ”) 2)“When did he say this?” “At the playground.And walking home.Yesterday.”

(= “He said this at the playground when he was walking home yesterday.”(John

Cheever:The Season of Divorce)


 He has provided the poor with jobs,with opportunity,with self-respect.(在 with self-respect 之前省去了连词 and。)他给穷人提供了工作,提供了机会,提供了自尊。 They smiled,shook hands,parted.(在 parted 之前省去了 and。)他们微微一笑,相互握手,分手告别。 折绕;Periphrasis  “孔乙己,你脸上又添上新伤疤了!”(“ 添上新伤疤”意为 “又挨打了”。)“Kong Yiji!You’ve got fresh scars on your face!”  胡思乱想,一夜也不曾合眼。(“不曾合眼”意为“没睡着觉”。)Indulging himself in wild fancies,he did not close his eyes throughout the night. Her olfactory system was suffering from a temporary inconvenience.(= Her nose was blocked.)她的嗅觉系统暂时有些不便。(=她鼻塞。)

 His brother is a disturber of the piano keys.(= pianist)他哥哥是一个跟钢琴键找麻烦的人。(=钢琴家)(这一折绕句有着幽默的效果。)

 然而悲惨的皱纹,却也从他的眉头和嘴角出现了。Miserable wrinkles began to appear between his eyebrows and round his mouth. 广场上又烧起欢乐的篝火。Jubilant bonfires were lit again on the square. After a happy day,she had a sleepless night.她在度过欢乐一天之后,却又熬过一个不眠之夜。

 In the examination,the boy threw a nervous glance at the teacher,who was obviously suspicious of his cheating.在考场上,那个男孩用紧张的眼光瞥了老师一眼,老师显然怀疑到他在作弊。

 敬爱的周总理啊,人民想念您,祖国需要您,我们的党不能没有您!(呼人)Oh,our beloved Premier Zhou,our people miss you very much,our motherland is in need of you,and our Party cannot afford to have your departure! England!awake!awake!awake!英格兰!醒来!醒来!醒来吧! Jerusalem thy sister calls!(呼物)你的姐姐耶路撒冷在呼唤着你!

事情就是这样,他来进攻,我们把他消灭了,他就舒服了。消灭一点,舒服一点;消灭得多,舒服得多;彻底消灭,彻底舒服。This is the way things are:if they attack and we wipe them out,they will have that satisfaction;wipe out some,some satisfaction;wipe out more,more satisfaction;wipe out the whole lot,complete satisfaction. It is an outrage to bind a Roman citizen;to scourge him is a crime;to put him to death is almost parricide.(Cicero)绑架一个罗马公民是一种违法行为;对他进行肉体折磨是一种犯罪行为;把他处死几乎等于杀父母一样的叛逆行为。

 Threaten him,imprison him,torture him,kill him:you will not induce him to betray his country.威胁他,监禁他,拷打他,处死他:这些都不能使他背叛自己的国家。 How haughtily he cocks his nose,他昂首挺胸,趾高气扬,傲慢无比, To tell what every schoolboy knows.讲开了每个小学生都知道的东西。

 The explosion completely destroyed a church,two houses,and a flowerpot.这起爆炸事故彻底毁坏了一个教堂、两所房屋和一个花盆。

 周蘩漪:你这一次到矿上去,也是学着你父亲的英雄榜样,把一个真正明白你,爱你的人丢开不管么? FAN:And the reason why you are going away to the mine is that you’re following your father’s heroic example and throwing over the one person who really understands and loves you?  根据报纸上官方介绍,他是天底下头等大好人,浑身上下毫无缺点,连肚脐眼都没有。According to the official write-ups in the papers,he’s the best man in the world.He doesn’t have a single defect in his whole body.Why,he doesn’t even have a belly-button! What a noble illustration of the tender laws of his favoured country!—they let the paupers go to sleep!以此说明他那行善的国家的仁慈法律是多么有意义的例证!——他们竟允许穷人睡觉! “The boy has broken another glass,”said the mother.母亲说:“小家伙又打碎了一个杯子。”

 “A fine thing!”the father replied.父亲回答道:“好得很!”

 生产多么需要科学!Our production is in burning need of science! 革命多么需要科学!Our revolution is in burning need of science!

人民多么需要科学!Our people are in burning need of science!We can gain knowledge,by reading,by reflection, by observation or by practice.(parallelism)求知门径颇多,或阅读,或思考,或观察,或实践。

 I came,I saw,I conquered.(parataxis)我只身前往,我明察秋毫,我旗开得胜。 We laughed,we sang,we danced.(parataxis)我们纵情欢笑,我们放声歌唱,我们翩翩起舞。

 不知细叶谁裁出?(问)But do you know by whom these young leaves are cut out?  二月春风似剪刀。(答)The early spring wind is as sharp as scissor blade. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?(问)我能不能拿夏天来同你相比?  Thou art more lovely and more temperate.(答)(Shakespeare)你呀比夏天来得可爱和温煦。

 幸因腐草出,By chance you’re born from grasses of decay, 敢近太阳飞? Dare you fly near where shines the light of day?  Then who will cheer my bonny bride杀了这漂亮新娘的爱人,When they have slain her lover? 还有谁能使她欢愉?  O,if you felt the pain I feel!啊,要是你能体会这痛苦! But O,who ever felt as I? 唉,可谁的感觉像我一样?  卜卜卜——机关枪的声音跟着又来。The staccato chatter of a machine-gun was heard again. 敲了两下门,心上还突突直跳。He knocked twice at the gate,his heart thudding violently. A hammering clatter of hoofs beating the hard road.“得、得、得”,坚硬的路面上响着接连不断的马蹄声。

 White jagged lightning,followed by the brazen clash and deep rumble of thunder.天空中闪过一道成V形的白色闪电,紧接着传来一声霹雳,然后是深沉的隆隆雷声。

樱花红陌上,The pathways red with cherry blossoms;

柳叶绿池边。The lakeside green with willow leaves.Beauty,strength,youth,are flowers but fading seen;美貌、体力、年轻,就像花朵,终


Duty,faith,love,are roots,and ever green.义务、信念、爱情,就像树根,万古长青。

你刚才所说做大生意做得有些讨厌,这还是第一百零一回听到的话。Just now you said it’s a tiring job to do a big sale.It is the first time I’ve heard this.饭来张口,衣来伸手have only to open one’s mouth to be fed and hold out one’s hands to be dressed

秦时明月汉时关,The age-old moon still shines o’er the ancient Great Wall,万里长征人未还。But our frontier guardsmen have not come back at all.When the cat’s away,the mice will play.猫儿不在,鼠儿作怪。

阿舒已二八,A-Shu is twice eight,懒惰故无匹。For laziness he has no equal.三五中秋夕Mid-autumn’s fifteenth night is here again.清游拟上元。As on the Feast of Lanterns we stroll round.Now,of my threescore years and ten,在我的七十寿数内,Twenty will not come again.有二十已一去不回。

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation.八十七年前,我们的先辈在这块大陆上创建了一个新的国家。

杨柳青青江水平, 闻郎江上唱歌声;  东边日出西边雨, 道是无晴却有晴。

 Between the willows green  the river flows along, My beloved in a boat  is heard singing a song. The west is veiled in rain, the east basks in sunshine, My beloved is as deep in love  as the day is fine. 春蚕到死丝方尽,The silkworm till its death spins silk from love-sick heart;  蜡炬成灰泪始干。The candle only when burnt has no tears to shed. 空对着,山中高士晶莹雪;Vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow-clad hills  终不忘,世外仙姝寂寞林。I forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world.(杨)

有个农村叫张家庄,张家庄有个张木匠。张木匠有个好老婆,外号叫“小飞娥”。小飞娥生了个女儿叫艾艾。There was a village called Zhangjia Village,where lived Carpenter Zhang,who had a good wife,nicknamed Little Moth,who gave birth to a girl called Ai’ai. 他一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我 “胖了”,说我 “胖了”之后即大骂其新党。Having exchanged some polite remarks upon meeting he observed that I was fatter,and having observed that I was fatter launched into a violent attack on the reformists. Still he sought for fame...fame,that last infirmity of noble mind.可是他仍旧追逐名气——追逐名气,这是个高尚人永远摆脱不了的弱点。

 He gave his life;life was all he could give.他奉献了自己的生命;生命是他能奉献的一切。

 1)我妈妈是个古板人,讲究的是三从四德。(周立波:《山乡巨变》)My mother is rigidly conservative.She’s very particular about the Three Obediences and the Four Virtues. 1)蓝的天,绿的地,长长的小路,她走来了!(张枚同等:《麦苗返青的时候》)The blue sky,the green land,and the long path.Here she was coming along.• 1)哼!你别看我耳朵聋——可我的心并不 “聋”啊!(郭澄清:《大刀记》)Humph!My ears are deaf,but my mind is not.• 2)小火车在欢腾地急驰。人们的心和火车一样,向家乡急奔。(曲波:《林海雪原》)The little train and the hearts of all its passengers,together,sped merrily homeward.1)他细味他俩最近的几页可爱的历史。想一节伤一回心,但他宁愿这样甜蜜的伤心。(《朱自清文集》第一卷)He meditated upon their recent pleasant experiences.Each time he indulged in such meditation,he felt heart-broken.But he was eager to taste this kind of sweet bitterness.2)年年难过年年过,Hard up,we manage to get over it each year; 3)处处无家处处家。(解放前的一副趣联)Homeless,we try to make home everywhere.4)The land did not move,but moved.The sea was not still,yet was still.Paradox flowed into paradox,stillness mixed with stillness,sound with sound.(E.Ray Bradbury: The Vacation)大地止而亦行,大海动而亦静。万寂交而万籁和,若真若假,若是若非。

1)中国还有一句成语,三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。单独的一个诸葛亮总是不完全的,总是有缺陷的。Still another Chinese proverb says three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.Zhuge Liang by himself can never be perfect,he has his limitations.5)这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。This young couple is not well matched,one is a Xi Shi---a famous Chinese beauty,while the other is a Zhang Fei---a well-known ill-tempered brute.6)3)He is a modern Samson.他是现代参孙式的大力士。(Samson:参孙,《圣经》中人物,以身强力大著称。)

7)4)We have enrolled every local Cicero.我们把各地西塞罗式的雄辩家都招来了。(Cicero:西塞罗,古罗马雄辩家、政治家、哲学家。)8)5)Our village Hercules has come.我们村的大力士来了。(Hercules:海格立斯,希腊神话里主神宙斯之子,力大无比,曾完成十二项英雄事迹。)9)倒装;Anastrophe 10)1)屈原:鼓动吧,风!咆哮吧,雷!闪耀吧,电!把一切沉睡在黑暗怀里的东西,毁灭,毁灭,毁灭呀!(郭沫若:《屈原》)

11)QU YUAN:Blow,wind!Roll,thunder!Flash,lightning!Destroy all things that slumber in darkness,destroy them utterly!12)2)如果我能够,我要写下我的悔恨和悲哀,为子君,为自己。(鲁迅:《伤逝》)I want,if I can,to record my remorse and grief,for Zijun’s sake as well as for my own.13)3)Fine and sunny it was when we started on our way.我们动身那天,天气晴朗,阳光灿烂。14)4)So beautifully did she sing that the audience burst into applause.她唱得美妙动听,全体听众都为她鼓掌。

1)几何老师手拿一把丁字尺,走进了教室。With a T square in his hand,the teacher of geometry came into the classroom.15)2)老张走进房间一看,只见女儿在床上睡成一个 “大”字。Old Zhang went into the room and saw his daughter lying on the bed in the shape of the Chinese character 大.16)3)It was just impossible for him to get into this I-shaped hole.要他钻进这个 “工”字形的洞口,是完全不可能的。

17)4)What they need now is a large quantity of Z iron.他们目前需要的是大量的乙字铁。18)A thin man in a thin overcoat watched them out of thin,emotionless eyes.(James Thurber: One Is A Wanderer)一个骨瘦如柴、衣服单薄、双目失神的男子注视着他们。19)1)Dumb dogs are dangerous.不吠的狗最危险。

20)2)Sarah sits by six sick city slickers.萨拉坐在来自城里的六个生着病的狡猾骗子的身旁。21)3)Four fat friars fanned flickering flames.四个肥胖的修士扇着闪烁不定的火焰。22)4)Round the rough and rugged rock the ragged rascal rudely ran.23)那个衣着破烂的恶棍绕着粗糙不平的岩石狂奔。

24)1)这个连长太 “军阀”了!年纪不大,脾气可不小!(曲波:《山呼海啸》)

25)(名→动)“ This company commander is too much of a “warlord”.Though he’s young,he easily gets into a fit of temper.26)2)他 “科员”了一辈子。(老舍:《离婚》)27)He’s been clerked all his life.28)(名→动)He's been an office clerk all his life.29)3)The sight of the happy children warmed his heart.看到幸福的孩子们温暖着他的心

30)(形→动)看到幸福的孩子们,他心里感到热乎乎的。31)4)You can never fox me.(名→动)你决骗不了我。

32)5)You have no right to boss me.你无权老板我(名→动)你无权指挥我。33)1)狗拿耗子——多管闲事 be as nosy as a dog trying to catch a rat;

34)瞎子点灯——白费蜡 be like a blind man holding a candle--a sheer waste of wax。35)科学需要社会主义,社会主义更需要科学。(郭沫若:《科学的春天》)

36)Science is in need of socialism,while socialism is in greater need of science.37)

他们那种快活劲儿,真叫人喜欢,我喜欢他们,他们喜欢我。(艾芜:《屋里的春天》)38)Their liveliness is very appealing.I like them,and they like me.39)Ma is as selfless as I am.妈同我一样无私。

40)又:Ma is a nun,as I am.妈和我一样,也是个修女。41)You can cage a swallow,can’t you? But you can’t swallow a cage,can you? 42)你可以把一只燕子关到笼里,是吗? 但你不能吞下一个笼子,对吗? 43)Strong in attack,and in defense unrivalled.进攻上,无坚不摧;防守上,无懈可击。44)The melody was old;old also were the words.曲调是古老的;同样古老的是歌词。45)3)Mr.Hooligan is more than a hooligan while Mr.Fox is more than a fox.46)胡里干先生是个大流氓,福克斯先生是个老狐狸。

47)4)A man has two hands,but a clock has three hands.人有两只手,而钟有三根指针。

48))Tom looked at her with eyes and envy(= with envious eyes).汤姆用羡慕的眼光望着她。49)4)They drank from goblets and from gold(= from gold goblets).(Virgil)他们手拿金杯喝着酒。





On Training Methods of Short Term Memory in Consecutive Interpreting 交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法

Name: Li, Lingling

Class: 2007English Education Class 2 January 4, 2010


ABSTRACT.....................................................................................................3 1.Introduction..................................................................................................5 2.Brief Introduction of Interpreting.............................................................5 2.1 Background information......................................................................5 2.2 Interpreting...........................................................................................6 3.Memory System..........................................................................................8 3.1 Short term memory..............................................................................8 3.2 Short term and long term memory.......................................................9 3.3 The Effort Eodels by Daniel Gile......................................................10 4.Characters of short term memory..............................................................12 4.1 Input of information...........................................................................12 4.2 Capacity.............................................................................................12 4.3 Modality.............................................................................................12 4.4 Information Loss................................................................................13 4.5 Retrieval.............................................................................................13 5.Memory Training.......................................................................................14 5.1 Visualizing materials:........................................................................15 5.2 Retelling in the Source Language......................................................15 5.3Mnemonic to Memory........................................................................16 5.4 Grouping information together..........................................................17 5.5 Association.........................................................................................17 6.Conclusion.................................................................................................18 Bibliography..................................................................错误!未定义书签。

ABSTRACT Interpreting is important and popular nowadays owing to its communicative function in fields of politics, economy, culture, education and so on.However, it’s not easy to be a qualified interpreter because the training methods are not systematically completed.This thesis is mainly dealing with the methods of training short-term memory in consecutive interpreting(CI).According to Effort Model from Daniel Gile, the short term memory is an essential part in the process of interpreting.In order to be a qualified interpreter, student interpreters need large quantity of practice and skills.Considering of this, the author makes some research about the training of short term memory and hopes this training can help student interpreters improve short term memory.Key words: consecutive interpreting(CI);short term memory;Effort Model;training methods

口译因其在政治、经济、文化、教育等方面有着重要的交际功能,因此在当今社会越来越显示出其重要性并且逐渐受到人们的重视。然而,由于目前口译训练方法仍然不够系统和完整,因此想成为一名合格的口译人员实属不易。本论文主要介绍了交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法。根据Daniel Gile 的精力分配模式,短时记忆在口译过程中起到举足轻重的地位。为了成为一名合格的译员,训练者需要进行大量的练习并且掌握口译技巧。考虑到这个问题,笔者通过搜集整理和自己的亲身经历总结了短时记忆 的训练方法,希望能够帮助训练者提高短时记忆。

1.Introduction There are three kinds of memory system and short term memory is the essential part in interpreting, so in this paper the author mainly does research about the short term memory.Chapter 1 is an introduction about planning of this paper.In Chapter 2, it shows a general introduction about interpreting and its current situation in China.This helps us to get a more clear understanding about advantages and disadvantages of CI in order to find the weaknesses.According to the analysis in Chapter 2, the author believes that the memory training is a big obstacle encountered by the student interpreters.Considering of this, the author decides to start with the memory system, so in Chapter 3, it mainly shows three types of memory systems as well as how they work and what functions they have and the illustration is focused on the concrete connections between the short term memory and CI.In Chapter 4, the author shows the characters of short term memory and the problems interpreters meet due to the characters.In Chapter 5, according to all above and research, the author finds some methods dealing with the problems.Finally is the conclusion and some suggestions in future research.2.Brief Introduction of Interpreting 2.1 Background information Interpreting becomes a very popular job nowadays due to the world globalization in fields of economy, politics, culture and s on.With the rising position of China, especially hosting of 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 Shanghai World Expo as well as entering WTO, China plays more and more important role in the world, so international communication become more frequently.This brings large requirement of interpreting which is considered responsive and practical, both quality and quantity.However, interpreting industry is facing serious situation: lacking of systematical training methods and high quantity of teachers.2.2 Definition of Interpreting Interpreting is the facilitating of oral or sign-language communication, either simultaneously or consecutively, between users of different languages.The process is described by both the words interpreting and interpretation.Professional Interpreting can be mainly classified into simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting in terms of the way of interpreting.In consecutive interpreting(CI), the interpreter speaks after the source-language speaker has finished speaking.The speech is divided into segments, and the interpreter sits or stands beside the source-language speaker, listening and taking notes as the speaker progresses through the message.When the speaker pauses or finishes speaking, the interpreter then renders a portion of the message or the entire message in the target language.A qualified interpreter is required to cover various fields of knowledge and possesses good psychological quality as well as a strong memory.Due to this requirement, interpreting is a challengeable work.2.3 Quality of a good interpreter 2.3.1 Profound knowledge As a good interpreter, the basic quality is to master the source language and target language.Moreover, an interpreter should have a good knowledge of the culture of both countries, such as the customs, the history, the humorous expressions as well as the current event and popular tendency.For example, when interpreter heard “Baudelaire’s translation of Poe may be “better” poems than those Poe wrote;but those who read them have read Baudelaire's version of Poe;not Poe.” In this sentence, there are two names Baudelaire and Poe.Baudelaire is a French writer, who is famous for translating the works by American writer Edgar Allan Poe and is acknowledged better than the original works.If the interpreter knows this, it is not difficult to translate it as波德来尔所译的爱伦坡的诗,也许比爱伦坡自己所写的更好;但读那些诗的人只是读了波德来尔所译的爱伦坡;而不是真正的爱伦坡.Therefore, a good interpreter should self enriching greatly and improving continuously.2.3.1 Strong memory Owing to the special characteristics of interpreting, interpreter should have a strong memory.On the one hand, interpreter has to master a large amount of vocabulary and idioms, such as画蛇添足 to paint the lily;用小虾钓大鱼 to throw a sprat to catch a whale.Besides, for some Chinese idioms, interpreters should remember the original story, such as东施效颦Tung Shih imitates Hsi Shih.Hsi Shih was a famous beauty in the ancient kindgdom of Yueh.Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways.The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugliness of the ugly becomes even worse.On the other hand, interpreters should have a good memory to express the meaning speakers said.Owing to the limited time, note-taking can only write down the main point and the whole meaning can only be expressed though the strong memory.3.Memory System 3.1 Short term memory Short-term memory(or “primary” or “active memory”)is the capacity for holding a small amount of information in mind in an active, readily available state for a short period of time.The duration of short-term memory(when rehearsal or active maintenance is prevented)is believed to be in the order of seconds.In an early and highly influential article, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two, the psychologist George Miller suggested that human short-term memory has a forward memory span of approximately seven items plus or minus two and that was well known at the time.David A.Sousa, in his book ,how the brain works refers to the term short term memory as all of the early steps of temporary memory leads to long term memory.According to his idea, short term memory can be divided into sensory memory and working memory.Sensory memory is the very first step for the source information coming into one’s brain with the shortest duration and can hold a certain amount of information, but these information can only lasts 0.25-2 seconds and disappears rapidly.Working memory refers to information stored for further processing.Working memory boasts both storage and processing functions.The two functions are interrelated with each other.When encountered with new or difficult tasks, then more processing capacity is required, thus leaving less capacity for storage function(David W.Carroll, 2000.49).During the researching, the authors doubts that decay causes forgetting from short-term memory often offer as an alternative some form of interference: When several elements(such as digits, words, or pictures)are held in short term memory simultaneously, their representations compete with each other for recall, or degrade each other.Thereby, new content gradually pushes out older content, unless the older content is actively protected against interference by rehearsal or by directing attention to it.3.2 Short term and long term memory Psychological studies of human memory make a distinction between short term memory and long term memory.The idea of short term memory simply means that you are retaining information for a short period of time without creating the neural mechanisms for later recall.Long-Term Memory occurs when you have created neural pathways for storing ideas and information which can then be recalled weeks, months, or even years later.To create these pathways, you must make a deliberate attempt to encode the information in the way you intend to recall it later.Long-term memory is a learning process.And it is essentially an important part of the interpreter's acquisition of knowledge, because information stored in long term memory may last for minutes to weeks, months, or even an entire life.The duration of short term memory is very short.It is up to 30 seconds.Peterson(1959)found it to be 6-12 seconds, while Atkinson and Schifrin(1968)and Herb(1949)state it is 30 seconds.Memory in CI only lasts for a short time.Once the interpreting assignment is over, the interpreter moves on to another one, often with different context, subject and speakers.Therefore, the memory skills which need to be imparted to trainee interpreters are short term memory skills.Another difference is that short term memory is processed largely in terms of speech sounds, while long term memory depends mostly on meaning.In the early 1960s, Conrad, in connection with work for the British Post Office, conducted experiments on memory for letter codes.Conrad’s subjects were presented visually with sequences of unrelated consonants and were required to write them down immediately afterwards.He noticed that the short term memory errors made were not random, but similar in the sound to the correct item.Subjects mistakenly remember the words as words with similar pronunciation more than similar spelling.This indicates that the material is more easily remembered in terms of their sound rather than their visual appearance.Since the interpreters deal with the vocal materials, short term memory can do well to training.3.3 The Effort Eodels by Daniel Gile(1)C = KL + ELK + A Comprehension =Knowledge for language+ Extra-linguistic Language + Analysis(2)CI =L + N + M + C Consecutive Interpreting =Listening Analysis+ Note-taking+ Short-term Memory+ Coordination In consecutive interpretation, the interpreter takes notes while the speaker speaks, then delivers speech to the listener in the target language according to his or her memory and notes.Consecutive interpretation is performed in two phases, the listening and note-taking phase, and the speech production phase.(3)CI = Rem + Read + P Consecutive Interpreting=Remembering+ Note-reading+ Speech Production

In phase two, high capacity in taking notes is beneficial to the Rem component, since good note-taking reduces the capacity requirements for Rem.Besides, mastering a certain amount of linguistic and extra-linguistic knowledge will lead to successful transferring form source language to target language.Since short term memory plays an important role in CI, the author decides to take a further step on short term memory.4.Characters of short term memory 4.1 Input of information It is generally held that information enters the short term memory as a result of applying attention to the stimulus, which is about a quarter of a second according to the findings of both Sperling(1960)and Crowden(1982).However, McKay's(1973, in Radford and Govier, 1991: 382)findings do not fully support this, asserting that unattended information may enter the short term memory.4.2 Capacity As mentioned in the previous section, the capacity of short term memory is limited and small.Atkinson and Shiffrin(1968)propose that it is seven items of information(give or take two).Miller(1956)says it is seven “chunks.” Another possibility may be that the limiting factor is not the short term memory's storage capacity, but its processing capacity(Gross: 1990:55).4.3 Modality To store information in short term memory, it must be encoded, and there is a variety of possibilities as to how this operates.There are three main possibilities in short term memory:(1)Acoustic(Phonemic)coding is rehearsing through sub-vocal sounds(Conrad, 1964 and Baddeley: 1966).(2)Visual coding is, as implied, storing information as pictures rather than sounds.This applies especially to nonverbal items, particularly if they are difficult to describe using words.In very rare cases some people may have a “photographic memory,” but for the vast majority, the visual code is much less effective than this(Posner and Keele: 1967).(3)Semantic coding is applying meaning to information, relating it to something abstract(Baddeley: 1990, Goodhead: 1999)4.4 Information Loss There are three main theories as to why we forget from our short term memory:(1)Displacement—existing information is replaced by newly received information when the storage capacity is full(Waugh and Norman: 1965)(2)Decay—information decays over time(Baddeley, Thompson and Buchanan, 1975).(3)Interference—other information present in the storage at the same time distorts the original information(Keppel and Underwood: 1962).4.5 Retrieval There are modes of retrieval of information from short term memory:(1)Serial search—items in short term memory are examined one at a time until the desired information is retrieved(Sternberg: 1966).(2)Activation—dependence on activation of the particular item reaching a critical point 5.Memory Training The purpose of short term memory training in CI is to achieve a better understanding of the source language, which will lead to adequate interpreting.As Lin Yuru et al.put it, “Memory in consecutive interpreting consists of nothing more than understanding the meaning, which is conveyed by the words”(Lin et al., 1999:9).Understanding is the first step in successful interpreting;therefore, memory training is to be provided in the early stage of interpreter training.Memory functions differently in consecutive and simultaneous interpreting because the duration of memory is longer in CI than in SI.There are different methods of training short term memory for CI and SI respectively.Interpreting starts with the encoding of the information from the original speaker.According to Gile's Effort Model, interpreting is short term memory-centered activity;the process of interpreting could be re-postulated into: Encoding of information from the Source Language + Storing Information + Retrieval of Information + Decoding Information into the Target language In Consecutive Interpreting, there is probably up to 15 minutes(depending on the speaker's segments)for the interpreter to encode and then store the information.This is the first phase of Gile's Effort Model for CI.In the second phase of Gile's Model, the interpreter starts to retrieve information and decode it into the target language.According to the previous description, there are three main possibilities of storing information in short term memory:(1)Acoustic Coding;(2)Visual Coding and(3)Semantic Coding.Visual coding may be used by interpreters in conference situations with multimedia.Notes in interpreting are to assist in such visual coding of information.But in most interpreting contexts, interpreters will depend on acoustic and semantic coding.Therefore, exercises should be designed for this purpose.The following methods are recommended: 5.1 Visualizing materials: Visualizing means that to visualize what the speaker is speaking, for instance, to form a scene to strengthen the short term memory of the interpreter.A British psychologist named Frederic C.Bartlett(1998:279)regarded memory as the reconstruction of an image.The conclusion of the study showed that the capacity of memory of pictures viewed and images is easier to remember than vocabulary and expressions This kind of exercise aims to promote the ability of an interpreter to actualize and visualize the information he listened, which is designed to sensibility of human’s brain to image of language resources.5.2 Retelling in the Source Language The instructor either reads or plays a recording of a text of about 200 words for the trainees to retell in the same language.The trainees should not be allowed to take any notes.In the first instance, trainees should be encouraged to retell the text in the same words of the original to the largest possible extent.The following tactics should be used by the trainees after a certain time of training on retelling: Categorization: Grouping items of the same properties;Generalization: Drawing general conclusions from particular examples or message from the provided text;Comparison: Noticing the differences and similarities between different things, facts and events;Description: Describing a scene, a shape, or size of an object, etc.Trainees are encouraged to describe, summarize, and abstract the original to a large extent in their own words in exercises.5.3 Mnemonic to Memory Mnemonic is a device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering.Mnemonics are methods for remembering information that is otherwise quite difficult to recall.A very simple example of a mnemonic is the '30 days hath September' rhyme.The basic principle of Mnemonics is to use as many of the best functions of the human brain as possible to encode information.The human brain has evolved to encode and interpret complex stimuli—images, color, structure, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, spatial awareness, emotion, and language—using them to make sophisticated interpretations of the environment.Human memory is made up of all these features.Typically, however, information presented to be remembered is from one source—normally words on a page.While reading words on a page reflects one of the most important aspects of human evolution, it is only one of the many skills and resources available to the human mind.Mnemonics seek to use all of these resources.By encoding language and numbers in sophisticated, striking images which flow into other strong images, we can accurately and reliably encode both information and the structure of information to be easily recalled later(Manktelow:2003).5.4 Grouping information together Random lists of things(a shopping list, for example)can be especially difficult to remember.To make it easier, try categorizing the individual things from the list.If a person can remember that, among other things, he wanted to buy four different kinds of vegetables, he’ll find it easier to remember all four.Another example: probably ***818651898 won't be easily remembered, but try putting a space after every fourth number.Now those numbers are years, and they can be easily remembered by picking key events from each year(e.g., Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican-American War, Civil War, and Spanish-American War).5.5 Association

The reason that most of people can't remember their friend's phone number is because 535-3473 just a string of numbers that have no obvious connection to their friend.In order to use one’s memory efficiently, the best way is to actively create an association for things one is trying to remember.For example, write out a phone number: five three five three four seven three.Now try to create a clever phrase that starts with the first letter of those words: fairy tales feel true for some time.Now that phone number can be much more easily remembered.Alternatively, one could create a story that involves 5 characters buying 3 things and doing 5 more things with them by using imagination.The point is that one wants to connect the phone number to something else.6.Conclusion Keeping a good short term memory in consecutive interpreting is a significant aspect, which the train interpreters need to grasp.From the above analysis, we can conclude that short term memory skills in consecutive interpreting could be acquired by effectively designed training methods.With a well-'trained' short-term memory, interpreters are actually equipped with an effective tool for the encoding and decoding information.Even though the author has found and summarized some training methods, these methods are not suitable for every trainee.In the future research, the author believes that every student interpreter needs to explore practical training methods for themselves, which can lead a better result for their future career and be transformed into theories.































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