此外我再讲讲由外文译成母语的过程我所遇到的困难。上学期我的导师给我一个翻译任务,就是俄罗斯教育部新近下达的关于上海经合组织各大学的教育规定。资料刚拿到手,除了读起来吃力外,我最大的感觉就是即使你懂得了句子的精华,明白了句意,但是想要 把它用地道的汉语表达是非常困难的。在懂得了句意却无法表达的情况下突然觉得自己不会说母语了。或者说出的句子别人根本不懂你的逻辑,有些前言不搭后语的感觉。这就让我懂得了,对翻译的要求不仅要看你的外文水平,对母语的要求也是极高的。而且在翻译专业的文本时,必须要对这一行业的语言和词汇有个大致的了解。这就如同运用母语再次学一遍母语中行业的语言。这又是需要花费大量的时间和翻译积累量的。而且对自己母语的语法也有提高的必要,如何组词造句,如何尽可能的少犯母语的语法错误。这些都是我在没有学习专业翻译之前所没有想到的。
以上我基本讲的都关于笔译方面的一点点感受,口译和笔译相比也有难易之分。首先口译较笔译轻松地方面说。今年夏天我去大连的一个俄餐厅打工,虽然每天接触的只是饭店的一些常用语,但是也经常会遇到各种状况,偶尔会碰到客人和饭店老板沟通时,我在中间做个简单的小翻译,虽然不是什么正式的翻译,但是也有一些心得。首先还是从中母语译成俄语说起,为了迅速达到交际目的,有时候我会把老板刚说出的话,立即逐字逐句译过去,这时就存在一些问题。刚译过去我就立即意识到刚才自己的语法错误,而且这种语法错误我发现是根本避免不了,有时刚想去改,但是觉得又没有必要,因为关键词的传达已经到位的话,此时 没有人会注意你的语法错误。这意味着口译在对组词造句优美方面的要求没有那么高。所以这方面的压力较小。当然这只是简单的生活翻译,如果更专业的翻译我还没有接触过,所以那种难处感触还不是特别深。或许比笔译压力更大,因为专业的正式的口译翻译需除了比我上面提到过得笔译难处之外,还更多的考验人的心理素质。其次是由俄文译成中文,这在简单的生活翻译过程中就轻松得多,因为毕竟生活翻译的常用语是人们非常熟悉的,所以有时候可以不用经过思考就脱口而出,此时考验的不是人的母语水平,更多的是对外语的听力水平,听力好的,思维快的话,就可以沟通无障碍了。当然这还是讲的简单的生活翻译,不过我的终极目标是想做一名专业翻译。还需要学的很多很多。简单的生活翻译任何接触过外语的人都能做到,例如去我工作饭店的导游,她们的目的是只要能达到交际目的,至于外语的地道水平一般不予以考虑。而且在特定的语境下,其实只要身体语言就可以达到交际目的。我的追求要远远超出这些,所以我要做的还有很多。
从题目的翻译开始,Texting Makes U Stupid,标题的翻译一定要明确简洁,还要能够吸引读者有阅读的兴趣,这是从翻译课上学到的注意事项。标题翻译的好不好,一定程度上决定了翻译的成功率。在翻译题目的时候,此次翻译负责人翻译的题目是短信愚弄人生,我个人觉得这个题目有点不适合,U翻译成人生我觉得不恰当,我的个人观点是译成短信使人愚钝,经过和翻译负责人和成员讨论,最终决定用这个题目。在第一段中,我始终弄不通顺句子:have teenage kids,如果翻译“青少年孩子”放入句子里还是觉得不通顺,讨论后还是没能达成一致,希望可以借鉴大家的翻译,重点注意一下。还有show a teenage Botticelli’s Adoration of the Magi,突然在那句话中出现,不知道如何让翻译,可以让上下文看起来自然流畅,这种情况在本文中还有出现。我会在老师讲解时注意句子的翻译。其中在翻译十一本书名的时候明显觉得自己的知识量和阅读量很差很差,完全需要借助网络来查询,翻译着文章,理解着文章的意思,自己也有深深的感触。
而且,通过这几次翻译作业,我觉得翻译需要的文学功底也很高,有时候过于口语化会使文章整体质量下降,一个简单的句子,看看别人或是翻译大家的翻译,读起来朗朗上口,还能清楚准确地表达句意,自己翻译的时候,总会为了更好地调整语序而发愁,为了找到合适的汉语词语并清楚表达意思而苦恼。在这次翻译中,我这种感受更加强烈,语言本身是一个艰巨的过程,有很多俚语或是固定的表达,我们通常不清楚,甚至会出现笑话。本文章中,如throw stones in a glass house,自己翻译的时候直接译成在玻璃的屋子里扔石头,后来才了解到这指的是自己有毛病还去指责别人的人。所以我们需要做的不仅仅是查查生单词,交作业,我们还要记住这些固定搭配,做好长期的积累,下次遇到的时候能够顺利翻译出正确的意思。
芝麻翻译 :可以直接支持2007版本以上的word、PPT、TXT文档,只需完成拖拽到芝
麻翻译 软件中,分分钟就可以出现了目标语言版的文档,而且格式还不变,真的是颠覆了我三观,大跌我眼镜。
总结:既然准确度是每家公司使命级任务时,那么用户使用便捷性应该是触手可及的任务吧。芝麻翻译 居然做到了,这也算超越吧!
总结:很期待芝麻翻译 上市呀,以后老师再让发表英文版小论文时,就爽歪歪了,我可以直接拖拽就成了一篇英文文章。吼吼,你拥有这款软件,你老师ZiDao吗?
之前去过韩国,结识了几位韩国oba,嘿,真洋气,韩国oba居然也上QQ。问他为什么,他说周围有很多中国留学生。好吧!我想学韩文,他想学中文,这个芝麻翻译 软件好,可以支持双语模式,我以后跟oba聊天再也不用复制粘贴去查询那些韩语是什么意思了。直接开启芝麻翻译 软件的这个聊天模式,我输入中文,点击回车。就会自动出现中文和韩文双语出现在消息框了!如果你不认识韩国oba,也没事,你可以去认识美国的,日本的,西班牙的,阿拉伯的obas,因为可以支持12种语言。
看到群上说还有很多功能呢,啊哦,还能在写英文的时候,忽然不记得个别单词怎么写,在word中直接写中文,复制拖拽到芝麻翻译 的悬浮窗那里,英文即可浮现在word中,又是一个减少CTRL+C、CTRL+V的节奏!
题目:Translation Practice and Gains
from It
院 系:外国语学院 专 业:英语专业 姓 名:xxx 学 号:xxx 指导老师:xxx
2011 年 3 月 16 日 XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
关键词:翻译 翻译方法和技巧 句词处理 心得体会
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Abstract Translation is a process and method to deal with information, converting strange information into the information which recipients can be familiar with and understand.It includes multiple forms involving the translation and conversion of languages and characters, that of graphs and symbols and so on.The language translation is a sort of translation form which is relatively visual and concrete.It not only puts forward high requirements towards a translator in terms of his strong English language skills and knowledge, but also requires him of having sufficient knowledge and understanding of civilization, history, culture and life both in his own and western countries.Only will people regard translation as a bridge of communication where people have different cultural backgrounds, and deeply have understanding of cultural differences between the domestic and foreign national on translation, finding the corresponding accurate and flowing collocation of words and sentences, they can reappear the origin appearance of exotic culture in the language translation, and truly translate an article well.Directing at two academic papers about cultural communication, this paper greatly triggers my gains of translation methods and skills etc.an article is an academic one about cultural differences and foreign language teaching, The Exploration for the Differences between Chinese and Western Culture and Foreign Language Teaching, and the other one is Minding Your Maxims, written by Ron White-about the application of business letters in interpersonal communication.In the traditional translation standards, a good translation must satisfy the three standards “xin”, “da”, “ya”, namely, faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, therefore reasonable use of translation skills and methods of translation is of great importance.The core methods are still mainly literal translation and free translation method.Free translation is easy to use, but the latter is somewhat difficult, where we use some translation methods and strategies, such as conversion, foreignization and domestication, amplification, simplification, ellipsis and sentence division etc, to translate the words and sentences based on the closely related context.The translation, as a whole of translation gains and translation practice, is actually a good opportunity
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for combining the theory with the practice, which not only requires of grasping the understanding of theoretical knowledge in cognitive way, but also carrying out a total translation properly with the flexible use of those translation knowledge and skills.Key words: translation
translation methods and strategies
handling sentences and words
experience and gains
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Contents 摘要…………………………………………………………………….....i Abstract………………………………………………………………….ii 1.The depiction for translation materials……………………….........1 2.Translation methods and strategies
2.1 Conversion…………………………………………………………………....2 2.2 Foreignization translation…………………………………………………...2 2.3 Domestication………………………………………………….......................3 2.4 Extension……………………………………………………………………...3 2.5 Literal translation……………………………………………………………4
3.Handling sentences and words 3.1 Handling long sentences……………………………………………………… 3.2 About some translation skills for sentences…………………………………
4.Gains from translation…………………………………………….....5.Bibliography…………………………………………………………..6.Original English material……………………………………….…… 7.English-to-Chinese translation……………………………………….8.Original Chinese material…………………………………………… 9.Chinese-to-English translation……………………………………….1.The depiction for translation materials For the first article, the cultural globalization is put forward ahead to emphasize the influence brought about by the difference of culture in Chinese and western
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countries.The new ways of electronic communications make us enter a new era.People seek for global extensive cooperation in the economic and political fields, and meanwhile through cultural exchanges, break the original shut and narrow situation, mutually promoting and developing colorful culture, cooperating efficiently and effectively on the global problems, to walk forward to the open and multivariate and form a new pattern of cultural globalization.The tides of cultural globalization attack both English-teaching and confer new requirements and awareness on people.Therefore, to transcend the obstacle of cultural factors in foreign language teaching, first we must understand these factors behind the languages, making clear definitions of culture and the causes of producing cultural differences.And for culture, it is a complex concept with extremely extensive coverage, generally speaking, there are two arguments including the broad culture and the narrow culture.Moreover, many causes of formation of culture can be referred to, yet we can ascribe them to several following aspects: the ways of thinking, religion, living environment, customs, social etiquette and habits.Consequently, focusing on the differences between Chinese and western culture in foreign language teaching and enhancing cultural introductory is not only the requirements of the times, but also develop a broader vision for our foreign language teaching and inject fresh vitality into it.While the other one is a pure English essay written by a native English speaker, who hopes that his points for the application and writing skills of business letters in interpersonal communication, namely minding our maxims, are focused on to inform people that readers‟ responses can indicate the individual differences in the way where the maxims are interpreted, as well as the problems given rise to by the task specification and the use of models in business letters teaching.Then to give a distinct explanation and account of these problems, there are four angles arising from them: the applicability of pragmatic principles in cross-cultural settings, authentic readers‟ responses, task specification in writing classes, uses of models in the teaching of writing.To sum up, writers will learn to mind their maxims in ways which ought to enable them to optimize the effects they wish to have on their readership.XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
2.Translation methods and strategies As we know, there are two basic translation methods, that is to say, literal translation and free translation method.Literal translation is a translation method to translate directly without any modification, which is asked not to alert the figures of speech but to retain the original structures, ideological content, style and forms of sentences.While free translation is different from that.Though they have something in common, such as the similarity of retainment of original figures of speech, sentence structures, and sentence form, the latter stresses the smoothness and the communicative effect of translated version, regardless of the conversion of structure and pattern.For the free translation, we usually use the following translation methods and strategies as assistance, like conversion, foreignization translation, domestication, amplification, simplification, and extension.Let me make it clearer with some detailed examples.2.1 Conversion Conversion in language translation is a translation tip for some difficult sentences.Additionally, it is always used in the change of parts of speech or the meaning of words to make the sentences more fluent and authentic.Examples: Cg1.C: 西方的思维方式可以追溯到苏格拉底开创的逻辑思辨方式,表现在哲学上则为多主张“人物分离”,崇尚个体思维,认为整体只有在个体对立中才能存在。
E: The western way of thinking can be traced back to the logic speculation pattern which Socrates creates, mostly asserting “figure-object separation” shown in the philosophical speculation way, advocating individual thought that the whole only exist in the individual contradiction.From my translation, we can see “人物分离”in Chinese with traditional Chinese four-word form.Through some conversion, I use “figure-object separation” to express XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
the meaning of separating people from common objects for short.Cg2.E: In an attempt to account for the way participants read into an utterance meanings and intentions other than those obvious from the surface forms themselves,„„
C: 为了说明参与者理解显而易见的意义和目的的方式,而不是那些显而易见的表面形式,Of all the words, we can see a typical and peculiar words “those obvious”, which ought to be regarded as a noun not an adjective word for origin, namely“ 那些显而易见的表面形式”in Chinese.2.2 Foreignization translation In the process of translation, both the Chinese-to-English one and English-to-Chinese one, we confront many examples carrying intense national culture, customs and religion.Hard as some are, I try to make use of foreignization translation combined the local history and native meaning to express the exact meaning.Examples: Cg1.C: 佛教传入中国已有一千多年的历史,人们相信有“佛主”在左右着人世间的一切,与此有关的习语很多,如“借花献佛”、“闲时不烧香,临时抱佛脚”等。
E: Buddhism was introduced into China for more than one thousand years, and people believe there is “the Lord of Buddha” in the world to control everything around, when many related idioms emerge, such as “Jiehuaxianfo” meaning to borrow something to make a gift of it: 借花献佛, “Xianshibuhsaoxiang, linshibaopojiao” meaning to make efforts at the last moment when not free etc.The expressions“借花献佛”and“闲时不烧香,临时抱佛脚”are both Chinese proverbs which carry strong Chinese traditional religious characteristic, thus I choose to use suffixal translation as additional remarks for them, such as “Jiehuaxianfo” meaning to borrow something to make a gift of it.XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
Cg2.C: 用国学大师季羡林教授的话来说就是:“一言而蔽之,东方文化体系的思维模式„
E: Quoted by the Chinese master professor Ji Xianlin‟ words:“ a word for short, that is to say, the mode of thinking in the oriental cultural system is integrated “一言而蔽之”is a traditional archaism, so based on understanding of ancient Chinese culture, I feel the meaning can equal to “用一句话说就是” in Chinese,which can be translated as “a word for short, that is to say” in English.2.3 Domestication translation Domestication translation is a new conception corresponding to the foreignization translation, which first was put forward by Lawrence Venuti, an American translation theorist.The connotation is to minimize the exotic in translation, and provide readers with a natural and fluent translation.From that, we can see the importance of having a good knowledge of cultural background carry a substantial weight in domestication translation.Examples: Cg1.E: Letter B(Appendix I)is a reply to a complaint by a customer who was pick-pocketed at a shop belonging to the chain of which the writer is „Customer Relations Manager‟.C: B类信(附录1)反映的是,一位客户投诉自己在一家商店被扒手模了钱包,而这家店的连锁店里的商店作家是它的客户关系经理。From the context, the chain here is apparently not the original meaning, which I think is endowed with a new conception, namely, multiple shops(连锁店).Cg2.E: Central to Brown and Levinson‟s theory is the concept of face(cf.Goffman, 1955)which may be defined as the public self-image that every one wants to claim XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
for him or her self.Brown and Levinson somewhat confusingly distinguish between what they call negative and positive face, summed up as follows: Positive face the want to be desirable, accepted
concern with being thought of as a normal, contributing member of one's social world
the desire for common ground
Negative face the want to be unimpeded by others
maintaining right of independence, freedom of action within one's own territory
the right not to be imposed upon
C: 布朗和列文森的理论中心是威信的概念(参考Goffman,1955年),这个概念被定义为每个人想向公众证明自我的一种公众自我形象。布朗和列文森在区分他们所谓的“消极和积极的威信”上多少有些迷惑和不确定,总的可归结为以下几点: 积极的威信
•关心自己是否被自己所生活的社交界认为是一名正常且做出了贡献的成员 •渴望有共同的背景 消极的威信
•在自己的领地中对独立的权利和行动的自由的维护 •享有不被施压的权利
The face here is not an organ of body, if translated as “面部”, the real meaning of which will be lost.Consequently, in my opinion, the face is used to express the XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
prestige of someone that can be divided into twofold, the positive and the negative.2.4 Extension Omission, a high-class writing skill, is always used in formal or informal writing, to make the whole passage more incisive and concise, yet bringing some trouble for translation.Hence, we try to restore the intact original sentence in clear meaning, and the extension translation is good choice.Through adding some necessary words into sentences, the whole sentence will be easier to be understood.Examples: Cg1.E: As noted earlier, two of the texts in this study were written by students: in one case, the writer is a Polish undergraduate who aspires to join the UDS, while in the other he is a Hong Kong business man, who is already a practising participant in the UDS.C: 正如前面所提到的那样,这项研究中有两篇文章出自学生之手:其中一个情况是,其作者是来自波兰的一名希望加入UDS的大学生,而另一个作者则是一位来自香港的商人,并且他已经是UDS的加盟成员了。The part “As noted earlier,” is an elliptical sentence, the subject of which actually can be extended from the whole passage.That is “正如前面所提到的那样,”for translation.Another one, “while in the other”, need be extended, which leave out the “writer” after “the other”.Cg2.E: Although three of the five letters are authentic, having been written by real managers to a real customer, two are non authentic, having been written for display, albeit while having to satisfy certain contextual constraints specified in the prompt provided.C: 虽然每五封信中有三封信是真实的,是由真正的经理写给真正的客户的,但是其他两封信都是不真实的,是用于展示的,并且还不得不满足提示中具体说明的前后相关的某种限制。XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
Similarity to the first example, the word “two” in “two are „” is a omission leaving out the word “letter”.But in fact, we all know it refers to letters.2.5 Literal translation Literal translation is the easiest one in all the translation methods, according to the basic meaning of the surface of sentences, which can be translated directly without any modification.Examples: Cg1.C: 英汉民族的思维方式的不同也决定了两个民族的审美情趣的不同。
E: The difference of way of thinking between Chinese and English also determines on the difference of appreciation of the beauty in two nations.Cg2.E: In many cases(but not all)it is based on an assessment of the frequency of interaction and the kinds of material or non-material goods exchanged between the parties concerned.C: 在许多情况下(但并不是全所有的都这样)它都是基于对相互作用以及在不同当事人之间交换的物质和非物质商品的频率的评估而存在的。
3.Handling sentences and words 3.1 Handling long sentences For long sentences, we always face a sentence with 20 or more words which itself is so complex both in programmer and structure.So we must analyze the whole sentence by dividing the sentences to several parts, catching the main and abandoning the subordinate.Only seeing from the whole sentence, related to the context closely, the sentences can be precisely translated.For example, “thus, the impression of symmetry in the social relationship XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
between reader and writer is created, even if, as both parties will acknowledge, there is no actual basis for such solidarity.” For this, it has complicated structure and accompanying adverbial modifier puzzling the readers‟ minds.And after I divide it to several parts and put them to translation, I begin to integrate them in logic.The translation is “因此,要创造出在读者和作家之间的社会关系中的一种对称的相互印象,即使当双方都意识到, 这样的团结其实没有现实的依据。” Another example is that the original sentence, “Since both are communicating in a non native language across cultural boundaries, inter-cultural differences between themselves and their readership will be relevant in terms of defining the what is acceptable within the constraints of the writing tasks they have been set”
is so long which contains different kinds of clauses, giving our translator great challenges.There is my own translation for some reference--“由于它们都是跨越文化界限通过一种非母语语言进行交流,所以他们与他们的读者之间形成的文化差异,与对在写作任务已经得以限定的情况下可以予以接受的东西的定义是有关联的。”
3.2 About some translation skills for sentences In my C-to-E translation, I find I come across the four-word form words which always upset and trouble me because there are no distinct and explicit methods and skills for me to translate them, yet just for my own understanding combined with some habits of English expression and local language use.For instance, I confront a hard sentence, “汉语的审美优势存在于四字结构、意合力强、形式齐整、音律悦耳、词格丰富、意境性强,重整体感应;英语上的优势则存在于结构严密、修辞生动、明快简洁、词藻丰富、表现力强(如引申、转换等),重客观描写”, and I contemplate for a long time but in vain.With the help of my girlfriend and dictionary, I gradually begin to take shape.After modification, my translation comes up--The aesthetic advantages in Chinese lie in four-words structures, strong parataxis force, neat forms, sweet melody, rich word lattice, powerful artistic conception, and emphasizing overall induction;the ones in English are lively and concise, in compact XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
structures, vivid rhetoric , verbal riches with strong expressiveness(such as implication, conversion etc), and regarding the objective description.—Indeed, I choose the form “adjective+noun” to solve the problems.4.Gains from translation In this graduation design, I choose English translation because translation not only puts forward high requirements for a translator in terms of his strong English language skills and commands, but also requires him of having sufficient knowledge and understanding of civilization, history, culture and life both in his and western countries.Moreover another reason counts that the use of the academic words, as well as involving extensive related knowledge range, such as Grice‟s maxims, Brown and Levinson politeness principles, and C-B-S style of professional communication etc.As a consequence, I think it is of more challenge.Yet after busy and hard translation work, I welcome the completion of the whole graduate design.Different kinds of moods and feelings hovers my heart in this unforgettable road of translation, which has a big influence of me and my life.From it, I know a good translation must satisfy the three standards ”xin“, ”da“, ”ya“ in traditional translation criterion, namely, faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.Faithfulness is fundamental requirement, and expressiveness is essential condition, and elegance is high tidemark.Without them, the translation can‟t exist.So how can we reach these requirements? Reasonable use of translation skills and methods is of great importance.As I have refer earlier, I use the literal translation and free translation method for the basic methods.As long as it can be translated directly, I use the literal translation.But when I confront the difficult one, free translation will be my best choice.Through conversion, foreignization and domestication, amplification, simplification, ellipsis and sentence division etc, based on the closely related context, I can translate the words and sentences clearer and more accurate.The detailed examples I have listed before are no longer accounted specifically.What‟s more, I think the analysis for the XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
sentences, especially for sentence division, are greatly critical to translation because only you understand the sentence, can you understand the whole passage and thus translate them precisely and correctly.This is really a tough work for me, owing to my short time for English translation, as well as the great gap between the theory and practice.But I have mad my best progress to accomplish the work, with sweat and tears interweaved, and finally finish the graduate paper.For this, I still feel very happy and joy, for I know no victory is not through the bramble and difficulty, and this translation is also a good opportunity for combining the theory with the practice, which makes me have a qualitative leap on the understanding of theoretical knowledge in class or taught by teachers.Through the flexible use of those translation knowledge taught by teachers, I successfully accomplish the English-to-Chinese translation and the Chinese-to-English translation, and obtain much valuable experience, which not only enlarges the range of my knowledge, but also cultivates my strong interest of learning English.”Nothing is impossible to a willing mind" translation work is a long-term arduous process, which needs constant patience and strong perseverance.I believe, as long as a person can make attempt to endeavoring persistently, working down-to-earth, deeply loving the current job, and cherishing hard-won studying opportunity, he will certainly welcome the dawn of success.Finally, I‟m obliged to my instructor Mrs Kang, who helps me much in my translation work, as well as my girlfriend.Without them, I can not accomplish this paper.My classmates are also helpful when I face much trouble.All the people and all the memory are bound to remain in my deepest soul, and words fails me when I want to express the heartfelt gratitude to them gain.5.Bibliography [1] Yong, Ho.1993.Aspects of Discourse structure in Mandarin Chinese [M].New XXXX大 学 第 二 学 位 毕 业 设 计
York: Mellen University Press.[2] Peter Newmark P.2001.A Textbook of Translation Foreign Language Teaching and Research.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.[3] Kelly,L.G.1979.The True Interpreter: A History of Translation Theory and Practice in the West.Oxford: Basil Blackwell.[4] LEFEVERE, Andre.1992.Translation Literature, Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context.New York: The Modern Language Association of America.[5] 王宏志,1999,《重释‘信达雅’——二十世纪中国翻译研究》,上海:东方出版中心。
[6] 许钧,2003,《翻译论》,武汉:湖北教育出版社。
[7] 刘宓庆,2003,《翻译教学:实务与理论》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司。[7] 桂诗春、宁春岩,1997,《语言方法论》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社。
一、翻译的本质,翻译的过程可以用一句话来概括:“在透彻地理解原文意思的基础上用标准的汉语表述出来。”可见这是一个学习和再加工的过程。首先自己要准确理解原文的意思,要反复推敲,直到真正弄懂,然后再用标准的中文把思想再现出来。在对翻译Lucky in Love 这篇文章中我们深有体会。一开始我们小组准备每人按章节来翻译,从头开始翻译的同学倒还好,后面的同学就麻烦了,完全不知该从何着手。最后我们只得调整策略,大家先在一起讨论下文章的大体内容主旨,思想情感等,大家再各自翻译。