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Unit 2

Nice to meet you!







S1:Hello!I'm Jim Green.S2:Hello!I'm Kate Green.叫其他几个学生,分别用I'm„,进行自我介绍。

3、教师叫起一个学生(他或她的真实姓名,教师要知道),然后用他(或她)的真实姓名提问:T:Hello!Are you XXX? 让大家猜一猜这句话的意思。帮助这个同学回答:

S:Yes,I am.教师可板书Yes,I am.让大家猜一猜其含义。

再叫另一位同学,这个学生的真实姓名教师也要知道。但故意问错: T:Hello!Are you XXX? 帮助这个学生回答:

S:No,I'm not.重复刚才的步骤,并对黑板上的答案进行讲解。其中am在肯定回答中不能缩写,因为是强调。在否定回答中可以缩写。关于 am的缩写,学生只是了解一下,能听懂,能说出就可以了。


T:Hello!Are you XXX?(用真实姓名)S1:Yes ,I am.T:Hello!Are you XXX?(非真实姓名)S2:No,I'm not.I'm XXX.也可以把学生分成3人一组,进行练习。

5、复习所学过的字母。教师出示卡片,同时问:What's this? 要求学生用It's„回答。教字母O~T,方法同前。q这个字母的读音可能会引起一些麻烦,教师可给予特别注意。6、拿出事先准备好的小黑板,辅导这几个字母的书写格式。示范、操练步骤同前。7、布置作业

1)练习朗读所学日常用语;2)抄写字母O~T,熟练朗读A~T,并能背诵下来;3)练习册 T:Good morning(afternoon)S1:Good morning(afternoon).T:My name is XXX.What's your name? S2:My name is XXX.换一个学生: T:Hello!S2:Hello!T:Are you XXX? S2:Yes, I am.T:How are you ? S2:I'm fine,thank you.And you? T:I'm fime,too.Thank you.在进行以上操练时,注意操练形式的多样性。既要有集体操练,又要有个人或小组之间的操练。在初级阶段,学生往往容易适应进行“应答”式的操练,即教师先用英语与学生打招呼,学生进行呼应。为使学生能主动、自觉地运用所学英语去进行“交际”,教师可从现在起,开始培养学生这方面的能力,并激发学生用英语进行交际的欲望。从本课起,教师可进行以下带有明显启发式的操练:



S1:Good morning.S2:Good morning.T:同学们从各个小学来到这里,有很多新同学要结识,如果你想询问某一个同学的名字。应该怎样问呢?


S1:Hello!My name is XXX.What's your name? S2:My name is XXX.到目前为止所学过的对话,教师都可以用这种为学生设计一个情景的方式,启发学生主动运用所学英语进行交际。这种作法要坚持下去,学生的交际能力会在这样的操练中,有效地提高;在很多学生中存在的只能被动地去附合、呼应教师的现象,也会在很大程度上有所改变。



T:Hello, Jim.S1:Hello,Mr(Ms)XXX(教师的Family Name).T:(Pointing to S2)This is Han Meimei.(Pointing to S1)Han Meimei ,this is Jim.启发全班同学:这时应说什么?之后教师给出答案:Nice to meet you.解释这句话的意思,并说明答语出是

4、放录音。S2:Hello,Li Lei.S1:Jim,this is Han Meimei.Han Meimei,this is Jim.S3:Hello,Jim!Nice to meet you.S2:Hello,Han Meimei!Nice to meet you.S3:How are you? S2:Fine,thank you.And you ? S3:I'm OK.教师可将全班分为3大组(例如,每两行为一大组),每大组分别扮演一个角色,与在前面表演的同学进行同步会话。




1)练习朗读本课日常用语,并能用This is „的句型,向别人进行介绍;2)抄写本课中所学字母,要求会背诵字母表。


1.This is Wei Hua.Wei Hua,this is Jim.这是卫华。卫华,这是吉姆。This is „是用来进行介绍的句式。如果是自我介绍,可以说:

Let me introduce myself.My name is „我来自我介绍一下,我叫„„ 一般当听完对方的介绍后,要主动说: Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!

2、Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴!

这是一种问候用语,一般在双方刚认识后讲这句话,表示很高兴结识对方。答语是:见到你我也很高兴!此外,当两位熟人或朋友见面,也可用Nice to meet/see you.或Nice to seee you again。表示问候。

nice的词义除表示“令人愉快的”以外,还有“漂亮的,好的”等意思。例如:That's a

nice boy.那是个好孩子。It's a nice car.那辆汽车真漂亮。


4、翻到彩色插图 a)T:Good morning(afternoon).S:„ b)T:Hello!Are you„?

S:„ c)T:What's your name? S:„ d)T:How are you? S:„

e)T:Hello!Nice to meet you.S:„ f)T:(手持字母卡片)What's this? S:„



Unit Two Teaching Topic: Trade Fair

Teaching Content: Business Profile;Situational Dialogue

Data Bank;Drill Practice



Text Bank: Prepare your trade show display

Teaching Aims:

1.Ss get to know the ways to get the information about national and international fairs.2.Ss can do some simple translation about the fair.Teaching Important Point: Ss get to know the ways to get the information about national and international fairs.Teaching Difficult Point: Ss can do some simple translation about the fair.Teaching Methods: Explaining;Role Playing;Discussing;

Teaching Time: 6 classes

Teaching Tool: Textbook, Multimedia.Teaching Steps:

I Period Teaching Contents: Business Profile Situational Dialogue Teaching Important and Difficult Point: Ss can make a conversation according to each dialogue.Teaching Time: 2 classes Teaching Steps: Step 1: Greetings

Step 2: Leading in

1.Ask the Ss to discuss what they know about and want to get to know from a fair.2.Ask some representatives to give their answers.3.Discuss their answers in the whole class.Step 3: Business Profile 1.Ask the Ss to read the information to know something about China Import and Export Fair.2.Ask them to talk about other fairs that they know.Step 4.Situational Dialogue 1.Dialogue 1 1)Ask the Ss to read the dialogue individually and make a mark at the expressions which they consider important.2)Explain the difficult and important expressions in the dialogue to the Ss.3)Read the dialogue with the Ss following.4)Part the Ss to read the dialogue to see if there are any problems in their pronunciation;correct if there is.5)Ask the Ss to make a similar conversation, and practice in pairs.6)Ask some pairs to show their conversations.2.Dialogue 2&3

Learn the dialogue 2&3 in the same way with dialogue 1.Summary: Through learning, the Ss know where can they know something about trade fairs and how to negotiate on a fair.Homework: Practice the dialogue after class.II Period Teaching Contents: Data Bank;Drill Practice

Interpretation;Career Skills Teaching Important and Difficult Point: Ss can use the useful expressions to negotiate on a fair.Teaching Time: 2 Classes Teaching Steps:



Review the expressions learnt last time.Step 3.Data Bank: useful Expression 1.Ask the Ss to read the sentences and figure out the Chinese meaning of each.2.Ask the Ss to discuss when and where we should use these expressions.3.Ask the Ss to memorize the expressions and recite.Step4.Drill Practice.1.Explain the sentence patterns together with the examples to the Ss.2.Ask them to write more sentences with the same sentence patterns.3.Check their answers.Step5.Interpretation 1.Ask the Ss to do the task individually and then check with their partners.2.Ask some Ss to write their sentences on the blackboard.3.Check with the whole class.Step6.Career Skills: Explaining Your Job 1.Ask the Ss to discuss and match the Chinese expressions their English meanings.2.Ask them to give their answers.3.Check.Summary: Through learning, the students can use specific sentence patterns and phrases to express themselves.Homework: Memorize the expressions.III Period Teaching Contents: Listening;Speaking

Text Bank: Prepare Your Trade Show Display Teaching Important and Difficult Point: Ss can work as an interpreter in the trade centre.Teaching Time: 2 Classes Teaching Steps:


Step2.Listening 1.Ask the Ss to read the dialogue by themselves.2.Listen to the CD for just one time and fill the blanks.3.Listen again and check answers.Step3.Speaking 1.Make the Ss in groups of three.2.Ask each group to make a conversation by using the given phrases.3.Ask some groups to show.Step4.Text Bank: Prepare Your Trade Show display 1.Ask the students to read this part in groups and figure out the key points.2.Ask some groups to give their understandings.3.Emphasize them to make the Ss to learn in heart.Summary: Through learning, the students can give traffic routes on a trade fair.Homework: Memorize the useful expressions learnt in this unit.

第三篇:五年级上册英语教案-Unit2 My week PartA Lets spell∣人教(PEP)(2014秋)

Unit 2 My week

A Let’s spell 教学目标

1.通过听、读单词,能够感知并归纳字母组合ee和ea在单词中的发音规律。2.根据字母组合ee和ea的发音规律,正确读出符合发音规则的单词。3.通过Read, repeat and circle和Listen, write and say等练习活动,进一步掌握字母组合在单词中的发音,熟悉单词的结构特点。





Step 1.Warm-up and Review 1.Let’s sing.PPT播放歌曲 Days of the week,学生跟唱。2.Sharp eyes.复习上节课所学表示星期的单词。

两人一组运用句型What do 3.Role-play.PPT呈现Let’s learn中的主情景图,you have on… I have…进行问答练习。

Step2.Presentation and practice 1.Let read.通过故事的形式,展示一些含有字母组合ee的单词。然后让学生找出这些单词的拼写和读音规律。

2.PPT 播放Let’s chant.展示含有字母组合ea的单词,让学生观察并找出发音规律。

3.Listen and read.播放视频,听音跟读含有ee和ea字母组合的单词。然后学生熟练朗读这些单词,引导学生注意正确发音。

4.Try to read.通过该活动环节,要求学生能够根据字母组合ee和ea在单词中的一般发音规律,读出符合发音特点的单词。

5.Speak out.脱口而出,指导学生大声读出下列句子。Step3.Consolidation

第 1 页 1.Listen, repeat and circle.学生听音跟读,然后选出所听到的单词。最后,老师核对答案。

2.Listen, write and say.听录音,写出所听到的单词。然后大声读出句子,感知字母组合在单词中的发音。



4.Practice.选出每组单词中画线部分读音与其余不同的一项。Step 4.Homework

1.听录音跟读Let’s spell中的单词,注意发音模仿。


第 2 页


Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!Learning Target:

1Language Target: Words and key structures 2 Ability Target:improve listening and reading abilities 3 Emotional Target:develop students’ reading interests and know some cultural differences Teaching key points:(1)Phrases: Section A 1 the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, watch the races, a little crowded, like best, go…for one’s vacation, enjoy doing sth., eat out, five meals a day, put on, in two weeks, sound like, from…to…, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck, in the new year Section A 2

celebrate Middle-Autumn Festival, the shape of, carry …to…, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…,call out, lay out, start the tradition of Section A 3

one…, the other…, give…to…,take out, more and more popular Section B 1 dress up, care about, make money, used to, end up, warn sb.to do sth., expect sb.to do sth., wake up, find out, decide to do sth., promise to do sth., in need, Section B 2

introduce sb., make sb.do sth., give birth to life, not only…but also…(2)sentences: Section A 1 Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch.Bill wonders whether they’ll have the sweet rice dumplings again next year.What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? What did you do on your vacation? But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there.I wonder if it’s similar to the water festival of Dai people in Yunnan Province.Section A 2 Chinese people have been celebrating Middle-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss.However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching.Whoever drank this could live forever.Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night.How he wished that Chang’e could come back!Section A 3 Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America? I believe that there are many ways to show our love.It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead.Section B 1 Many would agree that when we think of Christmas, we probably think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus.A Christmas Carol is a famous novel written by Charles Dickens.He just cares about whether he can make more money.Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died.He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.Section B 2 Not only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt, but they also give out these treats as gifts.Teaching difficulties:


2.what和how 引导的感叹句

Section A 1(1a – 2d)Step 1: Warming-up

What festivals do you like best? What do you like best about your favourite festival? Step 2: Presentation 1.1a Look at the pictures and guess what festivals they are.Match the pictures with the descriptions.Step 3 Listening 1b Listen and tell true or false.Step 4 Speaking 1c Talk about the pictures in 1a.Make conversations.Step 5 Pair Work A: What do you like best about the …? B: I love the...I think that they’re...Step 6 Listening 2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in sentences.2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides.Listen again and fill in the chart.Step 7 Speaking

2c Role play the conversations between Wu Ming and Harry.Step 8 Role –play

Watch the video and learn Water Festival.Read the conversation and tell “True” or “False”.Role –play the conversation

Step 8 Language points and summary Step 9 Grammar:Objective Clause Step 10 Exercises Step 11 Homework.1.Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2.Copy the sentences with the Objective Clause and learn them by heart.Section A2(3a – 3c)Step1 Warming up

Look at the picture.What festival do you think of? What do you know about the festival? Step 2 Reading 3a Read the passage about Mid-Autumn Festival and answer the questions.How do people celebrate the Middle-Autumn Festival?

What story is the reading about? 3b Read the passage again.Put the events in the correct order.Answers: 4251763 3c Without looking at the passage, try to complete the sentences with the correct words.Answers: admire, traditional, magic, steal, laid Step 3 Languages points

1.Chinese people have been celebrating Middle-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.2.They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss.3.However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching.4.Whoever drank this could live forever.5.Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night.6.He quickly laid out her favourite fruits and desserts in the garden.7.How he wished that Chang’e could come back!Step 4 Summary:Phrases celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, the shape of, carry …to…,shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…,call out, lay out, start the tradition of Step 5 Homework 1.Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2.Retell the story of Chang’e.Section A 3(Grammar Focus-4c)Step 1 Revision:

objective clauses.& exclamatory statements.Step 2 Grammar focus 1.Pay attention to these objective clauses.2.Pay attention to these exclamatory statements.Step 3 Grammar& Exercises: Step 4 Practice 4a Write sentences using the words given.Answers: 2.I don’t know whether he will come home for the festival.3.I believe the Water Festival is the most fun.4.I wonder if mooncakes are delicious.5.How exciting the races are!

6.What an interesting city!Step 5 Reading

4b Read the passage below and underline the objective clauses.If possible, write your own sentences about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day using objective clause.Learn the new words: tie.Step 6 Speaking 4c Which festival do you like best? Ask your group and report to the class.Step 7 Pairwork Make a conversation.Step 8 Languages points and exercises 1.It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead.2.One is Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May, and the other is Father’s Day… Step 9 Homework Father’s Day /Mother’s Day is coming.Think what you are going to buy or do for your father or mother.Write an short passage about it.(at least three objective clauses)Begin with: I think that …

Section B 1(1a-2e)Step 1 Presentation

Show some pictures and words related to Halloween.Let students say something about Halloween.Step 2 Listening

1.Finish 1a: Look at the pictures and words related to Halloween.What do you think this festival is about? Learn the new words: haunted, ghost, trick, treat, spider

2.Finish 1b: Listen and answer the questions.3.Finish 1c: Listen again and fill in the blanks.Answers: houses, turn off, windows, dress up, cartoon, candies, play, give Step 3 Pairwork

1d Think about the Halloween activities that interest you most.Discuss what you have learned with a partner.Step 4 Reading

1.Warming up: give students some pictures about Christmas and finish 2a.2.Reading tasks:

1)Introduce Charles Dickens.2)Finish 2b: Read the passage about Christmas and answer the questions.3)Finish2c: Read the passage again and complete the chart.Learn some new words: present, dead

4)Finish 2d: Answer the questions.Some answers need to be inferred.Learn some new words: punish, warmth Step 5 Language points

1.But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas…

Keys: Lying, lays, lay, laid 2.He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him 3.The Spirit of Christmas

4.He is mean and only thinks about himself.5.He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.Step 6 Summary dress up, care about, make money, used to, end up, warn sb.to do ath., Step 7 Homework: Remember the new words and expressions.Section B 2(3a—Self check)Step 1 Revision Get the students to read the things about Christmas.Step 2 Role-play In groups of four, make a conversation between the three ghosts and Scrooge about Christmas.Step 3 Free talk Talk about your favorite festival, use the following questions.When is it celebrated in/on…? What do you like best about…? How do people celebrate…? Why do they do that? Step 4 3a-3b(writing)3a Your English-speaking pen pal wants to know about your favorite Chinese festival.Make some notes about the festival.3b Write a letter to your pen pal and tell him/her about your favorite Chinese festival.Use your notes in 3a.In your letter: First, introduce the festival and when it is celebrated.Then talk about what people do and eat.Finally, explain why you like it best and how it makes you feel.Step 5 Self-check 1.Complete the passage with the words in the box.2.Rewrite these sentences as exclamations.3.Make sentences about a festival/festivals you like using these words+ that/whether/if.Step 6 Language points Not only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt, but they also give out these treats as gifts.Step 7 Exercises Step 8 Homework: Write an article about your favorite festival.教学反思:


新泰实验中学11-12学年七年级英语上册Unit 7学案

Unit 7 How much are these pants?

Section A


Believe yourselves, your world is more beautiful.二、教学目标:


词汇(1)表示衣服的:pants, sock,shirt,shorts,sweater,shoe, skirt(2)表示颜色的:color, black, white, red, green, blue, yellow(3)表示形状的:big, small, short, long 交际用语:

(1)—How much is this T-shirt? —It's seven dollars.(2)—How much are these socks? —They're two dollars.2、能力目标:学会询问价格及购物用语..3、情感目标:通过购物的礼貌用语培养学生的良好品质。




Step1 预习并尝试性探究:


美元____________(价钱)多少_______________ 红色的毛衣______________ 黑色的衬衫_____________ 白色的裙子____________黄色的短裤裤_____________ 长的裤子_____________ 短的袜子________________大的鞋子________________

小帽子______________ Step2: 自主学习:

1.自读1a单词, 然后将单词与图中物品相搭配..2.小组核对答案.3.自读1c对话、理解意思,并两人一组练习对话.4.两人一组展示对话,小组竞争.5.活学活用,利用身边的实物,两人一组练习对话.Step3: 合作探究: 1.师生合作完成听力练习1)听录音,完成1b, 2a 以及2b.2)练习听力对话.如:-How much is the red sweater ?

-It's 30 $.-How much are these notebooks ?

-They' re 10$.2.生生合作:

1)小组讨论is 和 are 在谈论价格时的用法

— How much _______the red skirt?

— It ________ 6 $.— How much _______these black pants? —They _______10 $..2)补全3a 对话,并小组讨论,相互检查.

3)分角色朗读对话. 并尝试复述对话. 4)模仿3a 对话利用3b 中的图画进行自由练 Step4 梳理归纳:

1.how much 用于询问价格,当询问不可数名词或单数可数名词时,后用_____;当询问可数名词复数的价格时,后用______ 2.总结一下购物的常用语:

________________________________________________________________________ Step5 拓展创新:

句子I want a sweater.中want 的用法: 1.某人想要什么“want sth” 2.某人想要做某事 “ want to do sth ” 3.想让某人干某事 “ want sb to do sth”

4.want = would like want 有人称和数的变化,would like 没有人称和数的变化 例:I want you to buy a skirt.He wants to go to the movies.She would like a T—shirt.五、典型例题:

1.--_______twenty dollars.A.is, They’re

B.are, They’re

C.are, It’s

D.are, They’re 解析:英语中pants, clothes, socks, shorts, shoes等,往往是以复数的形式出现,这类词作主语时动词用复数形式,回答也应用复数。故选D 2.---Can I help you?--Yes, I ________ a sweater.A.like



D.look 解析:当营业员询问顾客要买什么时,顾客回答是I want……..故选B.六、中考链接:

()1.---The blue skirt looks nice on you._____ is it?

---It’s 50 dollars.A.How many

B.How much

C.How often

D.How old()2.Lucy wants ______ a new pen.A.to buy





(一)根据句意和首字母完成单词.1.The blue hat is seven d__________.2.How much are the ______(短袜)? 3.My _________(毛衣)is red.4.—What c_________is your hat? — Blue.5.—Can I h_______you?

—Yes, please.6.You are w ___________.(二)单选题

()1.How much _______ these pants?


B.am C.are

D.do()2.—How much are the black socks?

—__________________.A.It's 10 yuan.B.It's 10 yuans.C.They're 10 yuan.D.They're 10 yuans.()3.Where ______ your new pants?________ on the bed.A.is, It's

B.are, They're

C.is, They're

D.are,I t's

()4.—____________ are the shoes? —They are green.A.What



D.What color

()5.— How much is this bag?—_____________.A.It's three dollars

B.It's three yuans

C.It's good

D.Thank you()6.—Can I help you? —___________.A.Yes, please

B.No, I can't


D.You're welcome()7.I think your socks _________nice.—Thank you..A.be



D.am()8.—The socks are very cheap.—I 'll _________them.A.give



(三)翻译下列句子.1.—这个黑包多少钱? —8 美元。

—How much ________the ________bag? —It________2________.2.—这红短裤多少钱?---9美元.—_______ much _________the red _______? — They're 9 dollars.3.—Please give me some hamburgers.—_____________.(给你)4.我想要那件红色T恤衫 I _______________________.5.Those tomatoes ____________.(那些西红柿2美元)6.The apples are cheap.I'll________.(我买了)


当我们询问物品的价格时,回答的时候需要注意什么? ______________________________________________________.感到自己有待加强的是________________________________________




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    龙文环球教育 教师1对1 中小学课外辅导 Long Wen Huan Qiu Education Unit 1 短语 : 1.at the top-right comer 在右上角 2.play chess 下棋 3,live with sb. 和某人住在一起 4.w......



    新起点小学一年级英语教案 Unit2 Body

    Unit2Body 教学目标 1.能够对英语学习产生较为浓厚的兴趣。 2.能够在本单元涉及的情景中听懂并且说出表示脸和五官的英语单词。 3.能够听懂教师的指令,并做出相应的反应。 4.能......


    Unit 2 Healthy eating Period 3 Learning about language: Grammar 整体设计 教材分析 This is the third teaching period of this unit. To test whether students have......

    (人教新起点)一年级英语教案 Uint5 Numbers.

    Unit5 Numbers 第四课时 课前准备 1.教学录音磁带。 2.教学挂图。 3.教学投影片。 4.书、铅笔、尺子、橡皮等文具。 5.动物图片。 6.数字卡片(1至10)。 教学内容 A Look and chant......


    教学内容:Recycle 教学目标和要求: 1、Try t understand the story 2、Try to cat the story 教学重点:Let’s act 教学难点:Let’s act 教学用具:Tape/recorder 教学过程: St......


    Unit 14 That's mine! 一、教学目标与要求 通过本单元教学,使学生能初步运用所学英语,就物体的所属者是谁(ownership)进行提问与应答,并正确使用有关句型及两种不同形式的物主......


    Unit l2Ican'tseeit! 一、教学目标与要求 通过本单元教学,使学生进一步提高运用英语表达物体所在位置(空间)的能力。进一步学习情态动词can的用法,并继续认读6个国际音标。 二......