冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 24教学设计(精选五篇)

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第一篇:冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 24教学设计

秦安县莲花中学英语教研组 马建忠


秦安县莲花中学英语教研组 马建忠



set up a time to do....2.掌握重点句型

I know how to download e-books online.3.能正确地使用网络和计算机帮自己的学习和生活




三、教学步骤 Step 1:Lead-in

Ask and answer this question to lead into the new lesson.What do you usually do on the Internet? Step 2: Present and explain the aims and main steps of this lesson.1.掌握重点短语:

set up a time to do....2.掌握重点句型

I know how to download e-books online.3.能正确地使用网络和计算机帮自己的学习和生活

Step 3: Finish Task I

Listen and write true or false to get the main idea of the text.

秦安县莲花中学英语教研组 马建忠

(Finish part I in “Let's Do It”)Step 4:Group-work

1.Read the text and underline the difficult sentences.2.Work in groups to discuss the sentences that you have underlined.Sum up the language notes from them.Step 5:Presentation and Explanation

1.Present the difficult sentences and the language notes that you have summed up in your group.And explain them to your class.2.Teacher Explain the remaining difficult points:

(1)How often do you use your computer for work, study or fun?

how often提问频率,意为“多久一次”,一次once, 二次twice,三次以上,基数词+times。

(2)Can we set up a time to go online together?

set up a time to do....约个时间做某事

set up


(3)It can give me directions to anywhere I want to go.anywhere用于肯定句中,表示:任何地方,本句是定语从句,where省略了 direction复数形式directions,表示“指示;说明”。

(4)I know how to download e-books online.A.疑问词+动词不定式,可以作宾语。


秦安县莲花中学英语教研组 马建忠


Step 6:finish the following exercises to feed-back



1.I_____(learn)how to use the computer.2.The Internet is so______(help).3.I ______(chat)with you some day.4.Can you tell how______(download)the song? 5.I______(find)my lost pen yesterday.6.We should ________(确定一个时间)to have a meeting.The Keys: 1.have learned 2.helpful 3.will chat

4.to download 5.found 6.set up a time Step 7:Homework 1.Remember the language notes in this lesson.2.Finish the exercises in Unit Review.四、教学反思:


第二篇:冀教版九年级英语下册Lesson 2教学设计

学科:英语班级:九年级(3)班授课人: 何伟

Lesson 2 Poems About Nature 教学设计

一、Content of course:冀教版九年级英语下册Lesson 2 Poems About Nature

二、Teaching aims:

1、Knowledge aim:能理解文意;掌握重点词汇:mind, clear, brave, golden, warmth, scene, start…with…,related to, name, imagination等。

2、Ability aim:引导学生分析课文,理解文意,提高学生的阅读理解能力。

3、Emotion aim:欣赏优美诗句,让学生感受大自然的美,热爱大自然。

三、Focal points:


四、Difficult points:


五、Teaching methods:


六、Learning methods:


七、Teaching preparation:


八、Teaching steps:

Step 1: Leading-in:

Listen to the music, imagine what scenry(风景)itdescribes.(欣赏名曲《在云端》)

How wonderful the piece of music is, isn’t it? It’s a description of the nature.Can you see the clouds and fog(雾)flying among the high mountain? Can you hear some birds singing?

How beautiful our nature is!Do you think so? Do you like the nature?

What do you like best about the nature?Wouldn’t you like to express your feelings about the nature in some ways? Yes or No?Music can express your feelings about it, we can also express our feelings with poems.What’s your favourite poem about the nature?Do you like the poem named “沁园春·雪” which is written by Mao Zedong?(让学生齐声背诵)Do you want to write the poem by yourself?

板书课题:Lesson 2 Poems About Nature

Step 2: Appreciate the poem on page 2 in the student book 6.Have you previewed(预习)the text in Lesson 2?Do you like the poem in this text?

Would you like to share it with us in Chinese?(播放背景音乐《小溪流水》,朗读汉语诗歌。)

Hills, loud with new water, running swiftly under ice as clear as glass.泉水在清澈如镜的冰下急速流淌,唤醒了寂静的山冈。

Flowers, tiny, brave and bright in the old snow.不畏严寒的花朵在残雪中绽放。

Trees, smelling fresh with life, leaves opening slowly under the pale blue sky.树木充满了生机,绿叶在淡蓝的天空下慢慢的舒张。

Sun, warm and golden, softly kissing the earth.温暖金黄的太阳,温柔地亲吻着大地。

Step 3:Solve the difficult sentences

We have previewed the text in Lesson 2 this morning, now point out anything that you can’t understand.1.Here are some ideas for a nature poem.2.Start each line in your poem with a word related to(和…有关)the scene.3.You can express yourself by telling how something looks, feels, sounds, smells or tastes.4.Name things about winter that you can say in English.Language points:


1.nature-natural 2.clear-clearly 3.swift-swiftly 4.gold-golden 5.soft-softly 6.warm-warmth 7.relate-related8.leaf-leaves9.imagine-imagination


1.When you read this poem,do you see a picture in your mind? mind v.&n.介意,反对;头脑,思想,智力。eg:-Would you mind my using your dictionary?

肯定回答:Yes,you’d better not./ 否定回答:No,not at all.或Never mind.2.Hills,loud with new water,running swiftly under ice as clear as glass.clear adj.明亮的、清澈的、容易看见的、听得清的、头脑清楚地、明确的、明白的 Eg:(1)Look at the clear glass of the window.(2)The water in the lake is clear.(3)Look at the clear photo.(4)Her voice was very clear.(5)He is old, but he is a clear man.(6)I’m still not clear what I will do.(7)Are you clear?

3.Trees,smelling fresh with life, leaves opening slowly under the pale blue sky.pale adj.浅的、苍白的、灰白的 Eg:(1)The sky is pale blue.(2)His face looked pale.(3)The wall is pale.4.Flowers,tiny,brave and bright in the old snow.Tiny adj.微小的Eg:There is a tiny insect(昆虫)on the flower.5.Sun,warm and golden, softly kissing the earth.softly adv.轻柔的、温柔的 Eg:The wind blows softly.三、固定短语

start … with … /start doing sth./start to do sth.Eg:(1)We can start to help others with something around us.(2)Let’s start to do/doing exercises.四、易混词辨析:

1.scene adj.场面、场景、风景;scenery adj.风景、景色 Eg:(1)What a quiet but lively scene!(2)How terrible the scene is!

(3)This is a peaceful(宁静的)country scene.2.gold n.&adj.金子,金的;goldenadj.金色的Eg: The girl hair, and she is necklace(项链)which is made,阳光), we can’t open our eyes.(gold, golden).be related to与主语构成主系表结构;related to作后置定语 Eg:(1)Your aunt is related to your father.=Your aunt is someone who related to your father.(2)The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop of the oil price.生活费用下降直接与石油价格下跌有关。Step 4:Exercises in the class


1.The yard isn’(leaf)are here and there.(warm)of the sun on a fine day.(sit)beside your seat?


1.think of, think about, think over

(1)He often his happy life in his childhood..a math problem.2.gold, golden

medals at the Beijing Olympics.’

3.related to, be related to

雾)。Step 5:Summarize


1.nature-natural 2.clear-clearly 3.swift-swiftly 4.gold-golden 5.soft-softly6.warm-warmth7.relate-related8.leaf-leaves9.imagine-imagination


1.mind v.&n.介意,反对;头脑,思想,智力。肯定:Yes, you’d better not.否定:No, not at all.或Never mind.2.clear adj.明亮的、清澈的、容易看见的、听得清的、头脑清楚地、明确的、明白的 3.pale adj.浅的、苍白的、灰白的


start … with … / start doing sth./ start to do sth.四、易混词辨析:

1.scene adj.场面、场景、风景;scenery adj.风景、景色 2.gold n.&adj.金子,金的;goldenadj.金色的3.be related to构成系表结构;related to作后置定语

Step 6:Create your own poem.Look the picture related to the nature,finish the poem which can describe it.Night, so_____ and______(feelings and colour)

____, _____(size and colour)stars, A_____(temperature)wind blows______(adverb)on my face.(adverb)a______ ,______(feelings and age)song.九、Blackboard writing:

一、词形变换: 1.nature-natural

2.clear-clearly 3.swift-swiftly 4.gold-golden 5.soft-softly 6.warm-warmth 7.leaf-leaves 8.relate-related9.imagine-imagination


1.mind v.&n.介意,反对;头 脑,思想,智力。

肯定:Yes, you’d better not.否定:No, not at all.或Never mind.2.clear adj.明亮的、清澈的、容易看见的、听得清的、头脑清楚地、明确的、明白的 3.pale adj.浅的、苍白的、灰白的三、固定短语 start … with … / start

doing sth./ start to do sth.四、易混词辨析: 1.scene adj.场面、场景、风景;scenery adj.风景、景色

2.gold n.&adj.金子,金的;goldenadj.金色的 3.be related to和主语构成主系表结构;related to作后置定语



1.I think this matterthem.If you don’t think so, you can ask them.(与…有关)。2.This is如此清澈的河流)。

3. them to visit my garden.(通过邀请…的方式)。4.以…开始)。


十一、Exercises:2010-2011《学英语》第13期第三版Lesson 2

十二、Teaching feedback:

第三篇:冀教版英语四年级上Lesson 10教学设计

Lesson 10 Brush and Wash 教学设计





1、知识与技能:学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇: wash , face 学生能认读、理解和运用基本的句型结构: What do you do in the _________ ?


在日常情境中观察并运用简单的英语句子如:I brush my teeth.I brush my hair.I wash my face.I put on my clothes.对话; 2 养成听录音、跟读句子的习惯;3 课上集中精神;4 积极向老师或其他同学提问,课上或课下与老师或同学们用所学的英语句子进行交流。




教学重点:wash , face ,教学难点:What do you do in the ________?


四、教材分析:本课贴近现实生活,描述动作句型较简单I ···


五、学生分析: 四年级学生处在好动的时期,注意力集中时间较短,喜欢做游戏、做动作。本班的学生基础不很扎实,发音、口语水平一般,在这两方面需要多加训练,在课堂上应把更多的时间让给学生,让学生在说的过程中加深印象,获得知识。




Class opening and review

1、Greeting T:Good morning class!Do you like your bedroom ? S: Yes , I do!T: What do you do in your bedroom ? S: I make my bed./ I clean my bedroom./ I read books./··· Review what we have learned in the past lessons : Teacher do the actions in lesson 7~lesson 9 , students say in English aloud(设计意图:让新旧知识之间有一个过渡,熟悉在以往课程中已经说过的今天要接触到的句型。)Lesson Hook Ask questions : What do you do in the morning ?

2、Show the toothbrush.Ask question : What’s this class ?(学生摇头)

Teacher : It’s a toothbrush.Read after me “toothbrush”.Teacher uses it to brush teeth and says : I brush my teeth.Read after me “I brush my teeth.” Pass the toothbrush to students , they are saying and doing the action one by one.Show the comb , “I brush my hair.” say it together.Do the action and say “I wash my face.” , students do and say aloud.Write on the blackboard : wash face(Read together aloud.)Show teacher’s coat , put it on and say “I put on my clothes.”.Students do and say it.(设计意图:四年级学生还处于爱动的学段,做动作是他们喜欢一种学习方式,通过做动作还可以吸引他们的注意力。让他们在注意力集中的情况下渗透知识。)


Let one student come to the front , he / she say sentences , others do the actions.Let one student come to the front , others say the sentence one by one , the one in front of them do the actions.Teacher ask question : What do you do in the morning ?

Ask students and let them answer.Write on the blackboard : What do you do in the _______ ?(设计意图:学以致用,变换情景或方式让学生张口说句子,通过游戏的方式让学生们身心参与其中,在情境中学习,把英语句子直接和动作对应起来,记得牢固。)

4、Listen to the tape Part 1 , read after it.(设计意图:纠正发音,让学生再次听读,加深印象。)

5、Part 2 Let’s do it!

Number 1

Deskmates do the dialogue.Number 2 Do the exercise , fill in the circles , read the sentences group by group , do the actions.(设计意图:通过做书上的练习,复习之前所学内容,将知识串联起来,避免知识断节。)

6、Read sentences in Part 1 again , repeat the new words and spell them.(设计意图:再次回顾本课重难点,加深印象,做到学有所获。)




——What do you do in the ______ ?

—— I

brush my teeth.brush my hair.wash my face.put on my clothes.九、作业

1、Listen to the tape twice , read lesson 10.2、Make dialogues “——What do you do in the morning ?” “——I ···”


在lesson 10的教学过程中,我比较注重让学生通过动作来学习、加深印象,在做动作的过程中学生们的反应很热烈,看得出孩子们喜欢这种学习方式。在让学生来讲台前时可以看出一部分同学还是放不开,害羞的,影响自己的发挥,效果不是很好。但有的同学大方利落,和下边的同学配合得很好,应该让学生们多做这类练习,增长胆量。

在Part 2 Read and match 环节有的学生发音不准,在纠正发音上花的时间稍多。在课下还应强调、关注学生们听读作业的完成情况,让学生在课下养成多听多读的习惯。

第四篇:冀教版五年级上册英语Lesson 7 教学设计

Lesson 7:China 教学目标:

1.知识目标:学生可以读,写,说出并听懂China, speak, Chinese和the capital city。

2.能力目标:学生通过学习,能用英语简单介绍中国。能理解运用句型 This is...3.情感目标:加强对自己的祖国------中国的自豪感。培养学生的跨文化意识.教学重难点: 学生能用所学知识介绍自己的祖国。教具、学具: 教学卡片,中国地图,世界地图。教学过程: StepⅠ.Warm-up 1.Greeting.2.play a game(设计意图:用有趣的游戏激发同学们的学习兴趣,让学生自主进入英语的世界,为下面的学习作好 铺垫)Step2.Presentation 1.用一张地图演示China,提醒学生注意单词的首字母要大写,及China的形容词的书写。从而揭示课题


3.检查学生的预习情况,并对单词进行检测。(通过一个小小游戏What’s the missing? 看看学生的记忆力及观察力,以助于更好的记忆词汇)4.通过合作学习(我来教你来学这个环节,发挥学生的小组合作的作用,自主的完成课本第一部分)

(1).用课件演示:教师通过出示世界地图和中国地图并提问引起学生积极思考的兴趣,引导学生学习。(地图)This is a map of the world.This is a map of China.This is a map of our country.We live in China.We speak Chinese.(2)。The capital city.What’s the capital city of China? It’s Beijing.Beijing is the capital city of China.(3).Flag.China’s flag is red.It has five yellow stars on it.(强调Star的复数)5.Free talk(通过这个环节,让学生说一说自己知道的中国的名胜古迹。)然后教师一起跟学生学习这些 Famous places in China Step3.Practice(1)根据提示,按课文内容填空 This is a map of ____.We live in ____.We speak ____.China’s flag is ____.____ Square and the Palace Museum are in Beijing.(2).In pairs.Say sth about China.(每个学生轮流向小组成员介绍中国,介绍中必须用到的几句话)I live in China.I speak Chinese.Beijing is the capital city of China.Step4.Consolidation Make a survey(在班内做总结性调查)Step5.Homework: 介绍并写一写China。板书设计:

Lesson 7:China Beijing is the capital city of China

I speak Chinese.这节英语课教学以学生为主体,以训练为主线,以能力的培养为宗旨。倡导积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,使学生在教师的指导下,处理遇到的问题,通过感知、实践、参与和合作等学习方法完成任务,感受成功。

第五篇:冀教版三年级英语下册Lesson 5说课稿

冀教版三年级英语下册Lesson 5:Where?说课稿

四坝小学 李蓉

今天我说课的题目是冀教版小学三年级英语下册Lesson5 where?说课的内容包括说教材,说学生,说教法和学法,说学习过程。



本课第一部分通过Danny询问Janny,猫在哪儿,引出了对一些常见的方位词on in under 的学习,同时也让学生加深对已经学过的Where is it?句型的理解和运用。教学内容直观形象,贴近学生生活,便于学生理解和接受。


(1)能正确地听、说、读、写on in under box(2)能综合运用所学的语句进行交际。Where is ___ ? It’s oninunder ___..What’s in the box? It’s aan___.3、教学重点和难点

重点:学生能听、说和认读on in under box等单词,及理解和运用句型:Where is ___ ? It’s oninunder ___..难点:能够对单词快速认读和清晰发音。











2、呈现 为了渲染轻松气氛,激起学生的兴趣,我出示一只跳舞的猫咪。并出示各种方位的猫咪进行本课新单词的教学,并用句型来问答。板书句型和单词,一一呈现,并进行示范领读。



(2)通过出示总结猫咪方位的幻灯片,练读句子。运用手势再次进行on in under的教学,并请学生运用图片演示。用动手的方式继续吸引学生的注意力。

(3)用礼物活跃气氛,引入What’s in the box?的学习。(当然,所有的单词都不是随便朗读出来的,而是像我们学过的汉字一样是有拼音的,而这些拼音便是英语中的音标)并在课堂最后进行简单的音标讲解。







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