大学体验英语2 第八单元PA原文加翻译(共5篇)

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第一篇:大学体验英语2 第八单元PA原文加翻译

Unit8 You Are the Weakest Link, Goodbye

Do you remember the good old days? 还记得美好的往日时光吗?

Innocent times spent sharing documents and executable files without a care in the world.在那样的纯真年代,我们共享文档和可执行文件,根本没有半点顾虑。

Okay, every month or so you might encounter a boot sector virusoften without the user even knowing.杀毒软件确实能检测出用户会碰到的绝大多数病毒,而且往往在用户毫不察觉时就已经处理完毕。However, the software must be updated regularly, preferably daily in any large company.然而,软件必须定期更新,大公司则最好是每天更新一次。Even then, a very new virus can infect your users.即使是这样,新的病毒也还是可能感染用户。

With the rapid transmission of files through networks and the Internet, a virus can spread a considerable distance before it can be identified and protected against.通过网络和互联网,文件可以快速地传输,等到人们发现一种病毒并加以防范时,病毒可能已经扩散到了相当的范围。

Fortunately, only a few viruses ever do this but the likes of Melissa and the Love Bug can inflict serious damage before their progress is stopped.好在只有少数几种病毒有这么大的破坏力,不过像梅利莎和爱虫病毒则是例外,人们还来不及制止,它们就已经造成了严重的破坏。

Whilst employees become suddenly aware during the ensuing media excitement, they soon forget about the virus threat as the stories disappear from the news headlines.然后媒体轰动,员工会突然警觉起来,但一旦新闻头条不再报道这些事件,他们就会很快将其抛之脑后。

This is the danger.这正是危险所在。

Complacency can set in when there is no perceived “action” on the virus front with no global crisis, and the importance of being vigilant about viruses recedes in your users' minds.若病毒战线没有能察觉到的“大动作”,也没有全球性的危机,人们就会洋洋自得,对病毒保持警惕的重要性的意识就会在用户的脑子中渐渐淡化。

They forget what the big deal was in the first place-after all, the anti-virus software deals with the viruses, doesn't it?

他们会忘掉这件首要大事——毕竟杀毒软件会对付病毒,不是吗? And isn't it the IT department's job to look after this sort of thing?


Before you know it your users are opening unsolicited attachments once more, downloading unauthorized software, and putting your company's data and credibility at risk.你还没有反应过来,用户们又一次打开了来历不明的附件,下载了非法软件,将公司的数据资料和信誉置于危险之中。

All because the users think that they are working in a safe environment.这一切都是因为用户们认为他们的操作环境很安全。

Employees see anti-virus software, firewalls and IT departments as guarantees that their computers will work and will be safe.员工们认为杀毒软件、防火墙以及IT部门足以保障他们的计算机正常运作,而且没有危险。Of course, there aren't any guarantees.实保障根本没有的。

Anti-virus software plays one, albeit important, part in the defense of your company from malicious attack but the security of your computer system is only as strong as the weakest link.And that, more often than not, is the human factor.毒软件的作用固然很重要,但在保护公司不受恶意攻击的战斗中,只能起到一定的作用。公司的计算机系统安全与否实际上系于最薄弱的一个环节,而这个环节往往就是人的因素。

No employer wants to come across as a killjoy or an ogre.身为雇主,谁都不愿扮演令人扫兴或者令人生畏的角色。

Most will willingly accept that the happiest employees are those who feel that they are respected and trusted by their employer.大多数人都愿意相信,员工若能感受到雇主的尊重和信任,肯定会很开心的。

Many companies accept that employees will send and receive a certain amount of personal email and make the odd personal telephone call.很多公司都默许员工接发一定数量的私人电子邮件,偶尔打一两个私人电话。

However, the worry comes when employees start risking company security in pursuit of personal amusement.但是,如果员工为了追求个人乐趣而置公司安全于不顾,就着实堪忧了。

Funny screensavers and games downloaded from the Internet can seem harmless enough but they could easily be harboring a dangerous virus.从互联网上下载有趣的屏保或者游戏,看起来好像没有危险,不过它们很可能是危险病毒的藏身之所。

Software downloaded from the net is often unlicensed and unsupported, and may cause conflicts with existing software in use at your company.从网上下载的软件经常是无使用授权的,而且不提供支持,可能与公司使用的其他软件发生冲突。

Unlicensed, pirated software is an ideal vector for a computer virus.未经许可的盗版软件是计算机病毒的理想的携带者。

Virus writers and hackers often use such software as the ideal “kick-start” for their virus distribution.制造病毒者以及黑客们经常利用这类软件作为病毒扩散的理想开端。

It is vitally important that employees be educated about the virus threat but this cannot be a one-off event.对员工进行有关病毒危害的教育至关重要,但这种教育不能一劳永逸。

The potential threat should always be in the back of an employee's mind and precautionary measures should be taken as a matter of course.员工的潜意识里应该随时留意潜在的危险,而且应该总是采取防范措施。

There is no harm in reminding people about what could happen if they let their guard down.应该提醒人们如果放松警惕会有什么后果。

In the end, education is the key to a virus-free environment and this is a continual process.归根结底,营造无病毒环境,教育才是关键,而且应该坚持不懈。It may not be the most exciting thing on the agenda but it works.这可能不是日程表上最激动人心的事,但是行之有效。The lesson is simple.道理很简单。

You can have the best software in the world protecting your company's defenses;你也许拥有世界上最好的软件来保护公司的防护系统; you can even be the biggest IT company in the world;甚至可能是世界上最大的IT公司;

but without your users practicing safe computing they will always be the weakest link.但如果你的用户不注意计算机的使用安全,他们将始终是最薄弱的环节。

第二篇:大学体验英语2 第三单元PA原文及翻译

Unit3AThe Ad Council at a Glance

You may not immediately know us by name, but you do know us.你可能不太清楚我们的名字,不过你肯定知道我们。

For 59 years, the Ad Council has created timely and compelling public service messages for our nation.59年来,广告委员会为美国创作了大量公益广告,出手及时,引人入胜。

Our slogans and characters are more than memorableour children.1995年,为了最大限度地发挥所有这些运动的影响力,广告委员会的董事会一致投票决定采取一项新的倡议,为期十年,来帮助不能为自己说话的美国人——美国儿童。

Dubbed “Commitment 2000,” its objective is to raise awareness and stimulate individuals to take positive action, so that our nation's children will have a better chance of achieving their full potential.该项行动名为“承诺2000”,目的是提高认识,激励个人采取积极行动,使美国儿童能有更好的机会来充分发挥他们的潜力。

For the past two years the Ad Council has been frequently listed as a Top 25 Internet Advertiser, according to Nielsen/NetRatings rankings, registering approximately 11 billion impressions in 2000.根据尼尔森网络测评公司的排名,在过去的两年中,广告委员会在互联网广告商中的排名一般都在前25位,2000年的点击量约为110亿次。

The organization's Website, 上介绍了所有的这些运动。

The Ad Council's pledge is to remain committed and vigilant in establishing a foothold for public service advertising in a rapidly changing media landscape.广告委员会保证,要在这个瞬息万变的传媒世界,为公益广告建立一个立足之地,并且 忠于职守,保持警觉。

Since the tragedies of September 11th, Americans have experienced profound grief and immobilizing fear that has shaken beliefs, threatened security and deepened the economic decline.9月11日的惨剧之后,美国人极为悲痛,恐惧心理挥之不去,信仰开始动摇,安全受到威胁,经济下降更趋严重。

The Ad Council reached out to the federal government as well as important national non-profits with an offer to create and also distribute their crisis-related messages to media outlets nationwide.广告委员会主动联系联邦政府及美国重要的非赢利机构,提出创作与危机相关的公益广告,在全国媒体播出。

These new messages are designed to inform, inspire and involve all Americans to participate in activities that will strengthen the nation and help win the war on terrorism.这些新广告的设计理念是教育和激励全体美国人民积极行动起来,使美国人民坚强起来,为最终战胜恐怖主义贡献力量。

第三篇:大学体验英语2 第五单元PA原文及翻译

Unit5 My Advice to Students: Education Counts

Hundreds of students send me e-mail each year asking for advice about education.每年都有数以百计的学生给我发电子邮件,要我就接受教育给他们提建议。

They want to know what to study, or whether it's okay to drop out of college since that's what I did.他们想知道该学些什么,或者可不可以从大学辍学,因为我就没有读完大学。A smaller number of parents send messages, seeking guidance for their son or daughter.也有不少家长给我写信,为子女寻求指导。

“How can we steer our child toward success?” they ask.他们问:“我们怎样才能把孩子引向成功之路?”

My basic advice is simple and heartfelt: Get the best education you can.Take advantage of high school and college.Learn how to learn.我的基本忠告很简单,而且是发自内心的:全力获得最佳教育,充分利用高中和大学,学会如何学习。

It's true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft, but I was at Harvard for three years before dropping out--and I'd love to have the time to go back.不错,为创建微软,我未完成大学学业,不过辍学之前我已经在哈佛呆了三年,而且我真心希望有一天能重返校园。

As I've said before, nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime.And even then they should reconsider.以前我也说过,谁也不应该辍学,除非他坚信自己正面临着一个一生仅有一次的机会,但就算在那个时候也还是应该深思熟虑。

Kathy Cridland, a sixth-grade teacher in Ohio, wrote to say, “Several of my students claim that you never finished high school.Since you are a success, my students perceive that as a reason not to care much about getting a good education.”

在俄亥俄州教六年级的老师凯西•克里德兰写道,“我的好几个学生声称你根本没有读完高中。因为你成功了,我的学生就觉得他们也可以不必要接受良好的教育。” I finished high school!


The computer industry has lots of people who didn't finish college, but I'm not aware of any success stories that began with somebody dropping out of high school.计算机行业中确实有很多人没有读完大学,但是我从来没有见过有谁高中没读完就成功创业的。

I actually don't know any high school dropouts, let alone any successful ones.确切地说,我认识的人当中根本没有高中辍学的,更没有高中辍学后事业成功的。

In my company's early years we had a bright part-time programmer who threatened to drop out of high school to work full-time.We told him no.我的公司创立早期,有一个相当出色的兼职程序员,声称要从高中辍学来做全职。我们叫他不要这么做。

Quite a few of our people didn't finish college, but we discourage dropping out.我们公司里确实有好些人没有读完大学,但我们不希望人们辍学。

Having a diploma certainly helps somebody who is looking to us for a job.谁要想在我们公司谋职,有毕业证书肯定会优先考虑。

College isn't the only place where information exists.You can learn in a library.不一定只有在大学才能获取信息,在图书馆也可以学习。

But somebody handing you a book doesn't automatically foster learning.但人家递给你一本书并不能自动地让你学到东西。

You want to learn with other people, ask questions, try out ideas and have a way to test your ability.It usually takes more than just a book.你需要向别人学习,提问题,将设想付诸实施,设法验证自己的能力。这一切,往往不是读一两本书就可以做得到的。

Education should be broad, although it's fine to have deep interests, too.接受的教育应该是广泛的,虽然对某些领域情有独钟也不失为一件好事。

In high school there were periods when I was highly focused on writing software, but for most of my high school years I had wide-ranging academic interests.读高中时,我有一段时间醉心于软件编写,但大部分时间里,我的学习兴趣相当广泛。My parents encouraged this, and I'm grateful that they did.我父母鼓励我这么做,对此我感激不尽。

Although I attended a lot of different kinds of classes in college, I signed up for only one computer class the whole time.I read about all kinds of things.大学期间,我修了很多不同的课程,但我从头至尾只选修了一门计算机课。我读书涉猎很广。

One parent wrote me that her 15-year-old son “lost himself in the hole of the computer.” 有位家长写信说,她15岁的儿子“钻进计算机无底洞里了”。

He got an A in website design, but other grades were sinking, she said.他的网站设计课得了“A”,但别的科目分数都在下降,她写道。

This boy is making a mistake.这个孩子犯了一个错误。

High school and college offer you the best chance to learn broadlyand to do projects with other kids that teach you first-hand about group dynamics.高中和大学给你提供了最佳机会,你可以广泛学习——数学,历史,各种学科——有机会跟着别的孩子一起做项目,亲身感受到群体的动力。

It's fine to take a deep interest in computers, dance, language or any other discipline, but not if it jeopardizes breadth.你对计算机、舞蹈、语言或其他任何的科目有深入的兴趣也无可厚非,但太偏执而舍弃学习广度就不是一件好事了。

If you fall into an obsessive pattern in high school, you've got two problems.如果高中阶段兴趣过于集中,你会面临两个问题。One is that you're unlikely to change when you go to college.第一个就是进了大学以后你很可能没法改变。

The other is that if you don't get reasonably good grades, it's hard to go to a college that has the highly motivated, capable students who can really help you learn about the world.另一个问题就是如果分数不够高,你就很难考入大学,而无法向那些积极性很高,很有才能的学生一起学习,他们可以真正帮助你了解这个世界。

In college it's appropriate to think about specialization.大学期间可以适当考虑专业的问题。

Getting real expertise in an area of interest can lead to success--unless the specialty ends up being a dead end or you're not good at.深入掌握自己感兴趣的领域的专业知识,能够引导你走向成功,除非这个专业没有发展前途,或者你并不很擅长这个方面。

Graduate school is one way to get specialized knowledge, although extended college education isn't always a good investment from a purely economic standpoint.读研究生是获取专业知识的一个途径,虽然从纯经济角度来看,大学毕业后再接受教育不一定算是明智的投资。

第四篇:大学体验英语2 二单元PA原文及翻译

Unit2AYour Dream Job:A Click Away

Less than a month from graduation day, Theresa Smith of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois,had yet to find the right job.还有不到一个月就要毕业了,特里萨•史密斯还没找到合适的工作,她就读于位于伊利诺州埃文斯顿的西北大学。

The career placement center referred the liberal-arts major to JOB-TANK, an Internet site listing 45000 entry-level positions.就业指导中心建议这位文科生去查查JOB-TRAK网站,该网站上列出了45,000个初级水平的职位。

Smith selected four keywords: Chicago,business, marketing and full-time.史密斯选择了四个关键词:芝加哥,商务,营销,全职。

Immediately she found 45 jobs meeting her criteria, including one as assistant to an administrator at the University if Chicago’s business school.她马上就找到45个工作合乎她的标准,其中一个是芝加哥商业学院行政助理。

Four weeks later she was hired at a starting salary of $32000.四个星期以后,她得到了这份工作,底薪32,000美元。

“I had no training,” says Smith, “but the Internet was extremely easy to use.I’d never have known about this job without it.”


Smith is one Ameracain who clicked her way into a job.Steven Tools is another.不少美国人鼠标一点,就找到了自己的工作。史密斯是其中一个,另一个例子是斯蒂芬•图尔斯。

In 1996, the Rockville,Md.,resident came across an employment site named CareerBuilder.他住在马里兰州的罗科维尔,1996年无意中进到一个招聘网站CareerBuilder。

He had just been promoted to director of marketing for a company that produces tradeshow exhibits and wasn’t looking for a job.他在一家生产商展展品的公司工作,刚被提升为营销总管,并不想换工作。

But curious,he decided to “give it a try.”


Tools filled out a profile with the keywords marketing manager and entered his e-mail address.图尔斯填写了一份简历,关键词是market manager(行销经理),并输入了自己的电子邮箱地址。

Within a week his computer’s mailbox was filling up with available positions.不到一个星期,他的邮箱里就塞满了可供选择的职位。

Two interviews later he jumped to a new job.他去了两家公司面试,然后就跳槽了。

“The Internet is like hiring a personal assistant.” says Tools.“Effortlessly you can become aware of opportunities that may elevate your career.”


Even a couple of years ago, most job listings on the Internet were in high-tech fields.仅在两年以前,因特网上提供的工作绝大部分还局限于高科技领域。

Today, non-technical jobs — salesclecks, bank tellers, secretaries, for example — are the fastest growing segment of Internet employment opportunities.现在,非技术性的工作,如售货员、银行职员、秘书等,是网上招聘机会增长最为迅速的部分。

Most major newspapers and trade publications have online versions of their classified listings, enabling job-seekers to scan for work available across town, in another state, or around the world.大型报纸和专业出版物的分类广告大多都有在线版,求职者能搜索到市内、国内甚至国外的一些工作机会。

Madeline Gragg and Nedzad Dozlic are still another two who clicked their luck online.马德琳•格拉格和内德扎德•多兹里克也是通过轻点鼠标,在网上碰到了好运。

In 1996, Madeline Gragg, a 28-year-old high school teacher from St.louis, wanted a change.1996年,圣路易斯的一名高中老师,28岁的马德琳•格拉格,想换个工作。

When a friend mentioned teaching English in Japan, Gragg was intrigued.有个朋友提到在日本教书的事,格拉格很感兴趣。

She visited the popular Yahoo!website and typed teaching English in japan for a list of employment opportunities.She then followed the procedure for the online application.她访问了著名的yahoo!网站,输入了teaching English in Japan(在日本教英语),找到了一个招聘机会的列表,然后按照在线申请的要求提交了申请。

A week later she received a call and set up an interview with a recruiter in Chicago and got the job.一星期后,她接到一个电话,与芝加哥的一名招聘人员进行了面试,得到了这份工作。

Nedzad Dozlic, 27 years old, was scanning the Houston Chronicle website for the latest baseball trades.27岁的内德扎德•多兹里克,当时在浏览Houston Chronicle网站,了解最新的棒球消息。While online, he decided to check out the classified ads and spotted a job for a driver at a local car dealership.在线时,他查看了分类广告,发现一家当地的汽车交易商招聘司机。

A refugee of the war in Bosnia, Dozlic had had a variety of jobs but was now really for something new.多兹里克是波斯尼亚的战争难民,曾从事过多种不同的工作,但现在他想换个工作。

He read more about the position on the dealer’s Internet site and called the number listed, Two days later he was hired.他从该交易商的网站上了解了该职位的更多情况,然后拨通了上面提供的电话。两天后,他被雇用了。

“It’s really funny,” he says, “I was just checking sports, and I ended up with a better job.” “真有意思,”他说,“我本来只是在查看体育消息,结果却找到了一份更好的工作。”

Another valuable use of the Internet is to research potential employers.因特网的另一个好处在于你能够搜索到一些可能的雇主。

When Wendy Mello started her job search in the summer of 1997, she logged on to CareerBuilder, where she learned of a human resources opening in Arbition, a media-information-services company in Columbia, Maryland.1997年夏天,温蒂•梅洛开始找工作,她登录到CareerBuilder网站,发现在马里兰州哥伦比亚的Artitron媒体信息服务公司的人力资源部有一个空缺。

With a click of her mouse, Mello sent her resume to the company via e-mail and soon received an invitation for an interview.梅洛鼠标一点,用电子邮件把简历寄到了该公司,很快就收到面试通知。

To find out more about the company, she clicked on to Arbitron’s home page and that of its parent company, Ceridian Corp.,where she reviewed an annual report and the company’s financial performance.为了了解该公司的更多情况,她又点击了Artitron的主页,以及它的母公司Ceridian Corp.的主页,查看了一份该公司的报告及其财政状况

Mello also wanted to know how much she’d have to earn to maintain her present standard of living.梅洛还想了解,要想维持现有的生活水平,自己该赚多少钱。

Using an online salary calculator, she typed in her current salary, $34000, and Baltimore(the nearest big city to Columbia).她使用在线薪酬计算器,把自己目前的收入$34,000输进去,再输入Baltimore(巴尔的摩,离哥伦比亚最近的大城市)。

Within seconds her computer flashed $44000.短短几秒钟后,电脑屏幕上就闪现出$44,000。

“Because of the salary calculator, I knew what to ask for,” says Mello.“因为有了这个薪酬计算器,我才知道自己该要多少薪水,”梅洛说。

By accessing an online real estate service, she saw color photos of rental properties, including detailed floor plans.通过上网进入一家在线房地产服务公司网站,梅洛看到了可供租用的房子的彩色照片,包括很详细的楼面格局图。

When Mello arrived in Columbia, she felt completely prepared.梅洛来到哥伦比亚时,她觉得自己完全做好了准备。

The interview was a success, and the next day she was offered a job at a salary of $47800.面试成功了,第二天,她就得到了一份工作,薪金是47,800美元。

“The Internet is easy to use and it works,” says one job seeker, “What more could you want?”











牛津、斯坦福和耶鲁三所大学最近合作开发了 “远程学习”项目“终生学习联盟”,该项目将提供文科和理科的在线课程。



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