中英文 宋涛副部长在上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别国际会议上的讲话_

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第一篇:中英文 宋涛副部长在上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别国际会议上的讲话_



Remarks of Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao At the Special Conference on Afghanistan Convened Under the Auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Moscow, 27 March 2009


Mr.Chairman,Dear Colleagues,首先,我代表中方对上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别国际会议成功召开表示祝贺,感谢东道国俄罗斯为会议所做的精心准备和周到安排。

First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of China, congratulations on the successful opening of the Special Conference on Afghanistan convened under the auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO).I would like to thank Russia, the hosting country, for making good preparations and thoughtful arrangements for the conference.本次会议是上海合作组织框架内首次就阿富汗问题举行的专门国际会议,在新的国际和地区政治、安全、经济形势下,具有特殊意义。

This conference is the first within the SCO framework that focuses solely on the issue of Afghanistan.It is highly relevant given the new international and regional political, security and economic situations.近年来,在阿政府和人民的共同努力以及国际社会的大力支持下,阿和平进程与经济重建取得了积极进展,不断迈向稳定发展的目标。同时也要看到,阿国内局势仍存在诸多不稳定因素,特别是面临恐怖主义回潮、毒品走私和跨国有组织犯罪猖獗、重建进程缓慢等严峻挑战。上述问题产生的外溢效应已影响到地区安全与稳定。阿局势正处于一个重要的十字路口,其发展不仅关系到阿富汗重建进程能否顺利推进,也事关国际反恐斗争的成败。

In recent years, thanks to the concerted efforts of the Afghan government and people and the strong support of the international community, Afghanistan has made positive progress in its peace process and economic reconstruction and moved steadily toward the goal of stability and development.But at the same time, there are still many destabilizing factors in the Afghan domestic situation, in particular grave challenges posed by resurging terrorism, rampant drug trafficking and transnational organized crimes, and slow progress of reconstruction.The spillover effect of these issues is taking its toll on peace and stability in the region.The situation in Afghanistan is at a crossroads.In which direction it moves will determine the success or failure of the Afghan reconstruction process and the international

counter-terrorism campaign.中方认为,为有效应对上述挑战,国际社会应齐心协力,配合阿政府采取标本兼治的综合手段,加大打击本地区恐怖主义、毒品走私和有组织犯罪力度,帮助阿实现国家稳定、经济发展。

China believes that if the above-mentioned challenges are to be tackled effectively, the international community should work in synergy, cooperate with the Afghan government in adopting a comprehensive approach that treats both symptoms and root causes, fight more vigorously against terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crimes in the region, and help Afghanistan achieve stability and economic development.第一,支持联合国阿富汗援助团在阿重建进程中发挥主导和协调作用。过去一年中,该援助团的努力得到了阿富汗政府和民众的高度评价,提升了联合国在援阿行动中的协调能力。我们应继续支持其进一步加强与阿政府、国际安全援助部队、援阿各方的联系,进一步发挥协调与监督作用,发挥更大作用。

First, we should support the leading and coordinating role of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan(UNAMA)in the reconstruction process.In the past year, UNAMA's efforts have won the appreciation of the Afghan government and people, leading to enhanced ability of the United Nations in coordinating assistance operations in the country.We should continue to support closer interactions between UNAMA and the Afghan government, the International Security Assistance Force(ISAF)and donors, so that UNAMA can play a greater coordinating and monitoring role.第二,协助阿政府顺利举行大选。阿总统选举已拉开序幕。确保大选顺利进行是当前阿重要任务,也是维护阿政治稳定、实现和平重建的重要基础。中方呼吁国际社会从资金、安全等方面提供协助,为大选顺利、平安进行创造有利条件。

Second, we should assist the Afghan government in holding a smooth general election.The presidential election campaign in Afghanistan has already begun.To ensure a smooth general election is an immediate priority for Afghanistan, and an essential basis for political stability and peaceful reconstruction in the country.China calls upon the international community to provide assistance in funding, security and other areas in order to create an enabling environment for a smooth and peaceful general election.第三,尊重阿富汗政府在阿事务中的主导地位。帮助阿政府全面提升执政能力,加大对阿军警培训和援助力度,使其早日独立承担阿安全防卫职责。国际社会应与阿政府有关部门密切配合,采取综合措施和联合行动,有效打击阿境内恐怖活动。

Third, we should respect the leading role of the Afghan government in its own affairs.We should help the Afghan government enhance its governance capacity in an all-round

manner and step up training for and assistance to its military and police forces, so that they can independently take up security and defense responsibilities in Afghanistan at an early date.The international community should work closely with relevant departments of the Afghan government to effectively combat terrorist activities in Afghanistan through comprehensive measures and joint operations.第四,进一步重视阿发展问题。加大对阿民生领域投入,优先向阿农业、教育、卫生等领域提供援助支持,改善基础设施。支持落实《阿富汗契约》,加快执行阿《国家发展战略》,提高援助效率,帮助阿加强自身“造血”功能,实现阿社会经济良性发展,切实帮助阿民众改善并提高生活水平,逐步铲除阿恐怖主义、毒品走私和跨国有组织犯罪滋生的土壤。

Fourth, we should attach greater importance to the development of Afghanistan.More needs to be done to improve the Afghan people's well-being.Assistance should be given on a priority basis to agriculture, education, public health and infrastructure.We should support the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact and accelerate the execution of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy(ANDS).We should raise the efficiency of assistance, help Afghanistan to improve its own “blood-making” capability and achieve benign social and economic development in the country.We should earnestly help the Afghan people to improve their living conditions and gradually eliminate the root causes for terrorism, drug trafficking and transnational organized crimes in Afghanistan.中国政府将继续根据《喀布尔睦邻友好宣言》精神,加强与阿及有关邻国合作,根据阿方实际需要,继续向阿提供力所能及的帮助,并在经贸、海关、禁毒、安全等领域为阿培训人才。The Chinese government will continue to enhance cooperation with Afghanistan and its neighboring countries in the spirit of the Kabul Declaration on Good Neighborly Relations.China will continue to provide, to the best of its ability, assistance to meet Afghanistan's needs and train Afghan personnel in the fields of economy and trade, customs, anti-drug trafficking and security.第五,不断完善和加强地区合作机制。阿各邻国应积极参与阿重建进程,同时吸收阿加入区域合作机制。这不仅有利于阿自身的稳定和发展,对维持本地区的安全与稳定也至关重要。Fifth, we should continue to improve and strengthen regional cooperation mechanisms.The neighboring countries of Afghanistan should actively engage in Afghanistan's reconstruction and involve Afghanistan in regional cooperation mechanisms.This is not only conducive to the stability and development of Afghanistan, but also crucial to the security and stability of the region.阿富汗6个邻国中,有5个是上海合作组织成员国或观察员国。作为新兴的区域合作组织,上海合作组织始终致力于维护包括阿富汗在内的本地区和平与稳定,促进发展与繁荣,并发挥着越来越重要的作用,得到国际社会的充分肯定和高度评价。成员国利用“上海合作组织

—阿富汗”联络组这一便捷渠道,与阿方制订加强合作的具体措施和计划,取得积极成果。Among the six neighboring countries of Afghanistan, five are member states or observer states of the SCO.As an emerging regional cooperation organization, the SCO has been consistently committed to peace and stability, development and prosperity of the region, including in Afghanistan.The SCO's role is becoming more important and its efforts have been fully recognized and positively assessed by the international community.Through the convenient channel of the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group, the SCO member states have formulated concrete measures and plans for stronger cooperation and achieved positive results.中方认为,上海合作组织在打击恐怖主义、毒品走私和跨国有组织犯罪方面,可着重从加强组织内部合作以及同阿有关部门密切配合入手,做好几项工作:一是加强边界管控和成员国与阿有关部门的联合执法;二是逐步吸收阿参与上海合作组织打击地区“三股势力”合作;三是加强上海合作组织成员国之间的合作和信息交流。中方支持上海合作组织和阿富汗在本次会议上通过《关于打击恐怖主义、毒品走私和有组织犯罪的声明》及其行动计划,欢迎与会国家达成新的共识。

We believe that in the SCO's efforts to fight terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and transnational organized crimes, it should focus on strengthening cooperation within itself and with the relevant departments of Afghanistan.In particular, it should, first, tighten border control and increase joint law enforcement between its member states and the relevant Afghan departments;second, involve Afghanistan in SCO cooperation in fighting the “three forces” in a step-by-step manner;and third, strengthen cooperation and information sharing among the SCO member states.China supports the adoption of the statement and plan of action by the SCO member states and Afghanistan on combating terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and organized crime at the Conference and welcomes new consensus by participating states.阿富汗是中国的友好邻邦。中阿友谊源远流长,深入人心。阿新政府成立以来,中国积极致力于发展中阿关系,积极参与阿重建进程。政治上,签署《睦邻友好合作条约》,建立全面合作伙伴关系;经济上,中方注重帮助阿富汗改善民生和增强自主发展能力,为阿援建了医院、水利等民生工程。中方迄已向阿提供了近1.8亿美元经济援助,免除了阿全部到期债务。中方还为阿方培训各类专业技术人员超过千人;安全上,中阿签署禁毒合作和打击跨国犯罪等协议,在反恐、禁毒领域开展了有效合作。中方还通过军援和人员培训等方式帮助阿建设国民军。中方愿本着互利共赢、共同发展的精神,继续通过多、双边渠道向阿提供长期支持,为帮助阿富汗实现长治久安作出不懈努力。

Afghanistan is a friendly neighbor of China.The friendship between China and Afghanistan has a long history and is deeply rooted in the hearts of our peoples.Since the new Afghan government was formed, China has been committed to developing relations with Afghanistan and has taken an active part in the Afghan reconstruction.On the political front, the two sides signed the Treaty of Good Neighborly Friendship and Cooperation Between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the People's Republic of China and established the China-Afghanistan comprehensive and cooperative

partnership.On the economic front, China has focused its assistance on improving the Afghan people's livelihood and putting Afghanistan on a more solid footing for independent development.We have built a hospital, a water conservancy project and other projects aimed at improving people's well-being in Afghanistan.Up to now, China has provided nearly US$180 million in economic assistance to Afghanistan and cancelled all the matured debts Afghanistan owed to China.In addition, China has trained over one thousand Afghan technical personnel from various fields.On the security front, China and Afghanistan have signed agreements on combating illicit drug trafficking and transnational crimes and conducted effective cooperation in fighting terrorism and illicit drug trafficking.China has also assisted in developing the Afghan national army by providing military assistance and personnel training.We stand ready to continue to provide long-term support to Afghanistan through multilateral and bilateral channels and make unremitting efforts, in the spirit of mutual benefit and common development, for Afghanistan's long-term peace and stability.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,中国政府决定,将承诺向阿提供的7500万美元优惠贷款全部转为无偿援助,从2009年起分五年实施。

The Chinese government has decided to turn the previously committed US$75 million concessional loans into grant assistance, which will be delivered in five years starting from 2009.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,阿富汗走上和平、稳定、和谐、发展之路,是饱经忧患的阿人民的迫切期待,也是世界各国的共同心愿。这既需要阿富汗政府和人民继续做出艰苦努力,也需要包括上海合作组织在内的整个国际社会的持续关注和大力支持。作为上海合作组织负责任的一员,中方愿同本组织成员国、观察员国及有关各方一道,为实现阿富汗和平美好的未来作出应有的贡献。

To achieve peace, stability, harmony and development in Afghanistan is the urgent desire of the Afghan people who have endured so many hardships and the common aspiration of the entire international community.This demands not only the hard work of the Afghan government and people, but also the sustained attention and vigorous support of the entire international community, including the SCO.As a responsible member of the SCO, China is ready to work with other member states, observer states and other related parties to make due contribution to a peaceful and bright future of Afghanistan.谢谢大家。

Thank you for your attention!

第二篇:中英文 宋涛副部长在上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别国际会议上的讲话_

中英文 宋涛副部长在上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别国际会议上的讲话_.txt有没有人像我一样在听到某些歌的时候会忽然想到自己的往事_______如果我能回到从前,我会选择不认识你。不是我后悔,是我不能面对没有你的结局。外交部宋涛副部长在上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别国际会议上的讲话 2009年3月27日,莫斯科

Remarks of Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao At the Special Conference on Afghanistan Convened Under the Auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Moscow, 27 March 2009

尊敬的主席先生,尊敬的各位同事: Mr.Chairman, Dear Colleagues,首先,我代表中方对上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别国际会议成功召开表示祝贺,感谢东道国俄罗斯为会议所做的精心准备和周到安排。

First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of China, congratulations on the successful opening of the Special Conference on Afghanistan convened under the auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO).I would like to thank Russia, the hosting country, for making good preparations and thoughtful arrangements for the conference.本次会议是上海合作组织框架内首次就阿富汗问题举行的专门国际会议,在新的国际和地区政治、安全、经济形势下,具有特殊意义。

This conference is the first within the SCO framework that focuses solely on the issue of Afghanistan.It is highly relevant given the new international and regional political, security and economic situations.近年来,在阿政府和人民的共同努力以及国际社会的大力支持下,阿和平进程与经济重建取得了积极进展,不断迈向稳定发展的目标。同时也要看到,阿国内局势仍存在诸多不稳定因素,特别是面临恐怖主义回潮、毒品走私和跨国有组织犯罪猖獗、重建进程缓慢等严峻挑战。上述问题产生的外溢效应已影响到地区安全与稳定。阿局势正处于一个重要的十字路口,其发展不仅关系到阿富汗重建进程能否顺利推进,也事关国际反恐斗争的成败。

In recent years, thanks to the concerted efforts of the Afghan government and people and the strong support of the international community, Afghanistan has made positive progress in its peace process and economic reconstruction and moved steadily toward the goal of stability and development.But at the same time, there are still many destabilizing factors in the Afghan domestic situation, in particular grave challenges posed by resurging terrorism, rampant drug trafficking and transnational organized crimes, and slow progress of reconstruction.The spillover effect of these issues is taking its toll on peace and stability in the region.The situation in Afghanistan is at a crossroads.In which direction it moves will determine the success or failure of the Afghan reconstruction process and the international counter-terrorism campaign.中方认为,为有效应对上述挑战,国际社会应齐心协力,配合阿政府采取标本兼治的综合手段,加大打击本地区恐怖主义、毒品走私和有组织犯罪力度,帮助阿实现国家稳定、经济发展。

China believes that if the above-mentioned challenges are to be tackled effectively, the international community should work in synergy, cooperate with the Afghan government in adopting a comprehensive approach that treats both symptoms and root causes, fight more vigorously against terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crimes in the region, and help Afghanistan achieve stability and economic development.第一,支持联合国阿富汗援助团在阿重建进程中发挥主导和协调作用。过去一年中,该援助团的努力得到了阿富汗政府和民众的高度评价,提升了联合国在援阿行动中的协调能力。我们应继续支持其进一步加强与阿政府、国际安全援助部队、援阿各方的联系,进一步发挥协调与监督作用,发挥更大作用。

First, we should support the leading and coordinating role of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan(UNAMA)in the reconstruction process.In the past year, UNAMA's efforts have won the appreciation of the Afghan government and people, leading to enhanced ability of the United Nations in coordinating assistance operations in the country.We should continue to support closer interactions between UNAMA and the Afghan government, the International Security Assistance Force(ISAF)and donors, so that UNAMA can play a greater coordinating and monitoring role.第二,协助阿政府顺利举行大选。阿总统选举已拉开序幕。确保大选顺利进行是当前阿重要任务,也是维护阿政治稳定、实现和平重建的重要基础。中方呼吁国际社会从资金、安全等方面提供协助,为大选顺利、平安进行创造有利条件。

Second, we should assist the Afghan government in holding a smooth general election.The presidential election campaign in Afghanistan has already begun.To ensure a smooth general election is an immediate priority for Afghanistan, and an essential basis for political stability and peaceful reconstruction in the country.China calls upon the international community to provide assistance in funding, security and other areas in order to create an enabling environment for a smooth and peaceful general election.第三,尊重阿富汗政府在阿事务中的主导地位。帮助阿政府全面提升执政能力,加大对阿军警培训和援助力度,使其早日独立承担阿安全防卫职责。国际社会应与阿政府有关部门密切配合,采取综合措施和联合行动,有效打击阿境内恐怖活动。

Third, we should respect the leading role of the Afghan government in its own affairs.We should help the Afghan government enhance its governance capacity in an all-round manner and step up training for and assistance to its military and police forces, so that they can independently take up security and defense responsibilities in Afghanistan at an early date.The international community should work closely with relevant departments of the Afghan government to effectively combat terrorist activities in Afghanistan through comprehensive measures and joint operations.第四,进一步重视阿发展问题。加大对阿民生领域投入,优先向阿农业、教育、卫生等领域提供援助支持,改善基础设施。支持落实《阿富汗契约》,加快执行阿《国家发展战略》,提高援助效率,帮助阿加强自身“造血”功能,实现阿社会经济良性发展,切实帮助阿民众改善并提高生活水平,逐步铲除阿恐怖主义、毒品走私和跨国有组织犯罪滋生的土壤。Fourth, we should attach greater importance to the development of Afghanistan.More needs to be done to improve the Afghan people's well-being.Assistance should be given on a priority basis to agriculture, education, public health and infrastructure.We should support the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact and accelerate the execution of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy(ANDS).We should raise the efficiency of assistance, help Afghanistan to improve its own “blood-making” capability and achieve benign social and economic development in the country.We should earnestly help the Afghan people to improve their living conditions and gradually eliminate the root causes for terrorism, drug trafficking and transnational organized crimes in Afghanistan.中国政府将继续根据《喀布尔睦邻友好宣言》精神,加强与阿及有关邻国合作,根据阿方实际需要,继续向阿提供力所能及的帮助,并在经贸、海关、禁毒、安全等领域为阿培训人才。The Chinese government will continue to enhance cooperation with Afghanistan and its neighboring countries in the spirit of the Kabul Declaration on Good Neighborly Relations.China will continue to provide, to the best of its ability, assistance to meet Afghanistan's needs and train Afghan personnel in the fields of economy and trade, customs, anti-drug trafficking and security.第五,不断完善和加强地区合作机制。阿各邻国应积极参与阿重建进程,同时吸收阿加入区域合作机制。这不仅有利于阿自身的稳定和发展,对维持本地区的安全与稳定也至关重要。Fifth, we should continue to improve and strengthen regional cooperation mechanisms.The neighboring countries of Afghanistan should actively engage in Afghanistan's reconstruction and involve Afghanistan in regional cooperation mechanisms.This is not only conducive to the stability and development of Afghanistan, but also crucial to the security and stability of the region.阿富汗6个邻国中,有5个是上海合作组织成员国或观察员国。作为新兴的区域合作组织,上海合作组织始终致力于维护包括阿富汗在内的本地区和平与稳定,促进发展与繁荣,并发挥着越来越重要的作用,得到国际社会的充分肯定和高度评价。成员国利用“上海合作组织—阿富汗”联络组这一便捷渠道,与阿方制订加强合作的具体措施和计划,取得积极成果。Among the six neighboring countries of Afghanistan, five are member states or observer states of the SCO.As an emerging regional cooperation organization, the SCO has been consistently committed to peace and stability, development and prosperity of the region, including in Afghanistan.The SCO's role is becoming more important and its efforts have been fully recognized and positively assessed by the international community.Through the convenient channel of the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group, the SCO member states have formulated concrete measures and plans for stronger cooperation and achieved positive results.中方认为,上海合作组织在打击恐怖主义、毒品走私和跨国有组织犯罪方面,可着重从加强组织内部合作以及同阿有关部门密切配合入手,做好几项工作:一是加强边界管控和成员国与阿有关部门的联合执法;二是逐步吸收阿参与上海合作组织打击地区“三股势力”合作;三是加强上海合作组织成员国之间的合作和信息交流。中方支持上海合作组织和阿富汗在本次会议上通过《关于打击恐怖主义、毒品走私和有组织犯罪的声明》及其行动计划,欢迎与会国家达成新的共识。

We believe that in the SCO's efforts to fight terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and transnational organized crimes, it should focus on strengthening cooperation within itself and with the relevant departments of Afghanistan.In particular, it should, first, tighten border control and increase joint law enforcement between its member states and the relevant Afghan departments;second, involve Afghanistan in SCO cooperation in fighting the “three forces” in a step-by-step manner;and third, strengthen cooperation and information sharing among the SCO member states.China supports the adoption of the statement and plan of action by the SCO member states and Afghanistan on combating terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and organized crime at the Conference and welcomes new consensus by participating states.阿富汗是中国的友好邻邦。中阿友谊源远流长,深入人心。阿新政府成立以来,中国积极致力于发展中阿关系,积极参与阿重建进程。政治上,签署《睦邻友好合作条约》,建立全面合作伙伴关系;经济上,中方注重帮助阿富汗改善民生和增强自主发展能力,为阿援建了医院、水利等民生工程。中方迄已向阿提供了近1.8亿美元经济援助,免除了阿全部到期债务。中方还为阿方培训各类专业技术人员超过千人;安全上,中阿签署禁毒合作和打击跨国犯罪等协议,在反恐、禁毒领域开展了有效合作。中方还通过军援和人员培训等方式帮助阿建设国民军。中方愿本着互利共赢、共同发展的精神,继续通过多、双边渠道向阿提供长期支持,为帮助阿富汗实现长治久安作出不懈努力。

Afghanistan is a friendly neighbor of China.The friendship between China and Afghanistan has a long history and is deeply rooted in the hearts of our peoples.Since the new Afghan government was formed, China has been committed to developing relations with Afghanistan and has taken an active part in the Afghan reconstruction.On the political front, the two sides signed the Treaty of Good Neighborly Friendship and Cooperation Between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the People's Republic of China and established the China-Afghanistan comprehensive and cooperative partnership.On the economic front, China has focused its assistance on improving the Afghan people's livelihood and putting Afghanistan on a more solid footing for independent development.We have built a hospital, a water conservancy project and other projects aimed at improving people's well-being in Afghanistan.Up to now, China has provided nearly US$180 million in economic assistance to Afghanistan and cancelled all the matured debts Afghanistan owed to China.In addition, China has trained over one thousand Afghan technical personnel from various fields.On the security front, China and Afghanistan have signed agreements on combating illicit drug trafficking and transnational crimes and conducted effective cooperation in fighting terrorism and illicit drug trafficking.China has also assisted in developing the Afghan national army by providing military assistance and personnel training.We stand ready to continue to provide long-term support to Afghanistan through multilateral and bilateral channels and make unremitting efforts, in the spirit of mutual benefit and common development, for Afghanistan's long-term peace and stability.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,中国政府决定,将承诺向阿提供的7500万美元优惠贷款全部转为无偿援助,从2009年起分五年实施。

The Chinese government has decided to turn the previously committed US$75 million concessional loans into grant assistance, which will be delivered in five years starting from 2009.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,阿富汗走上和平、稳定、和谐、发展之路,是饱经忧患的阿人民的迫切期待,也是世界各国的共同心愿。这既需要阿富汗政府和人民继续做出艰苦努力,也需要包括上海合作组织在内的整个国际社会的持续关注和大力支持。作为上海合作组织负责任的一员,中方愿同本组织成员国、观察员国及有关各方一道,为实现阿富汗和平美好的未来作出应有的贡献。To achieve peace, stability, harmony and development in Afghanistan is the urgent desire of the Afghan people who have endured so many hardships and the common aspiration of the entire international community.This demands not only the hard work of the Afghan government and people, but also the sustained attention and vigorous support of the entire international community, including the SCO.As a responsible member of the SCO, China is ready to work with other member states, observer states and other related parties to make due contribution to a peaceful and bright future of Afghanistan.谢谢大家。

Thank you for your attention!


Full text of Chinese FM's remarks at London Conference on Afghanistan


The following is the full text of the remarks made by Yang Jiechi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, at the London Conference on Afghanistan, which opened here on Thursday:


Dear Colleagues,阿富汗重建进程既经历坎坷,又充满希望。阿富汗人民成功举行大选,翻开了历史新篇章。卡尔扎伊总统在就职演说中提出了未来五年的施政纲领,令人鼓舞。国际社会应持续关注阿富汗,并加大支持和援助力度,通过加强阿富汗的主权、自主权和发展能力,为过渡到全面的“阿人治阿”做好准备。对下阶段阿富汗重建工作,中方有以下四点建议:

Afghanistan's reconstruction process has gone through twists and turns, yet its future holds great promise.The successful elections held by the Afghan people have opened a new chapter in the history of Afghanistan.We are encouraged by the priorities set out by President Karzai in his inaugural speech for the next five years.We believe that the international community should give continued attention to Afghanistan and offer greater support and assistance to that country.It is of particular importance to help Afghanistan strengthen its sovereignty, ownership and development capacity, thus laying the groundwork for a full transition to governance of Afghanistan by the Afghan people.Regarding the next stage of Afghan reconstruction, China wishes to make the following four proposals:


First, ensure security.The volatile security situation is a prominent challenge to Afghan reconstruction.We are heartened by the resolve of the Afghan government to take up the responsibility for safeguarding the security of the country and its people.The international community should help create enabling conditions toward this end.Since the various challenges facing Afghanistan are interconnected, it is advisable to adopt an integrated approach in improving the security situation, including accelerating the building of Afghanistan's military and police forces, promoting national reconciliation and making the reconciliation process more inclusive.The transfer of security responsibility from the international community to Afghanistan should proceed in a gradual, prudent and well-planned way and the prerequisite for the transfer should be firm security and stability of the country.第二,发展经济。国际社会应切实履行经济和社会发展的援助承诺,加大对阿富汗实施《国家发展战略》的支持力度,让阿富汗人民尽快享受“和平红利”。要尊重阿富汗在经济重建方面的主导权,让阿富汗政府和人民坐在“驾驶座”上。我们支持各国更多通过阿富汗政府实施援助,并在与其平等协商的基础上,加大对阿富汗基础设施、能源、矿业、农业等领域的投资,并增强其自我发展能力,为未来发展奠定基础。

Second, develop the economy.The international community should honor in good faith the commitment of economic and social development assistance, and render more support to the implementation of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy so that the Afghan people can

enjoy the “peace dividend” at an early date.It is important to respect the leading role of Afghanistan in economic reconstruction and let the Afghan government and people sit in the driver seat.China supports channeling more assistance through the Afghan government and making more investment in Afghanistan's infrastructure, energy, mining, agriculture and other sectors on the basis of equal consultations with the Afghan government.We support efforts to help Afghanistan build up capacity for self-development so as to lay the foundation for its future development.2002年以来,中国共向阿富汗政府提供9亿多元人民币的无偿援助,并已全部免除阿富汗政府的到期债务。中国在阿富汗开展了大批经济援助项目,为改善阿富汗民生,提高人民生活水平发挥了积极作用。2009年中国已宣布,将此前承诺的7500万美元优惠贷款全部转为无偿援助,在未来5年内实施。目前第一笔援款已于2009年到位,中国将在今后4年内继续做好剩余6000万美元援款的落实工作。

Since 2002, China has provided a total of more than 900 million RMB yuan(132 million U.S.dollars)grant assistance to the Afghan government and canceled all its mature debts.We have launched a large number of assistance projects in Afghanistan, which have made a positive impact on the livelihood of the Afghan people.We announced last year that the 75-million-U.S.-dollar concessional loans we had previously committed would all be turned to grant assistance, to be provided over a five-year period.The first tranche of funds was delivered in 2009, and the remaining 60 million U.S.dollars will be made available in the coming four years.第三,改善治理。我们赞赏阿富汗政府承诺打击腐败、提高政府治理水平,欢迎国际社会向阿富汗提供帮助,并以能力建设和人力资源开发为重点。国际社会应充分尊重阿富汗独特的历史、文化、宗教及目前所处的发展阶段,考虑阿富汗国内的实际情况及现实困难,倾听阿富汗政府意见,尊重阿富汗人民的意愿,让其自主选择一种最适合本国实际情况的治理模式。Third, improve governance.We applaud the Afghan government's commitment to fighting corruption and improving governance.We welcome, in this connection, the international community's efforts to help Afghanistan, particularly in the areas of capacity building and human resources development.The international community should fully respect the unique history, culture and religion as well as the current development stage of Afghanistan, take into consideration the realities and difficulties facing the country, listen to the views of the Afghan government and respect the wishes of the Afghan people.In short, we should let Afghanistan choose on its own a governance model most suited to its national circumstances.中国重视帮助阿富汗政府加强执政能力。截止2009年底,我们已为500多名阿富汗政府官员提供培训,涉及外交、经贸、医疗卫生、财政金融、旅游、农业、禁毒等诸多领域。今后我们愿在力所能及的范围内做出更大努力。

China is committed to helping the Afghan government increase its governing capacity.By the end of 2009, we had provided training to over 500 Afghan government officials.The training covered a wide range of areas, including among others, diplomacy, economy and trade, medical and health care, finance, tourism, agriculture and counternarcotics.We are ready to make even greater efforts within the realm of our capabilities in the years ahead.第四,加强合作。阿富汗的未来掌握在自己人民手中,但也离不开国际社会的帮助与支持。各方应加强协调与合作,使国际社会的努力相互衔接、相互补充、相互促进,形成合力。阿富汗邻国在协助阿富汗重建中具有地缘优势,应发挥独特作用。国际社会应采取切实行动,对地区合作予以支持。目前国际上就阿富汗问题存在许多机制安排,要善加利用,推动它们加强协调,共同在联合国的主导下发挥积极作用。中方高度赞赏联合国驻阿富汗援助团在极


Fourth, enhance cooperation.It is up to the Afghan people to shape the future of Afghanistan, but the help and support of the international community is indispensable.We should enhance coordination and cooperation to integrate, complement and reinforce each other's efforts and achieve synergy in helping Afghanistan.The neighboring countries should take advantage of their geographical proximity and play a unique role in assisting with Afghan reconstruction, and the international community should take concrete actions to support such regional cooperation.There are now quite a number of mechanisms in the world regarding the issue of Afghanistan, and we should make good use of these mechanisms.We should encourage them to enhance coordination and work together to play an active role under the leadership of the United Nations.The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan has done an outstanding job in performing its missions in extremely challenging circumstances.China highly commends its work.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,阿富汗是中国的友好邻邦。我们将继续在和平共处五项原则基础上同阿富汗发展睦邻友好和互利合作关系,帮助阿富汗人民尽快走上和平、稳定和发展的道路,让阿富汗人民对国家的未来充满信心。

As Afghanistan's friendly neighbor, China will continue to develop good-neighborly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation with Afghanistan on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.We will help the Afghan people embark on the path of peace, stability and development as early as possible so that they will have full confidence in the future of their country.谢谢!

Thank you.


和平发展 世代友好



中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛






我们奠定了坚实法律基础,签署《上海合作组织宪章》、《长期睦邻友好合作条约》等上百份重要合作文件,为本组 1 织发展和成员国在组织框架内合作打下牢固法律基础。






上海合作组织取得的成就充分证明,本组织是地区和平稳定的重要保障,是促进地区各国共同发展繁荣的强大动 力,有着美好的发展前程。






第二,增强本组织抵御现实威胁的能力,确保地区长治久安。我们应该把握影响地区安全的核心问题和关键因素,建立更加完善的安全合作体系。要在尊重各国独立、主权、领土完整和各国人民意愿的基础上,提高组织行动能 力和快速反应能力。要毫不懈怠打击“三股势力”、贩毒和跨国有组织犯罪,定期举行联合反恐演习。





本次峰会闭幕后,中方将接任上海合作组织主席国。各方一致同意把这一年确定为本组织“睦邻友好年”。我们应该弘扬“上海精神”,深化互利合作,保障和平发展,巩固世代友好。中方相信,在各方不懈努力下,上海合作组织必 将在新的航程中乘风破浪,驶向更加光明的未来!





中华人民共和国主席 习近平









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