
时间:2019-05-14 11:23:56下载本文作者:会员上传


一 词汇语法填空(10分)


I am looking forward __________ you as we have much to discuss.(A)to see

(B)to seeing

(C)and see

(D)and seeing 2

They are nice boys and I’m sure you’ll get on ______ them very well.(A)by



(D)besides 3

Why are you always so jealous ________ other people?(A)about




The monitor said to Tom that two other students were on duty ____ him.(A)besides



(D)but 5

He gave up his job _______ for his family and himself.(A)both



(D)little Because the first pair of shoes did not fit Lisa properly, the shop assistant showed her _________.(A)another pair

(B)the other ones

(C)others shoes

(D)another shoes 7

She hardly ever eats ________ potatoes.(A)nor bread or

(B)bread or

(C)neither bread or

(D)neither bread nor 8

Mary is used to wearing her hair long.The longer it is, _____________.(A)she like it better

(B)the more she likes

(C)the better she likes it(D)she likes it more 9

The symbols of mathematics __________we are familiar are the signs of addition , subtractions , multiplication and equality.(A)to which


(C)with which

(D)in which 10

He had no sooner finished his speech ________ he withdrew.(A)then



(D)when 11

I telephoned the station to make ____________of the time of the train.(A)true



(D)sure 12

It must have been _________ who gave the signal.(A)them



(D)these 13

It looked __________ the horse really could think and count.(A)just as

(B)as if



The students are ____________ the mid-term test which will soon be held.(A)preparing

(B)preparing on

(C)preparing for

(D)preparing in 15

She is on a diet in order to lose __________.(A)meat



(D)body 16

Everyone else was killed in the accident, I was the only one to ______________.(A)relieve



(D)survive 17

His theory is not very difficult, but ________people understand it.(A)a few


(C)a little

(D)little 18

We shall have an opportunity to exchange ________tomorrow.(A)sights



(D)minds 19

Every means _______but without much result.(A)have been tried

(B)has been tried

(C)have tried

(D)has tried 20

_________the plan carefully, he rejected it.(A)To have considered

(B)To consider

(C)Having considered

(D)Considering 二


请将答题卡上相应的字母涂黑,做在本试题册上无效。In my spare time, I used to(A)enjoy playing(B)the piano or go out(C)for a walk alone(D).22 They’ve never been to(A)London, but(B)that’s the city I’d(C)most like to visit it(D).23 The Eskimos have to(A)live in cold and darkness most of the year, which(B)causes them develop(C)a lively sense(D)of humor and a friendly attitude.He was such(A)tired of(B)hearing them arguing about(C)the silly subject so he left(D)the room.25 What(A)should we do about(B)the larger forces(C)what(D)are affecting our culture? 26 The exhausting(A)mountain climbers found themselves(B)too weak to return(C)to the nearest(D)camp.27 Because(A)Walter Reed’s efforts and those(B)of the people who worked with him, human beings no longer(C)fear the disease(D)of Yellow Fever.28 She had so much(A)difficulty adapt to(B)any kind of situations(C)that she had not known(D).29 So surely(A)was his behavior towards(B)the old man that(C)everybody demanded an apology(D).30 When Tom’s pen ran(A)out of ink, I lent(B)him mines(C), so he could finish writing(D)his homework..三


请选择文章后所给问题的正确答案,并将答题卡上相应的字母涂黑,做在本试题册上无效。Passage 1 My formula for staying young is simple: concentrate on the part of you that’s young and growing-your brain.Keep your mind awake and you’ll stay young all over.These are exciting times.Take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning at least one new thing every day.Regardless of your age, it’s not too late to make your life more interesting.I know a housewife with no previous knowledge who made herself into an outstanding industrial designer;I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highly paid ceramic artist.Get over the motion that you are too old to go to back to school.I know a man who entered medical college at 70.He got his degree with honors and became an eminent physician.Another man went to law school at 71 and is now an active lawyer.In spite of years, staying young is easy for those who live in the future.You can do it if you care enough to try.Keep your mind awake and active;that’s the only youth elixir guaranteed to work.31.The statement that our brain remains young and growing regardless of age is _______ A.an impossibility

B.a scientific fact C a supposition

D a ridiculous conclusion 32.It is wrong to _______ A think oneself too old to go back to school

B keep one’s mind awake C try to stay young

D.get one’s degree with honors 33.The passage states that a man who entered college at 70 became_______ A.an active lawyer

B.an electric engineer C.a distinguished doctor

D.a highly paid ceramic artist 34.The only youth elixir is to ______ A go back to school

B forget one’s own age

C keep in touch with young people D.keep one’s mind awake and active 35.All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that _____ A.human brain never gets old with age B.every person should take up a new occupation when he becomes old C.staying young is not difficult if one is willing to try D.there is always something to learn if you have an interest in what’s going on around you Passage2 If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago.We should probably have to say that we could not remember.But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day.We should be able to give an answer to the question.It is the same in history.Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them.Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war.Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write.For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4,000years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them.But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write.Sometimes , of course, even if the people cannot write, they may know something of the past.They have heard about it from older people, and often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happenings, and these have been sung and acted and told for many generations.For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the past.This we may call “remembered history.” Some of it has now been written down.It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is.Because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing.But where there are no written records, such spoken stories are often very helpful.36.Which of the following ideas is not conveyed in the passage?

A.“Remembered story”, compared with written history, is less reliable.B.Written records of the past plays a most important role in our learning of the human history.C.A written account of our daily activities helps us to answer some questions

D.Where there are no written records, there is no history.37.We know very little about the central Africa 200 years ago because _______ A.there wad nothing worth being written down at that time.B.the people there ignored the importance of keeping a record.C.the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fire D.the people there had not known how to write 38.“remembered history” refers to ______ A.history based on a person’s imagination

B.stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouth C songs and dances about the most important events.D.both B and C 39.“remembered history” is regarded as valuable only when ______ A.it is written down B.no written account is available C.it proves to be true.D.people are interested in it 40.It can be inferred from the passage that we could have learned much more about our past than we do now if our ancestors had ____ A.kept a written record of every past event B.not burnt their written records in wars C.told exact stories of the most important happenings D.made more songs and dances Passage3

For years, international swimming has been controlled by a small number of powerful nations.The U.S, Russia, Germany and Australia have produced some of the sport’s finest players and have won most of the top competitions and medals.But the results of this month’s world championships, which are being held in the Australian city of Perth, will not be so easy to predict.Since the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, many new names and nationalities have emerged to take on the world leaders.The 1996 Olympics should have been an opportunity for the U.S to display its great swimming power, but instead it faced some embarrassing defeats.The surprises started on the first day of the competitions, when Fred of Belgium set a world record in the competition for 100-metres breast-stroke(蛙泳).Never before had Belgium produced an Olympic champion swimmer.Two other countries also won swimming gold medals for the first time on the opening day.Ireland’s Michelle Smith delighted her country with the first of her three gold medals.New Zealand also celebrated with Danyon Loader’s gold in the men’s 200-metres free style.Loader went on to win the 400 meters later in the competition.But late on the second day, the U.S team’s officials and coaches were starting to be surprised.Penny Heyns of South Africa had broken the women’s 100-metre breast-stroke record in the morning competitions before claiming gold in the final.41.It is hard to predict the results of this month’s championships because ________ A.players from different countries have emerged as new champions B.many names of the players haven’t been heard

C.a few countries have won international swimming competitions D.the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta was a success 42.What the U.S had to face at the 1996 Olympics was ______ A.new swimming power B.a big success C.several unpleasant failures D.a great deal of embarrassment 43.The player of Belgium broke a world record in 100-metre breast-stroke which ______ A.it had won before B.it had not gained before C.it had won many times D.the U.S.had never won before 44.How many medals have the other countries won on the opening day? A.Three



D.Six 45.It can be inferred from the passage that ______ A.the U.S.is still the only powerful country in swimming B.the U.S.has been a great swimming power C.Ireland once controlled international swimming.D.Belgium had won several world swimming championships Passage4

When the steam engine was invented in the eighteenth century, it began one of the greatest revolutions that have ever happened in our world.The invention of the petrol engine at the end of the nineteenth century led to another enormous change in our lives.And the computer is almost certainly going to be an invention no less important than these engines were.Just as there was a Stone Age.An Iron Age and so on, we have been living for centuries in a Paper Age, during which almost all information was kept and sent on paper, and so much of it is wasted after it has been used once that enormous numbers of trees have to be cut down every year to provide us with this paper.But now, with the computer, enormous amounts of information can be stored and sent without any paper at all, using small discs or the Internet.Computers have made it possible to do very difficult calculations very much faster than any earlier machine could.Computers also allow one to send information to others anywhere in the world, via the telephone line, and to receive information from them.One can send a very long message more quickly from England to Australia, for example, than from one’s house to someone in the garden.Computers are not only used for writing;they can produce diagrams and pictures, and they can be used for playing games.One now sees them at airports and railway stations, in hotels and restaurants, in fact, almost everywhere where people gather.46.The author seems to say that the invention of the computer is ___ A.not so important as that of the steam and petrol engines B.at least as important as that of the steam and petrol engines C.less important than that of the steam and petrol engines

D.far more important than that of the steam and petrol engines 47.According to the author the disadvantage of using paper to keep and send information is tha_______ A.it is hard to get enough paper B.it wastes our time C.it damages the environment D.there is too much paper around 48.We may infer that the fastest way for computer to send messages is by using _____ A.paper

B.discs C.the telephone line

D.air mail 49.Which of the following functions of the computer is not mentioned in the passage? A.Handling information B.Doing office and business work C.Offering entertainment D.Making phone calls

50.The title that best express the main idea of the passage is _____ A.Computer Age B.Paper Age and Computer Age C.Computer and Our Past D.Computer and Our Future


We arrived in Spain(51)the first time a few weeks ago, and I decided to buy a car because we had sold(52)we had in England before leaving.Yesterday the sales office rang us(53)the car was ready.I had tried out a model(54)it before but as I was not yet used(55)in this city, my wife did not want me to collect it on my own,(56)we went together to fetch it.We(57)and signed the papers.They told us that there was enough petrol to take us to a garage,(58)we could fill up.The nearest garage to the office was(59)and we got there safely.But when I(60)into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing(61)me.I got out of their way(62)as I could by backing into the garage once more, and the man behind me(63)at me.“It’s so much a problem to remember to drive on the right, isn’t it?” my wife said.“Yes, if only I(64)a few lessons for(65).” I replied.“You(66)carefully on the way home “my wife said “You’d be sorry if you had an accident(67)the first day,(68).” While we were talking, the man behind got out of his car and said in good English, “Would you(69)me when you are thinking of leaving? Or are you going to sit in you car(70)day?”







C)the one

D)the other 53 A)for saying


C)and saying

D)and said 54 A)as

B)the same that


D)such as 55 A)for driving

B)to driving

C)in driving

D)to drive 56 A)such



D)so as

A)paid the car for

B)paid the car C)paid to the car D)paid for the car 58 A)where



D)at that 59 A)at 100 yards away

B)about 100 yards away C)at 100 yards far

D)about 100 yards far 60 61 62 63 A)turned



D)involved A)for



D)towards A)so fast

B)such fast

C)as fast





D)responded 64 A)would have

B)had had

C)should have

D)have had 65 A)practice



D)experiment 66 A)would better to go

B)would better go

C)had better to go

D)had better go 67 A)in




A)won’t you

B)wouldn’t you

C)hadn’t you

D)shouldn’t you 69 A)mind to tell

B)mind as to tell C)mind telling

D)mind that tell 70 A)each


C)all the

D)all 五



请将答题卡上相应的字母涂黑,做在本试题册上无效。71.(see)__________ the film twice, I didn’t want to go to the movies.72.We(go)_______ out if the weather hadn’t been so bad.73.If(ask)______ what is the most valuable, he would say experience.74.A snake in the grass is(particular)________ dangerous because it is difficult to discover.75.In the eyes of the English people, the color white(stand)________ for purity.76.Your watch is out of order, but I don’t think it is worth(repair)_______.77.It’s necessary for me to suggest that she(not do)_______ such a thing.78.Officials should remain aware that China’s(agriculture)______ efficiency remains low.79.If there were no gravity, there(be)_______ no air around the earth.80.I felt rather(excite)_______ at being the object of such attention.六 英译汉(10分)


Please let us know if you fail to receive the goods within 5 days.82

A job interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interests.83

Television satellites enable people to see programs live from thousands of miles away.84

To lead healthy lives, we must seek balance with nature, with society and within ourselves.85

If you would like to me , I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.七 汉译英(10分)请将答案写到答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。86

他花了好几个星期的时间才适应了大学生活。(adapt to)


我们很快就彼此了解,成了朋友.。(give it to know)

现在人们越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种各样的问题。(depend on)

对于英语学习者来说,练习听力和口语是很必要的。(it is necessary)



2005年福建省高职高专升本科入学考试 《基础英语》试题

(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)答题说明:(1)选择题部分的答案请写在答题卡上相应字母的中间划横线。(2)主观题的答案写在主观答题纸上相应的位置 注意:答案写在试卷上一律不给分。

Vocabulary and Structure(40point ,1for each)It is easy to ______one state of matter from another.A)differ



D)change Not once _________ his view of life.A)did the gentleman mention

B)has mentioned the gentleman C)the gentleman mention

D)the gentleman mentioned We discuss the matter _______ tea and cakes.A)over



D)at It wasn’t such a good dinner ______ she had promised us.A)that



D)what It was essential that the application forms _____ back before the deadline.A)must be sent

B)would be sent

C)be sent

D)were went The reason _______ I went to take that class is ______ the professor is supposed to be very good.A)why, for

B)why, so

C)why, that

D)that, because ________ this awareness, attitudes towards dream are changing.A)As a matter of fact

B)In effect

C)Instead of

D)As a result of The machine can’t be made perfect overnight;in fact, it should be improved ________.A)one after another

B)right away

C)by turn

D)step by step The print is still wet.______!A)Be not sure to touch it

B)Be sure not to touch it C)Be sure to not touch it

D)Don’t be sure to touch it

It was until she arrived in class ________ she realized she had forgotten her book.A)what




This is a nice car, but we cannot _______it.A)provide



D)manage This is the dictionary _______ I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words.A)with which

B)in which

C)on which

D)for which Where did you get your watch ________? A)repair

B)to repair


D)repairing His carelessness _____ her failure in the exams.A)resulted from


C)resulted in

D)resulted to

Please wait for the next boat.There is no ______ for you on this one.A)place



D)corner The days ______ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past.A)whenever


C)on which

D)in which We still know little about outer _______ though we have made much effort in research.A)heaven



D)sky But for sunlight, there _____ no moonlight.A)will be

B)would be C)had been


We made several plans for our holiday, but we went to London _________ the end.A)at



D)in Revolution means _____ the productive forces.A)to liberate



D)liberating Many people plan to put ______ RMB 5,000 every year to finance their children’s future education.A)down



D)on I ran _____ Alice, who was on her way to see me.A)up

B)out of


D)over ____ seeing the damage he had done, he felt ashamed.A)On



D)For In fact he had done ______ he could do to help the poor.A)what



D)all which We must be off _______.It id eight already.A)by accident

B)on average

C)by chance

D)right away

I’m very sorry ______ the whole morning.I forgot the appointment.A)to keep you wait

B)to have kept you waiting C)to keep you wait

D)to keep you wait

These young men walk out of the office building, each _____ a file under his arm.A)carries

B)carrying C)carried

D)having carried A computer can store ______ information because it has a very large memory.A)a great many

B)a vast amount of C)a large number of

D)a number of

Lao Wang is a selfless man, so under no circumstances ______ anything that will benefit himself and hard the interests of others.A)does he do

B)did he do C)he does do

D)he does No one doubts ______ he is the best leader in the company.A)whether

B)what C)if

D)that _______ nobody was willing to vote for her, she decided to drop out of the election.A)Seen that

B)So that

C)Seeing that

D)When that The audience, _______, enjoyed the performance.A)most of them were students

B)they were mostly students C)most of whom were students

D)they themselves were students It’s no good _________him.He is always indifferent to others.A)to turn to

B)turning to C)turn to

D)turned to

A woman and three children are said _______ in the traffic accident.A)to be injured

B)to have been injured C)having been injured

D)being injured In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _____ the developments and recorded every detail.A)in

B)at C)for


Do you think Tommy is ______ the truth? A)saying

B)speaking C)telling

D)During the time when ______ she was living in New York that she met her husband Terry.A)Just when

B)Soon after C)It was while

D)During the time when The child will be taught that hard work is necessary to ________ success.A)bring up

B)bring with C)bring forward

D)bring about I’d like to take _____ of this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation.A)advantage

B)occasion C)benefit

D)profit Most American don’t object _____ them by their first names.A)that I call

B)for calling C)to my calling

D)that I am call Cloze(30points, 1.5 for each)

When we want to _41___ other people what we think, we can do it not only with the help of words, but also in many 42 ways.For example, we sometimes move our heads 43 when we want to say “yes”, and we move our heads 44 when we want to say “no”.People, who can ___45__ hear nor speak, talk to each other with the help of their fingers.People who do not understand each other’s language have to do the same.The following story shows 46 they sometimes do it.47 English man who could not speak Italian was 48 traveling in Italy.One day he entered a restaurant and sat 49 a table.When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, __50___ his fingers into it, 51 them out again and moved his lips.In this way he meant to say, “ 52 me something to eat.” The waiter soon brought him 53 tea.The Englishman 54 his head and the waiter understood that he didn’t want tea, so he took it 55 and brought him 56 coffee.The Englishman was angry.He was just going to leave the restaurant 57another traveler came in.When this man saw the waiter, he 58 his hands on his stomach.That was enough.In 59 minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat 60 his table.41.A)say



D)talk 42.A)anything



D)other 43.A)now and then

B)over and over

C)up and down

D)here and there 44.A)from mouth to mouth

B)from door to door

C)from the masses to the masses

D)from side to side 45.A)not only…but also

B)as well as


D)neither 46.A)how



D)which 47.A)The



D)Any 48.A)ever



D)once 50.A)laid



D)stayed 51.A)took



D)carried 52.A)Bring



D)Carried 53.A)a piece of

B)a packet of

C)a cup of

D)a box of 54.A)shook



D)showed 55.A)back



D)along 56.A)any



D)few 57.A)when



D)how 58.A)stood



D)placed 59.A)a few



D)a little 60.A)at



D)on Reading Comprehension(45 point, 3 for each)One Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services.People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of what they need or want.When they work, they usually get paid in money.Most of the money today is made of metal or paper.But people used to use all kinds of things as money.One of the first kinds of money was shells.Shells were not the only things used as money.In parts of Africa, cattle were one of the earliest kinds of money.Other animals were used as money, too.The first metal coins were made in China.They were round and had a square hole in the center.People strung(系)them together and carried them from place to place.Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money.The first coins in England were made of tin.Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money.Later, other countries began to make coin of gold and silver.But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive.Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money.They began to use paper money.The first paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than paper money used today.Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.61.Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for services? A)To sell a bicycle for $20 B)To get some money for old books C)To buy things you need or want D)To get paid for your work 62.Where were shells used as money in history? A)In the Philippines.B)In China C)In Africa

D)It is not mentioned 63.Why, according to the passage, did ancient Chinese coins have a square hole in the center? A)Because it would be easier to put them together and carry them around.B)Because it would be lighter for people to carry them from place to place.C)Because people wanted to make it look nicer.D)Because people wanted to save the expensive metal they were made from.64.Why does the author say that even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive? A)Because they are easy to steal.B)Because they are difficult for people to obtain.C)Because they are not easy to carry around.D)Because they themselves are expensive, too.65.Which one do you choose as the best title for this passage? A)Money and Its Uses B)Different Things Used as Money C)Different Countries, Different Money D)The History of Money Two Research has shown that motivation(动机)is very important in learning a language;you need to be enthusiastic about it, and to be interested in it.Different people will have different motives – the desire for promotion, the hope of being able to study abroad, curiosity about a very different culture, and pure intellectual enjoyment is only one of possible motives.But actually wanting to learn is the most important motive of all.Courage is an essential attribute(属性)in learning a language.It takes a lot of courage to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but don’t be afraid of making mistakes---that is the way we learn.Nowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own constructions and accent, and, so long as you can make yourself understood and can understand what is said to you, you have succeeded in communicating, which is the purpose of any language.Curiosity is not only a possible motivation.It is also a great help in your learning.Remember that a language is not just a grammatical system, it is the outcome of a certain culture.It is not very helpful just to learn lots of words and lists of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed(表达),the references which are being made, and the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly(明白地)given.So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English—watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain newspaper and magazines which are written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and above all, read---not textbooks, but novels and poems and plays.They will show you how language is really used.The English language is not an abstract(抽象的)system;it is a living form of expression which derives much of its meaning from the context in which it is used, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra – linguistic(语言学之外的)knowledge.If you live in a country where English is the native language, you acquire this knowledge naturally, just as in China you acquired your own cultural knowledge unconsciously.But, because you are unlikely to be able to visit countries where English is spoken as the native language, you have to make a conscious effort to acquire this cultural awareness and knowledge.66.With what topic is this passage primarily concerned? A)Curiosity in Learning a Language

B)Courage in Learning a Language C)Motivation in Learning a Language

D)Qualities in Learning a Language 67.The author of this passage possibly is a ______.A)beginner of English Learning

B)foreign teacher of English C)Chinese teacher of English

D)Chinese student studying abroad 68.What does the author suggest in this passage? A)You should not learn grammar.B)You should ignore the rules of pronunciation.C)You should learn a language by making mistakes.D)You should learn a language at school 69.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A)You should be prepared to make mistakes in communication B)Words are the basis of English learning C)Good pronunciation is important to an English learner.D)Wanting to know everything does not help you learning a language.70.According to the author, what’s the best way of learning English? A)To study hard

B)To study abroad C)To learning about cultures

D)To make mistakes Three Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction(科幻小说).Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kind of people.Furthermore, some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but its ancestors(原型)can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books are often concerned with the presentation of some forms of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories.Most of classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last one hundred years.Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells, to mention just two well – known authors, have been translated into many languages.Modern science fiction writers don’t writes about men from Mars or space adventure stories.They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind;or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection(反映)of the world which we live in now.Because of this their writing has obvious political undertones(含意).In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超越)science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear – sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to come to terms with a continually changing view of the world.71.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A)Science fiction is fairly new in literature.B)Science fiction is rather popular with people today.C)Science fiction often deals with some form of ideal society.D)Hundreds of books classified as science fiction are printed every year.72.Earliest science fiction was written _____.A)one hundred years ago B)by Jules Verne and H.G.Wells C)to tell people how to imagine future worlds D)hundreds of years ago 73.Modern science fiction writers are interested in_______.A)adventures in space B)some form of ideal world C)future worlds which have nothing in common with our present society D)predicting developments in technology and their effects on society 74.In our present world, _____________________.A)science develops as fast as it is predicted by science fiction writers B)science develops faster than writers can imagine

C)science fiction writers can always foresee what wonders science can do D)Only science fiction writers can see the way science is going 75.Which of the following is NOT the conclusion that we draw from this passage? A)Sensible science fiction writers may tell us what to do in future.B)We are bound to have problems as we try to make progress in science.C)No one knows anything about what to do with the problems we are to face.D)Our view of the world are subject to change.Short Answer(10 points, 2 for each)Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it’s painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr.Kleitman has a new explanation.He has proved that everyone has daily energy cycle.During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you’re “hot”.That’s true.The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak.For some people the peak comes during the morning.For others it comes in the afternoon or evening.No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues(独白)as: ”Get up, John!You will be late for work again!” The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening.Much family quarreling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.You can’t change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better.Habit can help, Dr.Kleitmen believes.Maybe you’re sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway.Counteract(对抗)your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to.If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your hour.This won’t change your cycle, but you’ll get up and work better at your low point.Get off to a slow start which saves your energy.Get up with a leisurely yawn(呵欠)and stretch.Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor.Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before.Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and takes requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.76.What is Dr.Kleitman’s new explanation?

It is that everyone has _________________________________________________________.77.When is the time your cycle of body temperature is at its peak?

It is ________________________________________________________________________.78.If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ______________________________________________________________________________.79.You are advised to rise with ________________ because it will help to keep your energy for the day’s work.80.According to the passage, does the peak come to people at the same time? ______________________________________________________________________________.Writing(25 points)(根据以下三点提示,写一篇不少于100个英文单词的短文)In Face of Soaring Book Prices 如今书价越来越高

我们应付昂贵书价的一些方法 希望书价越来越便宜 2005 年专升本英语答案

1—10 CAACC


11—20 CCCCB




71—75 ADDBC

76.daily energy circle.77.when you feel most energetic.78.get up earlier than usual.79.a yawn and stretch.80.No, it doesn’t

In Face of Soaring Book Price(05年作文)

Just as man cannot live without food, so students cannot acquire knowledge without books.Unfortunately, book prices are so high nowadays that many students can hardly afford to buy them.In face of soaring book price, we have come up with some “tricks” to deal with this unfavorable situation.First, making full use of library resources is the most common “trick”.Our library has a large collection of books on various subjects and from different countries.We find it very beneficial to do so.The second “trick” is that we exchange our own books.As a saying puts it, “Buying books is not so good as borrowing them”.We tend to spend more time reading books borrowed from other students than our own books.Third, we buy books through co-payment.Since each student pays only a part of the cost, books do not seem to unaffordable.This is a self-deceiving “trick”, of course.Though we have thought of some “tricks” to cope with soaring prices, we sincerely hope that book prices will go down sharply so that every student will find books really affordable



















































I.Phonetics(5 points)1.A.quiet











D.currency II.Vocabulary and Structure(15 points)6.We travelled on the 6:45 a.m.train to Boston,____arrived at 8:30 p.m. A.that




7.The boys spent the whole morning____possible answers to the question.A.discuss

B.to discuss


D.discussed 8.It's a pity that some of the people____cannot come tO the party.A.inviting


C.to invite

D.were invited

9.It was____ matter that I had no choice but to talk it over with my parents. A.a such serious

B.a so serious

C.such serious a

D.SO serious a 10.Jane isn‟ t feeling well today.I dare not do____ to upset her.A.anything



D.a thing

11.More and more families have moved elsewhere because they cannot____the noise from the neighbouring airport. A.come up with

B.put up with

C.catch up with

D.keep up with 12.Walk another block and cross the traffic lights,you will see the museum right____the left.A.by



D.for 13.The Intemet users visiting our website are____young people between the age of 13 and 20.A.most



D.at most 14.No culture exists in____.It all comes from someplace.Ancient customs were modem one time. A.vacuum



D.space 15.There are several means of mass communication.The newspaper is' one.Television is____. A.the Other

B.the another


D.another 16.____the government agrees to give extra money, the theatre will have to be closed next month.A.Unless B.If


D.As 17.It is important to____ our awareness about environmental protection.A.improve



D.raise 18.Seldom____ any mistakes during my past five years of service in the company.A.I did make

B.I would make

C.did I make

D.would I make 19.I____ raw fish,but I‟ d like to try it one day.A.never eat

B.never ate

C.was never eating

D.have never eaten 20.Interestingly,many people hold the belief that imports are____ to domestic goods.A.contrary



D.essential Ⅲ.Cloze(30 points)

Every woman dreams of receiving a huge priceless diamond.Now space scientists 21____ that they have discovered the largest diamond in the universe.But it‟s well 22____ the reach of the most loves truck men because it's 50 light years away, to be 23____.

Measuring 2,500 miles across and weighing five million trillion pounds,the rock Was found on Valentine‟ s Day 24____ in the core of a white dwarf star, and it has excited the 25____ world.“It‟s the mother of all diamonds,”said Travis Metcalfe,26____ led the team of researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre,“and you would need a jeweler‟S loupe(专用放大镜),the size of the Sun,to 27____ this diamond.”

The largest diamond 28____ on earth was the 3,106-carat(克拉)Cullinan.It Was cut 29____ nine major stones,including the 530-carat Star of Africa,now a part of the Crown Jewels.Diamonds were 30____ discovered in India more than 2,800 years ago.The Ancient Romans 31____ that the stones were broken pieces of stars that had 32____ to earth.In Ancient Egypt,diamonds were used in funerals.In the Middle Ages,men 33____ them to symbolize their courage and strength.The 34____ of giving them as presents dates from 1477,35____ Maximilian,the prince of Austria, gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy.




D.reveal 22.A.under



D.within 23.A.precise



D.correct 24.A.buried



D.blended 25.A.physical



D.natural 26.A.who



D.he 27.A.measure



D.weigh 28.A.cultivated



D.found IV.Reading Comprehension(60 points)

Passage One

Before the conference began,a Japanese businessman was introduced to an American businessman at the lounge.The Japanese businessman,arms extending downwards from his shoulders,bowed from his waist toward the American businessman to whom he was just introduced.His eyes

第 1




D.with 30.A.first







D.confirmed 32.A.fallen



D.burned 33.A.decorated



D.wore 34.A.practice



D.culture 35.A.what










C.identify D.occup

were directed ahead,his face showed no particular expression.

The American businessman stood straight.His eyes focused on the Japanese man‟S eyes.He smiled and put out his right hand.

Both men smiled briefly in embarrassment.The Japanese man straightened up and put out his right hand.The American withdrew his hand and bowed his head.A broader smile of embarrassment.and some noise from each man-not really words,just some sounds from their throats-indicating discomfort.They were in the course of a conflict of customs;they had different habits for greeting people they were being introduced to. When people are planning to go to another country,they expect to encounter certain kinds of differences.They usually expect the weather and the food to be different.They expect to find differences in some of the material aspects of life,such as the availability of cars,electricity,and home heating systems.And,without knowing the details,they expect differences in customs.Customs are the behaviors that are generally expected in specific situations.American men,for example,shake hands with each other when first introduced while Japanese men bow.

36.When introduced to the Japanese businessman,the American businessman put Out his right hand because____. A.he felt a little bit nervous

B.he wanted to express his discomfort C.he felt a little offended by the Japanese man D.he wanted to shake hands with the Japanese man 37.The two businessmen behaved differently because____.

A.they followed their own greeting customsB.they were not used to the strange atmosphere C.they couldn‟t speak each other‟ S languageD.they had never met each other before 38.Paragraph 4 tells us that when visiting a foreign country,____.A.it is very uncommon for one to encounter embarrassing situationsB.it is hard for one to adapt to the material aspects of life there

C.people often expect tO meet differences in customsD.people expect the same kind of food and weather 39.This passage is mainly about____.

A.cultural invasion

B.the understanding of customsC.business talks

D.differences in handshakes


Mr.Leonard,the principal of the Bedford Academy High School in Bedford-Stuyvesant,Brooklyn,is a man of many solutions,many of them creative,many of them,apparently, also effective.In New York City, only about 50 percent of students manage to graduate in four years.At Bedford Academy 63 percent of the students qualify for free lunch,a majority of which are being raised by a single mother and another significant number are being raised by someone other than a parent.Yet close to 95 percent of students graduate,and actually every one of those goes on to college.

Mr.Leonard does not achieve those results by admitting only high-testing students into his school.Of the students arriving with lower test scores,Mr.Leonard says that he is not looking for the students with the highest grades,or even the best behavior.He‟ S looking for the ones who understand his basic mission of discipline and respect,and are willing to devote themselves to his regular training course.

The Bedford Academy High School is famous for its autonomy.For Mr.Leonard,autonomy means insisting that all entering students spend their Saturday mornings in preparatory classes the summer before they enroll.Autonomy also means an automatic weeklong suspension for any student who “disrespects a female,”said Mr.Leonard.It means requiring struggling students,in the weeks before the Regents exams,to attend studying sessions on Saturday from 9 a.m.until 9 p.m.It means the most senior, experienced teachers,including Mr.Leonard,teach not the school‟S academic jewels,but the most struggling students.

And autonomy also means the school‟ S teachers administer almost no homework.Instead they emphasize after-school tutoring where the teachers Can keep a better eye on whether the student is actually grasping the material.

40.In Mr.Leonard‟S school,most ofthe students who don‟t have to pay for lunch____.

A.are adopted children

B.are parentlessC.are homeless

D.have a single parent

41.What can be a good indication of the Bedford School‟ s success?

A.63 percent of its students go on to college.B.A high percentage of students enjoy free lunch.C.All the graduates from the school go on to college.D.The number of its graduates is twice that of New York High School 42.What does Mr.Leonard expect from those low-testing students? 43.The school insists that students should____.

A.leave the school if they fail to respect a woman B.attend the preparatory classes in the summer before enrolling

C.do their homework to review what they have learned D.come to the school on Sundays Passage Three

People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads;everyone watches TV, rents videos,or goes to the movies.The most popular reading material is comic books,movie magazines,and TV guide s.City libraries have only 10 percent of the traffic that car washes have.But how do you explain this? An annual book festival in west Los Angeles is flourishing year after year.People wait half an hour for a parking space to become available.

This outdoor festival,sponsored by a newspaper,occurs every April for one weekend.This year‟ s attendance was estimated at 70,000 on

第 2

A.The highest scores.

B.The best behaviour.C.Respectfulness and discipline.

D.Willingness to learn by themselves.Saturday and 75,000 on Sunday.The festival consisted of 280 exhibitors.There were about 90 talks given by authors,with an audience question-and-answer period foilowing each talk.Autograph(亲笔签名)seekers sought out more than 150 authors.A food court sold all kinds of popular food and diverse foreign foods,from American hamburgers to Hawaiian shave ice drinks.Except for a $7 parking fee,the festival was free.Even so,some people avoided the food court prices by staying away and having their own sandwiches and drinks.People came from all over California.One couple drove down from San Francisco.“This is our sixth year here now.We love it,”said the husband.“It‟s just fantastic to be in the great outdoors,to be mnong so many books and authors,and to get some very good deals,too.”

The idea for the festival occurred years ago,but nobody knew if it would succeed.Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities,would Los Angeles residents welcome one?“The citizens of the city are very unpredictable,”said one of the festival founders.

44.The underlined sentence in the first paragraph implies that____.

A.city libraries have a very limited number of readers B.only a small proportion of the readers go to libraries by car

C.city libraries provide fewer places for Car washesD.city libraries have fewer parking places

45.The outdoor book festival attracts____.

A.autograph seekers and authors onlyB.people with different interests

C.people who love Los AngelesD.people who like cooking

46.At the very beginning,people were____ about the idea for the book festival in Los Angeles.A.confident

B.pessimistic C.uncertain


47.The success of Los Angeles book festival shows that____.

A.book reading is still popular in Los Angeles B.Los Angeles people prefer library to book festival

C.people attend the book festivals for fun not for reading D.libraries should have food courts to attract more readers

Passage Four

Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it? Are you afraid to ask someone for a date?

Many people are afraid to assert themselves(坚持己见).Dr.Robert Alberti,author of Stand Up, Speak Out,and Talk Back, thinks it‟s because of their lack of confidence.“Our structure of organization tends to make people distrust themselves.”says Alberti.“There‟s always a„superior‟around-a parent,a teacher,a boss-who„knows better‟.These„superiors‟often gain when they keep breaking at your self-image.”

But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves.They offer“assertiveness training”courses-AT for short.In the AT course people learn that they have a right to be themselves.They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so.They learn to be aggressive without hurting people.

In one way, learning to speak out is to overcome fear.A group taking an AT course will help the shy person to lose his fear.But AT uses an even stronger motive-the need to share.The shy person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels.

Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-image.If someone you face is more“important”than you,you may feel less of a person.You start to doubt your own good sense.You go by the other person‟ s label.But,why should you?AT says you can get to feel good about yourself.And once you do,you can learn to speak out.

48.People are reluctant to talk back because____.

A.they have a poor self-image B.they have not received AT courses

C.they have not grasped communication skillsD.they are not generous enough to share things

49.According to Dr.Alberti,our organization is constructed to____.

A.get people to trust their own solutions to problemsB.keep people as knowledgeable as their“superiors”

C.train people‟ s capacity to speak up for their righ

D.make things more favorable for“superiors”

50.One of the objectives of AT courses is to____.

A.train people to trust othersB.encourage people to share their thoughts

C.tell people of their right to be“superiors”D.help people overcome their fear of asserting themselves

51.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Protect Yourself

B.Try to Speak Out C.Share Your Opinion

D.Face Your Superior

Passage Five

A wind tunnel is used for testing planes or plane models.In a wind tunnel air is blown over a plane ora model placed in a test section.Wind tunnel test sections are different in size depending on airflow speed requirements.Some low-speed tunnels have test sections large enough for a complete small plane.In the very high speed tunnels used for space testing,however,the model may be as small as a pencil.

There are two ways of feeding air to the test section.In the constant flow tunnel,airflow produced by electric fans is forced through the tunnel to the test section,then through another tunnel section back to the starting point for reuse.The other way involves storing high-pressure air in a

第 3

box,sending it out by a controlling device to pass through the tunnel and test section into another box.This way is usually used for a very short period of high-speed airflow.

Wind tunnels are usually used to test planes before they are flown.Problems in a plane carl be found when it meets the high-speed airflow in the tunnel.For example,if the wings are built so that they would weaken at high speeds,this fact can be discovered in the tunnel,thus saving many lives and millions of dollars.

In a wind tunnel,scientists also find out how different planes will act at different speeds.They find out such things as how the air dives by the wing surfaces,how slowly a plane can fly before it starts to drop,and howfastit can climb.

52.Some wind tunnel sections are larger than others because____.

A.they are used for large planes

B.they can produce a stronger wind

C.they are built to conduct a high-speed test

D.the air in them flows at a lower speed

53.The underlined words“this fact”in Paragraph 3 refer to the fact that____.

A.it costs a lot to test a plane B.the wings are not good enough C.some problems are found with a plane D.the wings meet the high-speed air flow in the tunnel

54.As mentioned in the last paragraph,a wind tunnel can be used to find out____.A.how fast a plane can rise

B.how smooth a plane‟s surface is

C.how a plane lands in a strong wind

D.how a plane drops at a low height

55.What can we learn from the passage?

A.It is very expensive to build a wind tunnel. B.Wind tunnels are very essential in testing planes.

C.Scientists still have a lot to learn about wind tunnels. D.There are new ways to feed air to the test section.

【V.Daily Conversation(15 points)

Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.A.I miss you,too

B.It‟ a nice C.Oh,come on

D.for the world E.Sounds as if

F.in the world G.To tell you the truth

H.I can‟ t wait

John:Hi,Kim.I haven‟t seen you for ages.How are you?

Kim:I‟m fine.thanks.I moved house recently,so I‟ve been very busy.

John:56____ you need a rest!Listen,I‟m having a Halloween party on Saturday night.Would you like to come?

Kim:It's very good of you to ask me.but I‟m too busy.I still have a lot to do in the house.


!Everybody needs a break now and then.

Kim:Yes,you are right.58____,I‟m geeing a bit fed up with it!When does your party start?

John:Around 8:00‟clock in the evening.

Kim:Sounds great!59____.

John:OK!I'll see you on Saturday,then.

Kim:I wouldn‟t miss it 60____!

VI.Writing(25 points)

Directions:For this part,you are supposed to write an essay in English in about 100-120 words based on the following situation.Remember to write it clearly.

61.你(Li Yuan)是某大学志愿者小组的组织者,请简要介绍该小组的情况,内容包括:





Our volunteer committee was founded on Spertember5th, 2007.Now, we have our own place to hold all kinds of meetings.At present,this volunteer committee consists of 200 persons, except students in our University , we also have students coming from the other Universities ,such as Beijing Normal University , Foreign Language Study University……… and so on.We carry out various activities , like carrying for poor pupils and orphans , and looking after the elderly persons and their housework.In my opinion , being a volunteer and giving those who need your help a hand is very interesting and joyful ,welcome you to join us.VI.Writing(25 points)

第 4




I.Phonetics(5 points)

Directions:In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.























C.identify D.occupy



II.Vocabulary and Structure(15 points)

Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

6.We travelled on the 6:45 a.m.train to Boston,____arrived at 8:30 p.m.









7.The boys spent the whole morning____possible answers to the question.


B.to discuss





【解析】本题考查短语Spend time doing something


8.It's a pity that some of the people____cannot come tO the party.



C.to invite

D.were invited



【解析】本题考查分词作定语,people 与 invite是被动关系,过去分词表被动,现在分词表主动。

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9.It was____ matter that I had no choice but to talk it over with my parents.

A.a such serious

B.a so serious

C.such serious a

D.SO serious a



【解析】本题考查的是such 与so 的区别,such + a /an + adj + n ,而 so + adj + a /an + n,根据上述公式,选D


10.Jane isn’ t feeling well today.I dare not do____ to upset her.




D.a thing



【解析】本题考查some 构成的词用于肯定句,any 构成的词用于否定句,no构成的词本身含有否定意义。

【点评】考查anything,something,nothing的区别,咱们在安通课堂上强调过。11.More and more families have moved elsewhere because they cannot____the noise from the neighbouring airport.

A.come up with

B.put up with

C.catch up with

D.keep up with





12.Walk another block and cross the traffic lights,you will see the museum right____the left.







【解析】本题考查介词的用法,在左边 on the left,在右边 on the right ;

13.The Intemet users visiting our website are____young people between the age of 13 and




D.at most



【解析】Most 大多数 almost 几乎,差一点;

mostly 以„„为主,主要;

at most 最多不过,充其量


14.No culture exists in____.It all comes from someplace.Ancient customs were modem one time.








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15.There are several means of mass communication.The newspaper is' one.Television is____.

A.the Other

B.the another





【解析】本体的答案由several决定,两者时用 one„.the other , other后必须有名词,another前不能加the,故选D

16.____the government agrees to give extra money, the theatre will have to be closed next month.

A.Unless B.If





【解析】A.Unless 除非

B.If 如果

C.Since既然 ;自从„„以来

D.As 由于;



17.It is important to____ our awareness about environmental protection.








B.make 使,制造

C.form 乡城


18.Seldom____ any mistakes during my past five years of service in the company.A.I did make

B.I would make

C.did I make

D.would I make



【解析】本题的答案由seldom决定,由于seldom含有否定意义,空格中应用倒装语序。时间状语my past five years 决定用一般过去时。


19.I____ raw fish,but I’ d like to try it one day.

A.never eat

B.never ate

C.was never eating

D.have never eaten




【点评】 本题考查时态的判断,属于简单题,在安通听过课的学员不应该出错。

20.Interestingly,many people hold the belief that imports are____ to domestic goods.A.contrary





【翻译】有趣的是,许多人 认为,进口的商品比国产的质量好

【解析】本题考查短语的固定搭配空格后的to 决定正确。Superior to,“优于„„”


词汇与结构部分考查词汇与短语的有7,11,13,14,17,20 题 ; 第9 题是2003年成考高起点的原题,其它的考题是语法或与语法相关的词汇考题,较难的题是第成人高考网 www.xiexiebang.com 成人高考,成考,成人高考报名条件,成人高考试题,成人高考成绩查


题,考查分词作定语,第18 题考查否定的词汇置于句首强调,主谓语应倒装。2009年词汇与语法题没有2007,2008 年难。这些考点在安通学校的考前辅导班上都讲过,只要上课认真听,下课认真复习,这部分都能考出优异的成绩 Ⅲ.Cloze(30 points)

Directions:For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Every woman dreams of receiving a huge priceless diamond.Now space scientists 21____ that they have discovered the largest diamond in the universe.But it’s well 22____ the reach of the most loves truck men because it's 50 light years away, to be 23____.

Measuring 2,500 miles across and weighing five million trillion pounds,the rock Was found on Valentine’ s Day 24____ in the core of a white dwarf star, and it has excited the 25____ world.“It’s the mother of all diamonds,”said Travis Metcalfe,26____ led the team of researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre,“and you would need a jeweler’S loupe(专用放大镜),the size of the Sun,to 27____ this diamond.”

The largest diamond 28____ on earth was the 3,106-carat(克拉)Cullinan.It Was cut 29____ nine major stones,including the 530-carat Star of Africa,now a part of the Crown Jewels.Diamonds were 30____ discovered in India more than 2,800 years ago.The Ancient Romans 31____ that the stones were broken pieces of stars that had 32____ to earth.In Ancient Egypt,diamonds were used in funerals.In the Middle Ages,men 33____ them to symbolize their courage and strength.The 34____ of giving them as presents dates from 1477,35____ Maximilian,the prince of Austria, gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy.






【解析】许多天文学家透露,他们发现了宇宙中最大的钻石。Reveal 透露,泄露正确











Beyond 超出,超过 正确






【解析】to be precise 精确的,确切的


















【解析】空格前是一个人的名字,故可判断为 who引导定语从句。




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【翻译】 古罗马人相信大石头被打成小星星,落到地球上。

【解析】A.questioned,提问; B.believed“相信”

C.suspected “怀疑” D.confirmed“证实”,根据翻译可知应选B






【解析】本题考查动词短语的固定搭配,fall 降落,飘落


















【解析】hen 引导时间状语从句时,谓语动词可以是短暂的,也可以是延续的,但while引导的从句必须是延续的。动词give 是短暂性动词。故选when.【完型填空总评】2009年的完形题难度中等,我们已经在安通学校精讲班中对完型填空各种题型做了模拟练习,相信安通的学员能考的不错。

IV.Reading Comprehension(60 points)

Directions:There are five reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by four questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Before the conference began,a Japanese businessman was introduced to an American businessman at the lounge.The Japanese businessman,arms extending downwards from his shoulders,bowed from his waist toward the American businessman to whom he was just 成人高考网 www.xiexiebang.com 成人高考,成考,成人高考报名条件,成人高考试题,成人高考成绩查


introduced.His eyes were directed ahead,his face showed no particular expression.

The American businessman stood straight.His eyes focused on the Japanese man’S eyes.He smiled and put out his right hand.

Both men smiled briefly in embarrassment.The Japanese man straightened up and put out his right hand.The American withdrew his hand and bowed his head.A broader smile of embarrassment.and some noise from each man-not really words,just some sounds from their throats-indicating discomfort.They were in the course of a conflict of customs;they had different habits for greeting people they were being introduced to.

When people are planning to go to another country,they expect to encounter certain kinds of differences.They usually expect the weather and the food to be different.They expect to find differences in some of the material aspects of life,such as the availability of cars,electricity,and home heating systems.And,without knowing the details,they expect differences in customs.Customs are the behaviors that are generally expected in specific situations.American men,for example,shake hands with each other when first introduced while Japanese men bow.

36.When introduced to the Japanese businessman,the American businessman put Out his right hand because____.

A.he felt a little bit nervous

B.he wanted to express his discomfort

C.he felt a little offended by the Japanese man

D.he wanted to shake hands with the Japanese man



37.The two businessmen behaved differently because____.

A.they followed their own greeting customs

B.they were not used to the strange atmosphere

C.they couldn’t speak each other’ S language

D.they had never met each other before



38.Paragraph 4 tells us that when visiting a foreign country,____.A.it is very uncommon for one to encounter embarrassing situations

B.it is hard for one to adapt to the material aspects of life there

C.people often expect tO meet differences in customs

D.people expect the same kind of food and weather



39.This passage is mainly about____.

A.cultural invasion

B.the understanding of customs

C.business talks

D.differences in handshakes




Mr.Leonard,the principal of the Bedford Academy High School in Bedford-Stuyvesant,成人高考网 www.xiexiebang.com 成人高考,成考,成人高考报名条件,成人高考试题,成人高考成绩查


Brooklyn,is a man of many solutions,many of them creative,many of them,apparently, also effective.In New York City, only about 50 percent of students manage to graduate in four years.At Bedford Academy 63 percent of the students qualify for free lunch,a majority of which are being raised by a single mother and another significant number are being raised by someone other than a parent.Yet close to 95 percent of students graduate,and actually every one of those goes on to college.

Mr.Leonard does not achieve those results by admitting only high-testing students into his school.Of the students arriving with lower test scores,Mr.Leonard says that he is not looking for the students with the highest grades,or even the best behavior.He’ S looking for the ones who understand his basic mission of discipline and respect,and are willing to devote themselves to his regular training course.

The Bedford Academy High School is famous for its autonomy.For Mr.Leonard,autonomy means insisting that all entering students spend their Saturday mornings in preparatory classes the summer before they enroll.Autonomy also means an automatic weeklong suspension for any student who “disrespects a female,”said Mr.Leonard.It means requiring struggling students,in the weeks before the Regents exams,to attend studying sessions on Saturday from 9 a.m.until 9 p.m.It means the most senior, experienced teachers,including Mr.Leonard,teach not the school’S academic jewels,but the most struggling students.

And autonomy also means the school’ S teachers administer almost no homework.Instead they emphasize after-school tutoring where the teachers Can keep a better eye on whether the student is actually grasping the material.

40.In Mr.Leonard’S school,most ofthe students who don’t have to pay for lunch____.

A.are adopted children

B.are parentless

C.are homeless

D.have a single parent



41.What can be a good indication of the Bedford School’ s success?

A.63 percent of its students go on to college.B.A high percentage of students enjoy free lunch.C.All the graduates from the school go on to college.D.The number of its graduates is twice that of New York High School



42.What does Mr.Leonard expect from those low-testing students?

A.The highest scores.

B.The best behaviour.C.Respectfulness and discipline.

D.Willingness to learn by themselves.【答案】C

【解析】文章第二段第二行谈到,Mr Leonard 看重的不是学生的分数,而是守纪律,尊敬别人。故C正确。

43.The school insists that students should____.

A.leave the school if they fail to respect a woman

B.attend the preparatory classes in the summer before enrolling 成人高考网 www.xiexiebang.com 成人高考,成考,成人高考报名条件,成人高考试题,成人高考成绩查


C.do their homework to review what they have learned

D.come to the school on Sundays



Passage Three

People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads;everyone watches TV, rents videos,or goes to the movies.The most popular reading material is comic books,movie magazines,and TV guide s.City libraries have only 10 percent of the traffic that car washes have.But how do you explain this? An annual book festival in west Los Angeles is flourishing year after year.People wait half an hour for a parking space to become available.

This outdoor festival,sponsored by a newspaper,occurs every April for one weekend.This year’ s attendance was estimated at 70,000 on Saturday and 75,000 on Sunday.The festival consisted of 280 exhibitors.There were about 90 talks given by authors,with an audience question-and-answer period foilowing each talk.Autograph(亲笔签名)seekers sought out more than 150 authors.A food court sold all kinds of popular food and diverse foreign foods,from American hamburgers to Hawaiian shave ice drinks.Except for a $7 parking fee,the festival was free.Even so,some people avoided the food court prices by staying away and having their own sandwiches and drinks.People came from all over California.One couple drove down from San Francisco.“This is our sixth year here now.We love it,”said the husband.“It’s just fantastic to be in the great outdoors,to be mnong so many books and authors,and to get some very good deals,too.”

The idea for the festival occurred years ago,but nobody knew if it would succeed.Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities,would Los Angeles residents welcome one?“The citizens of the city are very unpredictable,”said one of the festival founders.

44.The underlined sentence in the first paragraph implies that____.

A.city libraries have a very limited number of readers

B.only a small proportion of the readers go to libraries by car

C.city libraries provide fewer places for Car washes

D.city libraries have fewer parking places



45.The outdoor book festival attracts____.

A.autograph seekers and authors only

B.people with different interests

C.people who love Los Angeles

D.people who like cooking



46.At the very beginning,people were____ about the idea for the book festival in Los Angeles.A.confident

B.pessimistic 成人高考网 www.xiexiebang.com 成人高考,成考,成人高考报名条件,成人高考试题,成人高考成绩查





【解析】文章最后一段谈到,but nobody knew if it would succeed“The citizens of the city are very unpredictable,(unpredictable 捉摸不透的,不确定的,和uncertain 同义),故C正确。

47.The success of Los Angeles book festival shows that____.

A.book reading is still popular in Los Angeles

B.Los Angeles people prefer library to book festival

C.people attend the book festivals for fun not for reading

D.libraries should have food courts to attract more readers



Passage Four

Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it? Are you afraid to ask someone for a date?

Many people are afraid to assert themselves(坚持己见).Dr.Robert Alberti,author of Stand Up, Speak Out,and Talk Back, thinks it’s because of their lack of confidence.“Our structure of organization tends to make people distrust themselves.”says Alberti.“There’s always a‘superior’around-a parent,a teacher,a boss-who‘knows better’.These‘superiors’often gain when they keep breaking at your self-image.”

But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves.They offer“assertiveness training”courses-AT for short.In the AT course people learn that they have a right to be themselves.They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so.They learn to be aggressive without hurting people.

In one way, learning to speak out is to overcome fear.A group taking an AT course will help the shy person to lose his fear.But AT uses an even stronger motive-the need to share.The shy person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels.

Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-image.If someone you face is more“important”than you,you may feel less of a person.You start to doubt your own good sense.You go by the other person’ s label.But,why should you?AT says you can get to feel good about yourself.And once you do,you can learn to speak out.

48.People are reluctant to talk back because____.

A.they have a poor self-image

B.they have not received AT courses

C.they have not grasped communication skills

D.they are not generous enough to share things


【解析】文章最后一段第一句Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-image,说明一个人是否愿意把自己的想法大胆的说出来取决于一个人的自我形象。故A正确

49.According to Dr.Alberti,our organization is constructed to____.

A.get people to trust their own solutions to problems 成人高考网 www.xiexiebang.com 成人高考,成考,成人高考报名条件,成人高考试题,成人高考成绩查


B.keep people as knowledgeable as their“superiors”

C.train people’ s capacity to speak up for their rights

D.make things more favorable for“superiors”


【解析】“There’s always a‘superior’around-a parent,a teacher,a boss-who‘knows better’.These‘superiors’often gain when they keep breaking at your self-image.”


50.One of the objectives of AT courses is to____.

A.train people to trust others

B.encourage people to share their thoughts

C.tell people of their right to be“superiors”

D.help people overcome their fear of asserting themselves



51.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Protect Yourself

B.Try to Speak Out

C.Share Your Opinion

D.Face Your Superior



Passage Five

A wind tunnel is used for testing planes or plane models.In a wind tunnel air is blown over a plane ora model placed in a test section.Wind tunnel test sections are different in size depending on airflow speed requirements.Some low-speed tunnels have test sections large enough for a complete small plane.In the very high speed tunnels used for space testing,however,the model may be as small as a pencil.

There are two ways of feeding air to the test section.In the constant flow tunnel,airflow produced by electric fans is forced through the tunnel to the test section,then through another tunnel section back to the starting point for reuse.The other way involves storing high-pressure air in a box,sending it out by a controlling device to pass through the tunnel and test section into another box.This way is usually used for a very short period of high-speed airflow.

Wind tunnels are usually used to test planes before they are flown.Problems in a plane carl be found when it meets the high-speed airflow in the tunnel.For example,if the wings are built so that they would weaken at high speeds,this fact can be discovered in the tunnel,thus saving many lives and millions of dollars.

In a wind tunnel,scientists also find out how different planes will act at different speeds.They find out such things as how the air dives by the wing surfaces,how slowly a plane can fly before it starts to drop,and howfastit can climb.

52.Some wind tunnel sections are larger than others because____.

A.they are used for large planes

B.they can produce a stronger wind

C.they are built to conduct a high-speed test

D.the air in them flows at a lower speed



53.The underlined words“this fact”in Paragraph 3 refer to the fact that____.

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A.it costs a lot to test a plane

B.the wings are not good enough

C.some problems are found with a plane

D.the wings meet the high-speed air flow in the tunnel


【解析】本句是说如果机翼劣质,高速飞行时会受损。问题中的this fact 指的是机翼质量不好。故B正确。

54.As mentioned in the last paragraph,a wind tunnel can be used to find out____.A.how fast a plane can rise

B.how smooth a plane’s surface is

C.how a plane lands in a strong wind

D.how a plane drops at a low height


【解析】这个句子and how fast it can climb.说明A是正确答案。

55.What can we learn from the passage?

A.It is very expensive to build a wind tunnel.

B.Wind tunnels are very essential in testing planes.

C.Scientists still have a lot to learn about wind tunnels.

D.There are new ways to feed air to the test section.


【解析】文章最后一段说明wind tunnels 在检测新飞机的性能上是非常重要的。故B正确。


V.Daily Conversation(15 points)

Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.A.I miss you,too

B.It’ a nice

C.Oh,come on

D.for the world

E.Sounds as if

F.in the world

G.To tell you the truth

H.I can’ t wait

John:Hi,Kim.I haven’t seen you for ages.How are you?

Kim:I’m fine.thanks.I moved house recently,so I’ve been very busy.

John:56____ you need a rest!Listen,I’m having a Halloween party on Saturday night.Would you like to come?

Kim:It's very good of you to ask me.but I’m too busy.I still have a lot to do in the house.


!Everybody needs a break now and then.

Kim:Yes,you are right.58____,I’m geeing a bit fed up with it!When does your party start?

John:Around 8:00’clock in the evening.

Kim:Sounds great!59____.

John:OK!I'll see you on Saturday,then.

Kim:I wouldn’t miss it 60____!






【分析】本题是情景对话,讲述的是两个很久没有见面的朋友,相互的问候,其中约翰成人高考网 www.xiexiebang.com 成人高考,成考,成人高考报名条件,成人高考试题,成人高考成绩查



VI.Writing(25 points)

Directions:For this part,you are supposed to write an essay in English in about 100-120 words based on the following situation.Remember to write it clearly.

61.你(Li Yuan)是某大学志愿者小组的组织者,请简要介绍该小组的情况,内容包括:





Our volunteer committee was founded on Spertember5th, 2007.Now, we have our own place to hold all kinds of meetings.At present,this volunteer committee consists of 200 persons, except students in our University , we also have students coming from the other Universities ,such as Beijing Normal University , Foreign Language Study University……… and so on.We carry out various activities , like carrying for poor pupils and orphans , and looking after the elderly persons and their housework.In my opinion , being a volunteer and giving those who need your help a hand is very interesting and joyful ,welcome you to join us.VI.Writing(25 points)




















【作文总体点评】2009年的作文题难度不大(与2007,2008 年相比),咱们在安通辅导班上练过类似的作文。

【总评】总的来说,今年专升本英语考试符合考试大纲内容,总体难度与往年相比差不多,只要大家在课上认真听课,考一个高分应该不是问题,但对于没有上过辅导班的学员来说可能考一个好的分数不太容易。所以,对于打算参加2010年的考生我想说,1 需提前1成人高考网 www.xiexiebang.com 成人高考,成考,成人高考报名条件,成人高考试题,成人高考成绩查


年积累词汇,2要养成阅读的好习惯,不可临阵磨枪。词汇应在阅读的过程中积累。3 良好的写作习惯,最好用英文记日记。

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