
时间:2019-05-15 04:26:39下载本文作者:会员上传





5月2日上午,高级,上海: 2009, a year for economic recovery 1.中国GDP增长率 2.为何投入基础设施建设?



How compulsory education has benefited young people in China? 1, How do you understand the notion of “compulsory education”? 2, Compulsory education plays an important role in reducing or even removing education inequality and improving the quality of children from poor or low-income families.Explain why we say this.3, 是否需要将义务教育扩展到高中,你认为这个中国经济发展的水平相适应吗?

5月3日上午,高级,上海: Raising Tobacco Tax 1.你认为这种方法是否有效?

2.有人认为这种方法会使人们购买更低廉的香烟,更会危害身体健康 3.你周围有没有朋友或者亲戚抽烟的,如何解决控制?

5月3日下午,高级,上海: Urbanization


2.有人认为,城市化是经济社会发展的标志,你同意吗? 3.城市化有哪些优点和缺点? 5月9日上午,中级,上海: 世博会Expo

1.the history of expo and the significance of Shanghai 2010 expo 2.what attracts you most, cultural activities, the pavilion… 5月9日下午,中级,上海: 地震之后

1,官方数据,死伤人数是多少? 2,地震发生后的救灾措施


5月15日上午,高级,武汉: 企业成功的评价标准是其创造的利益还是其社会责任感 5月15日下午,中级,南京: making a new living:new occupation

driver instructor等现象愈发热门,第三产业日益发展 5月16日上午,中级,上海: 普通话与方言


Should living skills training become compulsory in schools? 生存技能训练对在校学生是否必须?

5月23日上午,中级,上海: 行人与驾车者的道路权孰大 5月23日下午,中级,上海: 老师补课赚外快合法吗? 口译篇章

5月2日上午,高级,上海: 英译汉

世博美国馆,设计创新及清洁能源 午餐前讲话,澳中关系 汉译英 跨文化交际,中国的文化传播(孔子学院、儒道),民贵君轻思想 大学应提倡加强基础研究建设,而不应只把知识应用于实践 5月2日下午,高级,上海: 英译汉

中国经济增长率 美中两国家庭与价值观 汉译英

跨文化交际,中国的文化传播(孔子学院、儒道)大会发言:关于电视业的发展与合作 5月3日上午,高级,上海: 英译汉 ?? 全球化 汉译英 民族团结

大学精神:创新与研究 5月3日下午,高级,上海: 英译汉 悉尼歌剧院 政府部门之间相互合作的战略性措施 汉译英

联合国宪章宗旨与互助合作 环境问题以及由此引发的社会问题 5月9日上午,中级,上海: 英译汉 中非关系

美国喜欢独居的人 汉译英


西方文化对中国的影响,刀叉、西餐、摇滚、牛仔裤、中医… 5月9日下午,中级,上海: 英译汉

中英关系,中国经济发展对世界经济的贡献 庆祝美国独立日的发言 汉译英 讲话(?)

文化的三个层次,物质,文化价值观和信仰等 5月15日上午,高级,武汉: 英译汉






5月15日下午,中级,南京: 英译汉 股票交易市场 文化交流论坛发言 汉译英 大学精神 改善生存环境

5月16日上午,中级,上海: 英译汉 美国和中国(?)教师与教育事业 汉译英 关于上海的介绍(?)环境保护

5月16日下午,中级,上海: 英译汉

大学的职能与发展,对社会贡献 美国老人和孩子一起生活的问题、原因 汉译英 世博会


5月23日上午,中级,上海: 英译汉


飞速变化的世界对人们的影响 汉译英


上海的介绍(涉及到上海博物馆以及东方明珠电视塔)5月23日下午,中级,上海: 英译汉 乔布斯的演讲,Stay hungry, stay foolish 探月工程 汉译英 春节的来历



2009年秋季高口口试题目回顾 口语topics: 10月31日上午

彩票欺诈 10月31日下午

官员财产申报 11月1日上午

what punishment does falsifying exam status merit 高考状元涉嫌违规修改个人信息该如何处理


个人所得税起征点改革 11月28日上午(南京)贫困生助学贷款体系 口译

10月31日上午 英译汉 互联网

2010年冬奥会举办地,温哥华简介 汉译英 亚洲教育论坛 能源问题 10月31日下午 英译汉:

悉尼歌剧院(据说很难)IMF的在经济危机中的决策作用 汉译英:

对建国100周年时的展望 自然生态环境

11月1日上午 英译汉

国际组织宗旨(?)汉译英 中华民族,和为贵,集体人权(领导讲话?)环保的重要性 11月1日下午 英译汉

上海创新,商务会议发言 通过互联网了解家族史 汉译英

中国与外商直接投资 太仓简介

11月28日上午(南京): 英译汉

美国文化(大熔炉vs.色拉碗)经济全球化 汉译英 环境污染与防治 中国电视业的发展 09年秋季中口口试题目回顾 口语topics:

11月8日上午:新中国成立六十周年 11月8日下午:博物馆免费开放

11月15日上午:公务员是否有必要学习英语以提升政府形象? 11月15日下午:Is drunk driving a felony? 酒后驾车是否是重罪? 11月22日上午:Should we resume the use of traditional characters? 是否需要恢复使用繁体字?

11月22日下午:Which is more important in job-hunting: what you know or who you know? 找工作的时候哪一个更重要:是知识储备还是人际关系?

11月28日下午(南京):What is behind the reduction of college entrance examination takers?

11月29日上午:Does university education just provide technical training?大学教育是否仅仅提供专业技能培训?


Can ID cellphone purchases stop junk text messages?购买手机采取实名制是否可以阻止垃圾短信?

口译 11月8日上午 英译汉 硅谷 中非关系 汉译英

旅游业的发展与前景 气功和瑜伽 11月8日下午 英译汉 硅谷 访问中国感言


老师简介: K: 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员。中/高级口译明星教师。上海交通大学英语语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。






















排队领号入场-------〉手机封装-----------〉进入大教室按序号等待----------〉口语准备时间(给一个topic,题目的要求也是帮你找到思路)----------〉按考场号进入考场---------〉Section A口语考试(实际一般不超过一分钟,属于热身,原则上不卡人,这时,我们除了听你说,也在记录你的姓名、考试号等个人信息)-----------〉Section B 口译考试的Directions(提要求时间)-------------〉正式口译考试1。英译汉(注意每句之间的时间间隔,靠做历年考题熟悉节奏)------------〉2。汉译英---------------〉考试结束,收拾离开。

相信通过实实在在地介绍了考试的具体情况,和考官的大体评判要求,你应该对这个考试更加的熟悉,你应该对坐在你面前的考官有了更多地了解。所以,下次就像看一位老朋友一样来参加考试,Just show us what you've got!不要让紧张遮住你的天空。代表上海新东方口译研究中心祝广大考生顺利过关!

================= 为帮助各位考生熟悉真实考场情况,我总结了以下一些该做的和不该做的几件事,可以归纳为“考试三要三不要”。





















========================== 【口译笔记六要】


二、要学会借助划线和符号,表示常用词汇以及句中逻辑关系。例如,“V”可以表示success,“/”可以表示of, 所以当我们听到success of the American society时,我们可以写下 V/A;又如,在一个动词下面加一条下划线,可以表示进行时态,如“正在进行改革”就可以记录成“ 改 ”。不难看出,合理的使用符号对于对于口译成功的重要性。

三、要少线多指,即用同一种符号代表多种相互关联的意思。例如,(意指一条横线穿过圆圆的地球)可以表示across the world, worldwide, global, international, universal, the earth;而globalization便可用

n 来表示。这样避免了使用过多符号反而更复杂。

四、要少横多竖,即按照译群,勤换行,尤其是列举的时候,竖着记录更为清晰。例如,We’ll invest in schools, colleges, universities, libraries and our communities.最好记录成:










二、不要力图把每一个字都记下来。除非熟练掌握速记,否则不可能做到把口译考试的内容都记下来进行视译(sight interpretation)。因此笔记要记的是反应核心意义的关键信息以及细节信息,如数字、专有名词等等。

三、不要在一段录音结束后拼命把最后几个字都写全。初学者往往喜欢这样做,但实际上,这样做既不必要,又不合理。按照心理学上记忆的规律,最后一句话已经没有倒摄抑制(retroactive inhibition),是不容易遗忘的;如果花了几秒钟在记录最后几个字,导致录音结束后迟迟不开口,浪费宝贵时间,使非常可惜的。














检查口试证和准考证后开始录音,先要用英语说“My name is...”和“My registration number is...”。然后开始讲Topic,讲到等老师喊停后停(一般不会说满5分钟),开始口译部分。










4.A bad beginning is just a bad beginning.虽说“A good beginning is half done.”,但对于口译考试来说“A bad beginning is just a bad beginning.”。由于紧张或未进入状态,加之第一段是英译中很可能发挥不好,这时应该及时调整心态,不能因此而乱了阵脚,影响之后的口译。所以考试中的不断调整也是相当考验心理素质的,相信这也是作为口译员最基本的能力吧。



================= 【以听听说说为荣,以默读默译为耻】



学口译始终要以语篇段落为单位,英译汉时对于不会的词只有利用英文整齐的结构猜测,猜不出就只好扔掉胡说,无论心多虚,嘴上要振振有词,说到底就是拼命地利用听懂的东西。汉译英不会时,要靠断句、降格和做小词的办法,靠转化解决问题。比如,不会说“妇产科”,就说THE DEPARTMENT FOR WOMEN AND CHILD BIRTH;比如,“凭借新加坡雄厚的经济实力,他们取得了很大成就”,不会翻“凭借”,就把这句话拆成,“新加坡有雄厚的经济实力”,“所以,新加坡取得了很大成就”;在比如,“北京大学市历史悠久的大学,隶属教育部”,不会说动词“隶属”,就做小词,挂在主句后面,说“北京大学市历史悠久的大学,under教育部。”再一次提醒大家,口译考试和4、6级、托福、雅思、GRE都不一样,你只能利用你以往的单词基础,在口译练习的过程中一定程度地积累一些口译的常见词和用法,但靠大规模的背单词,完全不会帮你考试过关。






================= 一位顺利通过了口译考试的沪友在经验中介绍了她对一篇素材的训练方法:








英译汉: 中美文化差异



2.口语话题:Can classroom teaching be replaced by guided learning through the Internet? 英译汉:


伦敦的介绍,伦敦的人口和占地面积,是活生生的博物馆 汉译英:



3.口语话题:Are you Happy?


职业生涯 Advice for young singers and song writers

Mutual Relation between U.S.and China 中美关系已经考了两周,后面的同学注意了啊。

汉译英: 开学典礼讲话 江西旅游

4.口语话题:Lifelong education


仪式讲话 中美关系 科技与发展 汉译英: 旅游及其意义



英译汉: 英语学习




英译汉: 人格尊严 国际抗贫困大会 汉译英:

外国人到中国投资 中国人通过互联网参政监督


1.我非常感谢...Reference:Thank you very much for...2.热情友好的欢迎辞Reference:gracious speech of welcome 3...之一Reference:be one of 4.访问...是...Reference:A visit to...has...5.多年梦寐以求的愿望Reference:has long been my dream 6...给予我一次...的机会...Reference:(The visit will)give me(an excellent)opportunity to...7.我为...,再次表达(我的愉快之情和荣幸之感)。Reference:I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to...8.(我对您为我到达贵国后所做的一切安排)深表感谢。note:注意这里“到达”的动词向名词形式的转变。Reference:I'm deeply grateful for everything you've done for me since my arrival in China.9.(我很高兴)有此机会(来贵公司工作),与中国汽车业的杰出人士合作共事。note:(1)这里的“合作共事”可以不译,由前面的“工作”统领,用with连接就可以了。(2)“杰出人士”的翻译Reference:I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in China's automobile industries.10....多年来一直盼望...note:主要是对“盼望”一词的快速反应。Reference:have been looking forward to...for many years 11.我很感激...note:出现“感激”,首先反应就是appreciate及其同族词。Reference:I appreciate...12.你若不在意的话,...Reference:If you don't mind,...13.去...走走Reference:tour around...14.浦江商务旅游公司 note:注意其中的旅游的选词Reference:Pu Jiang Business Travel Campany 15.国家旅游局 note:局不一定要用bureau Reference:the Chinese National Tourist Administration 16.经...批准的...Reference:...approved by...17.在华...Reference:...in China 18.以...为主要服务对象Reference:provide services mainly to...19.公司的宗旨是...Reference:We operate under the principal of...20.促进,改善,发展Reference:promote,improve,promote 21...及其周边地区 Reference:...and its surrounding areas 22.提供全方位的服务 note:注意这里的“全方位”的翻译Reference:offer an all-round service to...23.竭诚Reference:do one's best 24.坦诚相待 Reference:...in an honest partnership 25.商务Reference:business activities 26.我们很高兴...Reference:It gives us great pleasure to...27.再次接待...note:学习这种比较特殊的说法Reference:to play host to...once again 29.学校的全体师生员工Reference:thefaculty,students and staff of the university 30.向...表示热烈欢迎 Reference:...wish to extend one's warm welcome to...31.格林博士和夫人Reference:Dr.and Mrs.Green 32.我相信...Reference:I am convinced that.33.这次对...的访问 note:注意“这次”的翻译Reference:current visit to...34....必将为...Reference:...will surely...35.作出(重要)贡献Reference:make an important contribution to...36.祝大家...note:注意“大家”的翻译Reference:wish you all...37.友好合作关系 note:注意语序的安排Reference:the friendly relations and cooperations 38.我怀着非常愉快的心情(出席本届年会).note:除句型外注意,在出席前添加的小词,以及“年会”的翻译.Reference:It is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting.39.值此...之际,...Reference:On the occasion of....40.我为能有机会...,向....致以深深的谢意.Reference:I would like to express my deep appreciation to...for this opportunity to...









②热点问题:西部大开发、北京申奥等 ③校园文化话题



①多与英美国家人士交流、沟通 ②通过原版外片提高语感 ③背诵好的演讲稿

④阅读报纸,提高词汇量,充实知识量 ⑤平日进行作文练习

3、口语考试常见问题: ①因为紧张忘记事先准备的例子 ②表达不流利


二、口译实考体验 口译基本功









A Sino-foreign joint venture is a mutually complementary and beneficial partnership.Foreign investment in China can maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.我国幅员辽阔、资源丰富、劳动力低廉、消费市场潜力大。此外我们还有稳定的政治社会环境和优惠的投资政策。

Our country has massive land, abundant resources, cheap labor and a potential consumer market, in addition to the stable political and social environment and favorable investment policies.发达国家有雄厚的资金、先进的技术和管理知识。投资兴办合资企业时,外方可以提供资金、机械、技术和管理方法。

Developed countries have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise.When establishing a joint venture, a foreign partner may bring into the cooperative business capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management.中方可以提供土地、劳工和部分资金。应该说,这种投资方法对合作双方来说,具有丰厚的经济回报率。

The Chinese partner, on the other hand, may supply land, labor and a portion of the funds.Therefore, this type of investment is supposed to yield fat economic returns for both parties in the partnership.三、近年中口考试特点





口译技能:听力理解 词汇量 记笔记 表达能力 《中级口译考试备考精要》上海新东方


My name is … My Registration number is 0509000123.My topic today is…


What is interpretation? Interpretation is an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language.The most widely-used forms of interpretation Interpretation may assume either of the following two forms: consecutive interpretation(CI)and simultaneous interpretation(SI).In SI, well-equipped booths are necessary.Interpretation Process


Interpretation criterion

Faithful to the original message and smooth in the target language.准、顺、快


1、To better students’ English;发音要改善,口语要流利,听力要提高,词汇要扩大

2、To introduce and practice interpretation skills(not tips);STM Note-taking Paraphrasing

3、To enlarge students’ scope of knowledge, including LK, ELK 课本的使用

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第二版》 梅德明 《英语高级口译全真试题集》 新东方 《中级口译备考精要》



An Intermediate Course of Interpretation by Prof.Mei Deming as mainline textbook;We won’t deal with each text, though.We will be looking at the important stuff in the book: sentence structures and vocabulary.第二章 礼仪性口译

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第二版》 梅德明


一、vocabulary work词汇预热一 world-renowned 世界闻名 diversity 多样化 dynamism 充满活力 a special regard 特殊的敬意 nostalgic 怀旧的、思乡的 memorable 值得回忆的 utmost courtesy 非常的礼貌 extensive 广泛的

overshadow 使„„黯然失色 non-governmental sector 民间组织 foundations 基金会 mutual benefit 互惠互利 good faith 良好的诚意

strategic relationship

战略关系 flourish


mutual 的搭配

mutual 可以和这些词搭配

mutual respect/benefit/understanding mutual trust/confidence/courtesy(礼尚往来)

mutual equality/complementarity our mutual friend 我们共同的朋友 mutual aid 互助

mutual promise 相互的约定 by mutual consent 双方同意 mutual affection 相爱

二、Expressing Thanks

Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful.首先,请允许我感谢中国东道主的精心安排与好客,我夫人与我,以及代表团的全体人员,都深为感激。

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome.This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation.我非常感谢阁下的友好欢迎辞,对我本人以及代表团所有成员来说,这是愉快而难忘的一天。

In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country.We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in your country.在我结束讲话之前,我想再说一遍,我们来贵国作客是多么的愉快和荣幸。对于我们抵达贵国后你们为我们所做的一切,我们深表感谢。

On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.我谨代表在座的所有的同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。我不仅要感谢特别感谢为我们准备晚宴的人们,而且还要特别感谢演奏优美音乐的人们。

表示感谢的常用形式 On behalf of…

For myself and for our entire delegation, On behalf of all the members of my delegation and in my own name, For our Group and myself, 主体结构:I' d like to express / extend my heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulness /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr.Smith

for your kind invitation(to visit China / to this fair.)/kind hospitality /warm welcome /for giving this grand banquet./for inviting us to such a marvelous dinner tonight.1.I' d like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my earnest gratitude for your help.我愿借此机会向你们的帮助表示衷心的感谢。

2.I should like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your gracious reception and hospitality.我愿向你们盛情的接待与款待表示衷心的感谢。

3.Please accept our sincere thanks for your kind invitation.请接受我们对你友好邀请的真诚感谢。

4.Thank you very much for giving me such an excellent opportunity to visit this beautiful city and work with you.非常感谢你们给我这个极好的机会让我来访问这个美丽的城市并和你们共事。

5.I am very happy to have this second chance of joyful gathering with you.我非常高兴和你们再次相聚。

6.I would like to thank Sir Broers, Vice-Chancellor, for the invitation, which brings me to the famous Cambridge University.非常感谢布鲁尔斯校长的邀请,使我来到久负盛名的剑桥大学。


This is basically a correct observation, which says something about the American way of life.这种看法基本上是正确的,它反映了美国人的生活方式。

Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company, which offers the monthly pass.“灰狗”汽车公司是美国最大的长途汽车公司,有月票出售。

Those were happy days.They were good days, important days.We were part of the dramatic process which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship.我们参与了那富有戏剧性的转变过程,它使我们重新走到一起,使我们踏上了通往建立一种真诚友好与合作关系的道路。

My visit is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship.我的访问是良好诚意的象征,我们怀着这种良好诚意,希望能在友谊的基础上建立文化和商业关系,建立重要的战略关系。

On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我谨代表我在座的所有同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。

So, let us start a long march together on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.所以,让我们沿着通往共同目标的不同的道路,一起开始新的长征。这个目标就是建立一个和平与正义的世界,在这个世界里所有人都可以站在一起享有同等的尊严,所有国家无论其大小,都有权决定自己的政府形式,选择自己的发展道路,而不受外来干涉或统治。

In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.本着这种精神,我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两国人民之间的友谊与合作干杯,这种友谊与合作能够带给全世界人民友谊与和平。


I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and hospitality.// 我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事们,对你们热情的迎接和款待表示感谢。

The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.在中国度过的这五天,令人愉快,难以忘怀。I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.我特别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署。

May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies.我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯。

五、vocabulary work词汇预热二

Your Excellency 阁下

cradle of civilization 文明的摇篮 renew old friendship 重温旧情 establish new contacts 结交新友

a constant source of encouragement 不断的鼓舞 in the pursuit of 追求

a common aspiration 共同的愿望 endeavor=try in the service of 造福于

in closing 最后 privileged 荣幸的

propose a toast 提议„„干杯 cheers 干杯 称呼

Ladies and gentlemen

Your Excellency, My Chinese friends Respected Mr.chairman, ladies and gentlemen Mr.president

“ Your Excellency, Mr.Minister,” Less formally, one may address government officials as: “Mr.8 Director,” “Mr.Minister, ” “Mr.President, ” related other expressions: Your/His/Her majesty

Your/His/Her Highness/ Excellency/Royal Highness Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency /Madam Mr.Smith, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr.and Mrs.Smith(“Dr.and Mrs.Green” if applicable)


1、称呼常用搭配 gracious invitation on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit;warm welcome generous/incomparable hospitality extraordinary arrangement(精心安排)peace, stability and prosperity


We, therefore, welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of and positions taken by small and developing countries.China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country.我们因而欢迎中国关注和理解小国和发展中国家所遇到的问题以及所持的立场。中国的支持始终鼓励着我们追求发展与保持我国独立的立场。

I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavour and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people.我期待着在今后的几天里有机会向你们学习,从你们为造福人们而促进经济和社会发展的奋斗和经验中学到一些东西。

I’d like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency an invitation to visit my country, so that we will have an opportunity to return the warm welcome and generous hospitality you extended to us.我愿意借此机会邀请阁下访问我国,以便我们能有机会回报你们给予我们的热情欢迎和盛情款待。


May I propose a toast To the health of Your Excellency, To the health of all the Chinese friends, Cheers!现在由我祝酒 为阁下的身体健康,为所有中国朋友的身体健康,干杯!

May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Now I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to propose a toast.With the wine of the host, I request you all to raise your glasses and drink to the health of Smith!


Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome.China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream.我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎词。中国是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。

This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts.这次访问给与我一次极好的机会拜访老朋友,结交新朋友。I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.我为自己能访问伟大的贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。

I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.我对您为我到达贵国后所作的一切安排深表谢意。

第三章 中国传统文化

一、“传统节日”单词预热 vocabulary work 烹调 cooking cuisine 鱼肉满架 well stocked with fish and meat 象征意义 symbolic significance 农历 lunar calendar 阳历 solar calendar 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 清明节 Pure Brightness Day 重阳节 Double Ninth Day 放逐 be exiled 忠臣 loyal minister 糯米粽子 glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves 祭祀亡灵 in memory of sb.龙舟比赛 dragon boat races 中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival 满月 full moon 月饼 moon cake 蜜饯 preserved fruits 豆沙 bean paste 11 蛋黄 egg yolk 海鲜 seafood 家禽 poultry 饺子 dumplings 八宝饭 eight treasure rice 米羹 rice balls 油条 fried sticks 麻花 fried twisted stick 炒面 Chaomian 叉烧包 steamed bun with roast pork 粥 porridge 芋头 taro 葱油饼 pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion 有关春节的常用词 放鞭炮 let off firecrackers 耍龙灯 play the dragon lantern 耍狮子 play the lion dance 拜年 pay a new-year call

二、有关“介绍”的翻译 

 我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。

I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays.

 表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译: 1.to share with you brief information 在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。

I'd like to share with you brief information in this respect.2.to brief you on 借此机会,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。

 I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on China's accession to WTO and participation in economic globalization.3.to give a brief account of 我简单介绍我厂的情况。

Let me, first of all, give you a brief account of this factory.在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我简要介绍一下我校的概况。

Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.4.to tell us how/what 请主席先生介绍一下中国农村扶贫运动的情况。

Will Mr.Chairman tell us how the anti-poverty drive is going on in China? 5.to show you 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.6.to provide sb.with some information 借此机会,向各位介绍上海经济发展和开展国际经贸交往的一些情况。I’d like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information about Shanghai’s economic development and its foreign trade.7.share a piece of my mind 



Traditional holiday meals are different from everyday meals in terms of quantity and quality.In addition, some foods with a long history and symbolic significance are indispensable on these occasions.例如,我国的端午节是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟、吃粽子。

For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, a day set aside in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, people will hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.13 中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。

The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon.The round moon is a symbol for completeness, and family reunion.The special food of the day is the yuebing, a round moon cake.春节是中国的农历新年,除了常见的海鲜、家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统菜肴,如饺子和年糕。

The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday.In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the year cake according to their regional custom.四、“武术”单词预热 vocabulary work 武术

martial art 武术宫 martial art palace 健身 bodybuilding 减肥 lose weight 填写登记表 fill in a form 会员卡 membership card 古代格斗术 form of combat习武 practice martial art 中国武术协会 Chinese Martial Arts Association 扣人心弦的表演 thrilling performance 杂技 acrobatics 顶尖/身怀绝技/无懈可击的 top/first-rate/ 武林高手 professional martial artist warrior, sumono, knight, errant, martial artist, swordsman



Wushu, known as Kongfu or martial arts, has a history of a thousand years in China.中国的劳动人民练习武术以强身健体和自我保护,武术至今仍大受欢迎。

The working people in China practice Wushu for physical training and self-defense and Wushu is still immensely popular today.中国武术还引起了外国人的兴趣,在全世界不少国家,都有人学习武术。

Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world.练习武术有各种各样的固定套路,有的要赤手空拳,有的要拿武器。

Wushu is practiced in various types of set exercises, either bare-handed or with weapons.武术是中国特有的民族运动,它可以锻炼身体,培养意志力,训练打斗技巧。

A unique Chinese national sport, Wushu builds strong bodies, steels the willpower and gives training in fighting skills.五、实考题分析


Welcome to Shanghai Martial Arts Center.Here you can do exercise to build up your body, reduce your weight, make new friends, as well as learn about Chinese culture.我们的武术协会还为各位来宾准备了精彩的节目。除了武术表演,您还可以观赏京剧节目和杂技表演。

In addition, our Martial Art Association has prepared some fabulous programes for our visitors.You can watch martial art performances, Peking Opera and acrobatic shows.倘若您想亲身体验一下中国武术,我们可以派一流的教师进行团体或个别指导。If you want to get some personal experience with Chinese martial arts, we have first class teachers for individual or group training.我们的武术专卖店出售有关中华武术的图书资料、录像带和激光视盘。满足您的需要是本中心的服务宗旨。

Our martial art store sells books, video tapes and VCDs on Chinese martial arts.To meet your need is the purpose of our service.六、传统文化词汇补充


controlled breathing exercise 春联

spring couplet 剪纸

paper-cut 戏剧脸谱

theatrical mask 国画

traditional Chinese painting 中药

TCM 单口相声

monologue comic talk 对口相声

witty dialogue;comic cross talk 马戏

circus performance 传说

legend 神话

mythology 寓言

fable 二十四节气

the twenty-four solar terms 四大发明:


gunpowder 印刷术

movable type printing 造纸术

paper making 指南针




The Great Learning 中庸

The Doctrine of the Mean 论语

The Analects of Confucius 孟子

the Mencius 孙子兵法

The art of War 三国演义

Three Kingdoms 西游记

Journey to the West

Monkey King 红楼梦

Dream of the Red Mansions

Story of the Stone 水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh

All men are brothers 诗经

The Book of Songs 书经

The Books of History 易经

I Ching The Book of Changes 礼记

The Book of Rites 孝经

Book of Filial Piety 三字经

three word chant 八股文

stereotyped writing 重要文化遗产

major cultural heritage




Good Health As a popular saying goes: “Health is better than wealth.” Good health enables one to enjoy his life and achieve what he hopes for in his career.On the other hand, poor health tends to deprive one of his interest in everything around him.Therefore, health is indispensable to one’s happy life.There are many ways, I think, which can help to build up one’s health.In the first place, those who always work from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress can lead to poor performance and ill health.Secondly, if one wants to keep healthy, he must give up the habits that damage his health.Finally, regular exercises are essential for a healthy mind and body.To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing more healthful than a brisk walk in the morning.Personally, I like running in the morning.And I have benefited a lot of from it.My health condition is getting better and better.So I will persist in doing so in the future.这篇口语表述中运用到的技巧:










三、口译实考分析 英译汉 Passage 1: In terms of its impact on our society, I think AIDS will certainly be the number one serious public-health hazard going into the next century.//


AIDS :Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome

Among all the ways and means, a massive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can really help.// 在所有措施中,开展大规模的教育活动是目前唯一行之有效的办法。

Some people argue that a nationwide, or worldwide, educational campaign on AIDS awareness is difficult, expensive and therefore impossible.I think their argument is groundless.// 有些人认为,在全国范围或全世界范围开展提防艾滋病的教育活动难度大,代价高,因而无法实施。我认为这种观点是毫无根据的。

We'll have to convince people that they're better of knowing than not knowing the fact, because they can take actions, treat the problem and control AIDS infection with appropriate drugs.我们应该使人们相信,了解实际情况总比蒙在鼓里好,因为了解实情后我们便可以行动起来,共同研讨这一问题,并可以用适当的药物来控制疾病的传染。参考书录《中高级口译口试备考精要》

Passage 2: People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it.// 不同文化背景的人在一起有时会做出一些令对方感到不舒服的事,他们并非故意要这样做,有时甚至连自己也未察觉。

Most Americans are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy meeting new people, having guests and ringing people together formally or informally.// 大多数美国人通常天真、率直,友好坦率,喜欢结识人,欢迎客人来访,愿意召集正式的或非正式的聚会。

They tend to be informal and speak freely.So if your American hosts do something that makes you uncomfortable, try to let them know how you feel.They will appreciate your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again.//


Sometimes Americans are said to be superficially friendly.Perhaps it seems so.Just like anywhere else, it takes time to become real friends with people in the United States.有时美国人的友善会被视为一种表面现象。或许看上去确实是这么一回事。同其他地方一样,与美国人结成真正的朋友是需要一段时间的。


Much business in the United States is conducted on the telephone.The average businessman spends much of his time on the telephone making business contacts.在美国许多生意都是通过电话谈的。一般的生意人都花很多时间打电话,接洽生意。

However, it usually will not be convenient to make initial contracts between Chinese and U.S.businesses by telephone.但是,中国公司和美国公司通过电话商讨初步协议通常很不方便。

There is no particular style to American negotiations.The way the negotiations are conducted will vary from one business to another and will depend upon the individuals involved.与美国人谈判并无特别的样式。谈判的方式视业务不同而不同,取决于参与谈判的人员。

Although Americans have a reputation for making quick decisions, this is not always true when a corporation is involved in a major venture or a large project.Therefore, you should also be prepared for lengthy negotiations.虽然美国人享有决策果断的声誉,但是,在公司着手进行主要或重大项目时,决策并非总是果断的。因此,你也要做好准备进行冗长的谈判。

四、口译实考分析 汉译英

Passage 1: 中餐桌上最神奇、最有特色的用餐工具莫过于筷子。几千年来我们中国人一直视筷子为一种最简单同时也是最有效的用餐工具。

No eating tools on the Chinese dinner table are more magical and distinctive than the chopsticks.For thousands of years we Chinese have always regarded chopsticks the simplest possible and the most efficient tool for meals.关于筷子的用料,其种类各有不同,选材包括竹子、木材、玉石、象牙、塑料、金银等。Chopsticks can be made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, jade, ivory, plastic, gold and silver and so on.对于西方人来说,掌握用筷的方法和技巧在开始时也许难度很大,但是只要有耐心,用心去练,不久便可以熟练地使用筷子享用中餐。

For Westerners, the mastery of the method and skills for using chopsticks may be quite challenging at the beginning.But as long as you have patience and concentrate on practice, you will soon be able to use chopsticks skillfully enough to enjoy a Chinese meal.如果想享用一顿真正意义上的中餐,那么花时间耐心学习用筷技艺不仅很有必要,而且也很有趣。

If you want to enjoy a Chinese meal in the real sense, it is not only necessary, but also very interesting, to spend some patient time learning to acquire the skills of using chopsticks.Passage 2:


China is a multi-national country featuring unbalanced economic development, In the vast territory, different languages ad various dialects are used.//


Even though the government has called for popularization of Mandarin as the standard Chinese language for decades, it has not become the daily-use communication tool among a considerable number of the people.//


This obviously hinders economic development and social progress.Undoubtedly the popularization and promotion of Mandarin is vital to speeding up China's reform and opening up drive.//

这样做,将有助于提高汉语信息管理技术,因此,符合全体中国人民的根本利益。It will help improve the technology of information management in Chinese.Therefore, it is the basic interests of all Chinese.20



Chinese eat with chopsticks while most of the westerners eat with knives and forks.Some westerners may be quite good at using chopsticks, but most of them are not, therefore when setting a table at which westerners are entertained, it is always advisable to place knives and forks along side the chopsticks.中国的宴席,把菜肴摆在餐桌中央。西方人则不习惯把手伸得老长,满桌子挥舞。然而,中国人的习惯就是各人从餐桌中央菜盘子里夹菜。所以,宴请外国客人时,这一点应该向他们讲明白。

At Chinese dinner parties, the dishes are usually placed in the middle of the table.Westerners are not used to reaching for something over the table.But in China, it is usual to help oneself to the food placed at the center of the table.So when we entertain foreign guests, we should explain such table manners to them.中国人请客,主人总是不断往客人的盘子里夹菜。这使外国客人觉得非常尴尬。即便是不喜欢的菜品,他也得吃下去,因为在西方,把食物剩在盘子里是极不礼貌的行为。At a Chinese dinner, the host always puts more food on to the guest's plate.That often makes a foreign guest feel very awkward.He has to eat the food even if he doesn't feel like it, because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one's food on the plate.与此相反,一个中国人出席,比方说,一个美国人举行的宴会,他常常辞谢递给他的食物或饮料。虽然他其实还饿着或渴着。这在中国可能是礼貌之举。

On the contrary, a Chinese sits at, say, an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drinks though in fact he is still hungry or thirsty.This might be good manners in China, but it is definitely not in the West.五、中国国情的翻译内容补充


After over half a century of strenuous efforts, more than two decades of reform and opening-up in particular, China has now entered a new stage of development aimed at building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.但中国仍然是一个发展中国家,人口多、底子薄是中国的基本国情。中国实现自身发展的道路依然艰苦而漫长。

However, China is still a developing country, large population and inadequate economic development remain its basic national conditions.It has a long way to go before achieving its development goals.21 中华人民共和国是全国人民共同缔造的统一的多民族国家。迄今为止,中国有56个民族。

The People’s Republic of China is a united multi-national state founded jointly by the people of all nationalities.So far, there are 56 nationalities.与汉族相比,其他55个民族人口相对较少,因此他们在习惯上被称为“少数民族”。

Compared with the Han nationality, China’s other 55 ethnic groups have a relatively small population, thus they are customarily referred to as ethnic minorities.1990年中国进行了第四次人口普查,据统计,在全国总人口中,汉族人口约占92%,少数民族人口占8%。

According to the fourth national census conducted in 1990, the Han nationality accounts for 92 percent of the country’s total population, and minority ethnic groups account for 8 percent.在长期的历史发展过程中,中华民族这个大家庭中的各族人民经过融合和迁移,形成了今天的分布格局。

During China’s long history of development, the people of various nationalities in China migrated and mingled, which eventually brought about today’s distribution.六、口译考试备考方式













②热点问题:西部大开发、北京申奥、上海世博、经济萧条等 ③校园文化话题



①多与英美国家人士交流、沟通 ②通过原版外片提高语感 ③背诵好的演讲稿

④阅读报纸,提高词汇量,充实知识量 ⑤平日进行作文练习

3、口语考试常见问题: ①因为紧张忘记事先准备的例子 ②表达不流利



二、口译实考体验 口译基本功









A Sino-foreign joint venture is a mutually complementary and beneficial partnership.Foreign investment in China can maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.我国幅员辽阔、资源丰富、劳动力低廉、消费市场潜力大。此外我们还有稳定的政治社会环境和优惠的投资政策。

Our country has massive land, abundant resources, cheap labor and a potential consumer market, in addition to the stable political and social environment and favorable investment policies.发达国家有雄厚的资金、先进的技术和管理知识。投资兴办合资企业时,外方可以提供资金、机械、技术和管理方法。

Developed countries have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise.When establishing a joint venture, a foreign partner may bring into the cooperative business capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management.中方可以提供土地、劳工和部分资金。应该说,这种投资方法对合作双方来说,具有丰厚的经济回报率。

The Chinese partner, on the other hand, may supply land, labor and a portion of the funds.Therefore, this type of investment is supposed to yield fat economic returns for both parties in the partnership.中级口译口试讲义






口译技能:听力理解 词汇量 记笔记 表达能力 《中级口译考试备考精要》上海新东方 《中级口译历年考试真题解析》 考场描述:

My name is … My Registration number is 0509000123.My topic today is…


What is interpretation? Interpretation is an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language.The most widely-used forms of interpretation Interpretation may assume either of the following two forms: consecutive interpretation(CI)and simultaneous interpretation(SI).In SI, well-equipped booths are necessary.Interpretation Process


Interpretation criterion

Faithful to the original message and smooth in the target language.准、顺、快



1、To better students’ English;发音要改善,口语要流利,听力要提高,词汇要扩大

2、To introduce and practice interpretation skills(not tips);STM Note-taking Paraphrasing

3、To enlarge students’ scope of knowledge, including LK, ELK 课本的使用

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第二版》 梅德明 《中级口译备考精要》



An Intermediate Course of Interpretation by Prof.Mei Deming as mainline textbook;We won’t deal with each text, though.We will be looking at the important stuff in the book: sentence structures and vocabulary.第二章 礼仪性口译

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第三版》 梅德明


一、vocabulary work词汇预热一 world-renowned 世界闻名 diversity 多样化 dynamism 充满活力 a special regard 特殊的敬意 nostalgic 怀旧的、思乡的 memorable 值得回忆的 utmost courtesy 非常的礼貌 extensive 广泛的

overshadow 使„„黯然失色 non-governmental sector 民间组织 foundations 基金会


mutual benefit 互惠互利 good faith 良好的诚意

strategic relationship

战略关系 flourish


mutual 的搭配

mutual 可以和这些词搭配

mutual respect/benefit/understanding mutual trust/confidence/courtesy(礼尚往来)mutual equality/complementarity our mutual friend 我们共同的朋友 mutual aid 互助

mutual promise 相互的约定 by mutual consent 双方同意 mutual affection 相爱

二、Expressing Thanks

Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful.首先,请允许我感谢中国东道主的精心安排与好客,我夫人与我,以及代表团的全体人员,都深为感激。

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome.This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation.我非常感谢阁下的友好欢迎辞,对我本人以及代表团所有成员来说,这是愉快而难忘的一天。

In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country.We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in your country.在我结束讲话之前,我想再说一遍,我们来贵国作客是多么的愉快和荣幸。对于我们抵达贵国后你们为我们所做的一切,我们深表感谢。

On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the


incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.我谨代表在座的所有的同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。我不仅要感谢特别感谢为我们准备晚宴的人们,而且还要特别感谢演奏优美音乐的人们。

表示感谢的常用形式 On behalf of…

For myself and for our entire delegation, On behalf of all the members of my delegation and in my own name, For our Group and myself, 主体结构:I' d like to express / extend my heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulness /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr.Smith

for your kind invitation(to visit China / to this fair.)/kind hospitality /warm welcome /for giving this grand banquet./for inviting us to such a marvelous dinner tonight.1.I' d like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my earnest gratitude for your help.我愿借此机会向你们的帮助表示衷心的感谢。

2.I should like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your gracious reception and hospitality.我愿向你们盛情的接待与款待表示衷心的感谢。

3.Please accept our sincere thanks for your kind invitation.请接受我们对你友好邀请的真诚感谢。

4.Thank you very much for giving me such an excellent opportunity to visit this beautiful city and work with you.非常感谢你们给我这个极好的机会让我来访问这个美丽的城市并和你们共事。

5.I am very happy to have this second chance of joyful gathering with you.我非常高兴和你们再次相聚。

6.I would like to thank Sir Broers, Vice-Chancellor, for the invitation, which brings me to the famous Cambridge University.非常感谢布鲁尔斯校长的邀请,使我来到久负盛名的剑桥




This is basically a correct observation, which says something about the American way of life.这种看法基本上是正确的,它反映了美国人的生活方式。

Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company, which offers the monthly pass.“灰狗”汽车公司是美国最大的长途汽车公司,有月票出售。

Those were happy days.They were good days, important days.We were part of the dramatic process which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship.我们参与了那富有戏剧性的转变过程,它使我们重新走到一起,使我们踏上了通往建立一种真诚友好与合作关系的道路。

My visit is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship.我的访问是良好诚意的象征,我们怀着这种良好诚意,希望能在友谊的基础上建立文化和商业关系,建立重要的战略关系。

On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我谨代表我在座的所有同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。

So, let us start a long march together on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.所以,让我们沿着通往共同目标的不同的道路,一起开始新的长征。这个目标就是建立一个和平与正义的世界,在这个世界里所有人都可以站在一起享有同等的尊严,所有国家无论其大小,都有权决定自己的政府形式,选择自己的发展道路,而不受外来干涉或统治。

In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.本着这种精神,我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两国人民之间的友谊与合作干杯,这种友谊与合作能够带给全世界人民友谊与和平。



I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and hospitality.// 我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事们,对你们热情的迎接和款待表示感谢。

The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.在中国度过的这五天,令人愉快,难以忘怀。

I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.我特别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署。

May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies.我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯。

五、vocabulary work词汇预热二

Your Excellency 阁下

cradle of civilization 文明的摇篮 renew old friendship 重温旧情 establish new contacts 结交新友

a constant source of encouragement 不断的鼓舞 in the pursuit of 追求

a common aspiration 共同的愿望 endeavor=try in the service of 造福于

in closing 最后 privileged 荣幸的

propose a toast 提议„„干杯


cheers 干杯 称呼

Ladies and gentlemen

Your Excellency, My Chinese friends Respected Mr.chairman, ladies and gentlemen Mr.president

“ Your Excellency, Mr.Minister,” Less formally, one may address government officials as: “Mr.Director,” “Mr.Minister, ” “Mr.President, ” related other expressions: Your/His/Her majesty

Your/His/Her Highness/ Excellency/Royal Highness Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency /Madam Mr.Smith, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr.and Mrs.Smith(“Dr.and Mrs.Green” if applicable)


1、称呼常用搭配 gracious invitation on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit;warm welcome generous/incomparable hospitality extraordinary arrangement(精心安排)peace, stability and prosperity


We, therefore, welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of and positions taken by small and developing countries.China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country.我们因而欢迎中国关注和理解小国和发展中国家所遇到的问题以及所持的立场。中国的支持始终鼓励着我们追求发展与保持我国独立的立场。


I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavour and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people.我期待着在今后的几天里有机会向你们学习,从你们为造福人们而促进经济和社会发展的奋斗和经验中学到一些东西。

I’d like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency an invitation to visit my country, so that we will have an opportunity to return the warm welcome and generous hospitality you extended to us.我愿意借此机会邀请阁下访问我国,以便我们能有机会回报你们给予我们的热情欢迎和盛情款待。


May I propose a toast To the health of Your Excellency, To the health of all the Chinese friends, Cheers!现在由我祝酒 为阁下的身体健康,为所有中国朋友的身体健康,干杯!

May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Now I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to propose a toast.With the wine of the host, I request you all to raise your glasses and drink to the health of Smith!


Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome.China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my



This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts.这次访问给与我一次极好的机会拜访老朋友,结交新朋友。

I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.我为自己能访问伟大的贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。

I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.我对您为我到达贵国后所作的一切安排深表谢意。

第三章 中国传统文化

一、“传统节日”单词预热 vocabulary work 烹调 cooking cuisine 鱼肉满架 well stocked with fish and meat 象征意义 symbolic significance 农历 lunar calendar 阳历 solar calendar 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 清明节 Pure Brightness Day 重阳节 Double Ninth Day 放逐 be exiled 忠臣 loyal minister 糯米粽子 glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves


祭祀亡灵 in memory of sb.龙舟比赛 dragon boat races 中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival 满月 full moon 月饼 moon cake 蜜饯 preserved fruits 豆沙 bean paste 蛋黄 egg yolk 海鲜 seafood 家禽 poultry 饺子 dumplings 八宝饭 eight treasure rice 米羹 rice balls 油条 fried sticks 麻花 fried twisted stick 炒面 Chaomian 叉烧包 steamed bun with roast pork 粥 porridge 芋头 taro 葱油饼 pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion 有关春节的常用词 放鞭炮 let off firecrackers 耍龙灯 play the dragon lantern 耍狮子 play the lion dance 拜年 pay a new-year call

二、有关“介绍”的翻译 

 我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。

I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional


Chinese holidays.

 表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译: 1.to share with you brief information 在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。

I'd like to share with you brief information in this respect.2.to brief you on 借此机会,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。

I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on China's accession to WTO and participation in economic globalization.3.to give a brief account of 我简单介绍我厂的情况。

Let me, first of all, give you a brief account of this factory.在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我简要介绍一下我校的概况。

Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.4.to tell us how/what 请主席先生介绍一下中国农村扶贫运动的情况。

Will Mr.Chairman tell us how the anti-poverty drive is going on in China? 5.to show you 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.6.to provide sb.with some information 借此机会,向各位介绍上海经济发展和开展国际经贸交往的一些情况。I’d like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information about Shanghai’s economic development and its foreign trade.7.share a piece of my mind 



Traditional holiday meals are different from everyday meals in terms of quantity and quality.In addition, some foods with a long history and symbolic significance are


indispensable on these occasions.例如,我国的端午节是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟、吃粽子。

For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, a day set aside in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, people will hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。

The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon.The round moon is a symbol for completeness, and family reunion.The special food of the day is the yuebing, a round moon cake.春节是中国的农历新年,除了常见的海鲜、家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统菜肴,如饺子和年糕。

The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday.In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the year cake according to their regional custom.四、“武术”单词预热 vocabulary work 武术

martial art 武术宫 martial art palace 健身 bodybuilding 减肥 lose weight 填写登记表 fill in a form 会员卡 membership card 古代格斗术 form of combat习武 practice martial art 中国武术协会 Chinese Martial Arts Association 扣人心弦的表演 thrilling performance 杂技 acrobatics 顶尖/身怀绝技/无懈可击的 top/first-rate/ 武林高手 professional martial artist warrior, sumono, knight, errant, martial artist, swordsman




Wushu, known as Kongfu or martial arts, has a history of a thousand years in China.中国的劳动人民练习武术以强身健体和自我保护,武术至今仍大受欢迎。

The working people in China practice Wushu for physical training and self-defense and Wushu is still immensely popular today.中国武术还引起了外国人的兴趣,在全世界不少国家,都有人学习武术。

Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world.练习武术有各种各样的固定套路,有的要赤手空拳,有的要拿武器。

Wushu is practiced in various types of set exercises, either bare-handed or with weapons.武术是中国特有的民族运动,它可以锻炼身体,培养意志力,训练打斗技巧。

A unique Chinese national sport, Wushu builds strong bodies, steels the willpower and gives training in fighting skills.五、实考题分析


Welcome to Shanghai Martial Arts Center.Here you can do exercise to build up your body, reduce your weight, make new friends, as well as learn about Chinese culture.我们的武术协会还为各位来宾准备了精彩的节目。除了武术表演,您还可以观赏京剧节目和杂技表演。

In addition, our Martial Art Association has prepared some fabulous programes for our visitors.You can watch martial art performances, Peking Opera and acrobatic shows.倘若您想亲身体验一下中国武术,我们可以派一流的教师进行团体或个别指导。If you want to get some personal experience with Chinese martial arts, we have first class teachers for individual or group training.我们的武术专卖店出售有关中华武术的图书资料、录像带和激光视盘。满足您的需要是本中心的服务宗旨。


Our martial art store sells books, video tapes and VCDs on Chinese martial arts.To meet your need is the purpose of our service.六、传统文化词汇补充


controlled breathing exercise 春联

spring couplet 剪纸

paper-cut 戏剧脸谱

theatrical mask 国画

traditional Chinese painting 中药

TCM 单口相声

monologue comic talk 对口相声

witty dialogue;comic cross talk 马戏

circus performance 传说

legend 神话

mythology 寓言

fable 二十四节气

the twenty-four solar terms 四大发明:


gunpowder 印刷术

movable type printing 造纸术

paper making 指南针




The Great Learning 中庸

The Doctrine of the Mean 论语

The Analects of Confucius 孟子

the Mencius 孙子兵法

The art of War 三国演义

Three Kingdoms 西游记

Journey to the West


Dream of the Red Mansions

水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh


The Book of Songs 书经

The Books of History 易经

I Ching The Book of Changes 礼记

The Book of Rites 孝经

Book of Filial Piety 三字经

three word chant 八股文

stereotyped writing 重要文化遗产

major cultural heritage

Monkey King Story of the Stone All men are brothers 16





Good Health As a popular saying goes: “Health is better than wealth.” Good health enables one to enjoy his life and achieve what he hopes for in his career.On the other hand, poor health tends to deprive one of his interest in everything around him.Therefore, health is indispensable to one’s happy life.There are many ways, I think, which can help to build up one’s health.In the first place, those who always work from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress can lead to poor performance and ill health.Secondly, if one wants to keep healthy, he must give up the habits that damage his health.Finally, regular exercises are essential for a healthy mind and body.To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing more healthful than a brisk walk in the morning.Personally, I like running in the morning.And I have benefited a lot of from it.My health condition is getting better and better.So I will persist in doing so in the future.这篇口语表述中运用到的技巧:










三、口译实考分析 英译汉 Passage 1:


In terms of its impact on our society, I think AIDS will certainly be the number one serious public-health hazard going into the next century.//


AIDS :Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome

Among all the ways and means, a massive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can really help.//


Some people argue that a nationwide, or worldwide, educational campaign on AIDS awareness is difficult, expensive and therefore impossible.I think their argument is groundless.// 有些人认为,在全国范围或全世界范围开展提防艾滋病的教育活动难度大,代价高,因而无法实施。我认为这种观点是毫无根据的。

We'll have to convince people that they're better of knowing than not knowing the fact, because they can take actions, treat the problem and control AIDS infection with appropriate drugs.我们应该使人们相信,了解实际情况总比蒙在鼓里好,因为了解实情后我们便可以行动起来,共同研讨这一问题,并可以用适当的药物来控制疾病的传染。参考书录《中高级口译口试备考精要》

Passage 2: People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it.// 不同文化背景的人在一起有时会做出一些令对方感到不舒服的事,他们并非故意要这样做,有时甚至连自己也未察觉。

Most Americans are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy meeting new people, having guests and ringing people together formally or informally.// 大多数美国人通常天真、率直,友好坦率,喜欢结识人,欢迎客人来访,愿意召集正式的或非正式的聚会。


They tend to be informal and speak freely.So if your American hosts do something that makes you uncomfortable, try to let them know how you feel.They will appreciate your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again.//


Sometimes Americans are said to be superficially friendly.Perhaps it seems so.Just like anywhere else, it takes time to become real friends with people in the United States.有时美国人的友善会被视为一种表面现象。或许看上去确实是这么一回事。同其他地方一样,与美国人结成真正的朋友是需要一段时间的。


Much business in the United States is conducted on the telephone.The average businessman spends much of his time on the telephone making business contacts.在美国许多生意都是通过电话谈的。一般的生意人都花很多时间打电话,接洽生意。

However, it usually will not be convenient to make initial contracts between Chinese and U.S.businesses by telephone.但是,中国公司和美国公司通过电话商讨初步协议通常很不方便。

There is no particular style to American negotiations.The way the negotiations are conducted will vary from one business to another and will depend upon the individuals involved.与美国人谈判并无特别的样式。谈判的方式视业务不同而不同,取决于参与谈判的人员。

Although Americans have a reputation for making quick decisions, this is not always true when a corporation is involved in a major venture or a large project.Therefore, you should also be prepared for lengthy negotiations.虽然美国人享有决策果断的声誉,但是,在公司着手进行主要或重大项目时,决策并非总是果断的。因此,你也要做好准备进行冗长的谈判。

四、口译实考分析 汉译英

Passage 1:



No eating tools on the Chinese dinner table are more magical and distinctive than the chopsticks.For thousands of years we Chinese have always regarded chopsticks the simplest possible and the most efficient tool for meals.关于筷子的用料,其种类各有不同,选材包括竹子、木材、玉石、象牙、塑料、金银等。Chopsticks can be made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, jade, ivory, plastic, gold and silver and so on.对于西方人来说,掌握用筷的方法和技巧在开始时也许难度很大,但是只要有耐心,用心去练,不久便可以熟练地使用筷子享用中餐。

For Westerners, the mastery of the method and skills for using chopsticks may be quite challenging at the beginning.But as long as you have patience and concentrate on practice, you will soon be able to use chopsticks skillfully enough to enjoy a Chinese meal.如果想享用一顿真正意义上的中餐,那么花时间耐心学习用筷技艺不仅很有必要,而且也很有趣。

If you want to enjoy a Chinese meal in the real sense, it is not only necessary, but also very interesting, to spend some patient time learning to acquire the skills of using chopsticks.Passage 2:


China is a multi-national country featuring unbalanced economic development, In the vast territory, different languages ad various dialects are used.//


Even though the government has called for popularization of Mandarin as the standard Chinese language for decades, it has not become the daily-use communication tool among a considerable number of the people.//



This obviously hinders economic development and social progress.Undoubtedly the popularization and promotion of Mandarin is vital to speeding up China's reform and opening up drive.//

这样做,将有助于提高汉语信息管理技术,因此,符合全体中国人民的根本利益。It will help improve the technology of information management in Chinese.Therefore, it is the basic interests of all Chinese.补充有关餐桌礼仪的句子翻译


Chinese eat with chopsticks while most of the westerners eat with knives and forks.Some westerners may be quite good at using chopsticks, but most of them are not, therefore when setting a table at which westerners are entertained, it is always advisable to place knives and forks along side the chopsticks.中国的宴席,把菜肴摆在餐桌中央。西方人则不习惯把手伸得老长,满桌子挥舞。然而,中国人的习惯就是各人从餐桌中央菜盘子里夹菜。所以,宴请外国客人时,这一点应该向他们讲明白。

At Chinese dinner parties, the dishes are usually placed in the middle of the table.Westerners are not used to reaching for something over the table.But in China, it is usual to help oneself to the food placed at the center of the table.So when we entertain foreign guests, we should explain such table manners to them.中国人请客,主人总是不断往客人的盘子里夹菜。这使外国客人觉得非常尴尬。即便是不喜欢的菜品,他也得吃下去,因为在西方,把食物剩在盘子里是极不礼貌的行为。At a Chinese dinner, the host always puts more food on to the guest's plate.That often makes a foreign guest feel very awkward.He has to eat the food even if he doesn't feel like it, because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one's food on the plate.与此相反,一个中国人出席,比方说,一个美国人举行的宴会,他常常辞谢递给他的食物或饮料。虽然他其实还饿着或渴着。这在中国可能是礼貌之举。

On the contrary, a Chinese sits at, say, an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drinks though in fact he is still hungry or thirsty.This might be good manners in China, but it is definitely not in the West.五、中国国情的翻译内容补充



After over half a century of strenuous efforts, more than two decades of reform and opening-up in particular, China has now entered a new stage of development aimed at building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.但中国仍然是一个发展中国家,人口多、底子薄是中国的基本国情。中国实现自身发展的道路依然艰苦而漫长。

However, China is still a developing country, large population and inadequate economic development remain its basic national conditions.It has a long way to go before achieving its development goals.中华人民共和国是全国人民共同缔造的统一的多民族国家。迄今为止,中国有56个民族。

The People’s Republic of China is a united multi-national state founded jointly by the people of all nationalities.So far, there are 56 nationalities.与汉族相比,其他55个民族人口相对较少,因此他们在习惯上被称为“少数民族”。

Compared with the Han nationality, China’s other 55 ethnic groups have a relatively small population, thus they are customarily referred to as ethnic minorities.1990年中国进行了第四次人口普查,据统计,在全国总人口中,汉族人口约占92%,少数民族人口占8%。

According to the fourth national census conducted in 1990, the Han nationality accounts for 92 percent of the country’s total population, and minority ethnic groups account for 8 percent.在长期的历史发展过程中,中华民族这个大家庭中的各族人民经过融合和迁移,形成了今天的分布格局。

During China’s long history of development, the people of various nationalities in China migrated and mingled, which eventually brought about today’s distribution.六、口译考试备考方式







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