
时间:2019-05-15 05:45:05下载本文作者:会员上传



-先生请问去长城饭店怎么走?-Monsieur,l'Hotel de la Grand Muraille,s'il vous plait?-饭店里这里比较远,不过您可以乘坐323路公共汽车,到终点站下车。然后换乘302路。这趟车经过长城饭店。323路车站就在那家商店的对面。-L'Hotel est loin d'ici.Vous pouves prendre l'autobus 323 jusqu'au terminus,et vous changez le 302.Cet autobus passe devant l'Hotel de la Grand Muraille.L'arret de l'autobus 323 se trouve en face de ce magasin.-谢谢您先生。-Merci,Monsieur.-不用谢,祝您一路顺利。-De rien,bon voyage.第二课

1.西安是一座古城,那里有很多古迹可供参考。这些我都听说过。Xian est une ville très ancienne, il ya tant de monuments historiques à visiter.J'en ai déjà entendu parlé.。2.今年的元旦正赶上一个星期天。Cette année, le Nouvel An tombe un dimanche.3杜邦一家打算今年假期去中国,他们十分想看看长城。Les Dupont comptent aller en Chine pendant les vacances de cette année, ils veulent bien voir la Grande Muraille.4由于天气恶劣我们只好呆在家里,不能去北京图书馆了。A cause du mauvais temps, nous sommes obligés de rester à la maison, nous ne pouvons pas aller à la bibliothèque de Beijing.5你准备什么时候去拜访一下陈教授,我们几个人打算春节前去他家拜访。Quand est-ce que tu comptes rendre visite au professeur Chen? Nous comptons aller chez lui avant la Fête du Printemps.6昨天晚上你肯定去看杂技了,你看上去很累,那当然,多么精彩的表演啊,我肯定要去看的,难道你昨晚没去看杂家吗?我呆在家里看电视了,电视台也转播了这场杂技。Hier soir, tu es allé certainement voir l'acrobatie, tu as l'air fatigué.Evidemment, quels beaux numéros.Je suis allé les voir certainement.N'es-tu pas allé voir l'acrobatie hier soir? J'ai regardé la télé à la maison.La télévision a retransmis cette acrobatie.第三课


Il y a beaucoup de monuments historiques à Paris: l‟Arc de Triomphe, la Tour Eiffel, Notre-Dame de Paris, etc.2我将非常高兴能够认识你的朋友们。你能把他们介绍给我吗? Je serai enchanté de connaître tes amis.Peux-tu me les présenter? 3上个月他去了趟上海,花了很多钱。

Il est allé à shanghai le mois dernier, et il à dépense beaucoup d‟argent.4巴黎并不就是法国。要想了解真正的法国,那就要到各地都看看。Paris n‟est pas la France.Il faut aller dans tout le pays si on veut connaître la vraie France.5“长途汽车已经来了!你拿着行李吗?快点上车吧。我已经买好车票了!”

„L‟autocar est déjà arrivé.As-tu pris le baggage? Monte vite!J‟ai déjà acheté les tickets.‟ 6–你什么时候能带我到塞纳河畔去逛逛,看看巴黎的夜景呢? Quand peux-tu flâner sur le quai de la Seine avec moi pour voir la nuit de Paris-好的,我们现在就去吧。Bon, allons-y maintenant.-走着去还是坐车去?On y va en voiture ou à pied?-当然是走着去,你说呢?Bien sur à pied, d‟accord?-好!走吧。Bon, allons-y.7.上个月,我的朋友王明去法国参加一个学术讨论会,呆了两星期。他利用这段时间参观了整个巴黎。那些著名的名胜古迹真是美极了。他回国后向我们讲了他的巴黎之行。我们也很想有机会去看看这个迷人的城市。

Le mois dernier, mon ami Wang Ming est allé à Paris pour participer à un colloque, et il y est resté pendant deux semaines.Pentant ce temps-la, il a visité tout Paris.Les monuments historiques

célèbres sont magnifiques.Il nous à raconté son voyage à Paris quand il est rentré.Nous espérons aussi avoir l‟occasion d‟aller voir cette ville charmante.第四课

1,那时候我很伤心,生活十分困难。当然后来生活改善了。A ce temps-là, j'étais très triste, la vie était bien difficile.Evidemment,la vie s'est améliorée après.2,当时我对我的工作十分满意。A ce temps-là,j'étais satisfait de mon travail.3,昨天早上我体育锻炼时遇到了杜邦先生,他也正在锻炼。Hier matin,quand je faisais du sport, j'ai rencontré

Monsieur Dupont,qui faisait aussi du sport.4,昨天晚上,我正在教室里做作业,急匆匆进来一个人。年纪很轻,但有点发福。Hier soir,je faisais mes devoirs en classe,quand est entré précipitamment un homme jeune mais un peu gros.5,小李正在宿舍读书,突然有人敲门。小李给他打开了门。是位小姐,她找一位叫刘华的先生。

L'endant que Xiao Li faisait la lecture dans la chambre,quelqu'un a frappé à porte.Xiao Li a ouvert la porte,c'était une demoiselle,que cherchait un certain monsieur Liu Hua.6,以前,我们家住在离城很远的地方。父亲每天早上都起很早,吃完早饭后去上班。他在路上得花四个小时的时间乘车。去年我们家搬到了这里,父亲上班近多了,母亲十分高兴。

Avant, ma famille habitait loin de la ville.Mon père devait se lever très tôt le matin, il allait au travail après le petit d'éjeuner.Il mettait 4 heures pour prendre le bus.Nous avons déménagé l'année dernière,c'est beaucoup plus proche pour mon père d'aller à son travail, et ma mère en est très contente.7,上星期日,我们全班去了颐和园。那天天气不错,没刮风,天空蔚蓝,阳光灿烂。颐和园里游人很多。我们在那玩了整整一个下午,很晚才回来。全班同学都十分高兴。下星期我们准备去长城。

Dimanche dernier,toute notre classe est allée au Palais d'Eté.Il faisait beau, il n'y avait pas de vent, le ciel était bleu, le soleil brillait, il y avait beaucoup de touristes.Nous nous sommes amusés tout l'aprés-midi,et nous sommes rentrés très tard.Tous les camarades de la classe étaient contents.Nous comptons aller à la Grande Muraille dimanche prochain.8,“嘿!听我说。你不能这样花钱!你应该把钱存起来,以后可以买必需品!” “Hé!Ecoute-moi.Ne dépense pas tant!Tu dois mettre de l'argent de côte pour acheter des articles nécessaires!” 第五课

1,ce dimanche, les Paul vont en ville pour faire des courses.Ils comptent aller à l‟hypermarché.2,si vous voulez faire des courses,je vous propose d‟aller à l‟hypermarché.là, on trouve tout, et ce n‟est pas très cher.3,pourquoi catherine n‟est pas venue aujourd‟hui?-je crois qu‟elle est malade.4,julie espère aller acheter les sandales avant de quitter l‟hypermarché.5,lucien, il y a un monde fou ici.-oui, parce que les parisiens qui habitent en banlieue viennent ici faire des courses chaqaue dimanche.6,nous trouvons que cette leçon est très difficile pour les étudiants de la première année.7,s‟il fait beau demain, nous irons voir le fleuve bleu.-c‟est une bonne idée.Mais, s‟il ne fait pas

beau demain, qu‟est-ce que nous ferons?-c‟est facile, s‟il ne fait pas beau demain, nous resterons à l‟ école pour réviser les leçons.8,pardon, les choux fleurs coûtent combien le kilo?-10 francs le kilo.-je voudrais deux kilos.-voilà deux kilos, ça fait 20 francs.-voici 20 francs.Merci.-de rien.Soyez la bienvenue.第六课


Il m‟a dit que Marie N‟est pas venue ce matin, elle est peut-étre malade 2.我不知道明天晚上学校有没有电影。

Je ne sais pas qu‟il n‟y aura pas un film demain soir à l‟école 3.你们告诉我他是什么时间离开他的房间的。

Dites-moi a queue heure il est sorti de sa chambre.4.卡特琳娜问厨师长法国人一般的饭菜是什么。厨师长告诉她说在法国每一个地区都有自己的特色菜。

Catherine demande qu chef quells sont les repas des Francais.Le chef lui a dit que chaque region de la France a ca specialite.5.法国的烹饪是很有名的。就是在一般的街头小馆中,你也能品尝到地道的法国菜肴。

La cuisine francaise est tres célèbre.Tu peux savourer la suisine francaise meme dans les petits restaurant dans la rue 6.在那些人口较多的家庭里,晚饭时一般都喝浓汤。因为浓汤很好吃,也很经济。肉在法国是不便宜的。

Dans les grandes familles, il y a souvent de la soupe au diner.Parce que la soupe est delicieuse et economique.La viande n‟est pas bon marche en France 7.你最喜欢的法国菜是什么?

Quel plat francaise prefers-tu? 蜗牛

Les escargots 呀,这东西好吃吗?

Oh, est-ce qu‟il sont bon s a manger?

当然喽,好吃极了。如果将来你有机会去法国,我一定请你去餐馆吃一顿法国蜗牛。Bien sur.C‟est delicieux.Si tu as l‟occasion d‟aller en France, je t‟inviterai au restaurant pour savourer des des escargots francaise 不开玩笑? Sans blague 绝不开玩笑!Non, sans blgue.第七课

1.le fleuve Bleu est le plus long fleuve de la chine.长江是中国最长的河流。

2.Shanghai est une des villes industrielles les plus importantes de la chine.上海市中国最重要的工业城市之一。

3.la transport en chine est moins moderne qu‟en Frence.中国的交通没有法国那么现代化。

4.il fait moins froid en Frence que dans notre pays.法国的气候要比我国的气候湿润。

5.la loire est le fleuve le plus long de la Frence, elle traverse la ville d‟orleans qui se trouve au centre de la Frence.卢瓦尔河是法国境内最长的河流,他横穿法国中部城市奥尔良。6.xiao wang est aussi grand que xiao li, mais xiao li est plus fort que xiao wang.小王和小李一般高,但小李比小王强壮些。

7.Ces dernieres annees, la temperature dans le monde est plus elevee que celle il y a dix ans.最近这些年,全世界的气候比十年前温暖多了。8.Paul, j‟ai faim.Ou est-ce que nous dejeunons a midi? 我有些饿,中饭去哪儿吃?

On va au restaurant?下馆子?

Bien sur.Mais a quel restaurant?当然好了,去哪家?

Je t‟emmene au restaurant”Printemps”, c‟est le meilleur restaurant de la ville.我带你去春天餐厅,这是全城最好的一家了。

La Chia se trouve en Asie orientale, sa superficie ewst de 9 600 000 km2.De nombreux cours d‟eau parcourent le pays de l‟ouest à l‟est, les deux fleuves les plus connus sont le fleuve Bleu et le fleuve Jaune.La Chine est bordée à l‟est par la Mer Bo Hai, la mer Jaune et la mer Orientale.La chine a une grand surface, il y a de hautes montagnes, de vastes plaines et de nombreuses collines.L‟ Himalaya est la chaǐne des montagnes la plus haute du monde.Le climat en Chine est bien varié, et la difference est grande entre les regions.Il fait très chaud au sud et plus humide qu‟au nord.Le temps à l‟ouest est le plus rude, là , il fait tres froid et il fait souvent du vent en hiver, mais en été il fait tres chaud et tres sec, et il ne pleut pas beaucoup, c‟est un climat continental typique.La République populaire de chine a été fondée en octobre 1949, elle est un des pays les plus anciens dumonde.Beijing est la capitale, et les autres grandes villes sont Shanghai,Tianjin, Chongqing,ect.第八课


Cette rue est aussi large que celle-là.玛丽比昨天好多了。Marie va mieux qu'hier.保罗工作努力,但皮埃尔更努力。

Paul travaille bien ,mais Pierre travaille mieux.昨天,我很好的利用了时间,我和他做的练习一样多。Hier,J'ai bien profité du demps.J'ai fait autant d'exercises que lui.法国的地铁比北京的地铁先进。尤其是地区快速地铁比我们地铁车辆快得多。Le métro en France est plus moderne que celui à Beijing.Sortout le RER roule beaucoup plus vite que notre métro.我在课堂上发言不多,但他发言比我还少。

Je ne parle pas beaucoup en classe, mais il parle moins que moi.你上班是乘地铁还是乘公共汽车? Tu prends le métro ou l'autobus pour aller au travail? 我上班既不乘地铁也不乘公共汽车,而是骑自行车。J'y vais à vélo au lieu de prendre le metro et l'autobus.为什么? Pourquoi? 因为一方面公共汽车太挤,另一方面我家附近没有地铁站。

D'une part l'autobus est toujour plein,et d'autre part il n'y a pas de station de métro pres de chez moi.你们班上谁跑的最快?

Qui court le plus vite de votre classe? 可能是小王,他跑得比别人都快。C'est peut-être Xiao Wang.Il court plus vite que les autres.谁起得最早? Qui se lève le plus tôt?


Bien sur c'est moi.Je ne fais Jamais la grass matinée.谁的学习最好? Qui édudie le mieux? 这我可不知道了。得到考试时才知道。Je ne sais pas.On le saura après l'examen.


第24课 一件趣事





第25课 大型超市






第26课 法国概况

法国的面积大约为551 000平方公里,比西班牙稍大一点,比阿富汗小一点。法国距离北极和赤道一样远,在北纬51度和42度之间。






第27课 巴黎











第29课 一位医生谈论他的职业











法国的美国化真的是如此糟糕吗?难道能抵制这些变化吗? 随着通讯和交通方式的现代化,纽约与巴黎近在咫尺,人们愈加更明显地感受到美国的影响。因为需要适应新的经济形势和现代化的生活,法国人将继续感觉到在他们生活和词汇方面的影响。













不知是什么原因,11岁的 Jean-Jacques 已经缺席三天了。由于担心,老师决定这次在下课后去他家。正是Jean-Jacques给老师开的门。他一个人,穿着睡衣。在餐厅的一角,电视机开着。这个孩子看上去非常健康,事实上也是如此(中性代词)。这三天,简单地说,他逃课了。他的父母?他们早出晚归。由于他们非常累,他们很少和孩子交谈,他们什么也没察觉。










二、原子废料 的问题是如何处理核废料,原子能的有害有害产品,被许多科学思想的研究。

大的原子反应堆产生有害的放射性元素的同时,它们产生的能量。原子废料是如此强大,它将是一个危险的世纪。我们可以做些什么呢?它能在哪里放置使它不会伤害人类? 现在没有人有最终的答案,但数百名科学家正在寻找它。放射性废物的话你会怎么做?它与水混合,把它倒进海洋?你不会如果你住在附近的水做的。一箱一包香烟的规模将在五分钟内用一个原子反应堆产生的放射性废物。如果你把水倒进水中超过一百英里长,十五英里宽,这少量的原子废料可以由一个盖革计数器内的任何地方港口和海湾在少于二十四小时的发现。这表明,大尺寸的问题是如何处理核废料。























一、Copper mirror

As early as in the tribal society, human beings have wanted to live easily, have more life activities.In order to achieve this goal, they make tools by using natural materials, so the technology civilization.Whenever we visit a museum, often see the ancient bronze mirror.It is our country ancient times people used to collate makeup of the family daily necessities.Most of these bronze mirrors unearthed from the tomb is, there is also a treasure handed down.In Shanghai Museum, a mirrorChina's largest Shanghai city as the basis, constitute the transportation network lead in all directions by rail, road, sea, inland river.More than 20 provinces of the material here transfer, foreign has worked with over 400 ports in more than 160 countries and regions have transportation trade exchanges, the annual cargo throughput reached 4 tons or more, accounted for 15 and 35% of the total throughput of the main coastal ports, International Container Throughput Accounting for coastal port 33%.Shanghai to adapt to the modern transport requirements, speed up the international container berths construction and business development, terminal equipped with bridge cranes, ground is equipped with all kinds of large-scale professional machinery.Production operations using the international advanced handling technology and application of computer management.三、Disease of the century

Humans in twenty-first Century, we will meet with the challenges is a opportunities, risk and crisis As one falls era.Looking to the future, we do the slightest bit of optimism, because even though we have more and more achievements and progress in economy, technology, however in the ecosystem, we are suffering from the unprecedented defeat: such as land desertification is becoming more and more serious, freshwater resources become available more scarce, air pollution, acid rain and pesticide residues in food has reached intolerable degree we ourselves even say not clear is not ill.Standard system related to human health all over the world medical experts over the years has been committed to construct a set of scientific.When and how each part of structure, they study how the body carefully operation can be truly called health at the same time, have found the people's health and mental health of interdependence, mutual restriction.So from the beginning of twentieth Century, “the detection of indicators are completely normal is the real health” standard has gradually been recognized by all countries in the world.In twentieth Century 50, the World Health Organization officially released to the world of the definition of health authority, science: “the concept of health is a personal contact in the spiritual, physical and social three aspects to maintain a healthy state.” During this period, the Japanese also put forward the so-called “four” measure of health, namely, eat fast, then quickly, sleep soon and talk fast(quick thinking).四、Satellite communication

Pudong satellite ground station officially put into operation.This is from the Zhang Jiang hi tech park a few companies to invest in the construction of the.This information service network can provide long distance international communication service.For example, the use of the system of Xinmin Evening News Transfer to Sichuan Chengdu layout, or through it to make an overseas call to the United states.Compared with other methods of communication, the system more reliable, especially in adverse weather conditions.The system wide coverage, short construction period, low investment.Long distance communication by satellite switching.Satellite in over 36000 km, covering a land area of 18000 square kilometers.A satellite usually have 10--20 adapter, you can transfer 800 channel.In the distance from the equator placed 3 satellite as relay station, can basically achieve global communication.Satellite communication is particularly applicable to the ship and to many receiving units at the same time transfer program.But the satellite communications also have disadvantages, for example, poor security, the communication quality is influenced by moisture, as long as a half second delay line signal.五、Sub-health

We usually say “no disease”, “good health” the concept is not far from the real health standard.In order to attract attention to health standards, in recent years, some medical experts according to the traditional idea of “is not ill health” put forward the concept of “sub health”.Sub health state refers to a person's physical function even without any specific disease, but usually lack the vitality, adapt to the outside world has been varying degrees of decline ability.This is an incomplete health performance.Sub healthy people often manifested as easy cold, in the physical fatigue, ease of discomfort, here said the “discomfort” include indigestion, poor sleep and psychological discomfort, such as the decline of self-control, allergic reaction to external things, it is difficult to meet the inner balance, emotionally unstable, easily fluctuation etc..Medical experts predict that in the sub healthy state of the crowd, if not treated or adjusted properly, there will be 70% people died of cardiovascular disease among them;10% of the people died of diabetic metabolic disorder;10% died of overwork and sudden unexpected death;only about 10% of the people have hope peace vitop.Attaches great importance to estimate the pessimistic in particular should cause is in the sub healthy state in middle aged and old friends.Don't be too confident of his own body, if you find yourself in a sub healthy state, you should see a doctor in time, or adjust their way of life and work.Once you are in the sub healthy state, you are the best doctor.六、Seawater irrigation agriculture

China scientists in the coastal provinces of large area test with sea water for irrigation of crops, to feed a large population, the population is facing a shortage of land, freshwater shortage pressure.Early in twentieth Century 90 time, in the coastal area(including Shandong Province, Hebei Province, Guangdong Province and Hainan province)nearly 300000 hectares of saline alkali land and beach, not wheat, rice, is the oil crops, which had not is all over the world.As the shoot two hawks with one arrow, people believe that, the development of seawater irrigation agriculture is an effective way to increase and decrease the cost of farmland irrigation.China population accounts for 1/5 of the world's total population, arable land and can use only accounts for the world's total cultivated area 7%.If all of the available land is used to grow crops, it can produce 150000000 tons of agricultural products, equivalent to about 30% of annual output Chinese.On the other hand, seawater irrigation for Chinese such a person have possession of fresh water only accounts for the world average 1/4 countries, It will be of great advantage.China agricultural water use accounts for 70% of the total amount of cultivated land, and 60% of the serious shortage of irrigation water.And turn seawater into fresh water compared to the cost of technology, directly to the seawater into a canal or direct planting crops in the salt marsh soil costs only 1/30 of the former.Since ancient times, almost all the crops are irrigated with fresh water.However, with the development of hybridization and gene technology, Chinese scientists have cultivated a group can grow in saline environment of halophytes.



1.那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进的技术,令观众仿佛身临其境。(illusion)Thanks to modern technology , the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.2.在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存了下来。(devastate)

That ancient city was devastated by the fire , but fortunately the stone tablet survived.3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。(fill with)

The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake.4.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了自己的生命。(leave behind)

In that earthquake , we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives.5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才建成。(off and on)

The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558 ,but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6.1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。(meet up with)

In 1980 , when I met up with her , she had just returned from abroad with a master’s degree.7.这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司。(find one’s way to)It was my first visit to New York , but I managed to find my way to the small firm.8.在电影界要达到顶峰是非常困难的,但是作为一名导演谢晋做到了。(make up)It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry , but as a director Xie Jin did it.第二单元

1.如今许多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却迷上了漂亮的小汽车。(vain , be obsessed with)Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。(affair ,fall apart)Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife.3.那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受。(inspiration , deny oneself something)For artistic inspiration , the artist lived in the country for three years , where he denied himself many comforts of life.4.我不知道明天去崇明岛的远足活动能不能成行,因为这要取决于会不会下雨。(excursion , at the mercy of)I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow , It is at the mercy of the weather.5.他早年到日本学医,回国后却改变了主意,一辈子从事文学创作。(pursue)When he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine , but after he returned to China he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.6.他最近和足以做她父亲的老头好上了。这使她父母感到非常丢脸。(disgrace)She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father , which is a disgrace to her parents.7.1978年以来,我国经济发展神速,相比之下,一些发达国家的经济反而滑坡了。(witness , contrast)Since 1978 , our economy has witnessed a rapid development;in contrast that of some developed countries has declined.8.地震切断了这个城市和外界的联系。人们的食品供应也许挨不过冬天了。(hold out)The earthquake isolated this city from other areas.I’m afraid their food supplies will not hold out through the winter.第三单元

1.那些粉丝在雨中苦苦等了足足两个小时这位“超女”才到达。(show up)The fans waited anxiously in the rain for two hours before the “Super girl” finally showed up.2.他们恋爱八年,经历了种种苦难,才终成良缘。(go through)They had been in love for either years , when they went through many hardship , before they finally got married.3.我丢了钱包,非常懊丧,但我只能自我安慰——事情有可能更糟呢。要是在机场丢了护照怎么办?(upset ,console)I was upset by the loss of my wallet , but I could only console myself----it could have been worse what if I had lost my passport at the airport ? 4.考虑到他年纪小,没经验,他在第一部电影中的表现可以说非常优秀了。(given)Given that he was young and inexperienced(his age and inexperience), his performance in his first movie was excellent.5.经理每次出差都授权助理代理他的事务,因为公司业务不容拖延。(authorize)Every time he left on business , the manager would authorize his assistant to act for him , as the business of the company couldn’t wait.6.这位老人很穷,吃的并不好,但是身体很硬朗,因为他相信多多锻炼是有好处的。(believe in)The poor old man did not have much to eat , but he kept healthy because he believed in the benefit of doing exercise.7.在所有的古代文明中,只有中华文明历经岁月的沧桑,却依旧保持着充分的活力。(endure ,vitality)Of all the ancient civilizations , only that of China has endured through the ages and is still full of vitality.8.和许多作家一样,这位青年作家主要叙写爱情这个永恒的主题,他的出众之处在于他对中国农村生活的深刻体验。(focus , set apart)Like many other writers , this young writer focuses on the eternal theme of love.What sets him apart from others is his keen observations of rural life in China.第六单元


Our group was assigned to decorate the garden while the others were preparing the food in the kitchen.2.那位年轻人在战场上意外地遇到失散已久的兄弟,惊喜不已。(out of the blue)

On the battlefield the young man was delighted to meet a long-lost brother who came out of the blue.3.谁把牛奶用完了?我咖啡里没奶可放了。(use up)

Who has used up the milk ? There is none to put in my coffee.4.有谣传说,博物馆里的这幅画是赝品,原画已于三年前被盗。(fake , rumour has it that „)

Rumor has it that this painting is fake and that the original one was stolen three years ago.5.你单枪匹马也许不能改变什么。但是我们大家一起努力,我们国家的面貌就会大不相同。(make a difference)

One person may not be able to change much , but working together we'll be able to make a great difference to our country.6.许多入室盗窃案之所以会发生,是因为主人没有采取预防措施关锁门窗。(burglary , precaution)

Many burglaries took place because the owners failed to take the precaution of locking their doors and windows.7.为了避免爆发内战,这位部长飞到前线,和**分子谈判。(rioter , in an effort to)

The minister flew to the front to negotiate with the rioters in an effort to prevent a civil war.8.我看到你们在晚会上谈话,所以以为你们互相认识。(assume)

I assumed you knew each other because I saw you talking with each other at the party.第七单元

1.他因急性阑尾炎住院治疗,结果连期末考试都没参加。(acute appendicitis , with the result that)

He was hospitalized with acute appendicitis , with the result that he missed the final examination.2.前来听讲座的人数远远超出原来的估计,分发给大家的讲义不够了。(go round)

As many more people came to the lecture than expected , there were not enough handouts to go round.3.不管一天工作有多忙,他在睡觉前总要看一下电子信箱里有没有新邮件。(make a point of)

No matter what a long day he may have , he makes a point of checking his e-mail inbox before going to bed.4.世界各国都有失业问题,但各国政府处理这个问题的方法不尽相同。(handle)

Unemployment is found in all countries in the world , but government vary in their way to handle the problem.5.第一次来到异国的人往往会感到自己周围的一切既陌生,又有趣。(be apt to)

Anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting.6.球迷们对这场比赛中双方球员场上的表现都感到十分失望。(disappointed at)

The football fans were very disappointed at the performance of the players of both teams.7.他的话,你得好好想一想,千万不要他说什么你就信什么。(take at face value)

Never take what he says at face value.Think it over yourself.8.医生的一番话消除了他对手术的恐惧感。(remove)

The doctor's words removed his fears about the operation.第十一单元

1.我的论文超过了一万字,最后不得不删掉了几段,以满足该学术期刊的要求。(cut out)As my article was over 10,000 words, I finally had to cut out several paragraphs to satisfy the requirements of the academic journal.2.事实是无法逃避的,必须直面真相,为自己的错误付出代价。(face up to)

There is no running away from the facts, so we must face up to the truth and pay for our mistakes.3.那一年,他虽然遭受了一场车祸,但还是通过了所有学校要求的考试,升入了下一个年级。(promote)

That year, despite the car accident, he was promoted to the next grade after he passed all the exams required by the school.4.那个国家的知识分子对政府新的福利政策持强烈的批评态度,他们认为这将降低劳动人民的生活水平。(be critical of)

The intellectuals of that country were very critical of the government’s new social welfare policy because, according to them, it would bring down the living standards of the working people.5.要消除他们之间的怨恨固然很困难,但至少值得尝试一番。(resentment, be worth doing)It is, to be sure, difficult to remove the resentment between them, but it is at least worth trying.6.政府正在采取一切措施把物价压下去,以防止通货膨胀失控。(bring down, lest)

The government is taking all possible measures to bring down the prices lest inflation should get out of control.7.那个谋杀犯否认了一切指控,我们不得不提出更多的证据让评审团相信他是有罪的。(deny, convince)

As the murder denied all the charges, we had to convince the jury with more evidence that he was guilty.8.和妻子分居多年之后,他终于宽恕了她的不忠,和她言归于好了。(infidelity, be reconciled with)Translation: Finally he managed to forgive his wife’s infidelity and was reconciled with her after years of separation.Finally he managed to forgive his wife for her infidelity and was reconciled with her after years of separation.


新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册课后翻译答案及原文 Unit 1 原文:English is known as a world language, regularly used by many nations whose English is not their first language.Like other languages, English has changed greatly.The history of the English language can be divided into three main periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.The English language started with the invasion of Britain by three Germanic tribes during the 5th century AD, and they contributed greatly to the formation of the English language.During the medieval and early modern periods, the influence of English spread throughout the British Isles, and from the early 17th century its influence began to be felt throughout the world.The processes of European exploration and colonization for several centuries led to significant change in English.Today, American English is particularly influential, due to the popularity of American cinema, television, music, trade and technology, including the Internet.翻译:人们普遍认为英语是一种世界语言,经常被许多不以英语为第一语言的国家使用。与其他语言一样,英语也发生了很大的变化。英语的历史可以分为三个主要阶段:古英语,中古英语和现代英语。英语起源于公元5世纪,当时三个日耳曼部落入侵英国,他们对英语语言的形成起了很大的作用。在中世纪和现代社会初期,英语的影响遍及不列颠群岛。从17世纪初,它的影响力开始在世界各地显现。欧洲几百年的探险和殖民过程导致了英语的重大变化。今天,由于美国电影、电视、音乐、贸易和技术、包括互联网的大受欢迎,美国英语的影响力尤其显著。


翻译:Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world.The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters.In this long evolutionary process, Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting culture but also developed into a unique art form.Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers' personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that “seeing the calligrapher's handwriting is like seeing the person”.As one of the treasures of Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world's treasure house of culture and art.Unit 2 原文:A MOOC(massive open online course)is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.MOOCs are a recent development in distance education and have now become a surging trend in higher education.These classes are aimed at expanding a university's reach from thousands of tuition-paying students who live in town, to millions of students around the world.In addition to traditional course materials, MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support interactions between students and professors.MOOCs can encourage communication among participants who bring a variety of viewpoints, knowledge, and skills to the course;inspire people to “try on” subjects that they wouldn't otherwise pursue or even try on education itself;provide multiple ways to engage with course material, encouraging multimodal(多模式的)learning that can address the needs of learners with a variety of learning styles;and inspire better teaching and use of technologies for face-to-face courses.翻译:慕课是一种网络课程,它旨在通过网络实现广泛参与和开放接入。慕课是远程教育迈出的最新一步,现已在高等教育领域迅速引领潮流。通过这些课程,大学可以扩大影响的范围,从影响成千上万住在城里付学费的学生,扩展到惠及全球上百万的学生。除了拥有传统的课程资料,慕课还给使用者提供互动论坛,支持学生和讲师之间的交流。慕课能够促进参与者之间的交流,使得多种观点、知识和技能涌现到课堂上来;它鼓励人们尝试之前不可能尝试的课程,甚至是尝试新的教育方式;它提供多种学习课程资料的方式,鼓励多模式学习,以各种学习风格满足学习者的需求;另外,慕课促进教学的改善,使技术在面对面授课中得以更好地应用。

原文:近年来,随着互联网技术的发展,我国的数字化教育资源建设取得了巨大的成就。很多高校建立了自己的数 字化学习的平台,数字化教学在教育中发挥着越来越大的作用。和传统教学方式相比,数字化教学方式有很大的优势。一方面,数字化教学使教学资源得以全球共享;另一方面,它拓展了学习者的学习时间和空间,人们可以随时随地通过互联网进入数字化的虚拟学校学习。这使得人类从接受一次性教育走向终身学习成为可能。翻译:In recent years, with the development of Internet technology, the construction of digital education resources of our country has made great achievements.Many universities have set up their own digital learning platforms, and digital teaching is playing an increasingly important role in education.Compared with the traditional way of teaching, the digital way has a lot of advantages.On one hand, digital teaching makes global sharing of teaching resources possible;on the other hand, it expands the learner's study time and space to learn, allowing people to get access to the digital virtual schools through the Internet anytime and anywhere.These advantages make it possible for people to shift from one-time learning to lifelong learning.Unit 3 原文:As an important part of the American culture value system, “individualism” is admired by most American people.Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members.In contrast to many other cultures, the primary responsibility of the American family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically.What would be best for the family is not usually considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual.With freedom comes the responsibility to care for oneself, for it is the freedom of choice that carries with it the responsibility: to accept the consequences of the choices.Many Americans give their children a lot of freedom because they want them to be independent and self-reliant.Along with the American emphasis on individual freedom, the belief in equality between parents and children also has had a strong effect on the family.翻译:作为美国文化价值体系的一个重要组成部分,“个人主义”受到大多数美国人的推崇。美国人认为家庭作为一个群体,其主要目的是促进家庭各成员的幸福。与许多其他文化相比,美国家庭成员的主要职责,不是在社会上或经济上提高整个家庭的地位。人们通常认为,什么是对个人最好的要比什么是对家庭最好的更为重要。与自由相伴而来的是照顾自己的责任,因为所选择的自由承载了责任,即必须接受自己的选择所带来的后果。许多美国人给他们的孩子很多的自由,因为他们希望孩子们能够独立和自力更生。在美国人强调个人自由的同时,父母与孩子间平等的信念也对美国家庭产生了巨大的影响。

原文:孝道(filial piety)是中国古代社会的基本道德规范(code of ethics)。中国人把孝视为人格之本、家庭和睦之本、国家安康之本。由于孝道是儒家伦理思想的核心,它成了中国社会千百年来维系家庭关系的道德准则。它毫无疑问是中华民族的一种传统美德。孝道文化是一个复合概念,内容丰富,涉及面广。它既有文化理念,又有制度礼仪(institutional etiquette)。一般来说,它指社会要求子女对父母应尽的义务,包括尊敬、关爱、赡养老人等等。孝道是古老的“东方文明”之根本。

翻译:Filial piety is the basic code of ethics in ancient Chinese society.Chinese people consider filial piety as the essence of a person's integrity, family harmony, and the nation's well-being.With filial piety being the core of Confucian ethics, it has been the moral standard for the Chinese society to maintain the family relationship for thousands of years.It's undoubtedly a traditional Chinese virtue.The culture of filial piety is a complex concept, rich in content and wide in range.It includes not only cultural ideas but also institutional etiquettes.Generally speaking, it refers to the obligation of children to their parents required by the society, including respect, care, support for the elderly and so forth.Filial piety is fundamental to the ancient “Oriental civilization”.Unit 4 原文:Valentine's Day on February 14 is celebrated in various American and European countries.It is a holiday of love and romance usually by exchanging valentines or love tokens between lovers.There are different origins regarding the festival.One legend goes that the Romans put a priest named Saint Valentine into prison for refusing to believe in the Roman gods.On February 14, Valentine was put to death not only because he was Christian, but also because he had cured the jailer's daughter of blindness.The night before he was executed he wrote her a farewell letter signed “From your Valentine”.Later, February 14 became a holiday for people to show affection for their loved ones.Today, people celebrate Valentine's Day in different ways, sending greeting cards and flowers, giving chocolate or other gifts, or joining in romantic dinners.The holiday has now become popular all over the world.In China the festival is also becoming increasingly popular with young people.翻译:美洲和欧洲各国都会庆祝2月14日的情人节。这是一个充满爱情和浪漫的节日,恋人之间通常都会交换情人卡和爱情信物。关于这个节日的起源有着不同的说法。一个传说是罗马人把一个叫圣瓦伦丁的神父关进了监狱,因为他拒绝相信罗马神。2月14日那天,瓦伦丁被处死,不仅因为他是基督徒,而且因为他曾治愈了一位监狱看守双目失明的女儿。他在被处死的前一天晚上给她写了一封署名“你的瓦伦丁”的告别信。后来,2月14日就成了一个人们可以为他们的情人展示感情的节日。现在,人们以不同的方式庆祝情人节,他们发送贺卡、鲜花,赠送巧克力或其他礼品,或共进浪漫的晚餐。现在这个节日已流行世界各地。在中国,这个节日也正越来越受年轻人的欢迎。

原文:农历七月初七是中国的七夕节(Qixi Festival),是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。一些大的商家每年都举办不同的活动,年轻人也送礼物给他们的情人。因此,七夕节被认为是中国的“情人节”(Valentine's Day)。七夕节来自牛郎与织女(Cowherd and Weaving Maid)的传说。相传,每年的这个夜晚,天上的织女都会与牛郎相会。所以,在七夕的夜晚,人们可以看到牛郎织女在银河(the Milky Way)相会。姑娘们也会在这一天晚上向天上的织女乞求智慧,以获得美满姻缘。但随着时代的变迁,这些活动正在消失,唯有标志着忠贞爱情的牛郎织女的传说一直流传民间。

翻译:July 7th on the Chinese calendar is Chinese Qixi Festival, the most romantic of all the traditional Chinese holidays.Every year, some big businesses organize various activities, and young people send gifts to their lovers.As a result, the Qixi Festival is considered to be Chinese “Valentine's Day”.The Qixi Festival is derived from the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid.The legend holds that on this particular night every year the Weaving Maid in heaven meets with Cowherd.So, people can see Cowherd and Weaving Maid meeting in the Milky Way on the night of Qixi.On this night, girls would also beg Weaving Maid for some wisdom for a happy marriage.But, with the changing of times, these activities are diminishing.All that remains is the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid, a sign of faithful love, continuously circulated among the folk.Unit 5 原文:The Age of Discovery, also called the Age of Exploration, is a historical period of European global exploration that started in the early 15th century and continued until the 18th century.It is usually regarded as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era, in the context of emerging western imperialism and economic competition between European kingdoms seeking wealth through the establishment of trade routes and colonies.Among many great explorers during this period, the most outstanding one was Christopher Columbus since he discovered the New World.European overseas expansion led to the rise of colonial empires, with the contact between the Old and New Worlds producing the exchange: a wide transfer of plants, animals, foods, culture, and so forth.This represented one of the most significant global events concerning ecology, agriculture, and culture in history.European exploration allowed the global mapping of the world, resulting in a new world-view and distant civilizations acknowledging each other.翻译:大发现年代,也被称为大勘探年代,是欧洲进行全球勘查的一个历史时期,始于15世纪初并一直持续到18世纪。这一时期通常被认为是中世纪和近代之间的桥梁,当时西方帝国主义刚兴起,欧洲各王国之间正在经济上互相竞争,他们想通过建立贸易路线和殖民地来寻找财富。在这一时期众多伟大的探险家中,最杰出的是克里斯托弗•哥伦布,因为他发现了新大陆。欧洲的海外扩张导致了殖民帝国的崛起,旧大陆与新大陆的接触也促成了两边的互相交换:大量的植物、动物、食物、文化等得到迁移。这代表了历史上生态、农业和文化在全球范围内最重大的活动之一。欧洲大勘探让绘制全球性的世界地图成为可能,从而使人们看到一个新的世界与古老的文明正遥相呼应。

原文:丝绸之路(Silk Road)是我国古代一条连接中国和欧亚大陆(Eurasia)的交通线路,由于这条商路以丝绸贸易为主,故称“丝绸之路”。作为国际贸易的通道和文化交流的桥梁,丝绸之路有效地促进了东西方经济文化交流和发展,对世界文明进程有着深远影响。当前,在新的历史条件下,我国提出了“一带一路”(One Belt, One Road)(即“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”)的战略构想。“一带一路”以合作共赢为核心,强调相关各国的互利共赢和共同发展。这一战略一经提出即受到沿线各国的积极响应。

翻译:The Silk Road is a traffic route in the ancient times connecting China and Eurasia.This trade route focuses on the trade of silk, hence the name “the Silk Road”.As an international trade channel and a bridge of cultural exchanges, the Silk Road effectively improved the economic and cultural exchanges and development between the East and the West, exerting a profound impact on the progress of the world civilization.Nowadays, under the new historical circumstances, our country proposes the strategy of “One Belt, One Road”(namely the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road).The strategy of “One Belt, One Road” focuses on cooperation and mutual benefits, emphasizing mutual benefits, win-win, as well as common development of the related countries.Once proposed, the strategy has received positive responses from the related countries along the road.Unit 6 原文:Minimalism(极简主义)is about getting rid of excess stuff and keeping only what you need.Minimalist living, in simplest terms, is to live with as less as possible, mentally and physically until you achieve peace of mind.Results that ensue are less stress, more time, and increased happiness.Minimalists like to say that they're living more meaningfully, more deliberately, and that the minimalist lifestyle allows them to focus on what's more important in life: friends, hobbies, travel, experiences.Of course, minimalism doesn't mean there's anything inherently wrong with owning material possessions.Today's problem seems to be that we tend to give too much meaning to our things, often forsaking(抛弃)our health, our relationships, our passions, our personal growth, and our desire to contribute beyond ourselves.In addition to its application in people's daily life, minimalism also finds application in many creative disciplines, including art, architecture, design, dance, film making, theater, music, fashion, photography and literature.翻译:极简主义是指去掉多余的,仅保留需要的部分。用最简单的话来说,极简的生活方式,就是生活得越简单越好,直到获得心灵的平静,这种简单既是精神上的,也是身体上的。这样的生活方式会减轻压力,带来更多自由时间,并增强幸福感。极简主义者会说,他们生活得更有意义了,更从容了,极简的生活方式让他们着眼于生活中更重要的事物:朋友、爱好、旅游和体验。当然,极简主义并不意味着拥有物质财富从本质上来讲有什么不对。现在的问题似乎在于,我们往往太重视所拥有的东西,而常常抛弃了健康、人与人之间的关系、我们的热情、个人成长,以及帮助他人的愿望。极简主义除了在我们的日常生活中可以得到应用,还存在于很多创意领域,包括艺术、建筑、设计、舞蹈、电影、戏剧、音乐、时尚、摄影和文学等。

原文:国民幸福指数(National Happiness Index,NHI)是衡量人们幸福感的一种指数,也是衡量一个国家或地区经济发展、居民生活与幸福水平的指标工具。随着中国经济的高速增长,中国政府越来越重视人民群众生活质量和幸福指数的提升。政府注重改善民生,努力改善人民群众的经济状况,满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求。当前,中国政府提倡释放改革红利,让人民群众得到更多实惠。所有这些都将有效促进我国国民幸福指数不断提升。

翻译:National Happiness Index(NHI)is an index that measures how happy people are.It is also a tool that measures the levels of economic development and people's livelihood and happiness in a country or region.With the fast growth of Chinese economy, the Chinese government has been paying more and more attention to people's living quality and the increase of happiness index.The government stresses improvement of its people's livelihood, striving to improve their economic conditions and meet their growing material and cultural needs.Currently, the Chinese government advocates the unleashing of more reform dividends, with the aim of offering more real benefits to its people.All these measures will combine to effectively increase the NHI of our people.Unit 7 原文:The color and style of a wedding gown can depend on the religion and culture of the wedding participants.For example, in Western cultures brides often choose a white wedding dress, while in China the traditional wedding dress is in red.Though white has become the most preferred color for wedding gowns across the world today, this was not a widespread trend before the Victorian era.White became a popular option in 1840, when Queen Victoria wore a white gown at her wedding.The official wedding photograph was widely published, and many brides chose white to become the followers of the Queen.Many people believed that the color white symbolized virginity, though this was not the original intention.As far as the style is concerned, wedding dresses were once typically short in the front with a longer train in the back.This tendency continued until the late 1960s, when it became popular to revert to long, full-skirted designs.翻译:婚纱礼服的颜色和款式可取决于婚礼参与者的宗教和文化。例如,在西方文化中新娘通常会选择白色的婚纱,而在中国,传统的结婚礼服是红色的。虽然白色已成为当今婚纱礼服在世界各地最受青睐的颜色,可是这在维多利亚 时期之前并不是一个普遍的潮流。白色在1840年成为了一个受欢迎的选择,那年维多利亚女王在她的婚礼上穿了一件白色的礼服。官方的婚礼照片被广泛刊登后,很多新娘都仿效女王选择白色。很多人相信白色象征着童贞,尽管这不是她们选择白色的初衷。就款式而言,婚纱礼服曾一度是前面短短的、后面是长长的裙摆。这种趋势一直持续到20世纪60年代后期,那个时期全长裙边的设计恢复了流行。

原文:中国是丝绸的故乡,因而有很多与丝绸相关的艺术,刺绣(embroidery)就是其中的一种。刺绣是中国民间传统手工艺之一,至少有两、三千年的历史。从事刺绣的多为女子,因此刺绣又被称为“女红”(women's needlework)。刺绣在中国受到了人们广泛的喜爱。刺绣可用来装饰衣物,如在衣服、被子、枕套(pillowcase)等物品上绣上美丽的图案,也可制作成特别的饰品(ornament)。中国有四大名绣: 苏州的苏绣、广东的粤绣、湖南的湘绣以及四川的蜀绣。各种绣法不仅风格有差异,主题也各有不同。在这其中,苏州的苏绣最负盛名。

翻译:China is home to silk, thereby having a variety of arts related to silk, one of which is embroidery.Embroidery, with at least two or three thousand years of history, is one of the Chinese traditional folk arts and crafts.Since most embroiderers are women, it's also called “women's needlework”.Embroidery has been much-loved by the Chinese people.It can be used to beautify clothing and things.For example, clothes, quilts, pillowcases etc.can be embroidered with beautiful designs, or a piece of embroidery can be made for a special ornament.There are four most famous types of embroidery in China: Suxiu from Suzhou, Yuexiu from Guangdong, Xiangxiu from Hunan, and Shuxiu from Sichuan, each having its own style and theme.Among the four, Suzhou embroidery has enjoyed the highest reputation.Unit 8 原文:The World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF)is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment.The organization was originally named the World Wildlife Fund in 1961.In 1986, it changed its name to World Wide Fund for Nature to better reflect the scope of its activities.With over five million supporters worldwide, it is the world's largest independent conservation organization, working in more than 100 countries and supporting about 1,300 conservation and environmental projects.Its mission is to stop destroying the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.Currently, much of its work focuses on the conservation of oceans and coasts, forests, and freshwater.Among other issues, it is also concerned with endangered species, pollution and climate change.They now need, above all, money to carry out its missions and handle conservation emergencies.翻译:世界自然基金会(WWF)是一个致力于有关保护、研究和修复环境议题的国际性非政府组织。该组织最初于1961年被命名为世界野生动物基金会。1986年,它更名为世界自然基金会,以更好地反映其活动范围。它是世界上最大的、独立的自然保护组织,拥有世界各地超过500万的支持者,在100多个国家开展工作,并援助约1,300个与自然和环境保护有关的项目。它的任务是阻止破坏地球的生态环境,建立一个能使人类与自然和谐相处的未来。目前,其大部分工作都集中在对海洋和海岸、森林、淡水的保护。在其他问题上,它也关注濒危物种,污染和气候变化。现在他们最需要的是资金,以履行其使命和处理与自然保护有关的突发事件。

原文:新中国成立以来,特别是改革开放以来,中国政府在生态环境(eco-environmental)保护方面做出了大量努力,取得了有效进展。政府采取了一系列保护和改善生态环境的重大举措,譬如积极推进重点生态工程,加强生态系统建设(ecosystem)及生物多样性保护(biodiversity conservation),建立了一批自然保护区(nature reservation)、生态示范区(ecological demonstration zones)、风景名胜区和森林公园。加强生态环境的保护和建设,实现人与自然和谐相处,是构建社会主义和谐社会(harmonious society)的重要目标之一。环境保护和生态文明建设为中国经济、社会的可持续发展提供了坚实的基础。

翻译:Since the founding of New China, especially since the economic reform and door-opening to the world, the Chinese government has made considerable efforts in eco-environmental protection and achieved effective progress.The government has taken a series of important measures to protect and improve the ecological environment, such as actively promoting key ecological projects, enhancing ecosystem construction and biodiversity conservation, establishing a number of nature reservations, ecological demonstration zones, scenic spots and forest parks.One of the important goals of building a socialist harmonious society is to strengthen ecological protection and construction and to achieve harmony between man and nature.Environmental protection and ecological civilization construction have provided a solid foundation for the sustainable development of China's economy and society.



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