世界500强员工必用的英文E-mail大全03-04 交际篇[推荐五篇]

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第一篇:世界500强员工必用的英文E-mail大全03-04 交际篇

Unit 4 交际篇


Dear Mr.Smith, It was a pleasure to receive your letter dated March 12, and to learn that you are making plans for Mr.Brown of your company to visit our company next month.We shall be very happy to welcome him and to do our best to make his visit both enjoyable and successful.We gather that this will be Mr.Brown's first visit to Shanghai, in which case he will, no doubt, wish to see some of our major places of interest.We can discuss a suitable program when he arrives.If he so wishes we can also introduce him to several firms with whom you may like to do business.When the date of Mr.Brown's visit is fixed, please let us know the time of his arrival here by fax so that we can arrange to pick him up at the airport.You may be sure he will have a warm welcome.Yours faithfully, Lin Feng FG Company 亲爱的史密斯先生:




FG公司 林峰 敬上

Dear Mr.Lin, Thank you for your warmness and kindness to make arrangement for Mr.Brown's visit in next month.You are right that this is his first visit to Shanghai;actually, this is his virgin trip to China.He is now preparing for his journey.I will let you know the date of his arrival and the number of the flight he will take once they are fixed.Best regards.Yours sincerely, John Smith 亲爱的林先生:



约翰•史密斯 敬上

Dear Mr.Lin, Thank you for your letter to extend your warm welcome to Mr.Brown, who asked me to express gratitude on behalf of him.Mr.Brown is looking forward to visiting China;he has been interested in this country, including its scenery and culture.I will inform you of the date of his arrival and the number of the flight he will take the moment they are fixed.Best regards.Yours sincerely, John Smith 亲爱的林先生:



约翰•史密斯 敬上


Dear John, How is everything going recently? We are welcoming the first snow of this year here.Is it cold in Wuhan? I have received your sales reports for the last season and happy to see that you succeeded in doubling your sales in the past three months.I believe this success is, to a large degree, due to your good leadership, your wisdom and your persistence.I have been always confident in your ability, and I know I made a good decision to appoint you as the regional manager in Central China.I remember you have served this company for more than 5 years, and made great contributions to its development.I thank you for your loyalty and commitment on behalf of the board.You can rest assured that you will get your rewards very soon.Congratulations and thanks.Yours sincerely, Tom


近来一切是否安好?我们这里就要迎来本地的第一场雪了。武汉的天气冷吗? 我收到了你上季度的销售报表,很高兴地发现你们在过去的三个月里成功地将销售业绩翻了一番。我相信这一成就在很大程度上应该归功于你优秀的领导才能、智慧及毅力。我一直对你的能力非常有信心,我知道当初任命你为华中地区大区经理的决定是正确的。


祝贺你,并向你表示感谢。汤姆 谨启

Dear Tom, I have received your letter and I am flattered by your praising.The success should ascribe to my team, in which every one of them has been working very hard.Without their intelligence, their creativity and their sacrifices, we will never achieve so far.Anyhow, we will take your compliments as an encouragement and move towards higher goals.By the way, it is snowing outside, which reminds me of the happy time I spent with you and other colleagues last winter in New York.With best regards.Yours faithfully, John 亲爱的汤姆,我收到了你的来信。你的称赞令我惶恐。这次的成功应当归功于我的团队。他们中的每一个人一直以来工作都非常卖力。没有他们的智慧,创造力和牺牲精神,要取得那样的成就是不可能的。不管怎样,我们会将你的夸奖当做是一种鼓励,我们一定会向更高的目标挺进。


祝安好!约翰 敬上

Dear Tom, Thank you for your compliments.I was very flattered that you spoke so highly of me.You are right that I have worked in this company for five years.Working here is a precious experience in my life.I learned a lot from you and other colleagues.I can still remember what a green hand I was in the first days.It is you that have helped me to grow into a professional in this field.I will work harder to live up to your trust.With best regards.Yours faithfully, John 亲爱的汤姆:



祝安好!约翰 敬上


Dear colleagues: On the occasion of Christmas and New Year, I, on behalf of the board, am writing to extend my warmest greetings to you, merry Christmas and happy New Year.Thank you for your devotion and commitment for the last year.We know that the growth and success of our company is largely dependent on your great efforts and teamwork.We also recognize the contributions you have made in helping our company out of the bad influence of the economical recession.We look forward to a brilliant future of our company.Once again, I would like to present my sincere wishes in Christmas and New Year.Sincerely yours, John Smith 尊敬的同仁们:




再次献上我最美好的圣诞及新年祝福。约翰•史密斯 谨上

Dear Sirs: Thank you for your greeting.Every one of us can feel the warmth you sent to us.We also extend our best wishes for you in Christmas and New Year.The last year witnessed the great develop-ment of our company in spite of the pernicious influence of subprime crisis.We ascribe the success mainly to your wise decision and good leadership.We will work harder to gain better achievement in the coming year.Merry Christmas and happy New Year All staffs of DDT Company 尊敬的先生们: 感谢诸位的问候。我们大家都感受到了你们传递给我们的暖意。我们也献上我们最美好的圣诞及新年祝愿。



Dear Sirs: Thank you for your warm greeting, which will motivate us to work harder in the next year.We had a difficult year because of the economic crisis, but we not only survived it but also made some progress.It was the power of our team that helped us in the difficult time.We will advance towards a higher goal this year.Merry Christmas and happy New Year All staffs of DDT Company





Dear Mr.Li, We should be much pleased if you and Mrs.Li would dine with us on Friday, March 25, at 7:00 P.M.It will be quite a small party, as we have only asked Mr.and Mrs.Chen, Mr.Zhang and Miss Wang, all our close friends.We will prepare dishes with authentic Sichuan flavor and hope you will like them.We trust you will be disengaged and able to give us the pleasure of your company.We are looking forward to meeting you.Yours truly, Tong Hua 亲爱的李先生:


期待惠临!童华 谨上

Dear Mr.Tong, Thank you for your kindness in inviting us for a dinner in your house.We really love to go, but regret that owing to a previous engagement, we shall not be able to accompany you.It is a pity that we will lose a chance to taste Sichuan cuisine.Any how, thank you for your invitation.Yours truly, Li Jun 亲爱的童先生:


无论如何,我们感谢你们的邀请。李俊 谨上

Dear Mr.Tong, Thank you for your invitation for a dinner in your house.We accept it with great honor, and we are looking forward to tasting Sichuan flavor;you know, we always enjoy hot and spicy food.Our friend, Mr.Zhou, sent us a bottle of Shaoxing wine last week, which, we think, will add to the fun of the night.We will take it to the party and hope you will like it.Yours truly, Li Jun

亲爱的童先生: 感谢您邀请我们到府上共聚晚餐。我们很高兴地表示接受,并且非常期待吃到四川菜肴。您也了解,我们一直偏爱辛辣食品。我们的朋友周先生上周送给我们一瓶绍兴黄酒, 我们想一定会为当晚助兴。我们会将它带到宴会,希望你们能喜欢。

李俊 谨上


Dear Mr.Johnson, It's our great honor to invite you to visit our company in April, 2011.This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to discuss about our future business cooperation in detail.Since our company is one of your distributors in China, and has been making great progresses in promoting and selling your products, we believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation.Please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to China.We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.Yours truly, Lu Feng DDT Company 亲爱的约翰逊先生:




我们期待早日见到您。如果你还有任何问题,请随时告知我。DDT公司 陆丰 敬上

Dear Mr.Lu, Thank you for your kindness in inviting me to your company.I have been eager to visit China, which is universally well-known for its beautiful scenery and culture.I want to take this chance to communicate with you, since you made great contributions to the promotion and sale of our products in Chinese market.I agree that we will both benefit from this visit.I will let you know the date of my arrival if it is fixed.Yours truly, Tom Johnson FOB Company




一旦我抵达的时间确定下来,我就会告知你的。FOB公司 汤姆•约翰逊 敬上

Dear Mr.Lu, Thank you for your kindness to invite me to your company in the next month.It is an amazing idea to visit China in such a nice season, but I regret very much that I am unable to accept your invitation.It happens, most unfortunately, that my mother is going to have an operation in the very month and I have to stay with her, supporting her in her difficult times.Mr.Thomason of our section will take my place to visit your company.Yours truly, Tom Johnson FOB Company 亲爱的陆先生:


我部门的托马斯先生将代替我访问贵公司。FOB公司 汤姆•约翰逊 敬上


Dear Prof.Smith, BBG Company has pleasure in informing you that we will host a seminar on World Water Pollution Control on May 16, 2011, in Wuhan International Exhibition Center, Wuhan, China.You are one of the top experts in the field and we think you must be interested in the conference.We will provide funds for your travel and per diem expenses.We hope that you will be able to attend.Please indicate acceptance by e-mail within the next few days.We are looking forward to your attendance.Yours sincerely, Lu Feng BBG Company 尊敬的史密斯教授:


我们期待您与会。BBG公司 陆丰 敬上

Dear Mr.Lu, Thank you for your invitation to the World Water Pollution Control Conference on May 16, 2011, in Wuhan International Exhibition Center, Wuhan, China.I accept it with pleasure and would be very happy to contribute to the discussion.You are so kind to provide the fund for travel and accommodation.I will begin to make some preparations for the trip and inform you of the date of my arrival once it is fixed.Yours truly, Tom Smith 亲爱的陆先生:


汤姆•史密斯 谨上

Dear Mr.Lu, Thank you for your invitation to the World Water Pollution Control Conference on May 16, 2011, in Wuhan International Exhibition Center, Wuhan, China.I have been concerned with monitoring and controlling water pollution.However, I very much regret that I will be unable to attend the seminar, because I unfortunately broke my left leg last week and have to stay in bed for about 1 month.Could you please send me a copy of conference memo? With regards.Yours truly, Tom Smith 亲爱的陆先生:


你们能够给我寄一份会议纪要吗? 祝安好!

汤姆•史密斯 谨上


Dear Sir or Madam: Approved by the State Council of P.R.China and co-organized by China Environmental Protection Association(CEPA), Hubei Association of Environmental Protection Industry(HAEPI), China Environmental Science Press, Water Pollution Institute of Wuhan University, BBG Company, and Wuhan Municipal Government, the World Water Pollution Control Conference will be held on May 16, 2011.To facilitate your better understanding of the conference, a press conference will be held in Wuhan International Exhibition Center, at 9:00-10:00 a.m., on April 29, 2011.Please refer to for further information of the World Water Pollution Control Conference.Please confirm whether you would attend the press conference by emailing us the confirming note(see attached).We will send the formal invitation letter upon receipt of your confirming note.Contact Persons: Zhou Liyan, Song Bing Tel: 027-82080090, 82078904 E-mail: 女士们,先生们:




联系人:周立言 宋兵 电

话:027-82080090,82078904 电邮

Dear Sirs, Thank you for your invitation to the press conference on April 29, 2011, and we accept it with pleasure.We will send 3 persons to the conference, for their personal data, please see the attached document.Enclosed please also find the confirmation note.Wuhan Evening News 尊敬的先生们:



Dear Sirs, Thank you for your invitation to the press conference on April 29, 2011, but we regret that we can not accept it.We are now short of hands because the majority of our staff was set over the reports of the Japanese earthquake.Taiwan Post 尊敬的先生们:




Dear Mr.Smith, We are going to have a press conference at Shanghai Grand Hotel at 9:00-11:00, next Friday morning, May 14, 2011.We organize it to launch a new product model recently developed by our company.We know that you are a spokesman of good reputation and you are quite familiar with our field.Could we have the honor to invite you to speak in our conference? For the detailed information about the product in question, and the press conference, please refer to the attached document.Please confirm whether you will accept our invitation through e-mail.We will appreciate your prompt attention to our invitation.Sincerely yours, Lily Chen BBC Company 亲爱的史密斯先生:


如能尽快关照我们的邀请,将不胜感激。BBC公司 陈莉莉 谨上

Dear Ms Chen, Thank you for your invitation to the press conference for your new product.I have studied the enclosed documents and am quite interested in it.It is my honor to speak for such a renowned company.Please send me a formal invitation so that I can apply for the visa to China.Yours sincerely, Tom Smith



请给我寄送一份正式的邀请函,以便我申请去中国的签证。汤姆•史密斯 谨上

Dear Ms Chen, Thank you for your invitation to the press conference for your new product.I would be honored to speak for such a big company, but I regret that I will not be able to accept your invitation, because of a previous engagement.It is a pity to miss this chance, but I am willing to cooperate with you in the future.Yours sincerely, Tom Smith 亲爱的陈女士:


汤姆•史密斯 谨上


Dear Mr.Yang, This year is the 110th anniversary of the establishment of Wuhan University.We are planning to celebrate the event with an alumni reunion at the Academic Exchange Center of our school at 9:00-11:00 a.m.on Sunday, May 16, 2011.It is our honor to have your company in the party.And we will appreciate it if you can address the party for about 15 minutes.Please indicate your availability or inability to attend the party as soon as possible.Yours sincerely, Lu Fen Wuhan University



请尽快告知您是否能够参加此次聚会。武汉大学 陆芬 敬上

Dear Ms.Lu, Thank you for your kind invitation to the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the establishment of my alma mater.I shall look forward with pleasure to attending to the event and meeting my old schoolfellows.As to your asking me to address the party, I accept the task with pleasure.Yours sincerely, Yang Yang 亲爱的陆女士:


杨扬 谨上

Dear Ms.Lu, Thank you for your kind invitation to the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the establishment of my alma mater.It would be a good chance for me to revisit our campus and meet my old schoolfellows, but I regret that I will be unable to attend the party because of my earlier commitment to visit an overseas company.What a great pity!Thank you again for inviting me.Yours sincerely, Yang Yang 亲爱的陆女士:


再次感谢您的邀请。杨扬 谨上


Dear Sir or Madam: Being specialized in the trade of cloths and relative goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line.We are a leading exporter of casual wear in China and have earned a good reputation in European and American markets.On the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods, we are looking forward to establishing a cooperative business partnership with you.If you are interested with this idea, you are welcomed to visit our company to get a better understanding of it.Please inform us of your itinerary so as to facilitate our arrangements in advance.Please feel free to ask any question if there is anything you are particularly interested in.Looking forward to your reply.Faithfully yours, Zhang Dan BBE Company 尊敬的先生/女士:



请尽早通知我们你们的日程,便于我们提前安排接待工作。有任何问题请尽管向我们询问。期待你们的回复。BBE公司 张丹 敬上

Dear Ms.Zhang, We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated on May 18th, 2011.We are interested in your proposal that we establish a business partnership.We want to know more about your company, so we are considering sending a delegation to visit your company.We will inform you of the number of the delegation members and the date of their arrival in advance.Sincerely yours, Zhu Tong FGT Company 亲爱的张女士:


FGT公司 朱彤 谨上

Dear Ms.Zhang, We have received your letter of May 18th, 2011, proposing the establishment of a business partnership.It sounds quite interesting.However, we have a long standing cooperation with BEC Company and have no intention to expand our business recently.We regret that we will not accept your proposal.Thank you for your interest in our company.Sincerely yours, Zhu Tong FGT Company 亲爱的张女士:


感谢你们对我们公司的兴趣。FGT公司 朱彤 谨上


Dear Mr.Yang, Thank you for your letter of March 28, inviting our corporation to participate in the 2011 International Fair.We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.Mr.Li will be in your city from May 5 to 10 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance.Yours faithfully, Zhang Bo ABC Company 尊敬的杨先生:


李先生将于5月5日至10日去你市做具体安排,非常感谢您的协助。ABC公司 张波 敬上

Dear Mr.Zhang, We have received your confirmation to participate in the 2011 International Fair, and thank you for your support.You will find that some of your business partners will also be present in the Fair.We believe that this will be a good chance for you to communicate with each other.Enclosed please find a document containing full details on the Fair.Yours faithfully, Yang Yang 尊敬的张先生,我们收到了你们关于参加2011国际商品交易会的确认函,感谢你们的支持。


附件请查收有关交易会的详细情况。杨扬 敬上

Dear Mr.Zhang, Thank you for your letter, confirming that you will be present in the 2011 International Fair.We will reserve a booth for you.We welcome with pleasure the arrival of Mr.Li of your company and we will do our best to help him with the arrangements.Yours faithfully, Yang Yang 尊敬的张先生,感谢来信确认参加2011国际商品交易会。我们会为你们预留一个展位。我们很高兴欢迎李先生的到来,我们会尽全力帮助他作展会安排。杨扬 敬上


Dear Mr.Brown, Thank you very much for your kindness in asking us to attend your opening ceremony, but I regret very much that I will not be able to go there as I already have an important previous engagement that day.I send our congratulations and best wishes to you and will be together with you in spirit on this happy event.Sincerely yours, Mark Wang 亲爱的布朗先生:


我谨献上我们的祝贺及真诚的祝福;在这欢乐的时刻,我的精神将与你们同在。王马克 谨上

Dear Mark, It is a pity not to have your company in my opening ceremony.I meant to take this chance to get together with you;we have seen each other for about a year.I also want to thank you for your supporting in my hard times.I can achieve nothing without you, not to say owning a company of my own.I have been looking forward to enjoying this happy moment with you.Anyhow, I understand you;you always keep your promise.That is why I appreciate you.Yours truly, White Brown 亲爱的马克:



不管怎么样,我理解你,你是一个恪守承诺的人。这也是我欣赏你的地方。怀特•布朗 谨上

Dear Mark, I am sorry to hear that you will not be able to attend my opening ceremony.Thank you for your congratulations and your best wishes.I will send a video tape to you so that you can witness the scene as if you were there.Best wishes for you.Yours truly, White Brown 亲爱的马克:


怀特•布朗 谨上


Dear Mr.and Mrs.Lin, We regret that, owing to some unseen circumstances, we are obliged to recall our invitation for this Saturday, May 20th.We meant to get together and enjoy a happy night in my house, since we haven't met each other for such a long time.However, unfortunately, our daughter, Annie, broke her leg yesterday and we have to take care of her in hospital.It is impossible for us to hold a party in this situation.We apologize for the inconvenience we may bring to you.And we are looking forward to receiving you in the future occasions.Yours truly, White Brown 亲爱的林先生及林太太:


我们为给你们带来的不便表示道歉。希望以后有机会能够招待你们。怀特•布朗 敬上

Dear Mr.and Mrs.Brown, We are sorry to hear that Annie broke her leg.Poor Annie!We hope she did hurt seriously.We are going to visit her this Saturday.Could you please tell us which hospital she is staying in? Please give Annie our best wishes.Yours sincerely, Lin Feng



我们希望她伤得不厉害。本周六我们会去看她。你们能否告诉我们她现在住在哪家医院? 请转给安妮我们最美好的祝愿。林峰 敬上

Dear Mr.and Mrs.Brown, We are sorry to hear the bad news that your daughter, Annie, broke her leg.Did she hurt seriously? We hope she is getting better now.We are sorry that we can not see her in hospital because we are now in Singapore.Please let us know her current condition.We will visit her as soon as we come back.Please send her our love and best wishes.Yours sincerely, Lin Feng 亲爱的布朗先生,太太:



请转给她我们的爱和最美好的祝愿。林峰 敬上


Dear Sir or Madam: We take great pleasure to invite you to our company's 10th anniversary ceremony.We will hold a cocktail party at 3:00-5:00 p.m., on May 8th, 2011, in Shanghai Grand Hotel.We are looking forward to having your company in the party.Enclosed you will find a formal invitation card.We would appreciate it if you could confirm your availability at your earliest convenience.Please contact us at 021-53342728.Yours sincerely, Zhang ying BBC Company 亲爱的先生/女士:



如果您能尽早告知是否赏光,我们将不胜感激。请拨021-53342728联系我们。BBC公司 张英 敬上

Dear Miss Zhang, Thank you for your kind invitation to your 10th anniversary ceremony.We accept it with pleasure and enjoy the honor to be with you on that happy event.We have witnessed how you started and developed in these years and happy to see it has achieved so much.Of course, we will be there, sharing your happiness that day.Yours sincerely, Liu Feng YTY Company 亲爱的张小姐:



YTY 公司 刘峰 敬上

Dear Miss Zhang, Thank you for inviting us to take part in your 10th anniversary ceremony.We regret that we can not go because of a previous engagement.It is a great pity that we miss this good chance to share happiness and communicate with you.We send you our sincere congratulation and best wishes.Yours faithfully, Liu Feng YTY Company 亲爱的张小姐:


送上我们热烈的祝贺和最美好的祝福。YTY 公司 刘峰 敬上


Unit 3慰问篇


Dear Jenny,It is pity that you are ill.I was told yesterday that you have to stay in hospital for two days or so.All the colleagues in the company send you our fondest thoughts and best wishes.We hope you can recover quickly.I hope the fruit I brought and this letter will help to regain your health and cheer you up.I hope you recover soon, and get back as soon as possible to be with us.Yours sincerely,Jane




Dear Jane,Thank you for your concern.This time it is a bit sudden illness.It is a small problem, so please do not worry about me too much.The doctor said I will be good soon.But I have to put down the work at hand.I will recover soon, and then return to the company and work together.Yours,Jenny




Dear Jane,Thanks for the greetings from you and the co-workers.I want to convey my gratitude to all of you.Although I need to be hospitalized for two days, it is just a little sickness.In the two days I should listen to the doctor's suggestions.I will be better soon, so please do not worry about me.After leaving the hospital, I will invite everyone to celebrate the regain health of me.Yours,Jenny





Dear Bob,I am very sorry to learn that your beautiful house suffered severe fire which was caused by firecrackers.I really hope that all of you have managed to escape without injury and from any property loss.I'm sure you must have been very much down-hearted to experience this unfortunate accident.I offer my deep sympathy here.Please inform me without any hesitation if you need help.I am expecting to your safety.Sincerely yours,Blair







Dear Blair,Thank you for your condolences.I am very sad for the loss because of our neglection.Fortunately, my family is all right.Although it gave us a shot, it doesn't matter.Of course this incident has given us a great lesson.In the future we will pay more attention to home security, and hope you can also learn a lesson from this accident.Yours,Bob




Dear Blair,Thank you for your greetings.Because the rescue is in time so the fire did not damage too much property.My family has also been safely evacuated.Though we are so sad, we also get much concern from our friends.Many people offer us help, which deeply move us.I believe that soon we will have a more beautiful home.Yours,Bob





Dear Bill,I am sorry to know that you had a car accident and have to be hospitalized.We hope you come to recovery soon, as the operation of company depends on your management.We don't know how to do without you.We are expecting to see you back at work soon.Meanwhile, please take good care of yourself!

Sincerely yours,Davis





Dear Davis,Thank you for your concern.I am indeed in the hospital now.accident was not expected the case, it really is a bit scared to think of it, thanks to brake in time, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.Fortunately, the injury is not too serious, I think we have to pay attention to traffic, and may business in the company doesn't bother you too much.Yours,Bill




Dear Davis,Thank you for your concern.The injury is not serious, so you do not have to worry too much about me.I believe you can manage the company as well as I.I can use this convalesce to take a break.I will reward all of you after I come back.Yours,Bill





Dear Robin,I was grieved to hear of Maureen's passing away.Please accept my deepest sympathies to you and your family.Maureen is my favorite sister.I will always remember her active outlook on life, her generous nature, and warm feelings towards anyone who required her help.But above all, I shall mostly miss her for her wonderful sense of responsibility which had always made our days safe and sound.I again feel deeply sorrowful at the news of Maureen's passing.My family and I send our love and our assurance of devoted friendship now.Should you need any help with the arrangements or anything else I can do, please inform me.Yours truly,Daisy






Dear Daisy

My families thank you for your encouraging letter of condolence on the moment of our bereavement.During the past several days we had been deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved Maureen, but now we have been quite comforted by the kindness and sympathy of those relatives and friends, including company and distant nation.Thank you again for your kindness.Yours very sincerely,Robin






Dear Daisy,Thank you very much for your help and condolences during the funeral.The past few months we have sunk in mourning.Your enlightment make us relieve from the sadness.Thank you for your help.We believe that Maureen did not leave,and she is always here with us.Thanks again for your charity







Dear Jessie,I just heard you and Mary broke up,which is really sad.You like her so much, I can understand your feelings now, I hope you will not be too sad.Unhappy things in life happen all the time, which can only prove that the person best suited is not there.Believe that time will be the best antidote, which can help you to forget her sooner or later.I hope you can now cheer up pretty soon.Our group of friends has been at your side, I'll accompany you at any time if you need me.Yours,Robin




Dear Robin,Thank you for your concern.As what you have said, I'm still immersed in grief.I admit that I still can not forget Mary.She was a girl that I really like, and I once thought we would always be together.But now I can only try to persuade myself to forget her.Maybe it is a difficult process, but there is no way to go back to us.I only hope she is happy in the future.Yours





Dear Robin,Thank you for your concern and help this time.Without your accompany, I really do not know how to spend this time.I can't help remembering her smile these days.But I clearly know that we never can go back.From now on I will concentrate on my work, so please do not worry too much about me.Yours,Jessie





Dear Liuliu,I am sorry to hear that you have been ill for days and hope you have been better now.I know you learn hard and have no time for exercise, which is harmful for your health.You have been in poor health these years.I feel it would be more beneficial for you to take more exercise in the future.You have to learn that time in exercise is not wasted.Exercise can improve your physical constitution and refresh the mind.Only when you have a strong body can you keep on studying without fatigue feeling.Otherwise your study will be interrupted from time to time by fatigue or sickness.Of course, I am not advising you to devote all your time to exercise and I hope that you spare one or two hours to do exercise every day.Then, you will make double efforts in learning.I would be very happy to see you have a stronger body.Sincerely yours,Teacher Li






Dear Teacher Li,Thank you very much for your concern.I am better now.I believe in the near future I can go back to school.Because of the illness I have a lot of homework to do.Immediately the final examination is coming, so I am very anxious.I want to go back to school and hope that the teacher can give me extra lessons.I normally do very little exercise, and the sick gave me a lesson, and then I will do more exercise later.Yours,Liuliu




Dear Teacher Li,During this period you worry about me too much.Thank you for your help and care.Thank you for arranging a good student to help me in my study, so I would't fall behind too much with others.I also recognize that a healthy body is very important to my study, so I will follow

teachers' advice to do more excise.Please do not worry too much about me.I am better now, and the doctor says that I could go back to school in a week.I miss you and the classmates very much.I want to return to school as soon as possible.Yours,Liuliu





Unit 5慰问篇


Dear John,I am extremely sorry to hear that your illness, which we had thought could be better soon, has become more serious, thus you have to go into hospital.Let us hope that it will be for only a very short time, and that you will soon be out and about again.Everybody here sends his best wishes to you for a quick recovery.With kind regards,Yours sincerely,Tom




Dear Tom,Thank you for your concern.Please transmit my thankfulness.My illness is acute.I will be better soon.Please don't worry about me.I am recovering now.So it takes a period of time before I go back to work with you.I miss you very much.I hope that my absence will not cause some damage to the company.Wish everybody all the best!

Yours sincerely






Dear Tom,Thank you for your consolence.My illness had almost been cured.But because of carelessness, my illness gets worse.It is a difficult time for me to stay in hospital.I hope that I can go back with you as soon as possible.A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.I hope that you can do excise yourselves everyday, don't stay in the office all day.Now I know that health is very important.I hope that you all work happy everyday.Wish you all the best!

Yours sincerely







Dear Tom,I am very sorry to learn from the evening paper that a tsunami hit your city this early morning, and I just cannot tell you how sorry I was to learn of your injury.Your family tells me that you are progressing nicely, and you will be out of the hospital in about ten days.I am certainly relieved to know that!

In the next day or so you will receive a little package from me.I hope you like it, and it will help to kill time more pleasantly.Best wish for your swift recovery.Sincerely yours,Li Ming






Dear Li Ming

Thank you for your sincere regards.I am very sad that such a nature disaster happened in our home town.In front of the disaster, the individual is powerless.But after the disaster, we will face the difficulty gravely.We will rebuild our home town in short time, and make it more beautiful.My hurt is recovered.I have already got out of the hospital.I am doing what I can do to restore our home town.You couldn't have given me anything that I wanted more.I spend the time in hospital with it.Wish you all the best!

Yours sincerely







Dear Li Ming,I can't tell you how much your letter has delighted me.You give me a lot confidence.I believe that our home town will be restored more beautiful than before.The difficulty is temporary.Don't worry about me.I have not heard from you for a long time.Are you OK? Please tell me something about you in your next letter.The book you send gives me great inspirations, and makes me understand that we should not give up in the disaster.Wish you and your family good healthy and everything goes well!

Yours sincerely








Dear Bill,I am sorry to know that you had a car accident and am now hospitalized.We hope you come to recovery soon, as the operation of company depends on your management.We don't know how to do without you.We are expecting to your return.Meanwhile, please take good care of yourself!

Sincerely yours,Davis





Dear Davis,Thank you and the friends who care about me very much.The doctor says that my injury is not serious.I will recover very soon.Then, I can work with you again.During this period, I am sorry that I have put off a lot of things.I hope that I can make up for these lose when I go back.If there are some new progresses in the company, please tell me in time, or I will fell worried about the company.Wish you work successfully!

Yours sincerely






Dear Davis,I am very pleased that I receive your bless.My legs are broken, so it takes a long time to recover.Please help me deal with business matters.If you've got any problems, you can discuss with others.If you have something hard to deal with, you can also ask me for help.I also hope I can get out of here as soon as possible, but I have difficulty in walking for this moment.Thank you for your caring.Please thank the people caring about me in the company.I hope you all work well.Best wishes!

Yours sincerely







Dear Tom,I heard that you are sad because you don't havegood scores in the middle exam.I know that you are always working hard in studying, you failed this time just as a result of carelessness.Don't be sad about this any more.The middle exam is just a period test.The most important thing is the final exam.From now on, you should recognize your problem, and correct your deficiency as soon as possible.I believe that you will get high scores in the final exam.Best regards!

Yours sincerely






Dear William,Thank you for your concern.I disappoint the people who care about me because of the bad scores.Thanks for still caring my study in your busy time.In the last exam, I don't review the learning content, so that I can't solve many problems.Now I know my deficiency, I will correct this on time.In the later study, I will work hard.I hope that I could get great scores in the final exam.I also hope that you do well in your study and life.Best wishes!

Yours sincerely






Dear William,Thank your for your concern in your busy time.I dare not tell you my score, because I am afraid you worry about me.But you finally have known it.I am sad for a period about my fault.With my friends' encouragement and consolence, I come out of this shadows.Now I work harder than ever before, I won't let this situation happen again.Wish you all the best!

Yours sincerely







Dear Jack,I'm sorry to hear that you and Mary departed.You have been together for several years.I envy you before.People say you are a perfect match.The more deeply you love, the more heavily you are hurt.I know you are very sad now.I hope that you can go through this thing, and don't dwell on past pain.You should live optimistically now.Remember study is your top priority.I also hope you could find a more suitable love.Best wishes!






Dear John,Thank you for your concern.We were together for a long time.It is really sadness for me.Maybe we were childish before, don't think much for future.Through this experience, I have learned a lot of things.I will cheer up.You are right.I should study more hard.I believe I will not disappoint you and the persons who care about me.Best wishes!






Dear John,Thank you for writing to comfort me when I am in sadness.You are my best friend.I am proud of having such a friend like you.I don't want you know I broke with Mary.But you have heard from this other people.This is really a shock for me, but I still can sustain it.So I hope you treasure the affection between you and Anny.I will take your suggestion to work hard in my school work.Best regards!

Yours sincerely






第四篇:世界500强员工必用的英文E-mail01-06 道歉篇

Unit 6 道歉篇


Dear Daisy, I would like to express my apology for missing our 14 o'clock appointment.A small accident happened to me when I was on my way to school.I am going to come over to your apartment the day after tomorrow — Monday, April4, at 14 p.m.If it is convenient for you, I will check my e-mail tomorrow to make sure whether you have left a note for me.Otherwise, I will see you at 14:00 p.m., Monday afternoon.I am very sorry for that again.Best wishes, Cathy 亲爱的黛西:




Dear Cathy, I've got your message.I'm sorry you couldn't attend the meeting.Though I'd like to have a word with you, we have to chat next time because of the incident.I hope you don't have any trouble about it.I'll be home Monday afternoon, and welcome you visit me.Best wishes!Cathy



黛西 Dear Cathy, I have received your mail.I am sorry that you can not attend the meeting on time.Since you have something to do, we can meet next time.I believe we have many opportunities to meet next time.Monday afternoon, I'm going to the airport to meet the leaders, if you can come over that morning, I think I have the time, or we can meet the other time.Best wishes!Cathy 亲爱的黛西:




Dear Tom, I'm really sorry for not catching up for your business review meeting this afternoon.My flight was supposed to arrive at Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport at 10:00.Unfortunately, the airport was closed because of an unexpected heavy fog, and my aircraft was forced to land on later than scheduled.This made it impossible for me to attend your meeting on time.I have asked my secretary to prepare and send the meeting summary to my mailbox.I will circulate my input as soon as I review the summary.Sincerely yours, Davis






Dear Davis, I am very sorry that you missed the meeting in the afternoon.Because you are the authority in this field.Your absence made the meeting cast into shade.However the meeting has made some important achievements on many important consensuses.You can have a look at the records of the meeting.Please be careful in the travel.Yours, Tom 亲爱的戴维斯:



Dear Davis, I have learned that your flight delay, and notify all the participants.I'm sorry you did not attend this business meeting.I will transfer all the relevant informations of the meeting to your secretary to facilitate you.Tomorrow there will be consensus for today's meeting.We hope that you can participate the meeting then.Yours, Tom 亲爱的戴维斯:




Dear John, Jack has explained to us the incident of your window broken by his football this morning.On knowing this, the first thing I ordered a new window on a website and took down your address.They promised to send you a new window tomorrow and will be responsible for installation.Of course, the bill will be sent to me.We are sincerely sorry that the accident occurred, and I know that all the boys will be more careful in the future.Very sincerely yours, Ruby 亲爱的约翰:



Dear Ruby, I have received your messages.I've found the broken window yesterday.Little Jack has admited his mistake gravely and has already explained it to me.I wish you not punish the child.I was going to order a piece of glass.Since you have already bought one, I have to cancel the order.Yours, John 亲爱的露比:



Dear Ruby, Jack is an honest boy.He has told me about it.It is a small thing to break the glass.It is good fot the kids to sports.Please be careful next time.It is important to educate them to be careful of themselves when they are playing.I will install the glass myself.we are old friends, don't mention it any more.Yours, John 亲爱的露比:




Dear Eric, What a fool thing did I do to send you a bottle of champagne!I must have had a senior moment when I chose that gift as a token of my congratulations on your Oscar Golden Prize.I have intended to celebrate your hard working for the MGM film and you deserve it.Please forgive my faux pas.Let's invite you to dinner.I will call you when I get back from Boston at the end of the week.I look forward to seeing you.Sincerely yours, Tony 亲爱的艾瑞克:




Dear Tony,It's grateful of you to send me champagne though I don't really like it.I love film and television career.I can achieve this success and honor, first of all due to the company's help and support, then to your help and encouragement in the low period of my career.I expect you come back to share my joy.Yours, Eric 亲爱的托尼:



Dear Tony, It is my own work to get this award for the company.I can't achieve this without the help of the company.This award is the result of our common efforts.In this weekend I'll held a reception in my house.I hope the co-workers at the company and you can take part in the reception.Then we can share your champagne together.I am looking forward to your arrival.Yours, Eric





Dear Lily, It is really difficult for me to write to you, because I know how embarrassed you were this morning for my impulsive statement.I feel very guilty and I should have been more aware of and sensitive to your feelings.While your timely help rescue, but my wayward words made you feel difficult situation.I hope that you never mind my bad behaviors.I'll be sure to note the occasion speech never again will I even think, much less make a remark like that.I hope that you can forgive me from the bottom of your heart.Sincerely yours, Ellen 亲爱的莉莉:




Dear Ellen, I have seen your mail.I believe you do not mean to say that.Even though I am a little bit embarrassed but I can understand and sympathize with you.Moreover, it has been past and has not much effect on me.So you do not have to self-blame.I hope such things never happen again in the future.Yours, Lily




Dear Ellen, I am very happy that you can recognize your problem.I think I was really a little angry, but only for a while.Because I know you're a good child.You may still be very clear what you can speak in public places.We are close friends, but you must pay attention to your words later, which will help you develop your interpersonal relationships.Yours, Lily 亲爱的埃伦:




Dear Xiao Min, I want to apologize for my behavior at yesterday's birthday party.I am embarrassed about my bad argument, and hope that you never keep my behavior in your mind.If there is anything I can do to make up for my deficiency, I will do my every effort to reduce the impact on you.I am very regretful for my crude behavior.I swear to you that I will pay more attention to my behavior, and take concrete actions to prove that such things never happen the second time.I sincerely hope to have your forgiveness and expect this will not impair our friendship.Sincerely yours, Hua




Dear Hua, I have received your letter.From the letter I can see you self-blame and also feel your apology.I know who you are because we grew up together.Last night I think you were just drunk.I accept your apology and decided to forgive you.We are still friends.I think this incident will not affect our friendship.Yours, Xiao Min




Dear Hua, I am willing to accept your apology, because you are a very people who pay attention to his words and deeds.But I also hope you can do as you have promised, and never make the same mistake again.I believe your behavior on the birthday was just an unexpected accident.I hope you can pay more attention to your behavior.But I am still your friend.Yours, Xiao Min





Dear Robin, It is a pity that I was not at home when you came to see me yesterday afternoon.The fact is that I had an engagement with some friends to accompany them to the cinema and I was ignorant of your visit.Not until nine o'clock in the evening did I come back.You must have been disappointed by my absence.I hope you will stay one more week in this city.I will call on you on Tuesday morning at eight o'clock.Since this is the first time you come to Hangzhou, I will take you to visit some famous spots that you are expecting to.Please wait for me in your hotel at the appointed time.Yours truly, John 亲爱的罗宾:




Dear John, Seriously, I am sorry to hear that you are not at home.I wanted to discuss with you the gathering organized by the students.Your wife welcomed me very warmly.But I had something to deal with so I did not wait too long.You do not have to apologize for it.The work will last a period of time.I will be waiting for you on Tuesday.Yours truly Robin




Dear John,I am a little disappointed that I can't see you when I am on the trip to Hangzhou.You are so busy that you forget this matter.Although I have heard the beauty of Hangzhou, but my schedule is very tight.I'm afraid I have no time on Tuesday.So we can only meet next time when I come to Hangzhou, then you can introduce me some beautiful places and good tasted food.Yours truly, Robin





Dear Kim, I am writing to apologize for not saying goodbye to you.It was very impolite of me to do so especially as we have been built good friendship.Because, shortly after the visit, I received exciting news from my mother, saying that my wife had borne a son ahead.I was so pleased at that news that I couldn't wait to return home to see my lovely son and great wife.I left so hurry that I forget to tell you.I feel terribly sorry for that.To make up for my thoughtless behavior toward you, I want to invite you to come and stay with my family during the vacation.I believe you will understand my feeling of being a father and husband and accept my sincere apologies.Please tell me as soon as you make a decision.Yours sincerely, Kevin 亲爱的金姆:




Dear Kevin, First of all please accept my most sincere congratulations.Congratulations on your recently promotion to be a father.I received this message not long after you left.As your friend I can understand your excitement.Your wife and child are all well, and I will definitely come and see that cute little guy.I think that I am so happy for you.Yours sincerely, Kim 亲爱的凯文:


Dear Kevin, What a happy day it is to witness a new-born come to the earth.We are old friends for many years;I can understand your feelings.Please convey to your family my best wishes.I also hope the baby can grow up healthily and happily.This holiday I will go to see my cute nephew.Yours sincerely, Kim





Dear Diana, I am eagerly expecting to your visit to our city.Unfortunately, however, I regret to notify you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport timely.The fact is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the earliest time I can arrive at the airport will be about 6:00 a.m.which will later an hour than you land.Will you please wait for me in the waiting lobby? You can have breakfast while you are waiting.Hope we can meet soon.Sincerely yours, Danna 亲爱的戴安娜:



Dear Danna, I am sorry that you have to pick me up so early.It is not the first time to visit Wuhan, there is no need for you to pick me up so early.As you know, owing to the delay of the flight, I have to arrive Wuhan very early.This brings me a lot inconvenience.Of course, it also bothers you.I also hope to meet you soon.Yours sincerely, Diana



Dear Danna, It is very nice of you to pick me up, especially at this early time.It really moved me.However, because the plane arrived too early, I think it makes you very inconvenient.Although I am not familiar with Wuhan, it is not the first time for me to go to Wuhan.I will take a taxi to the hotel, and then take a break.I will see you again later.Once again thanks for your passion.Yours sincerely, Diana 亲爱的丹娜:




Dear Linda, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable encyclopedia book you lent me last week.I read it every day and intended to finish it quickly.Last night when I came to my room, I looked for it in every corner, but it was not be found.I will try to recover it as soon as possible.If I fail to find it, I will get a new book for you.But I am afraid it can never take the place of the old one.For this irrecoverable loss, I should be to blame.I was so careless with my things.I will be more careful in the future.Sincerely yours, Bonnie 亲爱的琳达:




Dear Bonnie, I like the book very much.It is a birthday gift from my sister.So I hope you can find it.I think it is still in the room.Don't worry about that, if you can not find it.Please be careful next time.In addition, if you haven't finished reading this book, you can borrow one from the school library.Yours sincerely Linda 亲爱的邦尼:


Dear Bonnie, You are a person who loves books so much, so I think this is not your fault.If the book is really missing, do not be sad for this.So you should stop the self-blame.Once found it, I'd like to send it to you as a gift as you are such a book-lover.You do not have to buy me a new one.This week I will visit the Xinhua Bookstore, and I will buy one again.Yours sincerely, Linda





Dear Tina, Please allow me to apologize for missing your G&E refund check.I hope this hasn't brought inconvenience to you too much.As you know, IEAD Intelligent Corporation is in merging with the EDP Company.All the finance accounts are frozen from March 20, 2010.We will unfreeze these accounts within two weeks.So I will send your refund check before April 5, 2010.I apologize for the inconvenience on behalf of our company.Once again, thank you for your understanding in this matter.Sincerely yours, Rita 亲爱的蒂娜:




Dear Rita, I understand your situation.I hope you can send the refund check to me on time.Thank you for your letter.Wish everything goes well with your work.Yours sincerely, Tina

亲爱的瑞塔: 我能够理解你的处境。希望你们到时候能够及时把我的退款支票邮寄给我。谢谢你们来信。


Dear Rita, I am angry that your behavior caused lot losses, which greatly influences our work.I hope this won't happen again.Even though some thing like this happens, you should notify us as soon as possible.We can do some preparations.Please send the refund check to us quickly.Wish you all the best!Yours sincerely Tina





Dear Pat, I must apologize for not being able to help you when you asked me to recommend you to the director of the Hospital Attached to Capital Medical University.Unfortunately, I haven't seen Jim Green, Director of the Hospital Attached to Capital Medical University, for a long time and I had no chance of mentioning you to him.I make sure that I will mention you if I happen to bump into him.I hope you will do well in your research work.Yours sincerely, Douglas 亲爱的帕特:




Dear Douglas, I have paid a visit to him privately.He said he missed you very much.We have exchanged many thoughts happily.We also discussed many question in our major.He is a very nice person and very talkative.He helped me solve many doubts which I can't understand.I believe that we could cooperate well in the future.Wish everything goes well with your work.Yours sincerely, Pat 亲爱的道格拉斯:



Dear Douglas, Thank you for your concern.You should not be sorry for this.I have also contacted with Jim Green privately, but he is very busy.So I have not got a chance to see him.I hope you can introduce me to him in future.I hear that you are also very busy now.Please take care of yourself.If I have time, I will pay a visit to you.Wish you work successfully!Yours sincerely, Pat 亲爱的道格拉斯:




Dear Daisy, Please forgive me for not having answered your letter from November 10.If I tell you the reason, I believe that you will understand me.When your letter arrived, I was just in Macau.As my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my room until the moment I took it up.I am really sorry for not informing you timely.I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my travel.I shall be pleased to give you an account of them when I see you next time.Sincerely yours, Ruby 亲爱的黛西:



Dear Ruby, Don't be sorry for this.I know that you are always very busy.The last letter I wrote is just to say hello to you.From your letter, I know you have been to Macau.I also want to have a visit of Macao, but I don't have time.I am very pleased that if you can show me your photos in Macau.I expect you will tell me your experience of your travel.Hope to see you soon.Wish you and your family all the best!Yours sincerely, Daisy




Dear Ruby, From your letter I know that you were at Macau when I wrote to you last time.I wanted to pay a visit to you and asked you some questions.Your wife told me you went out.So I turned to others for help.Macau is a very beautiful place.If there is a chance, I also want to visit it.Then I will ask you for some suggestions.Now I know you are at home, I want to visit you recently.But I don't know if you have any other plans.Wish you work successfully!Yours sincerely, Daisy 亲爱的露比:




Unit 3


Dear Sirs, This mail is to inform you that Mr.Smith has been appointed as your new manager responsible for your section.Mr.Smith obtained his master's degree of business administration from MIT and had rich experience in management.We believe you will get along with him very well since he is an amiable person.As he is new to our company, you should try you best to assist his work.You can expect his appreciation if you can do your duties with chariness and responsibility as usual.The Board BBC Company 亲爱的先生们: 这封邮件是要通知你们史密斯先生已被任命为你们的新任经理。史密斯先生有麻省理工 学院的工商管理硕士学位,并且具有非常丰富的管理经验。同时,他也是一个非常和蔼的人,我们相信你们会相处得十分融洽。他是我们公司的新人,所以你们务必尽力协助他的工作。如果你们能一如既往地认真负 责、履行职责,他将不甚感激。BBC 公司 董事会 Dear Sirs, We are happy to hear that Mr.Smith will work with us from next week.You can rest assured that we will do our utmost to assist his work, fulfilling the tasks he assigned and helping him adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.We believe his coming will enhance our teamwork and hence lead us to better achievement.Yours faithfully, All staffs of Marketing Department 尊敬的先生们: 我们很高兴得知从下周起史密斯先生将和我们一起工作。诸位敬请放心,我们一定会尽力协助他的工作,完成他交代的任务,帮助他尽快适应新 的环境。我们相信他的到来会增强我们的团队协作力,带领我们取得更大的成绩。销售部全体员工 敬上 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to work with such an outstanding manager as Mr.Smith.And we believe we will get along well with each other.You can rest assured that we will do our duties as usual and do our best to assist his work.Our department will achieve farther under his leadership.Yours faithfully, All staffs of Marketing Department 尊敬的先生们:

我们很高兴能与像史密斯先生这样优秀的经理共事。我们相信我们会相处得十分融洽。你们可以放心,我们会一如既往地履行职责,并且尽力协助他的工作。我们部门会在他 的领导下取得更大的成就。销售部全体员工 敬上

Dear Mr.Huang, I am writing to inform you of the arrival of Mr.Zhang Hua, newly recruited by our company.Mr.Zhang recently graduated from Nanjing University with a bachelor's degree in English literature.He passed our written examination and interview with good performance, proving himself a satisfactory candidate for the position of sales representative.We decided to give him the offer and arrange him to work in sales department.He will arrive next Monday, March 30;please start his payroll at that day.Enclose

d please find the new recruit arrival notice.Zhou Xiaofeng Human Resources Section 亲爱的黄先生: 我们写这封信是为了通知您我公司新进员工张华先生即将到职。张先生刚从南京大学毕业,获英语文学学士学位。他以优异的成绩通过了我们的笔试和 面试,证明自己是销售职位的合适人选。我们决定录用他,并安排他在销售部工作。他到职的时间为下周一,即 3 月 30 日;请从该时间计算他的薪资。附件是新员工到职通知 人力资源部 周小峰

Dear Mr.Zhou, We are writing to acknowledge receipt of your letter and the enclosed notice.We welcome with pleasure the arrival of Mr.Zhang Hua and feel happy to work with a young man like him.We will try our best to help him with his work and his adaptation to the new environment.Huang Yilong Sales Department 亲爱的周先生: 我们收到了来信及附件中的通知。我们欢迎张华先生的到来,并且很高兴能和这样一位年轻人一起工作。我们将尽力在工 作上给他帮助,使他适应新的环境。销售部 黄一龙 Dear Mr.Zhou, We received your letter and the enclosed notice.We are delighted to welcome the arrival of a new recruit, who, we believe will infuse the new vigor to our team.We will do our utmost to help him to do his work and adapt to the new environment.

Huang Yilong Sales Department 亲爱的周先生: 我们收到了来信及附件通知。我们很高兴地欢迎新成员的到来,我们相信他会为我们的团队带来新的活力。我们将尽 力在工作上给他帮助,使他适应新的环境。销售部 黄一龙

Dear Sir or Madam: Mr.Wang, the vice-president of our marketing, who has worked for over forty years, will be retiring at the end of March.Michael, one of our top young managers, will be taking over Mr.Wang's responsibilities from March 20.Michael will do his best to keep the good relationship that you and Mr.Wang have developed over the years.We shall like to take this chance to thank you for all the support which you have provided us.Yours sincerely, FOB Company 尊敬的先生/女士: 我公司销售副总裁王先生已为我公司服务 40 多年,将于三月底卸任。我公司年轻高管之一迈克尔将于 3 月 20 日起接管王先生的职务。迈克尔将会尽全力维 护您和王先生多年来建立的良好关系。我们想借此机会感谢您长期以来对我们的支持。FOB 公司 敬上 Dear Sir, Thank your for your information about the retirement of Mr.Wang.Mr.Wang is our old friend and has provided a lot of support when he is in office.We very much appreciate him because of his superior wisdom and good sense of humor.It is a pity that we will not be able to cooperate with him in the future business.However, we also feel happy that he will be able to enjoy the leisure of his retired life and have more to stay with his family

ly.We extend our congratulations to Michael for his promotion and we are quite willing to develop a good relation with him as we did with Mr.Wang.Yours sincerely, BBC Company 尊敬的先生: 感谢您通知我们王先生卸任一事。王先生是我们的老朋友,在任期间为我们提供了很多帮助。他智慧过人,风趣幽默,我 们十分欣赏。很可惜以后在生意场合不能再与他一起合作了。但是,我们也为他感到高兴,因为他将尽情享受退休生活的闲暇,有更多的时间与家人共聚。我们向迈克尔表示祝贺,恭喜他晋升。我们也很愿意与他建立良好的关系,就像我们同 王先生所做的一样。BBC 公司 敬上

Dear Sir, We acknowledge with gratitude receipt of your letter of March 30, 2011, informing us that Mr.Wang will retire and Michael will take over his duty.We will inform our staffs who are involved in the cases which may be influenced by the handing over and taking over.You can rest assured that our cooperation will carry on and go farther and deeper.Yours sincerely, BBC Company 尊敬的先生: 我们收到你方 2011 年 3 月 30 日的来信,感谢通知王先生卸任及迈克尔接任一事。我们会通知与此次交接有关的工作人员。你们可放心我们的合作还会继续,并且会向更 深更远的方向发展。BBC 公司 敬上

Dear Michael, Our vice-president, Mr.Wang will be retiring at the end of this month.We take pleasure to inform you that we have decided to appoint you as his replacement.You have worked for our company for seven years and made great contributions to its development.We think it is the time for you to get a promotion.We believe you will lead our company to a more promising future.The board VVY Company 亲爱的迈克尔: 我们的副总裁王先生即将于本月底退休。我们很高兴地通知你我们决定委派你为他的继 任者。你已经我们公司工作了 7 年,为公司的发展做出过重大贡献。我们认为你应该得到晋升。我们相信你会给我们公司带来更加辉煌的未来。VVY 公司 董事会

Dear Sirs, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude to you for appointing me as the new vice-president.And I will work harder to live up to your trust.Yours faithfully, Michael 尊敬的先生们: 我写信是为了表达我诚挚的谢意,感谢你们任命我为公司副总裁。我会更加努力工作不 辜负诸位的信任。迈克尔 敬上 Dear Sirs,

It's both an honor and a great thrill to be following in Mr.Wang's footsteps.To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise.Anyhow, I will work harder to live up to your trust.Yours faithfully, Michael 尊敬的先生们: 我能够继任王先生的职位,我感到不甚荣幸,同时也十分惶恐。老实说,这次的晋升非 常意外。无论如何,我会更加努力工作,不辜负诸位的信任。迈克尔


Dear Mike, I am writing to tell you that I have recovered from my recent appendicitis.I will come back to my post next Monday.I am looking forward to working with you again.Many thanks for your comfort and support during my sickness.Sincerely yours, John 亲爱的麦克,我写这封信是要告诉你我的盲肠炎已经痊愈。下周一我将返职。我期待再次与你一起工 作,并且希望不久能收到你的来信。感谢你在我生病期间给予我的安慰和支持。约翰 敬上 Dear John, I am happy to hear that you have recovered and you will come back.You can't imagine how much we miss you.We are all expecting to meet you in great form.Yours sincerely, Mike 亲爱的约翰,我很高兴地听说你已经恢复,并且即将返职。你简直不能想象我们多么地想念你。我们 都期待见到一个精神焕发的你。麦克 敬上 Dear John, I am happy to hear that you have recovered and will come back next Monday.Our colleagues asked me to extend their warm welcome to you on behalf of them.We can hardly wait to see you again.Yours sincerely, Mike 亲爱的约翰,我很高兴地听说你已经恢复,并且即将返职。我们的同事要求我代表他们向你表示热烈 的欢迎。我们都等不及再次见到你。麦克 敬上

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