第一篇:驻印大使在印500人青年团访华送行招待会的讲话 20110919
2011年9月19日 印度新德里
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Zhang Yan at the Farewell Function for 500-Member Indian Youth Delegation to China
New Delhi, 19 September 2011
Your Excellency Mr.Ajay Maken, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports,Honorable Ms.Sinddhushree Khullar, Secretary of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports,Ladies and Gentlemen,下午好!
Good afternoon!欢迎你们来到中国大使馆做客。在使馆迎接并招待这么多印度朋友尚属首次。在即将踏上访华之旅时,我谨代表中国驻印度大使馆,向你们表达良好祝愿,祝访问轻松愉悦、富有成果、深刻难忘。
I am very glad to welcome you all to the Chinese Embassy.I must say this is the first time for us to receive and entertain such a big group of Indian friends.Before you start your journey to China, on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in India, I want to express our best wishes to all of you.Wish you a very pleasant, interesting, rewarding and memorable visit.去年温家宝总理访问印度期间,宣布2011年为“中印交流年”。这次访问就是“交流年”的重要项目,目的在于随着两国人民接触与交往的增多,进一步促进中印青年之间的交流。这是两国领导人为中印关系发展的未来奠定坚实基础的战略举措。你们都是亲善大使,可以在未来岁月里扮演促进双边关系发展的重要角色。
Your visit to China is a major event of the Year of Exchange between China and India in 2011, announced by our leaders during the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to India last year.The visit is intended to further expand the youth exchange in keeping with the overall growing people-to-people contact and exchanges between our two countries.This is a strategic move of our leaders aiming at building solid foundation for the future of our relationship.You are all goodwill ambassadors who can play important role in the development of the bilateral relationship between China and India in the years to come.中印是近邻,两国有着浓厚的历史和文化渊源。在过去两千多年里,彼此相互影响、相互借鉴,都对世界文明发展做出了巨大贡献。你们也许听说或了解中国近年的发展情况。在过去几十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。此次你们将访问北京、上海、广州和其他省市。像印度一样,中国是个幅员辽阔的国家。每个地区都有其独特的人文特点。作为发展中国家,中国各地的发展水平不一。你们会发现有的地区很发达,有的地区处于发展中阶段,还有些地区欠发达。中国有句名言:百闻不如一见。此行为你们提供了亲身观察中国的宝贵机会。根据自己的亲眼所见,亲耳所闻,特别是通过与中国各行各业人士的直接接触,你们会更好的理解中国,得出自己的结论。
As a close neighbor of India, China shares strong historical and cultural connections with India.We are mutually influenced and complemented each other over more than 2000 years.Both have made great contribution to the development of world civilization.You may have learned and read much about China’s recent development.Over past few decades, China has undergone tremendous changes.Your visit will take you to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other parts of China.Like India, China is a vast country.Each region has its unique human and cultural characteristics.As a developing Country, the level of development in China differs from place to place.You will see some areas are very developed and some are in the process of developing, while others are still under--developed.As saying goes: Seeing is believing.This trip will offer you a valuable opportunity to see China with your own eyes.Based on what you have seen and what you have heard, especially through your direct contacts with people from all walks of life in China, you will have a better understanding about China and arrive at your own conclusion.此访也为两国青年互动提供了一个良好机会。中国的年轻人十分希望了解印度。他们思想开放,可能会向你们提出许多问题。当然你们也可与之共同探讨感兴趣的问题。此外,这还是了解两国文化的好机会。昨天,我们观看了你们准备在中国表演的精彩节目。我相信中国人民一定会喜欢印度丰富多彩的舞蹈和歌曲。我听说你们代表团成员来自不同行业。我希望你们在访华期间能够结交新朋友,年轻的企业家也可以找到中国的合作伙伴。
Your visit will also provide a good opportunity for youth of two countries to interact with each other.The youth in China are very keen about India.They are open-minded and may raise a lot of questions to you.You also can feel free to discuss issues of your interest with them.Apart from that, it is also a good opportunity to appreciate the culture of the two countries.Yesterday we saw excellent performances you plan to bring to China.I’m pretty sure that people in China will fall in love with colorful Indian dances and songs.I have learnt that among the members of the delegation there are people from different professions.I hope during your visit, you will make new friends in China.For those young entrepreneurs can also find partners for cooperation.中印同为发展最快的经济体,战略合作伙伴关系正全面发展。我相信,通过共同努力,特别是得到两国青年人的支持,中印双边关系将会发展得越来越好。
China and India are two fast growing economies.Our strategic cooperative partnership is developing in an all-round manner.I am confident, with the joint efforts of two countries, especially the support of the youth of two countries, our bilateral relations will grow stronger and stronger.最后,祝访华愉快。
With this note I wish you a pleasant journey to China.谢谢!
Thank you.
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at Reception “to Refresh and Share Experiences of Studying in China”September 2010, Education Section, Chinese Embassy
Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,欢迎大家出席中国驻英国大使馆教育处举办的“记忆中国,难忘母校”英国赴华留学生招待会。
May I warmly welcome you to the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy to refresh and share your experiences of studying in China.我的同事曾建议我今天用中文讲话,因为今天的招待会不同平常,是为英国曾经赴华的留学生举办。可是,我了解到,出席今天招待会的嘉宾不仅于此,还有许多目前虽不会讲中文,但为推广在英汉语教学、资助英国学生赴华留学而热心出力的人士和企业机构代表,我要感谢你们长期以来对中英教育交流的关心和支持。而我现在还无法要求你们所有的人听懂中文,因为在英国的孔子学院起步时间不长,数量也不够多。孔子曰:“行远必自迩,登高必自卑”(语出《中庸》,意为走远路要从近处开始,登高要从低点起步)。所以,我决定今天还是用英文讲。我希望,有朝一日,我们之间能用中文自由交流。
My colleagues at the Embassy suggested I speak in Chinese for tonight's event.But I learnt that apart from British students in China, there will be many other friends and business leaders, who do not speak Chinese but are keen to promote mandarin teaching in the UK and offer funding for British young people studying in China.I am thankful to them for their commitment and support to China-UK educational exchanges.Naturally I cannot expect all of them to understand mandarin.We still need many more Confucius Institutes to spread mandarin wider in the UK.As Confucius said, “Going on a long journey, one must start from a short step, and climbing high, one must start from low.” So I decided to speak in English today to make things easier for you to start, but I do hope one day we will be able to communicate in Chinese.60年前,首批外国留华人员来到百废待兴的新中国;51年前,首批英国留学生踏上了中国的土地。2009年,有来自190多个国家和地区的23万多名留学生在中国的610余所高校、科研院所等学习;60年来中国累计接受了留学人员169万人次。中国接受外国留学生事业是逐步发展的过程,特别是改革开放后,取得了长足进步。
years ago, the first group of foreign students came to the newborn People's
Republic.9 years after that, the first group of British students came to China.Fast forward to 2009, over 230 thousand students from more than 190 countries and regions were studying in 610 Chinese universities and research institutes.The past 60 years have seen
1.69 million foreign students studying in China.Many of them came during the past 32 years of reform and opening up.在中国,在母校,你们留下了欢笑和汗水,留下了青春足迹,留下了美丽回忆。当然,许多英国赴华留学生可能当初都经历了一个思考和抉择的过程,毕竟“汉语热”只是最近几年才出现;也可能都经受了许多困难和挑战,因为既要学习一门复杂的东方语言,又要适应迥异的生活环境,更要了解完全不同的文化,我本人年轻时就曾赴国外留学,对此深有体会;你们也可能曾怀疑自己学成归来的前途,担心自己一辈子会坐“冷板凳”。
I hope you have spent some very nice time of your youth living and studying in China and brought back lasting memories.And I assume that for many of you, going to China might not be an easy decision to make.After all, the “mandarin fever” has only been a thing of recent years.You must have gone through a difficult time, trying to learn a foreign language and at the same time adapting to a totally different culture and environment.You may also have worried about your future, unsure about whether speaking mandarin will land you in a decent job.I also studied abroad in my younger years, so I can imagine how you felt when you were in China.正如亚里士多德所言,教育的根是苦涩的,但其果实是甜美的(The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.)。付出总会有所回报,如今,从中国学成归国的英国留学生在许多领域或功成名就,或崭露头角。你们利用自己的所学所长,提升了英国社会对华了解和认识的水平,促进了两国经贸合作和文化交流,推动了中英关系的发展。
As Aristotle said, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” Many of the British young people studying in China have gone through this bitter-sweet experience.They have now become leaders of their fields.Their knowledge and experience of China has also helped the British society to know more about China, and contributed to stronger business and cultural ties.我很高兴得知,你们中的几位杰出人士,包括前欧盟驻华大使魏根深博士、大英图书馆中文部主任吴芳思(FRANCES WOOD)博士和英国民间机构筷子俱乐部的主任童海珍女士(H-J Colston),不久将代表所有英国赴华留学生,前往中国出席纪念外国学生来华留学60周年的庆祝活动。
I am glad to learn that Dr.Endymion Wilkinson, former EU Ambassador to China, Dr.Frances Wood, Head of the Chinese Department at the British Library and H-J Colston, Director of the Chopsticks Club, are going to China as representatives of British students for the 60th anniversary celebration of foreign students coming to China.我最近统计了一下到任以来的活动,意外地发现其中与中英教育交流合作相关的最多。仔细一想,这确也不足为奇。因为目前有近十万中国学生在英国留学,据说今年申请学生签证的人数又增加了60%。我最近从国内述职休假回来,航班上几乎一半是年轻学生。现在英国已设立了12所孔子学院和53家孔子课堂,去年,全英孔子学院举办的活动吸引了近10万名英民众参与。中英两国的大学间建立了上百对校际交流机制,合作非常密切。
I was pleasantly surprised to find that of all the events I have attended since I came to London, educational events account for the largest share.This is quite understandable, given the fact that nearly 100 thousand Chinese students study here.And the number of student visa applications grew by as much as 60% this year.On my way back to London after a home leave in summer, I found that almost half of the seats on the plane were taken by Chinese students coming to the UK.There are now 12 Confucius Institutes and 53 Confucius Classrooms in Britain, attracting nearly 100 thousand British people last year.More than 100 pairs of university partnerships have also been set up between our two countries.中英教育合作是中英关系的重要组成部分。今年,虽然英国政府发生了更迭,但两国关系保持了良好发展的势头。我们愿与英方共同努力,推动中英关系长期健康稳定发展,进一步造福于两国和世界人民。
Education exchanges and cooperation are an important part of China-UK relations.We are committed to work with our British colleagues for a sound and steady growth of our relations, which serves the interests of both peoples and the world at large.中英合作前景广阔,到中国留学、学习汉语前程似锦,大有可为。事实已经并将继续证明,你们的选择完全是明智和正确的。希望你们做中英友好的纽带、两国合作的桥梁,为中英关系发展作出更大贡献。
A flourishing China-UK partnership means promising prospects for studying in China and learning mandarin.You have proven yourselves to be far-sighted in your choice and decision.I do hope that you will serve as a bridge of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and contribute more to China-UK relations.我希望大家多到中国参观访问,重回母校,重拾记忆,同时了解中国几十年来、甚至几年来的最新发展变化,及时更新对中国的认识。我也期待英国每年赴华留学人数在目前3千人的基础上进一步增长,不断扩大两国友好合作的力量。
I also hope you will find time to go back to China and visit your alma mater to refresh the memories of your days in China and see the latest development in the country.I wish to see more and more British students going to study in China, bringing the current 3,000 per year to an even higher level.This will further strengthen the foundation for China-UK friendship and cooperation.最后,在我结束讲话之前,我愿为我馆教育处打一则广告:明年秋季,中国驻英国大使馆教育处将协助国内相关部门在伦敦举办首次“留学中国”(STUDY IN CHINA)教育展,欢迎你们和你们的亲朋好友届时前来参观和交流。
Before I conclude, let me put in an advertisement for our Education Section: The first “Study in China” Exhibition will be held in London in autumn next year.We look forward to seeing you again or your families and friends there.谢谢大家。
Thank you.
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Reception Marking the 65th Anniversary of the Chinese People's Victory against Japanese AggressionSeptember 2010, the Chinese Embassy
Second World War Veterans,Your Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,感谢大家出席今天的招待会。今天我们在这里聚会,是为了纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利65周年,也是为了纪念世界反法西斯战争的胜利。就在不久前,英国也举行了二战对日战争胜利65周年纪念活动。
Thank you very much for joining us today, as we mark the 65th anniversary of the Chinese people's victory against Japanese aggression.Not long ago, Britain also celebrated the 65th anniversary of its Victory over Japan Day.发生在20世纪三四十年代的中国人民抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争,是世界爱好和平与正义的国家和人民同人类文明的凶残敌人进行的一场殊死搏斗。在这场世界反法西斯战争中,中国人民抗日战争开始最早、持续时间最长。中国英勇抗击了日本陆军总兵力的三分之二,歼灭日军150多万(占日军二战期间伤亡人数的70%),对打败日本侵略者起到了关键作用。中国人民抗日战争在战略上有力地支持了欧洲战场和太平洋战场抗击法西斯的行动。
Both the Chinese and the world anti-Fascist wars of the 1930's and 1940's were life and death struggles against ruthless states that were enemies of humanity.The Sino-Japanese war was the first to break out and lasted the longest.China played a key role in defeating the Japanese aggressors by fighting two-thirds of their army forces, resulting in 70% of their casualties during World War II, and by providing strategic support to our allies and assisted their operations in the European and Pacific theatres.中国人民抗日战争的胜利不仅为中国人民赢得民族独立和解放,建立人民共和国奠定了重要基础,而且为世界反法西斯正义斗争取得胜利作出了重要贡献,对促进世界和平事业产生了重大而深远的影响。
China's victory over Japanese aggression not only laid an important foundation for the achievement of national independence and liberation by the Chinese people and the founding of the People's Republic, it also contributed to the world's just struggle against Fascism.It also exerted a far-reaching impact on promoting world peace.中国人民抗日战争的胜利,是同世界所有爱好和平与正义的国家和人民、国际组织及各种反法西斯力量的同情和支持分不开的。中英两国在世界反法西斯战争中是坚定的盟友,英国为中国人民抗日战争提供了经济援助和军事合作,给予了宝贵的支持。1943年,中、美、英三国共同发表的对日作战宣言——《开罗宣言》更是具有重要历史意义。我本人担任中国驻埃及大使期间,曾专程造访金字塔脚下不远的开罗会议故址——米那豪斯大饭店(HOTEL MENA HOUSE),重温历史,牢记使命。
China's victory would not have been possible without the sympathy and support of the peace and justice loving nations and peoples of the world.Britain was a staunch ally of China, offering us economic assistance and military cooperation during our resistance against Japan.The historic Cairo Declaration was issued in 1943 by China, the United States and Britain.Whilst the Chinese Ambassador to Egypt, I visited the Hotel Mena House Oberoi, not far away from the Pyramid where the Cairo Conference was held, to remember this part of history and my responsibilities as a diplomat.中英在战场上并肩抗击日本法西斯,涌现了无数可歌可泣的英雄事迹,共同谱写了许多感人肺腑的友谊篇章。1941年12月,日军进攻香港后,部分英国军官及中国驻港军事代表组成了“突围团”,在广东人民抗日游击队——东江纵队的帮助下,最终顺利抵达安全区。
I have heard a lot of touching stories about men and women from both China and Britain, who jointly fought the Japanese fascist forces and forged a profound friendship.In December 1941 after the fall of Hong Kong, some British and Chinese officers stationed in Hong Kong formed a joint contingent to break the Japanese siege.With the help of the anti-Japanese Dongjiang Guerrillas in Guangdong Province, they finally arrived safely in the Chinese mainland.1942年春天,中国派出10万远征军入缅协助英军作战,成功地救出了被围困的英军官兵7000多人,自身付出了巨大的牺牲。1942年10月,运送英军战俘和侨民的日本运输舰“里斯本丸号”被美国军舰击沉于中国舟山东极海域,东极百姓冒着被日军杀害的危险,从海中营救
In the spring of 1942, China sent 100,000 troops to Burma to support the British operations.Many of them lost their lives while rescuing 7,000 besieged British soldiers.In October 1942 when the Japanese freighter Lisbon Maru used as a prisoner-of-war transporter was sunk by a US warship in the waters off Dongji Island, in Zhejiang Province.The local fishermen saved 384 British prisoners of war at the risk of death from the Japanese.英国青年乔治·何克怀着人道主义理想来到中国,撰写大量报道向全世界揭露日本侵略者罪行,参与创办培黎学校,并以自己的年轻生命,谱写了中英友好的颂歌。我们非常高兴英军二战老战士、中英“突围团”的后代和何克母校代表出席今天的招待会。
Another heart warming story was that of George Hogg, a 23 year old British journalist who went to China to expose the crimes of the Japanese.Whilst there, he founded the Bailie School in Shandan County and did everything he could to support the local children and the Chinese people's efforts to fight the Japanese invasion.He died in Shandan at the age of 30 and was buried there.Today we are glad to have here with us Second World War veterans, descendents of the Hong Kong Escape Party, and representatives from the former school of George Hogg.孔子说,温故而知新。我们回顾历史,是为了更好地把握今天和未来。今天的世界还没有安宁太平,人类还没有远离硝烟,同时恐怖主义、气候变化、传染性疾病等全球性挑战日益突出。但历史在发展,时代在进步,要和平、谋发展、促合作成为世界各国人民的共同愿望,同舟共济、互利共赢成为国际社会的必然选择。在新形势下,我们愿与包括英国在内的世界上一切爱好和平的国家一道,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同努力。
As Confucius said, “Consider the past, and you shall know the future”.We look back at our past to learn, to grasp our present and to shape our future.We live in a world that is far from being peaceful in many places.It still has a lot of challenging issues to deal with, from terrorism, climate change to communicable diseases.But our world is moving forward.We live at a time when people all around the world are united by an aspiration towards peace and development.Cooperation for mutual benefit has become the favoured choice of the international community.In this new era, China and the UK should further strengthen our partnership and work with other peace-loving countries in the pursuit of a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.谢谢大家!
Thank you.原文链接:
联合国贸发会秘书长第二届世界投资论坛开幕词时间:2010-09-07 21:41来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:128次
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the World Investment Forum 2010
by Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD
Xiamen, 7 September, 2010
Excellencies,Distinguished delegates,Ladies and gentlemen,The biennial UNCTAD World Investment Forum is the most important event for the international investment community and its stakeholders.It provides a unique platform for interaction among global leaders,senior policymakers,corporate executives,investors, investment promotion agencies,and investment experts and practitioners from many countries around the world.The presence of more than 400 investment leaders from 116 countries from all parts of the investment community demonstrates the importance that international investment has gained as an engine of growth and development.Over the next three days,we will examine the challenges and opportunities for global investment in a post-crisis economy,which will be addressed by the following events:
1.The World Leaders Investment Summit will discuss the new international investment landscape in the post-crisis era.It will identify policy options for maximising the developmental benefits of foreign investment and how to take advantage of a new emerging economic and policy landscape.2.The Ministerial Round Table will address investment policy coherence in the post-crisis environment,including balancing investment liberalisation and regulation,and enhancing coherence between national and international investment policies.3.The High-level Tripartite Conference will identify the most prominent issues related to FDI and the impact of investment on sustainable development.Key topics include: world investment
prospects,re-strategising investment promotion and promoting green investment.4.The 2010 International Investment Agreements Conference will reflect on the key development challenges facing the IIA regime and how it can leverage tangible development benefits in a post-crisis economy.5.The Sustainable Stock Exchanges Conference 2010 will examine how stock exchanges can promote sustainable business practices and responsible capital markets,which will ensure stable growth and positive development outcomes.6.The Special Conference on Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing will provide an opportunity to discuss the need for a recognised set of principles for borrowers and lenders that promotes sustainable debt and credit conditions.7.The 8th Meeting of UNCTAD and the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)Investment Advisory Council will discuss how investment can used to tackle the foreseeable shortfall in achieving the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).8.Finally,the‘Investment Showcase’events will include presentations from individual countries on climate change-related investment.Other events include the launching of the G15 of Law Schools network dedicated to academic exchange on international investment law,and the UNCTAD Investment Promotion Award 2010, as well as various networking banquets,luncheons and dinners.All of these events will contribute towards the Forum’s main overall objective:to better understand the challenges and opportunities that the post-crisis investment landscape presents to all of us,and in particular to developing countries.In this new phase of globalisation –perhaps even a phase where we will see a retrenchment of globalisation–a new generation of investment policies will be needed.Such policies must encourage the transformation towards a low carbon economy,and the need for investment to work for development and the achievement of the MDGs.UNCT D’s World Investment Report 2010 provides information and analysis on some of these topics,as well as data on current trends in FDI.As such,the Report is offered as the main reference document to the World Investment Forum.Lastly,I would like to express my personal gratitude on behalf of UNCTAD to everyone who is
attending the Forum,including the numerous organizations and associations that have partnered with us in the organisation of this year’s events.Your presence and contributions to the Forum’s discussions will help make this event a success and advance UNCT D’s mission to assist developing countries make investment work for development.For their practical support and hospitality,I wish to express UNCT D’s appreciation for the marvellous co-operation extended to us by the Ministry of Commerce,Fujian Province and the City of Xiamen.I also wish to acknowledge the partnership with the 14th China International Fair for Investment and Trade(CIFIT),which will be opened tomorrow morning.So without further deliberation,I would like now to declare the World Investment Forum 2010 officially open.原文链接:
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu XiaomingAt the Reception Marking the 65th Anniversary of the Chinese People's Victory against Japanese Aggression
2.September 2010, the Chinese Embassy
Second World War Veterans,Your Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,感谢大家出席今天的招待会。今天我们在这里聚会,是为了纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利65周年,也是为了纪念世界反法西斯战争的胜利。就在不久前,英国也举行了二战对日战争胜利65周年纪念活动。
Thank you very much for joining us today, as we mark the 65th anniversary of the Chinese people's victory against Japanese aggression.Not long ago, Britain also celebrated the 65th anniversary of its Victory over Japan Day.发生在20世纪三四十年代的中国人民抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争,是世界爱好和平与正义的国家和人民同人类文明的凶残敌人进行的一场殊死搏斗。在这场世界反法西斯战争中,中国人民抗日战争开始最早、持续时间最长。中国英勇抗击了日本陆军总兵力的三分之二,歼灭日军150多万(占日军二战期间伤亡人数的70%),对打败日本侵略者起到了关键作用。中国人民抗日战争在战略上有力地支持了欧洲战场和太平洋战场抗击法西斯的行动。
Both the Chinese and the world anti-Fascist wars of the 1930's and 1940's were life and death struggles against ruthless states that were enemies of humanity.The Sino-Japanese war was the first to break out and lasted the longest.China played a key role in defeating the Japanese aggressors by fighting two-thirds of their army forces, resulting in 70% of their casualties during World War II, and by providing strategic support to our allies and assisted their operations in the European and Pacific theatres.中国人民抗日战争的胜利不仅为中国人民赢得民族独立和解放,建立人民共和国奠定了重要基础,而且为世界反法西斯正义斗争取得胜利作出了重要贡献,对促进世界和平事业产生了重大而深远的影响。
China's victory over Japanese aggression not only laid an important foundation for the achievement of national independence and liberation by the Chinese people and the founding of the People's Republic, it also contributed to the world's just struggle against Fascism.It also exerted a far-reaching impact on promoting world peace.中国人民抗日战争的胜利,是同世界所有爱好和平与正义的国家和人民、国际组织及各种反法西斯力量的同情和支持分不开的。中英两国在世界反法西斯战争中是坚定的盟友,英国为中国人民抗日战争提供了经济援助和军事合作,给予了宝贵的支持。1943年,中、美、英三国共同发表的对日作战宣言-《开罗宣言》更是具有重要历史意义。我本人担任中国驻埃及大使期间,曾专程造访金字塔脚下不远的开罗会议故址东江纵队的帮助下,最终顺利抵达安全区。
I have heard a lot of touching stories about men and women from both China and Britain, who jointly fought the Japanese fascist forces and forged a profound friendship.In December 1941 after the fall of Hong Kong, some British and Chinese officers stationed in Hong Kong formed a joint contingent to break the Japanese siege.With the help of the anti-Japanese
DongjiangGuerrillas in Guangdong Province, they finally arrived safely in the Chinese mainland.1942年春天,中国派出10万远征军入缅协助英军作战,成功地救出了被围困的英军官兵7000多人,自身付出了巨大的牺牲。1942年10月,运送英军战俘和侨民的日本运输舰“里斯本丸号”被美国军舰击沉于中国舟山东极海域,东极百姓冒着被日军杀害的危险,从海中营救了384名英军战俘和侨民,成为二战期间一个动人的国际人道主义故事。
In the spring of 1942, China sent 100,000 troops to Burma to support the British operations.Many of them lost their lives while rescuing 7,000 besieged British soldiers.In October 1942 when the Japanese freighter Lisbon Maru used as a prisoner-of-war transporter was sunk by a US warship in the waters off Dongji Island, in Zhejiang Province.The local fishermen saved 384 British prisoners of war at the risk of death from the Japanese.英国青年乔治·何克怀着人道主义理想来到中国,撰写大量报道向全世界揭露日本侵略者罪行,参与创办培黎学校,并以自己的年轻生命,谱写了中英友好的颂歌。我们非常高兴英军二战老战士、中英“突围团”的后代和何克母校代表出席今天的招待会。
Another heart warming story was that of George Hogg, a 23 year old British journalist who went to China to expose the crimes of the Japanese.Whilst there, he founded the Bailie School in Shandan County and did everything he could to support the local children and the Chinese people's efforts to fight the Japanese invasion.He died in Shandan at the age of 30 and was buried there.Today we are glad to have here with us Second World War veterans, descendents of the Hong Kong Escape Party, and representatives from the former school of George Hogg.孔子说,温故而知新。我们回顾历史,是为了更好地把握今天和未来。今天的世界还没有安宁太平,人类还没有远离硝烟,同时恐怖主义、气候变化、传染性疾病等全球性挑战日益突出。但历史在发展,时代在进步,要和平、谋发展、促合作成为世界各国人民的共同愿望,同舟共济、互利共赢成为国际社会的必然选择。在新形势下,我们愿与包括英国在内的世界上一切爱好和平的国家一道,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同努力。
As Confucius said, “Consider the past, and you shall know the future”.We look back at our past to learn, to grasp our present and to shape our future.We live in a world that is far from being peaceful in many places.It still has a lot of challenging issues to deal with, from terrorism, climate change to communicable diseases.But our world is moving forward.We live at a time when people all around the world are united by an aspiration towards peace and development.Cooperation for mutual benefit has become the favoured choice of the international community.In this new era, China and the UK should further strengthen our partnership and work with other peace-loving countries in the pursuit of a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.谢谢大家!
Thank you.
第五篇:2011驻印度大使国庆62周年招待会讲话 中英对照
驻印度大使张炎在庆祝中华人民共和国成立62周年招待会上的讲话 2011年9月27日,印度新德里
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Zhang Yan on the Occasion of 62nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China ITC Maurya, New Delhi, September 27, 2011 尊敬的印度外交部东亚事务秘书桑吉·辛格先生,使节们,女士们、先生们:
Hon.Shri Sanjay Singh, Secretary for East Affairs of MEA, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今晚我们欢聚一堂,庆祝中华人民共和国成立62周年。我和我的同事们对你们的到来表示热烈欢迎,共同分享节日的喜庆,对你们长期以来支持中印关系发展表示感谢。
Tonight we are assembled here to celebrate the 62nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China.My colleagues and I warmly welcome you to share the festivity with us and thank you for your long-standing support to the development of China-India relations.对中印关系而言,2011年是紧张忙碌而成果丰硕的一年。胡锦涛主席与辛格总理今年早些时候在中国举行的金砖国家领导人会议期间进行了富有 成果的会见。昨天,温家宝总理在北京会见了出席中印战略经济对话首次会议的印度计划委员会副主席阿鲁瓦利亚一行。中印各层面频繁互访已成为双边关系的重要 特征。在国际与地区事务上,双方保持着密切沟通与协调。今年6月,印度军方代表团成功访华。这些交往极大地促进了两国互信与合作。2011 is a hectic and productive year for our bilateral relations.Early this year, President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had a fruitful meeting during the BRICS Summit in China.Yesterday, Premier Wen Jiabao met Indian Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia who is attending the first ever China-India Strategic Economic Dialogue in Beijing.Frequent exchanges of visits at various levels have become an important feature of our relations.On international and regional issues both sides maintain close consultation and coordination.In June of this year, an Indian military delegation paid a successful visit to China.All these interactions have greatly enhanced the mutual trust and cooperation.在经济领域,尽管全球经济前景不明朗,中印双边贸易仍保持强劲增长势头。投资与金融领域合作不断扩大。中国工商银行在孟买开设首家分行。中印首席执行官论坛正在酝酿中,旨将中印经贸合作提升至新的水平。
In the economic field, the bilateral trade has maintained a strong momentum of growth in spite of the global economic uncertainty.Cooperation in the investment and financial sectors is expanding rapidly.The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China opened its first branch in Mumbai.The China and India CEO Forum is in the making, aiming at taking China-India economic cooperation to a new height.今年是“中印交流年”,文化与人文交流成为重点。今年四月,“感知中国·四川周”在印度成功举办。印度500人青年团正在中国进行访问,温家宝总理几天前亲切会见了全体代表团成员。此外,中国云南省杂技团正在印度巡回演出,展示中国丰富的传统文化。This year is declared as China-India Year of Exchange with emphasis on culture and People-to-People exchanges.Experience China--Sichuan Week was successfully held last April.A 500-member Indian youth delegation is currently visiting China and they were warmly received by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing few days ago.Besides, an acrobatic troupe of Yunan Province is also touring India recently to showcase China’s rich traditional culture.中国高度重视中印战略合作伙伴关系的发展,将继续致力于增进两国互信,促进互利合作,妥善处理分歧。正如两国领导人在许多场合所强调的那样,健康而富有活力的中印关系不仅造福于两国和两国人民,而且有利于亚洲乃至世界的和平与发展。
China attaches great importance to the development of China-India Strategic Cooperative Partnership and will continue to deepen mutual trust, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, and properly handle differences.As leaders of two countries stated on many occasions that a healthy and vibrant relationship between China and India is not only a fortune to the Chinese and Indian people, but also a blessing to the peace and development of Asia and the world.女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 中国始终坚持走和平发展道路,致力于维护世界和平,促进共同发展。在21世纪第二个十年伊始、中国共产党成立90周年之际,中国再次向全世 界庄严宣示和平发展的战略选择,这不仅是中国为了实现现代化和国家富强,也是为了建立持久和平与共同繁荣的和谐世界作出更大贡献。中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣与稳定也离不开中国。事实证明,中国选择和平发展的道路是正确的,我们也将始终坚持这个选择。
China all along pursues a path of peaceful development and is committed to upholding world peace and promoting common development for all countries.At the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century and on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, China has declared solemnly again to the world that peaceful development is a strategic choice made by China to realize its modernization, make itself strong and prosperous, and make more contribution to the building of a harmonious world of durable peace and common prosperity.China cannot develop itself in isolation from the rest of the world, and global prosperity and stability cannot be maintained without china.Facts have proved that it is correct for China to take the path of peaceful development and therefore China will firmly stick to it.谢谢!Thank you!