上海版牛津英语5a Bens day 教案(合集五篇)

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第一篇:上海版牛津英语5a Bens day 教案

课题:Ben’s day 课型:New lesson 教材简析:本节课是上海版《牛津英语》五年级上册第二模块第一单元第一课时的Look and say部分。这一单元的主题是在某一时间做某事,本课是本单元的重点,主要内容就是Ben在一天当中的某一时间做某一件事情,教学内容贴近学生的实际生活,有利于培养学生在真实的语境中综合运用语言的能力。本课的教学对象是小学五年级学生,他们已经有了一定的英语学习基础,他们渴望能用英语解决日常生活中的实际问题,在实践中提高自己的英语水平,所以在教学中我尽量让学生多说多练,在真实的情境中学习语言、运用语言。



1、能够听、说、读、写:six o’clock, half past three等时间短语





教学难点:理解第三人称单数变化的规则及用法。教学方法:活动教学法,小组合作法,情景交际法 教学用具:多媒体,卡片 教学过程:

Step1.Warm up(热身活动)

1.Free talk T: Hello, What’s your name?

S: My name’s……/I’m…… T: How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you.T: How old are you?

S: I’m……

T: Guess!How old am I?(设计意图:通过对话拉近师生间的距离,促进师生间的感情。教师有意问学生的年龄,让学生猜教师的年龄,复习了和本节课有关的一些数字,为接下来复习时间打下基础。)2.Revision Look at the big screen, show the clocks, review the time.……o’clock half past……


1.Let’s have a chant, then answer the questions: How many phrases are there in this chant? What are they? Get, get, get up Go, go, go to school Come, come, come home Do, do, do homework Watch, watch, watch television Go, go, go to bed(设计意图:chant是英语学习中的一种很有效的方法,这些短语都是本节课涉及到的内容,通过这个chant,既创造了英语学习气氛,又为本节课的学习做了铺垫。)2.Students answer the questions.Maybe Ss answer “get up”, then teacher show the card, teach the phrase “get up”.3.Ask: What time do you go to school? Students answer.Introduce: Put the word “at” in front of the time.4.Learn other phrases.(设计意图:由对话引出本节课的短语,再把短语放在句子中练习,做到词不离句,句中有词。由学生本身的实际情况来学习本课的重点单词和句型,语境更真实,使学生在具体的语言环境中学习英语。)5.Ask students to say about their days in English.Whose English is good, reward.(设计意图:学生通过描述自己的一天,能够锻炼他们的语言组织能力和口头表达能力,从而培养他们的英语语言运用能力。)

6.Listen to the big screen(设计意图:教师的语音语调再好,也不如外国人的原味,所以让学生听录音,使学生感受一下英语的语音语调,这对学习英语是很有帮助的。)

7.Look at the big screen(Ben), ask: What does Ben do?(get up)

What time does Ben get up? Tell students to answer use: He gets up at……

Professor third person singular form change.8.Learn: He goes to school at seven o’clock.9.Divide students into groups.The big screen shows other pictures and clocks.Students complete the sentences in groups.Then teacher check the answers: He comes home at half pst three.He does his homework at half past seven.He watches television at half past eight.He goes to bed at nine o’clock.(设计意图:先教授一个单三变化的句子,使学生懂,再教一个,使学生进一步理解,然后再让学生自己做其他的四个,使学生更熟练。)Step3 consolidation(巩固练习)1.Describe your friend’s day.(设计意图:这一环节是巩固复习环节,也属于拓展环节。通过描述他人的一天,进一步练习第三人称单数变化形式的运用。)

3.Listen to the English song .Education students to arrange time, do the right thing at the right time.(设计意图:这首歌是本单元的主题曲,里面包含了本节课所学的短语和时间,把它用在这里,一是创造课堂气氛,二是复习,同时教育学生合理安排时间,正确利用时间。)Step4 Homework 1.Write a day.Boys write their own day, girls write a boy’s day.(设计意图:本节课的作业我是让男同学写自己的一天,女同学写一个男同学的一天,这样锻炼了学生的写作能力,另外本节课所学的第一人称和第三人称单数也都练习到了。)

2.Make a timetable.(设计意图:制作时间表,一是练习所学知识,二是培养学生时间观念。)Writing on the blackboard

Ben’s day

get up

six o’clock

go to school

seven o’clock

come home

half past three

at do one’s homework

half past seven

watch television

half past eight

go to bed

nine o’clock

第二篇:上海牛津英语3B 复习教案


一 复习目标和内容


2能掌握本册中重点句型:What can you see? I can see ….What can you hear? I can hear ….Can Mingming hear …? Yes, he can hear….No, he can’t hear ….What do you like? I like ….Do you like ? Yes, I like ….No, I don’t like ….Do you like ? Yes, we like ….No, we don’t like ….What colour is/are …? It’s/They’re….Where is …? I don’t know./ Here it is.3复习以前学过的句型:What is it? It’s ….What are they? They’re….How old are you? I’m ….How old is he/she? He’s/She’s ….I am ….You are ….He is ….She is ….We are ….They are ….I have ….You have ….He has ….She has ….We have ….They have ….4能读懂简短的一段英语文字。

二 课时安排








一 复习听力注意事项




二 Listen and circle 1.A bed B beautiful C brown 2.A take B wolf C we 3.A where B who C how 4.A That’s OK.B All right.C Here she is.5.A How old is she? She is eight.B How old is he? He is two.6.A He is my little brother.His name is Mark.B He is my little brother.His name is Peter.三 Listen and write 1.r__ __f 2.skatebo__ __d 3.w__ve 4.r__ d__ __ 5.squ__ __ __ 6.aw __ __ 7.bl__ __ 8.Str__ __b__rry 9.h__ __ se 10.m__ rr__ __

四 Listen and judge(图片出示)一条长裙










五 Listen and answer.1.A He is eight.B She is nine.2.A I’m fine.B I’m nine.3.A She is Alice.B He is Sam.4.A His name is Ben.B Her name is Amy.六 Listen and write 1.This is _____ brother.That is ______ dog.May is ________ sister._____ is two.2.Let ____ go to school.We go to school ______ bus.3.Is this ______ book? Yes, ________ have a book.______ have a book, too._______ are picture books.第二课时


一 写出下列单词的反义词

1.big _______ 2.fat ________ 3.hard _________ 4.long ________ 5.smooth _________ 6.sweet ________ 7.tall _______ 8.white ________ 9.in _________ 10.left ________ 二 用am, is, are, have, has填空 1.I ______ a boy.2.Eddie ________ tall.He _______ a toy car.3.Here you _______, Kitty.4.______ it nice? No, it isn’t.5.The robot ________ a cold nose.6.What colour _______ the sky? It _____ blue.7.I _______ a blouse.You _______ a shirt.8.Who ________ she? She ______ May.9.It _______ a head, a body and six legs.10.She _______ a cat.He _______ a cat, too.They ________ cats.核对后小结:要熟记这几个单词的固定搭配。

三 写出同类词

1.strawberry ______________ ________________ 2.blouse ______________ ________________ 3.lorry _______________ ________________ 4.tiger _______________ ________________ 5.ball _______________ ________________ 6.raindrops _______________ _________________(重点检查拼写。)

四 选择题

(一)复习句型What is it? It’s ….What are they? They’re….I am ….You are ….He is ….She is ….We are ….They are ….I have ….You have ….He has ….She has ….We have ….They have ….(二)练习

1.Who’s she? She is ________ sister.A.I B.my C.A 1.What is this? It’s _______ orange.A.the B.a C.An 2.Who ________ a pineapple? A.have B.has C.Is 3.________ is a doctor and _______ mother is a teacher.A.Her…has B.She…her C.He…her 4.Bill ______ a pupil of Class Two.He ________ a good friend.A.has…has B.is…has C.is…is 5.Let me _______ a song for you.A.sing B.singing C./ 6.They _____ want grapes.A.are B.don’t C.Have 7.Jack is under ________ tree.A.the B./ C.An 8.What are these? They are _________.A.nest B.nests C.A nest 9.My teeth ______ white.A.is B.are C.Has



一 根据要求写单词

1.spring(同类词)—————— 2.wind(同类词)—————— 3.hot(反义词)—————— 4.dry(反义词)—————— 5.see(同义词)—————— 6.good(同义词)—————— 7.scarf(复数)—————— 8.leaf(复数)

—————— 9.clouds(单数)—————— 10.we(单数)


二 选择填空

(一)复习句型:This … is ….I like / don’t like ….What do you like? I like ….Do you like ? Yes, we like ….No, we don’t like ….(二)练习

1.______ bicycle is super.A.This B.These C.It 2.The butterfly is beautiful.I _______ it very much.A.Don’t like B.like C.Like 3.Do we like animals? No, _______ don’t.A.you B.I C.we 4.What do you like? ______ like toy cats.A.You B.I C.We 5.They are bad dolls.I ________ like dolls.A.don’t B.not C.not do

三 回答问题

1.What can you see in winter? I can see _______, _______ and ___________.2.What do you ________? I like ice-cream.3.It’s hot.The sun shines and shines.What season is it? It’s _________.4.Where is my umbrella? Here ______ ______.5.What is that? ________ a kite.6.How old ____ Eddie? He ____ ten.第四课时


一 正确抄写,注意大小写。1.正确抄写句子的格式是什么?

2.出示:where is my coat here it is 3.独立练习后核对。

二 阅读理解



It is Sunday.The sun is shining.Jack and Jane go to the People’s Park.There are many people in the park.Grandfathers and grandmothers like to walk near the lake.Jack and his friend like kites.They can fly the kite very high.Jane and her sister like to sing and dance.A few children like ball.They are very happy.()1.What’s the weather like today? A.Sunny B.Sunday C.Cloudy()2.Who likes to sing and dance? A.Jack and his friend B.Jane and her sister C.A few children()3.They enjoy _______ today.A.them B.a good time C.themselves


There are four seasons in a year.They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.Spring is warm.Plants grow and grow.We can see many beautiful flowers.Summer is hot and wet.We can eat a lot ice-cream.We can swim in summer.I like summer best.Autumn is cool.It’s not hot.Leaves fall and fall.We can fly kites.Winter is cold.The wind blows and blows.We can make a snowman.We can skate.1.There are twelve seasons in a year.()2.I like winter best.()3.We can see many flowers in spring.()4.Summer is hot and dry.()5.Winter is cool.We can skate.()6.We can make a snowman in winter.()7.Autumn is cool.It’s not hot.()

8.We can swim in winter.()



period 1 教学内容:Vocabulary 语言知识目标:学会以下词汇:
















(hurt, hurt)(courage


(paid, paid)community

in need

voluntary work

ask permission


raise one‘s spirits

in order to



2、学会单词的构词法和分析单词的规律 学习策略:1.游戏教学(大小声)

2.竞赛(首字母抢答。念中说英,念英说中)情感态度:学会用赏识的眼光去鼓励每位学生说英语。Step1 : 复习英标 Step2 :单词教授 raise permission…

Game : high and low./Simon said→silent I said →say quickly Listen to the tape.Step3 : 复习巩固 Read together Read in group Say English/Say Chinese Step 4: 拓展

competition(首字母抢答)Step 5 : Homework for today 1、朗读单词




period 2 教学内容:Reading 教学目标:语言知识:初步了解篇章的结构






教学难点:通过初步阅读了解文章大意 教学过程:step1:导入

1.学生观察PPT展现的图片-爱心,展开议论。老师提问:1Have you ever help others before?

2Why do you help others?

3How do you feel when you give others a hand?

give sb a hand= help sb 2.Can you guess what we will learn in this unit?--voluntary work 3.What do you know about…? pictures : a helping disabled people



1.(看图片,作者的名字和三篇汇报的第一句话。完成阅读前)1Mark 2 Betty 3Annie 2.初步阅读三篇汇报 完成C1(让学生猜词意识)先让学生理解句子的意思再有学生说出斜体单词的意思最后选出真确答案。完成后让全班同学读一遍。

完成C2(先对给出的短语解释一遍再来理解短文意思)先核对答案再朗读一遍。step3: 听一遍课文录音。Homework: 默写单词短语 熟读文章

period 3&4 教学内容:Reading 语言知识:理解主阅读篇章的结构。

语言技能:通过进一步阅读,理解三篇汇报的内容 学习策略:通过细读。了解主篇章的细节信息。情感态度:学会如何在实际中帮助别人。教学重难点:通过进一步阅读,理解三篇汇报内容 教学过程:step1 导入

Read the words together

Read the text together Have a dictation step2 While-reading First-report 1.学生阅读第一篇汇报的第一段,回答下列问题 Where did Betty do voluntary work? What is wrong with the children there? What did Betty and other volunteers do for the children? 翻译句子板书或展示重点短语

2.学生阅读第二和第三段汇报的第一段,分别完成有关Mark 和 Annie 所参与的志愿服务活动表格。(PPT)翻译句子板书或展现重点短语 3.完成D1,核对答案。step3全班朗读以下短语 offer to do sth


in hospital 住院

in the hospital 在医院里

continue to do sth 继续做某事(另一件事情)continue doing sth 继续做原来的事

have difficulty in doing sth /with sth 在某事上有困难

do voluntary work during one’s holiday in hospital suffer from a picture of near one’s home

take photo of use …for

in an accident raise one’s spirits

express one’s feeling

teach sb to do sth

tell stories Homework: 抄写短语


period5 教学目标:语言知识:深入理解文章

了解dis, un-等前缀及其含义





教师板书单词disagree disappear dishonest dislike unimportant unlike uninteresting unnecessary要求学生猜测这些单词的意识。

老师归纳:un dis是前缀,用来表示否定意思。其他常见的表示否定的前缀还有 in im il ir non 等

可以通过前缀等构词法来记忆单词。step2:回顾主篇章内容,检查回家作业 全班齐读主篇章 完成表格

作业大展现:思维导图 三篇汇报的归纳 Homework 利用思维导图背诵课文。

period 6&7 教学内容:Grammar 教学目标:语言知识:





学习策略:主动探究,善于发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三。教学重点:掌握动词不定式作宾语,宾语补足语和目的状语的用法。教学难点:区别带to 的动词不定式和不带to 的动词不定式用法。


P7例句 学生归纳老师归纳: offer和want 后面所跟的to do 和 to pain 被称为动词不定式。动词不定式在句子中可以充当除谓语以外几乎所有的句子成分。动词 不定式的基本结构: to+动词原形

step2:学习动词不定式作宾语的用法。展现句子:1.Three teenagers offered...2.She wanted to paint…

3.My mother and I will continue to visit Viven

4.I wanted to help children like Tim and raise their spirits.5.I will continue to do voluntary work in the future.学生归纳 :在句子中,动词不定式作谓语动词的宾语。动词不定式作宾语的基本结构:动词+带to 的动词不定式,并归纳后常跟动词不定式的动词。

考察学生是否用动词不定式来回答主阅读篇章的相关问题。Who did Betty decide to help? What did Cindy want to do? Who will Mark continue to visit? Who did Annie offer to help? What will Annie continue to do in the future? 讲解things to remember 选用疑问词how what when where when 或who 完成练习。

I will tell you _____ to begin I’m sure you’ll remember ___ to say I know ___ to get there.I don’t know ___ to ask for help.完成练习A step3学习动词不定式作宾语补足语的用法。

例句-归纳 动词不定式宾语补足语的基本结构:动词+宾语+带to 的动词不定式。

教师帮助学生总结后面可跟动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词:advise allow ask encourage expect order teach tell want warn … 完成中译英练习(PPT)

归纳动词不定式的否定形式是在动词不定式前直接加not.not to do sth.step4 学习不带to 的动词不定式用法(方法一样)step5 学习动词不定式作目的状语的用法。

看例句-归纳在句子中,动词不定式to paint 和 help 分别是used a brush 和went to the hospital 的目的,作目的状语。

教师归纳:对作目的状语的动词不定式提问时,应用why.如why did Cindy use a brush? why did they go to the hospital? 完成练习C HW PPT习题 Book B




Module 1

Nature and environment

Unit 2

Water 单词及词组复习

freeze v.(froze frozen


1.stop moving suddenly(突然停止,惊呆),例如:

Fear made him freeze in his tracks.恐惧使他突然停止前进。He froze in front of the audience.他在观众面前吓呆了。2.冷冻,冷藏(食物),例如:

Not all fruit and vegetables freeze well.并非所有的水果和蔬菜都适合冷藏。

plant n.1.building with machines in it 工厂,车间,例如:

When the plant closed down, many factory workers lost their jobs.工厂关门了,很多工人失业了。


Trees and vegetables are plants.树木和蔬菜是植物。



1.speed v.(sped sped speeding)move quickly 指快速运动或行动。例如:

The ambulance sped to the hospital.救护车快速开往医院。He was arrested for speeding.他因超速行车而被捕。

The train sped through the countryside.火车从乡间飞驰而过。

Postal workers labored overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail.邮政工人加班加点已加速圣诞期间新信件的发送。

2.hurry v.move or do sth.quickly or too quickly 意指比通常快得多的速度,经常伴随着混乱或骚动。例如:

If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the plane.如果你不迅速些,你将会错过班机了。

Don’t let anyone hurry you into making a decision you’ll regret later.不要在任何人的催促下作出你以后会为之后悔的决定。

reply;answer(v.& n.)1.reply 和answer 都表示“回答”,都可以做名词和动词。answer 为一般用语;reply 的用法比较正式,多用于经过深思熟虑后对对方问题和论点作出解释、辩论或陈述性回答。这两个词在做名词时都可以与to连用,指“„„的答案或答复”。answer 较常用,如:answer a question(the door bell, the phone, the letter, etc.)例如:

He has answered my letter.(此句仅表明他回了我的信,说明他已经收到我的信。)

Answer this question.回答这个问题。(动词)

I asked her the reason, but she didn’t reply.我问她原因,她却没有回答。(动词)I received no reply / answer to my request.我的要求没有得到任何答复。(名词)

They did not reply to our new suggestion.他们对我们的新建议没有作出答复。(动词)I had no reply to my letter.我没收到回信。(名词)

2.answer 是及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语;而reply是不及物动词,跟宾语须与to连用;answer 可表示对电话、敲门等作出的应答,而reply则没有这种用法。例如:

He has replied to my letter.(此句表明他将我信中的问题都一一回答了。)

You must reply to / answer this letter right away.你必须马上回复这封信。Who answered the telephone? 谁接的电话? 如果是指练习题的“答案”,一般用answer。例如:

The answer to 6 multiplying 10 is 60.六乘以十的答案是六十。



v.disappear 消失,突然不见,常用词组有:

vanish into thin air 消失不见

vanish from sight 消失不见

vanish in darkness 在黑暗中消失

vanish into nothing 化为乌有

reply v.& n.常用词组有:

in reply(to)为答复„„;作为对„„的答复

make(no)reply(不)作答复 reply for sb.代表某人作答辩 / 答谢祝酒

reply to 回答;答复


v.use one’s sight;turn the eyes in some direction;try to see 看;视;望。常用词组有:

look around 四周环顾

look round 环视

look at 看,朝„„看

look after 照料,照顾 look back(与on, to连用)回想,想起

look down on 轻视,看不起 look for 寻找

look forward to 盼望,期待 look like 看起来像

look on / upon 看作

look out 注意,小心

look out of 朝„„外看

look over 翻阅,浏览

look through 从头看完,透视 look up 在书中查到,查阅(词典)

look up and down 上下打量 finish with


He finished with the work.他以这项工作做为结束。

He finished the performance with a song.他以一首歌曲结束表演。remember not to do sth.记得不要做某事,例如:

You must remember not to pollute the water.你们必须记住,不能把水污染了。

Remember not to make the same mistake again.记住不要再犯相同的错误了。mean by...意思是,例如:

What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思? 语法复习


It is + adj.+ for sb.(of sb.)to do sth.(对事加以评论 / 对人加以评论)不定式短语作主语时,常用形式主语it来代替,而真正的主语放在句子的谓语后面。例如:

It is difficult for you to read through this book a week or so.对你来说一星期左右看完这本书有困难。

It is useful for you to learn how to use the computer.学习使用计算机对你有好处。

It was brave of you to go into the burning building to save the child.你冲入火场救那个孩子,真勇敢。

It’s necessary for us to learn English today.现在对我们来讲,学英语非常重要。

二.(a)few 和(a)little 的用法

1.(a)few 用在可数名词n..[C]之前,(a)little 用在不可数名词n.[U]之前。例如:

He took a few biscuits.(a few = several)他拿了几块饼干。He took few biscuits.(few = not many)他拿的饼干不多。He took a little butter.(a little = some)他拿了点黄油。He took little butter.(little = not much)他拿的黄油不多。

2.few 可由hardly any 或almost no 所替代,含否定的意味。例如:

The composition is well written;it has few mistakes.= The composition is well written;it has hardly any mistakes.这篇作文很好写,几乎没有多少错误。

Few men can solve it.= Almost no men can solve it.几乎没有人能解决它。3.a few相当于some, several, 含肯定的意味。例如:

He has a few friends.= He has some friends.= He has several friends.他有一些朋友。

4.a little 和little之间的差别,就和a few 和few的差别一样,只是(a)little 修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。例如:

He grows worse;there is little hope of his recovery.他病情恶化了,恢复的希望很小了。

He is not much better, but there is a little hope.他病情不是那么好,但是有点希望。三.其它的数量形容词

1.plenty of, a lot of, lots of 都表示许多,修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词。例如: The room contained plenty of / a lot of / lots of students.(students是复数名词)这个房间容纳了许多学生。

The room contained plenty of / a lot of / lots of furniture.。(furniture 是不可数名词)这个房间容纳了许多家具

2.a great deal of, a good deal of, a large quantity of, a small quantity of, a large amount of, a small amount of 均表量,修饰不可数名词。例如:

The room contained a large quantity of furniture.(不可数名词)The room contained a large amount of furniture.(不可数名词)The room contained a small quantity of furniture.(不可数名词)The room contained a small amount of furniture.(不可数名词)3.a number of “许多;一些”;a great number of, a large number of, a good number of “许多”,修饰复数可数名词,并且要与复数动词连用。例如:

A number of books are missing from the library.图书馆的许多书丢失了。The number of books from the library is large.图书馆的图书数量很大。[the number of + 复数名词 + 单数(be)动词] The room contained a great / large / good / number of students.(复数可数名词)这个房间容纳了许多学生。



1.You should dress neatly and _________.(整洁地)2.We will _______(举行)a sports meeting next Monday.3.They _________(选举)me to be the president of the students’ Union yesterday.4.Newspaper remain ___________(受欢迎的)because they give the news in more details than either radios or TVs.5.Who won the _________(竞赛), do you know? II.句型转换

1.They work hard to get more money._____________ __________ they work hard?(就画线部分提问)2.My mother will visit England next week.__________ __________ your mother visit next week?(就画线部分提问)3.You ought to be more careful.You ________ ________ to be more careful.4.They should finish their homework first.________ ________ finish their homework first.(改为一般疑问句)5.The match between China and Korea couldn’t go on because it was raining heavily.The match between China and Korea couldn’t go on _______ ______ the heavy rain.(改为同义句)III.选择填空

1.They all have _______.A.the different ideas B.different ideas C.the different idea D.different idea 2.The visitors _____ our school in two days.A.came to B.will come to C.come to D.has come to 3.---____do you see a film?---Once a week.A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often 4.We can find_____ students in the classroom now.They are playing on the playground.A.much B.few C.a little D.little 5.They want him _______the chief speaker.A.to be B.be C.being D.is 6.You must _______for the lost books.A.pay B.cost C.spend D.take

7.---What happened _______you? You don’t look fine.---I have a cold.A.in B.on C.from D.to

8.You may go to the police and _______help.A.ask B.ask for C.asking D.to ask for 9.Can she do her homework by ______?

A.himself B.ourselves C.herself D.themselves 10.Have you finished _________ the picture? A.draw B.to draw C.drew D.drawing 12.—If there are ____ people driving, there will be ____ air pollution.—Yes, the air will be fresher.A.less;less



D.fewer;less 13.—Shall we leave now? —Don’t hurry.We still have ____ time left.A.little

B.a little


D.a few

14.—Would you like some milk in your tea? —Yes, please.But just ________.A.little

B.a little

C.a few


15.There’s ________ milk at home.We have to buy some this afternoon.A.a little


C.a few

D.few 16.—Oh, dear.We have ________ food left.What should we do?

—Don’t worry.I’ll go and buy some.A.a few

B.a little








U1 Pollution Fighters Period I Teaching objectives:

1)Reviewing and learning some more information about trees.2)Having students catch the general ideas of the whole passage and understand some new words and expressions.e.g.living things, release, oxygen, etc.Difficulties: To read through the whole passage.Teaching aids: Blackboard, computer, over-head project

Teaching procedures Warming-up: 1)Write from the memory.2)Read the comics on page 15 and let students know that we‟ll talk about the biggest and oldest living things on earth----trees.Pre-task preparations: 1)Let students talk freely to see how much they know about trees and make a guess to see whose number is close to the answer.2)Answer the questions in “ What do you know about …?” While-task procedures:

1)Get students to look at the title, the subtitle, and the pictures to tell who are pollution fighters.2)Let students read through the whole passage.Look at the statements on the screen and let them to find out the facts in the passage to complete the sentences.Post-task activity:

1)According to what they‟ve known, let them fill in the blanks to finish the sentences.Help students to summarize the general ideas of the passage.Assignments: Oral work: read the interview on page 17.Written work: preview the passage with the help of dictionary.Notes:

Period II Teaching objectives:

1)Learning the first part of the interview 2)Having students review or learn the words and expressions e.g.be interested in, sip, etc.Language focus: 1)Helping students pronounce new words correctly and try to memorize 2)Doing some exercise to let students understand the language points.Difficulties: Use „noisy-noisily-noise, living-alive‟ correctly to some of them.Teaching aids: Blackboard, computer, over-head project

Teaching procedures Warming-up: Complete the statements to see how much they remember the information about trees.Pre-task preparations: Ask students the meanings of the new words.They can choose one of the answers.Then learn to read.While-task procedures: 1)Review and introduce the words and expressions.2)Do some exercise to help students understand how to use the language points correctly.Post-task activity: Do some exercise by themselves.Assignments: Oral work: read the text Written work: review the new words and expressions.Notes: 默写时间太长以至于后面知识点来不及讲,减少学生做笔记时间,通过练习让学生理解知识点并且运用。

Period III Teaching objectives:

1)Learning the second part of the interview 2)Having students review or learn the words and expressions

e.g.release, breathe, etc.Language focus: 1)Helping students pronounce new words correctly and try to memorize 2)Doing some exercise to let students understand the language points.Difficulties: Read and use „breathe, breath‟ correctly.Remember the prepostions in the phrases.Teaching aids: Blackboard, computer, over-head project

Teaching procedures Warming-up: Read and review the new words.Pre-task preparations: Do some exercise.While-task procedures: 1)Review and introduce the words and expressions.2)Do some exercise to help students understand how to use the language points correctly.Post-task activity: Do some exercise by themselves.Assignments: Oral work: read the interview., recite the new words and expressions.Written work: Do some exercise.Notes:

Period IV Teaching objectives:

1)Learning the third part of the interview 2)Having students review or learn the words and expressions e.g.chemical, etc.Language focus: 1)Helping students pronounce new words correctly and try to memorize

2)Doing some exercise to let students understand the language points.Difficulties: Use „chemical-chemist-chemistry‟ correctly to some of them.Teaching aids: Blackboard, computer, over-head project

Teaching procedures Warming-up: Do some exercise.Pre-task preparations: Read the third part of the interview, let students guess the meanings of the new words and learn to read them correctly.While-task procedures: 1)Review and introduce the words and expressions.2)Do some exercise to help students understand how to use the language points correctly.Post-task activity: Do some exercise by themselves.Assignments: Oral work: read the text Written work: review the new words and expressions.Notes:

Chapter1知识要点 change n.变化

v.改变 2 hard adj.硬的adv.努力地 3 less + n./ adj.(原级)4 at the end of 在….末尾 5 take….from 6 release…into 7 keep sb.doing /adj.8 keep alive 9 warn sb.(not)to do 警告某人做某事 10 communicate with 11 one another = each other 12 replace = take the place of protect / prevent …from 14 refer to 15 put…in 16 stop…for 17 remove dust 18 be washed away 19 provide…for 20 take care of = look after 21 in this project 22 at least at most 23 in prison 24 take a deep breathe 25 hold one‟s breath 26 join in = take part in gas气态 liquid 液态 solid 固态 28 in fact 29 fact =truth 反义 fiction 30 breathe in 吸入 31 pure purely

release = let out = give off 33 alive作表语

living 放在名词前作定语

nature natural aritificial 人造的

naturally 天然地

warn sb.of / about / against / doing sth.36 protect protection 保护 37 nasty horrible 38 join A to B 39 burn away 烧掉

burn down 渐渐烧完

burn sth.down 把…烧得精光 42 hardly = almost not 43 exchange A for B 44 main course 一顿饭的主菜 45 main road 城镇之间的大路 46 about 用于非正式

on 用于正式的 专题性的

be interested in = be keen on 48 on earth 究竟

on the earth 在地球上

nothing nobody something anything+else 51 thank sb.for sth.52 enough money fit enough 53 keep +名词/代词+形容词 54 do the job of 起…效果

run 运转=work operate function 56 certainly 确定= surely

当然= of course 57 protect by 58 join together 59 underground 当副词时= under the ground 60 think 相信=believe 不能用现进

想 可以用现进 61 have 有 没有现进

see hear smell taste 没有现进 63 gas 不同种类气体加‘es’ 64 whether…or 没有if….not 65 come from= be from 66 signals to 信号给 67 only a little / few 68 the present continuous tense 一般现在时 69 add…to 70 supply…for 71 at last / first 72 It‟s + adj.for sb.to do srh.73 scientist science scientific 74 fight fighter 75 interested interesting 76 absorb / take in 吸收

hardly any 反义

almost none 78 exchang change 79 lorry truck 80 less 反义 more 修饰比

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