
时间:2019-05-15 02:35:09下载本文作者:会员上传







The man lay there, his hands trembling.有时,现在分词being或having been在独立主格结构中可省略e.g.: The weather(being)fine, we decided to go on an outing.2.名词(或代词)+过去分词: 过去分词表示前面的名词或代词被动完成的动作。

The girls lay on her back, her hands crossed under her head.3.名词(或代词)+形容词(短语): 形容词(短语)在独立主格结构中说明前面名词或代词的性质、状态等。

The floor wet, we had to stay outside for a while.4.名词(或代词)+副词: 副词在独立主格结构中也多是说明名词或代词的状态。

The meeting over, we all went home.5.名词(或代词)+介词短语: The teacher came in, a book in his hand.6.名词(或代词)+不定式(短语): 不定式表示将来的动作。

He suggested going for a picnic, Mary to provide the food.有时独立主格结构中名词前的定语可以省略: The boy sat quietly in the office,(his)eyes closed /(a)book in(his)hand.(二)独立主格结构的作用


1)表示时间 : His homework done(=After his homework was done),Mary decided to go shopping.2)表示原因 : There being no buses(=Because there were no buses),we had to walk home.3)表示条件 : Weather permitting(=If weather permits),we’ll go to play basketball.4)表示方式或伴随: He sat at the table, head down.2.作同位语: Many people joined in the work, some of them women and children.3.作定语 : Close to the bank, we saw deep pools, the water blue like the sky.(三)有时用with/without引导的复合结构作状语,在句中可作定语或状语。如:

Do you know the girl with a basket on her back?




Translate the following sentences into English.独立主格结构的几种形式:



Xiao Wang falling ill, we have to look after him.2、客人们走,她开始打扫房间。

The guests having left, she began to clean the room.(名词(代词)+ 过去分词)


Her glasses broken, she couldn’t see the words on the blackboard.4、她双手交叉在胸前站在那儿。

She stood there, her hands crossed on the chest.(名词(代词)+ 形容词)


The streets wet and slippery, we had to ride our bikes slowly and carefully, we had to ride our bikes slowly and carefully.6、学生们睁大眼睛在听老师讲课。

The students were listening to the teacher, their eyes wide open.(名词(代词)+ 副词)


The meeting over , we returned to the classroom from the auditorium.8、他急急忙忙地穿上衬衫,把衬衫穿反了。

He pulled on his shirt, wrong side out.(名词(代词)+ 不定式)


The sports meeting to be held next week, we must get ready for it.10、如此多的人要帮助他,他一定会成功的。

So many people to help, he is sure to succeed.(名词(代词)+ 介词短语)


The old man sat on the chair,(with)a pipe in his hand.12.那个人走出房间,嘴里嚼着食物。

The man went out of the room, food in mouth.(There being + 名词(代词))


There being no bus, we had to walk home.14、没有什么事情要讨论,会议结束了。

There being no more things to be discussed, the meeting came to an end.独立主格结构在句中的作用:



Spring coming on, the trees turn green.16、问题解决后,他们回到了各自的工作岗位。

The problem(having been)solved, they went back to their own post.(作原因状语)


It being Sunday yesterday, we didn’t go to school.18、钥匙丢失了,她进不了房间。

The key(having been)lost, she couldn’t enter the room.(作条件状语)


Time permitting, we’ll visit the park.20、如果水加到很高的温度,我们会看到水蒸气从中冒出来。

Water heated to a high temperature, we can see steam rising from it.(作方式或伴随状语)


The children were making a snowman, their hands red with cold.22、他跌倒在地,鼻子流着血。

He fell to the ground, blood trickling from his nose.独立主格的句型转换:


His homework done, he went to bed.=After his homework was done, he went to bed.She not feeling well, we worried about her.= As she was not feeling well, we worried about her.Weather permitting, the sports meet will be held the day after tomorrow.=If weather

permits , the sports meet will be held the day after tomorrow.2、转换成并列句

The youn woman came into the cinema, a baby in her arms,= The young woman came into the cinema and a baby was in her arms.The boy stood there silently, his eyes fixed upon the black people.= The boy stood there silently and his eyes were fixed upon the black people.3、转换成”with”的复习结构

Night falling , we hurried home.=With night falling, we hurried home.The signal given, the train left the railway station.= With the signal given, the train left the railway station.The old scientist came to the meeting, his wife supporting him.= The old scientist came to the meeting , with his wife supporting him.The spy sat on he ground, his hands tied behind his back.= The spy sat on the ground, with his hands tied behind his back.



非谓语动词作状语时, 它的逻辑主语应该是句子的主语。但有时非谓语动词带有自己的主语, 从而在结构上与主语不发生关系, 我们称之为独立主格结构(Absolute Construction)。其实, 所谓“独立主格结构”也并非真正独立, 它还是一种从属的结构。


在独立主格结构中, 非谓语动词和它前面的名词或代词存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。请看下面的例子:

Such an able man to help you, you will surely succeed sooner or later.有这么能干的人来帮你, 你迟早一定会成功的。(不定式)such an able man和 to help you 之间存在着主谓关系, 即 Since such an able man will help you, you will surely succeed sooner or later.He seating himself at the desk, his mother began to tell him a story.他在书桌旁坐好后, 他母亲开始给他讲故事。(现在分词)He seating himself at the desk 拥有了自己的逻辑主语he, 即 When he seated himself at the desk, his mother began to tell him a story.The key to the bike lost, he had to walk to school.由于丢了自行车钥匙, 他只好步行去学校。(过去分词)the key 是 lost 的逻辑主语, lost 也可以用完成式having been lost,即 Because the key to the bike had been lost, he had to walk to school.1、不定式独立主格结构

在“逻辑主语+动词不定式”结构中, 动词不定式和它前面的名词或代词存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。这种结构也可用一个从句或并列分句来表达。

His mother to come tonight, he is busy preparing the dinner.他母亲今晚要来, 他正在忙着准备饭菜。

(As his mother is to come tonight, he is busy preparing the dinner.)——Will you go to the concert tonight? ——Sorry.So many exercise-books to check, I really can't afford any time.你今晚去听音乐会吗?

对不起, 有这多的作业要批, 我真的抽不出时间。

(Because I shall check so many exercise-books tonight, I really can't afford any time.)

The four of us agreed on a division of labor, each to translate a quarter of the book.我们四人同意分工干, 每人翻译全书的四分之一。

(The four of us agreed on a division of labor and each is to translate a quarter of the book.)

Many trees, flowers, and grass to be planted, our newly-built school will look even more beautiful.种上许多的树, 花和草后, 我们新建的学校将看上去更美。

(If many trees, flowers, and grass are planted, our newly-built school will look even more beautiful.)


动词的-ing形式作各种状语时, 其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语保持一致,ing 的独立结构相当于一个状语从句。

Being ill, he went home.(As he was very ill, he went home.)由于生病, 他回家了。

Seating himself at the desk, he began to read a magazine.(When he had seated himself at the desk...)在课桌旁坐好后, 他开始看杂志

Everyone being ready, the teacher began his class.(When everyone was ready...)每个人都准备好后, 老师开始上课。

The chairman began the meeting , everyone being seated.(After everyone was seated...)每个人坐好后, 主席开始开会。

The boy leading the way, we had no trouble finding the strange cave.(Because the boy led the way)

由那个男孩带路, 我们没有困难就找到了那奇怪的洞。Many eyes watching him, he felt a bit nervous.(As many eyes were watching him)许多眼睛看着他, 他感到有点儿紧张。

Time permitting, we will have a picnic next week.(If time permits...)时间允许的话, 我们下星期将进行一次野炊。My health allowing, I will work far into the night.(If my health allows....)

我的健康许可的话, 我愿工作到深夜。

The students are walking in the school happily, each wearing a card in front of his chest.(and each wears a card in front of his chest)

学生们快乐地在学校里走着, 每个人胸前都带着一张卡。The boy lay on the grass, his eyes looking at the sky.(and his eyes were looking at the sky)男孩躺在草地上, 眼睛看着天空。

注意:系动词be 也可以用分词形式的独立结构。例如: It being National Day today, the streets are very crowded.(As it is National Day today, the streets are very crowded.)今天是国庆节, 街上很拥挤。

There being no further business to discuss, we all went home.(As there was no further business to discuss, we all went home.)没有别的事可讨论, 我们都回家了。


如果-ed形式的逻辑主语和句子的主语不一致的话, 就需要用-ed形式的独立主格结构。

The book written in simple English, English beginners were able to read it.该书是用简单英语写的, 英语初学者也能看懂。

(As the book was written in simple English, English beginners were able to read it.)The workers worked still harder, their living conditions greatly improved.由于工人们的生活条件大大提高, 他们工作得更起劲了。

(As their living conditions were greatly improved, the workers worked still harder.)He was listening attentively in class, his eyes fixed on the blackboard.他上课专心听讲, 眼睛紧盯着黑板。

(He was listening attentively in class, and his eyes were fixed on the blackboard.)The task completed, he had two months' leave.任务完成以后, 他休了两个月的假。

(When the task had been completed, he had two months' leave.4、非谓语动词独立结构析比较

动词不定式表示动作没有发生或即将发生, 动词-ed形式表示动作已经结束, 动词-ing形式往往表示动作正在进行。

The manager looks worried, many things to settle.经理看上去很着急, 有这么多的事情要处理。

(事情还没有处理, 而且是由经理本人来处理, 用不定式to settle)The manager looks relaxed, many things settled.许多事情已经处理好了, 经理看上去很轻松。

(事情已经处理好了, 用动词-ed形式settled表示动作已经结束)The food being cooked, the boy was watching TV.小孩一边做饭, 一边看电视。(两个动作同时进行)

The food cooked, the boy went to bed.饭做好了, 小孩去睡了。

(两个动作有先后, 饭已做好, 小孩才去睡觉的)


在含有being 的独立主格结构中, being 往往可以被省去。这种省去being的结构, 称之为无动词独立主格结构。


Ten students entered for the competition, the youngest a boy of 12.十个学生报名参加了这次竞赛, 年纪最小的是个12岁的男孩。(the youngest being a boy of 12 省去了being)

注意:独立主格结构中的being在下列两种情况下一般不能省略, 一是在“There being + 名词”结构中, 二是在逻辑主语是代词的情况下。

There being no bus, we had to walk home.由于没有公共汽车, 我们只好走回家。It being Sunday, all the offices are closed.因为是星期日, 所有办公室都关门。


He turned to me, his eyes sleepy.他睡眼惺忪地转向我。

(his eyes being sleepy 省去了being, 等于He turned to me, and his eyes were sleepy.)He stood there, his mouth wide open.他站在那里, 嘴张得大大的。

(his mouth being wide open,等于He stood there, and his mouth was wide open.)


School over, we all went home.放学了, 我们都回家了。

(school being over,等于= School was over, and we all went home.)He sat at his desk, his shoes off.他坐在课桌旁, 没穿鞋子。(his shoes being off,等于He sat at his desk and his shoes were off.)


He is standing in front of the blackboard, his back towards us.他站在黑板面前, 背对着我们。

(He was standing in front of the blackboard, and his back was towards us.)The new teacher came in, a smile on her face.新老师面带微笑走了进来。

(The new teacher came in and she had a smile on her face.)The teacher came into the classroom, a rule in his hand.老师走进教室, 手里拿着一把直尺。

(The teacher came in and a ruler was in his hand.)提示:在“逻辑主语+介词短语”的独立主格结构里, 如果名词用单数, 可以不用冠词, 同时介词短语里的限定词也可省略。例如:

The music teacher stood at the door, violin in hand.音乐老师站在门口, 手里拿着一把小提琴。(a violin in his hand.)

三、with / without 引导的独立主格结构

在上面所讲的独立结构前,都可以加上介词with / without,构成了“with / without +宾语+宾语的补足语”的独立主格结构形式。例如:


He doesn’t like to sleep with the windows open.他不喜欢开着窗子睡觉。

= He doesn’t like to sleep when the windows are open.He stood in the rain, with his clothes wet.他站在雨中, 衣服湿透了。

= He stood in the rain, and his clothes were wet.注意:在with 的独立主格结构中, 也可用已形容词化的-ing形式或-ed形式。例如:

With his son so disappointing, the old man felt unhappy.由于儿子如此令人失望, 老人感到很不快乐。

With his father well-known, the boy didn’t want to study.父亲如此出名, 儿子不想读书。


Our school looks even more beautiful with all the lights on.所有的灯都打开时, 我们的学校看上去更美。

= Our school looks even more beautiful ifwhen all the lights are on.The boy was walking, with his father ahead.父亲在前, 小孩在后走着。

= The boy was walking and his father was ahead.3、with+名词代词、介词短语

He stood at the door, with a computer in his hand.或 He stood at the door, computer in hand.他站在门口, 手里拿着一部电脑。

= He stood at the door, and a computer was in his hand.Vincent sat at the desk, with a pen in his mouth.或 Vincent sat at the desk, pen in mouth.文森特坐在课桌前, 嘴里衔着一支笔。

= Vincent sat at the desk, and he had a pen in his mouth.4、with+名词代词、动词的-ed形式

With his homework done, Peter went out to play.作业做好了, 彼得出去玩了。

= When his homework was done, Peter went out to play.With the signal given, the train started.信号发出了, 火车开始起动了。= After the signal was given, the train started.I wouldn誸 dare go home without the job finished.工作还没完成, 我不敢回家。

= I wouldn't dare go home because the job was not finished.5、with+名词代词+动词的-ing形式

The man felt very happy with so many children sitting around him.有这么多的孩子坐在他周围, 那男子感到很高兴。

= The man felt very happy when he found so many children sitting around him.The girl hid her box without anyone knowing where it was.小女孩把盒子藏了起来, 没有人知道它在哪里。= The girl hid her box and no one knew where it was.Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window.他趁没人注意的时候, 从窗口溜走了。

= When no one was noticing, he slipped through the window.6、with+名词代词、动词不定式

The little boy looks sad, with so much homework to do.有这么多的家庭作业要做, 小男孩看上去很不开心。

= The little boy looks sad because he has so much homework to do.The kid feels excited with so many places of interest to visit.有这么多的名胜可参观, 小孩很激动。

The kid feels excited as there are so many places of interest to visit.[注意] 在with / without 的复合结构中, 多数情况下with 能省略, 但without 不能省略。Without a word more spoken, she left the meeting room.她没再说什么话就离开了会议室。(without不能省略)


独立主格结构在句中除了能充当各种状语外, 还能作定语。在形式上, “独立主格结构”可位于句首、句中或句尾, 并通常用逗号与主句隔开。


独立主格结构作状语, 其功能相当于一个状语从句或并列分句。(1)表示时间

Night coming on, we put ourselves up in a small hotel.夜幕降临, 我们在一家小旅馆住了下来。

(= When night came on, we put ourselves up in a small hotel.)All the guests seated, they began their dinner.所有的客人就坐后, 他们才开始吃饭。

(= When all the guests were seated, they began their dinner.)With everything she needed bought, Grace took a taxi home.所需要的都买好后, 格雷斯打的回家了。

(After everything she needed was bought, Grace took a taxi home.)(2)表示原因

With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.有许多难题要解决, 新当选的总统日子不好过。

(= As he has a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.)

There being no means of transportation, he had to walk home at midnight.由于在半夜没有交通工具了, 他只好步行回家。

(= As there was no means of transportation, he had to walk home at midnight.)(3)表示条件

Weather permitting, we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week.如果天气允许的话, 我们下星期将举行每年一次的运动会。

(= If weather permits, we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week.)

All the work done, you can have a rest.所有工作做好后, 你可以休息。

(=As long as all the work is done, you can have a rest.)

Everything taken into consideration, the plan seems to be more practical.如果从各方面考虑, 你的计划似乎更实际些。

(= If everything is taken into consideration, the plan seems to be more practical.)

[注意] 表示时间、原因、条件的独立主格结构一般放在句首, 并且不能保留连词。

【误】When class being over, the students left their classroom.【正】Class(being)over, the students left their classroom.下课了, 学生都离开了教室。

【误】The moon appearing and they continued their way.【正】The moon appearing, they continued their way.月亮出来了, 他们继续赶路。(4)表示伴随情况或补充说明

The strange man was walking down the street, with a stick in his hand.那个奇怪的男人在街上走着, 手里拿着根手杖。

(= The strange man was walking down the street, and he carried a stick in his hand.)

The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.杀人犯被带了进来, 手被捆在背后。

(=The murderer was brought in, and his hands were tied behind his back.)

Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children.有两百人在事故中丧生, 其中许多是儿童。

(Two hundred people died in the accident and many of them were children.)


独立主格结构作定语, 其功能相当于一个定语从句。

He is the person with a lot of questions to be settled.(with 的复合结构作定语, 修饰the student)他就是有许多问题要解决的那个人。

= He is the person who has a lot of questions to be settled.You can use a large plastic bottle with its top cut off.(with 的复合结构作定语, 修饰bottle)你可以使用一个颈被砍掉的大塑料瓶。

= You can use a large plastic bottle whose top was cut off.He was walking along the road without any street lights on its both sides.他走在一条两边没有路灯的马路上。(without的复合结构作定语, 修饰the road)

= He was walking along the road that didn誸 have any street lights on its both sides.[注意] 在这里我们讨论了很多用连词连接的两个句子改为独立主格结构的情况。需要提示的是, 不是所有用连词的地方都可以改为独立主格结构。

If you stand on the top of the mountain, the park looks more beautiful.如果你站在山顶上, 公园看上去更美。(不要改为独立主格结构)If you check your test paper carefully, some mistakes can be avoided.如果你仔细检查试卷的话, 有些错误是可以避免的。(不要改为独立主格结构)












The two boys said good-bye to each other, one to go home, the other to go to his friend’s.两个男孩彼此道了别,一个回了家,另一个去了他朋友家。


Winter coming, it gets colder and colder.冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。

The experiment done, we went home.实验做完了,我们回家了。


The clothes very dirty, you'd better wash them quickly.衣服很脏,你快点儿洗洗吧!


The lights off, we could not go on with the work.灯熄了,我们不能继续工作了。


He received many gifts, many of them books.他收到了很多礼物, 其中很多是书籍。


He came in, book in hand / a book in his hand.他进来了,手里拿着本书。




Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea.= After/ When her work was done, she sat

down for a cup of tea.她干完活后,坐下来喝茶。


Time/ Weather permitting, we'll have a holiday at weekends.如果时间/天气允许,我们周= If time / weather permits末就去度假。


There being no taxis, we had to walk.= Because there was no taxi, we had to walk.没有出租车,我们只好步行。


Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all.=Almost all metals are good conductors, and silver is the best of all.几乎所有的金属都是良导体,而银则是最好的导体。

注: 独立主格结构中的being done 表示“正在被”时,being不可省;当独立主格结构的逻


Food being cooked, I fell asleep.It being fine, we went hiking.There being no time left, we had to speed up.










The question being settled, we went home.问题解决之后,我们就回家了。

We shall play the match tomorrow, weather permitting.明天假设天气好,我们就进行比赛。The monitor being ill, we’d better put the meeting off.班长病了,我们最好还是延期开会吧。


The job finished, we went home.工作结束后我们就回家了。

The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.最后一班公车已经走了,我们必须走路回家。More time given, we should have done the job much better.如果给我们更多的时间,我们会把工作做得更好。


Nobody to come tomorrow, we will have to put off the meeting till next week.如果明天没有人来,我们将把会议推迟到下周。

So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed.有如此多的人来帮助他,他一定会成功的。


The soldiers dashed in, rifle in hand.士兵们端着枪冲了进来。A girl came in, book in hand.一个少女进来了,手里拿着书。

He was waiting, his eyes on her back.他在等着,眼睛望着她的背影。


He sat in the front row, his mouth half open.他坐在前排,嘴半开着。

She sat at the table, collar off, head down, and pen in position, ready to begin the long letter.她坐在桌前,衣领已解掉,头低了下来,拿好钢笔,准备开始写一封长信。

独立主格类型6:There being +名词(代词)

There being nothing else to do, we went home.没有别的事可做,我们就回家了。

There being no further business, I declare the meeting closed.没有再要讨论的事了,我宣布散会。

独立主格类型7:It being +名词(代词)

It being Christmas, the government offices were closed.由于圣诞节的缘故,政府机关都休息。It being a holiday, all the shops were shut.由于今天是假日,所有商店都关门了。

一切为了孩子的未来 1


说明:独立主格结构有时可在其前加上介词with。如: Don’t sleep with the windows open.别开着窗睡觉。

He stood before his teacher with his head down.他低着头站在老师面前。He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.他和衣躺在床上。She came in with a book in her hand.她手里拿着一本书走了进来。He fell asleep with the lamp burning.他没熄灯就睡着了。

I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.因为妈妈有病,我无法去度假。He sat there with his eyes closed.他闭目坐在那儿。

All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash.要洗这些衣服,我无法出去了.三、英语独立主格结构的用法



The work done(=After the work had been done), we went home.工作完成后,我们就回家了。2.用作条件状语

Weather permitting(=If weather permits), they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。3.用作原因状语

An important lecture to be given tomorrow(=As an important lecture will be given tomorrow), the professor has to stay up late into the night.因为明天要发表一个重要的演讲,教授不得不熬夜到很晚。


He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head(=and his hands were crossed under his head).他躺在草地上,两手交叉枕在脑后。5.表示补充说明

A hunter came in, his face red with cold(=and his face was red with cold).一个猎人走了进来,他的脸冻得通红。

We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two.我们加倍努力,一个人干两个人的活。注:独立主格结构表示时间、条件或原因时,相当于一个状语从句,一般放在句首,表示原因时还可放在句末;表伴随状况或补充说明时,相当于一个并列句,通常放于句末。



After class was over(=Class being over / Class over), the students soon left the classroom.下课后,学生很快离开了课室。

2.在下列两种情况下,独立主格结构中的being(或having been)不能省略:

(1)独立主格的逻辑主语是代词时。如:It being Sunday, we went to church.因为是星期天,我们去了做礼拜。

(2)在There being+名词的结构中。如:

There being no bus, we had to go home on foot.因为没有公共汽车,所以我们不得不步行回家。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

一切为了孩子的未来 2



Miss Smith entered the classroom, book in hand.史密斯先生走进了课室,手里拿着一本书。比较with的复合结构:Miss Smith entered the classroom, with a book in his hand.4.独立主格结构没有所有格形式。如:

The chief-editor arriving, we began the meeting.主编来了,我们开始开会。比较动名词复合结构:

The chief-editor’s arriving made us very surprised.5.独立主格结构作时间或原因状语时,可用完成时,表示该动作发生在谓语之前。如: The listeners having taken their seats, the concert began.听众坐好后,音乐会开始了。

Tom having been late over and over, his boss was very disappointed.由于汤姆一再迟到,他的老板非常失望。




Nobody to come tomorrow, we will have to put off the meeting till next week.如果明天没有人来,我们将把会议推迟到下周。

So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed.有如此多的人来帮助他,他一定会成功的。We divided the work, he to dean the window and I to sweep the floor.我们分了工,他擦窗户,我扫地。



She ran up to me, her hair flying in the wind.她向我跑来,秀发在风中飘扬着。

We explored the caves, Peter acting as a guide.由彼得作向导,我们探查了那些洞穴。

We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two.我们加倍努力,一个人干两个人的活。注:有时现在分词不表示进行,而表示一般情况。如:

Their room was on the third floor, it’s window overlooking the sports ground.他们的房间在三层楼上,窗户俯视着操场。3.名词或代词+过去分词


Everyone helped, John not excepted.大家都来帮忙,约翰也不例外。

All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs.积蓄全部用完了,我们就开始找工作。This done, they next set to clean the room.做完这件事之后,他们接下来就开始清理房间。She gazed, her hands clasped to her breast.她凝视着,双手叉在胸前。

一切为了孩子的未来 3


【现学现用】1 1.I send you 100 dollars today, the rest _________ in a year.A.follows


C.to follow

D.being followed 2.All things _________, I think we ought to give the job to George.A.considered


C.to consider

D.being considered 3.The river _________ in the night, the crossing was impossible.A.to rise


C.having risen

D.being risen 4.More time _________, we should have done the job much better.A.to give


C.being given

D.given 5.We shall play the match tomorrow, weather _________.(from www.xiexiebang.com)A.permits


C.to permit

D.permitted 6.The monitor _________ ill, we’d better put the meeting off.A.being

B.to be


D.to have been 7.An important lecture _________ given tomorrow, the professor has to stay up late into the night.A.to be



D.to have been 8.He was lying on the grass, his hands _________ under his head.A.to cross



D.to be crossing 9.Tom _________ late over and over, his boss was very disappointed.A.having been


C.to be

D.to being 10.Other things _________ equal, I would buy the black dress not the white one.A.being

B.to be


D.having been

【现学现用】2 1.A new technique _______, the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.A)working out C)having been worked out

B)having worked out D)to have been worked out

2.All things _______, the planned trip will have to be called off.A)considered B)be considered C)considering D)having considered

3.All flights _______ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.A)had been canceled B)have been canceled C)were canceled D)having been canceled

4.So many directors _______, the board meeting had to be put off.A)were absent B)been absent C)had been absent D)being absent

5.All the tasks _______ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.A)been fulfilled B)having been fulfilled C)were fulfilled D)had been fulfilled

一切为了孩子的未来 4


6.All flights _______ because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train.A)having been canceled

C)having canceled B)had been canceled

D)were canceled

7.The speech _______, a lively discussion started.A)being delivered B)was delivered C)be delivered D)having been delivered

8.Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _______ it closely.A)followed B)following C)to follow D)being following

9._______, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.A)Other things being equal C)To be equal to other things B)Were other things equal D)Other things to be equal

10.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _______ on benches,chairs or boxes.A)having seated B)seating C)seated D)having been seated

11._______ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldn't go on with the experiment.A)Since B)For C)As D)With

12._______ in the United States, St.Louis has now become the 24th largest city.A)being the fourth biggest city B)It was once the fourth biggest city C)Once the fourth biggest city D)The fourth biggest city it was

【现学现用】3 1.The meeting____ over, we all left the room.(上海1987)


B.to be


D.would be

2.European football is played in 80 countries, it___ the most popular sport in the world.(NMET1998)A.making



D.to make

3.___such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.(NMET2001)

A.Having suffered


C.To suffer


4.The fish____ bad, the children left much of it.A.tasted, untouched

B.tasting, untouched

C.tasting, untouching

D.tasted, untouching w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 5.___ from what you say, he ought to succeed.A.Judged


C.When you judged

D.Because you judge

一切为了孩子的未来 5


6.Everything___ into consideration, they ought to have another chance.A.to take


C.to be taken


7.Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work ______, we didn’taccept the offer.A.not being finished

B.not having finished

C.had not been finished

D.was not finished

8.There are various kinds of metals, each ______ its own properties(特性).A.has


C.to have


9.The old man stood under a big tree, ______.A.a pipe in mouth

B.with a pipe in mouth

C.pipe in mouth

D.pipe in his mouth

10.The production ______ steadily, the factory needs an ever-increasing supply of raw material.A.has gone up

B.is going up

C.having gone up

D.being gone up

独立主格结构巩固练习1 1.______ no bus, we had to walk home.A.There was

B.There being

C.Because there being

D.There were 2.____, I'll go there with you tomorrow afternoon.A.Time permits

B.If time permitting

C.Time permitting

D.Time's permitting 3._____, we all went home happily.A.Goodbye was said

B.Goodbye had been said

C.Goodbye said

D.When goodbye said 4._____, we all went swimming in high spirits.A.It being fine weather

B.It fine weather C.It was fine weather

D.It being a fine weather 5.____, the bus started at once.A.The signal was given

B.The signal giving C.The signal given

D.When the signal given 6.She stood there, _____ from her cheeks.A.tears' rolling down

B.tears rolled down

C.with tears rolled down

D.tears rolling down 7.____, the leaves are turning green.A.When spring coming on

B.Spring coming on C.Spring came on

D.Spring being come on 8._____, I had to buy a new one.A.My dictionary losing

B.My dictionary having been lost C.My dictionary had been lost

D.Because my dictionary lost 9.I used to sleep with the window _____.A.opened


C.opening D to open 10.____, the hunter went into the forest.一切为了孩子的未来 6


A.A gun on shoulder

B.A gun was on his shoulder C.Gun on shoulder

D.A gun being on shoulder

11.____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A.As



D.Through 12.With a lot of work ____, I have to sit up tonight.A.do



D.to do 13.He stood there silently, his lips_____.A.trembling


C.were trembling

D.were trembling 14._____, her suggestion is of greater value than yours.A.All things considering

B.All things considered

C.All things were considered

D.With all things were considered 15.______, we will surely succeed.A.The teacher helping us

B.The teacher to help us

C.The teacher will help us

D.With the teacher helping

独立主格结构巩固练习2 1.The thief stood before the policeman,____ admitting what he had done.A.with his drooping head

B.drooping his head C.raising his head

D.with his head down

2.__________ ,he can't go out for a walk as usual.A.With so much work to do

B.With so much work doing C.With so much work done

D.Without so much work to do

3.It's quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth _______and his eyes __________.A.closed;open

B.closed;opened C.closing;open


4.All things __________ ,the plan trip will have to be called off.A.be considered



D.having considering

5.__________ ,we have to get down to business right away.A.As there was no time left

B.There is no time left C.There being no time left

D.There to be no time left

6.__________ yesterday,we went out for a walk.A.As a fine day

B.It was a fine day

C.It being a fine day

D.For it was a fine day w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

7.The old man stood there,__________.A.with back against the wall

B.with his back against the wall

一切为了孩子的未来 7


C.with back against wall

D.his back against wall


1.______ no bus, we had to walk home.A.There was

B.There being

C.Because there being 2.____, I'll go there with you tomorrow afternoon.A.Time permits

B.If time permitting

C.Time permitting

D.Time's permitting 3._____, we all went home happily.A.Goodbye was said

B.Goodbye had been said

C.Goodbye said

D.When goodbye said 4._____, we all went swimming in high spirits.A.It being fine weather

B.It fine weather

C.It was fine weather

D.It being a fine weather 5.____, the bus started at once.A.The signal was given

B.The signal giving

C.The signal given

D.When the signal given 6.She stood there, _____ from her cheeks.w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A.tears' rolling down

B.tears rolled down

C.with tears rolled down

D.tears rolling down 7.____, the leaves are turning green.A.When spring coming on

B.Spring coming on

C.Spring came on

D.Spring being come on 8._____, I had to buy a new one.A.My dictionary losing

B.My dictionary having been lost

C.My dictionary had been lost

D.Because my dictionary lost 9.I used to sleep with the window _____.A.opened


C.opening D to open 10.____, the hunter went into the forest.A.A gun on shoulder

B.A gun was on his shoulder

C.Gun on shoulder

D.A gun being on shoulder 11.____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A.As



D.Through 12.With a lot of work ____, I have to sit up tonight.A.do



D.to do 13.He stood there silently, his lips_____.A.trembling


C.were trembling

D.were trembling 14._____, her suggestion is of greater value than yours.A.All things considering

B.All things considered

C.All things were considered

D.With all things were considered 15.______, we will surely succeed.A.The teacher helping us

B.The teacher to help us

C.The teacher will help us

D.With the teacher helping

一切为了孩子的未来 8



1.______ no bus, we had to walk home.A.There was

B.There being

C.Because there being

D.There were

2.____, I'll go there with you tomorrow afternoon.A.Time permits

B.If time permitting

C.Time permitting

D.Time's permitting 3._____, we all went home happily.A.Goodbye was said

B.Goodbye had been said

C.Goodbye said

D.When goodbye said 4._____, we all went swimming in high spirits.A.It being fine weather

B.It fine weather

C.It was fine weather

D.It being a fine weather

5.____, the bus started at once.A.The signal was given

B.The signal giving

C.The signal given

D.When the signal given

6.She stood there, _____ from her cheeks.A.tears' rolling down

B.tears rolled down

C.with tears rolled down

D.tears rolling down 7.____, the leaves are turning green.A.When spring coming on

B.Spring coming on C.Spring came on

D.Spring being come on 8._____, I had to buy a new one.w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m A.My dictionary losing

B.My dictionary having been lost C.My dictionary had been lost

D.Because my dictionary lost 9.I used to sleep with the window _____.A.opened


C.openingD to open 10.____, the hunter went into the forest.A.A gun on shoulder

B.A gun was on his shoulder C.Gun on shoulder

D.A gun being on shoulder

11.____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A.As




12.With a lot of work ____, I have to sit up tonight.A.do



D.to do 13.He stood there silently, his lips_____.A.trembling


C.were trembling

D.were trembling 14._____, her suggestion is of greater value than yours.A.All things considering

B.All things considered

C.All things were considered

D.With all things were considered 15.______, we will surely succeed.A.The teacher helping us

B.The teacher to help us

一切为了孩子的未来 9


C.The teacher will help us

D.With the teacher helping

【参考答案】1—5 CACDB 6—10 AABAA 答案:CDBDB AABACDC 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.7.A,但是最好是not having been finished 8.D 9.C 10.C 答案:


6-10 DBBBC

11-15 CDABB 答案: 1—5 DAABC 6—7 CB 答案:1-5 BCCAC 6-10 DBBBC 11-15 CDABB 答案:1-5 BCCAC 6-10DBBBC 11-15 CDABB 一切为了孩子的未来 10



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