Unit 7 Animals Lesson 1 Teaching aims: Vocabulary: rabbit
numbers one through ten
fish Structures(New)
Receptive: What is it?
Productive: It’s a dog.Structures(Review)
Receptive: How many…? Teaching preparation:
Prepare the posters and flashcards for this lesson.Teaching steps:
Step1:review the numbers one through ten.Call out numbers from one trough ten randomly.Have children listen and hold up the correct number of fingers. Step2:Preview
Review the words dog, cat and fish with the flashcards.Hold up the flashcard for rabbit.Present the word rabbit.Model the word at least twice, and then have the children repeat after you in a choral drill.Point to the picture and elicit the word from individual children.Repeat the step above to present the new vocabulary: bird.Review the five words by repeating the step above. Step3:Presentation of new language
Have children open their books and look at the picture.Using Chinese, discuss the picture.Ask children where the characters are, what they are doing, how they feel, what Ann has bought, and so on.Ask, “What colors can you see ?” Hold up your copy of the book and point to different animals, eliciting the colors.Now point to the dogs and ask, “How many dogs are there?” Elicit, “Three.”
Repeat the step above for bird, cat, rabbit, and fish. Step4:Talk about the story
Have the children look at the pictures as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5:Touch and say
Have children open their books and direct their attention to the pictures and words along the foot of the page.Play the tape, and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.Without the tape, read the words together.板书设计:
Lesson 1 What is it? It’s a dog.How many…? 课后小结:由于是新授课,学生对单词的掌握情况不太熟练,下节课要多练习。Lesson 2 Teaching aims: Structures(Review)
What is it?
It’s a dog.Vocabulary: dog
bird Teaching preparation:
The flashcards for this Unit.Teaching steps: Step 1:Preview
Review the flashcards for this Unit.Collect together pictures of fish, dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds.Cover one of the pictures with a piece of card so that when you hold it up, the children cannot see what it is.Have the children guess what animal it is.Elicit “It’s a fish.” Repeat the steps for dog, cat, rabbit, and bird. Step 2:Trace and match
Have the children look at the pictures to be traced at page 4.Have the children trace the animals and say the sentences for each one.Now have children read the sentences on the page.Direct them to join the words to the matching pictures with a pencil. Step 3:Sing the song Read the words and have children listen and follow the words silently.Play the tape without stopping.Have children listen and point to each number and animal as it mentioned.Play the song again and have children join in with the words.As they chant they should point to the illustrations.Divide the class into five groups.Assign each group two consecutive numbers.Each group sings a verse and the class mimes or does an imitation of the animals mentioned. Step 4:Set homework Ask the children to remember the words.课后小结:学生对数字掌握的比较熟练,但个别学生对句子掌握的不是太好,下课后需多加辅导。Lesson 3 Teaching aims: Review: What is it?
It’s a dog.Teaching preparation: Flashcards for cat, dog, rabbit, fish, and bird.Pencils or crayons.Teaching steps: Step 1:Listen and practice Have the children open their books at page 6.draw their attention to the photograph of the mouse.Point to the picture on the page and say, “This is mouse.” Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen.Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, mouse.Repeat the procedure above for the words monkey, net and nest. Step2:Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a thyme about animals.Play the tape, the teacher acts out the thyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the thyme.Play the tape for third time, have the children listen to the tape and encourage them to say one or two words with the tape.Play the tape again and again and have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher while trying to say the rhyme. Step 3:Match and draw Hold up your copy of the book, point to each drawing and elicit the name of the animal.Draw children’s attention to the seven pictures of pet animal habitats.Explain that they are going to decide which animal lives where.Now have the children copy the line drawing of each animal into the correct place. Step 4:Homework Ask each child to make a mask of their favorite animal.课后小结:这节课作练习效果比较好,学生掌握单词的熟练程度好多了。Lesson 4 Teaching aims: Structures(Review)What is it?
It’s a dog. Vocabulary: dog
mouse monkey Teaching step: Step 1: Warm-up Review he rhyme from the previous lesson.Have children say the rhyme in a class chorus.Then say it in teams or chose individual student to say the rhyme.Encourage students singing animal songs or saying animal rhyme while imitating the animal. Step 2 Review with poster Using Chinese, ask them to describe the picture.Ask where the characters are, what they are doing and how the children think the characters feel.Say, “Point to a dog.” and have the children point to a dog.Repeat this for bird, cat, fish, and rabbit.Practice asking yes/no questions.Point to the rabbit and ask, “Is it a dog?” Elicit, “No” or “No, it is a rabbit.” Step 3: Match and color Say, “Open your books.” Have the children look at the picture.Say “Find a dog.” Have children point to a dog in the picture.Repeat the step above for fish, cat, rabbit, bird, mouse and monkey.Draw children’s attention to the text at the top of the page.Have them read each sentence silently.Explain that they are going to match each sentence with one of the animals.Set enough time for children to do the matching activity.Then have them color each animal according to the sentences. Step 4: Find and color Have the children open their books and look at the picture.Explain that in the picture there are some animals.Give children a few minutes to look for the animals.When all the children have found the animals, they can color them and share their pictures with class. Step 5: Set homework Review the words 课后小结:在做练习之前先对单词进行复习,学生熟练掌握之后,再做单词连线,学生掌握的比较好。Unit 8 Shapes Lesson 1 Teaching aims: Structures(New)Receptive: What shape is it?
Productive: It’s a square. Structures(Review)Receptive: What is it?
Productive: It’s a dog. Vocabulary(New):square circle triangle star
heart rectangle Vocabulary(Review): dog cat rabbit fish bird mouse monkey net nest Teaching preparation: Prepare student cards, poster for this Unit, scissors, crayons, and pencils.Teaching Steps: Step 1: Review Review the words.Ask, “What is it ?” and have children respond, “It’s a dog.” Repeat for all the words of animals. Step 2: Preview Use the flashcards to present the new vocabulary.Hold up the flashcard for square and have children look at it.Point to the square and say, “It’s a square.” Present the word, square.Model the word at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill.Then point to the shape and elicit the word from individual children.Repeat the step above and present the new vocabulary: circle, triangle, rectangle, star, and heart.Review the six new words by holding up different shapes and eliciting the word from the children in a choral drill, and then from individuals. Step 3: Model the dialog Pin up the Poster for this Unit where all the children can see it.Allow a few minutes for the children to look at it.Using the cookies on the poster to present the other new structures: It’s a square, It’s a circle, It’s a triangle. Step 4: Talk about the story Have the children open their books at pages 10.Have the class look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5: Story Play the tape and have the children look at the pictures as they listen.Play the tape again, pausing at each picture.Have the children repeat the words each time. Step 5: Set homework Ask the children to remember the words and practice the sentences.课后小结:本课的单词为形状类,而且发音较难,可以指出新单词中发音与原来所学单词相同,学生接受的会更快一些,例如:circle中的/ir/与bird中的/ir/发音相同。Lesson 2 Teaching aims: Structures(Review)Receptive: What shape is it?
Productive: It’s a square. Vocabulary: square circle triangle star heart rectangle Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.The puppet of Uncle Booky.Pencils and crayons for coloring.Teaching steps: Step 1: Review Have the children take out the set of shapes that they made in the previous lesson.Say, “Star” and have children stand up and hold up their star shape.Repeat the step above for square, circle, triangle, rectangle, and heart.Let children call out shape names and have the class listen and trace the shape in the air. Step 2: Preview Place your set of flashcards in a box, a hat, or inside a book so that the children cannot see.Very slowly remove one of the shapes from the box.Children watch and try to guess what the shape is.Have them call out, “It’s a square.”
Continue until you have revealed all the shapes. Step 3: Look and draw Student Activity Book page 12 Have the children look at the shapes to be traced.Give the children a few minutes to look the picture carefully, and find the shapes.Do the first line with the children and give children enough time to finish all the blanks.Check the answers by having children hold up their books and show their pictures to the rest of the class. Step 4: Sing the song Explain to the children that they are going to learn a sng about shapes.Say the names of the shapes and have children point to each one.Read the words and have children listen and follow th e words silently.Now play the tape without stopping.Have children listen and point to each shape as it is mentioned.Play the song angina.Have children join in with the words.As they sing, they should point to the shapes. Set homework Sing the new song to their families.课后小结:兴趣是最好的老师,在游戏中教学往往得到很好的效果,本节课的歌曲引导学生在韵律和节奏中记忆掌握单词,学生掌握情况好多了。Lesson 3 Teaching aims: Structures(Review)Receptive: What shape is it?
Productive: It’s a square. Vocabulary: square circle triangle star heart rectangle Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.Children’s sets of shapes.Pencils and crayons for coloring.Teaching steps: Step 1: Review Review the flashcards for shapes that the children have already known. Step 2: Listen and practice Direct children to open their books and draw their attention to the photograph of he orange.Point to the picture and say, “This is an orange.”
Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen.Play the tape on more time and have children listen and repeat he word, orange.Repeat the procedure above for other words, octopus, and pen.Review the word pencil with the flashcard. Step 3: Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape , the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Encourage children to say one or two words with the tape.Have the children act out with the teacher while trying to say the rhyme. Step 4: Trace and match Have children look at the shapes to be traced at page 15.Direct the children to trace each shape carefully and produce the word for each one.Now have them read the vocabulary words on the page.Explain that they are going to match each word with one of the shapes.Have children join the words to the shapes with a pencil. Step 5: Set homework Ask the children to say the rhyme to their families.课后小结:歌谣提高了学生的兴趣,大部分学生听说练习都达到了熟练的程度,个别学生需要辅导。Lesson 4 Teaching aims: Structures(Review)Receptive: What shape is it?
Productive: It’s a square. Vocabulary: square
heart rectangle orange octopus ostrich pig peacock Teaching preparation:
poster for this Unit Pencils and crayons for coloring Teaching steps: Step 1: Warm-up Review the rhyme from the previous lesson.Have children say the rhyme in a class chorus, then in teams or chose individual student to say it.Review the words belong to shapes. Step 2: Review with poster Give the children an opportunity to produce anything they can about the illustration.Point to different objects and ask, “What color?” Elicit, red, brown, green and so on.Point to different objects and ask, “How many?” Elicit, one, two, and so on.Say, “Show me a circle.” Have children point to a circle.Repeat the step above for square, triangle, star, and heart. Step 3: Read and color Direct their attention to the instructions in the top left-hand corner of the page 16.Read the instructions together and check that all the children understand what they are going to do.Have children find the shapes within the body of the robot and color according to he instructions.Check the answers by having children hold up their books and show their colored pictures to the rest of the class. Step 4: Find and color Explain that children are going to look for the shapes within the picture and say the name of each one.Ask the children to color the shapes and check the answers. Step 5: Set homework Ask the children to review the words and sentences of this unit.课后小结:通过复习和练习,大部分学生已经掌握了本单元的单词和指令,课本练习中的涂色练习很好的检查了学生掌握单词的情况,根据教学反馈及时调整教学进度和教学方式。Unit 9 Food and drink Lesson 1 Teaching aims: Structures(New)
Productive: I like hamburgers. Structures(Review)Receptive: What shape is it?
Productive: It’s a square. Vocabulary: hamburgers
French fries pizza
chicken juice milk ice cream rice noodles Teaching preparation: Flashcards for Unit 8.The poster for this unit Scissors, pencils, and crayons for coloring Teaching steps: Step 1: Review Review the words of shapes. Step 2: Preview Use the flashcards of food and drink items to present the new vocabulary.Hold up the flashcard for milk.Say, “It’s milk.” Present the word milk.Model the word at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then elicit the word from individuals.Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: hamburgers ,French fries, pizza, chicken, juice, milk, ice cream, rice and noodles.Review the nine new words by holding up the flashcards and eliciting the words from the children in a choral drill, then from individuals. Step 3: Presentation of new language Pin up the poster for this unit where all the children can see it.Allow a few moments for the children to look at it.Teach the concept of “like.” Point to the hamburgers on the poster and convey the idea to the children that you like them.Present the structure, I like hamburgers.Model the structure at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then elicit the structure from individuals.Repeat the step above ad, using the food and drink illustrations in the poster, present the other new structures:I like French fries, I like pizza, I like chicken, I like juice, I like milk and so on. Step 4: Story Have the children open their books to pages 18.Have the children look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5: Touch and say Have children open their books and direct their attention to the illustrations and words that appear around the border.Play the tape, and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.Touch the photograph of pizza, say, “I like pizza.” Repeat this procedure for other photographs.Have children word in pairs.One child points to pictures of food and drink items that he or she likes and produces the structure.The other child looks and listens.Explain to the children that they only point and talk about the pictures of the food and drinks that they like. Step 6: Set homework Ask the children to remember the words of food.课后小结:用情景来引入课文,发现学生的兴趣很高,而且学习效率也提高了很多,以后要多多采用。Lesson 2 Teaching aims: Structures(Review)Productive: I like hamburgers. Vocabulary: hamburgers
French fries pizza
chicken juice milk ice cream rice noodles Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.Pencils or crayons Children’s sets of food and drink cards.Teaching steps: Step 1: Warm-up Hold up the flashcard for milk.With the other hand bounce a ball on the floor and have children produce the word milk each time you bounce the ball.Vary the pace at which you bounce the ball.Repeat the procedure with the pictures for the other vocabulary items. Step 2: Preview Cover the flashcard for ice cream with a piece of paper or card so that the children cannot see the picture.Hold up the covered picture and very slowly begin removing the paper or card.Children try and guess what the food or drink item is.Have them call out their guesses.Continue until you have revealed all the vocabulary items. Step 3: Trace and circle Have the children look at the pictures to be traced.Have children carefully race each item and orally produce the word for each one.Now have them read the vocabulary words below each picture.Explain that they are going to choose the correct word for the picture and circle it.Have children circle one of the words with a pencil. Step 4: Sing the song Tell children that they are going to learn a song about food and drink.Read the words and have children listen and follow the words silently.Explain that only the first three verses are printed on the page, but that the children will hear about all the food and drink items that are illustrate.Now play the tape without stopping.Have children isten and point to each food or drink item as it is mentioned.Play the song again and have children join in with the words.As they sing, they should point to the pictures. Step 5: Set the homework Ask the children to sing the song to their families.课后小结:指令练习和歌曲提高了学生的兴趣,在游戏中教学,可以达到事半功倍的效果。Lesson 3 Teaching aims: Structures(Review)Productive: I like hamburgers. Vocabulary: hamburgers
French fries pizza
chicken juice milk ice cream rice noodles quilt queen Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.Pencils or crayons Children’s sets of food and drink cards.Teaching steps: Step 1: Warm-up Review the rhyme from the previous lesson.Have children say the rhyme in a class chorus, then have them say it in teams or chose individual student to say.Review the sentence “I like milk.”
Step 2: Listen and practice Have the children open their books at page 22.Point to the picture and say, “This is a quilt.”
Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen.Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, quilt.Repeat the procedure above the words queen, rabbit and rice. Step 3: Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape, the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Play the tape again and again and have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher while trying to say the rhyme. Step 4: Read and draw Have the children open their books to page 23.Have them look at the pictures of food and drink and elicit the vocabulary.Point to the picture of pizza and ask them which category it belongs to.Repeat this for the other eight items.Allow the children time to draw each item in the appropriate group.课后小结:在歌谣学习过程中,鼓励学生看图猜测歌谣大意,引导学生主动学习,并通过歌谣的学习复习单词,效果较好。Lesson 4 Teaching aims: Structures(review)Productive: I like hamburgers. Vocabulary: hamburgers
French fries pizza
chicken juice milk ice cream rice noodles quilt queen rain robot Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.Pencils or crayons Children’s sets of food and drink cards.Teaching steps: Step 1: Warm-up Have children pick a card from their sets of food and drink items.Have them read it and practice the sentences. Step 2: Review with poster Review the vocabulary and structures for this Unit with the poster.Give children an opportunity to produce anything they can about the illustration.Point to the pizza that Ken is eating and ask, “What is it?” Elicit, “Pizza.”
Repeat the step above for the other eight vocabulary items.Point to Mocky’s speech bubble and say, “I like hamburgers.” Have children repeat after you.Point to the other food and drink items and elicit the I like „ structure as a choral drill, then from individuals. Step 3: Read and match Have them read each one silently then look at the pictures.Explain that they are going to match each sentence with one of the pictures.Have children match each sentence to one of the pictures with a line.Check the activity by having volunteers read out a sentence and show the class the picture to which it refers. Step 4: Find and color Have the children look at the picture at page 25.Explain that they are going to look for things within the picture and color each one in a different color.Have the children count the number of each object and write the number on the right column. Step 5: Set homework Ask class to review the words and sentences of this unit.课后小结:本节课是复习课,做练习之前对单词和句型进行充分的复习,再做课本上的涂色与连线练习,学生掌握的效果很好。Unit 10 Family Lesson 1 Teaching aims: Structures(New)Who’s this? This is my mother. Structures(Review)I like hamburgers. Vocabulary(New)Mother father sister brother friend Vocabulary(Review)Hamburgers French fries pizza chicken juice milk ice cream noodles Teaching preparation Children’s sets of food and drink picture cards from unit 9 The poster for this unit The mask of Ann A piece of paper for each child, and crayons for coloring.Teaching steps: Step1: Warm-up Review the food and drink vocabulary from the previous unit. Step 2: Preview Use the poster for this unit to present the new vocabulary.Pin up the poster where all the children can see it and hae them look at it for a few moments.Explain that today they are going to learn about family members.Point to the picture of Ann’s mother and say, “This is Ann’s mother.” Model the word at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then point to the picture and elicit the word from individuals.Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: father, sister, brother, friend.Review the new words by pointing to different people in the picture and eliciting the appropriate word from the children. Step 3 presentation of new language Have the children look at the poster.Point to Ann’s mother in the poster and say, “This is my mother.” Present the structure at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill.Repeat the step above and , by pointing to the other people in the picture, present the other new structures: This is my father.This is my sister.This is my brother.This is my friend.Review the structures by pointing to different people in the picture eliciting the structure as a choral drill, then from individual children. Step 4 Talk about the story Have the children open the book at pages 26.Have the children look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5 Extension Hand out a piece of paper for each child.Explain that they are going to draw pictures of their families.It will include their mother, father, sisters, and brothers.Ask them to include a drawing of a friend.Children place their completed drawings on he desk in front of them.Call out items and have children point to the people in their pictures. Step 6 Set homework Ask children to bring in a photograph or photographs of their families and friends for the next lesson.课后小结:本单元的重点词汇属于家庭类,在引入时注意设置适当的情景启动学生的原有知识库,调动学生学习积极性。Lesson 2 Teaching aims Structures(Review)This is my mother. Vocabulary Mother
Teaching preparation Flashcards for Unit 10 Children’s family photographs.Teaching steps: Step 1 Flashcards review Use the flashcards to review vocabulary for this Unit. Step 2 Read and match Have the children look at the pictures of family on the page 28.Direct the children to read the words on the page.Explain that they are going to match each word with a character in the picture.Set a reasonable time for children to complete the task.Check the activity by having children hold up their books and show the class which word they joined with each character.If there is time, children can color the picture. Step 3 Sing the song Have the children open their books at page 29.Explain that they are going to learn a new song about family and friends.Say the words and have children point to each person as you say them.Read the words and have children listen and follow the words silently.Explain that only the first three verses are printed on the page, but that the children will hear about all the people who are illustrate.Play the tape without stopping.Have the children listen and point each family member as they are mentioned.Play the tape again and have children join in with the words.As they sing, they should point to the pictures.Have children take out their family photographs or drawings.Encourage volunteers to point to one of their family members and sing a verse of he song about them. Step 4 Set homework Explain to the children that you want them to sing the new song to their families.课后小结:在课堂上适当调整内容结构,融入一些音乐,学生在欢乐中学到的知识更牢固,以后要多采用。Lesson 3 Teaching aims: Structures(Review)This is my mother. Vocabulary(Review)Mother
sister brother
friend Vocabulary(New)Salad
tea Teaching preparation You will need: Pencils and crayons for coloring Children’s family photographs or drawings.Teaching steps: Step 1 Review Review the words and sentences that have learned. Step 2 Listen and practice Have the children open their books at page 30.Draw their attention to the photograph of the sandwich.Point to the photograph of the word.Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as the listen.Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, sandwich.Repeat the procedure above for the word salad, tomato and tea. Step 3 Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape, the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Play the tape again and again and have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher while trying to say the rhyme. Step 4 Trace and match Direct children’s attention to the things they are going to trace.Help them to trace the food and drink carefully and say the names of these things.Read the words in the middle of the page.Ask children to match the pictures with the words.If there is time, have children color the pictures. Step 5 Set homework Tell the children that you want them to color the pictures for homework.课后小结:同过反复的听说练习,加强了学生对单词和句型的理解,在做练习前先复习所学知识,效果比较好。Lesson 4 Teaching aims Structures(Review)This is my mother. Vocabulary Mother
tea Teaching preparation The poster of this unit.Pencils and crayons for coloring.Teaching steps: Step 1 Review with poster Using Chinese, talk about the picture.Discuss what Ann and Mocky are doing, where the family is on vacation and what each person is doing in the pictures.Point to the ice cream and ask, “What’s this?” Elicit, “Ice cream.” Review the family members and friend. Step 2 Read and circle Have the children open their books at page 32 and ask them to look at the family tree.Using Chinese, ask them if they know what a family tree.Point to each person in the family tree and elicit the vocabulary words.Now have children read the words below each illustration.Explain that they are going to circle the word that describes the person above/ Have children circle five words and then check the activity together.Have children hold up their books and show the class the word that they circled for each person. Step 3 Find and color Have children look at the picture and say anything they can about it in English.Point to different family members in the picture and elicit the vocabulary.Explain that children are going to look for the things they have learned within the picture and color each one in a different color.Set enough time for the children to color the picture and check the exercise by having children hold up their books and show their pictures to the rest of the class. Step 4 Set homework Review the words of this unit.课后小结:通过学习,学生对单词和句型已经熟练掌握,在原有知识的基础上让学生理解家庭树的含义,学生的兴趣很高,求知欲强,效果比较好。Unit 11 Clothes Lesson 1 Teaching aims Structures(New)It’s a dress.They are pants. Structures(Review)This is my sister. Vocabulary Dress
shoes Teaching preparation Prepare the flashcards for this unit and the poster for this unit.Teaching steps Step 1 Warm-up Review the family words and rhyme from the previous unit. Step 2 Preview Hold up the flashcard for sweater.Say, “It’s a sweater.” Model the word sweater at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then elicit the word from individuals.Repeat the step above and present the new words shirt and dress.Now hold up the flashcard for pants.Say, “They are pants.” Model the word pants at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then elicit the word from individuals.Repeat the step to present shoes and socks.Review the new words by holding up different flashcards and eliciting the word from the children in a choral drill. Step 3 Story Have the children open their books at pages 34.Have them look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 4 Touch and say Have children open their books and direct their attention to the words that appear along the foot of the page.Play the tape , and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.Direct the children to look at the pictures at the bottom of this page.Have them work in pairs, taking turns to point to and say the words for all the pictures.Provide a teacher-children example: have one child point to a photograph;you respond with the word. Step 5 Set homework Have children open their books to the page of the clothes cards.Have the children color them.课后小结:本单元为服装类词汇,在引入新单词时,要先复习以前所学的颜色词汇,在由学生本身的着装引入所学单词,效果较好。Lesson 2 Teaching aims Structures(Review)It’s a shirt.They are shoes. Vocabulary Dress
shoes Teaching preparation Prepare the flashcards for this unit and the poster for this unit.Children’s clothes picture cards.Teaching steps Step 1 Review Have children take turns to call out words and have the other children listen and hold up their picture cards. Step 2 Preview Cover the flashcard of a dress with a piece of paper or a card so the children cannot see it.Hold up the covered flashcard and gradually reveal it by slowl removing the paper or card.Have children try to guess what the clothing item is.Explain that they must use It is or They are in order to win the point.Have theme call out their guesses individually, or make it into a team game.Repeat the procedure with the flashcards of the other clothes vocabulary. Step 3 Trace and match Have children open their books and look at the pictures that they are going to trace and guess what each one is.Elicit, “It’s a shirt.” Or “They are socks.”
Now have children trace each item of clothing with a pencil/ Ask the children to read the words on the page.Have them match each word with one item of clothing.Check the answer by having children hold up their books and show the class which word they joined with which item of clothing. Step 4 Sing the song Have the children look at the illustrations that accompany the song.Say the names of the clothes and have children point to each item.Read the words and have children listen and follow the words silently.Play the song straight through.Have the children listen and point to the clothes as they are mentioned.Play the song again.Have the children join in with the words.Have children take out their sets of clothes cards.Play the tape again and have children hold up the clothes items as they are mentioned. Step 5 Set homework Ask the children to sing the new song to their families.课后小结:歌曲的反复诵唱让学生在节奏和韵律中再次熟悉所学单词,在歌曲的学习过程中,假如适当的动作 帮助学生理解歌词含义,学生兴趣很高。Lesson 3 Teaching aims Structures(Review)It’s a shirt.They are shoes. Vocabulary(Review)Dress
shoes Vocabulary(New)Umbrella
watch Teaching preparation Prepare the flashcards for this unit and the poster for this unit.Children’s clothes picture cards.Teaching steps Step 1 Review Call out clothes words randomly and have children respond by miming getting dressed. Step 2 Listen and practice Ask children to open their books and draw their attention to the photograph of the umbrella.Point to the picture on the page and say, “This is an umbrella.”
Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, umbrella.Repeat the procedure above for other words, violin, watermelon and watch. Step 3 Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape, the teach acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of he rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Play the tape for the third time, have the children listen to the tape, and encourage them to say one or two words with the tape.Play the tape again and again and try to have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher wile trying to say the rhyme. Step 4 Read and color Have the children look at the picture on the page 39.Ask children what they can see.Ask them if this looks like their bedroom at home.Now say, “ They are blue.” Have children color the socks blue.Repeat the procedure for the other items in the picture. Step 5 Set homework Ask the children to say the rhyme to their families.课后小结:本课中的连线很好地检测了学生对单词的掌握情况,在听说练习中加深学生对句型的掌握,这样可以达到很好的效果,以后要多采用。Lesson 4 Teaching aims Structures(Review)It’s a shirt.They are shoes.Teaching steps Step 1 Warm-up Review the rhyme from the previous lesson.Say the rhyme in a class chorus, then in groups or chose individual student to say. Step 2 Review with poster Review the vocabulary and structures for this unit with the poster. Step 3 Read and match Have children look at the pictures at page 40.Have them say the English names of these pictures.Teacher says the English, and have the children point to the picture.Have the children read the sentences in the middle.Explain that they are going to match each sentence with one of the pictures.Have the children match each sentence to one of the pictures with a line. Step 4 Find and color Have children open their books, look at the picture and say anything they can about it in English.Now discuss the picture briefly in Chinese.Explain that the children are going to look for clothes they know in the picture, and color each one. Step 5 Set homework Review the unit words.课后小结:在复习中让学生做一些小练习,可以检验学生的掌握情况,这样就可以更有针对性地复习。Unit 12 I can swim Lesson 1 Teaching aims Structures(Review)It’s a dress.They are pants. Structures(New)I can jump. Vocabulary Can
shoes Teaching preparation
The poster for this unit Teaching steps Step 1 Warm-up Explain that children are going to point to the clothes that you call out. Step 2 Preview Explain that today the children are going to learn how to talk about some things they can do.Make sure you have all the children’s attention and jump into the air.Jump again and say, “I can jump.” Model the word jump at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill.Then elicit the verb from individuals.Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: swim, walk, run, dance.Now have children do the actions when you say the words. Step 3 Story Have the class look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 4 learn the words Have children open their books and direct their attention to the words that appear along the foot of the page.Play the tape, and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.Without the tape, read the words together.Have the children work in pairs to read the words. Step 5 Set homework Review the unit words.课后小结:本单元的单词为动作类,在情景引入时,可以让学生在课堂前先跟着老师做动作,既提高了学生的注意力,也加深了学生的印象。Lesson 2 Teaching aims Structures(New)I can jump. Vocabulary Can
Teaching preparation Flashcards for this unit.Teaching steps Step 1 Review Review the words that have learned last class Step 2 preview Pin up the flashcards for the five verbs on the blackboard.Have children point to the matching picture when you say the word. Step 3 Touch and say Explain to the children that they are going to look at some photographs of what animals can do.Review the sentence “ I can dance.” Have the children read after you. Step 4 Sing the song Tell children that they are going to sing in English about things that they can do.Have children look at the pictures around the song words.Hold up your copy of the book, point to pictures at random and elicit the verbs.Play the tape without stopping and have children listen and point to the actions as they are mentioned.Play the tape again and this time have children join in.Now children sing along and do the actions as they are mentioned. Step 5 Set homework Ask children to sing the new song to their families.课后小结:在复习词汇的时候,要大量运用肢体动作,学生在快乐中学习的效果很好,再结合歌曲进行很好地复习和巩固,学生掌握单词很熟练。Lesson 3 Teaching aims Structures(Review)I can jump. Vocabulary Can
Teaching preparation
The flashcards for jump, run, walk, dance, and swim Teaching steps Step 1 Warm-up Play some music on a tape or on the radio that you know the children enjoy.Say, “Stand up and dance.” Have children stand up and dance to the music.Explain that when the music stops, they are going to stop dancing and change the action.Pause the music and have children stand still.Now say, “Walk.” Have children walk around until out start the music again and they resume dancing.Continue the activity until children have practiced all the actions and are warmed up. Step 2 Listen and practice Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen.Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, xylophone.Repeat the procedure above for yo-yo, zebra and zoo. Step 3 Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape , the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Play the tape for the third time, have the children listen to the tape, and encourage them to say one or two words with the tape.Play the tape again and again and try to have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher wile trying to say the rhyme. Step 4 Read and draw Have the children open their books at page 47.Have children look at the six little pictures at the side of the page.Explain that they are going to draw one of these pictures in each space.Have them draw the objects and color them according to the text.Check the answers in a class drill. Step 5 Set homework Have the children color the pictures on page 47.课后小结:歌谣的学习更好地巩固了学生所学知识;在练习中又充分的检验了学生掌握知识的情况,发现学生掌握的比较好,但仍有个别学生需要加强辅导。Lesson 4 Teaching aims Structures(Review)I can jump. Vocabulary Can
Teaching preparation
The flashcards for ball, square, ice cream, pants, book, cat
The poster for this unit.Teaching steps Step 1 Warm-up Review the rhyme from the previous lesson.Say the rhyme in a class chorus, then in groups, or chose individual student to say. Step 2 Review with poster Review the vocabulary and structures for this unit with the poster.Have the children point to the picture when the teacher say the word. Step 3 Read and circle Have the children look at the five illustrations on the page.Hold up your book and point to the illustrations.Elicit the verb for each one as a choral drill.Now draw children’s attention to the text below each picture.Explain that they are going to draw a circle around the structure, I can, and the correct verb.Do the first one together as an example , then have children work individual. Step 4 Find and color Have children open their books, look at the picture and say anything they can about it in English.Explain that in the picture there are some animals.Ask children what the animals do.Explain that children are going to look for animals and clothes within the picture and color each one in a different color.Set enough time for the children to color the picture and check the exercise by having children to color the picture and check the exercise by having children hold up their books and show their pictures to the
【教学难点】理解不同算法的算理,尤其是满十进一的运算规则 【教学过程】
30+13 8+4 8+9
《童话世界》有28本、《海底世界》有9本 生2: 《丛林世界》有4本、《咪咪学院》有8本: 师:根据我们得到的数学信息你能提出哪些能用加法计算的数学问题呢?
生2:《童话世界》和《丛林世界》一共有几本? 生3:《童话世界》和《咪咪学院》一共有几本?
3.我们班的小朋友真能干,一下子就提出了这么多的数学问题,下面我们先来解决这个问题:《童话世界》和《丛林世界》一共有多少本?4.你能列出算式吗? 生:
28+4= 5.探究算法
算法一:学生上台演示数小棒,先摆28根,再摆4根,把4根里的2根和28根凑成30根,再加上2根,一共是32根。板书:28+2=30 30+2=32
算法二:先算8+4=12,再算20+12=32。(板书:8+4=12 20+12=32)
三、练一练 1.书本第69页第一题,圈一圈,算一算
58+7= 5+32= 38+6= 8+27=
1.这节课你们学得开心吗?谁来说说你学会了什么新本领? 2.你想提醒大家在计算中要注意什么? 板书:
30+2=32(2)8+4=12 20+12=32
Review Module — Unit 1
Teaching aims: 1.Revision all the language in the whole book.2.Revision all the vocabulary in the whole book.Teaching important and difficult points: Have the Ss revision the language and vocabulary.Step1: Warmer
a.Pick up some of the Ss’ possessions.Indicate the owners and say to the class, ‘This is her book.’ or ‘This is his pencil.’
b.Do a lot of examples.c.Now tell the Ss to swap two possessions with their partner.d.Have one student tell the class about his/her partner’s possessions.Examples
S1(holds up a pen): This is his pen.S2(holds up a book): This is his book.e.Do more examples with other Ss.Step2: New point and says.a.Hold up a classroom object, e.g.a book.Make a student about the object.If the Ss agree with the student, they should say, ‘Yes.’ If they say ’No’, choose one student one student to correct the statement.Example T: This is a pencil.Ss: No.T : Mermei, stand up, please.S1: That is a book.T: Yes.Step3: Animal game.a.Have individual Ss stand up.Get them to talk about things that they like or don’t like.The rest of the class listens.If they agree, they stand up.Example
S1: I like purple..Ss:(who like purple stand up).S2: I don’t like football.Ss:(who don’t like football stand up)b.Alternatively, have the Ss bring in pictures of objects they like or don’t like.Invite five Ss to the from and get them to hold up their pictures.They can tell the class if they these thins.Step4: Look and draw a monster.a.Put the Ss in pairs.Get S1 to start drawing a picture.S2 has to look at the picture while it’s being drawn and try to guess what it is using the ‘Is it a …’student.Example S2: Is it a bird? S1: No, it isn’t.S2: Is it a dog? S1: No, it isn’t.S2: Is it a cat? S1: Yes, it it.Step 5: Now ask and answer.a.Tell each student to get a large piece of paper and to write a number on it.b.Call out two Ss’ names.The two Ss stand up.S1 says the number that S2 is holding and S2 says the number that S1 is holding.Example T: Meimei and Lanlan.(they are stand up)M(looks at Lanlan’s paper): Six..L(look at Meimer’s paper): Twelve.Review Module —Unit 2
Teaching aims: 1.Revision all the language in the whole book.2.Revision all the vocabulary in the whole book.Teaching important and difficult points: Have the Ss revision the language and vocabulary.Step1: Warmer
a.Revise adjectives.Remind the Ss about some of the adj they know, e.g.big, small, short, tall, fat, thin.Say that I will call out an adj and they have to call out its opposite.Example T: Big Ss: Small.b.Do a lot of examples.c.Now have the Ss continue the activity in pairs.They must take turns to call the adj.Step2: Listen, point and say.a.Write these words on the board.Fat, man, thin, woman, short, lion b.Point to each of the words and get the children to say them.c.Now point to ‘fat’ and ask the Ss if they can see any smaller words within the word ‘fat’.If they can’t, cover the letter ‘f’ with your hand and they should be able to see the word ‘at’.d.Point to ‘man’ and see if the Ss can see a two-letter word written ‘man’.They should be able to see the word ‘an’.e.Now have the Ss continue the activity in pairs.Answers: Fat, man, thin, woman, short, lion
Step3: Look and say
Use the picture in Exercise 2.Tell the Ss to listen to me and follow my instruction.Remind them that me may give instruction t boys, girls or the whole class.Example T: Girls, sing, please.Ss:(girls sing or just mime sing)T: Boys, dance, please.Ss:(Boys stand up and dance in their place)T: Stand up, class..Ss:(the whole class stands up)
Step4: Ask and answer about animal
a.Get the Ss to say the names of some animals.Write those names on the board.b.Put the Ss in group of four or five.The first student says the names of an animal.The next student repeat the name and says the name of another animal.This continues until each student has had a turn.Examples S1: Tiger.S2: Tiger, Lion.S3: Tiger, Lion, Bear.
新起点小学英语一年级下册第10单元教案集 材料分析(教学内容
教学内容 :Unit10 My room 主要学习关于房间的10个单词:room,clost,telephone,computer,TV,bed,picture,table,lamp,armchair,初步学习方位介词behind,next to复习in,on,under;简单的交际用语What’s behind the door? A chair.字 母H,J,K,L。
重点、难点 重点:10个单词,2个方位词 难点:用方位词描述房间物品的位置
教具、学具 教学挂图,投影片 单词卡
课时安排 教学内容 教学重点 教学实数
Lesson 55
关于房间的10个单词 1学时 Lesson 56 方位介词behind,next to 1学时 Lesson 57 Living room,study,bedroom 1学时 Lesson 58 句子:What’s behind the door?A chair!H J K L 1学时 Lesson 59 句子:What’s in your room? There is a picture in my room.1学时 Lesson 60 句子:Where is it? 1学时
三 班
课题 Unit 10 My room
Lesson 55 教学内容 关于房间的10个单词 教学目的 要求 要求学生能够听说认读这10个单词 教学重点、难点 重点是这10个单词
教具学具的准备 单词卡片,教学挂图,录音磁带 教学过程
知识点 教师活动 学生活动
bed picture lamp computer telephone table closet room TV(—)热身 Freetalk:How are you?Fine,thank you!复习上个单元的知识。
利用教学模型,边出示模型边问:“What’s this?学了几样家具及物品后,可教学生用句子把新词连起来进行叙述。B部分听录音,指句子
(三)操练 看口型猜单词 正反手练习读 看单词卡猜单词 听录音跟读 学唱歌谣
板书设计 Unit 10 My room bed
telephone lamp
armchair table
room clost
TV computer picture 有效备课
英语 学科
课题 Unit 10
Lesson 56 教学内容 方位介词:behind,next to句型:Where is Lucky? 教学目的要求 要求学生能够听说并熟练运用方位介词 教学重点、难点 重点:两个方位介词 难点:句子Where is Lucky?
教具学具的准备 教学挂图,单词卡片,教学录音磁带 教学过程
知识点 教师活动 学生活动 Hello
behind,next to
1、利用教学图片问:“Where’s Angle?”引出behind,领读,重复操练
2、同样的方法引出next to
3、利用教学挂图问:“Where’s Lucky?”
2、猜“Who is missing?”
3、让学生以pair work形式进行练习
(四)Homework 把所学的单词及句子回家说给爸爸妈妈听 师生相互问候 复习单词
鼓励学生说出来东西在哪里 跟读 板书设计 Lesson 56
Where’s Lucky? behind next to
执教人 徐海蒙
课题 Unit 10 Lesson 57 教学内容 单词:living room,study,bedroom 句子:What do you see? 教学目的要求 要求学生能够会说三个单词,并能够简单的描述物品所在的位置 教学重点、难点 重点:三个单词 难点:对房间物品位置的描述
教具学具的准备 教学挂图,单词卡片,教学录音磁带 教学过程
知识点 教师活动 学生活动 behind,next to
What do you see?
1、展示教学挂图问:“What’s is?” 教师:“起居室,living room。” 领读,重复多读几遍
4、在教室布置一个乱场景,学生以group work形式动脑动手重新安排一下。跟着教师复习上节课所学知识
学生跟着教师完成每一项游戏 板书设计 Lesson 57
What can you see? living room study bedroom 有效备课
执教人 徐海蒙
课题 Unit 10
Lesson 58 教学内容 What’s behind the door? H J K L
教学目的要求 要求学生能够运用句型:“What’s behind the door?” 要求学生能够借助计算机键盘学会字母:H J K L 教学重点、难点 重点:句子What’s behind the door?
字母:H J K L 难点:本课的句型
教具学具的准备 教学图片,单词卡片,教学录音磁带 教学过程
知识点 教师活动 学生活动 living room bedroom study
句子:What’s behind the door? 字母:H J KL
(一)热身复习利用单词卡片复习单词 正反手读单词
(二)呈现新知 A部分
看教学挂图讲解句子 领读 B部分
根据计算机键盘讲解字母H J K L(三)操练
1、教师把教室布置成房间的摸样,把物品分放在各个地方。让学生带上动物头饰,以Group work的形式分角色表演小熊的家。
(四)Homework 回家把句子说给爸妈听,在键盘上找相对应的字母。跟随教师复习单词
学习字母H J K L
学生指自己相应的手指 板书设计 Lesson 58 What’s behind the door? H J K L
英语 学科
执教人 徐海蒙
课题 Lesson 59 教学内容 A Think,draw and say B 句子:What’s in your room?
There is a picture in my room..教学目的要求 培养学生通过仔细观察,寻找事物规律的能力 要求学生掌握B部分的句型
教学重点、难点 重点:句型 what’s in your room? There is a picture in my room.难点:同上
教具学具的准备 教学图片,录音磁带 教学过程
知识点 教师活动 学生活动 What’s behind the door? A chair.H J K L
What’s in your room?
There is a picture in my room.(一)
3、教师用对话的形式检测学生掌握本单元重点句型:What’s in your room?
2、让学生画自己的家或者自己设计的家,或画自己想象中未来得家。然后让学生以group work形式,自编对话并进行表演。师生互相问好 用手指说字母
学生边说边指 多读多说句型 同位间互问互答
学生和老师配合完成 板书设计 Lesson 59 What’s in your room?
There is a picture in my room.有效备课
执教人 徐海蒙
课题 Unit 10
Lesson 60 教学内容 Fun Time 教学目的要求
教学重点、难点 重点:把本单元所学的语言与词汇结合起来,让学生在实践中运用语言。难点:同上。
教具学具的准备 教学挂图,教学录音磁带,若干小礼物,小奖品
知识点 教师活动 学生活动 What’s in your room?
There is a picture in my room。
Where is it?
It behind/next to/in/under/on、、、、(一)
5、教师指导学生进行group work 活动,模仿课本做“找礼物”的游戏。
分角色表要故事 板书设计 Lesson 60 Where is it? Go and find it!
Grade1 book 1 Unit 1 Hello
Hi, I’m Mocky.Hello ,Mocky.Hello, I’m Ken/Ann/Uncle Booky.What’s your name?
I’m Ken.My name is Ann.Listen and act: Stand up
sit down Sing a song Hello, hello I’m Mocky.I’m Mocky.Hi, I’m Ken.Hello, hello
I’m Ann.I’m Ann.Hi, I’m Uncle Booky.Let’s say An apple
an ant
a banana
a balloon Say the rhyme An apple for you, An apple for me, An apple for the monkey up iin the tree.No!No!No!A banana for you, A banana for me, A banana for the monkey up in the tree.Yes!Yes!Yes!
Unit2 About me Are you a girl,Ann? Yes, I am.Are you a girl,Ken? No, I’m not.I’m a boy.Ann is a girl.Ken is a boy.I’m a monkey.Learn to say Are you a girl? Yes.Are you a boy? Yes.Ann is a girl.A boy, a girl, a teacher, a monkey Let’s talk Please.Thank you.Listen and act
Toucch your nose please.ear, mouth, hair, eye, Sing the song Please sit down, please sit down.Thank you,thank you, thank you.Please stand up, please stand up Thank you, thank you, thank you.Please sit down, please stand up.Thank you, thank you, thank you.Let’s say A cat
a crocodile
a duck
a dog Say the rhyme A dog says “woof, woof” A cat says “meow, meow”
A crocodile sings, but I don’t know how.A duck says “quack, quack” and yes I know how.Quack!Quack!Quack!
Unit 3 At school
What’s this,Mocky?
It’s a chair.(bag, chair, book, pencil)Touch and say What’s this? It's a book.Let’s guess.Is it a pencil? No.Listen and act Mocky, take out your book,please.Sing the song It’s a book,it’s a book.It’s a chair, it’s a chair.Stand up, sit down.stand up, sit down.It’s a pencil,it’s a pencil.It’s a bag, it’s abag.Stand up, sit down.stand up, sit down.Let’s say An egg
an elephant
a fish
a frog Say the rhyme
An elephant can walk.Walk,walk, walk.A frog can jump.Jump, jump,jump.A fish can swim.Swim, swim, swim.An egg can roll.Roll, roll,roll.Unit 4 colors What color? It’s yellow.Touch and say What color? It’s blue.(yellow, red, green, brown)Let’s guess
What color? Is it yellow? Listen and act.Draw an apple.Color it red please.Color and sing.Red and yellow, Blue,green,brown.(two times)Let’s say A gift
a girl
a hat
aq hammer
Say the rhyme Is it a gift? Is it blue? Is it for the girl? No, it’s for you.Is it a hammer? Is it brown? Is it for the girl? No, it’s for you.Is a hat? Is it red? Is it for the girl? No, it’s for you.Unit 5 Numbers
How many trains,M ocky?
Two trains!Touch and say How many teddy bears?
Three.One two three four five A train
a car
a doll
a ball
a teddy bear Let’s talk
How many elephants?
Two.Listen and act
Point to the bag, please.Sing the song One, two, three,four, five.One boy in a yellow train.One, two, three, four, five.Two bears in a yellow book.One, two, three, four,five.Three girls in a yellow car.Let’s say An insect
an ice cream
a jacket
a jeep Say the rhyme A little insect jump!Jump!jump!Jump over the ice cream.jump over the jacket, jump into a jeep, To have a good sleep.Unit 6 Happy birthday!How old are you,Ken? I’m six.Touch and say.How many boys? Four boys.(six, seven, eight, nine, ten)Let’s talk Happy birthday!A gift for you.Thank you.What’s this?
Is it a train.Wow, a teddy bear!How old are you?
I’m seven.Sing the song
Happy birthday,happy birthday.I’m six.I’m six.Happy birtday,happy birthday.I’m seven… Let’s say A key
a kite
a lock
a lollipop Say the rhyme It’s after school.Let’s go to the zoo.Put on your hat,and take your kite.Lock the door,and take the key.Buy some lollipops for you and me.