
时间:2019-05-15 07:53:36下载本文作者:会员上传








第一、用词多样,一句很短的话。so they need a good way to have a good rest,里面就出现了2个good,这就是用词不够多样,这里如果能把第一个good改为best,这里就不会出现用词重复的问题了。

第二、用词准确,and connect with other partners,这里最后一个单词用partners固然无可厚非,但是如果用co-这个词根加上worker造出了coworker,一同工作的人,显然更为贴切。


第四、词能传神。No, you taught me to navigate people's minds but after whathappened。navigate一词用的极为到位,如果考友们自己写的话,很有可能也就用个affect或者manipulate之流的词汇,但是远不及navigate“驾驭,驾驶”来得形象。navigate更巧调出“被人操纵”之意,此词画面感极强




 Effectively addresses the topic and task  Well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and or details  Displays unity, progression, and coherence  Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors 4分

 Addresses the topic and task well, though some points may not be fully elaborated  Generally well organized and well developed, using appropriate and sufficient explorations, exemplifications, and or details

 Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though it may contain occasional redundancy, digression, or unclear connections

 Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety and range of vocabulary, though it will probably have occasional noticeable minor errors in structure, word form, or use of idiomatic language that do not interfere with meaning


 Addresses the topic and task using somewhat developed explanations, exemplifications, and or details  Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured

 May demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning

 May display accurate but limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary


 Limited development in response to the topic and task  Inadequate organization or connection of ideas  Inappropriate or insufficient exemplifications, explanations, or details to support or illustrate generalizations in response to the task

 A noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word forms  An accumulation of errors in sentence structure and/or usage 1分

 Serious disorganization or underdevelopment  Little or no detail, or irrelevant specifics, or questionable responsiveness to the task  Serious and frequent errors in sentence structure or usage


独立5-现象证明P21 2010.10.31NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are now easier to become educated than in the past.Education is the foundation of a country.People today have a stronger concept(搭配不当,改为sense)of being educated than in the past.I agree with the statement that people gain an easier access to all kinds of educations at current times.Firstly, there are much more schools available today than in the past.No matter where you live, in big cities or in the countryside, the local government spends a large amount of money on the constructions of various types of schools, such as primary schools, middle schools, high schools and even schools for adults.More and more universities and colleges have been built to ensure higher education for top students.If you want to study in schools, you will always find a proper one to attend.Secondly, the teaching approach diversifies(there are diversified teaching approaches).Except for(In addition to包括在内)blackboard and chalks, many advanced teaching devices are being used today in most schools, including computers, multi-media and some other instruments.Moreover, labs and libraries have also come into use for students to study deeper and wider(who want to make a deeper and wider study on the fields they are interested in).What is more, the teachers' teaching levels are greatly improved by communicating with other educators from all over the world.The technology becomes more developed than in the past, so it is easier now to study.Thirdly, people have equal rights to receive education.As we all know, people in the past were in terrible discrimination because of their sex and race(many people such as women and the black people were denied the right to education because they were discriminated against in the society because of their sex and race.两句合起来)For example, women and black people were used to be considered as people in lower classes or even slaves and weren't allowed to go to school.However, they have equal rights to study in schools nowadays.(要回到主题,和更容易接受教育要直接联系起来,所以再加一句)Obviously, these people surly have easier access to education.To sum up, almost everyone today has equal rights to go to all kinds of schools with diversified teaching approaches.So people do have an easier way to receive education now than in past times.The reasons above firmly support my opinion(最后一句话不够有力,可以将三点简明扼要的用一句话概括).(Word Count: 294)独立8-包含因果关系P15 2010.3.20NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today can solve many important problems so they do not need help from the government.With the development of the society, people can do more things by themselves nowadays(于什么时候比较?)than in the past.But I disagree with the statement that people can solve many important problems, therefore the government does not need to help them(therefore they need not depend on the government for any support).There(are)three reasons as follows:

Firstly, People today still cannot solve many important problems by themselves in fact in terms of education, unemployment, war, starvation, poverty and so on.These are international problems all over the world, so a single person or even a group of people may not have the abilities to solve(be capable of solving)them.For example, if a man wants to stop a war between two countries, even he is powerful or wealthy, he(he, however wealthy and powerful,)cannot prevent them from fighting with each other without the help of others.Secondly, people today need more help from the government.As the life standards are getting higher, people have more requirements than before.They ask for all kinds of utilities for entertainment or exercise in public places.They need various insurance to make their lives more comfortable.They also require more schools and hospitals to take care of the young people and patients(the sick).Thirdly, whether people today can solve many problems or not has nothing to do with whether they need the government's help.It is the responsibility of the government to help people.The government must give people help no matter how powerful they are.In a word, the statement that people today do not need help from the government because they can solve many important problems is wrong.The reasons above can firmly support my idea.(260w)

独立1-包含should, important, necessary的简单话题

P75 2009.5.30 Younger school children(aged between five and ten)should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language.In order to broaden the horizon of younger school children, it is suggested that they should study art and music as well as other common courses.I agree with it because of the following reasons.First of all, art and music can help students to relax.Campus life is stressful even for younger children who aged between five and ten, with all kinds of homework and assignments.However, by having music and art classes, students can get a much-needed escape from the heavy work.It can help them to relax their mind and study more efficiently in other classes.Second, music and art classes help improve students' interpersonal relationships.Students will meet together to talk about a same topic if they have common interests.For example, students attending art classes can talk about the masterpiece or life story of a famous painter.Students having music classes will enjoy the beautiful melody or sing songs together.By communicating with each other, they will build a strong friendship and learn how to behave in various situations.Third, music and art classes provide students with plenty of information about great artists and their works.By learning knowledge in artistic fields students can acquire different cultures from different countries.The artists and musicians describe what they see or hear in their works, showing feelings meanwhile, which bring the students the atmosphere at that time.To sum up, art and music classes should be taken by younger school students to broaden their horizon.(248w)

独立2-包含比较(better, prefer)的简单话题

P24 2010.10.9NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside.No matter where people live, in big cities or in the countryside, they must take care of their family members.Basically I prefer the former one.Living in big cities has more advantages than living in the countryside.Firstly, for old people, living in big cities can be convenient.There are a large number of hospitals which are available to all kinds of diseases.When the old people catch a cold, have a fever or even heart attack, they could be taken to the best hospital nearby and received treat in time and recover as soon as possible.But in the countryside, situations in hospitals are obviously terrible.Secondly, children should receive good education, so living in big cities is a wise choice.Schools in big cities which get finance support from(the)government provide sufficient teaching facilities for the students in order that the students can study more easily and do more experiments.Moreover, the teaching levels of the teachers in big cities are higher on average than that of the teachers in the countryside.Admittedly, Living in big cities may have a few downsides.For example, the air may be not as fresh as it in the countryside and the noise may make people crazy sometimes.However,(the)government is taking measures to prevent the pollutions and people are also becoming aware of the importance of environmental protection.It is sure that the problems can be solved in the future.In a word, people can take care of their family members much better when they live in big cities than in the countryside, because advanced society welfares are everywhere in big cities.(Word Count: 272)

独立7-包含绝对词(never, always, only ,no longer,最高级等).P92 2007.8.4 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Printed books will no longer exist.With the development of technology, digital books are increasingly coming into use while printed book are less used in our lives.It has been argued that printed books will no longer exist in the future.I disagree(with this opinion)although the statement has a grain of truth.First of all, admittedly, digital books have some advantages over printed books.First, it is cheaper to download a digital version from the internet than to buy a hardcover printed book.You may download Harry Potter for only half the price of the paper version.Second, the digital book is very convenient for us to carry because it is much lighter than the printed book.We can download thousands of articles into our mp4 or electronic books to read them everywhere instead of carrying several heavy books.However, to say that printed books will disappear from our lives in the future is unacceptable.First, hardcover printed books are worth collecting.They are usually very valuable with their beautiful covers and plentiful contents.Second, the printed books made by(of)papers are good for people's eyes.If we stare at a digital book all the time, our eyes will be tired or even hurt.Reading for a long period may do enormous harms to people's health, especially to children.Third, printed books are of great importance in some special ceremonies.They are usually the symbols of holy things.It is ridiculous for a minister to read with a digital book in a church.To sum up, although the digital books are more and more useful, it is sure that printed books will exist forever.(267)

第四篇:托福 tpo26 综合写作

In terms whether the zebra mussel will exert negative influence on North American, the passage and lecture are contradictory to each other.The author believes that zebra mussel might do harm the local species as they arrived while the lecturer holds a different opinion.First of all, the author makes a point that the history events suggest the zebra mussel's invasion is unstoppable.In the past, human transportation makes it possible for zebra mussel spread around the whole Europe and it is likely to happen again in North American.However, the lecturer demonstrates a different idea that a change made in the “ballast water” will prevent the invasion of zebra mussel from continuing.He says that if we refill the “ballast water” with ocean water, the mussel will no longer survive because the saline water might probably kill them all.Second, contrary to the belief in the passage that zebra mussel is able to conquer the new habitat due to their high reproduction rates and adaptation ability, as well as lacking predator, the lecturer says that the hypothesis made by author is not true.He mentions that there are many local bird will eat the zebra mussel as a major prey.As a result, the zebra mussel is unlikely to dominate the new habitat.Finally, regarding whether the zebra mussel will cause the decline in the fish population since they may compete for food such as plankton with fish species.The author thinks it is a possible consequence brought by zebra mussel.However, the lecturer refutes it that the mussel can't reduce the fish population because they provide enough nutrient for bottom living fish.


Agree or disagree A university should focus more on its facilities, computers or laboratory, rather than on hiring famous teachers

Nowadays, highly education has been attached more important than before.A argue that school facilities should pay more attention than professor lecture.From my perspective, although such hardware like computer centers and science lab provide some benefits to university students, university depends on quality of stuff.Admittedly, a school equipped with great facilities is more appealing the applicants.The reason is that it can make study easier.A bright library offers such a quiet condition for knowledge absorption;a computer center provides a self-govern ways to study;a science lab make student get more practice about miracles.However, this factors become less considerate when it comes to the quality of the professors.For one thing, not only do famous teachers can impart the knowledge, but instill the angle that to solve the problem.To pass on knowledge, a human is no better than a machine or a high-tech tool.The difference lies in the

special ways to get the solutions and the potential inspiration by the former.Take my favorite teacher for example, she often shows us some different way to solve the difficulties.And then she tells us the angle to work out the problem.As for me, it was not until her explanation, that I know about the easier way to work the problem.That is something that high-tech can barely achieve.For another, universities with qualified teachers tend to have higher graduate employment.It is not hard to imagine that a teacher with connections can bring more opportunity to get internship.As an old saying goes, knowledge starts with practice.It is still true now.Students who swamped in labs, would never face the brutal fact that you need a window for people to see what you’ve got.In this way, a well-connect professor can open that for you, instead of lifeless labs.In conclusion, though facilities could promote learning, but it fail to generate more practical merits to students.Recruit more qualified teacher should be paid more attention and stress.



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