
时间:2019-05-12 22:26:23下载本文作者:会员上传





1.want sb to do sth.想要希望某人做某事。

eg: I want you to be my friends.(我希望你们能成为我的朋友。)

2.want to do sth.想做某事。eg:I want to watch TV.(我想看电视。)


eg: What a big map!好大的地图啊!

(三)一般现在时:表示经常反复发生的或习惯性的动作、存在的状态。常与always(总是)、often(经常)、usually、each year(每年)、every day(每天)、sometimes(有时候)如:我经常踢足球。


2.注意:当主语是第三人称单数形式,即hesheit时,谓语动词要发生变化。变化规则: ①大多数动词直接在后面加s.如believe-believes.②以s.x.sh.ch.o结尾的动词要加es.如do-doesgo-goes

③以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i加es.如study-studies.④有些特殊的动词,如have-has.eg: He goes to school by bus every day.(他每天都乘公共汽车去上学。)


①否定句:在动词前加do not,当主语是第三人称单数时加does not.谓语动词还回原形。eg: He doesn’t go to school by bus.②一般疑问句:DoDoes +主语+动词原形+其他 ?

肯定回答:Yes,主语+dodoes.否定回答:No,主语+don’tdoesn’t.eg: Does he go to school by bus? Yes, he does.No, he doesn’t.(四)现在进行时:表示正在进行、发生的动作或存在的状态。常与now(现在)look(看)listen(听)连用。如:看,她正在跳舞。

1.构成:主语+be(amisare)+动词的现在分词I –amwe-areyou-arehesheit-isthey-are


①大多数动词直接加ing.②以e结尾的动词去e加ing.③特殊的动词双写结尾的辅音字母加ing:stop-stoppingsit-sittingput-puttingeg: She is watching TV.(她正在看电视。)


①否定句:在be动词后加not。eg: She is not watching TV.②一般疑问句:把be提前,am要变成are,I 要变成you.肯定回答:Yes,主语+be.否定回答:主语+be+not.eg: Are you playing football? Yes, I am.No, I am not.(五)一般将来时:表示在将来的某个时间加工内要发生的动作或存在的状态。常与tomorrow(明天)、next week(下星期)、soon(不久)等表示将来的时间连用。表示方法有以下几种:


eg: He will come here tomorrow.(他明天会来这。)


①否定句:在willshall后加not.eg: He will not(won’t)come here tomorrow.(他明天不会来。)

②一般疑问句:将willshall提前。eg: Will he come here tomorrow?(他明天会来这吗?)

2.用“be going to +动词原形”eg: She is going to visit the Great Wall.①构成:主语+ be(amisare)+going to +动词原形。I –amwe-areyou-arehesheit-isthey-are


A:否定句:在be后面加not.eg: She is not going to visit the Great Wall.B:一般疑问句:将be提前。肯定回答用主语+be.否定回答用主语+be+not.eg: Is she going to visit the Great Wall? Yes, she is.No, she is not.(六)一般过去时:表示过去某一时刻发生的动作或过去曾一度存在的状态。也可以表示过去的习惯性动作。常与last night(昨晚)yesterday(昨天)a long time ago(很久以前)in 1985(在1985年)等表示过去的时间连用。



①大多数动词在后面直接加ed.eg: watch-watchedwork-worked

②以e结尾的动词直接加d.eg: live-lived

③有些特殊的动词双写结尾的辅音字母加ed.eg: stop-stopped

④不规则动词:do-didbe-waswere come-cameget-gotteach-taughtgo-wentgive-gave

eg:He got up late yesterday.(他昨天起得很晚。)


①否定句:在动词前加did not(didn’t)动词要还原。eg: He didn’t get up late yesterday.②一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其他 ?肯定回答:主语+did.否定回答:主语+did not.eg: Did he get up late yesterday? Yes, he did.No, he didn’t.(七)There be 句型表示某地有某物。be有isare两种形式。当后面接的是单数名词、不可数名词就用is,当后面接的名词是复数就用are.There is a Chinatown in New York.(在纽约有一个中国城。)

There are two women.(有两个女人。)


①否定句:在isare后面加not。eg: There is not a Chinatown in Japan.②一般疑问句:将isare提前,肯定回答用Yes, there+isare.否定回答:No, there+isare+not.eg: Is there a Chinatown in Japan? Yes, there is.No, there is not.(八)可数名词单数变复数规则:

1.大多数动词直接在后面加s.eg: bag-bagscake-cakes

2.以sxshch结尾的名词加es.eg: bus-buseswatch-watches

此外,以o结尾的单词中,只有tomato、potato变复数加es.3.以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i+es.eg: baby-babies

4.以f、fe结尾的名词变f、fe为ves.eg: wife-wivesleaf-leaves



eg: She can drive a car.(她会开汽车。)


①否定句:在can后面加not。eg: She can not(=can’t)drive a car.②一般疑问句:把can提前。肯定回答:Yes,主语+can.否定回答:No,主语+ can not.eg: Can she drive a car?Yes, she can.No, she can’t.(十)特殊疑问词总结:目前我们所接触的特殊疑问词有:

what(什么)how(怎么)how big(多大)how long(多长)how much(多少钱)why(为什么)when(什么时候)where(在哪)which(哪一个)


1.He is in New York with his cousin.他和他的堂兄一起在纽约。

2.These postcards are great!这些明信片太棒了!

3.It’s a picture of the Great Wall.这是一张长城的图片。

4.Tell me more about the Great Wall.告诉我更多关于长城的事。

5.How long is it? 它有多长?It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.它大约有6千700公里。

6.It’s(=It has)got eight million people.它有8百万人口。

7.Where is New York? It’s in the east of America(纽约在哪?它在美国的东部。)

8.What are you doing Daming?(你在干什么呢,大明?)

I am sending an email to my family in China.(我正在给我中国的家写信。)

9.Do you want to go to China town? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.(你想去中国城吗?是的,我想去。不,我不想去。)

10.There is Chinese dancing.(有中国舞蹈。)

11.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.(那有很多的中国商店和餐馆。)

12.We can’t go now.(我们现在不能去。)

13.Collecting stamps is my hobby.(集邮是我的爱好。)

14.I have got a lot of stamps.(我有很多的邮票。)

15.What are those? These are some stamps from Canada.(那些是什么?这些是来自于加拿大的邮票。)

16.Have you got any stamps from China? Yes, I have.No, I haven’t.(你有来自中国的邮票吗?肯定否定回答。)

17.All of these stamps are from China, too.(所有这些的邮票也来自中国。)

18.Is there a letter for me? Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.(有给我的信吗?肯定、否定回答。)

19.Now you can have another Chinese stamp.(现在你可以有另一张中国邮票了。)

20.What do you do on Flag Day?(国旗节那天你们都干什么?)

21.Can you tell me more about American festival?(你能告诉我更多的关于美国节日的事吗?)

22.On Thanksgiving Day, we say “thank-you” for our food, family and friends.(在感恩节那天,我们对我们的食物、家人还有朋友说“谢谢”。)

23.After Thanksgiving dinner, we watch a big football game on TV.(吃过了感恩节那天的正餐,我们会在电视上看一场大型的足球比赛。)

24.I think I like Thanksgiving, too!(我想我也喜欢感恩节了!)

25.What is your favorite festival?(你最喜欢的节日是什么?)

26.He is from China.(他来自中国。)

27.You speak very good English.(你英语说得非常好。)

28.I’ve got two friends from England.Their names are Sam and Amy.(我有两个从英国来的朋友。他们的名字是Sam和Amy。)

29.Can you be my Chinese pen friend?(你能成为我中国的比友吗?)

30.I like drawing and playing computer games.(我喜欢画画和打电脑游戏。)

31.I want you to be my friends.(我希望你们能成为我的朋友。)

32.Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.(大明有一个中国风筝,我们在公园放风筝。)

33.Daming says he will write to you soon.(大明说他不久会给你写信。)

34.Have you got a Chinese book or an English book?(你有语文书还是英语书?)

35.I don’t believe it!(我简直不敢相信!)

36.Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.(熊猫每天要吃12小时。)

37.Why is the snake coming out of the box?(蛇为什么从盒子里爬出来?)

38.The snake thinks the flute is another snake!(那条蛇认为笛子是另外一条蛇。)

39.It says snakes can’t hear.(据说蛇听不见。)

40.So it copies the other snake.(所以它在模仿另一条蛇。)

41.What an interesting CD-Rom!(多么有趣的CD啊!)

42.What are they?(他们是什么?)

43.You are playing with dolls.(你正在玩洋娃娃。)

44.Do you often play with dolls?(你经常玩洋娃娃吗?)

45.Do you like reading books now?(你现在喜欢看书了吗?)

46.I stopped a long time ago.(我很久之前就不做了。)

47.She sometimes cleans the blackboard.(她有时候擦黑板。)

48.Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?(你想去参观联合国大厦吗?)

49.Here is a flag from China.(这有一个来自中国的国旗。)

50.There are flags from all around the world.(这有来自全世界的旗。)

51.What a fantastic present!(这个礼物太棒了!)

52.I want to show Daming the present from China.(我想带大明去看看来自中国的礼物。)

53.They want to bring peace to the world.(他们想把和平带给世界。)

54.How many countries are in the UN?(联合国有多少个国家?)

55.Where are you going?(你要去哪?)

56.Here is my library card.(这是我的借书卡。)

57.What did you find ?(你找到了什么?)

58.Chinese isn’t easy.(汉语可不容易学。)

59.Don’t talk in the library!(不要在图书馆说话!)

60.Can you write an email in English?(你能用英文写电子邮件吗?)

















18、《给家乡孩子的信》巴金爱情三部曲《雾》《雨》《电》激流三部曲《家》《春》《秋》 含有反义词的成语

舍生忘死口是心非同甘共苦扬长避短顾此失彼声东击西舍近求远转危为安化险为夷 20《詹天佑》“铁路之父











to be句型、there be句型、一般现在时句型、现在进行时句型、一般过去时句型、情态动词can引导的型、be going to句型等。现以5-8册书为例,简要总结如下: [一] to be句型:用于介绍个人情况如姓名、健康状况、身份、国籍、家庭成员、朋友、职业等,描述地点、颜色、四季、日期、星期几等,该句型广泛分布于各册教材中,其中5—7册的句型主要有: 1.Who’s your English teacher? Mr.Carter.2.What’s he like? He’s tall and strong.3.Is she quiet? No, she isn’t.She is very active.4.Is she strict? Yes, she is, but she’s very kind.5.What day is it today? It’s Wednesday.6.What’s your favourite fruit/food…?

7.They’re sweet/ sour/ salty/ healthy/… 8.When is your birthday? It’s in May.9.My birthday is in June.Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too.10.Is her birthday in June? Yes, it is.11.What’s the date? 12.This is Zhang Peng.13.Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital.[二] there be句型:表示存在,即:“某处有某物”或“某时有某事”。句型基本结构为:There is+ 可数名词单数或不可数名词+时间或地点。There are+可数名词复数+地点。该句型主要分布在第5册的Unit 5和Unit 6中,如: 1.There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.2.There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.3.Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is.4.Is there a river? No, there isn’t.5.Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there aren’t.6.Are there any fish in the rivers? Yes, there are.[三] 一般现在时句型:表示习惯性的动作或行为,或现在存在着的状况。句型基本结构为:主语+行为动词+其他。当主语是第三人称单数时,要在动词原形后面加s或es,其他人称作主语时则用动词原形,在问句及否定句中需要用助动词do或does。这种句型通常有一些标志词,如:usually often sometimes never always等。该句型主要分布在第5册Unit2&3,第6册Unit1&2, 第7册Unit4,5,6, 第8册Unit2中。如: Book5:

1.What do you have on Thursdays? We have English, math and science on Thursdays.2.What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays.3.I do my homework.4.What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.5.I like fruit.But I don’t like grapes.Book6:

1.When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.2.When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 noon.3.What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping.4.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.5.Which season do you like best? I like winter best.6.Why do you like summer/winter? Book7:

1.How do you go to school, Sarah?

2.Usually I go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike.3.I like collecting stamps.He likes collecting stamps, too.4.Does she teach math? Yes, she does.5.Does she teach English? No, she doesn’t.She teaches math.6.What does your mother do? What does your father do? 7.Where does she work? She works in a car company.8.How does she go to work? She goes to work by bus.9.Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.10.Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour.11.Where does the vapour come from? It comes from the water in the river.12.The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.13.How do you do that?

[四] 现在进行时句型:表示说话时正在进行的动作或事件,或在短期内正在进行的动作或存在的情况。标志词是:now 也常用在Look!Listen!等后面。句型主要结构为:be动词(am, is, are)+动词现在分词(v.ing)。该句型主要分布在第6册Unit4, 5, 6中。如:

1.What are you doing? I’m doing the dishes.I’m reading a book.2.Grandpa is writing a letter.Brother is doing homework.Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.3.He is writing an e-mail in the study.3.What is it doing ? It’s eating bananas.4.What is she doing ? She’s jumping.5.What are they doing ? They’re swimming.They’ re climbing trees.6.Are you eating lunch? No, we aren’t.7.Are they eating the honey? Yes, they are.8.Is he playing chess? Yes, he is.9.Is she counting insects? No, she isn’t.[五] 情态动词can引导的句型:表示有能力做某事,can后面的动词要用原形。该句型主要分布在第5册Unit4和第7册Unit1中。如:

Book4: 1.What can you do? I can sweep the floor.I can cook the meals.2.I can water the flowers.3.Can you make the bed? No, I can’t.4.Can you use a computer? Yes, I can.Book7: How can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus.[六] 将来时:我们的教材中出现过两种表示将来时的句型,即:will和be going to句型,主要以be going to句型为主,表示将要做某事或打算做某事。句型主要结构:am/is/are + going to + v.原形。标志词有:tomorrow next weekend this morning this weekend next…be going to Book7:

1.What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to visit my grandparents.2.Where are you going? I am going to the cinema.3.How is he going to Beijing? He is going to Beijing by plane.4.When is she going to Xiashan?

She is going to go there at 9:00 am


六年级英语上册学习重点(单元句型和单词)谁最棒,比比看!Unit1 句子:

1.What did you do this summer? 今年夏天你干什么了? I went back to Canada.我回到加拿大。2.When did you come back?

你什么时候回来了? I came back last Thursday.我上周四回来了。

3.Did you go to see your grandparents?

你看望爷爷奶奶了吗? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.是的。看望了。/没有。短语:

Wrote a story 写故事

went back to Canada 回到加拿大 made cakes 做蛋糕

came back 回来

went to the airport 去机场

finished the piano lessons 完成钢琴课 return the books 还书

win the football match 赢得足球赛

Unit2 句子:

4.Why did you stand on your head?

你为什么倒立呢? Because I wanted to practice kung fu.因为我想练习功夫。5.What happened to you?

你怎么了? I hurt my right leg.我伤了右腿。6.What did you say?


I said you should stop eating too much.我说你应该少吃点儿。短语:

Stand on your head 倒立

practice kung fu练习功夫 go to hospital


cut my finger 切伤了手指 fell 摔倒

cry 哭

hurt 受伤

broke 折断


eating too much 吃的太多

playing computer games 玩电脑游戏smoking 抽烟

Unit3 句子:

7.Where did you go last weekend? 上周末你去哪里了? We flew to Hangzhou.我飞到了杭州。8.How did you go to Hangzhou?

你怎样去的杭州? We went there by air.我们坐飞机去的。9.Who invented those vehicles?


Some smart people did.一些聪明的人。短语:

Last weekend 上周末

yesterday afternoon 昨天下午

on Friday morning 周五早上

flew飞/ drove驾驶/ took the train to Hangzhou 坐火车去杭州

the Spring Festival Fair春节庙会

the train station 火车站

by air/ bus/subway/taxi/train, on foot those vehicles 那些交通工具

some smart people 一些聪明的人

Unit5 句子:

10.When did the ancient Olympic Games begin? 古代奥林匹克运动会是什么时候开始的? They began in 776 BC.开始于公元前776年。11.When did people hold the first modern Olympics?

人们什么时候开始举办第一届现代奥林匹克运动会的? They held them in 1896 in Athens.


12.How many medals did the Chinese athletes win? 中国运动员获得了多少奖牌?

They won 51 gold medals,21 silver medals.and 28 bronze medals. 他们赢得了51枚金牌,21枚银牌和28枚铜牌。短语:

the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会

the Qin Dynasty 秦朝 Athens 雅典

776 BC 公元前776年

618 AD 公元后618年

Buy 买

borrow 买

gold金/silver银/bronze铜 medals

Unit6 句子:

13.What is he wearing?


He is wearing a blue suit with a silver tie.他穿着蓝色西服戴着银色领带。14.What does she wear on Stage? 在舞台上她穿着什么?

She wears pretty dresses.

她穿着漂亮的裙子。15.What size do you wear?


I wear a Medium。


16.she wears a Large a blue suit with a silver tie.她穿着大号的

a denim skirt棉布衬衫


pajamas睡衣 a hoody 套头衫

pretty dresses 漂亮的裙子

formal clothes 正式服装

on stage 在舞台上

at work 在工作

at school 在学校 Medium 中号

Large 大号

XS(Extra Small)特小号

XL(Extra Large)特大号

Unit7 句子:

17.How often does each animal come around? 每个动物多久轮回一次?Every twelve years.每十二年轮回一次。

18.Which animal was the first of the twelve? 哪种动物是十二中的第一个?

It was the rat.老鼠。19.Grandma likes the dog best.奶奶最喜欢狗。20.She is as caring as a dog.她像狗一样的认真。

each animal 每个动物

come around 轮回 go to the dentist 去看牙医

practice together 一起训练

rat老鼠 nephew 侄子 caring 认真

smart 聪明





1)what are you going to do?---I'm going to+动词的现在分词(ing形式)

2)What are they going to do ?---they are going to+动词的现在分词(ing形式)

2、用why 提问,用because 回答


Where do you live ?---I live in+地点


What do you wear in spring ?---I wear+服装


What is the date today?---it is+具体的日期


1)what are you doing ?---I am /we are +动词的现在分词(ing形式)

2)What is she /he doing ?---she /he is+动词的现在分词(ing形式)


What class are you in ?--I'm in Class __Grade __


Where is the music room ?----It is on the third floor9、问什么节日在什么时候?

When is the teacher's day ?---it is on september 10th10、问你喜欢喝吃什么?

What would you like to drink/eat?---I'd like some +东西


May I have a rest ?---yes ,of course please12、当别人提出可以帮助你吗?

Can I help you ?---yes ,please water the flowers13、问那是谁?

Who is this ?--it is+人名


Who are they ?---they are +人名


What is this ?--it is+东西


What are they thesethose ?---they are+东西

17、this is that is +f单数this is an apple.that is a witchThese are those are +f复数 these are peaches.Those are lilies.



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