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Module 1 Family and relatives


Unit 1 My family tree


Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:This is my brother(s).这是我的兄弟(们)。These are sister(s).这些是我的姐妹(们)。



S2: How many brothers do you have? 你有几个兄弟? Sisters 姐妹

cousins 表弟妹 uncles 叔叔 aunts 姑姑

S1:I only have one „/I have(number)„


Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:What do you do with your„? 你和你的„干什么?

S2: I always play games/football with my father.总是 做游戏/踢足球 我的爸爸 usually go shopping/swimming/cycling mother.通常 去购物/游泳/骑自行车 妈妈

sometimes go to the park/the zoo.brother(s).有时 去公园/动物园 兄弟(们)

watch TV/see a film sister(s).姐妹(们)看电视/看电影节 uncle(s).叔叔(们)Play badminton/go cycling aunt(s).姑姑(们)打羽毛球/去骑自行 cousin(s).表弟妹(们)

grandfather(s).爷爷(们)grandmother(s).奶奶(们)S1:What else do you do with him/ her/ them? 你和他(她、他们)还干别的什么? S2: I always „with him.我总是和他„„ usually her.常常和她„„ sometimes them.有时和他们„„

Language语言 ◆ relatives ◆ family members grandfather/grandmother father/mother grandson/granddaughter孙子;外孙/孙女;外孙女 son/daughter uncle/aunt brother/sister cousin ◆ How many uncles do you have? ◆ What do you do with your aunt? I always play games with my aunt.usually sometimes

Unit 2 I have a good friend


Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:Have you been to „(place)yet? 你去过„„(地方)吗? S2: Yes,I have already been to „(place)是的,我已经去过„„(地方)。

just been there.刚刚去过那儿。

No,I haven’t been to „(place)yet.不,我还没去过„„(地方)been there




如:I have already seen the film.我已经看过这部电影。

Have they been to Beijing?他们去过北京吗?

Language语言 ◆ They like to play together.他(她)们喜欢一起玩耍。be 他(她)们喜欢在一起。◆ He/She is always friendly.他(她)总是很友好。never naughty.他(她)从不淘气。◆ They always walk(s)to school together.他们总是一起步行去学校。He never work(s)hard.他从不努力工作。She tell(s)lies.她从不说谎。◆ Have you been to Ocean Park yet? 你已经去过海洋公园了吗? there 你已经去过那儿了吗? 此名为现在完成时态,句中yet意为“已经,仍然”,常用于否定句和疑问句中,置于句末。

Yes,I have just been to Ocean Park.是的,我刚去过海洋公园。already there.我已经去过那儿。No,I haven’t been to Ocean Park yet.不,我还没去过海洋公园。there 我还没去过那儿。◆ What about Water World? 水上世界怎么样? =Have you been to Water World?

Unit 3 Spending a day out together


Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:What do you usually do at weekends?你通常在周末干什么? S2: I usually„in„(place)我常„„在„„(地方)如

I usually go shopping in Wangfujing Street.S1: Is „ near or far away from„? „„离„„近还是远?

Language语言 ◆ Where have you been(in Beijing)?你去过北京哪儿? I have been to Tiananmen Square.我去过天安门广场。

◆ How are we going to get there?我们怎么到达那儿?

Let’s go by bus.我们乘公共汽车去。◆ When are we going to come back?我们什么时候准备回来?

We are going to come back at six o’clock.我们六点钟回来。◆ Which place shall we visit? 我们将参观哪个地方? Let’s go to the Great Wall.我们去长城。◆ How much does it cost? 它要花多少钱? ◆ How about nine o’clock in the morning?早晨九点怎么样? 如

Is Wangfujing Street near or far away from Tiananmen Square? S2: It’s near/far away from„ 它离„„近/远。

Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:Where have you been? 你去过哪儿?

S2: I’ve been to „(place)with my„ 我和我的„„一起去过„„

This is a photograph of my … and me.这是我和我的„„的一张照片。S1: What are you and your „ doing together?你和你的„„一起干什么? S2: We are „ together.我们一起„„ Activity活动

swim游泳, shop商店, fly kites放风筝, ride bicycles骑自行车 play football/basketball/badminton踢足球/打篮球/打羽毛球, have a picnic/lunch/dinner举行野餐/吃午饭/吃晚饭



Unit 1

1.No smoking 禁止吸烟

2.No littering禁止扔杂物

3.No parking禁止停车

4.No cycling 禁止骑自行车

5.No eating or drinking 禁止吃喝

6.keep off the grass不接近草坪

7.Be quiet保持安静

8.Do not touch不要摸

9.climb trees爬树

10.ride bikes骑自行车

11.take photos拍照片

12.go to the park去公园

13.go home回家

14.have an ice cream吃一个冰淇淋

15.have dinner吃饭

16.watch TV看电视

17.read books读书

18.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

19.go to bed睡觉

20.know a lot了解许多

21.public signs公共标志

22.on the wall在墙上

23.stay away from…远离……

24.walk on the grass在草地上走

25.the birds’ cage鸟笼

26.make noise发出噪音

27.take a walk散步

28.a ten-yuan note 一张十元的钞票

29.look around四周看

30.pick up捡起

31.come up to sb.走进某人

Unit 2

1.a new student in Ben’s class 本班上的一位新学生

2.after school放学以后

3.go home together一起回家 4.talk about谈论有关……

5.come soon 快到了 6.the third of March三月三日

7.on the twenty-second of July 在七月二十二日

8.your birthday你的生日

9.on the 18th of October 在十月十八日

10.Let’s wait and see 让我们等一下看看

11.blow out the candles吹灭蜡烛 12.as a birthday present


13.birthday cake生日蛋糕

14.come to my birthday party 来参加我的生日聚会

15.have a birthday party举办生日聚会

16.open the door 开门

17.a VCD of Japanese cartoons 一张日本卡通光盘

18.take off脱下

19.make a birthday card 做一张生日贺卡

20.blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛

21.a piece of paper一张纸 22.fold it in half把它对折

23.happy birthday 生日快乐

24.what date 几号

25.buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物

Unit 3

1.Sports Day运动日

2.all the students所有的学生

3.be excited非常激动

4.very exciting非常令人兴奋

5.look for寻找

6.a running race一场赛跑

7.let me see让我看看

8.a moment ago / just now刚才

9.on the ground在地上

10.pick them up for me 帮我把它们捡起来

11.in front of 在……前面

12.next to 紧靠……旁边

13.a pair of glasses一副眼镜(单数)14.a roll of film一卷胶卷(单数)15.three diaries三本日记

16.a pair of earphones 一副耳机(单数)17.listen to music 听音乐

18.yesterday evening 昨天晚上

19.under the table在桌子下面

20.try to remember试图记住

21.in the red box在红色盒子里

22.close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛

23.play a game 玩游戏

24.with your classmates 和你的同学们

25.over there 在那边

26.in my school bag 在我的书包里

Unit 5

1.National Day(国庆日)

2.the National Day holiday(国庆假期)3.last week/ last year


4.after the holiday(假期后)

5.go to school early(很早上学)/ early--late 6.in the school playground(在学校操场上)

7.before class

(上课前)/ before--after 8.watch a film with my parents(和我的父母一起去看电影)/ watched 9.a funny cartoon

(一部有趣的卡通片)/ funny(形容词)10.visit a farm with my family(和我的家人一起参观农场)/ visited 11.on the farm(在农场里)

12.water trees(浇树)/ watered 13.pull up carrots(拔胡萝卜)/ pulled up 14.milk cows(挤牛奶)/ milked 15.That was fun!

(那是件有趣的事!)/ fun(名词)

16.collect eggs(收集鸡蛋)/ collected 17.fruit trees(果树)

18.pick a lot of oranges(摘许多橘子)/ picked

19.taste them(品尝它们)/ tasted 20.Wonderful!(太好了!)

21.go to the farm(去农场)/ went 22.at the weekends(在周末)

23.watch cartoons(看动画片)/ watched

24.visit the zoo(参观动物园)/ visited 25.listen to music(听音乐)/ listened 26.play football(踢足球)/ played 27.play volleyball(打排球)/ played

28.clean the house(打扫房子)/ cleaned 29.visit Liu Tao’s grandparents(拜访刘涛的祖父母)/ visited 30.camping trip(野营旅行)

31.at a camp(在一个营地上)

32.walk in the mountains(登山)/ walked 33.cook a lot of food(做许多食物)/ cooked 34.play a lot of games(玩许多游戏)/ played

35.go camping(去野营)/ went 36.plant flowers(种花)/ planted 37.have a good time(玩得很高兴)/ had Unit 6

1.get very excited 变得非常兴奋

2.come after 在……之后到来

3.New Year's Day 元旦

4.on New Year's Day 在元旦

5.at Christmas 在圣诞节

6.go to parties 去参加聚会

7.have a big lunch 吃一顿丰盛的午餐

8.at Spring Festival 在春节

9.What do people usually do at Spring Festival? 人们通常在春节干什么?

10.visit their relatives and friends 拜访他们的亲戚和朋友

11.eat lots of delicious food 吃许多美味的食物

12.last Spring Festival 上个春节

13.of course 当然

14.my favourite holiday


15.in October 在十月

16.dress up in costumes 用戏服装扮

17.last Halloween 去年万圣节

18.Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

19.eat moon cakes 吃月饼

20.play with lanterns 玩灯笼

21.watch the moon赏月

22.the beautiful moon 漂亮的月亮

23.on different holidays 在不同的节日

24.last year 去年

25.at Easter 在复活节

26.from…to从……到……… 27.listen to him 听他讲

28.in the grass 在草丛中

29.a popular holiday一个流行的节日

30.in China 在中国

31.in January or February 在一月或二月

32.eat rice dumplings 吃粽子

33.like to play with lanterns 喜欢玩灯笼

34.eat chocolate eggs 吃巧克力蛋

35.make pumpkin lanterns 制作南瓜灯笼

36.give presents to your friends 把礼物给你的朋友

37.go to Beijing 去北京

38.this afternoon 今天下午

39.play with balloons 玩气球

40.watch cartoons 看卡通片

41.sing and dance唱歌跳舞

42.his conversation with his teacher 他和他老师的谈话

43.meet Helen in the playground 在操场上遇见海伦

44.read a book about the farm 读关于农场的书

45.visit a farm with my parents 和我的父母亲一起参观农场

46.the same holiday 相同的假日

47.play with friends 和朋友玩

48.watch the dragon boat races 观看龙舟比赛

Unit 7

1.on the 25th of December 在12月25日

2.Christmas Day 圣诞日

3.on Christmas Day 在圣诞日

4.J m's family 吉姆一家人 5.in his grandparent's house 在他爷爷奶奶的房子里

6.Christmas trees 圣诞树

7.the presents under the Christmas tree 在圣诞树下的礼物

8.so many 这么多

9.from grandmother 来自祖母

10.open it for me 为我打开它

11.like drinking tea 喜欢喝茶

12.be from 来自

13.Christmas presents 圣诞礼物

14.at Jim's house 在吉姆家

15.draw and write in the diary 在日记上画和写

16.go to the supermarket 去超市

17.sit at the back of the bus 坐在公共汽车的后面

18.get off 下车

19.the seat in front of me


20.the woman beside him 在他旁边的妇女

21.walk to the driver 走向驾驶员

22.after lunch 午餐后

23.You are welcome.不用谢

24.next to the blackboard 紧靠黑板

25.get many presents on Christmas Day 在圣诞节得到很多礼物

26.at the back of 在……后部

27.write his diary 写他的日记

28.under the seat 在座位下面

29.open the presents 打开礼物 30.ask and answer 问答

31.ask a lot of questions 问许多问题 32.the Children’s Day 儿童节 33.the public telephone 公共电话 34.the police station 警察局


Module1 Unit1


morning 早上 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 night 夜晚


Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.How are you? I'm fine.Good night.Thank you.单词

boy 男孩 girl 女孩 big 大的 small 小的短语

I'm Mary.You're tall.Who am I? I'm thin.Is it a cat? Yes, it's a cat.in the morning 在早上 Good afternoon.下午好。summer evening 夏天晚上 lonely night 寂寞的夜晚

早上好。下午好。晚上好。你好吗? 我很好。晚安。谢谢你。

Module1 Unit2

a smart boy 聪明的男孩 a little girl 小女孩 a big house 大房子 a small ball 小球

我是玛丽。你个子高。我是谁? 我很瘦。



Module1 Unit3


seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十


a new classmate This is Peter.Are you Alice? You are Kitty.Are you a boy? I'm seven.单词

run 跑 write 写 swim 游泳fly 飞


Can you write? Yes, I can.No, I can't.I can swim.What can she do? ride a bicycle skip rope

seven months 七个月 eight floors 八层楼 nine songs 九首歌 ten years 十年

一个新同学 这是彼得。

你是爱丽丝吗? 你是凯蒂。

你是个男孩吗? 我七岁了。

Module2 Unit1

run fast

快跑 write a letter 写信 learn to swim 学游泳 fly high 高飞

你会写字吗? 是的,我会。不,我不会。我会游泳。她会做什么? 骑自行车 跳绳

Module2 Unit2


young 年轻的 old 老的,旧的 a young lady the old man 年轻女士 老人


Who's she? She's Sally.Is she your sister? Yes, he is.No, he isn't.Is that a boy? Is she short?


hair 头发head 头 face 脸


My hair is short.I like you.very big

My eyes are big.a small kite

她是谁? 她是莎莉。

她是你姐姐吗? 是的,他是。不,他不是。

那是一个男孩吗? 她个子矮吗?

Module2 Unit3

black hair

黑头发 raise your head 抬起头 round face 圆脸



Module3 Unit1


slide 滑 slide door 滑动门 swing 挥舞,摆动 swing the arm 挥舞手臂 seesaw 跷跷板


What can you see? I can see a swing.What colour is it? It's yellow.in the net


bag 包 box 箱子 desk 桌子 chair 椅子


put the book in the bagon the chair All right.look at pencil case I'm sorry.in the box every day

play the seesaw 玩跷跷板 你能看到什么? 我能看到一个秋千。它是什么颜色的? 是黄色的。在网子里



a heavy bag 沉重的包 carry the box 提箱子 clean the desk 清理桌子 sit on the chair 坐在椅子上

把书放进书包里 在椅子上 好吧。看

铅笔盒 对不起。在盒子里 每天

Module3 Unit3


bowl 碗 a bowl of soup 一碗汤 plate 盘子 a plate of meat 一盘肉 spoon 汤匙 silver spoon 银汤匙 chopsticks 筷子 use chopsticks 使用筷子


No, thanks.Give me a plate, please.Here you are.I'm coming.how many There are four bowls.under the chair


Look at the sky.Can you see the moon? Is it big? It's bright.how many


Look at me.I like meat.It likes bananas.so big

in her hands

close the window


Don't pick the flowers.climb the tree I'm sorry.What's this? It's nice.不用了,谢谢。请给我一个盘子。给你。我马上就来。多少个 有四个碗。在椅子底下




你能看见月亮吗? 它大吗?


Module4 Unit2


我喜欢吃肉。它喜欢香蕉。这么大 在她手里 关上窗户

Module4 Unit3


我很抱歉。这是什么? 它很好。


上海牛津英语六年级 上下册全知识点梳理


always/sometimes/usually/never 是频度副词,提问应该要用How often„? 在句中的位置是:放在行为动词的前面,放在be动词的后面。也可以说“行前系后”。E.g She is always kind.她总是很善良的。

She always helps other people.她总是帮助其他人。不能出现这样的句子:She is always helps other people.(×)一句话中不能同时出现两个动词。并且要注意主谓保持一致,尤其注意第三人称单数不可以忽略。

how often 与 how many times how often 提问“频率次数+时间范围” how many times 提问“频率次数”

e.g.—How often do you exercise? —Twice a week.—How many times have you been there? —Twice.副词

表示动作特征或性状特征。一般用来形容或修饰除了名词和代词以外的词,主要修饰形容词、动词、其他副词和句子。He looks very happy.(修饰形容词)

The old lady is walking slowly now.(修饰动词)Luckily, he got the first prize.(修饰句子)形容词后面+ly构成副词:

slow—slowly slight—slightly quick—quickly

careful—carefully fierce—fiercely immediate—immediately





What else do you do with your„?你和你的„还干什么? With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。

With me/him/her/it/us /them 在具体的某一楼层只能用介词on,并且第几层还要用序数词 On the ground floor, on the first floor, on the fifteenth floor

具体的某一天介词只能用on On Sunday, On Sunday morning,On the Open Day he one on the left/right 左边/右边的这个 the one in the middle 中间的这个

如果是介词短语修饰the one,应该要放在the one后面,如果是形容词应放the one的中间the left/right one the middle one at weekends= at the weekend在周末


现在完成时的构成是: have/has +动词的过去分词。have/has been to 去过,到过(表示现在已经回来)have/has been in 住在 = have lived / stayed in have/has gone to 去,到„..(表示现在还没有回来)e.g.We have already been to Changfeng Park.Have you been to „..yet? 你去过„..吗?

Yes, I have already/just been to„./been there.是的,我已经去过了。No, I haven‟t been to „/been there yet.不,还没有去过。

already 已经(多用于肯定句,放于动词前)yet 迄今,还(多用于疑问句和否定句,放于句末)just 刚刚(用法和位置和already相同)

e.g.I have already been to Lily’s home.Have you been to Lily’s home yet? I have lived in Shanghai for thirteen years.No, I haven’t been to her home yet.live / stay „for„在„住/待„(时间)for +一段时间,多与现在完成时连用表示动作从过去延续到现在的一段时间,并用how long提问。


one 用来指代一个人或事物,而ones用来指代一些人或事物。

定冠词the 定冠词the的用法:

a.在球类运动前不加定冠词the play football / basketball / tennis, etc.b.在乐器前必须加定冠词the

play the piano / violin, etc.c.在watching television中,不加定冠词the


on the tenth of September / on September tenth 9月10日 two fifteen = a quarter past two


Three ten = ten past three

3:10 One thirty = half past one

1:30 two forty = twenty to three


half an hour = 30 minutes 用了half an hour后面就不能再有minutes one and a half hours=one hour and a half

一个半小时 One hour and twenty minutes

一小时二十分钟 a.m./p.m.分别表示上午和下午。

First,„/Next,„/Then„/After that,„/Finally,„ Finally = at last = in the end





What can you see when there is a typhoon? 当有台风时,你能看见什么?

When it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I will go out for a walk.当明天天气不下雨时,我将出去散步。


By bus/bike/car/underground/train/ferryride take a bus/bike/car/underground/train/ferry He goes to school by bus.=He takes a bus to school.He goes to school by bike.=He rides his/a bike to school.=He cycles to school.其他的交通工具都能用take来表示乘,但bike只能用ride a bike on foot 步行

She goes to work on foot every day.=She walks to work every day.数词、量词

a few 只能修饰可数名词,与可数名词的复数形式连用 a little 只能修饰不可数名词 some / a lot of 既可修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词。当与可数名词连用时,只能与可数名词的复数形式连用


plenty of “许多,大量”,后面可跟不可数名词或可数名词复数 too much 太多+不可数名词 too many 太多+可数名词复数

e.g.Don’t drink too much cola.不要喝太多的可乐。Too many sweets are bad for your teeth.吃太多糖对你的牙齿不好。

too little 太少+不可数名词 too few 太少+可数名词复数

可以用not...enough(修饰可数或不可数名词)结构改写句子。e.g.You eat too little fruit.= You don’t eat enough fruit.less 更少+不可数名词(less是little的比较级)fewer 更少+可数名词(fewer是few的比较级)

more 更多+可数名词、不可数名词(more是many、much共同的比较级)

e.g.You should have less meat, fewer soft drinks and do more exercise.你应该少吃肉,少喝软饮料,多做运动。

once 一次 twice 两次

三次及以上: 数字+times a quarter of 四分之一

three quarters of 四分之三

量词:a slice of /slices of;a tin of/ tins of;a bag of/ bags of;a piece of/ pieces of


How many uncles do you have?你有多少个叔叔? How many后面接可数名词的复数形式。

Why do you like„?你为什么喜欢„„? I like„because„我喜欢„„是因为„„

Which place shall we visit?我们将参加哪个地方? When are we going to come back?我们将什么时候回来? What kind of soup/fruit would you like?你想要哪种汤/水果? What does this sign mean?这个标志意味着什么?

What does this sign mean?=what is the meaning of this sign?

Where can we find it?我们在哪里能找到它? Which door must we use?我们必须要使用哪一扇门?

Would you like rice or noodles for dinner tonight? 你晚饭是想吃饭还是吃面条?or在这里是标示一种选择关系。A:May I have some„,please? B: Ok.Here you are./Sorry.I haven‟t got any.May I„?用于提出请求。回答时,表示允许,常用Ok。/Sure./All right./Yes, you may.表示拒绝时,常用No, you may not./ I‟m afraid you can‟t.并且may not不能用缩写的形式。

A:Would you like some„? B: Yes, please./No, thanks.接受别人的请求时,应说Yes, please.;拒绝别人时,应说No, thanks.I don‟t want any „ because it‟s/they‟re(too)sweet/salty/spicy/sour/bitter

How often„„? “多久一次”,用于对时间频率提问。


must 意为“必须”表示很重要或必要。must not意为“不准”,表示不允许或禁止 must是个情态动词,后面接动词原形。We mustn‟t eat or drink.or用于否定句中表示“并列” and用于肯定句中表示“并列”。

Don‟t talk loudly.=We mustn‟t talk loudly.情态动词的一般疑问句就是把情态动词提前,后面照抄。句号改为问号。Must we wait for the green man? must作为情态动词表示“必须”,否定式mustn’t表示“禁止,不允许”,注意由must提问的一般疑问句肯定回答用Yes, „„must;否定回答用No, you needn’t.花钱花时间


Take以it作主语,通常是花费时间 It takes me 10 minutes to go to school.Spend 以人作主语,既可以是花费金钱,也可以是花费时间。Spend time/money on sth.spend time/money in doing sth.E.g I spend two yuan on this pen.=I spend two yuan in buying this pen.It takes sb.some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事。

It takes me about fifteen minutes to go to school.我去学校要花费15分钟。

How much does it cost?它花费多少钱?

How much was it?=How much did it cost?= What was the price of it? 它多少钱。How long does it take you to get to„ 它花费你多长时间到达„


near 离„很近后面直接接地点

I live near school.=My home is near school.我家离学校很近。far away from=far from离„很远

He lives far away from school.=His home is far from school.他家离学校很远

get to “ 到达„ ” 表示“到达那里”只能说get there

He will arrive in Shanghai at two o‟clock.reach是个及物动词,后面直接接地点名词 I reach school / get to school

leave for 出发去„„动身去„„ leave A


leave for B


e.g.He will leave Shanghai.e.g.He will leave for Tokyo.leave A for B 离开A地去B地 e.g.He will leave Shanghai for Tokyo.arrive + in 大地方(如国家、城市等范围较大的地方)




/ Shanghai„

arrive + at 小地方(如车站、学校等小范围的地方)school...方位词:east / west / north / south / north-east / north-west / south-east / south-west 用法:a.两地不相邻: e.g.A is north B.(= to the south of)

b.两地接壤: e.g.A is on the north of B.e.g.arrive at the airport /

c.所属关系,A包含B, B属于A: e.g.B is in the north of A.表示提议的句型

Shall we have a picnic tomorrow?=Let‟s have a picnic tomorrow.明天我们野餐怎么样?/我们明天去野餐吧!Shall we„?/ Let‟s用于提出建议。


That‟s a good idea.那是个不错的主意。

-------Would you like some snacks?-------No, thanks.I don‟t want any.I want some fruit.How about = what about怎么样?

Why / Why not?为什么?/为什么不?


一般将来时:用于表示将来某个时间发生的动作或状态。常与tomorrow, next +时间词,in+一段时间, in the future等连用。

其动词形式有will/shall + do 或 is/am/are going to + do(动词原形)will / be going to will是个情态动词,没有人称的变化.E.g He will arrive in Shanghai at two o‟clock.I will meet them at the entrance.Your parents will arrive at two o‟clock.但是be going to有人称的变化.He is going to go fishing tomorrow.I am going to go fishing tomorrow.They are going to go fishing tomorrow.都是用来表将来的,他们后面应该接动词的原形。


If there is no rain, we will have no water to drink.如果没有雨,我们将没有水喝。



并列连词有and并且,和;but但是;or或者,否则的话;so所以;for因为。She can‟t read or write.她既不会读也不会写。

or用在否定句中表平列关系。and用在肯定句中表平列关系。She can read and write.她既会读又会写。




healthier than 比----健康

less healthy than 比----不健康 as healthy as 像----一样的健康 as unhealthy as像----一样的不健康

than用于比较级中 as...as用于原级比较

one of the most intelligent animals最聪明的动物之一 one of the most dangerous animals最危险的动物之一

one of the + 形容词最高级+ 名词的复数,表示“最„„的之一”。


用于三者或以上:most /some / all /none of them 他们中的大多数/一些/全部/全都不是 All of the bus drivers were men.改否定句如下: None of the bus drivers was a man.或者None of the bus drivers were men.用于两者之间:Both of my parents are engineers.改否定句如下: Neither of my parents is an engineer.词组固定搭配

see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 use sth.to do用某物来做

use sth.for doing用某物来做

like to do sth.=like doing sth.喜欢做某事 be kind to sb.对某人很友好 tell a lie = tell lies说谎

share sth.with sb.和某人分享某物 for the first time第一次

want sb.to do sth.= would like to do sth.想要做某事 need to do sth.需要做某事。Invite sb to sp邀请某人去某地

have a great / good time 玩得开心,过的愉快 on the road在路上 wait for 等待 be late for school 迟到 find out查出,弄清

talk to sb.对某人说,跟某人交谈。talk about sb./sth.谈论关于某人/某事。tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人去做某事 tell sb.not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事

in the same place / in different places 在同一个地方/在不同地方 How much...do we need ?我们需要多少......? plan to do 计划做„„

know about 知道/了解关于„„的事情 give sth.to sb.= give sb.sth.给某人某物 forget doing 忘记做过„„(已做)

forget to do忘记去做„„(未做)


practise doing„练习做„„,训练„„ help do the housework 帮忙做家务

help sb.(to)do sth.帮某人做某事

= help sb.with sth.帮某人某事 learn to do sth.学会做某事

learn—learnt—learnt have to do sth.表示“不得不做某事”

keep sb./sth.+ adj.保持某人或某物处于某种状态 instead of(doing)sth.代替,而不是 be made of由„„制成的(看得出原材料)be made from由„„制成的(看不出原材料)be made by由(谁)制造的 be made in由(某地)制造的stop doing sth.停止正在做的事

stop to do sth.停下去做某事

be important to sb.对某人是重要的

be important for sb.to do sth.对某人做某事是重要的provide sth.for sb.为某人提供某物 provide sb.with sth.给某人提供某物


M1U1 Meeting new people 1.词汇:classmate 同学schoolmate 校友deskmate 同桌friend朋友 meet 遇见people人们eleven 十一twelve十二thirteen 十三

fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty二十student number 学号sit 坐skip跳绳

live居住near在……附近year年well好mask 面具

2.词组:my classmate 我的同学go to the park 去公园ride a bicycle骑自行车 skip a rope 跳绳live near the school住在学校附近walk to school走路去学校play basketball 打篮球like reading喜欢阅读years old 岁

—Nice to meet you!很高兴遇到你!—Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴遇到你!See you!再见!3.语法:形容词性物主代词his,her,your,my,its,their,our 形容词性物主代词(所有格后必须加名词。my new classmate her dress our classroom his mother His/Her name is……

This is my sister.Her name’s Sally.(向别人介绍某个人 Can 句型can后的动词必须是原形 He can swim very fast.He can’t sing.Can he climb a tree? 主语是第一人称I、we,第二人称you和第三人称复数they、his parents等的时候,句中动词用原形;主语是第三人称单数时,动词要相应变化(加s She lives near our school.She walks to school every day.My friend has a nice dress。

变否定句和疑问句时要添加助动词doesn’t和does,动词要变回原形。My brother doesn’t like his toy car.Does Kitty walk to school every day? like后面加名词复数We like balls.动词ing形式We like playing basketball.to do We like to play basketball.do-doing的规则:直接加ing singing,playing,painting,jumping 去末尾的e,加ing writing,dancing,coming 双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing swimming,skipping running M1U2 Abilities 词汇:climb 爬draw 画画paint 用颜料画画swim 游泳read读write 写Jump 跳hop单脚跳picture画,图dream梦interview 采访guest嘉宾everyone大家,每个人fast 快high高very 很,非常welcome欢迎both(两个都dolphin海豚wasp黄蜂crisp薯片

词组:paint a picture画一幅画climb a tree爬树count to three数到very much 非常read a book看书swim in the river在河里游泳

fly very high飞得很高swim very fast游得很快very well很好 both super都很棒our guest我们的嘉宾welcome to 欢迎来到…… 语法:1.can句型

肯定句:I/He/She/They can run fast.否定句:I/He/She/They can’t run fast.一般疑问句:Can you/he/she/they run fast? 特殊疑问句:What can you/he/she/they do? 2.have got,has got 表示某人有某物 M1U3 How do you feel? 词汇:back 回来biscuit饼干feel感觉happy高兴的sad伤心的hungry 饿 full饱的thirsty口渴的tired累的crow乌鸦bottle瓶子water水drink喝pebble小石子so所以then那么,然后idea办法toast烤面包post 邮局lamp灯postman邮递员large大的cream奶油berry 果冻want需要,想要2.词组:a new bicycle一辆新自行车have some biscuits吃些饼干each other对方drink some water喝些水thirsty and tired又渴又累a good idea一个好主意 a bottle of water一瓶水a piece of toast一片烤面包long and thin又长又细post lamp路灯post office邮局be full of充满了……be tired of厌倦

—Have some biscuits.—Thank you.I have an idea.我有一个主意。

3.语法:—How do you feel?—I’m /we’re hungry.—How does Danny feel?—He’s thirsty.以here,there开头的句子be动词用is还是are要看后面的名词是单数还是复数,是可数名词复数还是不可数名词。

Here’s some water for you.Here are some pebbles.There is a bottle under the tree.There are three crows in the tree.



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