新编商务英语基础教程Unit 10

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第一篇:新编商务英语基础教程Unit 10

Unit 10 Employment

I Teaching Aim

1.Cognitive Information(认知信息): Employment

2.Language Focus(内容重点):

1)Word Study: A.executive, impression, recall, schedule, tastefully, appreciative, assessment, absorb, personality, preference; B.chief, ambitious, incredible, transform, digital, integrate, correspond, permission, complain

2)Phrases: A.according to, due to, show respect to, engage in; B.keep track of, be related to

3)Key words: A.establish; B.ensure

3.Grammar: 被动语态Ⅱ

4.Writing(写作技巧): E-mail写作

5.Translation(翻译技巧): 直译与意译

III Background Information


1. 个人品质

adaptable 适应性强的ambitious 有雄心壮志的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的disciplined 守纪律的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达

hard-working 勤劳的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的2.其他内容

objective 目标

career objective 职业目标

employment objective 工作目标

position wanted 希望职位

job objective 工作目标

position applied for 申请职位

position sought 谋求职位

position desired 希望职位

for more specialized work 为更专门的工作

for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途

for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任

for wider experience 为扩大工作经验

due to closedown of company 由于公司倒闭

due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满

to offer a more challenging opportunity 提供更有挑战性的工作机会

to seek a better job 寻找更好的工作

to look for a more challenging opportunity 寻找一个更有挑战性的工作机会

IV language and Culture Focus(语言文化要点)


1.Word study

1)executive n.① a person or group in a business organization, trade union, etc.with administrative or managerial powers 行政领导;经理

e.g.a sales executive 营业主任

She’s an executive in a computer company.她是一家计算机公司的行政人员。

②(in the Civil Service)a person who carries out what has been planned or decided 行政人员e.g.executive officer 行政主任

2)impression n.① ~(on sb.)a deep, lasting effect on the mind or feelings of sb.印象;感想

e.g.His first speech as president made a strong impression on his audience.他当会长后的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。

② [esp.sing.] ~(of sth./doing sth./that...)an idea, feeling or opinion 想法,感觉,看法e.g.He gives the impression of being a hard worker/that he works hard.他给人的印象是工作很努力。


be under the impression that...to have the(usu.mistaken)idea that...有某种(通常指错误的)想法

e.g.I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow.我以为你明天才来呢。


impressive a.给人以深刻印象的3)recall v.① ~ sb.(from...)(to...)to order sb.to return(from a place)召回

e.g.recall an ambassador(from his post)将大使(从驻在国)召回

② to order(sth.)to be returned 收回

e.g.recall library books 要求归还图书馆的书

③ to bring(sth./sb.)back into the mind; recollect 回忆起;记起

e.g.I can’t recall his name.我想不起他的名字了

4)schedule n.① a program of work to be done or of planned events 计划表

e.g.a factory production schedule 工厂生产进度表

Everything is going according to schedule.一切都在按预定计划进行。

② a timetable

e.g.The fog disrupted airline schedules.这场大雾扰乱了航空公司的时刻表。

③ a list of items, etc.清单,明细表

e.g.The attached schedule gives details of the shipment.装运货物的细目见所附清单。

5)tastefully ad.having or displaying good taste 趣味高雅地

e.g.She often dresses tastefully.她总是穿着很有品味。


taste n.① ~(for sth.)liking or preference 爱好

e.g.She has a taste for foreign travel.她有到国外旅行的爱好。

② [U] ability to perceive and enjoy what is beautiful or harmonious, or to behave in an appropriate and a pleasing way 鉴赏力,审美力

e.g.have excellent taste in clothes, art, music 对服装、艺术、音乐很有鉴赏力

6)appreciative a.~(of sth.)feeling or showing understanding or gratitude 有欣赏力的e.g.an appreciative letter 感谢信

I’m most appreciative of your generosity.我对你的慷慨感激之至。


appreciate v.① to understand and enjoy(sth.); value highly 欣赏;赏识

e.g.You can’t fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。

Your help was greatly appreciated, i.e., we were grateful for it.非常感谢你的帮助。② to understand(sth.)with sympathy 体恤,体谅

e.g.I appreciate your problem, but I don’t think I can help you.我理解你的困难,但却爱莫能助。

③ to increase in value 增值,涨价

e.g.Local property has appreciated since they built the motorway nearby.自从附近修建了高速公路,本地的地产已经增值。

7)assessment n.① action of assessing 评定

e.g.Continuous assessment is made of all students’work.对全体学生的功课做出连贯性的评定。

② evaluation or opinion 评价;看法

e.g.What is your assessment of the situation? 你对这一情况有什么看法?


assess v.确定,评定

8)absorb v.① to take in; suck up 吸收

e.g.Aspirin is quickly absorbed by the body.阿司匹林很快被身体吸收了。

(fig 比喻)Clever children absorb knowledge easily.聪明孩子容易吸


② to hold the attention or interest of(sb.)fully 吸引„„的注意力

e.g.His business absorbs him.他专心致志地处理业务。

9)personality n.① characteristics and qualities of a person seen as a whole 人格;个性

e.g.a likeable personality 讨人喜欢的个性

She has a very strong personality.她个性很强。

② a famous person, esp.in the world of entertainment or sport 名人

e.g.personalities from the film world 影界名流

a television personality 电视圈中的名人

10)preference n.① ~(for sth.)liking for sth.(more than sth.else)偏爱

e.g.It’s entirely a matter of preference.这完全是个见仁见智的问题。

② a thing that is liked better or best 偏爱的事物

e.g.What are your preferences? 你最喜欢什么?


in preference to 偏好

e.g.She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano.她愿学小提琴而不学钢琴。


prefer v.更喜欢

preferable a.更可取的;更好的2.Phrase

1)according to

① as stated or reported by 据„„所说

e.g.According to John you were in Edinburgh last week.据约翰说,你上星期在爱丁堡。② in a manner that is consistent with 按照,依照

e.g.act according to one’s principles 按照自己的原则行事

Everything went according to plan.一切都是按照计划进行的。

③ in a manner or degree that is in proportion to 视„„而定

e.g.salary according to qualifications and experience 视资历和经验而定的薪水

2)due tobecause of 由于,因为

e.g.The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。

3)show respect to to show admiration for; regard 对„„表示尊敬

e.g.We should show our respect to people who make great effort constantly.我们应该尊重那些不懈努力的人。

4)engage into take part in or be occupied in 参加,卷入

e.g.I have no time to engage in gossip.我无暇闲聊。

3.Key Words

establish v.① to found or bring into being on a firm or stable basis 建立;设立

e.g.This business was established in 1860.这家公司成立于1860年。

② ~ sb./oneself(in sth.)(as sth.)to place sb./oneself in a position, office, etc., usu on a permanent basis 安置,安顿

e.g.We are now comfortably established in our new house.我们现已在新居舒适地安顿下来了。③ to show(sth.)to be true; prove 确定;证实

e.g.We’ve established his innocence.我们已证实他无罪。

④ to cause people to accept(a belief, custom, claim, etc.)使被接受

e.g.Established practices are difficult to change.积习难改。

His second novel established his fame as a writer.他的第二部小说确立了他的作家之名。


establishment n.设立;建立

established a.V Teaching tips(教学提示)

Part 3 Knowledge and Skills.Translation 直译与意译




e.g.In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line.在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线.(直译)

The earth acts like a big magnet 地球的作用就像一块大磁铁.(直译)

Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon 锰有同样影响,在强度






e.g.It’s easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules,Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike it will expand and fill any contain it is put in.气体是很容易压缩,这正是压缩分子之间距离根据。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体膨胀时会充满任何盛放它容器。(乱译)

例句中“乱译”是有主观臆想(不正确选择词义,任意转换成分)造成。在这里,将matter译成“根据”在物理学上是讲不通的,因为“压缩气体也就是减少分子之间距离”,两者是一回事。Matter 应作“事情”“问题”解。

将will expand任意转换为时间状语,不符合原文原意。Will expand and fill 应译为“会扩张并充满”。综上所述,原译文可改为“气体很容易压缩,那只不过是缩小分子之间距离而已。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,因为气体会扩张并充满任何盛放它的容器”。

第二篇:新编商务英语基础教程Unit 1

Unit 1 pleased to meet you Ⅰ.Teaching Aim(教学目的)

1.cognitive information(认知信息):greeting and introduction 2.Language focus(内容重点): 1)word study : A.acquaintance , ritual, utter, reassure, unconsciously, initial, appropriate, ignore, formula, assume, contemporary,determiner, obliged, Congressman, colleague,attorney, suspend, remark, B.Position, enquiry, customary, remain, gathering, fellow

2)Phrases :A.even though, reassure...about, be based on, in turn, carry on, be willing to;B.meet with, in the form of

3)Key words: A.address, base,common;B.Greeting,introduction 3.Grammar:

4.Writing(写作技巧):基本句型1 5.Translation(翻译技巧):词义的选择

Ⅱ.About phonetics()Ⅲ.Background information(背景知识)商务英语的学习涉及得体的introduction(介绍)、greeting(问候)等基本会话,在这些基础上,还需要进一步地学习有关marking(市场)、sales(销售)等商务方面的知识。下面介绍一些比较基本的社交英语以及简单的商务知识。





1)正式场合:称谓和姓名用Dr./Professor/Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss/+First Name 和Last Name。

e.g 1.向地位较高的已婚女士介绍男士时可说:

Mrs.Carton, may I introduce James Harding.James, this is Mrs.Carton(or Mrs.Jane Carton).卡尔顿夫人,请让我介绍詹姆斯•哈定。詹姆斯,这位罗杰•卡尔顿夫人(或:简•卡尔顿夫人)。


Mrs.Baker, this is Miss Patricia Haly.Patty, this is Mr.Edgar Brown.布朗先生,这位是帕特丽夏•哈利小姐。帕蒂,这位是埃德加•布朗先生。


Mr.Baker, this is Robert Green.Robert, this is Mr.John Baker.贝克先生,这位是罗伯特•格林,罗伯特,这位是约翰•贝克先生。


This is Linda Bell, Mr.and Mrs.Alan Ross 艾伦•罗斯先生和夫人这位是琳达•贝尔。注意:



e.g.Allow me, sir, to introduce you to my fellow travelers.先生,请容许我向你介绍我的旅伴。

1)较正式的场合:用Dr./Professor/Mr./Mrs./Miss.+姓氏。如被介绍者是青年男女,通常用First Name 和Last Name。

E.g.① Marie Green, let me introduce Professor Banks.Professor Banks, this is Marie Green.She's here to study for her doctorate in Law.玛丽•格林,让我向你介绍班克斯教授。班克斯教授,这位是玛丽•格林,是来这里攻读法律博士学位的。


Rose Morison,I'd like you to meet Bruce Read.罗莎•莫里森,我想你见见布鲁斯•里德。

Rose Morison, have you met Bruce Read ? 罗莎•莫里森,你见过布鲁斯•里德吗?

Rose Morison, do you know Bruce Read ? 罗莎•莫里森,你认识布鲁斯•里德吗?

2)非正式场合:用被介绍者的First Name。


“John, these are my parents, George and Sylvia.”“Pleased to meet you.”“约翰,这是我的父母,乔治和西尔维娅。“认识你们很高兴。””

②“Dad,this is my boyfriend,Kevin.”“Hello,Kevin.Andrea's told me all about you.”“老爸,这是我的男朋友凯文。“你好,凯文。安德莉总在我面前提到”你。”

③“Hi,Jack, meet my brother Tom.”“Hi there Tom!I didn't expect to see you here.”“你好,杰克,这位是我的哥哥汤姆。“你好,汤姆!没想到在这儿见”到你。”



Let me introduce myself.My name is Frank Darney,legal advisor to Netcape Com.容许我来自我介绍,我叫弗兰克•达尼,是网景公司的法律顾问。②用于非正式场合:

Hello,I'm Alan Simmons.I work in the Forbes Parent Company.大家好,我叫艾伦•西蒙。我在福布斯总公司工作。


介绍后双方要互相问候,常用How do you do?或It's nice to meet you 等。如果是两位男士,通常握手以示相识,如是一男一女,应等女方伸出手,男方才可以伸出手相握;如若女方不伸手,男士是不应该主动伸手的。握手时用力要适中,太重了表现的过于热情(尤其同女士握手,太用劲会使女士产生squeeze的感觉),太轻了使对方感到敷衍了事,对人不尊敬。



①我们国家的习惯是介绍客人时常爱用官衔、职务或职业名称等冠于姓氏之前,但有些名称词在英语用法上却不用于姓氏前,如:secretary,director,engineer,manager,master等。所以,如要介绍说“这位是北京化工厂张厂长。”要说This is Mr.Zhang,Director of Beijing Chemical Plant.。

②介绍已婚女士时,要考虑到西方人的习俗:女士婚后改用其丈夫的姓,而我国女士婚后仍保持娘家姓氏。如介绍说“这位是邓教授的夫人。”英语若说成This is Mrs.Professor Deng.这就成了“邓太太是教授。”了。实情如此,倒也罢了。若不是实情,改用同位语方式作说明,或用“邓太太”,或用娘家姓——“李”,后接同位语说明身份。

e.g.This is Mrs.Deng,wife of Professor Deng.This is Ms.Li,wife of Professor Deng.总之,向外宾介绍我国人士要“入乡随俗”。

Ⅳ.Language and Culture Focus(语言文化要点)1.Word Study 1)acquaintance n.[U]~ with sth./sb.(often slight)knowledge of sth./sb.了解;认识

E.g.He has some little acquaintance with Japanese language.他稍微会一点儿日语。2)a person that one knows but is not a close friend 相识的人;泛泛之交 E.g.He has a wide circle of acquaintances.他交友广泛。

She's an old acquaintance.她是个老相识。

[相关搭配] Have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth.与某人泛泛之交。Make sb.'s acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人。E.g.I made his acquaintance at party.我是在一个聚会上认识他的。

On(further)acquaintance 2)ritual n.the prescribed from of conducting a formal secular ceremony;惯例;仪式

E.g.She went through the ritual of warming the teapot before she put the tea in.她在沏茶之前照例先把茶壶热一下。

3)Utter v.To speak;give forth a sound 说出;发出(声响)

E.g.Andrew was too excited to utter a word.安德鲁激动得说不出话来。

4)Reassure v.to restore confidence to;~sb.About sth.to remove sb.'s fears or doubts;make sb.confident again 消除疑虑;恢复某人的信心;使放心

E.g.The police reassured her about her child's safety.警方让她放心,她的孩子很安全。

A glance in the mirror reassured him that his tie wasn't crooked.他照了一下镜子,领带确实没有戴歪。5)unconsciously ad.Lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception;not consciously 无意识地

E.g.He unconsciously imitated his father.他在不知不觉中效仿了他的父亲。6)Initial

① a.[attrib.] of or at the beginning;first 开始的;最初的;第一个的 E.g.the initial letter of a word 一个单词的首字母

In the initial stages 开始阶段

My initial reaction was to refuse.我最初的反应是予以拒绝。

② n.[usu.pl.]the initial letter(of a name)(姓名的首字母)

E.g.George Bernard Shaw was well-known by his initial GBS.萧伯纳以姓名的首字母GBS为人熟知。

Sign your name and initials.请签上您的名字及名字的首字母。

③ v.to mark or sign(sth.)with one's initials 用姓名的首字母签名(或做标记)于

E.g.Initial here,please.请在这儿签上您的姓名首字母。

Initial a note, document, treaty,etc.用名字的首字母签署便条、文件、条约等 【相关词】

Initially ad.最初;开头;首先

7)appropriate a.~for /to sth.Suitable;right and proper 适当的;合适的;正当的

E.g.Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.着运动服参加正式婚礼是不合适的。【相关词】

Appropriately ad.Appropriateness n.[U] 8)ignore v.①to take no notice of(sb./sth)忽视(某人|某事)

E.g.You've been ignoring me.你一直对我视而不见。

②to deliberately refuse to greet or acknowlege(sb.)不理(某人)

E.g.I said hello to her ,but she ignored me completely!我向她打招呼,可她根本不理我!

9)formula n.[pl.~s or ,in scientific use ~e]

①a fixed arrangement of words,esp as used on social, legal or ceremonial occasions 惯用语句(尤其是社交、法律场合或仪式上使用的)

E.g.“How do you do ”and “excuse me ”and social formulas.“你好”和“对不起”是社交中的客套语。

Know the formula for addressing bishops 知道对主教的习惯称呼

②[化]a set of symbols showing the elements that a substance is made of 分子式

E.g.the formula for water is H2O.水的分子式是H2O。

③[数或物]an expression of a rule or relationship in algebraic symbols 公式

E.g.the formula for converting gallons into liters加仑和升的换算公式 【相关词】

Formulate v.①to create(sth.)in a precise form 使公式化;规划

E.g.Formulate a rule,policy,theory 制定规则,政策,创立理论

②to express(sth.)clearly and exactly by using particular words 确切地表达 E.g.formulate one's thoughts carefully 确切地阐述自己的思想

The contract was formulate in difficult legal language.该合同是用深奥的法律术语定力的。Formulation n.① [U]action of formulating 格式化;公式化;确切的表达 ②result of this 公式;确切的表达

E.g.Choose another formulation 选择另一种表达方式 10)assume v.①to accept(sth.)as true before there is proof 假定,假设;臆断

E.g.We cannot assume anything in this case.在这种情形下我们无法作出任何揣测。

②to put on or display(sth.)falsely;pretend 呈现;假装

E.g.assume ignorance,indifference,an air of concern 假装不知情,装作不在乎,假意关心

③to begin to act in or exercise(sth.);undertake;take on 承担;担任

E.g.assume office 就职

He assumes his new responsibilities next month.他下月承担新任务。【相关词】

assumed a.假装的;假的 e.g.living under an assumed name 使用化名生活


① a.~(with sb./sth.)of the time or period being referred to;belonging to the same time 属于同一时期的;存在于同一时代的e.g.Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor’s actions.当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径。

a contemporary record of events 同时代的大事记

Dickens was contemporary with Thackeray


② a.of the present time;modern 当代的;现代的e.g.contemporary events, fashions


furniture of contemporary style


③ n.a person who lives or lived at the same time as another


e.g.She and I were contemporaries at college.她和我在学院里是同学。

12)determiner n.something that determines 起决定作用


① adj.[ pred.]~(to sb.)(for sth./doing sth.)

grateful(to sb.)for performing some service 感激(某人)

e.g.I’m much obliged to you for helping us.非常感谢你帮助了我们。

② much obliged thank you 多谢

e.g.“Much obliged, ” he said as I opened the door for him.我给他开门时他说了一声“多谢”。


oblige v.force or compel somebody to do something 强制

e.g.They obliged all students to fill out this form.他们强制 所有学生填写这份表格。

14)Congressman n.(pl.-men)Congresswoman n.(pl.-women)a member of the Congress美国会议员(尤指众议员)

15)colleague n.a person with whom one works, esp.in a profession or business 同事;同僚

e.g.the Prime Minister’s Cabinet colleagues


David is a colleague of mine./David and I are colleagues.戴维是我的同事。/戴维和我是同事。


attorney n.① a person appointed to act for another in business

or legal matters(业务或法


e.g.power of attorney 代理权

a letter of attorney


②(US)a lawyer


e.g.a district attorney 地方检察官

Attorney-General(in certain countries)

某些国家的)司法部长 17)

suspend v.①

~ sth.(from sth.)to hang sth.Up 悬,挂,吊

e.g.A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.我们头顶上的天花板上吊着一盏灯。

②[usu.passive] not to allow(sth.)to fall or sink in air or liquid, etc.使悬浮

e.g.a balloon suspended above the crowd 悬浮在人群上方的气球

Smoke hung suspended in the still air.轻烟在静止的空气里悬浮着。

③ to prevent(sth.)from being in effect for a time;stop(sth.)temporarily 使暂时不起作用;暂停

e.g.suspend a rule 暂不实行一项规定

Rail services are suspended indefinitely because of the strike.铁路运输因罢工而无限期停运。



n.[esp.pl.] a short elastic strap for holding up a sock or stocking by its top 吊带 18)


① v.~ on/upon sth./sb.to say or write(sth.)by way of comment;observe 评论;注意

e.g.I couldn’t help remarking on her youth.我脱口而出说她那么年轻。

The similarity between them has often been remarked on.他们之间很相似,这一点常有人提。

②v.(dated or fml.)to take notice of(sth./sb.);perceive 注意;觉察

e.g.remark the likeness between father and son 注意到父子之间的相似之处

③ n.thing said or written as a comment;observation


e.g.pointed, cutting remarks 直言不讳的、尖刻的评论

make a few remarks about sb./on a subject 就某人/事发表几句评论

In the light of your remarks, we rejected her offer.鉴于你的评 语,我们拒绝了她的提议。


remarkable a.~(for sth.)worth noticing or unusual;exceptional 值得注意的;异常的;出凡的 e.g.a remarkable person, feat, event, book


a boy who is remarkable for his stupidity 笨得出奇的男孩

remarkably ad.2.Phrase 1)

even though despite the fact that;though 即使;尽管

e.g.We should not be conceited, even though we

had achieved great success in our work.即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。



to remove fears or doubts from(sb.);restore

confidence to(sb.)


e.g.The officer reassured us about our safety.那位官员劝说我们对安全放心。3)

be based on

to build sth.as grounds for sth.Else 以„„为„„的根据

e.g.This novel is based on historical facts.这部小说以历史事实为依据。


in turn

one by one;in succession 依次地;逐个地

e.g.We’ll cross the bridge in turn.我们要挨个过桥。

5)carry on

①(with sth./doing sth.);carry sth.on to continue(doing sth.)继续

e.g.Carry on working/with your work while I’m away.我不在的时候,要继续工作/你的工作。

Carry on the good work!


carry sth.on to take part in sth.;conduct or hold sth.参与;进行

e.g.carry on a conversation, discussion, dialogue


to conduct or transact sth.经营

e.g.carry on a business 经营事业

6)be willing to [ pred.]~(to do sth.)to have no objection(to doing sth.)愿意(做)

e.g.Are you willing to accept responsibility?


willing a.① ready or eager to help

乐意的 e.g.willing assistants


②[ pred.]~(to do sth.)having no objection(to doing sth.)愿意的 e.g.Are you willing to accept responsibility? 你愿意承担责任吗?

③[ attrib.] done, given, etc.readily or gladly


e.g.willing cooperation, help, suppor 自愿的合作、帮助、支持



ad.willingness n.[U]

3.Key Words

1)address v.①~ with/as to call or greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name 称呼

e.g.He always addresses me with “Sir”.他总是称我为“先生”。

Don’t address me as “Professor”— I’m only an


to make a speech to


e.g.The chairman addressed the rally.主席向大会致了辞。

~ to sb./sth.to put/write an address on(an envelope, parcel, etc.)the

name of the receiver, with the place where he lives or works(在信封、包裹上等)写姓名和地址

e.g.The letter was wrongly addressed to Shanghai.那封信错把地址写成上海了

~ to sb./sth.to direct or present one’s remark or written statement to(sb./sth.)向„„提出

e.g.I’d like to address my thanks to you.我想对你表示感谢。

The customers addressed all their complaints to the administration.顾客向管理部门提出了所有的投诉。

⑤ ~ oneself to sth.to direct one’s attention to(sth.);begin to work at(sth.)


e.g.Today, we’re going to address ourselves to the item on the agenda.今天,我们将着手解决议程上的主要议题。


base v.① be based on/~ sth.on sth.to take sth.as grounds, evidence, etc.for sth.else 以„„为基础;根据

e.g.I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。

Direct taxation is usually based on income.直接税通常以收入为依据。

②[ esp.passive]~ sb.in/at to place sb.in(a place from which to work and


e.g.Most of our staff are based in Cairo.我们大部分工作人员都驻在开罗。


basis n.[ pl.bases]

main principle that underlies sth.;foundation 基础;基本原理;准则

e.g.the basis of morality, friendship, etc.道德、友谊等的基础

Rates of work are calculated on a weekly basis.工资是以周为计算基准的。

② starting-point for a discussion讨论的出发点

e.g.No basis for negotiations has been agreed upon.谈判以什么为中心议题尚未取得一致意见。

This agenda will form the basis of our next meeting.本议程将成为下次会议的中心议题。3)common a.① usual or familiar;happening or found often and in many places 普通的;通常的;常见的 e.g.a common flower, sight, event普通的花、风景、事件

the common cold


②[ attrib.]~ to sb./sth.shared by, belonging to, done by or affecting two

or more people, or most of a group or society

共有的;共同(做)的;(影响)公众的e.g.common property, ownership 共有的财产、所有权

We share a common purpose.我们有共同的目标。

[ attrib.] without special rank or quality;ordinary

一般的;通常的e.g.He’s not an officer, but a common soldier.他不是军官而是普通士兵。

the common people 老百姓


be common/public knowledge 常识

have sth.in common with sb./sth.有共同的利益、特点等

e.g.Jane and I have nothing in common.简和我毫无共同之处。

I have nothing in common with Jane.我和简毫无共同之处

in common

共同的;共有的;共用的e.g.land owned in common by the residents 居民公有的土地

in common with sb./sth.与„„一样

e.g.In common with many others, she applied for a

training place.她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。


commonly ad.commonness n.【辨析】

common, ordinary, familiar, vulgar

These adjectives

describe what is

generally known or frequently encountered.这些形容词用以描述众所周知的或经常发生的事物。Common applies to what takes place often, is widely used, or is well known.common


e.g.The botanist studied the common dandelion.这位植物学家研究了常见的蒲公英。Ordinary describes something usual that is indistinguishable from others,sometimes derogatorily.Ordinary强调“与惯例相符”,暗示“无特别或突出特点”。

e.g.A ballpoint pen is adequate for ordinary purposes.圆珠笔足以应付一般书写。Familiar often describes something encountered or seen.Familiar 强调“常见的”、“熟悉的”含义。

e.g.Most children can recite familiar nursery rhymes.绝大多数儿童能够背诵熟悉的童谣。Vulgar describes association with the great mass of people and often connotes lack of refinement.Vulgar 用以描述“与多数人有关的”,“粗俗的”,“庸俗的”。

e.g.“He(Shakespeare)was not something sacred and aloof from the vulgar herd of men.”(William Hazlitt)“他(指莎士比亚)并非神圣,超凡脱俗。”




姓名 学号

I translate the words and phrases(15%)1 即使 2 轮流地 集中于 4 更换(话题)5 代替 6 在…之前 7 首先 8 总之

9以不同的方式 10 决定,商定

11feedback 12 value proposition 13 first-rate 14 distributor 15 container

II Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below.Change the form where necessary.(10%)orientation inform improve frustrate acknowledgement ensure productivity figure out reward apply 1.He did a lot to __________conditions for factory workers.2.He wants a job in which he can ________his foreign languages.3.Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant,_________increases.4.He _______the police that some money was missing.5.The lack of computing facilities in the office_________him.6.The building has an east-west _______.7.The role of the police is to ______that the law is obeyed.8.A $1000______has been offered for the return of the stolen painting.9.We are sending you some money in________of your valuable help.10.I can’t________why he did it.III Correct the mistakes(20%)1 I work with a wholly foreign-owned company specialize in industrial equipment.Automated clearinghouses are great useful for regular payments.This handbook is an important career guide publish by the government.He can’t enjoy the scenery not worrying about his future in this field.our sales were increased last year.The number of returned products will be raised.Tom was seen come into the meeting room.Our reception area needs redecorate.Careless resulted in his failure in the negotiation.Mary good at market analysis.IV Translate the sentences.(15%)1 这工作结果比我们想的要难。(turn out to be)他们只出版迎合市场的小说。(cater)不管你做什么事情,要尽量保持你的时间充裕。(make sure)4 尽管天气不好,他们可能还是决定按原计划出发。(probably)孩子们不应该过分依赖父母。(depend on)V cloze(10%)One evening I was resting in a cafe.I¬ 1 a pair of newly bought white leather shoes, which were rather expensive.Then a boy came to me.He was in a(n)2 shirt, looking pale and about eleven.No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the 3 i n his hand and took out the tools of shoe-polishing.He 4 down, took off my leather shoes, and began to shine them.He was busy doing his work 5 heavy rain began to pour down.People rushed to the café for 6 from the rain.More and more people crowded 7 and gradually separated the boy from me.Hours passed, and it turned 8.I had no shoes on my feet and 9 where the boy had been.I thought he would not 10 my shoes, and I would have to go home on my bare feet.When it was near midnight the 11 ended, and there were fewer and fewer people in the café.The café was to be 12.I had to move to the door, head 13.just as I went to the gate, I 14 found that a boy of about eleven, looking very familiar, was sleeping at the 15 with his head leaning against a box and his upper body being 16.he held a package made of his shirt tightly in his arms.I shook him slightly and woke him up.He 17 up and rubbed his eyes for a while before he recognized me.Then he opened the package 18 , gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly.I 19 him and wrapped him with his unfit shirt, which had wrapped my leather shoes.On my way home, the 20 of the boy stayed in my mind.1 A.took B.wore C.mended D.owned 2.A.old B.unfit C.small D.dirty 3.A.bag B.package C.box D.suitcase 4.A.seated B.bent C.put D.looked 5.A.when B.after C.because D.since 6.A.protection B.rest C.hide D preparation 7.A.out B.away C.in D.off 8.A.dark B.light C.dim Dbright 9.A.thought B.wondered C.guessed Dimagined 10.A.shine B.keep C return D.carry 11.A.rain B.coffee C.time D work 12.A.opened B.locked C.stopped D closed 13.A.lowered B.dropped Craised D.held 14A.shortly B.surprisedly Csadly D immediately 15.A.table B.door C.bed D.cafe 16.A.wet B.bare C.pale D.cold 17.A.stayed B.saw C jumped D.got 18.A.finally B.suddenly C.unfriendly D.hurridly 19.A.recognized B.forgave C.paid D.inspired 20.A.feature B.shirt C.image D.form VIreading comprehension(20%)In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernadino, California.They carefully chose a busy corner for their location.They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue(烤肉)restaurant, and then another drive-in.But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas.To this small selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents.Cheese was another four cents.Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity, for the brothers had developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks“ sticking to their routine.Their new drive-in became incredibly popular, particularly for lunch.People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime.The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened.They were content with this modest success untilthey met Ray Kroc.Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling milk shake-mixing machines.He quickly saw the unique appeal of the brothers” fast-food restaurants and bought the right to franchise(特许经营)other copies of their restaurants.The agreement struck included the right to duplicate the menu.The equipment, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches(拱门).Today McDonald“s is really a household name.Its names for its sandwiches have come to mean hamburger in the decades since the day Ray Kroc watched people rush up to order fifteen-cent hamburgers.In 1976, McDonald”s had over $ 1 billion in total sales.Its first twenty-two years is one of the most incredible success stories in modern American business history.1.This passage mainly talks about

.A)the development of fast food services B)how McDonald“s became a billion-dollar business

C)the business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald

D)Ray Kroc”s business talent

2.Mac and Dick managed all of the following businesses except—— A)drive-in B)cinema C)theater D)barbecue restaurant

3.We may infer from this passage that

A)Mac and Dick McDonald never became wealthy for they sold their idea to Kroc

B)The location the McDonalds chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-in

C)Forty years ago there were numerous fast-food restaurants

D)Ray Kroc was a good businessman

4.The passage suggests that

.A)creativity is an important element of business success

B)Ray Kroc was the close partner of the McDonald brothers

C)Mac and Dick McDonald became broken after they sold their ideas to Ray Kroc

D)California is the best place to go into business

5.As used in the second sentence of the third paragraph, the word unique means.A)special B)financial C)attractive D)peculiar


You“re busy filling out the application form for a position you really need;let”s assume you once actually completed a couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree.Isn“t it tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents a Harvard degree? Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State University?

More and more people are turning to utter deception like this to land their job or to move ahead in their careers, for personnel officers, like most Americans, value degrees from famous schools.A job applicant may have a good education anyway, but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are better with a diploma from a well-known university.Registrars at most well-known colleges say theydeal with deceitful claims like these at the rate of aboutone per week.Personnel officers do check up on degrees listed on application forms, then.If it turns out that an applicants lying, most colleges are reluctant to accuse the applicant directly.One Ivy League school calls them impostors(骗子);another refers to them asspecial cases.One well-known West Coast school, in perhaps the most delicate phrase of all, says that these claims are made byno such people.To avoid outright(彻底的)lies, some job-seekers claim that they attended or were associated with a college or university.After carefully checking, a personnel officer may discover that attending means being dismissed after one semester.It may be that being associated with a college means that the job-seeker visited his younger brother for a football weekend.One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century-that”s when they began keeping records, anyhow.If you don"t want to lie or even stretch the truth, there are companies that will sell you a phony(假的)diploma.One company, with offices in New York and on the West Coast, will put your name on a diploma from any number of non-existent colleges.The price begins at around twenty dollars for a diploma from Smoot State University.The prices increase rapidly for a degree from the University of Purdue.As there is no Smoot State and the real school in Indiana properly called Purdue University, the prices seem rather high for one sheet of paper.6.The main idea of this passage is that

.A)employers are checking more closely on applicants now

B)lying about college degrees has become a widespread problem

C)college degrees can now be purchased easily

D)employers are no longer interested in college degrees

7.According to the passage, special cases refer to cases where

.A)students attend a school only part-time B)students never attended a school they listed on their application

C)students purchase false degrees from commercial films

D)students attended a famous school

8.We can infer from the passage that

.A)performance is a better judge of ability that a college degree

B)experience is the best teacher

C)past work histories influence personnel officers more than degrees do

D)a degree from a famous school enables an applicant to gain advantage over others in job petition

9.This passage implies that

.A)buying a false degree is not moral

B)personnel officers only consider applicants from famousschools

C)most people lie on applications because they were dismissed from school D)society should be greatly responsible for lying on applications

10.As used in the first line of the second paragraph, the word utter means

.A)address B)thorough C)ultimate D)decisive

VII composition 写一则通知(10%)地点和时间: 大学会议室 这周六下午三点

2内容:关于提高商务英语能力的讲座,讲座由国内知名的教授主持。3 参加人员: 所有10级商务英语专业的学生

4注意事项: 不要迟到;手机进入会场后关闭;带好笔记本;准备好你感兴趣的问题


complimentary close 客套结束语attention line 指定收信人姓名 reference No.编号carbon copy 抄送

ordinal number 序号Bill of lading 提单

Commercial invoice 商业发票Insurance policy 保险单

Indented style 缩行式Full block 齐头式

Semi-block 半齐头式Modified block 改良齐头式

Business scope 经营范围Trade directory贸易黄页/贸易电话薄 Trade negotiation 贸易谈判Chamber of commerce 商会 Trade press 贸易新闻、贸易简报Trade fair市场交易会

Market survey 市场调查Branch office 分公司

Business house 商行、商店Financial status财政状况

Existing customers 现有顾客Price list价格单

Commercial counselor's office 商务处Textile products 纺织产品

Electrical appliances 家用电器Light industrial products 轻工产品 Information technology products 信息技术产品Exclusive agent 独家代理

Porcelain cups and saucers 陶瓷杯碟Sales possibilities 销售可能性 Joint efforts 合作,共同努力General inquiry 一般询盘

Specific inquiry 具体询盘Price list价格目录、报价单 Sample book 样品册First inquiry 首次询盘

The method of payment 交付方式Delivery time 交货时间

Substantial order 大额订单Nickel plated 镀镍

Bulk purchase 大宗购买CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费 Pro forma invoice 形式发票Financial standing财务状况 Fierce competition 竞争激烈Digital cammerce 商会

Digital camera 数码相机Confirmation of order订单确认

Counter offer 还盘Under no obligation 没有义务没有责任 Period of validity 有效期Subject to 服从

In compliance with 和相符,和一致Distributing channels分销渠道 See to 保证,负责In view of 鉴于

Step up 逐步增加,提升Comply with 和相符符合 Margin of profit 盈利空间Form order 格式订单

Well-known customer 知名客户Decimal point 小数点

Double check 双重检查Quality requirements 质量要求 Terms of delivery 交货条件Mode of transportation 运输方式 Longtime customer 老客户Purchase confirmation 购货确认书 Cash against documents 见单即付Sales confirmation 销售确认书 Cardboard carton 硬纸盒Wooden case 木箱

Hi-sensitivity 9-band receiver 高灵敏度9波段收音机 Ploybag 塑料袋

Shipping advice 装船通知Plastic-lined塑料压边

Initial order 首笔订单Letter of credit 信用证

The packing list 装箱单The application form 申请表 As of 自起,到为止In question 有关的Payment in advance 预付款Open account 赊销

Consignment sales 寄售Bill of exchange 汇票

Mail transfer 信汇Telegraphic transfer 电汇

Demand draft 即期汇票Payment extension 付款延期 Payment in installments 分期付款Trial sales 试销

Irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证Poplin shirting 府绸衬衫料子 Trading association 贸易关系Iron strap 铁带,铁皮条

FCL container 整箱货柜Bed spread 床单

Gunny bag 麻袋Range of products产品范围 Shipping terms 运输条件Shipping advice 装运通知

Shipping documents 运输单据Ceritificate of origin 原产地证书 Insurance policy 保险单Mowing machine 割草机

Clean, shipped on board bills of lading 清洁已装船提单Certificate of insurance 保险证明 Shipping space 货舱Through bill of lading 联运提单 FPA平安险WPA 水渍险

All risks 一切险TPND 偷窃提货不着险

Fresh and/or rain water damage risks 淡水雨淋险Shortage risk 短量险

Inter-mixture & contamination risks 混杂污损险Leakage risk 渗漏线

Clash & breakage risks 破损破碎险taint of odor risks 串味险

Sweating & heating risks 受潮受热险Hook damage risks钩损险

Rust risk 锈损险Breakage of packing risks 包装破碎险 Special additional coverage 特殊附加险War risk 战争险

Strike risk 罢工险Failure to delivery risk交货不到险 Import duty risk进口关税险On deck risk舱面险

Rejection risk 拒收险Master's protest 船长声明书 Declaration form 起运通知单Electric drill 电动钻头

Invoice value 发票金额Debit note 借项清单

General policy 大保单Duration of the agency 代理期限 Cargo liner 货运班轮Glazed wall tile 琉璃瓦

Marble polisher 大理石抛光机Dispose of 处理,安排

To lodge a claim against 向起诉Comply with 与一致

To your end 在你方Refrain form 克制住

End-user 最终用户In consequence 结果

In perfect order 完好无损Electric heater 电热器

With great regret 遗憾的At standard prices 正常价格

Agreement draft 协议草案Financial soundness 财务状况良好 Non-exclusive/general agent 一般代理market share 市场份额

Advertising and publicity agent 广告宣传费

Amendment to order confimation 订单确认申请书

Irrevocable L/C at sight即期不可撤销信用证

CIF(cost, insurance and freight)成本保险加运费

Irrevocable latter of credit 不可撤销信用证

Lodge a claim against somebody 向某人起诉


1.(财富 》 杂志)— — 这是湿的早晨在旧上海,与戴尔的推销员陈可辛卖硬。作为由外滩地区长江流量几层,陈越来越为他自己的流。他的话题: 计算机和戴尔直销模式独特的好处。他的客户: 肖剑毅、中国太平洋保险,快速增长国有保险公司的副总经理。观众: 肖的下属的三个。

2.中国太平洋,一个巨大的潜在的帐户,是使其整个的计费系统计算机化的过程中。它已有约 400 台式机和服务器约 70,主要来自 IBM 和惠普。但肖需要更多的硬件。更多。3.虽然肖的睡眠重眼睛暗示他听到了这一切之前,陈兴奋地说“直接销售”意味着中国太平洋可以订购 Pc 直接通过互联网、电话或销售人员喜欢自己。互联网,仍然一罕见的营销工具在中国,一提到 fustily 打扮的官僚明显抬头。

4.陈去解释直接销售不仅消除了中间商 — — 节省了肖和中国太平洋一大块的变化 —

— 而且还意味着戴尔可以构建中国太平洋电脑公司的确切要求,从在外面,里面的软件硬件。批准的怨言涟漪通过肖的下属。陈与戴尔的便捷的售后服务的说明完成的时候,雨停了,而萧微笑。“从计算机公司所有销售人员是激进的”他说。然后肖小声对财富 》:“但戴尔家伙甚至更具侵略性。” 5.攻击性开始偿还。不只做戴尔卷在中国太平洋的帐户,但很顺利成为我国的主要参与者。去年 8 月,今年 34 岁的亿万富翁迈克尔 • 戴尔开业厦门、香港和上海中国东南沿海的中间的海风城市中的世界第四的戴尔电脑厂。戴尔点进军中国似乎明显是陈词滥调: 中国正变得太大的个人电脑市场,戴尔,或任何人,忽略。“如果我们不在很快将成为世界第二大个人电脑市场,”问约翰莱热尔,总统的戴尔亚太,“然后怎戴尔可能会全球玩家呢?” 6.中国已经是全球第五大个人电脑的市场,在美国、日本、德国和英国后面。但是,如果中国 PC 出货量持续增长 30%--平均每年速度因为他们过去的三年 — — 中国 PC 市场仅五年将超越日本。这种增长放缓甚至没有亚洲金融危机。虽然危机蹂躏的亚洲市场喜欢韩国看到了 46%的跌幅 PC 出货量在 1997年-98 ,以中国为例,PC 出货量大幅增加 48%。

7.虽然竞争是激烈的戴尔有信心它有一种策略,会有回报。第一,它已决定不目标零售买家占大约只有 10%的戴尔中国销售。戴尔这种方式可以避免去长短根深蒂固的本地市场的领袖,像传说。传说的财务总监马雪征注意到“近两年来买一台电脑,在中国,一个人的储蓄的努力”。“与时两年的储蓄是利害,整个家庭想要去触摸,尝试在计算机存储区”。戴尔只是并不成立,尚未作出这种出售。

8.相反,该公司认为,它可以打入大通过直接向公司销售。建立美国个人电脑制造商--中国惠普公司、IBM 和康柏 — — 主要依赖分销商。由于切割中间商从派生的成本节约,戴尔认为它可以销售电脑较低的价格,比其竞争对手可以--从而窃取的市场份额。开局似乎已工作: 戴尔去年年底市场份额三倍至 1.2%,同时从 3.5%的康柏公司降至 2.7%。

9.前景并不总是如此乐观。戴尔在 1996 年就成立了其在马来西亚的第一家亚洲工厂时, 有严重怀疑其直销模式是否会工作。怀疑论者担心亚洲的低的互联网渗透率和价值亚洲人穿上与分销商的个人关系的将惩罚戴尔模式。但在实践中戴尔设法泵销量在亚洲的最严重的经济风险之一。这沉默了大部分的批评者。

10.事实上,直销模式几乎可以肯定已经带来了好处,不是的屏障,戴尔的计划。Archana Gidwani,在新加坡的 Gartner 集团的分析师表示:“与传统的利润率剃须的低价的入门级 Pc、直接订购模型风靡整个亚洲,”。她的数字从 1998 年开始,直接卖家像戴尔看到了在亚洲的货件跳 15%,而惠普、IBM、康柏、和其他经过经销商的 PC 厂商看到了发货量下降 3%。她预计亚洲的 PC 出货量下令今年直接,最多 30%左右从去11.年的 40%。“戴尔,”她的结论,“改变计算机都在亚洲销售的方式。” 戴尔启动航运中中国的计算机仅去年 8 月,虽然它已升,成为该国的第八最大 PC 制造商 ;上季度销售额增长 50%,平均无可否认从一个很低的基地。戴尔不会说,是否有业务尚未都有利可图。

更令人印象深刻的是,戴尔开始啃到其最有价值的客户群由铃中国 PC 生产商,如图例和创始人: 国有企业。这些官僚主义似乎奇怪地配合了戴尔的快如闪电的直销模式,但不知为什么它的工作原理。戴尔的企业客户在中国的三分之二是国有企业,向上从旁边没有十个月前。其余的戴尔的客户是跨国公司如爱立信、北电、摩托罗拉、和福特。戴尔希望继续签订了更多的中国企业 — — 并不容易,给卖廉价 Pc 与大量软件的小店铺的价格削减策略。但如果它不会,那么戴尔将做一些少数美国公司在中国过管理做: 把利润没有投资制造中的一笔财富,没有与中国合作伙伴或中间人分赃。为什么戴尔直销模式赢得中国?第一,看戴尔卖给中国的样子。切碎在中国销售需要填充的神话的自尊(和钱包)反复无常的官僚 — — 通常在长又乏味的宴会 — — 戴尔赢得了首席信息官的国有公司美国方式: 与速度、便利性和服务。戴尔推销员彼得陈氏坚称“我们没有更改公式中,”“它将工作在美国、中国、印度、或甚至空间”。内心的那在“公式”是简单的宗旨,客户最知道。当戴尔的陈呼吸暂停后他在中国太平洋的推销时,例如,刚刚觉醒的肖胡椒他的问题。计算机将如何迅速到达的?Excel 可以加载到硬盘上吗?戴尔提供什么样的服务?并且,嗯,多少吗?

有力地清楚的是肖知道计算机。他知道他从戴尔的需要。他知道他要付出的多少。至关重要的是,肖足够知道他不需要查看或触摸机器,或甚至提高青岛啤酒的蜂蜜舌分发服务器,几杯之前他下令它。所有肖需求是电话或者更好的是,互联网连接,买他的需要。在中国,就是太棒了戴尔,其感知的最大弊端是它缺乏了惠普或 IBM 的服务网络的优势,这种技术支持和坦率是越来越常见。这些服务网络,可以提供像中国太平洋和技术咨询,长期系统顾问公司。但正如萧明确,中国经理人正在日益增加,越来越多的技术精通他们自己。他们只是不需要保姆 — — 那种,他们不想为此付出代价。肖说,“我们可能仍需要一些咨询服务,但在我们前面的办事处,我们知道如何选择我们的设备”。在戴尔提供正是我们需要的以及与戴尔,我们可以选择我们想要什么。响应,IBM、惠普、和其他个人电脑制造商正在改变策略。丹尼斯 · 马克,在亚洲的惠普公司计算机营销总监说:“我们正在做越小,对较小的本地公司和集中更多大的全国技术项目资源。”现在,这给戴尔 PC 市场的低端的清洁枪。但沿着这条线戴尔太可能想要更大、更复杂的售后走。在该点的竞争对手惠普和 IBM 将会有一个相当大的头开始。在此期间,戴尔将在它的手全直销市场。中国的互联网使用像遍及蔓延。1997 年至 1998 年,根据技术顾问国际数据公司中国的互联网用户的数量跃升 71%,超过 200 万。但目前为止戴尔销售只有 5%的在中国网与世界各地的 25%相比,通过其 Pc。戴尔的电话销售还代表只是一个小的百分比,其总,即使该公司积极宣传广告牌。问题是,中国人用信用卡销售不舒服。


在厦门的操作是精益和智能。整个组件进程雇佣仅约 200 名工人和设在一个温和,恢宏大气的房间大小的一个高中健身房。工人审议销售表详细说明然后兴建买方的味道的每台计算机的硬件和软件的规格(幸运的是,微软 Word for Windows 中文版是领先的软件请求)。

“完全加载”计算机滚下线后,可以去厦门的圆滑和宽敞机场飞抵客户所在的地方。在中国达到客户订货至交货,从 PC 戴尔为 9 天,花费的时间几乎是相同的美国作为“我们领先戴尔整个世界的角度出发,我们承诺的提供的日期,”拥有戴尔中国主席大卫 · 陈。


快速获取客户的 PC 还可以节省戴尔一吨的现金。因为其时间只是模型部队以保持其库存水平较低 — — 戴尔大约六天的供应,为中国个人电脑的领导者传奇 — — 40 相比戴尔节省时间和金钱,否则会浪费仓储。缩短库存周期也给戴尔更大程度的控制价格和盈利能力比它中国的竞争对手。戴尔的莱热尔辩称“子$ 1,000 PC 来,推动了中国的分销商已经在他们的仓库中移动勾起的过时产品”。“我们将永远不会由驱动这些因素,因为我们在中国的库存周期是如此短暂。” 此外布热津斯基戴尔在中国的效率就是金钱,或者更准确地说,股票的选项。大卫 · 陈表示,选项计划是“考官的所有权,”但大多数中国工人看到它们的产出和股票的价格--毕竟是,看一个不错的方式之间有直接联系的可能性。八月左右每一位员工在厦门其股票交易近60 美元时,返回了戴尔的大约 200 股。三个月以后戴尔的股价开枪达 110 亿美元,给每个员工约 10000 元的纸增益。这大约等于为厦门工人平均一年的薪金。陈说,“然后我突然想起他们在他们的手中有价值的纸张不知道”。在工人的会议上解释是价值的选项后,陈注意提价的生产力:“他们才好。现在他们更好。” 什么可以去错了?在某种程度上,戴尔不得不处理的工厂生活在中国的传统 bugbears: 懒惰和腐败。一辈子的工作的概念虽然在今天的中国,保证不再仍然吸引着期待花几个小时的工人喝茶或读着报纸的工厂地板 — —,保住工作。戴尔中国高管承认在第一次有点“再教育”有必要在厦门,使工人了解他们的工作取决于他们的表现。腐败一直是一个棘手的问题。尽管戴尔极力否认它已过支付贿赂来获取许可证或销售订单,大卫 · 陈承认,他不得不“终止”涉嫌腐败的两名中国员工。它也不是巧合,那戴尔顶级推销员在中国不是中国大陆但主要是海外华人从香港或新加坡,凡销售文化由由更比的坚毅个人人情。陈彼得,例如,是来自香港。公司还必须努力对付盗版软件问题。微软估计超过 95%的在中国企业中使用软件被盗。事实上,在中国的工厂设置是戴尔的防御海盗。有关海盗会加载到它的机器上的坏软件毁了它的声誉,戴尔现在控制的过程从开始到最后。该质量控制是戴尔,其客户,救济和微软,其中收集其戴尔相关的收入可靠地。但质量成本: 不管如何节俭戴尔操作,不能对小作业商铺出售冒牌电脑配有盗版软件的价格竞争。戴尔电脑出售有关美国 — — 1,200 美元至 1,500 美元每,取决于什么加载中的相同。

戴尔的最大的问题,不过,是其成功的产品: 戴尔直销模式很简单,因为它可以被复制。这只传说做什么。“的我们使用戴尔直销模式时,我们的目标是中国政府公司或跨国企业在中国,”承认玛丽马。首先,传说坪戴尔的现金管理模式,减少一半,到 30 天从其分销商获取支付所需的时间。这也是迅速走向戴尔的-准时交付模型,试图直接向其企业客户和剃须超额库存销售。它甚至在向雇员提供股票期权。所有这些仿制的举动会传说更强大的公司,因此应具有戴尔令人担忧。

30.关注的另一个原因是中国的经常民族主义政治,很快就会对美国企业。例如,考虑后北约误炸中国驻贝尔格莱德大使馆,5 月中旬席卷整个中国的反美示威的皮疹。不仅美国大使馆,投掷鸡蛋和石块,因此是耐克和麦当劳的零售商。鉴于在电信的股权和 PC 市场在中国,像摩托罗拉或戴尔可能容易中, 美关系起伏的高调美国公司数十亿美元虽然零售网点,不是科技工厂,似乎首当其冲的爱国译音为止。“不是美国公司,特别是信息技术公司来进入中国,抓住了整个市场,给予”警告董涛的信用瑞士第一波士顿证券在香港。“中国政府已毫不掩饰的要推动国家工业像它的事实”。

31.在戴尔会在中国从现在起的五年?它也许永远不会是号 1 PC 制造商可能会占用本地制造商,始终能够更低的价格卖给中国的广大的中国或甚至第 2 号,插槽中。讽刺的是,这似乎很好适应戴尔。抢占市场份额,在美国、中国、或其他地方,从未其优先级最高。利润是。说约翰莱热尔的估计为 25 亿美元的电脑的销售将生成中国 2002 年的收入:“即使我们得到 1 %25 亿美元,这是很多。您不需要在中国市场领导者,才能实现盈利。” 32.一件事肯定的: 戴尔模式在中国工作。并且,只要中国的个人电脑市场持续增长,戴尔准备与成长--只要坚持这种模式,并继续执行,它比任何其他人更好。

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