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【善归纳】对过去情况的虚拟(和过去的事实相反):其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语用过去完成时,或would, could, might+现在完成时。

【牛刀小试】____________________________(要是我试着没修表多好啊).I made it worse.3.>I wish she would change her mind.我希望她会改变主意

【善归纳】对将来情况的虚拟(表示将来的主观愿望):从句动词“would/should/could/might + 动词原形” 【牛刀小试】你希望她第二天会到


二、If 引导的虚拟语气条件状语从句

【品味经典】If the weather were fine, they would go for a swim.If it were to rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the sport meet.If I had taken his advice, I should have not made such a mistake.【善归纳】表示与现在事实相反,从句谓语:过去式(be-were);主句:would/should/could/might+do

表示与将来事实相反,从句谓语:过去式(be-were)/should do/were to;主句:


表示与过去事实相反,从句谓语:had done;主句:would/should/could/might have+done




One can suggest that students should spend two or three years in an Englishspeaking country.(我们建议学生应在说英语的国家呆上两三年。




【Self-checking】 【Summary】 主备人:王斐 审核: 包科领导: 年级主任: 使用时间:

Grammar-Subjunctive Mood 【Learning aims】

1.To understand the different forms of Subjunctive Mood.2.Learn to use the different forms of Subjunctive Mood correctly and freely through cooperative study.3.Be great English users.【Important and difficult points】

Decide which kind of form should be used according to the context 【Instructions】

1.Preview the usage of Subjunctive Mood.2.Finish the learning guide paper independently and tick out the difficulties before class.【Independent Learning】 TaskⅠCorrect the mistakes of the following mistakes.1.You pale face suggests that you(should)be ill.2.I insisted that you(should)be wrong.3.It is necessary that he(should)come to our meeting tomorrow 4.If he were here, everything would be all right.5.Now that he is in China, he wishes he understands Chinese.【Cooperative Study】

TaskⅡTask Ⅱ Read and understand the following patterns and finish the translation


1>I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around.我希望我的家乡一年四季都是春天。




2.> I wish you had called earlier.我希望你早些打电话了。

【教师寄语】Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。

【Learning Reflection】

1.What I have got(我的收获)_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.My puzzling points(我的困惑)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Teaching procedure: Step1.lead-in : ask the students to find sentences concerning to the usage of Subjunctive Mood from the reading passage.Step2.explanation of the learning aims Step3.students answer questions in Independent learning and then check answers together Step4.discussion of Cooperative study part Step5.presentation&comments Step6.questions&answers Step7.check-yourself Step8.summary Step9.homework

Through group work, we hope that students will learn knowledge with delight and with good methods, and alsi all of them can grt fully involved in class activity.【教师寄语】Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。



I.Clause Elements(10 points)

Read the sentences and analyse the clause elements in each of them.Use the letters S,V,O,C and A to represent the various elements:







The first sentence is an example.David Livingstone | lived | in Africa | for more than ten years.S




II.Blank Filling(20 points)Fill in the blank with the verb given in the parentheses.III.Multiple Choice(20 points)There are twenty incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Mark your answer in the numbered squares below.IV.Blank Filling(10 points)Fill in the blanks in the following short passage, using appropriate articles or other determiners.V.Error Correction(10 points)This is a composition written by a 13-year-old student.Correct the grammatical errors in the following composition.Write the corrected version below.VI.Translation(20 points)A.Translate the following sentences into English.(2 points each)

B.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(3 points each)

VII.Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation(10 point)Read the following headlines taken from newspapers.The punctuation marks have been left out.After each headline, write in the blank the type of communicative function they serve: Statement, Question, Command or Exclamation.



Teaching aim 1 get students to master the main points of subjunctive mood 2 learn to use some of them in everyday life Teaching analysis

Students have know something about subjunctive mood in Senior two but they still make more or less mistakes when using this grammar.Therefore it has become a big problem how students use subjunctive mood correctly.Teaching points Make good use of subjunctive mood according to language situations.Teaching aid

Teaching multimedia whiteboard Teaching procedures 1.leading in listen to a song and then fill in the blanks accordingly If you ___ the only girl in the worldand I ___ the only boy!Nothing else ____ matter in the world today we _____go on loving in the same old way!A garden of Eden just made for twowith nothing to mar our joy I _____ say such wonderful things to youthere ____be such wonderful things to do 2 do some exercises

A If human beings had been a bit less greedy and cruel,more birds and animals________dying out.B ________anyone call,please tell him I’m not free.C I didn’t attend the lecture yesterday.—I________,either,if my mother hadn’t reminded me

D—How much of the foreign expert’s speech have you understood? —Next to nothing.I wish I________harder at English E Without the help of my English teacher,I________the first prize in the English Speaking Competition.F —Sorry indeed,I________to your birthday party if...—Forget it.I know you were out on business.Why do you look so upset? —I broke up with my girlfriend.If only I________more about her.......3 summaize the points of subjunctive mood A if 条件状语从句

B wish would rather if only C名词性从句虚拟一二三四 D but for /without E had done to do F 情态动词+have done 4.how to judge the tense of subjunctive mood A 语境 2 谓语动词3 时间 5 correct mistakes He would be a college student now if he studied hard.Without your help I could have admitted to the key university.Had you abandoned her, you will not regret now.......6 homework Teaching design Maint points detailed problems reflection Good points points to be improved



黉学门中学 林梅







Teaching content:Subjunctive mood Teaching aims: Target Language: a.the usage of Subjunctive mood b.Key patterns If I„ I wish...as if...If only...My suggestion / advice / proposal is that...I suggest...Ability goals Help students learn the Subjunctive Mood.Enable students to use the sentence patterns correctly.Learning ability goals By practice making sentences using the Subjunctive Mood, students will be able to use it in daily communication.Main points: Help the students make a summary of all kinds of the sentences structures in which the Subjunctive Mood can be used.Difficulties: Help the students use the correct verb-form to show the Subjunctive Mood in different sentence structures.Teaching aids: Multimedia, the blackboard, Subjunctive Mood PPT Teaching methods: Discussing, explaining, summary and practicing, Teaching procedures: Step1: Greeting and lead-in Activity I: greeting 教师活动:Greet the whole class warmly 学生活动:Greet the teacher as usual activity Ⅱ: Lead-in 教师活动:用幻灯片展示一个情景,让学生进行角色扮演


If you won one million, what would you do? 同学们扮演外国学生,回答说:I would go to study in America./ I would buy a big house./ I would build up a school...设计意图:轻松幽默地吸引学生的注意力,让学生参与进来,激发学生的学习兴趣。

Step II:Summary of the Subjunctive Mood



教师:1)If I won one million, I would do some good deeds.2)If I were a millionaire, I would help the poor 3)If I had won one million, I would have done some good deeds.4)If I won one million one day, I would help the poor Meaning: Sentence 1 and 2: 与现在事实相反 Sentence 3 : 与过去事实相反 Sentence 4: 与将来事实相反


从句谓语动词 主句谓语动词

与现在事实相反 过去式(be动词用were)Would/could/might/ should+ do 与过去事实相反 Had done Would/could/might/ should+ have done 与将来事实相反 ①过去式 Would/could/might/ should +do ②Were to do ③ Should do


Step III: 归纳虚拟语气其它句式

教师活动1:设计三个情景,让学生说出用到虚拟语气各种句式,归纳用法 教学设计意图:通过设计以下四个情景,让学生自己总结出虚拟语气的结构和用法。情景一:假如面临考试,你有什么愿望?使用句型I wish...情景二:假如你很努力但考试不及格,你很沮丧,就想If I...,If only...情景三:作为朋友,你给他一些建议:My suggestion / advice / proposal is that„ I suggest„

情景四: 这个建议听起来好像...It sounds as if...教师活动2: 针对每个句型配三至五道题,检验学生是否真的掌握了虚拟语气句式。


only if:(要是——就好了)对现在·将来虚拟:过去式 对过去虚拟:过去完成时 as if 从句用虚拟语气


(1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。(2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。(3)从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原型 Suggest 在虚拟语气中的用法: 一想要(desire)二宁愿(prefer)三命令(order.command)四建议(advise, suggest, propose)五要求(demand, require, request, desire, insist)无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:“should + 动词原形”或只用“动词原形”。

注:suggest意为“建议”才用虚拟语气,意为“暗示”则不用虚拟语气。例句:His face suggests that he looks worried.他的表情暗含着他很担心。这个句子本身是事实,因此它就没有用到虚拟语气 Suggestion等词在虚拟语气中的用法:

当某些表示建议、请求、命令等主观意向的名词作主语时,其后的表语从句或同位语从句需用虚拟语气,其表达形式为should +动词原形或直接用动词原形。这类名词常见的有:

demand(要求), desire(请求),requirement(要求)advice(劝告), recommendation(建议),suggestion(建议)order(命令)proposal(计划), recommendation等。例:

We are all for your proposal that the discussion be put off.我们都赞成你提出的将讨论延期的建议。

The suggestion that the mayor present the prizes was accepted by everyone.由市长颁发奖金的建议被每个人接受。

⑴、The advice is that we(should 可省略,下同)leave at once.⑵、(名词advice,should + leave)(表示加以劝告)⑶、(2)、I make a proposal that we(should)hold a meeting next week.⑷、(proposal, should + hold)(表示做出计划)Step Ⅳ:Practice




教学设计意图:特殊句型的用法不容易掌握,选择有针对性的例题,让学生在 练习中加深记忆。Step Ⅴ:Homework





I wish......as if...If I...If only...My suggestion / advice / proposal is that...I suggest...教学评价





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