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Unit 6 I’m taller than my sister New words for you tall 形容词 高的

short 形容词 低的,短的 smart 形容词 聪明的 athletic 形容词 健壮的 thin 形容词 消瘦的 wild 形容词 激动的

funny 形容词 有意思的,outing 形容词 外向的 heavy 形容词 重的 serious 形容词 严肃的 calm 形容词平静的Word practice Match each word with its oppisite tall wild thin short calm heavy serious funny tall ——taller quiet——quieter

nice ——nicer thin ——thinner heavy ——heavier outgoing ——more outgoing Look



主语+谓语动词+adj./adv.比较级+ than+ 对比成分

Pay attention to

用比较级进行比较时,前后用以对比的必须是 同类事物。e.g.My hair is longer than hers.Pan Changjiang is shorter than Liu Xiang.Liu Xiang is taller than Pan Changjiang.short shorter tall taller 潘长江 刘翔 thin thinner

fat fatter Zhang Shaohan is thinner than Feifei.Feifei is fatter than Zhang Shaohan.张韶涵 肥肥

serious more serious funny funnier Pan Hong is more serious than Pan Changjiang.Pan Changjiang is funnier than Pan Hong 潘虹 潘长江

weak weaker athletic more athletic Han Xue is weaker than Yao Ming Yao Ming is more athletic than Han Xue.韩雪 姚明

calm calmer wild wilder Zhu Geliang is calmer than Zhang Fei Zhang Fei is wilder than Zhu Geliang 诸葛亮 张飞

quiet quieter outgoing more outgoing Huang Hong is quieter than Zhao Wei Zhao Wei is more outgoing than Huang Hong 黄红 赵薇 small eyes smaller big eyes bigger Bi Fujian has smaller eyes than Zhao Wei.Zhao Wei has bigger eyes than Bi Fujian.毕福剑 赵薇 quieter wilder The panda is quieter than the monkey.The monkey is wilder than the panda.Task 1 Talk about your friends with comparative degree.Tina is ____ than Tara.Tina is ______ than Tara.Tina is _______ than Tara.funnier more outgoing more athletic Listening 2a Tara is ____ than Tina.Tara is ______ than Tina.Tara is _______ than Tina.more serious smarter quieter Listening Pairwork Please Talk about something with comparative degree..课堂检测

Exercises 1.His car is(nice)than ____.(I)2.Jim is much(thin)than Tom.3.Wang Hai is(athletic)than Wang Wei.4.The weather in Mudanjiang is(cold)than that in Sanya.5.This question is(easy)than that one.6.I feel even(bad)than yesterday.7.Which is(beautiful), the black coat or the blue one?

nicer thinner more athletic colder easier worse more beautiful mine Summary 1 Words:

calm, serious, smart, outgoing, athletic.2 比较级句型结构:

主语+谓语动词+adj.比较级+ than+ 对比成分 形容词比较级的变化规则 比较级真容易,词尾er别忘记 词尾若有哑音e,直接加r就可以 辅音字母若加y,直接把y变成i 若遇重读闭音节,双写辅音加er

Homework Write a passage about your with comparative degree Thank you!Goodbye!

family member


I am more outgoing than you(Grammar)教案

Grace 张娟

Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge aims;Master the rules of comparatives and use “than” to compare people or things.(掌握比较级的变化规则、句型)2.Ability objects Master the grammar and improve speaking skills.(掌握语法规则,提升口语运用能力)3.Moral objects To let students use the target language to talk about themselves and have fun in the comparison and competition(让学生用英语谈论自己,在比较中感受竞争的乐趣)Teaching difficult and key points: Enable the students to master the rules of comparatives.Enable the students to use “than” and comparatives to compare people or things.Teaching steps : Step 1 Leading in

1.Greet the students and introduce myself.One year ago, I was serious, but now I am more outgoing...And lead in the comparatives.2.Let’s chant.3.Enjoy a video.The video is about the differences between the old school and the new one.Ask the students to write down the comparatives they hear.Step 2 Presentation 1.Show the sentences with comparatives and ask the students to observe them carefully and find out the rules of comparatives.2.Ask the students to share their ideas.3.Show the rules of comparatives.And ask the students to understand the rules and learn to use the rules.Step 3 Practice Ask the students to follow the rules and write down the comparatives.Fill in the chart.Step 4 Pair-work 1.Give one example: A:I am taller than you.B:I am smarter than you.A:I am more handsome than you....2.Ask the students in pairs to compare them with each other.one students say one sentence every time in turn and see who can say more sentences.Ask several pairs to perform before the class.Step 5 Homework Ask the students to write a letter to the students in the countryside and give the best wishes by using the comparatives and “than”.


Han Mei liked walking after dinner.One day,she went out for a walk1usual Suddenly she 2a foreigner standing by the road.He had a big bag in one hand and a letter in the hand.He seemed very4.She went up to him and5what she could do for him·He said he couldn’t the way to his hotel.Then they talkedEnglish for a while.Shehim the way on the map.And she took him to the hotel.At last,they said.Han Mei was very glad to help the foreigner and she will study Englishthan before.How kind she was!


Yang Ming and Li Fang are students in ChangHong Middle

Sch001.Last Tuesday,after school they went

homehappily.Suddenly they saw a wallet .Li

Fangit up.They thought they must,SO they waited there—the sun set.However,the owner didn’t come.So the had to hand it over to a

The next morning,the headmaster and the wallet owner Came to Li Fang and Yang Ming’Sthanked them a lot,and wrote a letter of thanks to the headmaster.The headmaster praised(表扬)them

9their good deed.He called on the others to10from their good example.










如: Small→smaller→smallest clever→cleverer→cleverest。

例题:Short tall Cheap narrow

知识点(2).以e结尾的词,直接加-r 或-st。

如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest





知识点(3).以一个辅音字母结尾,其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的比较级和最高级,是双写该辅音字母然后再加-er和-est。(注意:这里是字母,不是音标。辅音字母是除 a,e,i,o,u五个元音字母以外的都是辅音字母。)


例题:hot fat thin 知识点(4).以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的词,先变 “y”为 “i”,再加-er 或-est。

如:happy→happier→happiest easy→easier→easiest 例题:heavy

busy lucky


good / well→better→best bad / ill→worse→worst

many / much→more→most


far→farther→farthest(表示距离)/ far→further→furthest(表示程度)old→older / elder→oldest(表示新旧或年龄)/ eldest(表示兄弟姐妹之间的长



比较级:A +be(is/am/are)+ 形容/副词比较级 + than + B

如: Yao Ming is tall than me.I’m short than Yao Ming.例题:(1)The red box is(heavy)than the blue box.(2)I’m three yeas(older/elder)than him.(3)This man is than that man.最高级: A+the+形容/副词最高级+表示的范围(in比较对象不是同一类,of比较 对象时同类)

如: Tom is the tallest student in his class.The Yellow River is the scend longest river in Chian.例子:(1)Apple A is the(big)of the three/ in the box.(2)用heavy,bad的比较级和最高级造句。

(3)Which subject do you like ,maths or english? A.good B.better C.well D.best 三.大部分双音节词和多音节词的构成。


注意:(1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副 词 最 高 级 前 可 不 用。


如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful different→more different→most different easily →more easily →most easily Often →more often →most often 例题:exciting helpful important dangerous modern 例子:The book is more interesting.China is the third largest country in the word.例题:(1)My job is too boring ,i’d like to do something(interesting)(2)It is one of(dangerous)animals in the word.(3)She is(beautiful)student in the class。


Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree

Teaching Aims 1.Help the Ss master some sentence structure about Comparative Degree 2.Help the Ss master some sentence structure about Superlative Degree 3.Help the Ss do some exercises about what’ve learnt

Important Points Enable the Ss to master the sentence structure about Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree

Difficult Points Enable the Ss to apply what’ve learnt to doing some exercises

Teaching Methods The Direct Method

Teaching Aids Mutil-media facilities

Teaching Procedure Step1 Lead-in 1.Lead in the topic by sharing the teacher’s shopping experience 2.Analyze the developing trend about Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree in College Entrance Examination

Step2 Preparation Review some rules about Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree by a form

Step3 Presentation & Practice 1.Present the sentence structure about Comparative Degree ① 比较级+than„

“A比B更„” ② the+比较级+of the two


③ 比较级+ and +比较级/more and more +原级

“越来越„” ④ the +比较级,the +比较级

“越„,越„” 2.Do some exercises about Comparative Degree 3.Present the sentence structure about Superlative Degree ① the+最高级+of(in/among)

“某个范围里最„的一个” ② one of +the+最高级+复数名词

“某个范围里最„的„之一” ③ the +序数词+最高级+名词+ in/of

“在某个范围里中第几最” 4.Do some exercises about Superlative Degree

Step4 Consolidation Consolidate what’ve learnt by doing some exercises chosen from College Entrance Examination

Step5 Summary

Step6 Homework Finish the paper Summarize the sentence structure learnt in this lesson 2



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