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网络真快,高考试题已全部上传。打开英语试题,我首先看单选和完成句子,因为这两部分一目了然,而完形、阅读需我耐心地做。一看单选,我简直不敢相信,竟然都是自己平时强调的重点词汇,最离奇的是第22题是高考前一天下午上课时我才对学生点的原题。当时拿着学生高三课本词汇表我点了一些认为重要的单词、词组,其中包括第25题选项transparent,第28题accumulate,还有第22题commitment。当时我提示他们commitment除了表示“承诺,承担义务”这个词汇中注明的意思(同时也是课文中意思)之外,还可以表示“花费(时间、金钱等)”,学生当时一脸茫然,我想他们一定是时间长忘了,我进一步提醒他们高三书本练习105页中有句Returning to full-time education requires a big commitment及课后练习P234第5小题,学生翻看课本后才慢慢记起。记得当时上高三内容时,我就对这个句子中“commitment”意思感到奇怪,根本不是词汇表及课文中“承诺,承担义务”之意。当时,甚至还闪过这样的念头:如果我是高考出题人,我就考此意,肯定会有许多学生不知道(甚至有些老师都没注意到),但它是书中出现过的知识点,不存在超纲问题。高考第22题Giving up my job to full-time education was a big __ ,but now I know it was the best decision I ever made.此题完全出自课本。再看第27题negotiate,这个词根本没在高中课本中出现过,而在我们《青于蓝》单选专练中及五月份武汉试题中反复出现,尽管从未作为正确选项。我反复强调过它的意思“磋商、谈判”,后来一查2011年湖北省高考考纲中词汇表竟然有它,我又强调了该词。武汉后期题中总是有一道单选考新增词汇,先考了allocate又考了bound,我对学生说:“没准高考还会考别的书中没有但在考纲词汇表中有的词。”高考结束当晚打电话问一学生negotiate是否选对,她说就选的它,我问为什么,她说:“你强调过好几遍,我记住它的意思了,而且你说会考书本之外考纲中有的单词。”

十道单选考查动词及动词短语共计4道(26、27、28、29),形容词也很活跃有3道(23、24、25);名词2道(21、22)及介词短语一道(30题)。高三词汇3道(22、25、28);高二词汇4道(21、23、24、30);高一词汇1道(26),考纲新增词汇一道(27)及动词短语29题,bring down表示“降低(价格)”,未出现在书本中但讲过(原旧教材对话中有Can you get them to bring down the price?)。有几道不好选,是因为学生不能正确理解句子意思,如25题The state-run company is required to make its accounts as

as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money.此题中需正确理解state-run(国营的),accounts(帐户),staff(员工)及monitor(v.监控、监督),这几个词中理解monitor至关重要,学生只知道其名词是“班长”之意,而考纲中明确指出要掌握三种构词法,即合成法、转化法、派生法,此处属转化法—名词变动词,学生只要会分析班长是干什么的,是老师指派来监控班级状况的,就能猜到“监控、监督”之意,而且平时阅读中monitor用作动词也有,细心爱动脑的学生应知道,只有正确理解了句子意思才会选对“transparent”,全句译为“这家国营公司被要求账户尽可能透明,让员工监督钱的使用。” 还有30题when asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside

younger men.A.in terms of

B.in need of

C.in favor of D.in praise of

许多学生不理解,step aside是什么意思,就胡乱选,结果出错。其实仔细分析很简单,step此处名词转化为动词,表示“迈步”之意,而aside与许多动词搭配,表示“在旁边”之意,如set aside, lay aside,step aside放在一起“迈步闪在一边”显然为“让位”之意,这样一理解,当然就是C选项in favor of(支持、赞同),全句为“当问及他们对校长意见时,许多老师宁愿看见他让位,支持年轻人。”单选其实也是一个小语篇,只有理解语篇含义,才能选出正确选项。

完成句子又让我为之一惊,都是常见考点,而且就在考前我还强调让他们注意不规则动词的过去式,过去分词,这次高考中73题freeze的过去分词许多学生都写不出来,而直接加d, 74题held;75题drunk都为不规则形式,而77题destroy直接加ed,而不是改y为i加ed,78题occurred应双写“r”,这些都强调过许多次,也是学生易忘反复出错的细节,可谓“细节决定成败”。考前半个小时,我将自己认为重要的15个考点向学生提醒,让学生再次记牢,其中有6个相似或相同考点:71题否定词放句首用部分倒装;74题with +n.+过去分词;75题过去时间if条件中虚拟语气用had done;77题sb./ sth.be said/ believed to be doing/ to have been






4、注重词汇教学。湖北命题方向非常明确,词汇考查无处不在,从听力中关键词到单选和完形填空(如catch one's eye, eventually, would(过去常常))全部为词汇考查,甚至阅读中纯考词汇,如56题实际上就考contagious(高二unit7词汇)的意思,只要学生知道它表示“传染性的”,文章不读也会选。对于考纲中列出的词汇表必须落实,尤其应加强新增的、书本中没有的单词的掌握。





【作者单位:宜城市第一高级中学 作者姓名: 李德红 王永清 联系电话:***】



01.Every ton of this recycled paper uses 90 litres of water in its _____

A.structure B.manufacture C.construction D.organization

02.Most air pollution is caused by the burning of ____ like coal, gas and oil.A.fuelsB.articlesC.goodsD.products

03.I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real ____.A.exchangeB.bargainC.tradeD.business

04.---Shall we go out for a walk?---Sorry.This is not the right ___ to invite me.I am too tired to walk.A.momentB.situationC.placeD.chance

05.To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten, the students in our school started a discussion “Save Our _____”A.SkyB.LifeC.ArtsD.Voices

06.Dogs have a very good ____ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.A.senseB.viewC.meansD.idea

07.The young man made a ______ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.A.predictionB.promiseC.planD.contribution

08.The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly______


09.What’s the _____ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?A.senseB.matterC.caseD.opinion

10.I can’t say which wine is best—it’s a(n)___ of personal taste.A.affair B.eventC.matter D.variety

;they both want their son to go to college.A.soulB.spiritC.heartD.mind

12.My morning A.drillB.actionC.regulationD.routine

13.Despite such a big difference intowards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.A.pointB.ideaC.attitudeD.sight

14.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living_____.A.billsB.expensesC.pricesD.charges

15.—You are always full of.Can you tell me the secret?—Taking plenty of exercise every day.A.powerB.strengthC.forceD.energy

16.The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common ______ in many parts of the city.A.lookB.signC.sightD.appearance

17.Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular ____ for a wedding in some country.A.wayB.situationC.eventD.choice

18.Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _____ of exercise.A.limitB.lackC.needD.demand

19.School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous ____.A.statesB.conditionsC.situationsD.positions

20.— If you like I can do some shopping for you.—That's a very kind ________.A.offerB.serviceC.pointD.suggestion

21.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their______ and


22.The______ on his face told me that he was angry.A.impressionB.sightC.appearanceD.expression

23.At the meeting they discussed three different____ to the study of mathematics.A.approachesB.meansC.methodsD.ways

24.Always read the ______ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.A.explanations B.instructions C.descriptionsD.introductions

25.It is said that dogs will keep you— for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.A.safetyB.companyC.houseD.friend

26.Finding information in today’s world is easy.The _____ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.A.abilityB.competitionC.challengeD.knowledge

27.You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _____.A.dateB.shapeC.orderD.balance

28.It is no _____ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.A.useB.helpC.timeD.Way

29.I am sure David will be able to find the library—he has a pretty good _______of direction.A.ideaB.feelingC.experienceD.sense

30.My ______of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friend.A.ideaB.opinionC.mindD.thought

31.The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _____ all over the country.A.companiesB.branchesC.organizationsD.businesses

32.He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ______ was seen at best when he worked with others.A.temperB.appearanceC.talentD.character

33.If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off ______.A.a priceB.priceC.the priceD.prices

34..The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a _____of 60 miles.A.lengthB.distanceC.wayD.space

35. The environmentalists and wild goats’ _____ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.A.escapeB.absenceC.attendanceD.appearance

36. In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _____ in personality.A.contactB.contrastC.connectionD.conflict

37. Chinese arts have won the ______ of a lot of people outside China.A.enjoymentB.appreciationC.entertainmentD.reputation

38.I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children’s.A.reachB.handC.holdD.place

39. Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within


40.—I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke.I was very tired.—There is no____ for this while you are on duty.A.reasonB.excuse C.causeD.explanation

41.“I don't think it's my _____ that the TV blew up.I just turned it on, that's all,” said the boy.A.errorB.mistakeC.faultD).duty

42.One of the consequences of our planet's being warming up is a(n)______ in the number of natural disasters.A.resultB.accountC.reasonD.increase

43.Life is tough in the city.In order to lose their _____ some people drink alcohol.A.temperB.moodC.consciousnessD.pressures

44.The manager has got a good business ____ so the company is doing well.A.Idea B.Sense C.thought D.thinking

45.---I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.---_______!

A.CheersB.Good luckC.Come onD.Congratulations

46.To regain theirafter an exhausting game, the players lay in the grass.A.force B.energy C.powerD.healthand effect.A.reasonB.impactC.factD.causehas the possibility of making or losing money.A.eventB.ventureC.adventureD.expectation

49.You’ll find this map of great _____in helping you to get round London.A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness

50.If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a.A.messageB.letterC.sentence D.notice

答案:1---5 BABAD 6---10ABAAC 11---15 DDCBD 16---20 CDBCA 21---25 ADABB 26---30CBADA 31---35 BDCBD 36---40 DBABB 41---45 CDDBB 46---50 BDBCA

第三篇:新高考改革体会 英语



















June 22th, 2013

Unfading memories

——review on gaokao The famous notion hovers in my mind that youth is not a time of life but a state of mind, a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination and vigor of the emotions.Therefore, the important period which had taken up a large part of my life in the past ten years is the epitome of my youth.First of all, I have gained the pleasant feeling of being successful from this period.I was told to study hard so that I could be admitted into a prestigious university when I became my school life.And I did, though I am confused about it.Because it would make my family happy, and the teacher would praise me.I felt the pressure when I found myself was far behind in my class the first time I came to my high school.I had ever been the first place in my middle school.Fortunately, I struggled into the elite class at the end of the first semester.When I told my mom about this, she said nothing but I could see the proud expression on her face when she attended the parent-teacher conferences.From this perspective, I appreciated it for feeding me with joy of victory.Secondly, I have gained courage to overcame the shortcomings after being knocked down.I was addicted to Network Novels for a long time.I was too young to control myself.It was not until the last exam in senior 2 that I found I had nearly dropped to the last place in my class.It was obvious that my mom had known about it in another parent-teacher conferences.I let her down for the first time in my school work.My head teacher talked to me

the first night in senior 3."Try your best to work hard, If you don't want to repeat you high school for another year!” He said.From then on, I locked up my Network Novels and determined to study hard.My grade got better and better, but there were still some problems.I was weak in math and physics.My deskmate, a cheerful boy, was good at math and physics but a little weak in Chinese and English.We decided to overcome it by helping each other.And it was really worked.Thirdly, it has also rewarded me with a strong will and faith to achieve success.I fell in love with him when I found I was angry about his staying with other girls.I dare not to vindicate with him.Because he regarded me as a friend with whom he can talk about everything.It was really a disaster for me when he told me that he was dating with a girl in my class for several months.What is sadder that she is one of my best friends.I moved my desk to the front, and let myself sad for a few days, then transform it into energy.Finally, I was admitted into a top-ranked university instead of a second-tier institution I thought before.Thought it has been two years since my gaokao had been over, the memories were still vivid in my mind.There were so many things that I could never forget.First, I saw the truth in the saying: No pains, no gains.It is not only certainly true of study but also everything in our life.Most importantly, I won the friendship, including that boy's.We kept constantly encouraging each other during the toughest times.Even now, we are still best friends for each other.Will, love, affection and friendship, all of those would be the most valuable fortune in my youth.






A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。例: have




D.made 答案是C.1.month




D.monument 2.cough




D.neighbour 3.ahead




D.breath 4.natural




D.native 5.salt




D.half B)以下所给单词均不完整,请从A、B、C、D中选出适当的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确。例:alr_____dy




D.eu 答案是A。6.capt_____ n




D.ei 7.techni _____




D.que 8.p _____ sonous




D.oe 9.st _____ mach




D.o 10.tr _____ sers




D.ow Ⅱ.单项填空(共30小题,计分15%)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。例:He comes late sometimes, _______ ?

A.is he

B.isn't he

C.comes he

D.doesn't he 答案是D。

11.Will you _______ me a favour, please?




D.bring 12._______ , I went to the railway station to see my friend off.A.After eating quickly my dinner

B.After my quickly eating dinner

C.After eating my dinner quickly

D.After eating my quickly dinner 13.I learned to _______ a bicycle as a small boy.A.drive



D.run 14.Does _______ matter if he can't finish the job on time?




D.it 15.A computer _______ think for itself;it must be told what to do.A.can't


C.may not

D.might not 16.Don't smoke in the meeting-room, _______ ?

A.do you

B.will you

C.can you

D.could you 17.—Have you moved into the new house_______ ?

—Not yet.The rooms.A.are being painted

B.are painting

C.are painted

D.are being painting 18.Alexander Graham Bell invented _______ telephone in 1876.A.(不填)



D.one 19.We _______ each other the best of luck in the examination.A.hoped



D.wished 20._______!There's a train coming.A.Look out

B.Look around C.Look forward D.Look on 21.—Will somebody go and get Dr White?

—He's already been _______.A.asked for

B.sent for

C.called for

D.looked for 22.The murderer was brought in, with his hands _______ behind his back.A.being tied

B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied 23.—We haven't heard from Jane for a long time.—What do you suppose _______to her?

A.was happening

B.to happen

C.has happened

D.having happened 24.She heard a terrible noise,_______ brought her heart into her mouth.A.it



D.that 25.Mrs Smith warned her daugther _______ after drinking.A.never to drive

B.to never drive

C.never driving

D.never drive 26.—Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?

—I don't know, _______.A.nor don't I care

B.nor do I care

C.I don't care neither

D.I don't care also 27.—How did you find your visit to the museum?

—I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was _______than I expected.A.far more interesting

B.even much interesting

C.so more interesting

D.a lot much interesting 28.We couldn't eat in a restaurant because of us had _______ money on us.A.all;no



D.no one;any 29.On Saturday afternoon, Mrs Green went to the market_______, some bananas and visited

her cousin.A.bought


C.to buy

D.buy 30.These oranges taste _______.A.good


C.to be good

D.to be well 31.The students _______ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she in the office.A.had written;left

B.were writing;has left

C.had written;had left

D.were writing;had left 32.When and where to build the new factory _______yet.A.is not decided

B.are not decided

C.has not decided

D.have not decided 33.The secretary worked late into the night, _______ a long speech for the president.A.to prepare



D.was preparing 34.I can hardly imagine Peter _______ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A.sail

B.to sail


D.to have sailed 35.—The light in the office is still on.—Oh, I forgot _______.A.turning it off

B.turn it off

C.to turn it off

D.having turned it off 36.The hero of the story is an artist in his _______.A.thirtieth



D.thirties 37.No one can be sure _______ in a million years.A.what man will look like

B.what will man look like

C.man will look like what

D.what look will man like 38.Without electricity human life _______ quite different today.A.is

B.will be

C.would have been

D.would be 39.John was made _______ the truck for a week as a punishment.A.to wash



D.to be washing 40.Although he is considered a great writer, _______.A.his works are not widely read

B.but his works are not widely read

C.however his works are not widely read

D.still his works are not widely read

第二部分(KU)英语知识综合运用 U.完形填空(共25小题,计分25%)


On the night of the play, Jack was at the theatre early and he was already dressed in a policeman's clothes long 41 the end of the first scene.He certainly looked the part all right, he thought as he 42 himself in the mirror.He 43 thought of going out into the street to see 44 he could pass as 45 out there.Just for 46 ,of course.Then he suddenly felt nervous.After all, it was his first time to 47 a part in a play.48 could he face all those people 49 the play? He put his head in his hands and tried to 50 his lines(台词), but nothing 51 to his mind.A knock on the door made him look 52.He was to go on stage(舞台)in the second scene.“Have I 53 my part and ruined(破坏)the play for everybody?” he thought to himself.But 54 was only the manager.She 55 how nervous he was and 56 he should stand near the stage 57 he could watch and follow the play.It was a good 58 of getting rid of his nervousness, she said.She was right, it seemed to 59.In fact the more he watched the play, the 60 he felt himself part of it.At last the 61 came for him to appear on the stage.But suddenly the manager came to him again, 62 worried as she placed a hand on his arm to 63 him back.“Has anything gone 64 ?” Jack asked.“I'm afraid you're going to be 65 ,” she said.“They've jumped three pages of the play and have missed your part out completely.” 41.A.before



D.at 42.A.looked



D.enjoyed 43.A.just



D.already 44.A.how


C.as if

D.whether 45.A.a policeman

B.an inspector

C.an officer

D.a manager 46.A.joke



D.exercise 47.A.make



D.give 48.A.Where



D.How 49.A.following



D.observing 50.A.read



D.learn 51.A.came



D.got 52.A.away



D.down 53.A.passed



D.failed 54.A.this



D.it 55.A.wondered



D.examined 56.A.agreed

D.encouraged 57.A.where

D.there 58.A.idea

D.plan 59.A.do

D.act 60.A.less

D.more 61.A.hour

D.period 62.A.feeling

D.growing 63.A.hold

D.push 64.A.bad

D.wrong 65.A.frightened















C.persuaded B.when

C.path C.work

B.looking C.sounding


C.disappointed Ⅰ.阅读理解(共20小题,计分40%)



O.Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories.His real name was William Sydney Porter.He was born in North Carolina in 1862.As a young boy he lived an exciting life.He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know.When he was about 20 years old, O.Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs.He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank.When some money went missing from the bank, O.Henry was believed to have stolen it.Because of that, he was sent to prison.During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories.After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing.He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there.People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the readers'surprise.66.In which order did O.Henry do the following things?

a.Lived in New York

b.Worked in a bank

c.Travelled to Texas

d.Was put in prison

e.Had a newspaper job

f.Learned to write stories

A.e, c, f, b, d, a

B.c, e, b, d, f, a

C.e, b, d, c, a, f

D.c, b, e, d, a, f 67.People enjoyed reading O.Henry's stories because

A.they had surprise endings.B.they were easy to understand.C.they showed his love for the poor.D.they were about New York City.68.O.Henry went to prison because

A.people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper.B.he broke the law by not using his own name.C.he wanted to write stories about prisoners.D.people thought he had taken money that was not his.69.What do we know about O.Henry before he began writing?

A.He was well-educated.B.He was not serious about his work.C.He was devoted to the poor.D.He was very good at learning.70.Where did O.Henry get most material for his short stories?

A.His life inside the prison.B.The newspaper articles he wrote.C.The city and people of New York.D.His exciting early life as a boy.(B)

Indianapolis is the capital and largest city of Indiana,U.S.A.With a population of 744,000, it is one of the largest cities in the world that cannot be reached by water.However, Indianapolis is a city through which many railways, roads, buses and planes pass.There are many factories which make trucks, farm tools, and electrical things.These factories cause little pollution for the city.Butler University, well-known for engineering, and the law and medical schools of Indiana University, are in the city centre.Nearby is the Indianapolis race course, where the nation's most famous car race is held each year on May 30th.If you visited Indianapolis you would be able to find your way around easily because most of the streets cross each other like a chessboard(棋盘).In the centre of the city, called the Circle, stands the Soldiers'and Sailors'Monument, 100 metres high.Also in the centre there are many buildings made of the famous Indiana stone, which makes them white in colour.71.What is Indianapolis best known for?

A.Its yearly motor race.B.Its schools and libraries.C.Its universities and medical schools.D.Its Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument.72.You can NOT travel to Indianapolis by

A.boat.B.train.C.car.D.bike.73.From the text, what do we learn about the size of Indianapolis?

A.It is the largest city in the U.S.A.B.It has a population of over a million.C.It has a population of under a million.D.It is one of the largest cities in the world.74.It is easy for a stranger to go about in the city because

A.most of the buildings are in the centre of the city.B.there are many different ways of travelling there.C.the buildings are very close to each other.D.the city is planned in squares.75.Many buildings in Indianapolis are white because

A.they are painted white every year.B.the Indianan people keep them clean.C.they are made of a special stone.D.there is little pollution from factories


Moscow,Russia(space news)—“The computer is a better chess player,” insisted Viktor Prozorov, the loser.“It seemed as if it were laughing after every good move.I know I should have beaten it for the sake of mankind(为人类着想), but I just couldn't win,” he announced and shook his head sadly.Prozorov's disappointment was shared by several grand masters who were present, some of whom were so upset that they shouted at the machine.Many chess players said that this meant the end of chess championships(锦标赛)around the world, since the fun had been taken out of the game.The computer walked—or rather, rolled—away with 5,000 dollars in prize money and limited its remarks to a set of noises and lights.76.Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article?

A.5,000 dollars goes to a computer!

B.New invention: a laughing computer!

C.World's best chess player beaten!

D.Computer defeats man in chess!77.How did some of the grand masters feel about the chess game between Prozorov and the


A.They thought that the game was no fun.B.They thought that the game wasn't fair.C.They agreed that Prozorov didn't play well.D.They were unhappy that the computer had won.78.What was it that Prozorov felt most bitter(懊恼)about?

A.That he didn't win the $ 5,000.B.That he hadn't tried his best.C.That he had lost to a machine.D.That this was the end of the chess game.79.After winning the game,the computer

A.laughed.B.walked away.C.made some remarks.D.gave out some lights and sounds.80.Many chess players felt that playing with a computer would

A.make the game tougher.B.make the game less interesting.C.make man appear foolish.D.make man lose lots of money.(D)

One day a few years ago a very funny thing happened to a neighbour of mine.He is a teacher at one of London's big medical schools.He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture.He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag, but he had put Rupert, the skeleton(人体骨架)to be used in his lecture, in a large brown suitcase(箱子).At the airport desk, he suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy a newspaper.He left his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop.When he got back he discovered that someone had taken his suitcase by mistake.He often wonders what they said when they got home and found Rupert.81.Who wrote the story?

A.Rupert's teacher.B.The neighbour's teacher.C.A medical school teacher.D.The teacher's neighbour.82.Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?

A.He needed it for the summer term in London.B.He needed it for the lecture he was going to give.C.He wanted to take it to Russia for medical research.D.He wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching.83.What happened at the airport?

A.The skeleton went missing.B.The skeleton was stolen.C.The teacher forgot his suitcase.D.The teacher took the wrong suitcase.84.Which of the following best tells the teacher's feeling about the incident?

A.He is very angry.B.He thinks it rather funny.C.He feels helpless without Rupert.D.He feels good without Rupert.85.Which of the following might have happened afterwards?

A.The teacher got back the suitcase but not Rupert.B.The teacher got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert.C.The teacher got back Rupert but not the suitcase.D.The teacher got back both the suitcase and Rupert.第Ⅱ卷



1.简况:孙淑伟(Sun Shuwei),男,14岁,广东(Guangdong)人



(亚运会:the Asian Games 冠军:champion 游泳锦标赛:swimming championships)


冠军 注意:




1991 年 答 案(MET)KEY TO 1—85: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.A 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.A 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.C 36.D 37.A 38.D 39.A 40.A 41.A 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.A 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.C 50.B 51.A 52.B 53.C 54.D 55.C 56.B 57.A 58.B 59.C 60.D 61.C 62.B 63.A 64.D 65.C 66.B 67.A 68.D 69.D 70.C 71.A 72.A 73.C 74.D 75.C 76.D 77.D 78.C 79.D 80.B 81.D 82.B 83.A 84.B 85.B Ⅱ One possible version:

Sun Shuwei—A World Champion in Diving

Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving, is a boy of 14 from Guangdong.He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province.He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team.A year later in 1990, he won a gold medal at the 11th Asian Games and became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year.



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