研究生基础综合英语2A_A Wedding Gift

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第一篇:研究生基础综合英语2A_A Wedding Gift

A Wedding Gift

Elizabeth Economou

I had always dreamed of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like the one in a Van Gogh knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment.Instead, my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I was Windexing the bathroom mirror.At 40 years old, it was my turn.I had gracefully stepped aside and watched both my twin sister and our baby sister take the matrimonial plunge before me.I had been a bridesmaid seven times and a maid of honor three times.I had more pastel-colored, taffeta dresses than a consignment shop.My fiancé, George, and I are Greek-American, but we wanted a simple, elegant affair.No entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen.No silly slideshow revealing details of our courtship.This would be an intimate gathering, neither big nor fat, with 100 or so guests.In our families that is intimate.My job as a publicist to a monomaniacal orchestra conductor had just vanished, so I had lots of time to devote to my new project.George, who worked 60 hours a week as a pharmacist, now had a second job: listening to me whine about the wedding.After all, this was my show, and I was the director.But the more time and effort I put in, the more the universe tried to thwart me.The Greek band from Los Angeles that I wanted wasn't available.The stitching i had requested for my cathedral veil was all wrong.My ivory silk gown was being quarantined somewhere in Singapore.And with our wedding just a few weeks away, I was annoyed that most of my guests were responding after the deadline.Then I received the call from my mother, petite and brimming with energy at 68, who a few days before had been so thrilled about the wedding.She’d been to the doctor for her annual checkup.Although she felt fine, the diagnosis was stomach cancer.Over the next few days, the question became not “What kind of wedding?” but “Wedding?” I had thought of it as my Big Day.I realized that a Big Day without my mother would be no day at all.Not having my dad, who passed away three years before, to walk me down the aisle was painful, but the thought of not having Mom there was unbearable.Within a few days, I moved back home to Seattle from New York City and postponed the ceremony.I switched from navigating wedding plans to navigating the health-care system.I had picked out the song to be played for our first dance as a husband and wife, but now I was hard-pressed to remember what it was.My wedding, like a dream, was vanishing against the harsh reality of illness.Meanwhile, my two sisters and I, who lived in three different cities, were united once again in a hospital waiting room.My twin sister flew in from Chicago despite being eight months pregnant.Our baby sister, who'd been looking after Mom since Dad's death, was gripped by fear as the familiar sights and smells were eerily reminiscent of his final days.After consulting with doctors, we learned that stomach surgery was Mom's only option.We took the first opening.On a drab autumn morning, as sheets of rain relentlessly poured over Seattle, Mom was admitted to the Swedish Cancer Institute.During a five-hour operation, surgeons removed two thirds of her stomach.Pacing in the waiting room, terrified, I wondered what the future held for all of us.George flew out to be with me.“There's no place I'd rather be,” he said.For three nights he

slept on the dank floor in the hospital waiting area wrapped in a tattered sheet with a soiled sofa cushion under his head.A week after the operation, the surgeon gave us his prognosis: “The cancer has not spread,” he said.Those were some of the loveliest words in the English language.George squeezed my hand as tears trickled down my face.The weeks that followed were exhausting.My mother had to rethink her diet, and I had to figure out what to prepare.Decadent Greek meals were replaced by tiny portions and lots of protein, which would help mend the six-inch incision that ran from her breastbone past her navel.Protein would also bolster her immune system for the chemo and radiation that might follow.Until then, my idea of cooking had been microwaving the doggie bag from the chi-chi restaurant I'd eaten at the night before.But after two months, I mastered poached eggs and T-bone steaks.What's more, caring for my Mom made me realize how consummately she had cared for all of us.I'll never forget when I went to see her in the intensive-care unit, just a few hours after her surgery.She was strung out with a myriad of plastic tubes protruding from her arms, nose, and mouth.“Liz, make sure you eat something,” she said in a strained, raspy voice.Forget Paris.Mom's full recovery was my dream now.Recently, she went for a follow-up C-T scan.As she removed her gold wed-ding band for the exam, her fragile 98-pound frame trembled.There would be this scan, and many more.But the doctor said, “Everything looks good.” Soon, my mother will be walking me down the aisle.I've forgotten what kind of stitching is in my veil.But when I remove it from my face, I'll be staring at the two people I love beyond all reason: my soon-to-be husband and the woman who showed me what's really important.


Dear Chau,I am writing to recommend you to improve the management in your company.We can see from our investigation of your company that the

management of your company is not so good.Now I want to talk about some..The first promblem is that We have found that the managers of subsidiaries complain that they are unpaid which make them demotived and feel their contribution to the group’s profit is undervalued.Many managers thought they should deserve much more.As for this point, I think we can carry on some measures, such as welfare politic or financial assistance to their children.We can also create much more challenges to make full advantage of their ability.The other problem is there still many managers are complaining about their little share in the company.So the most important problem is to deal with the share between managers and your company.Maybe you could give your managers a share in the profits of subsidiary, how about 5% to 10% share, and you can put it forward on the board of directors to further discussion.The third problem is that all the mangers reported that they did not have enough freedom of action.Even every manager thought they were controlled much by group in many areas, such as the finance, pay and sources of materials.To settle this problem,we suggest that the head office would take some useful steps to expand their potential markets, for example, you can give them enough funds and technology supports and train their employees as long as they have a better performance compared with the last month.So, the above contains some promblems and suggestions on the management of your company.We hope that our suggestions can help you to improve your management of your company more or less.Yours Jeams



Unit 1 1.My husband, because of his own professional(), goes to Cambridge every week.A.judgments C.personalities B.criteria D.commitments 2.While looking for the address book, Mr.Hailey()some of his old love letters in his wife’s drawer.A.came about C.came across B.came up with D.came out with 3.Mrs.Bush, head of the intelligence department, is()talent and boundless energy.A.capable of C.associated with B.blessed with D.recognized as 4.The audience are deeply impressed by the leading character of the feature film that looks()at social problems.A.squarely C.accurately B.obviously D.Deliberately 5.The Prime Minister has decided to take advantage of his popularity in the opinion polls, and called()a election for next month.A.snap C.magnetic B.clean-cut D.Convincing 6.The singer is very popular with the general public ,but she is often regarded as being too()on stage.A.instinctual B.refreshing C.flamboyant D eloquent 7.Mr.Potter was not only quick at turning a phrase, but also ready with()promises.A.concrete C.glib B.individual D.greasy

8.Malaysia and Indonesia rely on open markets for forest and fishery products.,()some Asian countries are highly protectionist.A.Deliberately C.Evidently B.Conversely D.Naturally 9.According to legal provisions, the properties will either()the original owners or else be sold at auction.A.commit to C.proceed to B.take to D.revert to

10.The measures are little more than()that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them.A.blind faith C.good impression B.window dressing D.winning image

1.The number of people who consult psychiatrists today is not, as is sometimes felt, a()of increasing mental illness.A.revelation B.syndrome C.symptom D.Repugnance 2.That snake in not poisonous.It’s a completely()little garden snake.A.inoffensive B.innocuous C.ingenious D.Incompatible 3.Evidence()to the trial must be submitted to the police.A.prevalent B.subsequent C.subordinate D.Pertinent

4.University teaching may be()if the government increases the number of students without providing additional funding.A.jeopardized B.patched C.improvised D.Generalized 5.The child’s parents were()into accepting the demand of the kidnappers’.A.pleaded B.intoxicated C.intimidated D.Besieged 6.The detectives()on the terrorists’ conversations by using secrete microphones.A.overheard B.eavesdropped C.reflected D.Mused 7.The two sides are so()to each other that there is no way to work out a compromise.A.inimical B.reconcilable C.magnetic D.Conducive 8.They tried to keep it quiet but eventually everyone learned about the()meeting.A.clandestine B.intangible C.sedate D.Squalid 9.Although Jack had moved away before the baseball season ended, the most valuable player award was()his.A.dubiously B.duly C.excessively D.Transiently 10.Many citizens appealed to the city government for enacting()laws to protect the consumers.A.lavish B.equivocal C.stringent D.Flabby

Unit 2 1.Probably the physics of the mid-nineteenth century was not as spectacular as that of the()and following periods, but its theoretical advances were nevertheless very impressive.A.posterior C.preceding B.overwhelming D.potential 2.We will encourage every school to()its character, ethos and areas of special interest within a more flexible National Curriculum framework.A.facilitate C.acquaint B.enhance D.Install 3.()her dreams, Lynne traveled the world, leaving her 2-year-old son Stephen in the care of babysitters.A.In spite of C.In place of B.In case of D.In pursuit of 4.His deep(), subtle approach, sharp analytical capacities and broad clinical knowledge made him a brilliant clinician.A.intuition C.hypothesis B.revelation D.Thrill 5.Western medicine,()science and practiced by people with internationally accepted medical degrees, is only one of many systems of healing.A.rooted in C.trapped in B.originated from D.indulged in 6.The computer acts as a substitute for human friends, perhaps, but the human-computer()may also bring about the end of existing human-human relationships.A.apathy C.concept B.intensity D.Infatuation

7.She had something to tell him, something so important that even this unexpected opportunity for()of their desire must take second place.A.appetite C.intimacy B.consummation D.potentiality 8.Such an approach forces managers to communicate with one another and helps()rigid departmental boundaries.A.break down C.set off B.stand for D.pass over 9.He knew that he had one more duty to perform before he allowed himself to succumb to his()for rest.A.orientation C.craving B.disgust D.objection 10.To be honest, I felt rather embarrassed by Jane’s()and flirting during her interview A.spontaneousness C.coyness B.anticipation D.Sensation

1.It is()upon all users of this equipment to familiarize themselves with the safety procedure A.necessary B.indispensable C.incumbent D.Requisite 2.The kidnappers specified that the()money should be left at the bus station by 12 o’clock the next day, otherwise they would kill the boy.A.ransom B.prize C.conscience D.Revenue 3.According to the economic forecast, some people are hopeful of a drop in the inflation figures, but others are less().A.fastidious B.sanguine C.lenient D.Prudent

4.Her rise to fame was quite()— in less than two years she was a household name.A.phenomenal B.bleak C.blank D.Vacant 5.I looked for her through the window, but the curtains were drawn and I could only see her in().A.feature B.profile C.silhouette D.Reverse 6.I tried to persuade her to take the job but she was quite()that she did not want it.A.desperate B.paranoid C.absolute D.Adamant 7.We are not compatible — he likes nearly all the things that()me.A.repulse B.surpass C.banish D.Repatriate 8.In his will, the millionaire()nearly all his fortunes to the housemaid who took care of him in his last days.A.inherited B.bequeathed C.owed D.Remitted 9.When the only witness finally came to tell the()from all responsibility for the accident.A.pardoned B.derived C.exonerated D.Charged 10.The negotiation had reached an(), with both sides refusing to compromise.A.eclipse B.impasse C.ultimatum D.Abyss

Unit3 1.Hard training will()you richly when it comes to the actual competition.A.bring C.serve B.pay D.make 2.At the news conference, the foreign minister()a confident smile and answered all the questions raised by the journalists.A.wore C.settled B.expressed D.Cultivated 3.After years of research, scholars have finally()this anonymous play Christopher Marlowe.A.taken...for C.ascribed...to B.obliged...with D.reconciled...to 4.Most parents have occasional()about whether they’re doing the best thing for their children.A.burdens C.necessities B.qualms D.Securities 5.It()me to thank you for all you have done for the association in the last few years.A.falls to C.falls on B.falls into D.falls in with 6.I never heard anyone in my village mention my uncle Tony — I think he was a bit of a().A.white elephant C.guinea pig B.dark horse D.black sheep 7.The()that she suggested for discussion were based on the most recent medical research.A.contributions C.expostulations B.occupations D.amendments 8.Rosa used to be quiet and introverted, but now she is()being sociable.A.looking forward to C.making a point of B.going back on D.standing up to

9.Mary broke off her engagement to John when she found him often()the pretty girls in his office.A.putting up with C.making fun of B.seeing through D.philandering with 10.Instead of ending up in jail or(), she was remarkably successful and became one of the wealthiest people in Britain today.A.in the raw C.in the extreme B.in the gutter D.in the flesh

1.As one of the youngest branch manager in the IT company, Mr.Yang is certainly on the()of a brilliant career.A.track B.margin C.course D.Threshold 2.In()times, human beings did not travel for pleasure, but to find a more favorable climate.A.prime B.primary C.primitive D.Preliminary 3.While it’s true that techniques of active listening can()the value of lecture, few students possess such skills at the beginning of their college careers.A.enhance B.enlarge C.access D.Exaggerate 4.In the library, I found Dabbie was frowning, apparently()a Word.A.tumbled to B.collided with C.coincided with D.stumped on 5.Fierce storms have been()rescue efforts and there’s now little chance of finding more survivors.A.hampering B.bewildering C.tangling D.Blundering

6.They didn’t even give him any sick-pay when he was off ill, which is a fairly()way to treat an employee.A.vulnerable B.makeshift C.shoddy D.Backhanded 7.It must be realized that large price increase can only()demands for even larger wage increase.A.call off B.trigger off C.make off D.carry off 8.When the old lady was back from shopping, she was shocked to find that her house had been().A.pawned B.leased C.ransacked D.Mortgaged 9.Since this was my first job interview, I asked()about the Salary.A.discouragingly B.diffidently C.differentially D.Diffusely 10.The lost car of the Lees was found()in the woods off the Highway.A.vanished B.abandoned C.scattered D.Disregarded

Unit 6 1.Dissatisfaction with the Labour government now seems to have()every section of society.A.Heralded

B.permeated C.Conceived

D.Scrutinized 2.We know these chemicals are dangerous, but their benefits far()any risk to the environment.A.overtake

B.manipulate C.Stock

D.Outweigh 3.All previous attempts to()the fighting have failed so why should these proposals be any more successful? A.compromise

B.halt C.Withstand

D.Sustain 4.The president and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a()for continued economic reform.A.Mandate

B.assertion C.discourse

D.determinism 5.She is not satisfied with her job because it provides no()for her energies and talents.A.conception

B.outreach C.Outlet

D.Essentialism 6.The audience are deeply impressed by the leading character of the feature film that looks()

at social problems.A.shifting

B.offering C.Plying

D.Crushing 7.My second and more()reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry Ford Museum.A.compelling

B.weary C.Perplexing

D.Worthy 8.Scotland’s()on Wales in the second half of the match earned them a 4-1 victory.A.imposition

B.onslaught C.push

D.Edge 9.By the time I left his house he had become pretty hostile;I felt I()better than that.A.pursued

B.fostered C.Entitled

D.Deserved 10.Today almost every household has radios, TVs and a whole()of gadgets by electricity.A.Endeavor

B.host C.Supply


1.Taking more than the recommended dose of tablets is quite()

.A.hilarious B.perilous C.surreptitious D.hideous 2.Even the best medical treatment can not cure all the ills that()men and women.A.beseech B.B.bestow C.bewitch D.Beset 3.The field of medicine has always attracted its share of quacks — that is ,()women and men with little or no medical knowledge.A.disreputable B.disguised C.distinguished D.Dissoluble 4.The reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans is that there is a sharp difference in appearance between them and their white()

.A.consultants B.counterparts C.culprits D.conservatives 5.All the questions()around what she had been doing on the night of the robbery.A.resolved B.revoked C.revolved D.revived 6.We tried to drive our horse into the river, but he simply could not mother rats()

.A.trudge B.surge C.budge D.Dredge 7.The experiments()that in overpopulated communities,do not behave normally.A.defied B.verified C.purified D.intensified 8.The aim of the president’s speech was to convince still reluctant countries of the great necessity of imposing sanctions against the countries that()terrorists.A.kidnapped B.harassed C.heckled D.harbored

9.In other words, we discovered a()of effects from the power failure, each becoming the cause of the next.A.succession B.recession C.procession D.Secession 10.In establishing or()a causal relation, it is usually necessary to show the process by which the alleged cause produces the effect.A.reframing B.redeeming C.refuting D.redressing

Unit 7 1.We looked out across a river valley to the broad snow-white ridge of Mount Ararat, its peak()

against the blue sky.A.galvanizing B.exhilarating

C.incandescent D.Unreachable 2.Would you care for some tea, or even a light meal, to()yourself before setting off for a new adventure? A.color B.forego C.boost D.Fortify 3.The company she was working for was failing so she decided to()and set up her own business with a friend.A.deal out B.bail out C.hold out D.fall out 4.Fisher was given a()in the marketing section before a decision was made about his future.A.tryout B.momentum C.conviction D.Permissiveness 5.This is one of the few jobs you can do in this place and()being completely drunk.A.contribute to B.get away with C.make for D.try on 6.The lieutenant general has got such an enormous()— I’ve never known anyone so full of themselves!A.humility B.illusion C.altruism D.Ego 7.Before becoming a()director, Jason had worked as a film critic for a magazine for a number of years.A.full blown B.lovelorn C.grown up D.Rootless

8.According to a survey of 250 high schools, the()rate among students is currently one in five.A.alteration B.dropout C.impulse D.denial 9.Please don’t be so depressed;I’m sure things will start to()for the motor trade in the coming year.A.look up B.dredge up C.take hold D.sell out 10.After a heated debate, the Parliament voted to impose a two-year()on nuclear weapons testing.A.curfew B.strain C.settlement D.moratorium

1.Even in those schools, which have tried to enforce no smoking by()punishment, there’s as much smoking as in other schools.A.cordial B.contingent C.convertible D.corporal 2.People who have such an addiction are();i.e., they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must Satisfy.A.compulsory B.compulsive C.comprehensive D.consistent 3.Those living in countries with long dark winters are apt to be less talkative and less sociable than inhabitants of countries where the climate is more()

.A.excessive B.equivalent C.equable D.exquisite 4.Jill was seriously injured and for days he()between life and death.A.hovered B.hewed C.hobbled D.huddled

5.Professor Smith has already retired, but his teachings still()strong influence on his students.A.execute B.forsake C.exert D.forge 6.This is but a()of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored.A.friction B.fraction C.faction D.fracture 7.The country has been faced with a()problem of unemployment since the newly-elected President came into power.A.sagging B.jogging C.logging D.nagging 8.The English language is capable of expressing many subtle()of meanings.A.shallows B.sermons C.shades D.shadows 9.It’s established that everyone has over a thousand dreams a year, however few of these()

productions are remembered during waking hours.A.tacit B.stringent C.nocturnal D.mawkish 10.The belief that you should own your house is deeply()in British society.A.ingrained B.inflicted C.afflicted D.enraged

单选词汇:commitmentscame acrossblessed withsquarelysnapflamboyantglipconverselyrevert towindow imagesymptominnocuouspertinentjeopardizedintimidatedeavesdroppedinimicalclandestinedulystringentprecedingenhanceinpursuitofintuitionrootedininfatuationbreak owncravingcoynessincumbentransomsanguinephenomenalsilhouette Adamantrepulsebequeathedexoneratedimpassepayworeascribed toqualmsfalls toblack sheepamendmentsmakeing a point ofphilanderingwithinthequtterthresholdprimitiveenhancestumpedonhamperingshoddytriggeroffransackeddiffidentlyabandonedpermeatedoutweighhaltmandateoutletplyingcompellingonslaughtdesrevedhostperilousbesetdisreputablecounterartsresolvedbudgeverifiedharboredsuccessionrefutinggalvanizingfortifybail outtryoutget away withegofull dblowndropoutlook upmoratoriumcorporalcompulsiveequablehoveredexertfractionnaggingshadesnocturnalingrained



I.Comprehension check

i.1.T 2.F3.T4.F5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T9.T10.T

ii.1-5 BAAACD6-10 DCBAB


1-5 ADBAA6-10 DDCBA11-15 CCADB16-20 DCABA


1.It is generally accepted that upbringing of the child within the home is closely related to theeducation of the child in school

2.Jennifer is the chief of personnel for the New York Herald Tribune, where she is also responsible for special editorial work in the field of the public relations.3.Jeff met Rose at his sister’s birthday’s party two years ago.They have been

communicating each other by e-mail since then.The more Jeff knows Rose, the more helikes her

4.This new measure is effective not only in providing job opportunities for the

laid-off workers, but in limiting price increases

5.Similarly /likewise, they insufficiently treated /they did not sufficiently treat the political and economic background of the conspiracy.6.Tremendous capital input has met the needs of rapid economic growth on the one

hand, and has caused the inflation on the other.


Suggested Teaching Plan

(4 periods/week--15 weeks)

Teaching Goal To develop student’s reading skills, especially the skill of reading long and difficult essays, and simultaneously, to help them apply what they learn from reading to their own writing.Learning objectives After studying each unit, students should be able to: 1.Understand the main ideas of the three articles 2.Comprehend the reading materials on a discourse level 3.Grasp the key language points and sentence structures in the text 4.Develop proficiency in translation and writing 5.Conduct a series of class activities centered on the theme of the unit Before the Sessions: Students’ task---Autonomous Study(1)To write the responses to the key words(2)To learn the new words and expressions in the text(3)To preview the text to get the main idea(4)To do the text comprehension exercise In the First Session:(Two periods)The teacher is(1)to introduce some background information(2)to give an introduction of the text to the students(3)to discuss the text(the structure, the writing skill, and the main idea of the text will be the focus.Only a few words and sentences, which will be the obstacles for students’ understanding of the text, will be explained in class.)4)to check on the comprehension exercise(multiple-choice questions)(5)to organize class activities in small groups(4-5 in a group)(Students may first do the questions on the text in pairs, and then proceed to the discussion topics in groups.One member will be chosen as the group leader.Students may take this role in turns.)(6)to ask group leaders to report the results of their discussion to the class(7)to assign students the homework Between the sessions: Students’ task-Autonomous Study(1)To review the text(2)To do the exercises of Vocabulary, Structure and Usage, and Cloze(3)To read the supplementary materials(use an English dictionary(4)To prepare the questions in supplementary readings(both A and B)In the Second Session:(1)to check on the exercises of Vocabulary, Structure and Usage, and Cloze(2)to invite questions from students and explain them(3)to conduct a group discussion on the questions in supplementary readings(4)to ask students to answer these questions individually in class(5)to assign homework After the Sessions: Students’ Task---Autonomous Study(1)To do translation exercises(2)To choose a topic in Writing Task and write a composition

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