第六课:环保 1.目前,在文明的社会中,对环境的敏感性和对诸如民主的信仰一样是一种不可或缺的态度。但是既然从 泰德.特纳到乔治.布什,从美国道化学公司到埃克森公司,每个人都声称自己热爱地球,在这么多以环境名 义提出的相互矛盾的建议,约束,提案规章制度,法律法规中,我们该如何选取呢?选而易见,不是冠以 环境名义的每项建议都值得去尝试。我们究竟该如何选择? 2.这里有一种简便的方法,首先,要区分什么是保护环境的奢侈品,什么是保护环境的必需品。奢侈的东 西是那些不需要付出什么代价而能够拥有就好的东西。必需品是我们无论如何都必须要拥有的东西。其次,应用一条规则,我们可以称它为一个理智的环保主义的的基本公理:与直接威胁人类身体健康和安全的生 态变化的斗争是环保的必需品。而其他的都是奢侈的行为。3.例如,保护大气层---阻止臭氧层的破坏和温室效应是一种环保的必须行为。据四月的科学报告说臭氧层 的破坏程度比我们先前认为的要严重得多。臭氧层的破坏不仅可以直接导致皮肤癌,而且还危害浮游生物,这些浮游生物位于一个食物链的起点,而位于食物链另一端,最上层的则是人类。4.对温室效应的现实影响更多是推测性的,不过它可能的后果却更加有毁灭性: 冰川融化,海岸线被淹没,气候被破坏,土地干涸,最终,食物消失殆尽,美国中西部地区的粮食供养着全世界。难道我们愿意看到 衣阿华州变成新墨西哥州的沙漠气候,西伯利亚变成衣阿华州吗? 5.臭氧的耗尽 和温室效应是人类的灾难。这些碰巧在自然界里发生。但是他们非常紧急,因为他们直接威 胁到人类。明智的环保主义---唯一能赢取广泛的公众支持的环保主张--首先要强调自然是服务于人类的。明智的环保主张是完全以人类为中心的。它敦促人类保护环境。但是应以人类的自我保护为基础。6.明智的环保主张并不是对地球的感情用事。它并不要求人类为了其他生物而做出牺牲。毕竟,要求人们 为了其他人做出牺牲也很难。(想想公众对外援和福利的强烈抵触吧)7.当然,人类中心说与当代环保主义的宗旨是相对立的,后者对地球的崇拜已经到了偶像崇拜的地步了,一个科学理论(盖娅理论)声称地球实际上是一个活的生命体。这种环保主义喜欢把自己看成是神圣的。其实他只不过是感情用事而已。比如,在自然是否友善的问题上,当代环保主义采用了高度片面地看问题 的态度。四月份龙卷风肆虐堪萨斯州和五月的飓风大作粉碎了我对自然的崇拜。那场飓风造成 125,000 多 孟加拉国人的死亡,
(1)当在校的孩子、军队的新兵、求职者和向往Mensa协会的人努力解答像这样的IQ问题时,一些聪明的研究智力的科学家一直被另一个更让人困惑的问题困扰:为什么IQ值一直在上升?并且不是上升一点点不是这里升一点那里升一点,而是大幅度上升:英国自从1942年以来增长27个百分点,美国自1918年以来增长24个百分点,阿根廷自1964年以来增长22个百分点,这种增长遍及西欧、加拿大、日本、中国、以色列、澳大利亚和新西兰。这种增长是如此之快以至今天一般孩子和过去的天才一样聪明。“这打破了我们认为IQ固定不变的信念” 科内尔大学的一位心理学家说。“这强有力地证明了IQ确实是能改变的。(2)这里有一个小问题。现在暂不考虑IQ是否真正代表了智力这一问题,科学家们不能解释什么使得IQ值飞速增长。天生因素或后天因素一基因或环境,由于不同的原因,都无法解答这个问题。许多对双胞胎研究和领养儿童的数据表明,在青春期后期个体IQ的差异中,基因占75%。这样说来,环境就几乎没有发挥作用的余地了。但是用基因变“聪明了”来解释IQ的上升似乎不妥.因为人类基因的改变不会如此迅速能够解释“了不起的一代”和 “Y”两代人之间IQ的不同。那似乎有使我们怀疑环境起到很大作用,但是我们有不得不面对这样一个问题:研究智商的心理学家大多数都认同遗传性因素来解释IQ差异的主要因素。
(3)“这两者似乎是矛盾的,” Brookings Institution的William Dickens说道:“这种IQ的高遗传性表明环境起的作用是微弱的,但是IQ随着时间快速增长表明环境的影响是无比强大的。”为了揭开这个秘密,Dickens和James合作(James Flynn在1987发现了IQ上升的现象,现在被称为Flynn现象)。在本周即将出版于《心理学评论》的一份研究报告中,这对搭档对IQ上升现象作出了解释,这不仅有可能解决基因与环境的矛盾,还有可能有助于人们了解是什么因素决定了人的智慧。两位研究人员 得出结论“人的IQ同时受环境和基因的影响.但是„人的环境是与IQ相匹配的。”换句话说,基因确实起很重要的作用:他们可以引起人们寻求某种环境、某种生活经历例如.如果你在智力方面有生理优势,你就可能喜欢上学、读书、猜谜,问问题及进行抽象思维,而所有这些又会增强你内在的智能。Dickens和Flynn说:“高智商使人进入较好的环境。更高的IQ可以使一个人有更好的环境,从而引起他有更好的IQ。”由于这种叠加效应.你会更加喜欢学习、去图书馆、不停地问大人问题并选择聪明的同伴为友,于是你就变得越发聪明。(4)基因和环境的相互作用起始于年轻时。例如,一个有语言天赋的刚学会走路的孩子会要求父母一小时一小时地读东西给他们听。即使她的“语言方面的IQ基因”比其他大点的孩子稍微优势点,但是那也能增强她的认知能力度。Dicken说:“一个微小的基因优势可以带来巨大的行为表现上的优势。”(5)但是如果你的IQ稍微偏低,你可能会在阅读和思考方面感到受挫,在学校也会觉得不顺以至于变得憎恨学习,这又加剧了你在遗传方面的缺陷。就这样一个微小的生来的缺陷又被放大了。
大脑随着年龄的增长而萎缩是众所周知的事实,但是这对智力方面的影响却 因人而异。有趣的是,一项有关老年人的研究表明,实际上接受过较多教育的人 大脑萎缩得较多。这项研究成果表明的是,接受过教育的人在大脑功能开始崩溃 之前更能经受得住大脑组织的丧失。
据研究人员说,这份发表在7 月份的《神经病学》杂志上的研究报告第一次 提供了生物学上的证据来支持“储备”假说,即接受过较多教育的人在大脑衰老 时拥有更大的认识上的储备可以利用;实际上这部分人的大脑中有更多的脑组织 处于闲置状态。
研究人员对320 名年龄在66 岁到90 岁的身体健康的男子和女子的脑部扫描 X 光片研究后发现,受试者的受教育经历每多一年,其大脑外层叫做脑皮层的部 位就多一份萎缩。然而,所有受试者的认知能力和记忆力的测试分数均在正常范 围以内。
人的一生应该不断地努力,通过新的生活体验使大脑处于警觉状态。旅游是刺激 大脑的一种方法,较少冒险性的方法是玩拼字游戏.教育是怎样影响脑细胞的尚不清楚。研究人员在报告中推测,接受过较多教 育的人大脑的某些比脑皮层更深层次的结构可能完好无损,从而弥补了脑皮层萎 缩带来的损失。
The term profit in economics has a very precise meaning.Economists, however, often loosely refer to “good deals” or profitable ventures with no risk as profit opportunities.Using the term loosely, a profit opportunity exists at the toll booths in one line is shorter than the others.The general view of economics is that profit opportunities are rare.At any one time there are many people searching for such opportunities, and as a consequence few exist.At toll booths it is seldom the case that one line is substantially shorter than the others
:Thanks to the means of modern transportation and communication,the world is getting smaller and smaller.The whole world community appears to be no more than a large global village,where the residents come together with different cultural backgrounds and values.While experiencing the inevitable cultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes,the “villagers”seek to live in harmony.多亏了现代交通与通讯工具,这个世界正变得越来越小。整个世界似乎和一个地球村一样小,这个村庄里有不同的文化背景和价值观的居民都聚集在一起。在经历这种不可避免的文化交流也是文化冲击的过程中,这些“村民”追求着和谐共处。
Protect our home There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years., One of the most serious problems is the pollution of air, water.mainly manifested in the following aspects: In terms of air pollution, industry and the rapid development of Air pollutionis harmful to human health, but also affect the growth of plants and animals.In terms of water pollution, With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste water is being poured into rivers.It has caused serious pollution.The river is becoming so dirty that no living things can live in it.The river is giving off a terrible smell.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.Enjoy your work What is the real meaning about work? Opinions differ from person to person.Some people tend to work only for money while others believe people should enjoy their work.Some people think work is only for money because when human live in the world they need food and drinks but people cannot get them for free.So people need to do work and get money to buy stuff for live.No work, no money, no life.On the other hand, people think we should enjoy our work.Working is much more than making money.One can make many friends by working with others.One can find out the interesting and good things from your work.So I think it is better to enjoy your work.If you strive to do it ,you can make it.The internet To be honest, I love the internet very much.Surfing the internet is what I do everyday.It changes me a lot.As we all know, the Internet plays more and more important role in our daily life!First of all, after a whole day's hard work or study, we can sit in front of our computer and surf on the net, appreciating(欣赏)the latest movies, listening music we like, reading books , chatting and so on.Besides, we can get current news and information we need home and abroad.And we can buy or exchange items through the internet.I think the internet changes my life style.I can get the most of what I want through it.In my opinion ,the internet will be more interesting and standardized.It will be more helpful to our life.But we still have a lot of work to do.The internet To be honest, I love the internet very much.Surfing the internet is what I do everyday.It changes me a lot.I think the internet will be used widely by people in the future.Firstly, people can get information and knowledge at lower cost and shorter time through internet.People will have access to any they wish.How does internet change my life? My answer is as follows.On the one hand it changes my living habits I get information and knowledge from TV , radio, newspaper, books and other ways before, but i spend more free time on internet now.In one word.I really like to surf the internet.I believe the internet has broad space for development and it is very useful for people in the future.Enjoy your work What is the real meaning about work? Opinions differ from person to person.Today everyone has different opinion of work.Some people think work is for money while others believe people should enjoy their work.Some people think work is for money because when human live on the world they need foods and drinks but people cannot get them in free.So people need to do work and get money to buy stuff for live.No work, no money, no life.On the other hand, people think we should enjoy our work.Working is much more than making money.One can make many friends by working with others.One can find out the interesting and good things from your work.So I think it is better to enjoy you work.If you strive to do it ,you can make it.Today everyone has different opinion of work.Some people think work is for money while others believe people should enjoy their work.So what is really about work? Some people think work is for money because when human live on the world they need foods and drinks but people cannot get them in free.So people need to do work and get money to buy stuff for live.No work, no money, no life.On the other hand, people think we should enjoy our work.Working is much more than making money.One can make many friends by working with others.One can find out the interesting and good things from your work.One can find that job helps a lot.You grow with it.So I think it is better to enjoy you work.You can make it if you try to do.I believe you know what to do ,so come on ,just do it.目前环保还存在着许多问题.最严重的问题就是空气、水和土壤的严重污染。主要表现为以下几个方面:
我的看法是,为了保护环境,政府应当采取更具体的措施.首先,应当通过教育的方法使人们充分謒到环境保护的重要性.第二,应更加努力把计划生育政策付诸实施,因为人口多就意味着污染严重.最后,要严惩那些故意破坏环境者.使他们破坏环境就是毁灭人类自己.In now's society everyone have different opinion of work.Some people think work is for live but on other hand they think live is to work.So what is really about work? Some people think work is for live because when human live on the world they need foods and drinks but this all stuff can't come from sky in other word is can't come to you for free.So people need to do work and get money to buy stuff for live.No work,no money,no life.Work not only mean the job you did,but also for clean the house,tide the bed and make the house clean.In other hand,people think live is to work there is one reason of this.People live on world can't doing nothing,they need to do work get money and in that,which people can communicate with others.They think live is part of work.But in my perspective live is part of work.Because sometime do work not only for get money but also can cammunicate with others and we were doing work everyday.What i mean for this is work not only do for others but also for ourselves.We clean the room is a work,we do our homework is also a work.So i think live is to work.Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue.The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection.Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems.People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve(保存)our natural resources and recycle(再循环)our products.We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.industry andthe rapid development of transportation, causing air pollution is increasing the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.保护环境.
adversity n 逆境、不幸、厄运 aftermath n 后果、余波 alleyway n 小巷、胡同 altruism n 利他主义、无私
anodyne adj 不冒犯他人的、四平八稳的 aspire v 最求、渴望、有志于
bliss n 极乐,无上幸福 bona fide adj 真正的、真实的
bromide n 意在使人消气却没有效果的话 dazed adj 茫然的、迷乱的、恍惚的
encompass v 覆盖、围住
excruciating adj 剧烈疼痛的
gratifying adj 令人高兴的、使人满足的 harrowing adj 折磨人的、可怕的、令人痛苦的 ineffable adj 难以名状的、不可言喻 legacy n 遗留下来的状况
mind-blowing adj 令人极度的、非常奇怪的 neurological n 神经的
nostalgia n 对往昔事物的留恋、怀旧情绪 ordeal n 可怕的经历、痛苦的折磨
paramountadj 至高无上的、最重要的 province n 范围、领域、职责范围 preoccupied adj 全神贯注的、入神的
refrain n 一再重复的话
rheumatoid arthritis n 类风湿性关节炎 shrivel v 皱缩、干枯、干瘪
steroid n 类固醇
tranquil adj平静的、宁静的、安谧的
traumatic adj 痛苦难忘的、造成精神创伤的 tribulation n 苦难
ultramarathoner n 超级马拉松 vomit v 呕吐、呕出、吐出
wimp n 懦弱无用的人
anecdote n
auditory adj 听觉的 boon n
circuitry n 电路系统 conduit
渠道、通道 consortium n
缩减、消减 decoder n 解码器
adj 自由的、未约束的
duly adv 适当的、恰当的 etch v 蚀刻、fidgety
adj 烦躁的、坐立不安的
footnote n 脚注 forage
四处搜寻 godsend v 及时雨 hyperlink n 超文本链接 ideogram n 表意文字
longish adj 略长的、相当长的 neural
adj 神经的、神经系统的
pithy adj 精辟的 remap
staccato adj 断音的、断奏的 telltale
adj 暴露真相
terse adj 简短的 thicket
voracious adj 贪吃的 wayward adj 倔强的 adversary n 对手 almighty god n 全能的上帝
anew adv 重新 beachhead n 滩头堡 belabor v 强调
embattled adj 问题缠身 engulf v 严重影响
foe n 敌人
forebear n 祖先、祖宗 heed v 听从
invective n 咒骂 invoke v 唤起 outpace v 超过、胜过
reverend adj 值得尊敬的 subversion n 颠覆 symbolize v 象征 tribulation n 苦难 twilight n 曙光暮色 tyranny n 暴政 unleash v 释放出、发泄
writ n 书面命令
anemic adj 没有活力的
awash adj 被水或其他液体浸过的 bawl v 叫嚷、大喊 bawl n 叫嚷、大喊 bleach v 使变淡、变白 coyote n 丛林狼 decipher v 辨认、解释
defiant adj 违抗的、挑衅的
defoliate v 使….落叶
dictum n 断言、意见、宣言
doe n
dust bowl n
干旱尘暴区 extirpate v 消灭、根除
fang n 尖牙
ford v
gleanings n 费力搜索到的零星信息 juniper n
刺柏、maul v 撕…的皮肉、抓裂 maze n
迷宫似得的街道/小路 melee n 混乱局面 molder v
rattle n
requisite n 必需品
sage n 鼠尾草 scuffle
扭打 seedling n 种苗、幼苗 shears n 大剪刀
spruce v
supple adj 灵活的 tingle v 感到刺痛 torrent n
tyro n 新手、生手 wag v 狗摇尾巴 whinny nv(马)撕叫 willow n 柳树
writhe v 剧烈地扭动身体
affective adj 感情
anecdotal adj 轶事的、趣闻的 arousal
唤起 beset v 困扰、使苦恼
pretest n 预先测试
adj 避免引人注目的 微妙的思想 取代、代替 蝌蚪 adj 难吃的 disinterest n fester v irritant 恶化 n
self-effacing subtlety n 烦躁的事物 心态 讣告
supplant v tadpole
n mentality n obituary n outpouring n
unpalatable peripheral adj 次要的、非主要的
populist adj 声称代表人民的、平明主义的 sermon n 布道、讲道
通过报业联合会安排出售给多家报刊syndicate v 发表
audible adj 声音听得见
auspicious adj 吉利的、吉祥的 bulky adj 庞大的、宽大的 circumscribe comport v v 约束、限制
举止、行为 comportment n cosmopolitan adj 见识广的、兼容并包的 delineate v 描绘、描写
人口统计数据 demographics n detergent n distaste n 洗涤剂、洗衣粉 不喜欢 特许经营权 franchise n garish adj 过于艳丽的
普遍性、共同性 generality n ingrained adj 根深蒂固的、难以改变的 jolly adj 欢乐的、愉快的 miniscule(minuscule)nuance n 细微差别 adj 很小