高一unit2 (推荐五篇)

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Unit 2


1.I'm afraid something important has ______,I won't be able to see you tomorrow.A.come upB.come toC.went upD.been appeared

2.He seems to be doing nothing ,but _______actually he is just waiting for his friend.A.as a resultB.after allC.generallyD.actually

3.Will China become one of the greatest powers in the world ?Only time will _____.A.GoB.passC.speakD.tell

4.We are in the water swimming.then ______a large fish about the size of a room.A.along comesB.comes awayC.has come alongD.has along come

5.Many great men have risen from poverty----Lincoln and Edison _____.A.insteadB.for exampleC.such as.D.and so on

6.Her face went red _____what he had said.A.becauseB.because ofC.asD.as to

7.Visitors______not to touch the exhibitions.A.will requireB.requestC.are requiringD.are required

8.The army of that country is _____General Washington's command.A.to.B.withC.underD.of

9.----When will the manager go on holiday to Europe ?

-------He _____leave until May 1st.A.is expectedB.isn't expected toC.expects toD.doesn't expect

10.Our country is now much stronger than ______.A.agoB.beforeC.before everD.ever since

11.The girl was _____frightened ______hurt.A.rather....thanB.more....thanC.instead...of D.too...to

12._____the government ordered some people to make a collection of the words used then.A.in the 1700sB.in his 30sC.in its 1700sD.in one's 30s

13.The use we _______our time really matters our life.A.are made ofB.make ofC.had fromD.had of

14.He tried his best to solve the problem ,______difficult it was.A.howeverB.no matterC.whateverD.although

15.Sometimes _____English is quite different from ____English in many ways.A.speaking ,writingB.spoken ,writtenC.speaking ,writtenD.spoken ,writing

16.---According to my grandma,it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.--_____,scientists agree with her.A.Sooner or laterB.once in a whileC.to be exactD.Believe it or not

17.It takes _____money to help those who suffered in tsunamis in Japan on March 11;it also takes love.A.more thanB.other thanC.rather thanD.less than

18.The general public soon _____that something has gone wrong with the project in progress.A.remembersB.recognizesC.realizesD.tells

19.At the meeting ,Premier Wen Jiabao emphasized the important part agriculture _____in China's economic development.A.playsB.isC.doesD.takes

20.Everything comes with _____price;there is no such _____thing as free lunch in the world.A.a,aB.the ,/C.the ,aD.a,/

21.It's more useful to learn modern languages,______English and German ,than Latin.A.namelyB.that isC.for exampleD.such as

22.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _____rising since 1990.A.isB.areC.has beenD.have been

23.I can't understand this passage ,for I don't know many scientific _____.A.vocabulariesB.vocabularyC.wordsD.word

24.The Professor could hardly find enough facts _____his arguments to support the new theory.A.to be based onB.which to base onC.to base onD.on which to base

25.I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt your feelings _____he did say so.A.unlessB.as ifC.even ifD.even

26.______we have found what our Mother Nature is suffering ,we should take effective measures to protect her.A.ForB.Because ofC.AlthoughD.Since


第二篇:高一unit 2 phrases[范文模版]

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.不止一个… 2.在一些重要方面 3.与…不同 4.信不信由你 5.去看电影 6.坐地铁

7.在16世纪末 8.七百万人 9.航海航行 10因为

11比以往任何时候 12.即使,尽管 13.你愿意…

14.到你的公寓去 15.随时间变化 16.彼此间交流 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 17.以…为基础 18.现在19.丰富英语语言 20.利用

21.赋予一种不同身份 22.很多 23.比如 24….的数量 25.发展自己特点 26.让时间来证明吧 27.说英语国家 28.口语

29.而不是,取代 30.不假思索 31.一…就…



such as; because of; base on; come up; believe it or not;at the end of

1.He realized that she was crying ___________ what he had said.2.______________, John has passed the driving test.3.This book is ________ a true story.4.A beggar _______ to us and asked for money.5.They had an English exam _________ last month.6.Girls _______ Ann and Lucy are very friendly.用适当的介词填空。

1.You’d better make full use _____ your time.2.You will find the hospital _____ the end of the road.3.The church is close _____ the school.4.We have friends all _____ the world.5.As everybody knows, China has the largest number _____ people.6._____ the 1980s, he went to America.

第三篇:高一英语Unit Two教案


Edited by Xuesong Bingquan LiuQiong

知识目标 复习直间接引语 认识定语从句、动名词、分词



for the first time /the first time / at first / the first / first of all / above all ,at all / all the way / all along / all alone / all at once / all the same / all through,make oneself at home / feel at home / make up / make out / make it,a number of / a lot of / a world of / a sea of / a good deal of / a good many,except / except for / except + 从句 / but / besides,widely /wide , wide / broad , close / closely , high / highly , deep / deeply ,in communication / in trade , trade in / with , answer key + to ,answer to / for , stay up / sit up / stay away from,end up as / in / with / adj., have diffuculty with sth / in doing sth ,There is difficulty in doing sth.bring in / back / up / down / out / forward / into ,while conj./ n./ vt.Between / among , each / every , such as / for example / namely ,care about / for / care of , treat as / like / treat sb to sth / on one’s treat , think about / of / up / out / as , too much / much too , such as / as much , develop into / from , of one’s own , have gone to / have been to , even though / as though ,It + be + adj.+for / of + inf., with + 复合宾语, take off / throw off / kick off , all the way / in the way / in a way / in no way / no way / on the way / by the way / by way of/ the way , Here you are/ Here I am / Here it is.Must 表推测.听说读写能力(略)



汉语重主题:(多为无主句)松下问童子,言师采药去,只在此山中,云深不知处. 英语重主语:每句必有主语 I am a student.汉语句句关系隐会:(天)下雨,(所以)我就不来了. 英语句句逻辑关系明显:I won’t go because it is raining.汉语重意合:时间紧,任务重.

英语重形合:The task is very arduous , besides , time presses.①

汉语重集体:强调统一,天人合一,各为贵,求大同存小并异,综合,由因到果,由先到后,由大到小. 英语重个体:崇尚自我,重分析.先表态,先果后因,先小后大,先主句再从句.

例①: 取悦各方,谈何容易.It’s hard to please all parties.

如有问题请找我.Let me know if you’ve any questions.汉语多连动式:讲究意合,平衡节奏,一句可有几个动词,但层次分明,②


The teacher with glasses came into the rooms with a book in his hand.一只兔子飞似地跑来,一关碰在树上,折断了脖子,当场断了气.

A rabit dashed over.It ran into a tree trunk , broke his neck and died on the spot.多而不乱. 英语多单动式:主谓机制明确,一句一般只有一个谓语(并列谓语除外).2

第四篇:高一英语Unit 14 Festivals

Unit 14 Festivals





Warming up分两部分。第一部分提供三幅不同节日的图画引出本单元的中心话题,同时提供了三个有针对性的问题。第二部分设计了Pair work。通过图表填写让学生区分中国的传统节日与别国节日的异同。目的在于激活学生已有的节日背景知识,引出主题,为以后几堂课学习热身。

Listening分两部分。第一部分设计了“Mardi Gras”、“Ramadan”以及“Easter”这三个节日的听力材料,这部分的“听”为下第二部分Pair work中语言的输出起着引航作用。

Speaking提供给学生“Peace Day”(和平日)、“Happiness Day”(幸福日)、“Friendship Day”(友谊日)以及“Nature Day”(自然日)四份材料。整个活动以说为主,既训练学生的口头表达能力,也培养学生的领悟能力和创造力。



Post-reading分两部分。第一部分设置了四个问题。问题的设计由表到里、由浅入深,帮助学生了解节日文化的意义,激发他们探究节日的真正内含。第二部分正误判断题帮助学生进一步理解和领悟文章。Language study分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分的四个句子要求学生在一定的情境中掌握所学单词的正确用法。第二部分让学生在真实的情景中掌握情态动词 “must”, “have to”以及“have got to”的用法。Integrating Skills部分包括以下几个内容:①阅读训练。通过阅读和回答5个问题,学生们更好地了解 “Earth Day”, “Martin Lather King, Jr Day”, “Day of the Dead”以及 “April Fool’s Day”的有关信息。②创建自己的节日。让学生进行联想和想象,创建出自己的节日,从而培养学生的创新思维。③描述自己的节日。目的是培养学生语言应用能力和逻辑思维能力。④写一封邀请书。既培养学生的写作能力,又锻炼学生的组织活动能力。


Checkpoint 14分两部分。简要地总结了本单元的语法重点并鼓励学生自己归纳总结本单元的词组,以提高学生自主学习的意识。▲教学重点和难点










1、学习并掌握情态动词must, have to, have got to。


3、学习并掌握一些表达自己看法和观点的句式: I think„, No(fighting)or(crimes)are allowed.People will use„


























3、完成探究性、开发性和实践性的任务,使所学知识和现实生活相结合。▲教学计划: 本单元分六课时:

第一课时:Warming up; 第二课时:Speaking;

第三、四课时:Pre-reading,Reading,Post-reading; 第五课时:Language study; 第六课时:Integrating skills ▲教学步骤:

第一课时:Warming up 这节课的重点是引出本单元的话题——节日。中心任务:The Students are to talk about their familiar festivals.1、呈现

1)(图片或录像带)观看2004年春季联欢晚会,从视觉上激活学生的思维,让学生重温刚过的春节,捕捉春节的信息,回答老师提出的问题后,学生对春节有了更深的体会(问题:Why do people gather in the hall? What’s the theme of this festival? When is the festivals held? How do the people celebrate it? Why do the Chinese celebrate it? Do you like it? Why or why not?)


2、了解节日。1)看图讨论。看书上的三幅图片,让学生小组讨论下列问题:Do you know the Chinese names of the festivals? Do you know which countries the festivals come from? What are the people in the pictures doing? Why are they doing this? 2)复述图片。目的加深对三个“鬼”节的了解。






1)Pre-listening。What are the Chinese names of the three festivals?作为听力训练的热身运动。2)While-listening。学生根据图表填写所缺内容。目的锻炼学生抓关键词和提取信息的能力。

3)Posting-listening。问题:Which of the three festivals do you like best ? Why ?加深了解所听的三个节日,比较不同国家和地区的节日文化。


7、开放性问题讨论。随着时代的进步、社会的发展,人们的观念在发生变化,有人认为应改革我国春节传统的模式。请学生用例证加以阐明。问题:What changes will you make to the Spring Festival?目的培养学生的创新意识,使我们的春节过得更有意义。

建议:第一课容量较大,为了更好地完成各个任务,教师可布置预习作业或事先发放有关节日的材料。Useful websites: ? www.xiexiebang.com ? www.xiexiebang.com/aprilfool

第五篇:高一英语必修一unit one

高一英语必修一unit one


1.Readers can _______quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each other.A.get overB.get inC.get alongD..get through

2.You should keep______while I take a photo of you.A.calmB.quiteC.stillD.silent

3.The class meeting was concerned_____the importance of English and everyparent present was concerned _____their own children.A.with , forB.about, withC.with , withD.about about

4.What____he gave us!

A.an important adviceB.a good idea

C.good piece od adviceD.a good piece of advice

5.I won’t go to the ciname with you, because I have____work to do.A.too manyB.too muchC.much tooD.for much too

6.The rain_____our difficulty of climbing the mountain.So we have to stop.A.added toB.addedC.added up toD.added up

7.Protesters____the meeting by singing and shouting.A.upsetB.attendedheldD.ignored

8.The last bus had left, so they____go home on foot.A.mustB.have got toC.had toD.will have to

9.My brother doesn’t have to be made_____.He always works hard.A.learnB.learnedC.to learnD.learning

10.In one’s life, one spends most time_____with oneself.A.to beB.beC.beingD.been

11.To get a thorough understanding of yourselfis to know well about yourself.You may realize your strong points and weak____.A.oneB.onesC.the onesD.the one

12.You may be confident enough to meet challenges, but first you should know___.A.where to doB.how to doC.what to doD.what to di it

13.All things____since I came here.A.changedB.changeC.had changedD.have changed

14.What the little girl-----made us shocked.A.go throughB.went throughC.get throughD.got through

15.It was during World War II____Anne’s family had to hide for a long time.A.whenB.whatC.thatD.who

16.Good friends don’t____what they do for each other;instead they offer help when it is neede.A.added upB.add up toC.add upD.add to

17._____is in No.4 middle school____I am studing.A.This..thatB.It… whatC.That… thatD.It… that

18.It_____many lazy students who get tired of reciting new words.A.isB.areC.wasD.were

19.______thst Anne made her best friend?

A.Is it whatB.What is itC.How is itD.What it is

20.I wonder______you have been good friends.A.how long it isB.how long is itC.when it isD.when is it

21.Everyone should keep________when a fire breaks out.A.stillB.silentC.calmD.quiet

22.You had better go to somewhere quiet to _______your friend_____.A.pick..upB calm…downC.get..awayD.help…out

23.My friend Tom has_____

A.went on holidayB.go on holidayC.gone on holidayD.gone holiday

24.The pet dag was hit_____a car.A.withB.byC.onD.of

25.The young should be good______the old, and this will be good___their growing

up.A.to;forB.to;toC.for;toD.for , for

26.________all these numbers and see how much they_____.A.Added up;add up toB.Add to;add up

C.Add up;add up toD.Add up to;add up

27.If your friend asks you to help him to cheat in the exam ____looking at your paper , what will you do?

A.forB.because ofC.byD.with

28.Anne said that she didn't want to set down______facts as most people do.A.muchB.a plenty ofC.a large quantityD.a series of

29.Anne has grown crazy______everything to do ____nature.A.about;withB.with;aboutC.with;withD.about;about

30.Whether you did it____purpose or___accident you must anser for it.A.on;onB.on;byC.by;byby;on

31.The salsman cheated the old man_____buying a fake(赝品)


32.The dark, rainy evening held me entirely______their power.A.inB.byC.withD.by

33.Some farmers are _______wheat in the fields.A.getting upB.getting inC.gettting awayD.getting off

34.The man’s intention was obvious;he wanted to_____the girl’s attention.A.payB.attackC.attractD.attracte

35.Students must_______the English idioms in their study.A.paid attention toB.pay a attention to

C.pay attention toD.attrac

36.While_____the dog, Tom was careless and it got loose and was hit by a truck.A.walksB.walkingC.walkD.walked

37.So many students _________hard when they were in middle school.A.should studyB.should have studiedC.have studiedD.studied

38.---Do you know the most ancient city in China—Xi’an well?

----No, this is the first time I ________here.A.cameB.have comeC.am comingD.come

39.I arrived half an hour earlier____I had time to talk with him before the meeting.A.as soon asB.as a resultC.in order toD.so that

40.It is on Sept 1st _______students go back to school every year.A.whenB.thatC.whoD.what

41.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but he hung up____I couldanswer the phone.A.asB.sinceC.untilD.before

42.Students should____everything important that their teacher give in class.A.set upB.set outC.set asideD.set down

43.The reason____he was late was____his car had broken down on the way.A.why, becauseB.that because

C.that , forD.wht that

44.They had a wonderful party last night.First, they danced____, and then they had a___talk, laughing merrily.A.face to face;face to faceB.face to face;face-to-face

C.face-to face;face-to faceD.face-to –face;face to face

45.Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach.I____so much fried chicken just now.A.couldn”t have eatenB.mustn”t have eaten

C.shouldn”t have eatenD.mustn”t eat.46._____this book and tell me what you think of it.A.Look intoB.Go throughC.Look upD.Go up

47.______meet my uncle at the station, I went there by taxi instead of by bus.A.So as toB.In order thatC.So thatD.In order to

48.These shoes look very good;I wonder____/

A.how much cost they areB.how much do they cost

C.how much they costD.how much are they cost.49.The mountain was _____covered with snow.A.entireB.entirelyC.entiredD.entiring

50.John has had an____at work and he’s had togo to hospital.A.accidentB.incidentC.eventD.trouble

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