七年级英语上册Unit 8教案3范文大全

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第一篇:七年级英语上册Unit 8教案3

Unit 8 Hobbies教学分析


Period 1;Cartoon talk and Reading(A).Period 2;Listening(A)and Speaking(A).Period 3;Reading(B)

Period 4;Speaking(B)and Language(A).Period 5;Review Language(A)and learn Language(B)

Period 6;Writing.Period 7;Listening(B)and More practice(A).Period 8;More practice(B/C),project and Learning focus.教材分析:

本单元是初中英语教材牛津英语上海版7A的第八单元。本单元由9个板块组成,各个板块围绕着以“兴趣与爱好”为主题来展开教学。教材从听﹑说﹑读 ﹑写和综合运用



引导的时间状语从句及表示动作在过去常常发生的句式“used to do/ didn’t use to do”。

Speaking 要求掌握音标的拼读及有礼貌地“提供建议” 的日常交际用语,让学生口头表达将

去实施某计划。Writing让学生仿照课文,围绕“Hobbies/ Sports” 为主题进行书面表达。More





3.在模拟交际中能熟练地运用本单元出现的礼貌地“提供建议” 的日常交际用语。


5.掌握when引导的时间状语从句及运用“used to do/ didn’t use to do”句型。

6.能以“Hobbies/ Sports”为话题写一篇短文。


1、life在文中表示“一生”,my life’s work表示“一生的工作”;当表示“生命”

时,其复数形式是lives.2、懂得see sb.do sth.用法。

3、掌握句型It is not…but…句型。

4、句型 What/How about…?表示提供建议时,about是介词,其后跟动名词。




Unit 8 When is your birthday 教学目标



1.January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November December.2.When is your birthday? My birthday is November 11th.When is Leila’s birthday? Her birthday is September 5th.What year were you born?

I was born in _____.课前准备





3.教学课件 利用幻灯片制作一些投影片



Step1 Revision of the words of twelve months.可以先问学生“一年有几个月?”“它们都怎么说?”


Step 2 Listen to a conversation and fill in the chart.Name






Step 3Listen and match the names, months, and days.学生先看表格,让一个学生先按照表格的顺序姓名,月份,日期,填好。再听录音,连线。最后让学生说出答案。

Step 4 Ask your partner about his or her birthday in groups.以组为单位,互相询问生日在哪天,哪一年出生,谁比谁大,组长汇报自己组谁年龄最大,谁年龄最小。

Step 5 Choose an ID and make a conversation


Step 6 Report






Unit 8 When is your birthday?评课稿


今天,我们英语教研组一起聆听了刘萍老师执教的七年级英语上册unit8 When is your birthday?,总的来说,收获很多,现就谈谈自己的点滴体会:



(1)热身活动中,主要通过Let’s chant,营造了英语学习的氛围,同时也复习了上节课句型的说法,为新知的呈现作了铺垫。

(2)呈现环节,刘老师通过when is Miss Zhou’S birthday?让学生进行猜测展开教学,创设生活化的情境,接着问学生Is your birthday in …….?,进入英语课堂之中,最后回到书本上的Let’s talk,讨论Milk等学生的生日,思路清晰,条理明确。


三,本课中值得研讨的地方是,在本堂课中,刘老师在安排任务前或句型操练前,应该更明确,在学生还没有完全熟悉重点句型的时候,就要求学生回答,学生会一时答不上来,或者可以教师先示范,如:My birthday is in....Is your birthday in....?这样让学生有更好的示范。另外,对于一节公开课来说,课堂上的紧急情况的处理也非常重要,有时候,学生就是我们课堂上最好的帮手,我们可以把遇到的问题抛给学生。同时,我们老师还可以增加课堂的足够多的input,这样同学才干有更多的out put。



Unit 8 When is your birthday?



1.N________ is the eleventh month of a year.2.Lily and Lucy like listening to pop m______.3.E________ is the number between the seventh and the ninth.4.His b________ is April 5th.5.My grandma is eighty.She is very o______.6.September is the n________ month of a year.7.---What d________ is it today?---It’s Sunday.8.O________ 1 is the National Day.9.We’ll have a volleyball g________ this afternoon.10.We have two Art F________ in a year.11.December is the t__________ month of the year.12.I have a birthday p_________.13.These boys all like the school t_________.14.My uncle is thirty-one.Today is his t___________ birthday.15.We have an English evening p________ on may 5th.16.She is our m_________ teacher.She sings very well.17.Do you know the boy’s a_________? Yes, he is five years old.18.Do you know their b__________? Yes, they are July 12th and August 31st.19.How many m_________ are there in a year? Twelve.20.When is the English t_________ ? It’s on December 8th.21.J____________ is the first month of the year.22.We’ll have an English party this t______________.23.His birthday is on June ___________.(23)24.There are many fun and interesting tat school.25.January is the first m_______ of the year.26.Our school tis in May.27.When is your birthday? My dof birth is March eleventh.28.—What’s your a?—Thirty.29.Do you like music fon CCTV? 30.Wdo you have a School Day at your school?


1.__________________(九月)10th is Teachers’ Day.2.I live in the ___________________(二十)floor.3.What’s your ___________________(年龄)?

4.The little girl likes ___________________(艺术)very much.5.We are all _____________________(中国人).6.I like _________(音乐)very much.7.When is the school ___________?(郊游)

8.Students go to school from _____(四月)to _______(九月).9.June _____(一日)is Children’s Day.All the children are very _________(高兴).10.The _______(老的)man is _________(九十)years old now.C)用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

1.There are twelve _______(month)in a year.2.The Art Festival is on September _______(nine)

3.Let’s ______(play)basketball.4.January is the________(one)month of the year.5.I am thirteen _______(year)old.6.When _______(be)your parents’ birthdays?

7.Do you know _________(Joe)birthday?

8.______ your school________(have)a Chinese contest?

9.I have a sister._________(she)name is Susan.10.Do you like to w________ the football game?

11.My birthday is October ________.(two)

12._______(Jack)birthday is in November.13.This is the _________(twelve)apple.14.My number is ________(nine).15.---How much _________(be)the shoes?---25 dollars.D)英汉互译:

(写出对应序数词)1.one ________2.two _______3.three _________

4.five ________5.eight ________ 6.nine _______7.twelve ________

8.nineteen _______9.twenty __________ 10.thirty-six ________

1.演讲比赛 ________ ________2.郊游 __________ ______

3.生日聚会 ___________ ______4.篮球赛 ____________ ______

5.音乐节 ________ __________6.在十月 _____ ___________

7.出生日期 ______ ____ _______8.汉语比赛 __________ ________

9.排球赛 ___________ ______10.一月九日 ___________ _______

11.四月八日 ________ ________12.五月四日 ______ ________

13.六月一日 ________ _______14.八月十五日 ________ ___________

15.九月十日 ___________ _______16.十月十二日 _________ ________

17.十二月二十五日 _________ ____________18.大卫的生日宴会 _______ ________ ____

19.莉莉的生日 _________ __________20.学校上课日 ___________ ______

1.一场英语演讲比赛 __________2.National Museum __________

3.出生日期 __________4.Here you are.__________

5.4月12日__________6.Kate’s birthday party __________

7.学校上课日 __________8.free meals __________

9.我的老师的书 __________10.an Art Festival __________


13.David的生日宴会____________________ 14.学校观光___________________


17.艺术节______________________18.红毛衣 ___________________

19.看一看______________________20.演讲比赛 ________________



1.It’s October 2nd, 2004 today.(对划线部分提问)________ the ________ today?

2.How old is Gina?(改为同义句)________ Gina’s ________?

3.They like Chinese.(改为一般疑问句)________ they ________ Chinese?

4.Her birthday is May 2nd.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ her birthday?

5.We can go to his party.(改为否定句)We ________ ________ to his party.6.We have a School Day at our school.(否定句)We ________ _________ a School Day at our school.7.There are twelve months in a year.(对划线部分提问)_________ ________ months are there in a year?

8.Is Beijing in China?(肯定回答)____________, it ___________.9.Kate has a new English dictionary.(一般疑问句)________ Kate ___________ a new English dictionary?

10.The English Party is in October.(对划线部分提问)_____________ is the English Party?

11.Mike’s birthday is February 19th.(对划线部分提问)____________ Mike’s birthday?

12.How old are you?(改为同义句)________your _______? 13.Lily and Lucy are fifteen years now。(划线)______ _______ are Lucy and Lily

14.He has a Chinese contest in November.(改为否定句)He ______ _______ a Chinese contest in November.15.We have an Art Festival every year.(一般疑问句)______ you ______ an Art Festival every year?

16.My birthday is October 11th.(提问)______________ your birthday? 17.Peter is 18 this year.(提问)____________ is Peter this year?

18.Tom likes baseball.(否定句)Tom ______________ baseball?

19.Jack’s birthday is April 6th.(一般疑问句)_______Jack’s birthday April 6th?

20.The store sells many nice clothes.(提问)_______________ the store ________ ? 21.She is fifteen years old.(划线提问)______ ______ is she?

22.We have an English party every month.(一般疑问句)

_____ ______ ________ an English party every month?

23.My birthday is July fourteenth.(划线提问)______ ____ your birthday?

24.Tom likes basketball games.(改为否定句)Tom ________ _______ basketball games.25.How old is he?(改为同义句)What’s ______ _______?

26.Is Mother’s Day in June?(做出完整回答)No, _____ _______.It’s in _________.27.Today is June 18th.(对划线部分提问)What’s ______ _______ today? 28.Today is Monday.(对划线部分提问)________ _____ is today?

29.We have a Music Festival each year.(划线提问)_______ do ______ have each year?

30.Has she an English book?(改为同义句)_______ ______ have an English book?


1.学校什么时候组织郊游?When is the ________ ________?

2.韩梅的生日是什么时候?________ ________ Han Mei’s ________?

3.我们喜欢看排球赛。We like watching the ________ ________.4.你们想开晚会吗?Do you want to _________ ________ ________?

5.我们的上课日是从星期一到星期五。Our ________ ________ is from Monday to Friday.6.12月31号是Tom的20岁生日。_________ 31st is Tom’s ___________________.7.你堂兄的生日是什么时候?_________ ______ your __________ birthday?

8.他们每年都在美国举行一次演讲比赛。They have a ________________ in the USA________ year.9.约翰的生日晚会在10月3日。John’s birthday party is __________________3rd.10.篮球比赛是什么时候?When is the ________________?

11.我不知道他的出生日期。I don’t know his ________________________.12五月有31天。There are ________days_______ May.13.让我们填写班级的生日日历。Let’s ______ ____ the class birthday calendar.14.你们的学校郊游活动在何时?_______ is your school ______?

15.大卫的生日派对在10月9日。________ birthday party is October _______.16.你多大了?我只有12岁。_____ _____ are you?I am only ________ years _____.17.你们学校有什么活动?我们要举办艺术节。

What event do you have at your school?We have an ______ __________.18.第五本词典是我弟弟的。The _______ dictionary is my ___________.

第五篇:七年级英语上册Unit 3教案

七年级英语上册Unit 3教案

Type: New

TeachingMethod:Ask and Answer


1, 2c in the section Aand 1 and 3 insectionB


1.Master vocabulary: beautiful, ugly, clever,friendly, shy.2.Master ail use:What(other)animals do you


I like elephants.Because they are friendly.ImportantPoints:The new description words.Difficult Points:Use the languageto describe the

animals freely.Method Objects in Teaching:(1)Practicing Method.(2)Pair workMethod.TeachingProcedures:

Step1Greetingand Revision

Greet the whole class as usual, and then talk about the animals learnt before.Then look at the screen, revise the words by ask: what's this? Where is it from? Do you like…?why do you like…?ect.let the students answer the questions.Step2Guessing game

According to one part of the animal, havethe students

guess which animal it is.Step3Bingo game

Write nine of these words in the squares below.Then listen and cross out(×)the words you hear.Say BINGO when you get a row of Xs.The first person to get a row of Xs in any direction is the winner.Step4Presentation

Teach the new words by pictures:Beautiful, ugly, clever, friendly, shy.Write the new words on the blackboard, read the words and remember them by heart.Then finish the activity 1.Step4Practice inclass.Use some pictures and some description words, have the students describe animals.Step5Grammar

The usage of “kind of” and practice.Step 6Pairwork

First, get the students to read the dialogue, then in pairs.Finally, talk about some other animals the student knows.Step7 Summary

Summarize the important words and language points with the class.Step8Test

See exercise design.Step 9Homework

1.Learn the new words by heart

2.Make up a dialogue with the word learnt in this lesson.Result:Most of the students have known well the lesson.Blackboard Design:

Unit3 Why do you like koalas?


uglywhat(other)animals do you like?

beautifulI like dolphins

cleverwhy do youlike them? friendlyBecausethey'recute.shy

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