驻英大使英国圣玛丽小学孔子课堂揭牌仪式讲话时间:2010-10-22 09:46来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1538次
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Signing and Inauguration Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at the St Mary's Primary SchoolOctober 2010, St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School, London
尊敬的伦敦南岸大学副校长Beverley Jullien女士,尊敬的西敏寺市议员Nick Yarker先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学董事会主席Clark先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学校长Peter Hadfield先生,尊敬的乐爱妹参赞,女士们,先生们,同学们:
Ms Beverley Jullien,Councillor Nick Yarker,Mr Len Clark,Mr Peter Hadfield,Counsellor Le Aimei,Ladies and Gentlemen,Boys and girls,我很高兴出席今天圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的签字和揭牌仪式。我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆对圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的设立表示热烈的祝贺。
It gives me great pleasure to attend the inauguration of the Confucius Classroom at St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School.I wish to offer my warm congratulations to all of you.我就任中国驻英大使以来,曾经到访英国的许多学校,包括大学和中学,今天是我第一次走
I have been to many secondary schools and universities in this country since my arrival in London.But St Mary’s is the first primary school I have ever visited.It has a special bond with the Chinese Embassy, as some of my colleagues’ children study here.I’m glad to say that they are enjoying their time at St Mary’s, learning English and other subjects and making friends with teachers and classmates.我曾不止一次地问使馆的孩子们:英国小学好,还是中国小学好?结果,刚来的孩子都说中国的好,来的时间长的孩子都说英国的好。我相信,随着他们长大,他们会说,都好。圣玛丽小学将给他们留下一段终生难忘的美好回忆。在此,我要对西敏寺市及圣玛丽小学长期以来给予中国驻英使馆的支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。
I once asked them which they like better, attending school here or in China.I got mixed answers.Those children who have newly arrived prefer their old schools in China, while others who have been here longer liked their British schools more.Maybe as they grow up, they would like both.I would like to thank the City of Westminster and St Mary’s for their longstanding support and assistance to the Chinese Embassy and for providing kids of the Embassy a wonderful and memorable place to study in.今天,圣玛丽小学与中国的关系又加深了一层,伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院在圣玛丽小学设立了孔子课堂。这是目前在英国设立的第54个孔子课堂,也是伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院设立的第7个孔子课堂。借此机会,我也愿对伦敦南岸大学多年来为推广汉语教学、增进中英了解作出的积极努力,表示赞赏和感谢。
Today the bonds between St Mary’s and China have been further strengthened thanks to the new Confucius Classroom set up by St Mary’s and the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine at LSBU, the London South Bank University.This is the 54th Confucius Classroom in the UK and the 7th one established by the LSBU Confucius Institute.I must thank the LSBU for its consistent efforts to promote mandarin learning in Britain and to increase mutual understanding between China and the UK.孔子课堂为什么在英国这么受欢迎?其作用和意义又是什么呢?我认为主要有三点:
Why are the Confucius Classrooms so popular in the UK? I believe this is mainly because they
serve the following purposes:
First, teaching mandarin.In China, English learning is now compulsory from the very first year in primary school right to the university level.I’m also glad to see an emerging “mandarin fever” in this country.Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course.In September 2009, the British government made Chinese another GCSE subject.The Confucius Classrooms offer high quality and professional mandarin teachers, who are able to meet growing needs of learning mandarin.第二是介绍中国文化。语言不仅是一项交流工具,它更是一把钥匙、一双翅膀,学习掌握了它,你就能打开不同文化的大门,飞越不同文化间的障碍。中国的文化,既古老、又现代,古老是因为它具有深厚的历史积淀,现代是因为它与时俱进。可以说,中国文化就如同一本引人入胜的书籍。
Second, introducing Chinese culture.Language is not only a means of communication, but also gives learners an extra pair of wings to fly over cultural barriers.The Chinese culture is both old and new, old in terms of its profound roots in our time-honoured history, and new in the sense of China’s fast development and change.It is like a book that makes very interesting reading.第三是增进人民间友谊。友谊建立在了解的基础之上。孔子课堂深植于英国的中小学校,在英国的年轻一代洒下了中英友谊的种子,其影响是长远的,必将促进两国人民的世代友好。
Third, deepening the friendship between our peoples.Friendship is based on mutual understanding.The presence of Confucius Classrooms at British schools will go a long way to strengthening the friendship between our peoples and will sow the seeds of China-UK friendship in the hearts of the younger generation.孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。希望圣玛丽小学的同学们在孔子课堂里,学习(LEARN)、喜欢(LIKE)和热爱(LOVE)中国语言和文化,感受和享受其中的快乐,更希望你们长大后做中英友好的传承人和中英合作的促进者。
As Confucius said, “Knowledge is good to learn, better to love, and best to enjoy”.I would encourage students at St Mary’s to learn, love and enjoy the Chinese language and culture, and as you grow up, to carry on the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.最后,为了使同学们能够更好地学习中文,了解中国,乐爱妹参赞和我今天特向圣玛丽小学孔子课堂赠送电视机、DVD机和一些介绍中国的书籍和光盘,希望你们会喜欢。
Last but not least, Counselor Le Aimei and I would like to present the Confucius Classroom with a TV set, a DVD player and some books and DVDs about China.Hopefully they will make your mandarin and Chinese culture lessons easier and even more interesting.谢谢!
Thank you.原文链接:
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Signing and Inauguration Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at the St Mary's Primary SchoolOctober 2010, St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School, London
尊敬的伦敦南岸大学副校长Beverley Jullien女士,尊敬的西敏寺市议员Nick Yarker先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学董事会主席Clark先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学校长Peter Hadfield先生,尊敬的乐爱妹参赞,女士们,先生们,同学们:
Ms Beverley Jullien,Councillor Nick Yarker,Mr Len Clark,Mr Peter Hadfield,Counsellor Le Aimei,Ladies and Gentlemen,Boys and girls,我很高兴出席今天圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的签字和揭牌仪式。我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆对圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的设立表示热烈的祝贺。
It gives me great pleasure to attend the inauguration of the Confucius Classroom at St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School.I wish to offer my warm congratulations to all of you.我就任中国驻英大使以来,曾经到访英国的许多学校,包括大学和中学,今天是我第一次走进英国的小学。圣玛丽小学与中国有着特殊渊源,因为中国大使馆一些外交官的子女就在圣玛丽小学上学。他们在这里学习英语和各种知识,与老师、同学们相处得十分融洽,学习非常愉快。
I have been to many secondary schools and universities in this country since my arrival in London.But St Mary’s is the first primary school I have ever visited.It has a special bond with the Chinese Embassy, as some of my colleagues’ children study here.I’m glad to say that they are enjoying their time at St Mary’s, learning English and other subjects and making friends with teachers and classmates.我曾不止一次地问使馆的孩子们:英国小学好,还是中国小学好?结果,刚来的孩子都说中国的好,来的时间长的孩子都说英国的好。我相信,随着他们长大,他们会说,都好。圣玛丽小学将给他们留下一段终生难忘的美好回忆。在此,我要对西敏寺市及圣玛丽小学长期以来给予中国驻英使馆的支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。
I once asked them which they like better, attending school here or in China.I got mixed answers.Those children who have newly arrived prefer their old schools in China, while others who have been here longer liked their British schools more.Maybe as they grow up, they would like both.I would like to thank the City of Westminster and St Mary’s for their longstanding support and assistance to the Chinese Embassy and for providing kids of the Embassy a wonderful and memorable place to study in.今天,圣玛丽小学与中国的关系又加深了一层,伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院在圣玛丽小学设立了孔子课堂。这是目前在英国设立的第54个孔子课堂,也是伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院设立的第7个孔子课堂。借此机会,我也愿对伦敦南岸大学多年来为推广汉语教学、增进中英了解作出的积极努力,表示赞赏和感
Today the bonds between St Mary’s and China have been further strengthened thanks to the new Confucius Classroom set up by St Mary’s and the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine at LSBU, the London South Bank University.This is the 54th Confucius Classroom in the UK and the 7th one established by the LSBU Confucius Institute.I must thank the LSBU for its consistent efforts to promote mandarin learning in Britain and to increase mutual understanding between China and the UK.孔子课堂为什么在英国这么受欢迎?其作用和意义又是什么呢?我认为主要有三点:
Why are the Confucius Classrooms so popular in the UK? I believe this is mainly because they serve the following purposes:
First, teaching mandarin.In China, English learning is now compulsory from the very first year in primary school right to the university level.I’m also glad to see an emerging “mandarin fever” in this country.Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course.In September 2009, the British government made Chinese another GCSE subject.The Confucius Classrooms offer high quality and professional mandarin teachers, who are able to meet growing needs of learning mandarin.第二是介绍中国文化。语言不仅是一项交流工具,它更是一把钥匙、一双翅膀,学习掌握了它,你就能打开不同文化的大门,飞越不同文化间的障碍。中国的文化,既古老、又现代,古老是因为它具有深厚的历史积淀,现代是因为它与时俱进。可以说,中国文化就如同一本引人入胜的书籍。
Second, introducing Chinese culture.Language is not only a means of communication, but also gives learners an extra pair of wings to fly over cultural barriers.The Chinese culture is both old and new, old in terms of its profound roots in our time-honoured history, and new in the sense of China’s fast development and change.It is like a book that makes very interesting reading.第三是增进人民间友谊。友谊建立在了解的基础之上。孔子课堂深植于英国的中小学校,在英国的年轻一代洒下了中英友谊的种子,其影响是长远的,必将促进两国人民的世代友好。
Third, deepening the friendship between our peoples.Friendship is based on mutual understanding.The presence of Confucius Classrooms at British schools will go a long way to strengthening the friendship between our peoples and will sow the seeds of China-UK friendship in the hearts of the younger generation.孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。希望圣玛丽小学的同学们在孔子课堂里,学习(LEARN)、喜欢(LIKE)和热爱(LOVE)中国语言和文化,感受和享受其中的快乐,更希望你们长大后做中英友好的传承人和中英合作的促进者。
As Confucius said, “Knowledge is good to learn, better to love, and best to enjoy”.I would encourage students at St Mary’s to learn, love and enjoy the Chinese language and culture, and as you grow up, to carry on the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.最后,为了使同学们能够更好地学习中文,了解中国,乐爱妹参赞和我今天特向圣玛丽小学孔子课堂赠送电视机、DVD机和一些介绍中国的书籍和光盘,希望你们会喜欢。
Last but not least, Counselor Le Aimei and I would like to present the Confucius Classroom with a TV set, a DVD player and some books and DVDs about China.Hopefully they will make your mandarin and Chinese culture lessons easier and even more interesting.谢谢!
Thank you.
中国驻英国大使刘晓明在英国圣玛丽小学孔子课堂签字和揭牌仪式上的讲话 2010年10月21日,伦敦圣玛丽小学
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Signing and Inauguration Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at the St Mary's Primary School 21 October 2010, St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School, London
为发展中国与世界各国的友好关系,增进世界各国人民对中国语言文化的理解,为各国汉语学习者提供方便、优良的学习条件,中国国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室将在世界上有需求、有条件的若干国家建设以开展汉语教学为主要活动内容的 “孔子学院”,并在中国北京设立“孔子学院总部”。
尊敬的伦敦南岸大学副校长Beverley Jullien女士,尊敬的西敏寺市议员Nick Yarker先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学董事会主席Clark先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学校长Peter Hadfield先生,尊敬的乐爱妹参赞,女士们,先生们,同学们:
Ms Beverley Jullien, Councillor Nick Yarker, Mr Len Clark, Mr Peter Hadfield, Counsellor Le Aimei, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and girls, 我很高兴出席今天圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的签字和揭牌仪式。我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆对圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的设立表示热烈的祝贺。
It gives me great pleasure to attend the inauguration of the Confucius Classroom at St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School.I wish to offer my warm congratulations to all of you.我就任中国驻英大使以来,曾经到访英国的许多学校,包括大学和中学,今天是我第一次走进英国的小学。圣玛丽小学与中国有着特殊渊源,因为中国大使馆一些外交官的子女就在圣玛丽小学上学。他们在这里学习英语和各种知识,与老师、同学们相处得十分融洽,学习非常愉快。I have been to many secondary schools and universities in this country since my arrival in London.But St Mary’s is the first primary school I have ever visited.It has a special bond with the Chinese Embassy, as some of my colleagues’ children study here.I’m glad to say that they are enjoying their time at St Mary’s, learning English and other subjects and making friends with teachers and classmates.我曾不止一次地问使馆的孩子们:英国小学好,还是中国小学好?结果,刚来的孩子都说中国的好,来的时间长的孩子都说英国的好。我相信,随着他们长大,他们会说,都好。圣玛丽小学将给他们留下一段终生难忘的美好回忆。在此,我要对西敏寺市及圣玛丽小学长期以来给予中国驻英使馆的支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。
I once asked them which they like better, attending school here or in China.I got mixed answers.Those children who have newly arrived prefer their old schools in China, while others who have been here longer liked their British schools more.Maybe as they grow up, they would like both.I would like to thank the City of Westminster and St Mary’s for their longstanding support and assistance to the Chinese Embassy and for providing kids of the Embassy a wonderful and memorable place to study in.今天,圣玛丽小学与中国的关系又加深了一层,伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院在圣玛丽小学设立了孔子课堂。这是目前在英国设立的第54个孔子课堂,也是伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院设立的第7个孔子课堂。借此机会,我也愿对伦敦南岸大学多年来为推广汉语教学、增进中英了解作出的积极努力,表示赞赏和感谢。
Today the bonds between St Mary’s and China have been further strengthened thanks to the new Confucius Classroom set up by St Mary’s and the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine at LSBU, the London South Bank University.This is the 54th Confucius Classroom in the UK and the 7th one established by the LSBU Confucius Institute.I must thank the LSBU for its consistent efforts to promote mandarin learning in Britain and to increase mutual understanding between China and the UK.孔子课堂为什么在英国这么受欢迎?其作用和意义又是什么呢?我认为主要有三点: Why are the Confucius Classrooms so popular in the UK? I believe this is mainly because they serve the following purposes: 第一是教授中文。在中国,英语已列入从小学至大学的必修课。同样,在英国,“汉语热”近年来也是持续升温。英国超过500所中小学开设了中文课程,部分学校甚至将中文列入了必修课。去年9月,英国政府将中文列入了GCSE的正式科目。孔子课堂具有专业、优质的中文师资力量,可以很好地满足学生们学习中文的需要。
First, teaching mandarin.In China, English learning is now compulsory from the very first year in primary school right to the university level.I’m also glad to see an emerging “mandarin fever” in this country.Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course.In September 2009, the British government made Chinese another GCSE subject.The Confucius Classrooms offer high quality and professional mandarin teachers, who are able to meet growing needs of learning mandarin.第二是介绍中国文化。语言不仅是一项交流工具,它更是一把钥匙、一双翅膀,学习掌握了它,你就能打开不同文化的大门,飞越不同文化间的障碍。中国的文化,既古老、又现代,古老是因为它具有深厚的历史积淀,现代是因为它与时俱进。可以说,中国文化就如同一本引人入胜的书籍。
Second, introducing Chinese culture.Language is not only a means of communication, but also gives learners an extra pair of wings to fly over cultural barriers.The Chinese culture is both old and new, old in terms of its profound roots in our time-honoured history, and new in the sense of China’s fast development and change.It is like a book that makes very interesting reading.第三是增进人民间友谊。友谊建立在了解的基础之上。孔子课堂深植于英国的中小学校,在英国的年轻一代洒下了中英友谊的种子,其影响是长远的,必将促进两国人民的世代友好。Third, deepening the friendship between our peoples.Friendship is based on mutual understanding.The presence of Confucius Classrooms at British schools will go a long way to strengthening the friendship between our peoples and will sow the seeds of China-UK friendship in the hearts of the younger generation.孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。希望圣玛丽小学的同学们在孔子课堂里,学习(LEARN)、喜欢(LIKE)和热爱(LOVE)中国语言和文化,感受和享受其中的快乐,更希望你们长大后做中英友好的传承人和中英合作的促进者。
As Confucius said, “Knowledge is good to learn, better to love, and best to enjoy”.I would encourage students at St Mary’s to learn, love and enjoy the Chinese language and culture, and as you grow up, to carry on the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.最后,为了使同学们能够更好地学习中文,了解中国,乐爱妹参赞和我今天特向圣玛丽小学孔子课堂赠送电视机、DVD机和一些介绍中国的书籍和光盘,希望你们会喜欢。
Last but not least, Counselor Le Aimei and I would like to present the Confucius Classroom with a TV set, a DVD player and some books and DVDs about China.Hopefully they will make your mandarin and Chinese culture lessons easier and even more interesting.谢谢!Thank you.
驻英大使2010欧洲孔子学院联席会开幕式致辞时间:2010-09-07 20:18来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1323次
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Opening Ceremony of the 2010 Joint Conference of European Confucius Institutes September 2010, London South Bank University
Mme Xu Lin, Director-General of Hanban, Mr Qiao Zonghuai, Counsellor of the State Council and Senior Consultant to the Confucius Institute Headquarters, Mr Mark Hendrick MP, Professor Martin Earwicker, Vice Chancellor of the London South Bank University, Ladies and Gentlemen,非常高兴今天应邀出席在伦敦南岸大学孔子学院召开的第二届欧洲孔子学院联席会议。我代表中国驻英大使馆对会议的召开致以热烈的祝贺。
It is my great pleasure to join you at the Confucius Institute of London South Bank University for the Second Joint Conference of European Confucius Institutes.I wish to offer my warm congratulations on the opening of this conference.人类进入二十一世纪,交往更加密切,语言的作用更加突出。汉语正成为国际化程度发展最快的语言。随着中国经济的快速发展、对外交往的日益广泛和国际地位的不断提高,世界各国对汉语学习的需求与日俱增。
Language is a growing part of our lives in the 21st century.As China continues to enjoy fast economic growth and extensive contact with the rest of the world, there has been ever greater demand for mandarin learning in many countries.目前国外学习汉语人数超过4000万,据估算,欧美学习汉语人数每年新增40%。中国中央电视台国际频道有个学习汉语节目叫《快乐汉语》,它有一个非常响亮的口号:“学说中国话,朋友遍天下”!我想,之所以学了汉语就能够朋友遍天下,并非单纯因为世界各地都有华人华侨,而是因为当前全球“汉语热”,学习汉语的“学友”遍天下。
It is estimated that 40 million people are learning mandarin worldwide, and the number of mandarin learners in Europe and the US is growing by 40% annually.As the slogan of a popular mandarin teaching programme reads, “Learn Chinese and make friends all over the world!” This is quite true, not only as there are sizeable Chinese communities everywhere, but also because people from many parts of the world are united by a global “mandarin fever”.由于全球“汉语热”形成的教学需求,孔子学院应运而生,同时,孔子学院的发展便利了海外汉语教学,促进“汉语热”进一步升温。孔子学院正成为外国人学习汉语和了解中华文化的园地、中外文化交流的平台、加强中国人民与各国人民友谊合作的桥梁。
The Confucius Institutes were set up to respond to this trend.They helped to make the learning of Chinese more accessible and easier, which in turn attracted more people into mandarin learning.The Confucius Institutes have evolved into an important platform for foreigners to learn Chinese and understand the Chinese culture.And as such they contributed a lot to promoting cultural exchanges and deepening the friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and peoples all over the world.在英国,“汉语热”和孔子学院的兴盛同样同步发展、相得益彰。英国超过500所中小学开设了汉语课程,部分学校甚至将汉语列入了必修课。去年9月,英国政府将汉语列入了英国的“高考”——GCSE的正式科目。今年3月,我到任后不久就出席了在伦敦举办的第九届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛英国赛区预赛,英国大学生们高超的汉语水平以及对中国文化发自内心的热爱给我留下了深刻的印象。尤其可喜的是,英国赛区推荐的3名选手不久前赴华参加“汉语桥”复赛和决赛,最终全部获奖,其中来自伦敦大学亚非学院的蒋思哲同学(Johnson Stewart)更是力拔头筹,获得了特等奖和“优秀汉语语言使者”称号。
In the UK, mandarin learning and Confucius Institutes are growing in tandem.Mandarin has been put on the curriculum of over 500 primary and secondary schools.Last September, the British government made Chinese another GCSE subject.I was deeply impressed by the keen interest in Chinese culture and the quality of the Chinese learning here.Last March shortly after my arrival in London, I attended the Ninth Chinese Proficiency Competition in the UK.Johnson Stewart, an undergraduate at SOAS, University of London, won the competition.He went on to win the top prize in Beijing and was awarded the title “ambassador of the Chinese language”.与英国的汉语学习热度相适应,中国国家汉办与英国高校、公司、教育组织、中学等机构合作建立了12所孔子学院和53家孔子课堂,这在欧洲处于前列。英国的孔子学院富有特色,其中商务孔子学院和中医孔子学院都是全球首创。各孔子学院运行良好,发展稳定,它们有些课程已列入所在英国大学的正式选修课程。孔子学院和孔子课堂在常规授课之外,立足推广中国文化,吸引当地民众参与,增强他们对中国文化的兴趣和了解,取得了良好效果。英国主流媒体对孔子学院和汉语教学也给予充分肯定,报道数量呈上升趋势。
So far 12 Confucius Institutes and 53 Confucius Classrooms have been set up by Hanban in cooperation with British universities, businesses, educational bodies and secondary schools, making Britain a leader in mandarin learning in Europe.Britain was also the first country to set up a Confucius Institute for Business and another one for Traditional Chinese Medicine.I’m glad to learn that the Confucius Institutes in the UK are doing well.Some of their courses were listed as optional courses in the host universities.Confucius Institutes and Classrooms are also making efforts to engage the local people to deepen their interest in and understanding about Chinese culture.孔子曰:“人无远虑,必有近忧”。我们在为孔子学院蓬勃发展感到高兴的同时,更应着眼于孔子学院的长远发展。当前,孔子学院的发展正从数量向质量转变,由快速成长向可持续发展演进。这就需要更加优质的教材、合格的师资和适合当地的教学方法,可以说挑战在增加,任务更艰巨。我很高兴地看到,本次会议主题确定为欧洲孔子学院的可持续发展。我确信大家将借会议之机,深入交流切磋,共商发展大计。
As Confucius said, “Think long or worries are not far away”.While we are heartened by the vibrant growth of Confucius Institutes, we also need to carefully plan for their long-term future.They are working hard to improve quality and explore a sustainable way forward.For that they would need high quality teaching materials, more qualified teachers and more tailored made teaching methods.I am glad to note that this conference takes as its theme “the sustainable development of European Confucius Institutes”.I am confident that you will be able to fully exchange ideas and explore the best way to achieve this objective.最后,我预祝会议取得圆满成功。我也衷心祝愿欧洲孔子学院和孔子课堂越办越红火,“桃李满欧洲”,为增进中欧人民之间了解和友谊,为促进中欧关系的全面发展做出更大贡献。
To conclude, I wish the conference a complete success.I also wish Confucius Institutes and Classrooms every success in making greater contribution to the understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and Europe.谢谢大家。
Thank you.原文链接:http://
驻英大使在英国汇丰集团春节午宴上的讲话时间:2011-02-22 11:02来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1845次
中国驻英国大使刘晓明在英国汇丰集团春节午宴上的讲话 2011年2月16日,伦敦海德公园文华东方酒店
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the HSBC Chinese New Year Lunch 16 February 2011, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park
Mr Douglas Flint,Ladies and Gentlemen,今天是农历正月十四,中国人民仍然沉浸在新春的喜庆氛围中,明天又将迎来中国又一个重要的传统节日——元宵节,我很高兴应邀与汇丰集团的各位朋友们齐聚一堂,共庆佳节。我要给大家拜个晚年,祝大家在兔年里身体健康,事业兴盛。
Today is the 14th day of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rabbit.The celebrations are still going on across China.Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, another important traditional festival for the Chinese people.It is my great pleasure to join you today at the HSBC Chinese New Year Lunch.I would like to offer my best wishes to you all, for a happy and prosperous year of the Rabbit.回首已经过去的虎年,中英经贸合作成果可圈可点。中英货物贸易额首次超过500亿美元,英国累计在华实际投资超过170亿美元,中国在英国投资按项目计算在各国中升至第6位。卡梅伦首相访华、李克强副总理访英时,经贸成为访问的一大亮点,双方企业签下了数十亿美元的大单。两国经贸合作领域不断拓展,新能源、节能环保、创意产业等越来越成为合作重点。
The Year of the Tiger has been a robust year for China-UK trade and investment.Our two-way trade has now topped 50 billion US dollars for the first time and actual UK investment in China has exceeded 17 billion US dollars.China also became the 6th largest investor in the UK.During Prime Minister Cameron's visit to China and Vice Premier Li Keqiang's visit to the UK, the two countries signed agreements worth billions of dollars, raising our economic cooperation to a new high.Yet there are still great potentials to be tapped in areas such as new energy, energy-saving and environment-friendly industries, as well as the creative industry.我特别要祝贺去年汇丰集团在华业务取得骄人成绩。汇丰在华开设分支机构已超过100家,并在上海设立了新的中国总部,同时也是首家开设县域支行的外资银行;汇丰还是第一家在全球六大洲完成跨境贸易人民币结算服务的国际性银行;汇丰连续第九年被权威国际媒体评为“中国最佳外资商业银行”,品牌效应继续递增。
I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the HSBC on its highly successful business in China with over 100 branches and a new national headquarters in Shanghai.The HSBC was the first foreign bank to set up branches at the county level in China.It was the first international bank to offer cross-border RMB settlement services in 6 continents.And it was named by Finance Asia as the Best Foreign Commercial Bank in mainland China for 9 consecutive years.Small wonder that HSBC is widely recognised as a symbol of success in China.我也要感谢汇丰集团长期以来支持中国的教育和社会发展,推动和赞助中英两国人文领域交流和合作,促进中英关系健康稳定发展。特别值得一提的是,汇丰投资超过2000万美元的“汇丰与气候伙伴同行”计划中国项目,有效支持了中国在节能减排方面所作努力,充分显示了汇丰的企业社会责任。
I also wish to thank the HSBC for its long and tireless support for education and social services in China.You have done a good job in promoting people-to-people exchanges and cultural cooperation for a sound China-UK relationship.What is more, you invested more than 20 million US Dollars in the “HSBC and Climate Partners” China Programme to support our emission reduction efforts, a worthy symbol of your sense of corporate responsibility.女士们,先生们!
Ladies and Gentlemen,20年前的早春2月,邓小平先生视察上海时指出:“金融很重要,是现代经济的核心。金融搞好了,一着棋活,全盘皆活。”20年来,中国大力发展现代金融服务业,发挥金融在现代市场经济中的地位和作用。国际金融危机不仅不会使中国金融业止步不前,反而会使其加快迎头追赶的步伐。中国将继续按照入世承诺,进一步扩大在金融服务领域的开放,外资银行会享受到更加公平的竞争环境。
Twenty years ago in his visit to Shanghai, Mr Deng Xiaoping commented that “Finance is very important, as it is the core of the modern economy.A sound financial industry is the key to economic success.” Over the past 2 decades, China has put vigorous efforts into developing a modern financial industry as an important part of its market economy.The international financial crisis will not deter China from pursuing financial reforms.The Chinese financial industry will only redouble its efforts to catch up with Western countries.China will continue to open its financial sector in line with its WTO commitments and create a level playing field for foreign banks.今年是中国“十二五”规划的开局之年,我们将在未来五年内进一步深化改革开放、加快经济发展方式转变,积极扩大内外需求,提高利用外资质量和效益,并支持中国企业“走出去”,全面参与国际合作。这将为中英金融合作提供更加广阔的空间,也将为包括汇丰在内的英国金融机构提供难得的发展机遇。
This year is the beginning of China's 12th Five-Year Plan.In the next five years, we will press ahead with reform and opening-up.Greater efforts will be made to upgrade China's economic model, boost domestic and international demand and improve the quality and efficiency of foreign investment.Bold steps will be taken to encourage Chinese companies to “go global” and be active participants in international cooperation.This will create broader scope for China-UK financial cooperation as well as more opportunities for the HSBC and other British financial institutions.我很喜欢汇丰集团的中文名字,“汇丰”寓意“汇聚卓越,丰收成果”。我祝愿汇丰集团在新的一年里不断开拓市场,充分发挥“环球金融、本地智慧”的特色和优势,为企业和消费者提供更优质的服务,创造更优异的业绩。我也衷心期待汇丰在促进中英关系和中英经贸合作方面发挥更大的作用、做出更大的贡献。
I like the Chinese name of the HSBC “Hui Feng” very much.In Chinese, Hui means bringing the best together and Feng means a bumper harvest.I wish the HSBC even greater success in 2011.I'm confident you will broaden your markets and provide even better services to your clients as “the world's local bank”.I look forward to even greater contributions by the HSBC to our business cooperation and to China-UK relations in the new year.谢谢。