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驻英大使中英未来能源存储技术政策研讨会讲话时间:2011-02-12 11:51来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1549次



Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Workshop on the Future of Energy Storage Technology and Policy January 2011, Royal Academy of Engineering

尊敬的英国皇家工程学院首席执行官Philip Greenish教授,尊敬的利兹大学副校长Richard Williams教授,尊敬的商业、创新和技能部及交通部首席科学顾问Brian Collins教授,尊敬的中国科学院副院长李静海先生,各位专家学者,女士们、先生们:

Professor Brian Collins, Professor Philip Greenish, Professor Richard Williams, Vice President Li Jinghai, Ladies and Gentlemen,我很高兴出席由中国科学院与英国皇家工程院共同举办的“未来能源存储技术与政策”研讨会。我谨对两院举办此次研讨会表示热烈祝贺,并对李静海副院长率团出席表示热烈欢迎。

It is my great pleasure to join you today.Let me congratulate the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering for holding this joint workshop on the Future of Energy Storage Technology and Policy.I also wish to extend my warm welcome to Vice President Li Jinghai and his delegation.当前,世界经济正在逐步恢复增长。人们在反思国际金融危机根源的同时,更着眼于未来的发展。因此,“未来能源存储技术与政策”研讨会可谓恰逢其时。就在上周,英国石油公司(BP)发表了《2030年能源展望》,报告认为未来20年,世界能源消费将增加40%,增量的93%将来自非经合组织成员,也就是包括中国、印度、俄罗斯和巴西在内的新兴经济体。新兴经济体占世界能源消费的比重将从目前的1/2增加到2/3。与此同时,能源强度将大大降低,这主要得益于新兴经济体正在迅速采取提高能效的措施。报告亦认为,世界能源将日益多元化,非化石能源将首次成为最大增长源,可再生能源对世界能源增长的贡献率将从目前的5%增加到2030年的18%。

This workshop comes at an interesting time.The global economy is slowly recovering.Countries are looking for new areas of growth, while analyzing the causes of the financial crisis.According to the Energy Outlook 2030 report by the BP last week, global energy consumption will grow by 40% by 2030.93% of that growth will come from non-OECD economies, such as the BRIC and other emerging economies.Their share of global energy consumption is likely to reach two-thirds by 2030 from about half today.At the same time, energy intensity is set to fall globally, thanks in large part to energy efficiency gains in emerging economies.The report also projects greater diversity of energy sources.Non-fossil fuels will lead the growth in consumption for the first time, and the contribution to energy growth of renewables is seen to increase from 5% to 18%.我认为,这份报告虽是一家之言,但大致描绘了世界未来能源发展的趋势,这可以说也是此次研讨会的一个大背景。那么,中国未来能源发展趋势是什么样呢?

This report, though from one company, provides a good background of the major trends in global energy development.What about China’s energy future?


China is a developing country in the process of industrialisation and modernisation.Its demand for energy will rise further as industrialisation and urbanisation move ahead, and as people consume more along with greater prosperity.But we can no longer afford to follow traditional ways of Western industrialization.Our future lies in green and low-carbon development.The recently drafted “12th Five-Year Plan” laid out the basic principles for energy development in China.These include: shifting the energy development model, keeping energy consumption under control, improving the energy mix and reforming patterns of energy production and use.Fossil fuels will remain the main sources of China’s energy supply in the short run, but the share of non-fossil fuels in energy consumption will increase from 8% to 11.4% in the next 5 years, and to 15% by 2020.To make this possible, China will vigorously develop hydro, nuclear, wind, solar, biomass and geothermal power.We have every intention of fulfilling our pledge to cut carbon intensity by 40-45% by 2020.英国在科学认知、政策制定、新能源技术研发等领域走在了世界前列,具有许多成功范例,积累了丰富而宝贵的经验。比如,英国在世界上最早提出了“低碳经济”概念,最早将温室气候减排目标写进法律;2006年英国发表的《斯特恩报告:气候变化经济学》是迄今为止在国际范围内开展的最为综合的跨学科气候变化经济学研究报告;从1997到2005年,英国温室气体排放下降7%,经济却增长了25%。因此,中英在能源,特别是新能源领域加大交流、借鉴和合作非常必要和有益。

The UK is a global leader in the energy sector.Britian was the first to coin the term “low-carbon economy” and legislate on emission reduction targets.The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change was the most comprehensive and multi-disciplinary economic survey to date on climate change.From 1997 to 2005, the UK managed an economic growth of 25% with a 7% emission reduction.It would be very useful and mutual benefitial for China and the UK to develop closer cooperation and exchange of ideas on new energy industries.目前,中英在能源领域合作机制良好,合作成果显著。2006年,中英建立了能源工作组这一双边正式合作机制。双方合作领域覆盖整个能源行业,着力加强能源政策、可再生能源、节能技术和提高能效等方面的交流与合作。去年11月英国首相卡梅伦访华时,两国签署了包括喷煤技术在内的多项能源合作协议。今年年初,中国国务院副总理李克强访英时,重点考察参观了苏格兰的波浪发电公司(Pelamis Wave Project)和英国建筑研究院科技创新园(BRE Innovation Park)。两国在新能源技术和低碳领域的合作成为访问的一大亮点。

The China-UK energy working group has worked well since 2006.Our cooperation now spans the entire energy industries and focuses on policy dialogue, the development of renewable energy, and energy efficiency technology.During Prime Minister David Cameron’s visit to China last November, the two countries signed a number of energy cooperation agreements, including on coal injection technology.New energy technology and low-carbon sector were again a highlight when the Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang visited Britain early this year.The Vice Premier was deeply impressed by his visits to the Pelamis Wave Project in Scotland and the BRE Innovation Park.今天我也非常高兴看到中英两国的科学家就“未来能源存储技术和政策”专题进行深入探讨。中国科学院是中国科学技术方面最高学术机构,英国皇家工程院是英国工程学的最高殿堂,我相信这次由两家联手举办研讨会一定会对中英能源合作起到积极的示范和推动作用。预祝会议取得圆满成功!

I am glad to see that today’s Workshop brings together scientists from both countries in an in-depth discussion on “The Future of Energy Storage Technology and Policy”.The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering are both leaders in their fields.I am sure your collaboration will help advance energy cooperation between China and the UK.I wish the workshop a great success.最后,在中国农历兔年即将到来之际,祝大家在新的一年里研究更上一层楼、事业鸿兔(图)大展!

As we are only a few days away from the Chinese New Year, let me wish all of you a happy and prosperous year of the Rabbit!





Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Workshop on the Future of Energy

Storage Technology and Policy

2011年1月27日,英国皇家工程学院 27 January 2011, Royal Academy of Engineering

尊敬的英国皇家工程学院首席执行官Philip Greenish教授,尊敬的利兹大学副校长Richard Williams教授,尊敬的商业、创新和技能部及交通部首席科学顾问Brian Collins教授,尊敬的中国科学院副院长李静海先生,各位专家学者,女士们、先生们:

Professor Brian Collins, Professor Philip Greenish, Professor Richard Williams, Vice President Li Jinghai, Ladies and Gentlemen,我很高兴出席由中国科学院与英国皇家工程院共同举办的“未来能源存储技术与政策”研讨会。我谨对两院举办此次研讨会表示热烈祝贺,并对李静海副院长率团出席表示热烈欢迎。

It is my great pleasure to join you today.Let me congratulate the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering for holding this joint workshop on the Future of Energy Storage Technology and Policy.I also wish to extend my warm welcome to Vice President Li Jinghai and his delegation.当前,世界经济正在逐步恢复增长。人们在反思国际金融危机根源的同时,更着眼于未来的发展。因此,“未来能源存储技术与政策”研讨会可谓恰逢其时。就在上周,英国石油公司(BP)发表了《2030年能源展望》,报告认为未来20年,世界能源消费将增加40%,增量的93%将来自非经合组织成员,也就是包括中国、印度、俄罗斯和巴西在内的新兴经济体。新兴经济体占世界能源消费的比重将从目前的1/2增加到2/3。与此同时,能源强度将大大降低,这主要得益于新兴经济体正在迅速采取提高能效的措施。报告亦认为,世界能源将日益多元化,非化石能源将首次成为最大增长源,可再生能源对世界能源增长的贡献率将从目前的5%增加到2030年的18%。

This workshop comes at an interesting time.The global economy is slowly recovering.Countries are looking for new areas of growth, while analyzing the causes of the financial crisis.According to the Energy Outlook 2030 report by the BP last week, global energy consumption will grow by 40% by 2030.93% of that growth will come from non-OECD economies, such as the BRIC and other emerging economies.Their share of global energy consumption is likely to reach two-thirds by 2030 from about half today.At the same time, energy intensity is set to fall globally, thanks in large part to energy efficiency gains in emerging economies.The report also projects greater diversity of energy sources.Non-fossil fuels will lead the growth in consumption for the first time, and the contribution to energy growth of renewables is seen to increase from 5% to 18%.我认为,这份报告虽是一家之言,但大致描绘了世界未来能源发展的趋势,这可以说也是此次研讨会的一个大背景。那么,中国未来能源发展趋势是什么样呢?

This report, though from one company, provides a good background of the major trends in global energy development.What about China’s energy future?


China is a developing country in the process of industrialisation and modernisation.Its demand for energy will rise further as industrialisation and urbanisation move ahead, and as people consume more along with greater prosperity.But we can no longer afford to follow traditional ways of Western industrialization.Our future lies in green and low-carbon development.The recently drafted “12th Five-Year Plan” laid out the basic principles for energy development in China.These include: shifting the energy development model, keeping energy consumption under control, improving the energy mix and reforming patterns of energy production and use.Fossil fuels will remain the main sources of China’s energy supply in the short run, but the share of non-fossil fuels in energy consumption will increase from 8% to 11.4% in the next 5 years, and to 15% by 2020.To make this possible, China will vigorously develop hydro, nuclear, wind, solar, biomass and geothermal power.We have every intention of fulfilling our pledge to cut carbon intensity by 40-45% by 2020.英国在科学认知、政策制定、新能源技术研发等领域走在了世界前列,具有许多成功范例,积累了丰富而宝贵的经验。比如,英国在世界上最早提出了“低碳经济”概念,最早将温室气候减排目标写进法律;2006年英国发表的《斯特恩报告:气候变化经济学》是迄今为止在国际范围内开展的最为综合的跨学科气候变化经济学研究报告;从1997到2005年,英国温室气体排放下降7%,经济却增长了25%。因此,中英在能源,特别是新能源领域加大交流、借鉴和合作非常必要和有益。

The UK is a global leader in the energy sector.Britian was the first to coin the term “low-carbon economy” and legislate on emission reduction targets.The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change was the most comprehensive and multi-disciplinary economic survey to date on climate change.From 1997 to 2005, the UK managed an economic growth of 25% with a 7% emission reduction.It would be very useful and mutual benefitial for China and the UK to develop closer cooperation and exchange of ideas on new energy industries.目前,中英在能源领域合作机制良好,合作成果显著。2006年,中英建立了能源工作组这一双边正式合作机制。双方合作领域覆盖整个能源行业,着力加强能源政策、可再生能源、节能技术和提高能效等方面的交流与合作。去年11月英国首相卡梅伦访华时,两国签署了包括喷煤技术在内的多项能源合作协议。今年年初,中国国务院副总理李克强访英时,重点考察参观了苏格兰的波浪发电公司(Pelamis Wave Project)和英国建筑研究院科技创新园(BRE Innovation Park)。两国在新能源技术和低碳领域的合作成为访问的一大亮点。

The China-UK energy working group has worked well since 2006.Our cooperation now spans the entire energy industries and focuses on policy dialogue, the development of renewable energy, and energy efficiency technology.During Prime Minister David Cameron’s visit to China last November, the two countries signed a number of energy cooperation agreements, including on coal injection technology.New energy technology and low-carbon sector were again a highlight when the Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang visited Britain early this year.The Vice Premier was deeply impressed by his visits to the Pelamis Wave Project in Scotland and the BRE Innovation Park.今天我也非常高兴看到中英两国的科学家就“未来能源存储技术和政策”专题进行深入探讨。中国科学院是中国科学技术方面最高学术机构,英国皇家工程院是英国工程学的最高殿堂,我相信这次由两家联手举办研讨会一定会对中英能源合作起到积极的示范和推动作用。预祝会议取得圆满成功!

I am glad to see that today’s Workshop brings together scientists from both countries in an in-depth discussion on “The Future of Energy Storage Technology and Policy”.The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering are both leaders in their fields.I am sure your collaboration will help advance energy cooperation between China and the UK.I wish the workshop a great success.最后,在中国农历兔年即将到来之际,祝大家在新的一年里研究更上一层楼、事业鸿兔(图)大展!

As we are only a few days away from the Chinese New Year, let me wish all of you a happy and prosperous year of the Rabbit!


Thank you.

第三篇:傅莹大使在驻英使馆国庆60周年招待会上的讲话 中英双语版



A Time for Celebration

Speech by Fu Ying, at the National Day Reception for the 60 years Anniversary of PRCSept.24,2009, London

Your Excellencies,Secretaries of State,My Lords,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,值此中华人民共和国成立60周年之际,我们热烈欢迎各位嘉宾的光临,感谢大家与我们一道为中华人民共和国的生日祝福。我特别要感谢布朗首相发来视频讲话,感谢他带给中国人民美好的节日祝愿。

I would like to thank all of you for joining us in this celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.I owe a special note of thanks to Prime Minister Brown for sending a video message to congratulate the Chinese people on this auspicious occasion.在中国传统的纪年形式中,60年为一个甲子,也就是一个周期。所以,中国人非常看重60周年的纪念,无论是一个人的年龄,还是一个国家的历程。

years on the Lunar calendar is called “Jia Zi”, meaning a full cycle.It is therefore an important age for a person as well as for a country.60年前,毛泽东向世界宣告中华人民共和国成立,中国人民站起来了。不过当时的中国还处于积贫积弱、百废待兴的状况,而60年后的今天中国已经发生了历史性的巨变。这一成就的取得绝非一帆风顺,中国为探索符合自己国情的发展道路经历了千辛万苦的曲折和艰难。改革开放以来,中国走上了持续稳定的经济社会发展之路,使13亿人民迈向实现小康的目标。

years ago, Chairman Mao Zedong announced the founding of the PRC.He famously stated that the Chinese people had stood up.The country at that time was in a state of poverty and dire need.60 years on, China has gone through a historic transformation and this has not been an easy journey.We went through all kinds of difficulties trying to find the right path to economic prosperity.Finally we’ve succeeded through reform and opening up, to embark on economic and social progress, the 1.3 billion people are advancing towards “Xiao Kang”(the Chinese word for prosperous living.)


The parades in Beijing in a few days time will be watched worldwide.People may ask, what message China is trying to convey to the world.I am sure every Chinese has an answer.最近在中国出现了一个今昔对比的风潮,人们在博客上讲述着60年家庭生活变迁的故事。主妇用照片比较着厨房家具的变化,男人们谈论着从自行车到汽车的跃进。At this very moment in China, the mood of celebration is tinged with nostalgia.One hot

topic for the bloggers is about stories of changes in the lives of families, housewives comparing photos showing how their kitchens have totally changed, men talking about the experience from trying a new bicycle to buying the first car.我也受到这个怀旧情调的感染,翻出珍藏的母亲留给我的粮票,这方寸间斤、两的标注,记录着中国人生活窘迫的岁月。而今粮票已经成为历史,我已经答应把这些粮票赠送给大英博物馆。

Hit by this wave of nostalgia, I have brought this handkerchief parcel left by my mother.She wrapped in it some food coupons.At one moment in our history, food was scarce and tokens were needed.My mother kept these in case those times were to return.They never did.For their historical value, I’ve promised to give them to the British museum.These small pieces of paper are powerful testimony to the strides China has taken.中国人2008年一天创造的财富,比1952年全年的总和还要多。我们永久告别了贫困和落后,这就是为什么我们高兴、我们自豪,为什么我们举国欢庆。

China turned out more wealth in a day in 2008 than in a whole year of 1952.This is what we are celebrating: farewell to poverty and backwardness.抚今追昔,我们没有理由自满,改革开放任重而道远。我们信心十足,将建设一个和谐稳定的国家,实现全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、住有所居、病有所医、老有所养。

However, we have no reason to be complacent.Our reforms remain a far and hard journey.We want to build a harmonious and stable society, where every kid is in school, every one has work to do, every one has a roof over the head, every sick is treated and the elderly taken cared of.今天,当世界为中国喝彩的时候,当胡锦涛主席在联合国的讲话引起全世界对中国应对气候变化努力的一片褒扬的时候,我们深刻地认识到,中国已走上国际舞台。中国的一言一行,中国的每一分成就,都与世界息息相关,同样,世界的动向时刻对中国产生着影响。我们将认真对待时代赋予的国际责任,为世界的和谐与发展做出自己的贡献。

Today, when the world cheers for China, when we hear praise for President Hu Jintao’s statement on climate change at the UN podium, we are aware that China has emerged on the world stage.China’s words and deeds, China’s every success are important to the world.Likewise, what happens in the world affects China.We need to learn and fulfill the international responsibilities time has endowed on us and contribute to building harmony and prosperity in the world.英国是我们重要的国际伙伴,双方在国际事务中有广泛共识,对双边合作有全面的投入,而且,我们能够通过对话妥善处理分歧与差异。双方应共同努力,抓住新机遇将两国关系推向新的高度。

Britain is our important international partner.We share wide common views on contemporary issues and we are both devoted to closer bilateral cooperation.We have also been able to handle differences through candid dialogues.Given the new opportunities, the two sides should work together to bring our relations to a new high.最后让我们共同举杯:为中国,为英国,为中英合作,干杯!

In conclusion, I would like to propose a toast:

To China, to Britain, and to friendship.Thank you.





Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Reception Marking the 65th Anniversary of the Chinese People's Victory against Japanese AggressionSeptember 2010, the Chinese Embassy


Second World War Veterans,Your Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,感谢大家出席今天的招待会。今天我们在这里聚会,是为了纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利65周年,也是为了纪念世界反法西斯战争的胜利。就在不久前,英国也举行了二战对日战争胜利65周年纪念活动。

Thank you very much for joining us today, as we mark the 65th anniversary of the Chinese people's victory against Japanese aggression.Not long ago, Britain also celebrated the 65th anniversary of its Victory over Japan Day.发生在20世纪三四十年代的中国人民抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争,是世界爱好和平与正义的国家和人民同人类文明的凶残敌人进行的一场殊死搏斗。在这场世界反法西斯战争中,中国人民抗日战争开始最早、持续时间最长。中国英勇抗击了日本陆军总兵力的三分之二,歼灭日军150多万(占日军二战期间伤亡人数的70%),对打败日本侵略者起到了关键作用。中国人民抗日战争在战略上有力地支持了欧洲战场和太平洋战场抗击法西斯的行动。

Both the Chinese and the world anti-Fascist wars of the 1930's and 1940's were life and death struggles against ruthless states that were enemies of humanity.The Sino-Japanese war was the first to break out and lasted the longest.China played a key role in defeating the Japanese aggressors by fighting two-thirds of their army forces, resulting in 70% of their casualties during World War II, and by providing strategic support to our allies and assisted their operations in the European and Pacific theatres.中国人民抗日战争的胜利不仅为中国人民赢得民族独立和解放,建立人民共和国奠定了重要基础,而且为世界反法西斯正义斗争取得胜利作出了重要贡献,对促进世界和平事业产生了重大而深远的影响。

China's victory over Japanese aggression not only laid an important foundation for the achievement of national independence and liberation by the Chinese people and the founding of the People's Republic, it also contributed to the world's just struggle against Fascism.It also exerted a far-reaching impact on promoting world peace.中国人民抗日战争的胜利,是同世界所有爱好和平与正义的国家和人民、国际组织及各种反法西斯力量的同情和支持分不开的。中英两国在世界反法西斯战争中是坚定的盟友,英国为中国人民抗日战争提供了经济援助和军事合作,给予了宝贵的支持。1943年,中、美、英三国共同发表的对日作战宣言——《开罗宣言》更是具有重要历史意义。我本人担任中国驻埃及大使期间,曾专程造访金字塔脚下不远的开罗会议故址——米那豪斯大饭店(HOTEL MENA HOUSE),重温历史,牢记使命。

China's victory would not have been possible without the sympathy and support of the peace and justice loving nations and peoples of the world.Britain was a staunch ally of China, offering us economic assistance and military cooperation during our resistance against Japan.The historic Cairo Declaration was issued in 1943 by China, the United States and Britain.Whilst the Chinese Ambassador to Egypt, I visited the Hotel Mena House Oberoi, not far away from the Pyramid where the Cairo Conference was held, to remember this part of history and my responsibilities as a diplomat.中英在战场上并肩抗击日本法西斯,涌现了无数可歌可泣的英雄事迹,共同谱写了许多感人肺腑的友谊篇章。1941年12月,日军进攻香港后,部分英国军官及中国驻港军事代表组成了“突围团”,在广东人民抗日游击队——东江纵队的帮助下,最终顺利抵达安全区。

I have heard a lot of touching stories about men and women from both China and Britain, who jointly fought the Japanese fascist forces and forged a profound friendship.In December 1941 after the fall of Hong Kong, some British and Chinese officers stationed in Hong Kong formed a joint contingent to break the Japanese siege.With the help of the anti-Japanese Dongjiang Guerrillas in Guangdong Province, they finally arrived safely in the Chinese mainland.1942年春天,中国派出10万远征军入缅协助英军作战,成功地救出了被围困的英军官兵7000多人,自身付出了巨大的牺牲。1942年10月,运送英军战俘和侨民的日本运输舰“里斯本丸号”被美国军舰击沉于中国舟山东极海域,东极百姓冒着被日军杀害的危险,从海中营救


In the spring of 1942, China sent 100,000 troops to Burma to support the British operations.Many of them lost their lives while rescuing 7,000 besieged British soldiers.In October 1942 when the Japanese freighter Lisbon Maru used as a prisoner-of-war transporter was sunk by a US warship in the waters off Dongji Island, in Zhejiang Province.The local fishermen saved 384 British prisoners of war at the risk of death from the Japanese.英国青年乔治·何克怀着人道主义理想来到中国,撰写大量报道向全世界揭露日本侵略者罪行,参与创办培黎学校,并以自己的年轻生命,谱写了中英友好的颂歌。我们非常高兴英军二战老战士、中英“突围团”的后代和何克母校代表出席今天的招待会。

Another heart warming story was that of George Hogg, a 23 year old British journalist who went to China to expose the crimes of the Japanese.Whilst there, he founded the Bailie School in Shandan County and did everything he could to support the local children and the Chinese people's efforts to fight the Japanese invasion.He died in Shandan at the age of 30 and was buried there.Today we are glad to have here with us Second World War veterans, descendents of the Hong Kong Escape Party, and representatives from the former school of George Hogg.孔子说,温故而知新。我们回顾历史,是为了更好地把握今天和未来。今天的世界还没有安宁太平,人类还没有远离硝烟,同时恐怖主义、气候变化、传染性疾病等全球性挑战日益突出。但历史在发展,时代在进步,要和平、谋发展、促合作成为世界各国人民的共同愿望,同舟共济、互利共赢成为国际社会的必然选择。在新形势下,我们愿与包括英国在内的世界上一切爱好和平的国家一道,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同努力。

As Confucius said, “Consider the past, and you shall know the future”.We look back at our past to learn, to grasp our present and to shape our future.We live in a world that is far from being peaceful in many places.It still has a lot of challenging issues to deal with, from terrorism, climate change to communicable diseases.But our world is moving forward.We live at a time when people all around the world are united by an aspiration towards peace and development.Cooperation for mutual benefit has become the favoured choice of the international community.In this new era, China and the UK should further strengthen our partnership and work with other peace-loving countries in the pursuit of a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.谢谢大家!

Thank you.原文链接:

联合国贸发会秘书长第二届世界投资论坛开幕词时间:2010-09-07 21:41来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:128次


Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the World Investment Forum 2010

by Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD

Xiamen, 7 September, 2010

Excellencies,Distinguished delegates,Ladies and gentlemen,The biennial UNCTAD World Investment Forum is the most important event for the international investment community and its stakeholders.It provides a unique platform for interaction among global leaders,senior policymakers,corporate executives,investors, investment promotion agencies,and investment experts and practitioners from many countries around the world.The presence of more than 400 investment leaders from 116 countries from all parts of the investment community demonstrates the importance that international investment has gained as an engine of growth and development.Over the next three days,we will examine the challenges and opportunities for global investment in a post-crisis economy,which will be addressed by the following events:

1.The World Leaders Investment Summit will discuss the new international investment landscape in the post-crisis era.It will identify policy options for maximising the developmental benefits of foreign investment and how to take advantage of a new emerging economic and policy landscape.2.The Ministerial Round Table will address investment policy coherence in the post-crisis environment,including balancing investment liberalisation and regulation,and enhancing coherence between national and international investment policies.3.The High-level Tripartite Conference will identify the most prominent issues related to FDI and the impact of investment on sustainable development.Key topics include: world investment

prospects,re-strategising investment promotion and promoting green investment.4.The 2010 International Investment Agreements Conference will reflect on the key development challenges facing the IIA regime and how it can leverage tangible development benefits in a post-crisis economy.5.The Sustainable Stock Exchanges Conference 2010 will examine how stock exchanges can promote sustainable business practices and responsible capital markets,which will ensure stable growth and positive development outcomes.6.The Special Conference on Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing will provide an opportunity to discuss the need for a recognised set of principles for borrowers and lenders that promotes sustainable debt and credit conditions.7.The 8th Meeting of UNCTAD and the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)Investment Advisory Council will discuss how investment can used to tackle the foreseeable shortfall in achieving the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).8.Finally,the‘Investment Showcase’events will include presentations from individual countries on climate change-related investment.Other events include the launching of the G15 of Law Schools network dedicated to academic exchange on international investment law,and the UNCTAD Investment Promotion Award 2010, as well as various networking banquets,luncheons and dinners.All of these events will contribute towards the Forum’s main overall objective:to better understand the challenges and opportunities that the post-crisis investment landscape presents to all of us,and in particular to developing countries.In this new phase of globalisation –perhaps even a phase where we will see a retrenchment of globalisation–a new generation of investment policies will be needed.Such policies must encourage the transformation towards a low carbon economy,and the need for investment to work for development and the achievement of the MDGs.UNCT D’s World Investment Report 2010 provides information and analysis on some of these topics,as well as data on current trends in FDI.As such,the Report is offered as the main reference document to the World Investment Forum.Lastly,I would like to express my personal gratitude on behalf of UNCTAD to everyone who is

attending the Forum,including the numerous organizations and associations that have partnered with us in the organisation of this year’s events.Your presence and contributions to the Forum’s discussions will help make this event a success and advance UNCT D’s mission to assist developing countries make investment work for development.For their practical support and hospitality,I wish to express UNCT D’s appreciation for the marvellous co-operation extended to us by the Ministry of Commerce,Fujian Province and the City of Xiamen.I also wish to acknowledge the partnership with the 14th China International Fair for Investment and Trade(CIFIT),which will be opened tomorrow morning.So without further deliberation,I would like now to declare the World Investment Forum 2010 officially open.原文链接:




Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At TESCO Dinner

April 27, 2010, Royal Horseguards Hotel, London


Chairman David Reid,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先感谢TESCO的精心安排,使我有机会与各位新老朋友见面和交流。

I would like to thank TESCO for its kind invitation this evening.我来英国前就知道TESCO,因为TESCO在我的家乡沈阳有6家大型超市,我来英国后进的第一家超市也是TESCO。我很欣赏它的中文名字—“乐购”,从意思上来说,“乐购”非常生动形象,在中文里就是“HAPPY TO BUY”。它提供的购物环境和商品也确实非常好。TESCO is well-known to me even before I came to the UK.It has 6 stores in my hometown Shenyang, capital city of Liaoning Province.The first supermarket I went to since my arrival in London was also a TESCO store.TESCO's Chinese name “Le Gou” means “Happy To Buy”.As you would say, “it does what it says on the tin” by offering a nice shopping environment and products people want to buy.今天晚宴讨论的主题是中国的发展和外资的作用。这是一个很大的题目。中国的发展,我认为这既是过去时,也是进行时,更是将来时。

This dinner is focused on China's development and the role of foreign investment.A big subject for one evening, but I'm sure the discussions will go on long after tonight.中国改革开放32年,借鉴世界各国的发展经验,实现了GDP年均10%左右的增长,创造了世界经济发展史上的奇迹。有的英美学者认为,中国创造了一种全新的发展模式,冠名以“北京共识”,将之与“华盛顿共识”相提并论。虽然“北京共识”这顶“高帽”对我们有些偏大,但它说明国际上的有识之士已经看到,中国成功走出了一条适合自己国情的发展道路。

During the past 32 years of reform and opening-up, China has achieved an average annual GDP growth of close to 10% and the country was transformed.Some British scholars called it the “Beijing Consensus”, which is rather flattering.But we do believe that China has pursued a way of development that fits with its actual conditions.当前,国际金融危机尚未完全消褪,主权债务和失业问题仍困扰着许多国家,但中国率先走出了金融危机的阴影,去年实现了8.7%的经济增长,对世界经济的贡献率超过50%。今年第一季度,中国经济保持了强劲的增长势头,达到11.9%,创下国际金融危机爆发以来最快增速。

China fared relatively well in the latest financial crisis.It achieved 8.7 percent growth last year, contributing over 50% to global economic growth.In the first quarter of this year, China's economy grew by 11.9%.当然,中国今年面临的形势还很复杂,仍然面临许多困难和挑战,我们将以履冰临渊之心,继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,并且根据宏观经济中可能出现的新情况、新问题,提高政策的灵活性与针对性,管理好通胀预期;同时,重点加快结构调整、转变发展方式。

Having said that, the Chinese economy is still facing a complex and uncertain situation both internationally and domestically.The challenge this year is to maintain fast growth, manage inflationary expectation and accelerate economic restructuring all at the same time.中国过去、现在的发展,有目共睹,但未来的中国经济前景如何,特别是在可预见的十年、二十年内能否保持增长动力,这点我想不仅大家关心,也是中国政府认真思考的问题。我认为,中国经济发展的空间仍然十分广阔,潜力仍然非常巨大。

The long-term outlook for the Chinese economy is still a highly positive one, thanks in part to the following factors.第一,工业化和城镇化将继续为中国经济发展提供强劲动力。中国的工业化仍处于中期发展阶段。中国的人均GDP只有3000美元左右,产业结构中第二产业比重仍然最大,就业人口集中在第一和第二产业,工业结构大致处于由重工业化阶段向高加工度化阶段逐步推进。因此,作为发展中国家,中国的后发优势依然存在,今后仍将处于经济加速追赶状态。同时,中国正在进行人类历史上规模最大的城镇化。过去30年,4亿多农村人口迁移到了城市,未来20年,这个数字可能还有3亿多。城镇化不单纯是农民进城,它也意味着国民经济增长模式和国民生活方式的重大转变,将持续成为中国经济增长的基本动力。当然,城市飞速发展,城市生活也越来越面临一系列挑战:空间冲突、文化摩擦、资源短缺和环境污染。这正是中国为什么将上海世博会的主题定为“城市,让生活更美好”。中国希望集合世界的智慧,诠释全新的城市生活,勾勒理想城市的蓝图。

First, industrialisation and urbanisation will continue to be powerful engines for China's economic development.China's industrialisation is still at the mid-stage.Over the past 30 years, more than 400 million farmers migrated to the cities.There will be over 300 million more doing so in the next 20 years.第二,消费将成为中国经济增长的新引擎。有人认为,在拉动经济的“三驾马车”中,中国过度依赖出口和投资,而消费严重不足,这种模式是畸形的,因此未来的高增长是不可持续的。我认为,这种看法的结论未免武断。

Second, consumption will become a new driver of economic growth in China.Even before the financial crisis, China had tried very hard to boost domestic demand.实际上,金融危机爆发之前,中国就已多方努力转变经济增长方式,积极扩大内需。试想一下,13亿中国人每人每天只需多花1元人民币,一年就将增加消费4900亿元,直接拉动经济增长1.6个百分点。中国民众并非不具备这种消费实力,中国居民储蓄总额高达20万亿元人民币(约3万亿美元),而是由于我们的消费“开发”得还不够。因此,目前中国政府正在做的,就是通过加快调整国民收入分配结构,逐步提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,加速城市化进程,健全社会保障体系,促进服务产业发展,从而释放民众的消费需求,消除民众的消费顾虑,缔造民众的可持续消费能力,提升民众的消费水平和结构。

Just imagine, if every Chinese spends just 1 Yuan more a day, this would raise economic growth by 1.6 percentage points.去年,中国社会消费品零售总额1.8万亿美元,扣除价格因素实际增长16.9%,创下1986年以来的最高增速。预计今年国内市场规模将达到2万亿美元。我相信,未来中国消费增长的潜力是巨大的,动力是强劲和充沛的,中国经济也有望实现内需和外需协调增长、投资与消费相互促进。

Last year, retail sales in China increased nearly 17%.But consumerism is still in its infancy.The Chinese government is working hard to improve the social security system and increase people's income.中国内需的扩大、消费的增强,无疑对在华的外国企业和世界各国都是福音。在全球化时代,中国的市场是开放的,机遇是共享的,竞争是公平的。

This is good news for companies both in China and Britain.Remember, China became the second largest importer last year after only the U.S.Continued openness of the Chinese market will offer enormous opportunities to Britain and other countries.第三,外资将继续是中国经济发展的重要助推力。在中国经济发展过程中,外国投资无疑一直起到了关键的作用,外资进入中国,带来的不仅是资金,更是带来了全新的管理和技术。中国是吸引外资最多的发展中国家,截至2010年3月,外商对华投资累计设立企业近69万家,实际使用外资超过1万亿美元。2009年中国进出口总值中,外商投资企业进出口总值12174亿美元,占到55.16%。

Thirdly, foreign investment will continue to play a key role in China's economic development.China has been the largest destination for FDI among developing countries for years.By last March, nearly 690,000 foreign invested companies have been set up in China, investing over 1 trillion US dollars.In 2009, foreign-invested companies accounted for 55% of China's total foreign trade.未来相当长一段时间,中国仍将是外国投资者的“风水宝地”。从全球大规模要素转移的历史来看,日本、亚洲“四小龙”、中国陆续成为承接地。目前,尽管中国的要素成本有所抬升,人口结构不像原来那么“年轻”,但综合考虑成本和市场因素,中国仍最具优势,这个“接力棒”仍握在中国的手中。我听说,TESCO正在中国“加速跑”,将投资1亿多英镑,组建新的合资公司,在青岛等地新建三家大型购物中心。这说明他们是很有战略眼光的。For quite a long time to come, China will remain a “land of treasure” for foreign investors.I am told that TESCO will reportedly invest 2 billion pounds in China in the next 5 years.I hope TESCO will be rewarded for its vision and commitment to China.中国政府今后对外资的政策,我个人认为,归纳起来是三条:

With regard to Chinese policies on foreign investment, let me cite the following three basic principles.一是态度上继续欢迎,同时合理引导投资方向。当今世界各国都把节能减排、环境保护,包括绿色经济、低碳经济放到重要地位,中国吸收外资应该为自身的经济发展服务,外资的导向政策也应该符合国家的整体发展方向。我们欢迎高技术、服务业、有利于发挥中国劳动力比较优势的外资,但对过度消耗能源和资源、制造污染的外国投资将拒之门外。

First, China will continue to welcome foreign investors, particularly in high-tech industries, low

carbon economy sectors, and service sectors that can build on its abundant labour resources.It will no longer support new investment into sectors which are excessively energy consuming or polluting.二是政策上不断完善,积极扩大市场准入。面对新形势,中国政府在本月发布了《进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见》。《意见》明确提出,要扩大开放领域,优化利用外资结构;支持符合条件的外商投资企业在中国境内公开发行股票、发行企业债券和票据等。同样在本月,我们就2010年国家自主创新产品认定工作相关规定在网上公开征求意见,征求意见稿明确,国家自主创新产品认定对在中国境内依法设立的所有企业一视同仁,外国在华企业同样可以申请。这些均是中国进一步优化投资环境的具体行动,受到外企的广泛好评。

Secondly, the Chinese government will continue to expand market access for foreign investors.According to the latest official guideline, eligible foreign companies may apply to list their shares on Chinese stock exchanges and issue corporate bonds and notes in China.All companies-including foreign companies in China will also be treated equally in the designation of products of independent innovation.三是行动上加大努力,切实保护知识产权。又是在这个月,中国政府28个相关部门共同制定了《2010年中国保护知识产权行动计划》,并付诸实施。我们将进一步完善保护知识产权的体制机制、法律系统,为投资者、知识产权的权利人提供更好的保护知识产权的环境,也为创新者和拉动技术进步的力量创造一个更好的运营环境。这不仅有利于外企在中国的发展,也有利于提高中国本土企业乃至提高中国国家核心竞争力。

Thirdly, there will be greater efforts to protect intellectual property rights.This month the 2010 Action Plan on IPR Protection in China was adopted by 28 government departments.总之,中国政府正竭尽所能,为包括英国在内的各国在华企业创造良好的环境,希望你们每个企业的产品都能做到“HAPPY TO SELL”。当然,它需要中国政府的努力,也需要每个企业的努力。

The Chinese government is doing its best to create a balanced and fair environment for all companies in China.I hope all of you will be “Happy To Sell” in China.各位朋友,再过3天,上海世博会就将开幕。世博会是一个经济、科技、人文领域的盛会,对中英经贸和投资合作亦是一个难得的机遇。世博会对中国而言,是中国扩大对外开放、良好投资环境的集中展示,对英国而言,是英国现代和活力、创意和设计的表现窗口。英国馆的设计富有想象,中国人亲切地称它为“蒲公英”。我还了解到,英中贸协将在9月中旬举办世博会英国馆“金融周”活动,通过上海主会场以及设在香港、深圳、成都、北京的各分会场向中国金融企业介绍最新的技术和丰富的经验。我相信,中英双方通过世博会这一平台,完全可以寻求新的商机,挖掘新的增长点,进一步扩大双边经贸和投资合作。

In just 3 days the World Expo will open in Shanghai.This will provide a rare opportunity for China and the UK to demonstrate there respective assets in trade and investment.The UK Pavilion has an imaginative design and is affectionately known as “dandelion” by the Chinese.I understand that there will also be a rich programme of business and cultural events during the Expo.I hope that through the Expo, China and UK will be able to seek new business opportunities, explore new areas of growth and further expand trade and investment cooperation.4月30日中午,我将在使馆举行世博会招待会,希望在座的各位如有时间莅临出席,共同观看世博会开幕式盛况。

At noon on the 30th April, I will host a reception at the embassy to mark the opening of the Expo.Your presence will be more than welcome.If any of you would like to join, do let my colleagues know.Hope to see you there.谢谢!

Thank you.



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