Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launching Ceremony of the Oxford
Chinese Dictionary 9 September 2010, Great Britain-China Centre
Lord Howe, Professor Hamilton, Ladies and Gentleman,我很高兴出席《牛津英汉汉英词典》(Oxford Chinese Dictionary)发行仪式。这一词典的出版发行,对于广大学习英语的中国人,以及日益增多的正在学习汉语的英语母语者来说,无疑是一个大好消息。因此,我要致以热烈的祝贺。
It is my great pleasure to join you at the launching ceremony of the Oxford· Chinese Dictionary.I offer my warmest congratulations on the dictionary, as there is no doubt that its launch will be great news for the many people learning English in China and the increasing number of mandarin-learning native English speakers.在中国,英语是大、中、小学的必修课,许多幼儿园也开设了英语课。数据显示,目前中国有4亿多人在学英语,约占全国总人口的1/3。甚至有专家预测,再过几年,中国学英语的人数将超过英语母语国家的总人口数。而在英国,目前也正兴起“汉语热”,开设汉语的大、中、小学越来越多,孔子学院和孔子课堂也遍布英国。无论学习英语和汉语,一本词典必不可少。
Today English is a compulsory course in Chinese universities, as well as in primary and secondary schools and is even taught in many kindergartens.It is estimated that one in three people in China or 400 million people are learning English.And it is predicted that in a few years, the English learning population in China will exceed the combined total population of all native English speaking countries.We are also seeing an emerging “mandarin fever” in the UK, with schools at all levels putting mandarin in their curriculum.This is in addition to the many Confucius Institutes and Classrooms to be found across the country.Needless to say, a good dictionary is a must for all language students.自100多年前《牛津英语词典》这一“词典之帝”出版以来,可以说牛津大学出版社一直执全球词典出版界之牛耳。“牛津”二字几乎成了高质量英文工具书的代名词。据称,世界上每分钟就有6个人购买牛津出版的词典。
Since the classic Oxford English Dictionary was published more than a century ago, the Oxford University Press(OUP)has been the most prestigious dictionary publisher in the world.Even the name 'Oxford' represents a quality guarantee for English reference books, and if proof was needed, it is said that 6 Oxford dictionaries are sold every minute.牛津大学出版社又是与中方合作最多的外国出版社之一。牛津大学出版社的系列英语词典是中国人学习英语的必备工具书,也是许多人的首选工具书。我还记得,我年轻时就拥有一部《精选英汉汉英词典》,这是上世纪70年代末牛津大学出版社和中国现代历史最悠久的出版社——商务印书馆最早合作的产物。至于两家80年代随后推出的《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》,则更是风靡一时,长盛不衰,被英语学习者奉为圭臬。
The OUP is one of the largest foreign publishing partners of China, with Oxford English dictionaries being the must-have dictionaries for students learning English and, for many others, their first choice as a reference book.When I was a young diplomat, I used to have a Concise English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary, which was the result of the early cooperation between the OUP and the Commercial Press back in the late 1970's.The two later worked together again to produce another immensely popular dictionary, the Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary, which many Chinese students believe is the leading English-Chinese dictionary.现在牛津大学出版社与中国规模最大的大学出版社——外语教学与研究出版社强强携手,与时俱进,合作编写出版了词汇更庞大全面、翻译更准确权威的《牛津英汉汉英词典》,我相信这必会广受读者欢迎和好评,并成为英汉词典的又一个重要里程碑。
Now the OUP, in cooperation with FLTRP, the largest university press in China, have launched the Oxford·FLTRP English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary, which has a larger vocabulary and more accurate and authoritative translations.I am sure it will be well received and become another milestone for the OUP in its evolution of the English-Chinese dictionary.编纂词典是一项费心劳力的经年苦役,塞缪尔·约翰逊曾在其成名巨著《词典》中对“词典编纂者”(Lexicographer)下了如此一个定义:“无害的苦工”(a harmless drudge)。这一自嘲既是幽默,也道出了实情。但是,编纂词典何尝又不是一种“甜美的苦役”,其甜美在于它将成为无数使用者的学海明灯。感谢《牛津英汉汉英词典》编纂者的辛勤努力,由于你们的付出,我们学习英语的漫漫长途中又多了一位良师益友。
It takes years of hard work to compile a dictionary.No wonder Samuel Johnson defined “lexicographer” with some humour in his dictionary as “a harmless drudge”.But I would argue that tedious and painstaking as it is, the job may also be enriching, as dictionaries offer their users valuable knowledge and understanding.So, I would like to thank the lexicographers for the time and energy they have devoted to this dictionary and for their dedication and professionalism which will make learning English easier for many.语言是文化的载体。学习一个国家语言的过程,也是了解一个国家文化的过程。因此,《牛津英汉汉英词典》的出版,其意义不仅在于为读者提供了高质量的语言工具书,更为促进中英文化交流做出了新的贡献。
Language is an important part of any culture and when you learn a foreign language, you get to know aspects of the culture you would otherwise miss.That is why the publication of this dictionary will not only help users to develop their language skills, but also improve their understanding and so contribute to improving China-UK cultural exchanges.最后,我祝愿《牛津英汉汉英词典》发行取得佳绩,也祝愿牛津大学出版社与中国出版界的合作蒸蒸日上。
To conclude, I wish this dictionary every success and may the OUP and the Chinese publishing industries enjoy closer cooperation!谢谢。
Thank you.
中国驻英国大使刘晓明在英国圣玛丽小学孔子课堂签字和揭牌仪式上的讲话 2010年10月21日,伦敦圣玛丽小学
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Signing and Inauguration Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at the St Mary's Primary School 21 October 2010, St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School, London
为发展中国与世界各国的友好关系,增进世界各国人民对中国语言文化的理解,为各国汉语学习者提供方便、优良的学习条件,中国国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室将在世界上有需求、有条件的若干国家建设以开展汉语教学为主要活动内容的 “孔子学院”,并在中国北京设立“孔子学院总部”。
尊敬的伦敦南岸大学副校长Beverley Jullien女士,尊敬的西敏寺市议员Nick Yarker先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学董事会主席Clark先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学校长Peter Hadfield先生,尊敬的乐爱妹参赞,女士们,先生们,同学们:
Ms Beverley Jullien, Councillor Nick Yarker, Mr Len Clark, Mr Peter Hadfield, Counsellor Le Aimei, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and girls, 我很高兴出席今天圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的签字和揭牌仪式。我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆对圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的设立表示热烈的祝贺。
It gives me great pleasure to attend the inauguration of the Confucius Classroom at St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School.I wish to offer my warm congratulations to all of you.我就任中国驻英大使以来,曾经到访英国的许多学校,包括大学和中学,今天是我第一次走进英国的小学。圣玛丽小学与中国有着特殊渊源,因为中国大使馆一些外交官的子女就在圣玛丽小学上学。他们在这里学习英语和各种知识,与老师、同学们相处得十分融洽,学习非常愉快。I have been to many secondary schools and universities in this country since my arrival in London.But St Mary’s is the first primary school I have ever visited.It has a special bond with the Chinese Embassy, as some of my colleagues’ children study here.I’m glad to say that they are enjoying their time at St Mary’s, learning English and other subjects and making friends with teachers and classmates.我曾不止一次地问使馆的孩子们:英国小学好,还是中国小学好?结果,刚来的孩子都说中国的好,来的时间长的孩子都说英国的好。我相信,随着他们长大,他们会说,都好。圣玛丽小学将给他们留下一段终生难忘的美好回忆。在此,我要对西敏寺市及圣玛丽小学长期以来给予中国驻英使馆的支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。
I once asked them which they like better, attending school here or in China.I got mixed answers.Those children who have newly arrived prefer their old schools in China, while others who have been here longer liked their British schools more.Maybe as they grow up, they would like both.I would like to thank the City of Westminster and St Mary’s for their longstanding support and assistance to the Chinese Embassy and for providing kids of the Embassy a wonderful and memorable place to study in.今天,圣玛丽小学与中国的关系又加深了一层,伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院在圣玛丽小学设立了孔子课堂。这是目前在英国设立的第54个孔子课堂,也是伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院设立的第7个孔子课堂。借此机会,我也愿对伦敦南岸大学多年来为推广汉语教学、增进中英了解作出的积极努力,表示赞赏和感谢。
Today the bonds between St Mary’s and China have been further strengthened thanks to the new Confucius Classroom set up by St Mary’s and the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine at LSBU, the London South Bank University.This is the 54th Confucius Classroom in the UK and the 7th one established by the LSBU Confucius Institute.I must thank the LSBU for its consistent efforts to promote mandarin learning in Britain and to increase mutual understanding between China and the UK.孔子课堂为什么在英国这么受欢迎?其作用和意义又是什么呢?我认为主要有三点: Why are the Confucius Classrooms so popular in the UK? I believe this is mainly because they serve the following purposes: 第一是教授中文。在中国,英语已列入从小学至大学的必修课。同样,在英国,“汉语热”近年来也是持续升温。英国超过500所中小学开设了中文课程,部分学校甚至将中文列入了必修课。去年9月,英国政府将中文列入了GCSE的正式科目。孔子课堂具有专业、优质的中文师资力量,可以很好地满足学生们学习中文的需要。
First, teaching mandarin.In China, English learning is now compulsory from the very first year in primary school right to the university level.I’m also glad to see an emerging “mandarin fever” in this country.Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course.In September 2009, the British government made Chinese another GCSE subject.The Confucius Classrooms offer high quality and professional mandarin teachers, who are able to meet growing needs of learning mandarin.第二是介绍中国文化。语言不仅是一项交流工具,它更是一把钥匙、一双翅膀,学习掌握了它,你就能打开不同文化的大门,飞越不同文化间的障碍。中国的文化,既古老、又现代,古老是因为它具有深厚的历史积淀,现代是因为它与时俱进。可以说,中国文化就如同一本引人入胜的书籍。
Second, introducing Chinese culture.Language is not only a means of communication, but also gives learners an extra pair of wings to fly over cultural barriers.The Chinese culture is both old and new, old in terms of its profound roots in our time-honoured history, and new in the sense of China’s fast development and change.It is like a book that makes very interesting reading.第三是增进人民间友谊。友谊建立在了解的基础之上。孔子课堂深植于英国的中小学校,在英国的年轻一代洒下了中英友谊的种子,其影响是长远的,必将促进两国人民的世代友好。Third, deepening the friendship between our peoples.Friendship is based on mutual understanding.The presence of Confucius Classrooms at British schools will go a long way to strengthening the friendship between our peoples and will sow the seeds of China-UK friendship in the hearts of the younger generation.孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。希望圣玛丽小学的同学们在孔子课堂里,学习(LEARN)、喜欢(LIKE)和热爱(LOVE)中国语言和文化,感受和享受其中的快乐,更希望你们长大后做中英友好的传承人和中英合作的促进者。
As Confucius said, “Knowledge is good to learn, better to love, and best to enjoy”.I would encourage students at St Mary’s to learn, love and enjoy the Chinese language and culture, and as you grow up, to carry on the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.最后,为了使同学们能够更好地学习中文,了解中国,乐爱妹参赞和我今天特向圣玛丽小学孔子课堂赠送电视机、DVD机和一些介绍中国的书籍和光盘,希望你们会喜欢。
Last but not least, Counselor Le Aimei and I would like to present the Confucius Classroom with a TV set, a DVD player and some books and DVDs about China.Hopefully they will make your mandarin and Chinese culture lessons easier and even more interesting.谢谢!Thank you.
驻英大使伦敦奥运“中国之家”揭幕仪式致辞时间:2012-08-11 10:15来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2030次
中国驻英国大使刘晓明在伦敦奥运“中国之家”揭幕仪式上的致辞 2012年7月25日,伦敦华尔道夫希尔顿酒店
Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of China House The Waldorf Hilton, London, 25 July 2012
Chairman Liu Peng.Vice President Yu Zaiqing.Executive Chairman Yang Weize.Ambassador Sebastian Wood.Ladies and Gentlemen.很高兴在伦敦奥运会即将开幕的前夕,出席“中国之家”揭幕仪式。首先,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆致以热烈祝贺。同时我也借此机会,对中国奥运代表团的所有运动员、教练员和官员及前来报道伦敦奥运会的中国媒体朋友们表示热烈欢迎。
It is a real pleasure for me to attend the launch of 'China House' on the eve of the London Olympic Games.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish to extend my warmest congratulations.I also wish to express my sincerest welcome to all athletes, coaches and officers of the Chinese delegation and the Chinese media coming to cover the Games.“中国之家”的作用和意义,刚才刘鹏主席已经提到,它是中国首次在夏季奥运会上设立“中国之家”,是中国奥委会在伦敦奥运会期间的接待中心。
As Chairman Liu Peng said, this is the first time that a 'China House' has been set up during a Summer Olympic Games.It will provide a superb reception centre for the Chinese Olympic Committee during the thirtieth Olympiad in London.来到这个“家”,我个人有几点突出的感受:
This 'House' has impressed me in the following aspects.首先,这个“家”,它门窗敞开、热情周到,是开放好客的。“中国之家”欢迎所有奥林匹克大家庭成员,欢迎大家与中国体育代表团、中国奥委会合作伙伴及中国媒体在此交流切磋,它是我们共同的家,是“友谊之家”。
First, this 'House' is open, warm and hospitable.This means that 'China House' can welcome all members of the Olympic Family.This enables China to contribute greatly to the values of the Olympic spirit.I know that 'China House' will warmly welcome and encourage exchanges and interactions with the Chinese sports delegation, partners of the Chinese Olympic Committee and Chinese media.It is a 'House' for us all.It is a 'House' of friendship.第二,这个“家”,它布置精巧、陈列考究、内容丰富,令人赏心悦目。走进“中国之家”,就感到浓浓的中国文化氛围。在布展方面,“中国之家”既设立了奥林匹克专题展览,生动体现中国的奥运故事,同时中国驻英国大使馆在此举办中英建立大使级外交关系40周年专题展,全面介绍中英两国关系的发展历程。
Secondly I am very much impressed how this 'House' is pleasing to the eye.The finest décor and furnishings carry a strong Chinese flavour.This 'House' also has a lot to tell through its exhibitions.As you can see, there is a thematic exhibition telling China's Olympic story.In addition, the Chinese Embassy has also sponsored a display here on the 40 years of full diplomatic relations between China and UK.第三,这个“家”,它张灯结彩、喜气洋洋,充满好兆头。我相信中国运动员定能在本届奥运会上发奋拼搏,再创佳绩。我要告诉大家,中国大使馆已经预订于8月9日在这里为中国奥运健儿举办庆功晚会,同唱胜利歌,共饮庆功酒。我还要告诉大家,我已经为庆功晚会请到了“神秘嘉宾”前来献艺助兴。
My third impression is that this is an auspicious 'House.' Decorated with lanterns and festoons, it will bring good luck!I know that Chinese athletes will compete actively in the true Olympic spirit and set new records.So, I can tell you now that the Chinese Embassy has planned to throw a 'Victory Party' for Chinese athletes here at 'China House' on August 9th!You can be sure that we will sing and toast to our great success!On top of this, I have invited a 'secret guest' to the party!The performance of this 'secret guest' will add to our celebration!
In conclusion, I want to stress that the Chinese Embassy in the UK will give full support to the operation of 'China House'.Let us work together for 'China House' to be an excellent platform.It is a superb venue for the spreading of Chinese culture and the Olympic spirit.Overall, like today, it can make a highly significant contribution to strengthening China-UK exchanges and friendship.谢谢。
Thank you!
驻英大使英国圣玛丽小学孔子课堂揭牌仪式讲话时间:2010-10-22 09:46来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1538次
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Signing and Inauguration Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at the St Mary's Primary SchoolOctober 2010, St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School, London
尊敬的伦敦南岸大学副校长Beverley Jullien女士,尊敬的西敏寺市议员Nick Yarker先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学董事会主席Clark先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学校长Peter Hadfield先生,尊敬的乐爱妹参赞,女士们,先生们,同学们:
Ms Beverley Jullien,Councillor Nick Yarker,Mr Len Clark,Mr Peter Hadfield,Counsellor Le Aimei,Ladies and Gentlemen,Boys and girls,我很高兴出席今天圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的签字和揭牌仪式。我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆对圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的设立表示热烈的祝贺。
It gives me great pleasure to attend the inauguration of the Confucius Classroom at St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School.I wish to offer my warm congratulations to all of you.我就任中国驻英大使以来,曾经到访英国的许多学校,包括大学和中学,今天是我第一次走
I have been to many secondary schools and universities in this country since my arrival in London.But St Mary’s is the first primary school I have ever visited.It has a special bond with the Chinese Embassy, as some of my colleagues’ children study here.I’m glad to say that they are enjoying their time at St Mary’s, learning English and other subjects and making friends with teachers and classmates.我曾不止一次地问使馆的孩子们:英国小学好,还是中国小学好?结果,刚来的孩子都说中国的好,来的时间长的孩子都说英国的好。我相信,随着他们长大,他们会说,都好。圣玛丽小学将给他们留下一段终生难忘的美好回忆。在此,我要对西敏寺市及圣玛丽小学长期以来给予中国驻英使馆的支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。
I once asked them which they like better, attending school here or in China.I got mixed answers.Those children who have newly arrived prefer their old schools in China, while others who have been here longer liked their British schools more.Maybe as they grow up, they would like both.I would like to thank the City of Westminster and St Mary’s for their longstanding support and assistance to the Chinese Embassy and for providing kids of the Embassy a wonderful and memorable place to study in.今天,圣玛丽小学与中国的关系又加深了一层,伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院在圣玛丽小学设立了孔子课堂。这是目前在英国设立的第54个孔子课堂,也是伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院设立的第7个孔子课堂。借此机会,我也愿对伦敦南岸大学多年来为推广汉语教学、增进中英了解作出的积极努力,表示赞赏和感谢。
Today the bonds between St Mary’s and China have been further strengthened thanks to the new Confucius Classroom set up by St Mary’s and the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine at LSBU, the London South Bank University.This is the 54th Confucius Classroom in the UK and the 7th one established by the LSBU Confucius Institute.I must thank the LSBU for its consistent efforts to promote mandarin learning in Britain and to increase mutual understanding between China and the UK.孔子课堂为什么在英国这么受欢迎?其作用和意义又是什么呢?我认为主要有三点:
Why are the Confucius Classrooms so popular in the UK? I believe this is mainly because they
serve the following purposes:
First, teaching mandarin.In China, English learning is now compulsory from the very first year in primary school right to the university level.I’m also glad to see an emerging “mandarin fever” in this country.Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course.In September 2009, the British government made Chinese another GCSE subject.The Confucius Classrooms offer high quality and professional mandarin teachers, who are able to meet growing needs of learning mandarin.第二是介绍中国文化。语言不仅是一项交流工具,它更是一把钥匙、一双翅膀,学习掌握了它,你就能打开不同文化的大门,飞越不同文化间的障碍。中国的文化,既古老、又现代,古老是因为它具有深厚的历史积淀,现代是因为它与时俱进。可以说,中国文化就如同一本引人入胜的书籍。
Second, introducing Chinese culture.Language is not only a means of communication, but also gives learners an extra pair of wings to fly over cultural barriers.The Chinese culture is both old and new, old in terms of its profound roots in our time-honoured history, and new in the sense of China’s fast development and change.It is like a book that makes very interesting reading.第三是增进人民间友谊。友谊建立在了解的基础之上。孔子课堂深植于英国的中小学校,在英国的年轻一代洒下了中英友谊的种子,其影响是长远的,必将促进两国人民的世代友好。
Third, deepening the friendship between our peoples.Friendship is based on mutual understanding.The presence of Confucius Classrooms at British schools will go a long way to strengthening the friendship between our peoples and will sow the seeds of China-UK friendship in the hearts of the younger generation.孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。希望圣玛丽小学的同学们在孔子课堂里,学习(LEARN)、喜欢(LIKE)和热爱(LOVE)中国语言和文化,感受和享受其中的快乐,更希望你们长大后做中英友好的传承人和中英合作的促进者。
As Confucius said, “Knowledge is good to learn, better to love, and best to enjoy”.I would encourage students at St Mary’s to learn, love and enjoy the Chinese language and culture, and as you grow up, to carry on the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.最后,为了使同学们能够更好地学习中文,了解中国,乐爱妹参赞和我今天特向圣玛丽小学孔子课堂赠送电视机、DVD机和一些介绍中国的书籍和光盘,希望你们会喜欢。
Last but not least, Counselor Le Aimei and I would like to present the Confucius Classroom with a TV set, a DVD player and some books and DVDs about China.Hopefully they will make your mandarin and Chinese culture lessons easier and even more interesting.谢谢!
Thank you.原文链接:
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of the 48 Group Club Women
IcebreakersJune 2011, Portcullis House
My Lords, MPs, Mr Stephen Perry, Ms Lillian Davies,Ladies and gentlemen,很高兴出席48家集团俱乐部“女性破冰者”组织成立仪式。我谨致以热烈的祝贺。
I most warmly welcome this initiative of Women Icebreakers by the 48 Group Club.Also I would like to congratulate Ms Lillian Davies, and the Treasurer of the 48 Group Club, Ms Mei Sim Lai.I learned that it is through their efforts we have gathered today a very distinguished group of British women.I applaud this new initiative that will make a contribution to deepening and strengthening links between China and Britain.In a fast changing world, it becomes ever more challenging to keep pace with levels of understanding between the nations of the world.In turn that means there is an ever increasing need for boosting the work of the 48 Group Club.The spirit of the 48 Group Club's commitment to 'developing positive relations with China' has never been more important.参加今天这个活动前,我脑子里一直在迸现几个数字。
It may be helpful to share with you my thoughts on this occasion in the context of a few numbers.首先是“一”,这是我出任中国驻英大使以来第一次出席妇女活动。第一次活动本身也是一种“破冰”,这与今天成立的组织的名称也十分吻合。这既是一种巧合,也是一种必然,说明中英关系发展到今天,仍需要更多的破冰者,他们不分年龄,不分性别。
First the number one.This is the first women's event I have attended as Chinese Ambassador to the UK.I believe this is also an ice-breaking in some ways.This may be just a coincidence, but it also indicates how relevant the ice-breaking spirit remains.We do need new people, who are dedicated to the China-UK friendship, to join the ranks of ice-breakers like you, regardless of age or gender.其次是“二”,即两个妇女组织。这里我还愿代表我夫人,转达另一个妇女组织的祝贺。或许你们还不知道,中国驻英使馆也有一个非常活跃、成员众多的“非政府组织”——妇女小组,由使馆女外交官和外交官夫人组成,而“CEO”就是胡平华女士。中国驻英使馆妇女小组愿与“女性破冰者”建立“长期、特殊、战略伙伴关系”。今后,两个姊妹组织可加强往来与交流,并联合举办一些丰富多彩的活动,共同促进中英了解与友谊。
Next is the number two.By this, I meant two women's organisations.Let me say a few words on behalf of my wife Hu Pinghua.In my Embassy we have a very active group too.We nickname it an NGO, 'Non Governmental Organisation'.I am of course referring to the Chinese Embassy Women's Group.It is a fair large group and draws its membership from women diplomats and wives of the Embassy staff.The CEO of this NGO is no other than my wife Pinghua.As head of the Women's Group, she has asked me to convey a message to the Women 'Icebreakers'.The message is that her Women's Group is ready to establish a long-term, strategic and special partnership with the Women 'Icebreakers'.Pinghua also proposes that the two Women's Groups set up close contact and co-host events to promote understanding and exchanges between the people of our two countries.再者是“三”。我们都知道,50多年前,“破冰者”成立,打开中英正常贸易大门。3年前,“青
Next is the Number three.We all know that the 'Icebreakers' were founded more than half a century ago.They broke the trade embargo imposed on China and so reopened trade between China and the UK.Three years ago, we saw the birth of the 'Young Icebreakers'.This initiative mobilises and encourages young people to contribute to China-UK relations.Today we are gathered here at the launch of Women Icerbreakers.So, I must congratulate the 48 Group Club on 'breaking the ice' for the third time.The three ice-breaking missions may have happened at different times in very different contexts with the support of different people, but they all serve the same purposetaking China-UK relations to a new level.The launch of the 48 Group Club Women Icebreakers cannot have happened at a better time.It coincides with the visit by Premier Wen Jiabao and that has created a solid foundation and favourable environment for China UK relations.最后是“50%”。可能人所皆知,中国有句著名的话:“妇女能顶半边天。” 在英国,我注意到女性的社会地位越来越高。本届英国议会下院女性议员有139位,创下历史之最。在中国,女性同样在各行各业大显身手,与男性平分秋色。就增进中英了解与合作来说,事实上,女性尽管人口占一半,但发挥的作用会“事半功倍”,因为女性具有特殊的辐射效应,她们的背后是所有家庭成员。所以,我对“女性破冰者”寄予厚望,期望你们成为推动中英关系发展的一支重要力量。我们会全力支持你们,并与你们一道,为中英关系长期稳定健康发展共同做出不懈努力。
The final number in my mind is five, or 50% or a fractionUK relations.谢谢。
Thank you.