新外研版八下英语M5U1教学设计 目标叙写

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第一篇:新外研版八下英语M5U1教学设计 目标叙写

Module 5 Cartoons

Unit 1 It’s time to watch a cartoon.教学设计


1.让学生正确大声朗读并记住词汇: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, humorous, can’t help doing sth., laugh, lesson,并能用这些词汇进行造句。2.让学生能听懂和阅读关于介绍超人、蜘蛛侠、猫和老鼠的特点。能通过介绍这些相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的对卡通片的观点。【教学重点】

1.让学生正确大声朗读并记住词汇: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, humorous, can’t help doing sth., laugh, lesson,并能用这些词汇进行造句。2.让学生能听懂和阅读关于介绍超人、蜘蛛侠、猫和老鼠的特点。能通过学习这些相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的对卡通片的观点。【教学难点】




PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】

A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】

Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead-in

1.Ss :watch the video and answer “What’s this cartoon about?”.2.Ss: look the pictures and answer the questions.Do you know this cartoon? What’s the name of the cartoon? What do you think of the cartoon? Step 2 New words

Look and say.The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.1.cartoon n.漫画;动画片

2.handsome adj.英俊的 3.smart

adj.聪明的4.sky n.天空




7.humorous adj.幽默的 8.laugh v.笑

9.lesson n.经验;教训 根据图片进行造句。

1.I love watching cartoons。2.The superman is handsome.3.The mouse is smart.4.The bird is flying in the sky.5.Superman is cool.6.He is the hero of the story.7.It’s humorous.8.She laugh at others all the time.9.There is a lesson.Step 3 Answer the questions What kind of cartoons do you like? Do cartoons always end in a happy way? What cartoons do you think are funny? Step 4 Listening

一听:1.Listen to Part 2 and find out Betty’s and Tony’s answers to the questions in Activity 1.brave, cartoon, cute, funny, handsome, smart

2.Now work in pairs and check.Do they like the same cartoons as you? 二听:3.Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions.1)What are Tony and Daming talking about? 2)What does Daming think is better? Answers: 1.They are talking about cartoons.2.He thinks Superman is better.三听:漏词填空 :cartoon,more modern,fly through the sky,fight ,climb up,real hero,keep fighting,can’t help laughing,protect.Step 5 Reading

Now answer the questions.1.What does Tony think about Spiderman?

2.Why does Daming think Superman is better? 3.Why do they both like Tom and Jerry? 4.What lesson can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry?

Answers: 1.Spiderman can’t fly, but he climbs up buildings with his hands and feet.That’s cool.2.Because he’s stronger than Spiderman.He can fly though the sky and fight bad people.3.Because Tom and Jerry are very funny.4.They fight a lot, but they really love each other.Step 6 Everyday English

Let Ss say what they have learnt in the passage.Step 7 Language points

Ss should master the main points from the passage in Part 3.If possible, let the students to say at first.1.Do cartoons always end in a happy way? 卡通片常以快乐的方式结束吗?

in a … way 表示“以一种…的方式”。

e.g.He talked about it in a similar way.他对此事有相似的说法。

2.It’s time to watch a cartoon.是时候看卡通片了。

It’s time to do sth.表示“该做某事的时候了”。

It’s time for sth./doing sth.表示“该做某事的时候了”。

e.g.It’s time to have breakfast.=It’s time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。

3.He can fly through the sky and fight bad people.他能在空中飞并且打败坏人。


v.(fought, fought)与……战斗


fight sb.“和某人打仗”

fight for sth.“为…打仗”

e.g.Let’s fight poverty and disease together.让我们一起来克服贫困和疾病。4.He keeps fighting bad people.他坚持和坏人作斗争。

keep doing sth.“坚持做某事”。

e.g.We must keep learning English every day.我们必须坚持每天学英语。5.I can’t help laughing when I watch them.我看这些总禁不住大笑。

can’t help doing sth.“禁不住做某事”。

e.g.The boy can’t help crying when he knows what is happening.当男孩知道发生了什么的时候禁不住地哭了。6.I think there’s a lesson there!




e.g.This is a lesson for you of all!这就是给你们所有人的教训!Step 8 Speaking

Work in pairs.Describe your favorite cartoon character or the characters below.You can use the words in the box in Activity 2 to help you.Step 9 Listening 1.Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.2.Now listen again and repeat.1)That’s a real hero!2)I don’t think we agree.3)They fight a lot, but they really love each other.4)I think there’s a lesson there!Step 10 Acting

Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.1)What cartoons do you like reading or watching on TV? 2)When do you read or watch them? 3)Which one do you like best? Why?--What cartoons do you like reading?--I like reading …


八下Module 5 Cartoons

冶源初中 李芳

Unit 1 It’s time to watch a cartoon.教学设计




1.让学生正确大声朗读并记住词汇: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, humorous, can’t help doing sth., laugh, lesson,并能用这些词汇进行造句。2.让学生能大致听懂和读懂关于介绍超人、蜘蛛侠、猫和老鼠的特点。



1.让学生正确大声朗读并记住词汇: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, humorous, can’t help doing sth., laugh, lesson,并能用这些词汇进行造句。2.让学生能听懂和阅读关于介绍超人、蜘蛛侠、猫和老鼠的特点。能通过运用相关词句,来描述自己和他人的对卡通片的观点。【教学难点】




PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】

A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】

Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead-in

1.Ss :watch the video and answer “What’s this cartoon about?”.2.Ss: look the pictures and answer the questions.Do you know this cartoon? What’s the name of the cartoon? What do you think of the cartoon? Step 2 New words

Look and say.The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.1.cartoon n.漫画;动画片

2.handsome adj.英俊的 3.smart

adj.聪明的4.sky n.天空




7.humorous adj.幽默的 8.laugh v.笑

9.lesson n.经验;教训 根据图片进行造句。

1.I love watching cartoons。2.The superman is handsome.3.The mouse is smart.4.The bird is flying in the sky.5.Superman is cool.6.He is the hero of the story.7.It’s humorous.8.She laugh at others all the time.9.There is a lesson.Step 3 Answer the questions What kind of cartoons do you like? Do cartoons always end in a happy way? What cartoons do you think are funny? Step 4 Listening

一听:1.Listen to Part 2 and find out Betty’s and Tony’s answers to the questions in Activity 1.brave, cartoon, cute, funny, handsome, smart

2.Now work in pairs and check.Do they like the same cartoons as you? 二听:3.Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions.1)What are Tony and Daming talking about? 2)What does Daming think is better? Answers: 1.They are talking about cartoons.2.He thinks Superman is better.三听:漏词填空 :cartoon,more modern,fly through the sky,fight ,climb up,real hero,keep fighting,can’t help laughing,protect.Step 5 Reading

Now answer the questions.1.What does Tony think about Spiderman? 2.Why does Daming think Superman is better? 3.Why do they both like Tom and Jerry? 4.What lesson can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry?

Answers: 1.Spiderman can’t fly, but he climbs up buildings with his hands and feet.That’s cool.2.Because he’s stronger than Spiderman.He can fly though the sky and fight bad people.3.Because Tom and Jerry are very funny.4.They fight a lot, but they really love each other.Step 6 Speaking

Work in pairs.Describe your favorite cartoon character or the characters below.You can use the words in the box in Activity 2 to help you.Step 7 Acting

Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.1)What cartoons do you like reading or watching on TV? 2)When do you read or watch them? 3)Which one do you like best? Why?--What cartoons do you like reading?--I like reading …

Step8 Homework

1、Remember new words.2、Describe your favorite cartoon character 【教后反思】



Module 1 收拾好、整理好 收集

占用(时间),占据(空间)拉小提琴 做访谈 集邮











出版 结果

.不如…… 省钱 一生 至少

Module 2


捎口信(引导宾语从句)是否 错过做某事 想要做某事 交朋友

某事进展顺利 祝某人好运 两个;几个


某个时候+将来时间状语(next week/month)有时

一段时间 几次 初秋 初中 高中 遥远

害怕做某事 害怕某人/某事 和……交朋友 每次

.为……担心 像往常一样 在那时 经过 转身

一天天地 靠近

记得做了某事 记得要做某事 忘记做了某事 对……微笑 嘲笑某人 开始

Module 3.小心;留神 小心


带某人参观…… 别客气 坚持做某事 让某人做某事 进两个球 讨厌做某事 亲自 播音室 俯视某人 蔑视某人 坐在……旁边 好像,似乎 电台

了解,听说 网络电台 一周一次 结束播放 关闭

开某人玩笑 讲笑话 做……测试

Module 4 连接


建议某人去做某事 挽救某人的生命 捡起,拿起


从……爬出来 第二天 建议做某事 录像机 打开 关闭

音量调高 音量调低 赶快

等待,等候 给……照相

Module 5 会……

打败某人/队 赢得比赛 拒绝做某事 同意做某事 警告某人关于

警告某人不要做某事 告诉某人关于…… 一起


宁可……也不愿意…… 比起……更喜欢…… 如此

有机会做某事 使用……做某事 征求做某事 立刻 出去 在家

删除/拿走 确信,一定 中病毒

主动要求做某事 至少 零用钱 毕竟

帮助某人做某事 生……的气 赶快

Module 6 向某人解释 不由自主地 ……的借口 为……担心 今晚

绕着……航行 面对面

为了……而战争 为反对……而斗争 同……战斗/打架 在某人看来

使某人振作起来 文化报导 惊险电影 非常逼真


以某人的观点,在某人看来 许多

Module 7 放七天假 获得快乐 因……而出名 几乎没人 好像

叫醒某人 指向……里面 跳起来进入…… 回到……里面 希望做某事 希望达到某事


保护……免受/以防…… 把某人单独留下.将……留下交由……看管 受……喜爱的 把……收起来 到处跑 国家级公园 第二大淡水湖

Module 8 公共假日 放假

一……就…… 直到……才 劳动节 许下诺言

下定决心做某事 制定计划 用相同的方式 用不同的方式 新年前夜 做某事很开心 倒数 聚会


帮助……克服困难 向某人承诺做某事 向……道别

读……给某人听 遍布


Module 9 独自,自己 这首乐曲 期望做某事 想像做某事 避免做某事

因当……而出名 想出,想起 最……之一 献身于……

第一次世界大战 为了……(目的)没有做某事 做手术 继续做某事 尽管 照顾好

两者都……/既……又…… 阻止/防止某人做某事 给某人做手术 尽管,虽然 一生,终身

为了……(目的)训练某人去做某事 为……而进行训练 把某人当作……看待 训练为……

Module 10 熟能生巧 保持联系 一路平安 我也想 给某人送别 玩得开心 室外音乐会 别傻了!航班号

……出了毛病 出差

独自在家 与……一样 ……不如…… 对……一无所知 用……把……装满 照顾自己 基本生活技能 上大学 过于依赖 整理你的房间 恰当地穿衣打扮 一点也不

如此……以致…… 送别…… 从某种程度讲 需要被……


Module One


有点儿a little试一试have a try收到某人的来信hear from完成了,做好了done 也as well擅长Be good at因......而自豪Be proud of

用正确的方式in the right way对......感到兴奋be excited about在某一方面帮助某人help sb.with sth.恐怕Be afraid with

花费金钱/时间做某事spend sometimes doing sth.与......握手shake hands with确信,相信Be sure



It smells delicious.2.谢谢你的上一封电子邮件。

Thank for you last message.3.在学校我把大量时间花在与朋友们演奏古典音乐上。

I spend a lot of the time playing classical music with my friend at school


How do you feel about coming to china


I’m afraid of flying.6.你母亲长得怎么样?

What does your mother look like?


What is your mother like?


Module 1 Hobbies 句型


1.主语+系动词+表语(+状语)eg: These flowers are fresh.These books are great 地点状语 2.主语+谓语(不及物动词)(+状语)

eg: The first building was built 时间状语 第一座大楼建于1919年

3.主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语(+状语)eg: I bought a good book(yesterday)状语 昨天我买了一本好书

4.主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语(+状语)My mother bought me a good book 我妈妈昨天在书店给我买了一本好书

5.主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语(+状语)Our teacher asks us to finish the homework 老师让我们每天按时完成作业 6.there be +主语+(状语)

There is a bottle of water 桌子上有一杯水

Words 一.1.collect v.收集,收藏

2.collection n.收集

3.collecter n.收集者

eg.Uncle Tom likes collecting all kinds of stamps.Tom 叔叔喜欢收集各种各样的邮票

Stamp collection means you have a lot of stamps.集邮意味着你有许多邮票

二.1.tidy v.收拾,整理

tidy up 收拾

2.adj 干净的,整洁的 untidy 凌乱的,不整洁的 eg:Tidy up,you‟ll fell better.收拾一下,你就会感觉很好


adj 小的,少的(修饰不可数名词)

eg.Mary had to look after her little sister at home.Mary不得不在家照顾她的小妹妹 There is little water in the cup.杯子里几乎没有水了.四.1.take up 占用

eg.Don‟t take up others‟ time , it is impolit.不要占用别人的时间,那是不礼貌的。


eg: The young man will take up his teaching next week.那个年轻人下周将开始教学

词组: take off 脱下

put on 穿上


land on 着陆

五.make made made


使役动词: 使….让…..make….do/adj….eg: This movie made me happy.这部电影让我很高兴。

Mary‟s father is making a bookcase for his daughter.玛丽的爸爸正在给他做一个书架。六.so 因此,所以

eg: It‟s raining , so I can‟t go to school.adj.如此

eg: Mary is so beautiful a girl.玛丽是如此漂亮的一个女孩。七.creative adj


eg: Chinese people are all creative.中国人都很有创造力。

In my mind , Tom is a creative person.在我印象里,Tom是一个有创造力的人。八.1.useful adj 有用的

eg: English is one of the most useful languages in the world.英语是世界上最有用的语言之一。2.use v.使用 use…to…

eg: I want to use pens to write homework.我想用钢笔写作业。

3.be used for doing sth.eg: The cars are used for transporting.车是用来运输的 4.be used by… 被…所使用

eg: This room is used only by my father.这个房间是我爸爸专门使用的。九.success n.成功,胜利

successful adj 成功的,胜利的 successfully adv 成功地,胜利地

succeed v.成功,胜利

eg: ① Work hard , you will get success 努力就能够取得成功。

② Beckham is a successful football player.贝克汉姆是一名成功的足球运动员。

③ 7 years ago , China sent a spacecraft successfully.七年前,中国成功发射了一艘宇宙飞船。

十.should v.将要(shall)<只能用于第一人称> eg: You should speak loudly in class.你应该在课堂上大声说话。

I said that I should go with her 3 years ago.三年前,我说我会和她一起去。

Text 一.some...others..一些„另一些

eg: Some movies are interesting but others are boring.一些电影很有趣,但是另外一些缺很无聊。other作形容词,后接可数名词复数 one...the other..一个„另一个 二.interest cn.兴趣,爱好

eg: I have many interests.我有许多兴趣。

interesting adj 有趣的 interested adj 感兴趣的

be interested in 对„感兴趣 = take an interest in„ lose interest 失去兴趣 a place of interest 名胜

eg: Tom lost interests about English 2 years ago.汤姆两年前就对英语失去了兴趣

We are interested in computers now.现在我们对电脑都很感兴趣。

三.ask sb.to do sth.让/要求某人做某事 ask sb.not to do sth.不让某人做某事 四.1.develop v.开发,发展,培养

2.developing adj.在发展的,发展中的 3.developed adj.发达的,发展了的 4.development n.发展

eg: 中国是发展中国家但英国是发达国家

China is a developing country, but England is a developed country.五.grow(grew grew)v.1.长大,生长 2.种植,栽培 3.逐渐变成 4.留(须,发)

词组: grow up 长大 grown-up 成人 grow into 长成 grow + adj.Module 2.Friendship Grammar 宾语从句

一.Can you tell me where you’re from? 在宾语从句中需将疑问语序恢复为陈述语序

1.由一个句子来充当宾语,我们称这个句子为宾语从句 2.引导词1)that(五实际意义,因此可以省略)2)whether/if 是否 当句子末尾有“or not”的时候,只能用“whether”

3)特殊疑问词引导宾语,一定保持陈述句语序 3.后接宾语从句的词(一般表示观点、意念、想法、概念„)(1)我认为明天会下雨

I think that it will rain tomorrow.(2)我不知道他是否能按时到达这里

I don’t know whether he can arrive here on time or not.(3)你知道最近的邮局在哪里吗?

Do you know where the nearest post office is ? Words 一.1.friend n.朋友

make friends with sb.和某人交朋友 2.friendly adj 友好的

be friendly to sb.对某人友好 3.friendship n.友谊

eg: Long live our friendship 友谊地久天长 二.hold v.拿,举,持,拥有

eg: ① Tomorrow we are going to hold an important meetings.我们打算明天开一个重要的会议

② My grandmother hold my hands tightly.我的祖母紧紧地握着我的手 ③ Hold me ,hold the world.拥有我,就拥有了整个世界 三.personal adj 私人的,个人的

private adj 自私的,私人的

eg:1.I want to have a personal computer.我想有一台私人的电脑

2.I think Tom is a private man.我认为Tom是一个自私的人

四.close v.关(shut 关闭 turn off 关)adj 亲近的,近的

eg: Tom and I are close relations.汤姆和我是很亲近的亲戚

五.1.far away 遥远的(表语、状语、后置定语)

be far away from 2.faraway 遥远的(前置定语)

eg: I have been to a village far away.我曾经去过一个遥远的小村庄

Our school is far away from my home.学校离我家很远

六.1.lonely adj.孤独的/荒凉的

2.alone adj 独自(做表语,放在系动词后面)adv.单独,独白 eg:(1)I stayed at home alone , but I didn’t feel lonely.我独自呆在家里,但是我不感到孤单(2)I don’t like living alone.我不喜欢独自居住 七.afraid adj.害怕的 be afraid of/to do/that eg:(1)I am afraid of the dark 我害怕黑暗

(2)I am afraid to walk in the dark 我不敢在黑暗里走动

(3)I am afraid that he can’t come here on time.我恐怕他不能按时来这

八.laugh v.大笑

smile v.微笑 laugh at 嘲笑

eg: It is impolite to laugh at others.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的 九.worry v.担心,焦虑

worried adj.担心的,焦虑的 worry about 担心

eg: I told my mother not to worry about me.我告诉妈妈不要担心我

十.usual adj.寻常的,通常的

unusual adj 不同寻常的 usually adv 通常

eg: I think this is an unusual book.我认为这是一本不寻常的书

十一.pass v.通过,经过


eg:(1)Study hard , you can pass the exam.好好学习,你可以通过考试的。

(2)Could you please pass me the hammer? 你能把锤子递给我吗?

十二.believe v.相信

belief n.信仰

believe sb.相信某人说的话 believe in sb.相信某人

eg:(1)Don’t believe in somebody easily.不要轻易地相信某人

(2)You should believe me.你应该相信我的话

Text: 一.if 如果,是否 = whether 1.只能用whether的时候„

① 如果句末有“or not”只能用whether ② 用在动词不定式前的只能是whether I can’t decide whether to stay here.我不能决定是否呆在这

③ 用在介词后只能用whether Tom’s father worried about whether he can come on time.Tom的爸爸担忧他是否能按时来

④ 当放在句首引导主语从句表强调的时候,只能用whether 二.hear 听到 v.(heard heard)listen 听(to)vi.sound 听起来(系动词)1.hear of = hear about 听说 2.hear that(宾语从句)

eg:(1)I have heard of the monster “Nian”


(2)I heard that he has been to America 我听说他去过美国

三.a couple of 一双,一对 a pair of 一双,一对

1.couple 指的是可以分开的一对或一双 pair 指的是不可分开的一双或一对 eg: This man and that woman are couples.这个男人和那个女人是夫妇

2.couple, pair 是量词,谓语动词的单复数取决于量词 eg: This pair of shoes is new.These two pairs of shoes are new.四.find v.找到(look for 寻找)


1.find + 宾+ n.eg: I found the girl a good singer.我发现那个女孩是一个很好的歌手 2.find +宾语+形容词

eg: Tom found swimming difficult.Tom发现游泳难

3.find +宾+介词短语

eg: I found the cat under the desk 我发发现猫在桌子下 4.find +宾+现在分词

eg: My father found the thief stealing last night.昨天夜里我爸爸发现了小偷正在偷东西 ⑤ find +宾+过去分词

eg: The little bear found the chair broken 小熊发现他的椅子坏了 五.feel like 想要

feel like n./pron that doing eg: We all feel like going to the moon.我们都想去月球

六.give sb.sth = give sth.to sb.eg: Could you give me a cup of coffee? Cou you give a cup of coffee to me? 能给我一杯咖啡吗?

七.make friends with sb.和„交朋友

eg: I like making friends with clever people.我喜欢和聪明人交朋友

八.sit v.坐(sat sat)sit down(adv.)eg: Please sit on the chair.九.make v.(let)使,让

make sb.do sth.make sb.+ adj.eg: The movie made me happy.这部电影使我很高兴

The movie made me feel happy这部电影使我感到很高兴

Module 3 On the radio 一.look out for sb./sth.小心,警惕,留意某人某物 eg: look out for the tigers in the mountains.在山里要小心老虎 二.prepare v.准备

preparation n.准备 prepare to do...for...eg:(1)I prepared to join radio programm next month.我准备在下个月参加广播节目

(2)We are preparing for Spring Festival 我们正为了春节而准备

三.1.voice n.声音(人)

sound n.声音(物品)/ v系 听起来 noise n.嘈杂声

eg: Mary has bright and beautiful voice.玛丽有着很明快并且优美的声音

2.high高 —low低 用来修饰声音的高低 四.ask for 要...eg: I want to ask my mother for a new basketball.我想跟妈妈要一个新篮球 五.glass un.玻璃 cn.玻璃杯

glasses n.眼镜 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 六.thanks for doing sth.thank sb.for doing sth.因做某事而表示感谢

eg: Thank you for helping me.Thanks for helping me.感谢你能帮助我

七.take...around...带...参观...eg: I would like to find a tour guide to take me around British Museum.我想找一名导游带我参观大英博物馆

八.remember to do 记得要做某事 doing 记得做过某事 forget to do 忘记要做某事 doing 忘记做过某事

eg: You mustn’t forget to finish your homework.千万别忘了完成作业

九.need to do sth.需要做某事

eg: His grandmother need to go the hospital.他的祖母需要去医院 十.keep v.保持

keep doing sth.一直做.../继续做...keep on doing sth.重复做某事...keep sb.doing sth.让某人一直做某事...keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事...eg:(1)My mother always keeps my father from smoking.我妈妈不让爸爸吸烟

(2)Our teacher keeps us practising grammar.老师一直让我们练习语法


1.who what which...(特殊疑问代词)+ to do(可以做主语、宾语和表语)

when where how...(特殊疑问副词)eg: Do you know how to make lanterns? 你知道怎么样做灯笼吗? 2.可将复合句变为简单句

eg: I don’t know what I’ll do tomorrow.I don’t know whar to do tomorrow.十二.hate v.憎恶、憎恨

hate to do sth.(具体的事)

hate doing sth.(可恨性或经常的)

eg: I hate doing exercise 我不喜欢/憎恶做运动

I hate to watch this movie.我不喜欢看这部电影 十三.explain v.解释,说明

explain sth.to sb.和某人解释某事

eg: Tom explained the mistake he has made to me.汤姆让我解释了他犯的错误

explaination n.解释,说明

eg: Tom gave me the explaination of the mistake.汤姆给了我关于那个错误的解释 十四.seem v.似乎,看起来 1.seem + n.Mary seems a beautiful girl.2.seem + adj.Tom seems angry.3.seem + to do The man in the hospital seemed to be ill.4.seem + 介词短语

The animals seem in danger now.5.It seems that...It seems that it will rain 6.sb.seem to do sth.某人似乎要做某事 The old man seemed to be dead.Module 4 New technology Grammar 一.if引导的件状语从句

1.if “如果”引导条件状语从句

2.主句是一般将来时,从句为一般现在时(主将从现)eg: If it rains , we won‟t go to the park.3.If引导的从句既可以放在结尾也可以放在开头,但需要用逗号跟主句隔开

Words 一.introduction n.介绍 introduce


eg: Could you please give us some introduction about yourself?

Could you please introduce yourself? 1.instruction n.介绍,说明

eg: Can you let me see the instruction of the fridge ? 二.lend v.借(lent lent)(向外)


borrow v.借(向内)

borrow…from… 瞬间动词(borrow),在现在完成时中后接段时间应换为“keep” eg: I have already kept this book for 6 days.我已经从图书馆借这本书借了6天了

Text: 一.let v.让,使

1.let‟s(包括我)——shall we

Let‟s go to school, shall we?

let us(不包括我)——will you Let us go to school, will you? 2.使役动词

let , make , have(1)let/make/have sb.do sth.(2)let/make/have + adj.eg: Don‟t let me clean the room.This movie made me sad.二.connect v.连接

connect with/to 将…连接

eg: Can you help me connect the TV to/with the computer?

你能帮我把电视和电脑连接起来吗? 三.1.surprising adj.令人惊讶的2.suprised adj.感到惊讶的be surprised at… 对…感到惊讶 eg: Tom is surprised at all the snakes.Tom对所有的蛇都感到惊讶

四.advice n.意见,建议


词组: take/follow one‟s advice 接受某人建议

ask for advice 寻找建议

refuse one‟s advice 拒绝某人建议

accept one‟s advice 接受某人建议

offer some advice 提供一些建议 五.pick v.采,摘

pick up 1.捡起,拾起




eg: The girl is picking flowers in the forest.那个小姑娘正在森林里采花

I picked up a wallet on the ground yesterday.昨天我在地上捡了一个钱包 六.bite v.(bit, bitten)咬

bite sb.on/in + 部位

eg: The dog bit me on my leg.狗咬了我的腿

Module 5 Problems Grammar 直接引语变间接引语

1.直接引语,直接引述别人的话 间接引语,转述别人的话

2.英语中,直接引语的存在的形式为“,” 3.间接引语的时候,去掉“”的形式 4.直接引语变间接引语

1.看主句部分的时态,当主句部分为一般现在时,引语部分的时态不能改变;当主句部分为一般过去时,引语部分时态发生相应的变化 Tom said, “I am a student.” Tom said that he was a student.Tom says, “I „m a student.” Tom says that he is a student.2.直接引语变间接引语的人称的改变


二人称变一人称(二人称随宾语)三人称不变 Tom said , “Mary is a girl “

Tom said that Mary was a girl.3.直接引语变间接引语的变化规律


现在完成时—过去完成时 一般将来时—过去将来时

一般过去时—过去完成时 现在进行时—过去进行时

过去完成时—过去完成时 练习:

A.My mother says,”I‟m watching TV” My mother says that she is watching TV.B.Tom‟s father said, “I will go to New York” Tom‟s father said that he would go to New York.C.Our teacher said,” Mary haven‟t finished her homework.” Our teacher said that Mary hadn‟t finished her homework.D.Mary said to me, “I went to the park.” Mary told me that she had been to the park.Words 一.problem n.问题---solve v.解决

question n.疑问,问题---answer v.回答 eg: Our teacher often lets me answer questions.Could you help me slove the problems about maths ?

二.chance n.机会


chance to do sth.冒险(及物)+ n./pron/doing eg:(1)If you study hard now, there will be many chances wait for you.如果你现在努力学习,未来就会有许多机会等待你

(2)I chanced to meet my favourite movie star in the street.我偶然在大街上遇到了我最喜欢的电影明星

(3)Tom chanced going to a big hole in the mountain.Tom 冒险去山里的大洞 三.able adj.能够

be able to do 能,会

1.be able to 有人称和数的变化而can没有 2.表示请求或允许的时候,以及表示否定的猜测的时候,要用can 3.表示现在和过去的某种能力时,两者可互换 eg: I could dance 10 years ago, but now I can‟t.Can you help ?

Tom was able to dance with the music.四.refuse v.拒绝

refuse sb.sth.拒绝某人某事

eg: Mary refused my invitation last weekend.refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事

eg: I refused to go swimming with Mary.五.warn v.警告,注意

warn sb.not to do sth.警告/提醒某人不要做某事 eg: Mary warns her husband not to smoke in the room.Mary警告她的丈夫不要在房间里吸烟

warn sb.about/against sth/ doing eg: Mary warns her husband about smoking.六.punish v.惩罚 1.punish n/pron 2.punish 常用于被动语态

3.punish for… 表示被惩罚的原因

4.punish by/with 表示惩罚的手段或方式 eg:(1)I was punished for breaking the vase


(2)I was punished by my mother.我被妈妈责备了我

七.such adj.如此,这样 so adv.如此… such + a/an + adj.+ n so + adj.+ a/an + n.eg: Mary is such a beautiful girl.Mary is so beautiful a girl.玛丽时如此漂亮的一个女孩 八.prove v.证明,证实 prove n./pron/that从句 eg: The wallet proved the truth.The wallet proved that the man is honest.九.honest adj.诚实的,正直的 dishonest adj.不诚实的

eg: Tom is an honest and clever boy.Tom是一个既诚实又聪明的男孩 十.realise v.意识到,了解 realize

realize that 从句

eg: I realized that the earth is round.我意识到地球是圆的 十一.mend v.修理,改良(小型的修理,缝补)repair v.修理



eg: I want to have my car repaired.我想让人修理我的车

Can you help me mend the trousers ?你能帮我补下裤子吗?

have something done.让某人帮我做… 十二.hurry up 赶快 = come on

hurry to sw.匆忙去…

eg: I saw Tom hurrying to the hospital.我看见Tom匆匆忙忙地去了医院

Text: 一.at the end of..在…结束时(场所,时间)in the end

最后,终于(finally , at last)by the end of


eg: In the end, we won the first prize.最后,我们赢得了一等奖

At the end of the party, you‟ll see the violin solo.在晚会结束时,你将会看到小提琴独奏 二.would rather…than… would…rather than…



eg: I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.我宁愿在家看电视而不愿去看电影

would不与rather than连用的时候,表示与其…不如…;


eg: I will go to the park rather than stay at home.与其去公园不如呆在家里

三.many 修饰可数名词 许多,大量 much 修饰不可数名词 too many

too much much too…(v.adj.adv.)eg: There is too much rain here this year.The dog runs much too quickly, I can‟t catch it.四.be proud of…

以…为荣/ 以…为骄傲 take pride in…


eg: Her parents were proud of her ten years ago.Her parents took pride in her ten years ago.五.ask v.问

ask…question;ask for


ask sb.to do sth.Not ask sb.to do sth.Ask sb.not to do sth.eg: You can ask me some hard questions

The teacher asked me to finish homework on time.My mother asks me to clean the room.My mother doesn‟t ask me to clean the room.My mother asks me not to clean the room.六.should(情态动词)应该

+ 动词原形 shall----should(过去将来时)

should not = shouldn‟t 不应该

eg: You should listen to me carefully.你应该认真地听我说

Module 6 Entertainment Words 一.among prep.在...之中(三者或三者以上)

between prep.在...之(两者之间 between...and...)eg: I saw the little boy with red flag among the people.我在人群中看见了拿着红旗的小男孩

There was a small house between two hills at that time.那时候,两座上之间有一座小房子 二.awake adj.醒着的 通常做表语

eg: I was awake all the time last night.昨天晚上我一直醒着

三.sleepy adj.困乏的,欲睡的 asleep adj.睡着的

eg: I saw a sleepy lion in the zoo.我在动物园看见了一个快睡着了的狮子 I was asleep at 8:00 last night.我昨天晚上八点就睡着了

四.too 太 too...to...太...而不能...过于 too many too much much too 也 too/also/either eg: This box is too heavy to take.这个箱子太重了,我拿不动

There are too many people in the classroom.教室里有太多的人

He isn’t an astronaut,either.他也不是一名宇航员 五.worried adj.担心的,忧虑的 worrying adj 令人担忧的

worry v.担心 worry about

eg: Study hard, don’t worry about your future.只要努力学习,不必担心你的未来 六.beliebable adj.可信的 believe v.相信,信任 belief n.信仰

eg: Tom told me a story yesterday but I don’t think it is believable.I believe in him but I don’t believe the story that he tell me.Text:

一.awake adj.醒着的(表语形容词)wake


wake up eg: I was awake until 11 o‟clock last night.昨天晚上直到十一点我还醒着

Wake me up at 5 o‟clock tomorrow morning.二.here is… here are…

倒装句,谓语动词单复数使用要看动词后面的名词 eg: Here is the book.Here are the books.三.famous adj.著名的 = well known unknown 没名的,不著名的 be famous for… 以…而著名

eg: Li Bai is famous for his poems.李白以他的是个而闻名 四.both.(两者)都

all(三者或三者以上)都,全部 eg: Both Tom and Mary are good students.at all 根本,全然

not at all 没关系

eg: All of the desks in my classroom are white.五.advise v.建议 advice n.建议,意见

advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事

eg: Our teacher advised us to do homework after school at once.老师建议我们放学后马上做作业

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