
时间:2019-05-14 05:49:21下载本文作者:会员上传


Lesson Sixteen Remembering Tracy Bill 打印本页



pizza 比萨饼

transplant 移植

→translation 转换

→transport 交通

cure 治愈

curable 可治好的 carve 雕刻

best-loved= favorite

aisle 通道,走道

course 课程


instant noodle 方便面

ease 使„减轻

at ease 惬意

二、课文部分 This year, my husband David and I celebrated the 22nd birthday of a man we had never met.本句翻译:今年我丈夫 David 和我一块庆祝了一个人的22岁的生日,这个人我们都从未见过。

celebrate 庆祝

His name was Tracy Bill Marsh, a tall handsome young man who worked in a pizza shop.本句翻译:他的名字叫做 Tracy Bill,是一个很高很帅的小伙子,在比萨饼店工作。

Last summer, he was supposed to have been best man at his brother's wedding.本句翻译:去年夏天他本该在他哥哥的婚礼上当伴郎。

But on the night of December 8,1992, Tracy got off work and stood in the pizza shop's parking lot talking to friends.本句翻译:但是在1992年12月8日的夜里,特蕾西下了班,站在比萨饼店的停车场和朋友们聊天。

get off work 下班

Tracy jumped up on the hood of a friend's car, as they had done a hundred times before.本句翻译:特蕾西跳上了他朋友车的车盖,这种事他们以前干过上百次。

as 引导方式状语从句,翻译成:正如„,好像„

As she had said, the shop was shut.正如她所说的那样,商店关门了。

Sit down and do as I say.坐下来按我说的去做。

Why didn't you take the bus as I told you? 我叫你乘公共汽车,你为什么不照我说的去做?

This time, though, Tracy lost his balance and fell.His head struck the pavement, hard.本句翻译:这一次,然而,特蕾西失去平衡,跌倒了。他的脑袋重重地撞到了人行道的台子上。

lost one's balance 失去平衡

One of his friends rushed inside to call an ambulance, then he phoned Tracy's father, Bill Marsh.Bill raced to the hospital, where he was joined by Tracy's mother, Cory.本句翻译:他的朋友马上冲进比萨饼店打电话叫一辆救护车,然后给特蕾西的爸爸打电话,他爸爸马上冲进医院,在那里他和 Tracy 的妈妈会合。

ambulance 救护车

She knew from the way the doctors talked that there was little hope.Tracy had a broken skull - one doctor said he had never seen one so bad.本句翻译:她从医生们交谈时的神色知道希望渺茫。特蕾西的头盖骨摔裂,一位医生说他从来没见过摔得这么厉害的病例。Standing next to her son, Cory remembered that Tracy had once mentioned organ donation.本句翻译:站在她儿子的身旁,母亲记起来了,特蕾西有一次提到器官捐献。

next to 和„邻着

Maybe I can spare another family this sorrow, she thought.When the time came, she and Bill signed the forms permitting his organs to be taken out.本句翻译:或许我能免去另一个家庭类似的痛苦,她想。该做出决定时,她和比尔在(器官捐献)各种表格上签了字,允许把特蕾西的器官取出。(器官移植必须在人死之后很快进行,因此家属必须在亲人死之前做出捐献的决定。)

spare 使„免除

permit 允许 Tracy Bill Marsh died the next day.Twenty-four hours later, in a Boston hospital, Tracy's liver was transplanted into my husband, David, who was suffering from an incurable liver disease.本句翻译:特蕾西是第二天去世的。24小时之后在波士顿的医院里,特蕾西的肝脏被移植到我丈夫体内,我的丈夫正在饱受无可治愈的肝病的痛苦。Months after his operation, David and I sent our unknown donor family letters in care of the New England Organ Bank.本句翻译:在我丈夫做完手术的几个月,我和戴维通过新英格兰器官库向我们不知道的(器官)捐献者的家属转交了信件。

As information about donors was kept secret, we could not know where and to whom to send our thanks.本句翻译:由于(器官)捐献者的情况保密,我们不知道该向谁表示我们的感谢,往何处寄出我们的感谢信。

But the donor's parents wished to meet someone who had gained life through the gift of their son's organs, so the organ bank agreed - for the first time - to bring together two families linked by the most bittersweet relationship.We were to meet Bill and Cory Marsh in a hotel room about halfway between our homes.本句翻译:我们将在一个旅馆的房间和比尔的父母会面,这个旅馆在我们两家的中间。

David and I arrived an hour before the meeting.I placed fresh flowers, drinks, cheese and crackers on a table.本句翻译:我们两个人提前一小时到达。我带了一些鲜花、饮料还有一些芝士、饼干放在了桌子上面。When the door opened, my heart stopped.We saw a middle-aged couple.本句翻译:当门打开时,我心跳都停止了。我们看到一对中年夫妇。

For a few seconds, we stood staring at one another.Then Cory and I hugged.本句翻译:刚开始的几秒钟之内,我们站在那儿凝视着对方。然后我就和 Cory 拥抱了。

Bill held out his hand to shake David's.His grip was electric, and David could feel that he didn't want to let go.Bill's first words to David were “Are you okay?”

Let go 松开

Don't let go of the rope.别松开绳子。I hugged Bill and saw tears behind his glasses.“That's it for the tears,” he said, smiling.But it wasn't.本句翻译:这时我也拥抱了比尔。“这是我最后一次流泪。”但其实不是的。We talked for 3 hours and a half.The Marshes showed us a picture of Tracy Bill.本句翻译:我们在一起聊了3个半小时。这对父母给我们展示了特蕾西生前的照片。

We learned for the first time how he had died - and something of how he had lived.本句翻译:我们第一次了解到他是怎么死的,以及他活着时候的一些情况。

He was a generous, good-hearted young man who loved the outdoors and was never happier than when he was working under the hood of his car.本句翻译:他是一个非常慷慨而且非常善良的年轻人,他喜欢户外运动,他最高兴干的事就是钻在车盖下捣鼓他那辆车。

Evenings, Tracy and his friends would set up floodlights in the garage, and Bill and Cory would go to sleep listening to the boys' laughter as they repaired cars.本句翻译:在晚上,特蕾西和他的朋友们就会在车库里支起聚光灯来修车,而比尔和科里则在小伙子们捣鼓汽车时的笑声中进入梦乡。

Carved on Tracy's gravestone is a car rolling down a mountain road.本句翻译:特蕾西的墓碑上刻有一辆沿着山路向下疾驶的小轿车。

We learned something about Bill and Cory, too.本句翻译:我们也知道了关于比尔和科里的一些其它事情。

Cory can't bring herself to throw out Tracy's best-loved pair of blue jeans, and she avoids the supermarket aisles that carry his favorite foods.本句翻译:科里舍不得扔掉特蕾西最喜爱的牛仔裤,而且她在超市购物时总是避开两边摆放着他爱吃的食品的通道。

Every morning, as she gets in her car for work, she says good morning to Tracy.本句翻译:每天早晨,她进到自己车里准备去上班时,她都会和特蕾西说早上好。

Bill and Tracy shared a love of stock-car racing.本句翻译:特蕾西和他的爸爸都有共同的爱好就是赛车。

I said that David, while recovering from his operation, had renewed an old interest in stock-car racing.本句翻译:我说戴维,当他从他的手术当中日渐复原时,忽然重新拣起来他曾经喜欢过的赛车运动。

I mentioned that recently David got this crazy idea of taking a course somewhere down south where he could learn to drive a stock-car.本句翻译:我还提到,最近戴维有一个疯狂的想法,要在南部某个地方去上一门课,这门课就是他可以知道怎么样去开一辆赛车。

Bill said instantly, “Tracy Bill would have loved that.”

本句翻译:比尔立即说,如果特蕾西知道这件事情一定会非常高兴的。When it was time to leave, we felt awkward.Enough had been disclosed about our lives to stay in touch.本句翻译:当分手的那一刻到来时,我们感到非常非常难过。关于双方的生活情况,我们相互倾诉了不少,足以使我们保持联系。

Now David and I know where to send our prayers.For the Marshes, seeing David and knowing he was well seemed to ease their suffering.本句翻译:现在戴维和我终于知道了我们应该向谁祝福。对于特蕾西的父母来说,他们能看到戴维并且知道他身体越来越好,好像能够减轻他们的痛苦。

ease sth.减轻„

Talking eased my anxiety.谈话减少了我的焦虑。

The medicine eased my headache.这药减轻了我的头疼。

I'll never forget seeing the tall David bending over Cory, her arms stretched around his waist as a mother would hug a son.本句翻译:我将永远不会忘记这个情景:高大的戴维弯下身来,科里像母亲搂着儿子那样用双臂搂着他的腰。

For a long time they held each other tight.It was hard to know if she was saying hello or goodbye.本句翻译:他们互相拥抱着很长时间都不愿意放手,很难说她是在问好还是在道别。

Maybe she was saying both.本句翻译:或许她既是在问好,也是在道别。


(一)Verb Pattern 16(动词句型16)

主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补语(介词+介词宾语)

He placed the violin in a corner.He put some small berries in his mouth.Bob pointed a forefinger at each word in turn.(二)Vocabulary Exercises


名词 +-ship(表示状态、地位、身份或职位)→名词


relationship 亲属关系;关系

fellowship 伙伴关系

citizenship 公民权或身份

friendship 友谊

名词 +-ship(表示技能或技巧)→名词

musicianship 音乐演奏的艺术或技术

scholarship 学问



Cars are(an)(1)important part of life in the United states.Without a car most people feel that they are(poor)(2).And(even)(3)if a person is poor he doesn't feel really poor when he(has)(4)a car.There are three main reasons that the car became popular in the United States.First of(all)(5)the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it.The car provides the(most)(6)comfortable and cheapest form of transportation.With a car people can go any place(without)(7)spending a lot of money.first of all 首先

The(second)(8)reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States haven't developed an efficient and inexpensive form of(public)(9)transportation.Longservice providing planes.But it is(too)(13)expensive to be used frequently.The(third)(14)reason is the most important one, though.The American spirit of independence is what really made cars(popular)(15).Americans don't like to wait(for)(16)a bus, or a(train)(17)or even a plane.They don't like to have(to)(18)follow an exact schedule.A car gives them the freedom to schedule their(own)(19)time.And this is the freedom that Americans want most to(have)(20).(四)作业




4.完成Page390~393 语法作业


Questions on text(回答课文问题P381)

3.What did his mother learn from the way doctors talked?


Tracy's mother learned from the way doctors talked that there was little hope of saving Tracy's life.6.Where did his liver go? The man didn't know whose liver it was, did he? Why not? He wanted to thank the donor family, didn't he?


As a result of organ donation, Tracy's liver was transplanted in to David who was suffering from an incurable liver disease.Written Work(笔头作业)




When Tracy died from an accident, his parents signed the forms permitting his organs to be taken out, because(for)Tracy had mentioned organ donation when he was alive.His liver was transplanted into a man named David.David and his wife wanted to thank the donor's family and Tracy's parents wished to meet the man who gained one's life through their son's organ.The organ bank decided to bring the two families together.The meeting between the two families was a moving thing.Tracy's mother hugged David as if he were her own son.Tears came to Tracy's father's eyes.There were tears of sorrow and tears of joy.Tracy's parents still felt sad towards their son's death but they were happy to find David well.Vocabulary Exercises











be supposed to / shall I do sth?Am I supposed to take the textbook?


He went off work at 7.(3)他失去了平衡,从自行车上摔了下来,摔坏了一条腿。

He lost his balance, fell off his bicycle and broke his leg.(4)这颗心脏在一小时内被成功移植到他的胸腔里了。

The heart was transplanted into his chest successfully within an hour.(5)他患了不治之症。

He was suffering from an incurable disease.(6)同学们通过红十字会把500元寄给被淹的村庄。

The students sent five hundred yuan to the flooded village through the Red Cross.(7)他一生中第一次对老板说了“不”。

He said “no” to his boss for the first time in his life.(8)不要松开绳子,否则你会摔下来的。

Don't let go of the rope.Or you will fall.(9)他伸出手,但是这位女士却拒绝和他握手。

He held out his hand, but the lady refused to shake hands with him.(10)她无法使自己接受这一事实。

She can't bring herself to accept the fact.(11)本学期我要选这门课。

I will take this course this semester.(12)洪水过后,政府尽最大的努力减轻人民的痛苦。

After the flood, the government tried its best to ease the suffering of the people.Ⅱ.用本课的动词句型16.(1)我父亲从架子上拿了一份报纸。

My father took a paper from the shelf.(4)那位年轻人腋下夹着一只公文包。

The young man held a briefcase under his arm.3.用恰当的介词和副词填空。

(1)He is a stranger in this city and doesn't know where to get off the bus.(2)The driver tried to back the car into the parking place.(3)If you don't listen to me, you'll get into trouble.(4)Reading in bed will do harm to your eyes.(5)He walked so fast that I had to run to keep up with him.(6)What would you do under/in the circumstances?

(7)I knew from experience that he was cheating me.(8)If you don't want this junk, throw it away.(9)My father was born on the night of September 31, 1949

(10)When he was a child, he used to laugh and cry over Andersen's tales.(11)The mother put her arms around the boy and kissed him.4.用方框里的单词填空,每词限用一次

itself him who quite after

break see keep for together

A man had seven sons(1)who were always quarreling.The father did not like to see them quarrel, and he wanted to show them that it was better(2)for them to be good friends.So he took seven sticks and tied them(3)together in a bundle.Then he asked each son to(4)break the bundle.Each of them tried, one(5)after the other, but none of them could break the bundle.Then the father untied the bundle and gave a stick to each of his sons and told(6)him to break it.Each of them broke his stick(7)quite easily.“Now, you(8)see ,” said their father, “when the sticks were tied together in a bundle , they were very strong, but one stick by(9)itself was easy to break.(10)Keep together, my sons, and be good friends.Then you will be strong.”


1.The project A by the end of 1998.A.had been completed

B.had completed

C.has been completed

D.has completed

2.You are the only person here D knows me.A.whom




3.I never met Judy again, B was a pity.A.that

B.which C.as D.what 4.If I B you, I would not take this dangerous job.A.was B.were C.is D.are 5.If I had known you were coming to visit, I A you at the airport.A.would have met B.will meet C.must meet D.shall meet 6.C wonderful the machine is!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a What a beautiful girl she is!How beautiful a girl she is!7.C genius you have!A.How B.What a C.What D.What an How + adj.+ a + n.+ be.8.D alone, I turned on the radio for company.A.Be B.Been C.Being D.Having been 9.I felt B when I watched the film.A.exciting B.excited C.to excite D.excite 10.There is no use A to explain.A.trying B.try C.to try D.of trying 11.He neither reads nor B his homework.A.he does B.does

C.do D.did 12.It was the Harvard law school C she graduated from.A.when B.where C.that D.which 13.No sooner B than the trouble started.A.he had arrived B.had he arrived C.he arrived D.did he arrived 14.You look awful, I think you'd better A a doctor.A.see B.seeing C.to see D.saw 15.We watched the sun A into the sea.A.sink B.to sink C.sinking D.sunk 作业


2.预习下册Lesson 1

第二篇:五年级英语上册《Lesson 8》 教学设计

五年级英语上册《Lessn 8》 教学设计








































第三篇:教学内容:人教版英语教材四年级上册Lesson 16

教学内容:人教版英语教材四年级上册Lesson 16 教材解读:本课书的会话是在第15课What’s that in English ?的基础上,通过情景的创设让学生在理解,感知,体验的基础上逐步掌握新知(即新的水果名称),并能逐步进行简单的语言交流。




一、Teaching aims and demands: A、knowledge Teach some new words: cucumber carrot.Teach some new sentences:Pardon? what’s this / that in English ? Do you like „? Yes ,I do./ No, I don’t.B、ability: Develop pupil’s ability to use language

二、Main and difficult points : :

1、The sentence :What’s that in English?

2、Do you like „? Yes ,I do./ No, I don’t.3、The words: carrot and cucumber.4、Write the word: potato.三、teaching aids: picture、cards、a tape recorder、some prizes、some fruit

四、Teaching steps: Step


Let’s play a game: guess what’s this / that in English ? 意图: 猜水果的游戏,让猜的学生蒙上眼罩,品尝教师给的一块水果,然后猜猜看是什么水果?学生动嘴吃水果,既调动了学生的积极性,又加深了所吃水果的词汇!让他们在亲身体验中,感受到英语的句型与词汇,这就是习得教育!在学生猜对的同时别忘询问一下他Do you like it? 呀。好吃 学生自然回答Yes ,I do.不好吃当然回答No, I don’t.Step

2、knowledge 1)给猜的同学嘴里,放进一块土豆,问:what’s this in English ? 学生猜一直到他猜出来,再把土豆拿给大家看,Oh, it’s a potato.2)Who can spell it? 学生回答 P-o-t-a-t-o 3)good!Pardon? Please?学生回答 P-o-t-a-t-o 教师并板书在黑板上。4)Do you like potatoes? 并对他进行询问。学生回答。意图: 这样的游戏,自然引入正题,学生易接受。并且又温习了拼读,询问喜好又学习了“pardon”。同样的方法,学习黄瓜。

5)给猜的同学嘴里,放进一块黄瓜,问:what’s this in English ? 学生猜一直到他猜出来,再把黄瓜拿给大家看,Oh, it’s a cucumber.6)Who can spell it? 学生回答 c-u-c-u-m-b-e-r 7)good!Pardon? Please?学生回答c-u-c-u-m-b-e-r 8)Do you like cucumbers? 并对他进行询问。同样的方法,学习胡萝卜

9)给猜的同学嘴里,放进一块胡萝卜,问:what’s that in English ?(提示学生事物离你远)学生猜一直到他猜出来,再把胡萝卜拿给大家看,Oh, it’s a carrot.10)Who can spell it? 学生回答 c-a-r-r-o-t 11)good!Pardon? Please?学生回答c-a-r-r-o-t 12)Do you like carrots? 并对他进行询问。(注意对表现出色的学生给予奖励)Step

3、practise 1)open books, listen to the tape recorder only 2)listen again and then repeat.3)Pair work 4)Act out dialogue in groups.5)Let’s chant.首先对学生说,咱们问问 小兔子喜好吃黄瓜还是胡萝卜吧? Do you like carrots? Yes, I do Do you like cucumbers? No, I don’t.在这之后,学生对这歌谣的掌握自然轻松了。Step 4 Assessment Do the exercise books.Homework:

1、Copy and recite the words and dialogue.2、Do the exercise books。Blackboard sign Lesson 16

图片 图片 图片

potato carrot cucumber What’s that in English ? It”s a carrot.

第四篇:最新北师大版四年级上册英语Lesson 3教案

最新北师大版四年级上册英语Lesson 3教案

Teaching aims能够运用how much 做对话能听懂物品的价格并连线能用英语计算二十内的加法

Teaching important

1能够运用how much 做对话



画一个机器人 火车 风筝 分别表出价格指着玩具问 how much is the boat? 学生回答:it’s eleven yuan

同样的方法一起复习how much is the(kite)? It’s()yuanlook at the page 18 have the students repeat the question and answer in a class drill 把学生分成两组做对话练习,并鼓励用其他物品替换练习听一听连一连

look at page 18 and say what’s this ?

listen and match算一算,描一描

look at the page 19 and answer: how much is 5 and 6 引导学生回答:It’s eleven 并找出单词eleven 连线

Home work



第五篇:人教版四年级上册 Unit 3 Lesson 13 说课稿

人教版四年级上册 Unit 3 Lesson 13 说课稿













1)拿出挂图(菠萝),询问学生What’s this? 引导学生回答It’s a pineapple.并找单个学生来拼读pineapple,最后全班一起拼读单词。



1)Let’s play a game(Touch and guess)老师拿出事先装有水果的一个书包,让学生们摸,然后老师询问What’s this? 引导学生用It’s a/an …回答。

2)第一个摸出来的是苹果(apple)学生回答的时候注意强调an apple.并追问学生What color is it? Do you like apples? 为后几课打下学习基础。

3)第二个摸出来的是香蕉(banana),此时要注意向学生们渗透名词复数的用法(bananas),注意单词的拼读。同步骤2一样,老师接着追问那两个句子。第三个摸出来的是橘子(orange),同步骤2.3一样,要注意an orange的用法。

4)第四个摸出来的是柠檬(lemon),同样注意lemons的用法,此时让学生们描述柠檬的特征(small),为接下来引出新单词pineapple做铺垫。老师接着询问句子What’s this?







What’s that?

It’s a/an Apple






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