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Unit 2 It’s a nice day ,isn’t it讲稿

Period 4 Section B(3a-Self check)

主备人 刘悦霞 审核人 时间 2015,03




break the ice------------exhibition Empty silences often make us feel nervous so this is a way of filling those periods.2)能力目标:


2结合实际生活,学会选择适当的话题和人闲聊。)情感目标 :学会在真实的交际礼仪中了解、关心、感谢别人并增进友谊。







Step 1 Lead in(Talk about the three questions)

What is small talk? What should we talk about? Is that hard to make small talks? Step 2 New words

1.Look at the pictures and learn about the new words., 2.学生们根据讲解,理解这些单词的用法,并试着强化记忆并自我检测。(见學稿)Step 2c Fast reading(学法指导:略读,浏览文章,抓出大意,能够完成任务即可)Look at the topic sentences and decide in which paragraph we can find the answer to the questions.Step 4 2d Careful reading(学法指导:细读,认真阅读文章细节,找出答案并给以标注)

Read the whole article to answer the questions in 2c Step 5 2e Read the article again and according to the list of subjects.What questions could we ask to start some small talk about each subject.Step 6 After –reading 3a talk about the situations and put the phrases in the correct box.Language points

1、Empty silences often make us feel nervous so this is a way of filling those periods 沉默常常使我们感到紧张,所以寒暄是填充那些时间的一种方法

make sb.do sth.意为“使某人做某事” a way of doing sth.意为“做……的方法”

2、In most cultures, it is important to smile and keep the conversation light and humorous.在大多数文化中,微笑和保持交谈轻松幽默很重要。light adj.这里意为“有趣的,轻松的”。


3、Things we should not discuss can also depend on culture.译为:什么是不可以交谈的这点仍然需要根据文化来定。depend on 意为“取决于;依赖”。练一练(见学稿)Step 7 课堂小结

1、Predicting using topic sentences 2.重点短语break the ice,; waiting in line ; depend on/upon Step 8堂清检测(见學稿)Step 9 Homework 1.配套练习册unit 2 Section BPart 2 B、Part 3(必做)2.配套练习册unit 2 Section B part 2 A part 4(选作)教学反思:


Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious第四课时学案


1.not only……but also......不仅......而且......(1)主要用于连接两个对等的成分;若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。(就近原则/临近原则)

Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影片。Not only you but also I am hungry.不只你,我也饿了呢

为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。①Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water.他们不但需要衣服,而且还缺水。

②Not only will I go on vacation ,but also my sister goes.不仅仅是我一个人去旅行,我的姐姐也去。

(3)not only…but also…中的also通常可以省略,或换成too, as well(要置于句末)She not only plays well, butwrites music too/as well.她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。

除了not only......but also.....之外,经常使用就近原则的情况还有:

①there be 结构

There is a book and two pens on the desk

There are two pens and a book on the desk

②either...or...要么......要么....../或者......或者......Either I or he goes there

③neither...nor...既不.......也不......Neither he nor I like the book

2.give out 分发,发放= hand out 代词要放在中间

I will give them out.我将会把他们分发出去。




1.Tom is a clever boy.What__________________________!


2.The flower is beautiful.What__________________________!


The book is very interesting.What__________________________!


4.The weather is sunny.What__________________________!


5.The work is very hard.What__________________________!



1.Jim told me__________he didn't go fishing yesterday afternoon.(how,why)

2.Do you know___________else is going to be on duty today?(who,whom)

3.She said_________it wouldn't matter much.(that,if)

4.He always thinks__________he can do better.(how,who)

5.I really don't know_________the bridge will be finished.(how long,how soon)

6.They don't know__________to go or wait.(if,whether)

7.We are talking about ___________ we’ll go back tomorrow.(whether, if)

8.I was really surprised at __________ I saw.(where, what)

9.I don't know ___________ so many people are looking at him.(how, why)

10.Do you know __________ you are studying for?(why, what)


()1.I don't know__________they have passed the exam.A.whatB.ifC.whenD.where

()2.I hardly understand.__________he has told me.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.who

()3.I don't know__________he still lives here after so many years.A.whetherB whereC.whatD.when

()4.The boy asked__________any noise from outside.A.whether had I heardB.whether I had heard

C.whether I have heardD.whether I heard

()5.Do you know who__________with at eight yesterday?

A.he is talkingB.was he talkingC.he was talkingD.is he talking

()6.Could you tell us__________?

A.if your father doesB.what does your father do

C.your father does whatD.what your father does

()7.You must remember__________.A.what your mother saidB.what did your mother say

C.your mother said whatD.what has your mother said

()8.Not only _____run his machine ,but ______ repair it.A.can he;he canB.he can;can heC.can he;can heD.he can;he can

()9.Not only _____ me to meal, but also he bought me a present.A.does he inviteB.he invitedC.do he inviteD.did he invite

()10..He didn't want to___________more weight.A.put offB.put upC.put downD.put on

()11.I am afraid to walk by the __________house in the village.A.afraidB.worriedC.hauntedD.lonely

()12.Nobody dares(敢)to play trick__________him.A.atB.withC.inD.on

()13.The disease(疾病)is__________in the small town.A.spreadedB.spreaddedC.spreadingD.spreads

()14.Sue told me that she______shopping with her sister the next day.A.will goB.would goC.goesD.has gone

()15.《Oliver Twist》is a famous story ______ by Charles Dickens.A.writeB.wroteC.writtenD.writing


1.Our teacher said that January _______(be)the first month of the year.2.He was glad that so many people _________(help)him.3.She doesn’t know whether ____________(go)or wait.4.He was _______________(lay)his backpack when his mother came in.5.The girl refuses ________________(go)home now.6.I can’t help _______________(laugh).7.She is the new here.She is a _______________(strange)to everyone.8.____________(luck), he arrive there on time.


Unit 2I’ll help to clean up the city parks.(第四课时)

Section B 3a—self check








学习过 程




1.Clean-Up Day 清洁日2.an old people’s home 养老院

3.help out with sth.帮助解决困难4.used to 曾经… … ;过去_

5.care for 关心;照顾6.the look of joy 快乐的表情

7.at the age of 在......岁时8.clean up 打扫(或清除)干净

9.cheer up(使)变得更高兴;振雀10.give out 分发;散发

11.come up with 想出;提出12.make a plan 制订计划

13.make some notices 做些公告牌14.try out 试用;试行

15.work for 为…工作;为….效力16.put up 建造;举起;张贴

17.hand out 分发;散发;发给18.call up 打电话;召集

19.put off 推迟;延迟20.for example 比如;例如

21.raise money 筹钱;募捐22.take after 与......相像;像

23.give away 赠送;捐赠24.fix up 修理;修补;解决

25.be similar to 与……相似26.set up 建立;设立

27.disabled people 残疾人28.make a difference 影响;有作用

29.be able to 能够30.after-school reading program课外阅读项目


1.The boy could give out food at the food bank.这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物。

2.Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.清洁日离现在仅仅两周的时间。

3.He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.每周六上午,他都在一'家动物医院当志愿者。

4.Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.去年,她决定去参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者的选拔。

5....you can see in their eyes that they’ re going on a different journey with each new book.……从他们的眼睛里你可以看到他们正在进行每本不同的新书之旅。

6.I want to put off my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer.我想把我在动物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏天。

7.Most people today are only worried about getting good jobs to make lots ofmoney.现在的大部分人只是为找一份能挣许多钱的好工作而着急。

8.You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。




3.完成Self Check 的相关练习。核对答案。

4.小组成员合作完成Self Check的1.2两部分


()1.It’s time for CCTV news.Let’s _______ the TV andwatch it.A.turn onB.get onC.try onD.put on

()2.Andrea Bocelli never, which makes him a successful singer.A.takes awayB.gives awayC.gets upD.gives up

()3.—Would you mind ______ the music a little?Don’t you think it’s too loud?—Sorry!I’ll do it in a minute.A.turning onB.turning off C.turning upD.turning down

()4.—How do you like Li Yundi?

—A cool guy!His music ______ really beautiful.A.tastesB.soundsC.smellsD.looks

()5.The teachers encourage their students tothe problems by themselves, and in this

way students can enjoy success.A.give upB.work outC.look through

()6.If we Chinese work hard together.China Dream will.A.come outB.come trueC.achieve

()7.Paul’s parents were worried that hetoo much time chatting on line.A.spentB.paidC.took

()8.Can you help me to _______ my dog when I leave for HongKong?

A.look afterB.look forC.look atD.look through

()9.—Cindy, look at your new shoes.Aren’t they beautiful?

—Yes, they are really nice, Mum.I can’t wait to.A.put them onB.put it onC.put on them

()10.—When will the plane _____Shanghai?

—Sorry,I don’t know.A.getB.arrive atC.reach

()11.Many students in our school _______ the old and they usually offer their seats to them

on buses.A.worry aboutB.care forC.agree withD.take care

()12.Tom, it’s cold outside._______ your coat when you go out.A.Take offB.Put onC.Put awayD.Take away

()13.A student in Fudan University was killed by his roommate just because of small thingsin daily life.It is important for students to learn how to ________ each other.A.get on withB.come over toC.stay away from

()14.If you want to buy this dress , you 'd better ____ first to make sure it fits you.A.pay for it.B.take it off.C.tidy it up.D.try it on..五 总结反思



第四篇:pep三年级英语上册unit2 第四课时教案



1.师生共同练习Teddy Bear 的歌曲,边唱边表演。

2.游戏:Point and say

看图认识教材中没有接触到的表示身体部位的单词,然后用所学的指令语: Touch your „做动作。比一比看谁最先学会。



1.教师出示钟表,使学生了解到时间----下午,引出 Good afternoon!的学习。

2.学生操练Good afternoon!

3.让学生听录音,跟读 B 部分Let’s talk的内容。教师强调Good morning.和 Good afternoon!两个句子的区别。




教师将B 部分Let’s talk的句子内容打乱顺序,写在卡片上,贴于黑板。

2.教师给学生分小组,三人一组分角色表演 Let’s talk 的内容。

3.教师鼓励学生自己读 Let’s play 部分的句子。


1.听录音,仿读Let’s talk的对话。

2.创设情景,按照Let’s talk的对话,让学生三人一组编对话,分别向“家长”及“老师”介绍自己的朋友。准备下一课表演。


Unit2 My schoolbag





小学人教版四年级上册Unit2 My schoolbag本单元共需六个课时,本单元主要能够听说认读句型:What’s in your schoolbag? An English book…What colour is it? It is… 能够听说认读单词schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key 本节课是第四课时。在课堂教学中,教师要使教学内容生活化,结合学生的实际情境,使学生口语练习生活化,交际化,从而达到学以致用的目的。



教学目标: 1.知识目标.学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话,能够在情景中恰当运用句型what color is it? It’s …问答颜色,能够在情景中理解新词lost,toy,notebook的意思并能正确发音。





单词:good night, sweet dream 句型:I’m full.学情分析:


教学重难点: 教学重点:1.句型:what color is it? It’s …问答颜色。

2.词汇:lost,toy,notebook 教学难点:对here it is和here you are的区别。教学策略:


教具准备: 1.相关单词的图片和卡片。2.教师自制的PPT。


一.Warm-up /Revision(5minutes)1.sing a song.(2minutes)教师播放歌曲《What’s in the bag?》


2.Free talk.3分



1.教师带领学生看图:Zhangpeng和Miss White讨论丢失的书包的画面。教师指着图片说Zhangpeng lost his schoolbag.板书新单词lost,并带读单词。

2.教师出示句子:Zhang Peng lost his schoolbag。请学生完整听一遍对话录音,判断句子正误。学生听完后进行判断,并讲English book更正为schoolbag。

3.教师提问What color is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag?板书核心句型:What color is it?学生跟读并听录找答案。听音之前教师给出答案的选项: A.It’s black and white.B.It’s blue

and white.学生听完后选择正确的答案。

4.学生同桌之间互相询问对方书包的颜色,运用句型What colour is it? It’s… 5.学生做Let’s play板块的活动。

6.教师提问What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag?请学生在对话中找出答案: An English book,two toys and a notebook。教师利用单词卡片和实物教学单词toy notebook。

【设计意图:通过Let’s play可以让学生更好的操练句型,来加深学生对知识的运用。】 7.对话练习(ModelPair workFeedback)A: Excuse me.I lost my … B: What coiour is it? A: It’s...A: What’s in it? B: ….A: Here it is

B: Thank you so much!两人一组练习展示。


三.Extending reading 10分

总共三篇阅读材料。第一篇课本上Let’s talk部分,听后让学生回答下列问题:What in the schoolbag? 第二篇听后让学生获取新单词:night, sweet, dream第三篇听后让学生获取新句型: Draw your bedroom.【设计意图:让学生听读与课本内容相关的短文,大信息量输入,丰富学生的语言,在语境中体会、理解新知。培养学生自主听读的能力及语感。通过听 后反馈信息,在交流中进一步学习拓展句型。】

四. Cooperation and making dialogues 8分


A: Excuse me.I lost my … B: What colour is it? A: It’s...B: Is it in/under/on… A: No, it isn’t.B: Draw your schoolbag, please!



五. Summary 1分

What did you learn?


六. Homework 1分

1、Listen to the tape.2、Read the sentences.【设计意图:复习巩固本课所学内容。】 板书设计:

Unit 2 My schoolbag

Excuse me

I lost....What colour is it ?

Here it is


本节课的教学目标是学习Excuse me.I lost my...在教学过程中我通过展示与此相关的图片进行教学,可以降低学生学习的难度,由于这节课所选的拓展材料很简单,拓展的句子是以前学习过的,所以综合说也设置的较简单,大多数学生能参与进来,突破了教学难点,完成了教学任务。



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