
时间:2019-05-14 16:51:07下载本文作者:会员上传



Jack is a twelve-year-old boy.One day, he was playing football.The ball went into the street and Jack ran for it.Unfortunately, a car hit him.Jack’s parents took him to the hospital at once.Jack woke up after a month.When he woke up, he asked, “Who am I? Who are you? Why am I here?” He even didn’t know his parents.The doctor said, “Jack’s head was badly hurt.Maybe he can remember all the things he has lost one day.Maybe he will forget them forever.” Every day Jack’s parents told Jack something about himself, his friends and so on.But Jack still couldn’t think of anything.One day, when his father talked about his dog,Tidy, Jack seemed to think of something.Then Jack’s father had an idea.He took Jack back home.Jack and Tidy played together happily.After a year, with the help of Tidy, Jack’s memory came back.()51.What happened to Jack one day?

A.A car hit him.B.His ball was missing.C.He was ill.D.He was lost.()52.What was Jack’s problem?

A.He couldn’t get to sleep.B.He couldn’t wake up.C.He lost his memory.D.He couldn’t move.()53 Who helped Jack remember the things?

A.His father.B.The doctor.C.His mother.D.His dog.()54.How long did it take Jack to remember the things?

A.A year.B.A month.C.A week.D.We don’t know.()55.Which of the following is Not True?

A.Jack is twelve years old.B.Jack’s parents took Ja ck to the hospital immediately.C.When his father talked about Tidy, Jack thought of something.D.The doctor was sure that Jack could be cured one day.(B)

Animals are our friends.We can find different kinds of animals on Earth.Some animals are living in big forests.And some animals are living with man.Animals are very important to man.For example, people can train the elephants to do some heavy work.And they can also train the dogs to look after the house.A police dog is clever.It can help people in danger.And it can also help the policeman to catch the thieves or murderers.The children like dogs very much.Everyone knows she ep and pigs very well.Man eats their meat almost every day.People can make coasts and shoes with their skins.From cows, we can get milk.It’s good for our health.And horses can take us to other places.In some places, horses and camels are instead of car and buses.It’s clear that man can’t live comfortably without these animals.()56.What does “train” mean in the passage? A.锻炼



D.瞄准()57._______can be used to look after the house.A.Only sheep and pigs

B.Horses and cows C.Dogs

D.All the above()58.We can get milk from______.A.dogs



D.cows()59.Life will be difficult without________.A.animals

B.sheep and pigs C.the animals which live in the forest

D.the animals which live with man()60.If you want to go to other places, you can take_______.A.horses or camels B.buses


D.all the above

(C)You are busy with your job but want to make new friends? You miss your old friends and try to find them? Then try a new website---Facebook.Mark Zuckerberg,a Harvard student,created Facebook only about eight years ago.At first,it was only for Harvard students.Soon it became popular on the Internet.Now over 25 million people around the world use it to keep in touch with their friends.People like Facebook because it makes them feel comfortable.On Facebook,they share joys or sorrows(悲伤)by posting pictures and videos.What's more,they leave messages and give online presents to their friends.Now Facebook,like eBay,is a place to sell things.The best part about Facebook is to help find old friends.For people,the only thing to do is to sign their real names.Then it takes a short time to sign their old friends.So have fun with Facebook if you love to be with friends,old or new.()61.Facebook was created_________.A.twenty years ago

B.thirty years ago

C.by Mark Zuckerberg and his classmates

D.by a Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg

()62.According to the passage,what can you do on Facebook? ①You can give online presents to your friends.②You can play online games with friends.③You can share joys or sorrows with friends.④You can leave messages.⑤You can sell things.A.①②④⑤




()63.According to the passage,eBay is a website A.for shopping

B.for making friends C.for taking pictures

D.for listening to music

()64.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.It takes you a long time to find old friends on Facebook.B.Now Facebook is a website only for students.C.The best part about Facebook is to make new friends.D.You have to sign your real name if you want to find your old friends on Facebook.()65.What is the best title for the passage? A.Something about Facebook.B.Facebook and eBay.C.How to make new friends.D.Have fun chatting online with your friends.


Father’s Day

Next Friday is going to be Father’s Day, and Mary wants to buy a very special gift for her father Jonny.She has been thinking about what to buy and even looked at the Father’s Day advertisements in the local newspaper, but they mostly had sales on ties and bottles of aftershave.That caused a problem for her because hedoes not like to wear ties, and he never wears aftershave.For years, he used to go fishing, bowling and play gulf at the weekends, but lately he has been staying home and working more in the garden.Mary can afford to spend about £50 on her father’s gift.She wants to buy him something that he will use every week and perhaps entice him to go out more.Last year she bought him a watch and two books.She wants to get him something different this year.What do you think she should buy? Read the passage again and answer the following questions: 1.What does Mary want to buy? ____________________________________________________________________ 2.What did her father used to do every weekend? ____________________________________________________________________ 3.What did she buy him last year? ____________________________________________________________________ 4.Where did she look for ideas? ____________________________________________________________________ 5.How much is she willing to spend? __________________________________________________________________________










(1)The main idea of this passage is that______.(2)The passage is mainly about______.(3)The major point discussed in the passage is_____.(4)What has been discussed in the passage?(5)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?(6)The best title for the passage might be_____.(7)What is the main topic of this passage?(8)The passage mainly tells us_____.2.词汇意思题


(1)The word “.” in line(paragraph)×most probably means_____.

(2)In paragraph×,the word “.” refers to(stand for)_____.(3)The word “.” in paragraph×can be best replaced by_____.(4)“It”(“They”)in line×most probably refers to_____.3.细节掌握题


(1)Which of the following is TRUE(or NOT TRUE)?(2)Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in paragraph ×?(3)According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT that_____.(4)Which of the following may lead to(cause)______.4.推理判断题


(1)It can be inferred from the passage that_____.(2)From the passage we can infer(draw the conclusion)that.(3)The author writes this passage mainly to_____.(4)The author’s purpose in writing this passage is_____.要想提高阅读理解能力,仅了解阅读理解的考试要求和出题的基本形式是不够的,我们还要了解背景知识,阅读的过程就是与学生的语言水平和结构知识相互作用的过程,语言水平过低,当然不能理解文章内容,但是缺乏文章所涉及的有关背景知识,也无法迅速了解文章大意,现在有的学生知识结构单一,而阅读理解文章所涉及的内容和知识包罗万象,题材极为广泛,因此我们在平时要多读一些社会和科普方面的说明文和议论文,天文地理、政治经济,越是内容生疏的,越要广泛涉及,以弥补英语课文题材中留下的空白,增强自己的背景知识。实践证明:背景知识越丰富,阅读理解能力越强。我们在了解背景知识的同时,还要熟悉句子结构,学生感到考试中的阅读文章难,不仅仅在于对内容比较生疏,而且还在于对文章的语言,尤其是句子结构不习惯。因此,在平时我们要专门找一些长句、结构复杂的句子,细细分析,找出其规律和特点,这样,在考试中便不会碰到这种句子时显得束手无策了。此外,平时我们还要注重快速阅读的训练,考试要注意时间的分配,适当多花点时间做阅读理解题,因为阅读理解题分值相对较大。

二 为了做好阅读理解题,我们还应该掌握的阅读技巧








(1)运用通篇略读法,快速阅读全文快速阅读全文的目的有两个,一是了解文章的主题和大意;二是了解文章的信息分布和方位。在阅读时可以用铅笔把中心思想句划出,把 because / reasons这类表示原因理由叙述词,characteristics / benefits这类表示事物特点的信号词,for example / such as这类表示举例的信号词,以便后来需要查找时,可以很快地找到。当然,有时候文章显得特别难,读完第一段还不知道什么意思,此时可以先读问题,把几个问题快速读一下,知道这篇文章讲什么,讲了哪几个方面,然后再去读全文,这样就会显得比较容易。

(2)仔细阅读问题,明确问题是什么,相当于写作中的审题不看清题目,就会出现答非所问的错误,在这方面学生易犯三种错误:一是为了抢时间,不少学生跳过题目,直接去看四个选择,他们认为四个选择中只有一个是正确的,和原文意思一致,其他三个选择项是错误的,是文章中没有的,或和文章意思相反的。这个概念是错误的。在多数情况下,四个选择项在文章中都可能说过,和文章意思都一致,但对问题来说只有一个是正确的。二是粗心大意,没有看清问题,或看错了某些词,结果导致选择错误。三是有些问题故意用 almost / mainly / best等词来使问题的意思有所变化,如不在意这些词,就会对问题产生误解,从而导致错误选择。







One evening a young woman walked on the beach.She turned to see the footsteps she had left in the sand,but they had already been washed away by the water.When she turned to continue her walk,She was surprised to see an old woman sitting by a fire.She walked up to the old woman and asked,“Where did you come from?I didn’t see you here a minute ago.”

Instead of answering her question,the old woman said,“Sit with me,my child.I have something to show you.”

As the young woman sat down beside the fire,the old woman handed her a book.She turned the pages of the book one by one and was amazed to discover they told the story of her whole life,from the early days of childhood to the present.But when she turned to the next page,she found it empty.And the rest of the pages in the book were all empty.“Does this mean my life ends tonight?”she asked.“No,my child.It means tonight your life begins.”

At that time the old woman took the book into her hands and began to tear(撕掉)each of the pages that had words out of the book.She then threw them into the fire until all that was left were empty pages.She handed the book of empty pages to the young woman.“You see,”she said,“just as the water washed away your footsteps in the sand,your past is forever gone.What you truly have is here and now.Each moment is the beginning of the rest of your life and you should live it to the fullest,because you will not live that moment a second time.As for your future,you are free to shape it as you wish,because it has not yet been written.”

1.Why couldn’t the young woman see her own footsteps in the sand? A.Because they were hidden away by herself.B.Because they were washed away by the water.C.Because there were not any footsteps at all.D.Because they were washed away by the sand.2.What was the book about? ________ A.The old woman’s last and present.B.The young woman’s last and present.C.Nothing

D.The young woman’s childhood

3.What’s the right order of the following according to the passage? ①The old woman showed the young woman a book.②The old woman told the young woman the truth about the book.③The young woman turned to see her footsteps.④The young woman found the rest of the book all empty.A.①②③④

B.②①④③ C.③①④②


4.Which of the following is not true according to the passage? A.The young woman saw an old woman beside a fire.B.The old woman showed a book to the young woman.C.Each moment is the beginning of new life.D.All the pages in the book were empty.5.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.A book

B.An old woman

C.Empty pages

D.An evening on the beach 1--5 BBCDC











如2002年本市中考试卷C篇阅读并回答问题中,通过对全篇的布局谋篇以及问题的设置看到的不是片言只语,而从中感悟到人文思想的体现,人类和自然界生态相辅相成的关系,从而得出第6小题:From the passage,we learn that___。答案为B:The rainforest people have done some-thing to protect their home。






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