高二英语Women of achievement复习教案

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第一篇:高二英语Women of achievement复习教案

高二英语Women of achievement复习教












































settle, struggle, freeze, exploit, refer, block, average, be famous for, a great deal of, make use of, clear up, from time to time, tell the difference between, tell…from…,generally speaking, sound/look strange, the second largest, struggle against, all the year around, refer to, live on, settle down, breath, injure, lay, wound, safety, wherever, quantity, ought to, take it easy, first aid, muth-to-mouth, deal with, running water, out of one’s reach, hold up, throw up, stay still, give first aid, lie on one’s back, out of reach, get sb.to do sth., by mistake, pay attention to, leave her where she is.2.句型

(1)You mean it looks strange!(2)I’ll tell you something that does sound strange.(3)The population of Canada is…

(4)As in China,the weather is different from area to area.(5)I think she must be injured.(6)Leave her where she is.(7)Repeat this as often as necessary.(8)Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder.(9)If anyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.3.语法


(2)复习情态动词must和should的用法,学习ought to的用法 4.交际英语

(1)A lof of people can’t tell the difference between…(2)Are there many differences?(3)What do you mean by…

(4)I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow you.(5)Do you use American or British spelling?(6)American spellings are used more and more in Canada now.(7)We must carry her to the side of the road.(8)You should/ shouldn’t(9)I ought to go home.(10)Don’t try to get up.




a drop of blood一滴血;drop by rop/in drops一滴一滴地;drop from the tree从树上掉下来;drop to the ground 落在地上;drop the letter into the mailbox把信投进信箱;drop a handkerchief/stone掉下手帕/石头

习语:drop in 顺便拜访;drop in on sb.顺便走访某人;drop in at his school顺便拜访他的学校。[应用]完成句子

①我看见一个苹果从树上掉下来。I saw an apple______ _______ the tree.②他们这样做是搬起石头咂自己的脚。

In doing so they are lifting a rock to _______ ________on their feet.③你路过的话,千万要来。

Do _______ _______ if you happen to be passing.Key: ①drop,from

②drop, it

③drop, in


average 可用作名词,表示“平均数,一般水平”,也可作形容词,表示“平均的”。如: the average of the pay平均工资;above/below the average平均以上/以下; the average age of the girls姑娘的平均年龄; the average temperature平均气温; on(an,the)average平均起来 [应用]完成句子


_________ _________,one worker in this factory gets 700 yuan every month.②他的功课一般以上。

He is_________ _________ in his lessons.Key: ①On, average

②above, average 3.reach sth./reach for sth.(1)reach sth.表示“够得着某物”,reach是及物动词。如:reach the top of the shelf够得着架子顶部;reach the apple on the tree够得着树上的苹果。

(2)reach for sth.表示“伸手(脚)去够某物”,其中的reach是不及物动词。亦可替换成reach out for sth.或reach out one’s hand(foot)for sth.,意义相同。

(3)reach还可用作不及物动词表示“延伸”。如:The woods reach as far as the river.树林子延伸到河边。(4)短语:reach an agreement达成协议;

beyond/out of one’s reach够不着,力所不及; out of the reach of sb.某人够不着; within one’s reach够得着,力所能及。[应用]完成句子


He ______ ______ the stick but could not_______it.②你最好把吃的东西放在小孩够得着的地方。

You’d better have the food _______the boy’s ________.Key:①reached, for, reach ②within, reach 4.表示态度、语气的短语归纳

generally speaking一般说来;strictly speaking严格说来;honestly speaking诚实地说来;personally speaking就我个人而言;exactly speaking准确地说来。to tell you the truth说实话;to be honest老实说;believe it or not信不信由你;judging from his appearance从他的相貌来说


①严格说来,加拿大英语和美国英语并不完全一样。_______ ________,Canadian English is not just the same as American English.②老实说我不赞同你的想法。

_______ _______ ________,I can’t agree to your idea.③一般地说,青年人喜欢流行音乐。

___________,young people enjoy pop music.Key:①Strictly,speaking ②To,be,honest ③Generally, speaking 5.如何表示“不同,区别”

1)tell the difference between A and B.说出A和B的区别;辨别A和B 2)tell A from B.区别、辨别A和B 3)What’s the difference between A and B?A和B什么不同?

4)There be some differences between A and B.A和B 之间有不同之处。5)A be different from B.A和B不同

6)make sb./sth.different from使某人/物不同于„„ 7)do sth.differently from…做起某事与„„不同 8)make no difference无关紧要



I can hardly_____the difference________ these two words.②绵羊和山羊有什么不同?

________ ________ ________between a sheep and a goat? ③哪一边赢对我都不重要。

It _______ ________ ________ to me which side may win.④你确实很富,但这并不能使你不同于别人。

You are rich indeed, but that doesn’t _________ __________ __________ ________ __________.⑤事实和他所说的大不一样。

The fact _______quite________ _________ what he said.⑥你能分辩出她和她的姐姐吗?

Can you _________ her________her sister? Key:①tell, between ②What’s,the,difference ③makes,no, difference ④make, you,different,from,others ⑤is,different,from ⑥tell,from 6.ordinary, common 二者都有“普通的,平常的”的意思,但侧重点不同。ordinary侧重表示“外表平凡,平平常常”;而common指“普遍存在,经常碰到”。对比:

in ordinary dress穿着平常的衣服; in an ordinary way以通常的方式;

an ordinary – looking man相貌平常的人; an ordinary event平常的一件事; common excuse常用的借口;

common knowledge常识;common people普通人,老百姓; have a bathroom in common合用洗澡间。[应用]完成句子


It was a piece of______dance music.②这种天气在南方是很常见的。

This sort of weather is quite _________in the south.③这弟兄两个没有什么共同之处。

These two brothers have nothing ________ _________.Key:①ordinary ②common ③in common 7.freeze,freezing,frozen freeze是动词“结冰,凝固”;freezing可用作名词“冰点”,用作形容词“冰冷的”,用作副词“极冷地”;frozen既是freeze的过去分词形式,也可用作形容词,表示“冷冻的”。对比:

Water freezes below freezing.冰点以下时水结冰。It was freezing cold that morning.那天早晨非常地冷。The roads are frozen in places.路上多处结冰。[应用]英译汉

①above/over freezing ②freezing weather ③be frozen to death ④give sb.a freezing cold ⑤freezing machine ⑥frozen meat ⑦I’m frozen,so I can’t write

⑧I’m freezing,so I’ve to put on a heavy coat.Key: ①零度以上



④冷冷地看某人一眼 ⑤制冷机


⑦我冻坏了,不能写东西了。⑧我觉得冷极了,我得穿件厚大衣。8.refer to, refer…to

1)refer 可用作及物动词,用于refer… to,表示“将„„提交给”。如: refer this problem to the school把这个问题提交学校;

refer the matter to the United Nations.将这件事情提交联合国

2)refer表示“谈到,涉及;查阅,参考,指”时是不及物动词,需用refer to结构。如: The book which you referred to is not in the library.你所指的那本书不在图书馆。

His report refers to the situation in the Middle East.他的报告谈到中东的形势。

短语:refer to the map/one’s notes/the dictionary 查阅地图/参考笔记/查字典

注意:look up word in the dictionary 查字典

对比:refer to 指语言、内容与某人(物)有关;而point to表示用手指向某人(物)。如: I didn’t know whom she was referring to.我不知道她指的是谁。

She pointed to the map and explained to the students.她指着地图给学生做出解释。[应用]完成句子


A friend of mine often ______ _______ Dr.Bethune when I was in Canada.②两国把这件事提交给了联合国。

The two countries._______the matter _______the United Nations.Key:①referred,to ②referred,to 9.clear


in a clear voice以清楚的声音;

be clear about sth.对„„清楚,明白; be clear to sb.对某人来说很清楚;

make one’s meaning clear 说明自己的意思;

注意两个句型:A:make it clear that…声明,说明;B.It’s(was)clear that…很明显(清楚)„„。(2)用作动词,表示“清除,清理,使干净”。如: clear one’s room/a table/a street/the desk 整理房间/收拾桌子/清扫大街/整理书桌;

clear away the dishes/waste把餐碟收走/把垃圾清除(3)clear up 的三个意义: A.表示“清理,收拾,解决”。如:

The dustmen were busy clearing up the snow on the road.清洁工正在清除路上的积雪。

This book has cleared up many problems for me.这本书给我解决了许多难题。B.表示“(天气)转晴”。如:

It’s snowing now, but I think it will clear up soon.现在正在下雨,但是我想天气很快会晴的。C.表示“露出喜悦的心情”。如: Her face cleared up as she read the letter.她看信的时候面露喜色。[应用]完成句子


She is _________ _________what to do next.②很清楚敌人是不会放弃他们的计划的。

________ _______ _______that the enemy wouldn’t give up their plan.③他明确表示他要离职。

He _________ _________ ________that he would leave office.④在离开办公室以前,请把你的桌子整理一下。

_________ ________your desk before you leave the office.Key:①clear,about

②It, is, clear ③make , it clear

④Clear,up 10.on+身体部位

lay the person on one’s back让这个人仰卧着;

lie on one’s back/stomach/side仰卧/趴着/侧着身躺着; sleep on one’s side 侧身睡; stand on one foot 一条脚站着; stand on one’s head倒立 [应用]完成句子


She ______ _______ ______ ______in the bed,crying all the while ②你想倒立几个小时是很不容易的。

It’s difficult for you to _____ ______ ______ ______ for several hours.Key:①lay, on, her, stomach ②stand,on, your,head 11.deal with,do with

1)二者都可表示“对付,应付,处理,安排”,但deal是不及物动词,可与how连用;而do是及物动词,只与what连用表示上述意义,不能单独使用。对比:We don’t know what to do with the waste materials./We don’t know how to deal with the waste materials.我们不知道怎样处理这此废料。

What’s the best way of dealing with thieves? 对付小偷最好的办法是什么?

(此句中的deal with不可替换成do with)

2)deal with还可表示“论述,涉及到;与„„相处”等意义,而do with 无此用法。如: The books dealing with Asian problems sell well in colleges.论述亚洲问题的书在大学里很畅销。

That man is easy to deal with.这个人容易相处。[应用]完成句子


_________did you deal with matters of this sort? What did you ________ _________matters of this sort? ②我们要处理的棘手事太多了。

There are too many difficulties for us to _________ ______.Key:①How/ do,with ②deal, with 12.still


如:keep(stay)still保持不动;lie(stand)still躺着(站着)不 动;a still lake/evening平静的湖/寂静的夜晚。

2)用作副词,表示“还,仍旧”,可以修饰形容词、副词比较组。如: be still busy仍然很忙;win still greater success取得更大成功。3)辨析still,quiet,silent;still侧重“一动不动”,quiet指“安静”,无动作,无声音,无骚乱,其反义词是noisy(吵闹的、喧哗的);silent指不出声,不说话。对比:sit still坐着不动;Be quiet,and the class will begin.请安静,马上就要开始上课了。

Hearing the answer,be was silent for a minute or more.听了回答之后,他沉默了一两分钟。[应用]完成句子


He is tall,but his brother is _________ _________.②我已经考虑了几个小时,但仍然不能决定。

I have been thinking for hours, but I ______can’t decide.Key:①still, talker ②still

13.hurt,wound 二者都有“受伤”之意,但含义有所不同。


be badly wounded in the battle 战斗中受重伤; wound sb.to death 使某人受伤致死;

hurt one’s back摔伤了后背;hurt one’s feeling伤害某人的感情;be hurt by his words被他的话所伤害。注意:A.wound可用作名词:

have a wound in the chest胸部受伤;

receive a serious wound受重伤;the wounded伤员。B.hurt还可用作不及物动词,表示“疼痛难受”对比: The girl fell off her bike.She hurt one of her legs hurts.姑娘从自行车上掉下来,有一条腿疼得厉害。[应用]完成句子

①这位战士头部受了伤.The soldier ______ ______ _____in his head./The soldier ______ _______in the head./The soldier head ______ ______.②他们说我的那些话使我很伤心。

I was rather__________by what they said about me.③我右腿疼。

My right foot ________.④他的伤似乎是很重。

It seemed that he _________badly_________.Key:①received,a, would/was, wounded/was wounded ②hurt ③hurts ④was, hurt/wounded 14.happen句型归纳

(1)happen to do sth.(主语常为“人”),意为“碰巧。恰好”。to 后可用不定式的一般式to do,完成式to have done进行式to be doing如:

You happened to be out when I came to your house.我到你家时,你正好出去了。

She happened to have just finished reading the book.碰巧她刚刚读完那本书。

The two salesmen happened to be quarrelling when the manager entered.经理进去时两个售货员碰巧在吵架。(2)It(so)happen that…“(如此)碰巧,恰好”。如: It happens that he is a teacher of English.恰好他是位英语老师。

It so happened that he was going that way too.如此碰巧的是他也往那边走。


I happened to have no money with me./It happened that I had no money with me.我碰巧身上没带钱。

(3)happen to sb./sth.“某人/物出事,发生了„„情况”。如:What has happened to your hand?你的手怎么了? Be careful not to let anything happen to that child.小心别让那个孩子出任何事。[应用]选择正确答案

①—We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.(MET’91)—What do you suppose __________to her? A.was happening

B.to happen C.has happened

D.having happened ②They happened to _______for Tianjin when we got there.(MET’)A.leave

B.have left


D.had left ③If anything __________you,let me know.A.is happened to

B.is happening C.happens on

D.happens to Key:①C ②B ③D 16.mistake短语归纳

1)用作名词:by mistake由于差错;make mistakes 出错;make no mistake没出错;correct one’s mistake改正错误;recognize one’s mistake承认错误;make mistake about sb./sth.误会(解)某人/事

2)用作动词:mistake one’s meaning误解某人的意思;mistake sb./sth.for错当成,误以为是„„;be mistaken 弄错,错误的。




Time will _________ whether I made the right choice or not.A.seee



D.tell 分析:D。tell意为“辨别”。题2(NMET 1998)

They ___________the train until it disappeared in the distance A.saw



D.observed 分析:B。题干中until it disappeared in the distance 表明“他们在注视着火车,直到它在视野中消失。”see(be able to use your eyes to look at things and know what they are);watch(look at and pay attention to something that is happening;);notice(see,hear,or feel something);observe(see and notice sth.)从上面内容可知答案为B。题3(上海


Either you or the headmaster__________the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.A.is handing out

B.are to hand out C.are handing out

D.is to hand out 分析:D。句中表按预定的计划做某事,而hand out 不是表示“出发、动身”等意的瞬间动词,因此不能用现在进行时表示将来时,不能选A或C。另外either…or + 主语 + v.结构中的动词单复数形式应与靠近的主语一致。题4(上海


It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I __________in love,at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.A.wouldn’t have fallen

B.had not fallen C.should fall

D.were to fall 分析:B。虚拟语气。题5(MET 1992)

We _________last night,but we went to the concert instead.A.must have studied

B.might sutdy C.should have studied

D.would study 分析:C。从but一词表示转折来看,前句应与后句相反,所以前句应为“过去本应做的事,而未做。” 题6(NMET 1995)

It’s nearly seven o’clock.Jack ___________be here at any moment.A.must



D.can 分析:C。题干中有be expected to,或具有一种对现在的推测意味,可用should.题7(NMET 1994)

I told Sally how to get there,but perhaps I________for her.A.had to write it out

B.must have written it out C.should have written it out

D.ought to write it out 分析:C。此题表示“过去本应该做而未做”。题8(NMET 1998)

—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.—They ________be ready by 12:00.A.can



D.need 分析:B。此题表示对未来情况的推测意味。



Unit 11 Scientific Achievements

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses: 1.likely adj.很可能的,预期的

John is likely to be in London this autumn.今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。

It is likely that the main lecturer will be late.主讲人很可能迟到。

2.overseas adv.1.在(或向)海外;在(或向)国外

Studying overseas is very popular now.在国外学习很流行。adj.(在)海外的;(在)国外的 an overseas market 国外市场 3.rely on 依靠,依赖

You can't rely on the weather.这天气可靠不住。

You may rely on me to help you.你可以信赖我会帮助你的。

4.locate vt.把...设置在,使...坐落于,找出…的位置

The company located its branch office in the suburbs.该公司把它的分公司设在郊区。The museum is located on Main Street.博物馆位于梅茵街。

The police are trying to locate the missing man.警方正设法查明那个失踪者的下落。5.announce vt.宣布,发布

The vote was completed.The chairman announced the result.投票完毕。主席宣布了结果。

6.have …in common 共同的;共有的

Those two have something in common.两者有共同之处。

Unit 12 Fact and Fantasy

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses:

1.voyage n.航海,航行, 太空旅行

The voyage from America to France used to take two months.从美国到法国的航行过去要花二个月时间。

2.throw light upon 阐明某事,使某事显得非常清楚 Their discovery throw new light upon an old scientific controversy.他们的发现阐明了一个古老的科学争论。

3.hesitate vi.踌躇;犹豫

Don't hesitate about that.Do it at once.对于那件事不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧。4.horror n.恐怖,震惊,毛骨悚然

She sat motionlessly with horror.她惊恐地呆坐着。Adj.引起恐怖的

Children should not see the horror movie.儿童不该看恐怖电影。

5.remind vt.提醒;使想起(常用搭配:remind sb of sth, remind sb to do sth, remind sb that)I reminded Gerald of his promise.我提醒吉罗德他曾许下的诺言。6.consider vt.考虑,细想(常用搭配:consider doing sth)We're considering moving to Seattle.我们考虑搬往西雅图。认为;把...视为(常用搭配:consider sb/sth to be /as….)Jean considered herself(to be)very lucky.琼认为自己非常幸运。

7.set up, set out, set off Set up 建立 set out 出发,开始

set off 出发去

A new government was set up after the war.新政府于战后成立。They set out at dawn.他们黎明时分出发。

They set off for Denver.他们出发去丹佛。

Unit 13 The Water Planet

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses: 1.benefit n.利益,好处;优势

The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。vt.对...有益,有益于

The sea air will benefit you.海边的空气对你有益。

vi.得益,受惠(常用搭配:benefit from…)

We benefited greatly by this frank talk.这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。2.available adj.可用的,在手边的;可利用的

The swimming pool is available only in summer.这个游泳池只在夏天开放。

3.range vi.平行;列成一行,绵亘, 延伸

The shabby houses used to range along the road.过去这路边破败的房子排成行。The road ranges westward from the lake.这条路由湖边向西延伸。

(在一定范围内)变动, 变化

The temperature ranges between 30 and 40 degrees centigrade.温度在摄氏三十度与四十度之间。

4.take advantage of利用, 欺骗;占...的便宜

He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.他趁着天气好,出去散散步。

He has always been taking advantage of me.他老是占我的便宜。5.survive.vt.在...之后仍然生存,从...中逃生

Only two passengers survived the air-crash.这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于死。vi.活下来,幸存;残留

Few survived after the flood.洪水后极少有人生还。

6.incredible 不能相信的,不可信的,难以置信的

The plot of the book is incredible.这本书的情节叫人难以相信。7.dissolve vt./vi.分解.(使)溶解;(使)融化 Water dissolves salt.水溶解盐。

Sugar dissolves in water.糖溶于水。8.medium手段,工具

English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school.英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。


A good deal of adult education is accomplished by the mass media.成人教育的相当一部分是由大众传播媒介完成的。

Unit 14 Freedom Fighters

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses: 1.join vt.参加;作...的成员

I'll persuade him to join our club.我将劝他加入我们的俱乐部。连结;使结合

He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue.他用胶水将这两块木料粘在一起。2.forbid vt.禁止,不许(常用搭配:forbid doing, forbid sb to do)The new law forbids smoking in offices.新法律禁止在办公室抽烟。Their father forbade them to go.他们的父亲禁止他们去。3.set an example to 树立榜样

She arrived at the office early to set an example to the others.她很早就来到办公室,作为他人的表率。4.boycott vt.联合抵制;拒绝参加(或购买等);They boycotted the meeting.他们拒绝参加那个会议。


We put the production under a boycott.我们联合抵制该商品。5.inspire vt.鼓舞,激励,驱使,赋予...灵感,给...以启示

His speech inspired us to try again.他的演讲鼓舞了我们再作尝试。The beautiful scenery inspired the composer.美丽的景色使作曲家灵思泉涌。6.believe in 与believe 的区别 Believe in : 信任; believe : 相信 I don't believe a single word he says.他的话我一句也不信。We believe in him.我们信任他。7.judge vt.裁判;评定;裁决

You can't judge a book by its cover.你不能根据封面来评价一本书。

Judging by/from what he said, he seems to have interviewed the chairman.根据他所说的判断,他似乎已经会见过主席了。

8.act vt.扮演

He acted Othello at the Royal Theater that evening.那天晚上他在皇家剧院扮演奥赛罗。vi.行动, 举止,表现

We should act immediately.我们应该立即行动。I don't think she acted right.我认为她做得欠妥。

语法快递 复习被动语态

被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者,如:A new swimming pool will be built on our school.被动语态的形式是由“助动词be+动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be随着主语的人称,数,时态和语气的不同而变化。各种时态的被动语态形式如下: 1.一般现在时 am/is/are+V(p.p)人们利用电能运转机器。Electricity is used to run machines.2.一般过去时 was/were + V(p.p)昨天我们在山坡上种了许多树。Many trees were planted on the hill yesterday.3.一般将来时 will/shall +be+V(p.p)下星期我们将举行一场运动会。A sports meeting will be held next week.4..过去将来时 should/would +be+V(p.p)他告诉我们人们将在他家乡建一个大水坝。We were told that a big reservoir would be built in his hometown.Unit 15 Destinations

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses:

1.phenomenon 现象(复数形式是:phenomena)The employment problem tends to be a city phenomenon.就业问题常常是一个城市现象。2.get tired of 对。。感到厌倦;对。。失去兴趣

I’ve got tired of listening to your criticisms.我厌烦了每天听你的批评。3.guarantee


The TV set has a year's guarantee.这架电视机有一年的保修期。vt..保证;担保

Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers.保证我们的顾客完全满意。4.budget n 预算;预算费;生活费,经费

It is essential to balance one's budget.量入为出是很重要的。vt.把...编入预算;按照预算来计划

The school budgeted one million dollars for a new library.学校编列了一百万美元建新图书馆的预算。

5.sight n.视觉,视力,视界,视域,看见,目睹,景色 名胜 I'll have my sight tested tomorrow.我明天去检查视力。Victory is in sight.胜利在望。

The girl dreaded the sight of snakes.那女孩害怕看到蛇。

You cannot understand a person at first sight.你不能第一次见面就了解一个人。6.scene、scenery、sight和view 的异同

scene、scenery、sight和view 都有景象的含义。

scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvelous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:a sad sight悲惨的场景see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。view常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。

6.a variety of种种(也可以写成:varieties of)He has a variety of interests.他有多种爱好。

7.prefer vt.宁可,宁愿(选择);更喜欢(常用搭配:prefer to do sth, prefer doing sth, prefer to do sth rather than do sth, prefer doing sth to doing sth)

I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy cities.我喜欢安静的乡村胜过喧闹的城市。

I prefer to travel to different places rather than stay at home peacefully.我喜欢到不同的地方旅行,而不是平静地呆在家里。

Unit 16 The United States of America

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses:

1.aim vt.把...瞄准;把...对准掷向[(+at)] He aimed the gun at the door.他把枪对准那扇门。

vi.瞄准,对准,致力于,(常用搭配:aim at aim to do sth)The hunter aimed at the lion and fired.猎人瞄准了狮子开火。We aim at doubling our production.我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。n.目标,目的

It is now our aim to set up a factory.我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。2.vain a.爱虚荣的,自负的,炫耀的

She is vain and extravagant.她既爱虚荣又奢侈。徒然的,无益的

They made vain attempts to reach the mountaintop.他们几次徒然尝试想攀登山顶。in vain 无结果,徒然

All our work was in vain.我们的工作全都白干了。3.insist vt.坚持;坚决认为

She insisted that he was wrong.她坚持认为他错了。vt.坚决主张;坚决要求

Jane insisted that he be present.珍坚持要他出席。


He insisted on/upon my going with him.他坚持要我跟他一起去。I insist on seeing it.我一定要见到它。4.clothing


Our clothing protects us from the cold.衣服帮我们御寒。Clothing, clothes, cloth,dress的区别:


This clothing is needed in warm countries.在温暖的国家需要这种服装。

Her clothes are made of fine cloth.他的衣服是由高质量的布制成。

英文中的dress则指较正规的服装,如:a school dress 校服,an evening dress晚礼服。5 in turn 转而,反过来,轮流

The girls called out their names in turn.女孩们逐个报出自己的名字。

Listening to English as much as possible can improve one’s hearing, which in turn can improve his speaking.尽可能多听英语可以提高听力能力,转而提高口语能力。6 have an effect on 对。。有影响

As is known to all, pollution has a bad effect on the city.众所周知,污染对城市有坏影响。

Unit 17 Disabilities

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses:

1.ability n.能力;才能(常用搭配:ability to do sth)She did the work to the best of her ability.她已尽了力去做那件工作了。2.gifted a.有天资的,有天赋的

He is a gifted athlete.他是个有天赋的运动员。3.adjust to vt.调节;改变...以适应 ,校准;调整

She must learn to adjust herself to English life.她必须学会适应英国的生活。vi.适应(常用搭配:adjust to sth)Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.宇航员在飞行中得适应失重状态。4.get used to习惯于 She is used to hard work.她习惯于艰苦工作。

注意:在be/get used to 句型中,to 是介词,所以后面一定要用名词或动词的-ing 形式。5.sense 意识,观念,感官,官能

She has no sense of time.她没有时间观念。

Your brother has a good sense of humor.你兄弟很有幽默感。


vi.参加,参与(常用搭配:participate in)

No professionals participated in the contest.没有职业选手参加这一比赛。7.potential adj.潜在的,可能的

The dispute has scared away potential investors.这一争端吓走了潜在的投资者。n.可能性;潜力,潜能

She has acting potential, but she needs training.她有表演潜力,但需要训练。


有些及物动词可以有两个宾语,如:give给,pass递,bring带,show显示。这两个宾语通常一个指人,为间接宾语;一个指物,为直接宾语。间接宾语一般位于直接宾语之前。一般的顺序为:动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语。如:Give me a cup of tea, please.强调间接宾语顺序为:动词 + 直接宾语 + to + 间接宾语。如:Show this house to Mr.Smith.若直接宾语为人称代词:动词+ 代词直接宾语 + to + 间接宾语。如:Bring it to me, please.在间接宾语的前面,不同的动词用不同的介词,有的用to , 有的用for.常用to 的动词是:bring, give, hand, lend, mail pass, read, tell, send, show, sell, throw, write, teach 等。而常用for 的动词有:buy, cook, do, find, get, make等。

如:Hand the salt to me, please.请把盐递给我。

She teaches English to advanced students.她教高水平学生的英语。She promised to lend some books to me.她承诺要借我一些书。Remember to write letters to me.记得给我写信。

Unit 18 Inventions

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses:

1.allow vt.允许,准许(常用搭配:allow doing sth, allow sb to do sth)Swimming is not allowed at this beach.这片海滩禁止游泳。She allowed us to smoke.她允许我们抽烟。

Allow for 顾及,为。。做准备

We'd better start earlier.We should allow for traffic delays.我们还是早些动身为好。我们要考虑到路上交通会有耽搁。2.reject vt.拒绝,抵制

The plan was rejected.该计划遭拒绝。

3.stick n.棍,棒,杖;手杖

Grandpa still walks without a stick.爷爷走路仍不拄拐杖。vt.粘贴;张贴 伸,伸出

They stuck the notice on the wall.他们把通知贴在墙上。

Don't stick your head out of the train window.不要把头伸出火车窗外面。被...难住;被困住

Have you got stuck over your algebra? 你的代数题做不下去了吧? 4.aware adj.知道的,察觉的(常用搭配:be aware of, be aware+ that)I am well aware that this is a tough job.我深知这是一件棘手的工作。She was not aware of having done wrong.她没有意识到做错了事。

5.application n.应用,适用;运用

Biology has practical applications.生物学有实用性。申请,请求;申请书

I made an application for a loan.我申请一笔贷款。6.strategy n.战略;战略学

He is an expert in military strategy.他是军事战略专家。


The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation.政府采取了大规模紧缩通货的策略。

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses: 1.give up 放弃,戒绝

The girl gave up halfway.这女孩中途放弃。I wish I could give up drinking.我真希望自己能戒酒。

2.may/might as well(强调的劝告)不妨;最好

You may as well stay here for a few days.你最好在这里停留几天。3.offer vt.主动给予,提供;He offered me a glass of wine.他端给我一杯酒。They offered to help me.他们表示愿意帮助我。He offered to lend me some books.他表示要借给我几本书。3.出(价);开(价)We offered him the calculator for US$50.这计算器我们向他开价五十美元。n.提供,提议

Thank you for your kind offer of help.感谢你想给予帮助的好意。4.hope for 希望,盼望

Leaders hope for peace and stability in Iraq.领导者希望伊拉克和平稳定。5.envy n.妒忌;羡慕vt.妒忌;羡慕

She said it out of envy.她出于嫉妒说了这话。妒忌的对象;羡慕的目标

His talent is the envy of his colleagues.他的同事都羡慕他的才能。I envy you your good luck.我羡慕你的好运。

6.versus prep.(法律和运动用语,常略作v.或vs.)对;对抗 The big match tonight is England versus Spain.今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。Robinson versus Brown 鲁宾逊对布朗的诉讼 prep.与...相对

the problem of mercy versus revenge 饶恕与复仇相抗衡的问题

Unit 20 Archaeology

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses: 1.date back to , date from 从。开始,起源于,上溯到

The Sanxingdui site is said to date back to 5000 years ago.三星堆遗址据说开始于5000年前。2.in terms of 就...而论;在...方面

In terms of money, he's quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。3.root n.(植物的)根;根;根基;本质

These plants have very deep roots.这些植物的根长得很深。This is the root cause of poverty.这是贫穷的根本原因。vi.生根 根源在于,来源于

Some plants root easily.有些植物容易生根成长。

The crime rooted in his greed for money.这一犯罪行为起因于他对金钱的贪得无厌。4.survive vt..在...之后仍然生存,从...中逃生

Only two passengers survived the air-crash.这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于死。vi.活下来,幸存;残留

Few survived after the flood.洪水后极少有人生还。

5.serve as vt.为...服务;为...服役,侍候(顾客等);供应(饭菜),充当 Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up.必须教育孩子长大后为国家服务。

She served me a cup of coffee.她给我端上一杯咖啡。

The room served as an operation room temporarily.那间屋子临时充当手术室。

6.tend to vi.1.走向;趋向 Old people tend to get fat.老年人容易发胖。He tends towards selfishness.他有自私自利的倾向。7.proven a.被证明的

Truth is something proven by experiment, so nothing should be taken for granted.真理是要被实践证明的,所以没有什么东西可以想当然。语法快递 it 用法 it的用法

(1)用作人称代词,代替前文提出到的无生命的事物,动植物、婴儿及指示代词this, that,如,I have a new pen.It is beautiful.我有一只新钢笔,它很好看。

The Browns have a new baby.It's cute.布朗一家新生了一个小孩,很可爱。

(2)用来表示时间、天气、距离等,如,It's twelve o'clock now.现在12点了。

It's fine today.今天天气很好。


Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses:

复习情态动词 1.表示可能性的情态动词

may 和might用来推测现在“可能”,may 比might表示的可能性大些。may通常只用于陈述句中。例如:

--It may rain tomorrow.明天可能下雨。

用may 表示“可能”一般不用于疑问句,在疑问句中通常用can表示。例如:--Can they have missed the bus?--Yes, they may have.他们可能错过了公共汽车吗?是的。



-Some people can ski better than others.有些人滑雪比其他人好。

Everyone in the village could hear her voice.村子里每个人都能听见她的声音。

be able to/be unable to不仅有现在时、过去时,还可有将来时、现在完成时、不定式、动词-ing形式等。例如:

Our baby will be able to walk in a few weeks.我们的婴儿几周后就能走路了。

Since his accident he hasn’t been able to leave the house.自从事故后,他就不能离开房子了。3.表示肯定推测的情态动词


如: Oh, you must be Sylvia’s husband.你一定是西尔薇亚的丈夫。


被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者,如:A new swimming pool will be built on our school.被动语态的形式是由“助动词be+动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be随着主语的人称,数,时态和语气的不同而变化。各种时态的被动语态形式如下: 1.一般现在时 am/is/are+V(p.p)人们利用电能运转机器。Electricity is used to run machines.2.一般过去时 was/were + V(p.p)昨天我们在山坡上种了许多树。Many trees were planted on the hill yesterday.3.一般将来时 will/shall +be+V(p.p)下星期我们将举行一场运动会。A sports meeting will be held next week.4..过去将来时 should/would +be+V(p.p)他告诉我们人们将在他家乡建一个大水坝。We were told that a big reservoir would be built in his hometown.5.现在进行时 am/is/are +being+V(p.p)

他正在油漆房子。A house is being painted.6.过去进行时 was/were +being+V(p.p)当我进厨房时,她正在做蛋糕。A cake was being made when I came into the kitchen.7.现在完成时 have/has +been+V(p.p)他已经结束工作了。He has finished his work.His work has been finished.8.过去完成时 had +been+V(p.p)到上个月为止,他们已经把这本书翻译成了英语。

The book had been translated into English by the end of last month.9.将来完成时will have +been+V(p.p)2,000 words will have been learned by the end of next year.10.带情态动词的被动语态 由情态动词+be+V(p.p)”构成。如:

The machine must be operated with care.注意:主动形式表示被动意义的情况

Habits are easy to make but hard to break.(Habits是to make、to break的逻辑宾语)。习惯容易养成,但很难改变。

She only has a small cold room to live in.(不定式所修饰的名词或代词是动词的宾语,而句子的主语也是不定式的逻辑主语时)她只有一间寒冷的斗室可以容身。

The bike needs repairing(= to be repaired在动词want、need、require等后面常用动名词表示被动含义,等于不定式的被动形式。).自行车需要修理了。

This novel is well worth reading.(worth后跟动名词主动形式表示被动)这本小说很值得阅读。

A big fire happened / took place / broke out last night.(不及物动词没有被动语态)How sweet the music sounds!(感官动词 用主动形式表示被意思。)

The book sells well.(write、read、sell、keep、prove、weigh、number、drink、wear、pay、wash、open常用主动形式表被动意义)这本书销路很好。


Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1)SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement Teaching materials & focuses:




不定式由“ to十动词原形”构成,其否定形式是“ not to do”.不定式可以带宾语或状语构成不定式短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化.不定式可作主语、宾语、状语、表语和定语,但不能单独作谓语.不定式的逻辑主语有时用“ for十名词或代词宾格”构成.


l)作主语. To see is to believe.眼见为实。2)作宾语. He wanted to go. 他想走开。

I find it interesting to study work with him.我发现和他一起工作很有趣。

3)作宾语补足语. He asked me to do the work with him.他请我和他一起工作。4)作定语.I have some books for you to read. 我有一些书给你读。5)作状语,表示目的、原因、结果或条件.

I came here to see you.我到这里来看你。(目的)We were very excited to hear the news.我们听到消息非常兴奋。(原因)He hurried to the school to find nobody there.他急忙去了学校,结果发现那里没有人。(结果)To look at him, you would like him.如果你看见他,你会喜欢他。(条件)6)作表语. My job is to help the patient.我的工作是帮助患者。

7)作独立成分.To tell the truth,I don’t agree with you.说实话,我不同意你。

8)不定式与疑问词 who,which,when,where,how,what等连用,在句中起名词作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语等.例如:

He didn’t know what to say.他不知道说什么。

(二)动词的ing 形式。

动词的ing 形式由动词十 ing构成;可作主语、宾语、表语和定语,状语,但是不可以做谓语。

It is no use arguing with him.和他争辩是没有用的。(做主语)He is fond of playing football.他迷恋足球。(做宾语)Her job is teaching.他的工作是教书。(做表语)He has a reading room.他有一间阅览室。(做定语)

Being a student,he was interested in books.作为一名学生,他对书感兴趣。(做状语)

Having studied in the university for 3 years, he knows the way very well.在大学学习了3年,他对道路很熟悉。(ing 的过去式做状语)



Section I 课前准备、听力、口语

1.Try the quiz below to see if you know any better.试一试下面的知识检测,看看你是否了解的更多。(P.9 Question 2)if:(1)if conj.“是否”,在此语境中可用whether 代替。He asked whether / if we wanted a drink.他问我们是否要喝点饮料。注意:whether与if(作“是否”解时)都可以连接宾语从句。

(2)if不能替换whether的5种情况:a.正式文体中,句中有or not时I wonder whether it is big enough or not.我想知道它是否足够大。注意:在口语中“if...or not”可接受,但连写的“if or not”是错误的。b.引导主语、表语、同位语从句时:Whether it is true(or not)remains a question.它是不是真的还是一个问题。c.作介词宾语时I haven't settled the question of whether I'll go back home.我还没决定是否要回家。d.在不定式前,与不定式组成词组She hasn't decided whether to go or not.她还没有决定去还是不去。e.作discuss等词的宾语We discussed whether we should close the shop.我们讨论是否该关闭那家商店。


a.表示真实条件。“如果” If he told you that, he was lying.如果他是那样对你说的,他就是在撒谎。If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.如果明天下雨,我们就不出去。

注意:if条件句要求用一般时表示将来,不用will表示将来,只有在表示“愿意”或“不愿意”时,if后才可以跟will或won't。If you won't come, I'll go alone.如果你不愿意来,我就一个人去。

b.表示假设条件,“假如”,用虚拟语气与现在事实相反 If I were you, I would help her.我要是你的话,我就会帮助她。

与过去事实相反 If I had not missed the train, I would have got home by now.假如我没误了火车,现在早该到家了。与将来事实相反 If any one should call, please let me know.万一有人打电话来,请告诉我一声。

拓展:as if(=as though)好像(引导方式状语从句或表语从句);even if(=even though)即使(引导让步状语从句);if only(引导感叹句,要用虚拟语气)但愿,要„„就好了;(引导状语从句,要用虚拟语气)要是,若是;only if(引导状语从句,用陈述语气)只有

2.What is the highest mountain on earth and how high is it? 世界上最高的山是什么山? 有多高?(P.9 Question 2 No.1)Which is the longest river on earth and how long is it? 世界上最长的河是那条? 有多长?(P.9Question2 No.3)1)What(1)pron.(疑问代词)什么 What happened next? 后来怎么样了呢? What do you want? 你要什么?(2)pron.(连接代词,引导名词性从句等)所„„的事(或人)What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.过去认为不可能的事现在已成为现实。The city is not what it used to be.这个城市不再是先前的模样了。2)辨析:what与which


(2)which,what同为名词性从句的连接代词时,都可在所连接的名词性从句中充当主语或宾语,其区别在意思上。what强调“内容”,而which强调从已知的、确定的范围中做出选择。This river, which flows through London, is called the Thames.(which引导非限制性定语从句)这条流经伦敦的河,叫泰晤士河。What book are you going to read? 你要读什么书?

Which book are you going to read, this one or that one? 你要读哪一本书,这本还是那本? 注意:以下句子中常用what。(1)What season do you like best? 你最喜欢什么季节?(2)What day is today? 今天是星期几?(3)What's the date today? 今天是几号? 联想:somewhat adv.稍微,有点whatever pron.无论什么;凡是„„的东西

拓展:What about„?(用于征求意见时)„„怎么样(=How about);what if倘使„„将会怎么样;即使„„又有什么要紧;尽管„„又有什么关系;what for为何目的;为什么what is more而且

3.Why does Sam need to know the time.为什么Sam需要知道时间?(P.10 Listen-ing Ex.2 No.1)need:(1)n.[U] 缺乏,缺少,需要 There is no need for you to be anxious.你没必要焦虑的。

(2)n.[C]必需品 £10 a month will meet my needs.一个月10英镑可满足我的需要。(3)v.需要 This job needs a lot of care, attention and time.这工作需要花费很多心思和时间。She likes to feel needed.她喜欢感觉有人需要她。(4)v.aux.(无时态和人称变化;多用于疑问句和否定句;后接没有to的不定式;need not缩写为needn't)需要,必须--Need l go? 我必须去吗?--Yes, you must.(No, you needn't.)是的,你必须去(不,你不必去)。He need not have come last night.他昨晚本来没必要来的。(但实际来了)注意:need not have done表示某一个已经发生的动作实际上不必发生,常译为“不必„„也行”等。

比较:He didn't need to come last night.他昨晚不必来。(实际上也没有来)辨析:need, require与want:(1)三者后接名词、代词或数词,意思为“要”或“需要”。三者后接被动的不定式或主动的动名词,意思为“需要”或“应该”。(2)need(需要)和want(想要)可以接主动的不定式作宾语,而require不可以。(3)require和want可以接复合宾语,而need不可以。(4)require可以接宾语从句,而且从句中的谓语动词必须用“(should+)动词原形”;need和want不可以。(5)need可以作情态动词,而require和want不可以。例如:The work needs / requires / wants patience.这工作需要耐心。The house needs / requires / wants to be cleaned / cleaning.这房子需要清扫。He needs / wants to see you.他要见你。I require / want you to be here this evening.我请你今晚到这儿来。They require that I(should)appear.他们要求我出场。You need not write down your translation.你们不必写下译文。联想:(派)needful adj.需要的,必须的needless adj.无需的,不必要的needlessly adv.不需地,无谓地 needy adj.贫穷的,贫困的

拓展:at need紧急时;be / stand in need of 需要;if need be / were 如果必要的话;more than needs 超过需要;There is no need for sb.to do sth.某人做某事是不必要的。4.„ and talk about what you believe may come true in the future.谈一谈你认为将来可能实现的事?(P.10 Speaking 第四行)(1)link.-v.成为,变成 His dream came true.他的梦想实现了。(2)come + to do(不定式中的动词多为表示心理活动的动词,如:understand,realize)终于„„;开始„„

I hope we'll be friends and come to understand each other.我希望我们成为朋友并逐渐相互理解。He came to realize that he was wrong.他开始认识到自己错了。辨析:get,go,turn与come


大都表示向好的方面转化。They got married 10 years ago.他们10年前结的婚。Please don't get angry.请别生气。The eggs went bad.鸡蛋坏了。The telephone has gone dead.电话断了。The weather has turned much colder.天气变得冷多了。Everything will come right in the end.最终一切事情总会变好的。

5.Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever.医生可能会找到一种让我们青春永驻的办法。(P.10 Speaking “Young forever” 第二个A)部分名词后接不定式或介词 + 动名词 1)在chance,way,opportunity,time等名词后,既可用不定式,又可用“介词 + 动名词”作定语。如:I'd like to have a chance to see / of seeing your teacher.我想找个机会见一个你们的老师。I'm glad to have the opportunity to talk / of talking to you.我很高兴能有这个机会跟你谈话。2)在ability,resolution,tendency等名词后,通常用不定式作后置定语。如:Does he have the ability to do the work? 他有做这项工作的能力吗? He has made a resolution to go abroad.他决心出国。She has a tendency to become fat.她有发胖的趋势。

3)当被修饰的普通名词前有序数词修饰时,该名词的后置定语也须用不定式而不是“介词 + 动名词”。Antonio Gaudi is the first one to understand that.安东尼奥是第一个理解那件事的人。He is always the first one to come and the last one to leave.他总是第一个来,最后一个离开。

4)而在habit,idea,intention,method,objection等名词后,通常只跟“介词+动名词”作定语。I have the habit of taking a nap after lunch.我有午饭后睡午觉的习惯。She dismissed the idea of becoming an artist.她打消了当艺术家的念头。He had no intention of keeping his word.他不想遵守诺言。We like his methods of teaching English.我们喜欢他教英语的方法。He had an objection to(prep.)doing it.他反对做此事。

Section II 阅读

6.By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further,„ 通过将他所处时代的科学发展向前推进一步„(P.11 第一段倒数第4-3行)by prep.表手段、方式或原因

(1)以„„,借助于„„,用„„ I go to school by bus, but my father goes to office by car.我乘公共汽车上学,但我爸爸开车上班。I sent the letter by e-mail.我将那封信以电子邮件寄出。

(2)借、靠、因„(置于动名词前,表方法、手段、原因)You can make the cake by mixing eggs and flour.把鸡蛋和面粉混合,你就可以做出那种蛋糕。He caught(a)cold by playing soccer in the rain.他因在雨中踢足球而感冒了。注意:置于by之后表示交通工具的名词,前面不加冠词,但指特定之物时则须加冠词。He left by the 10:30 train.他坐10:30的火车走了。

7.He also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were consider-ed impossible in his own time.他还提出将来如何用发明来使人类作出他那个时代被认为是不可能做到的事情。(P.11 第一段 倒数2行)suggest: 1)suggest(1)v.建议、提议 I suggest finishing now.我建议现在做完。He suggested a walk.他提议去散散步。(2)v.显出 Her yawn suggests that she is sleepy.她打哈欠表明她困了。Her look suggests that she is very happy.从她的表情可看得出她很高兴。(3)v.表“建议”,后跟宾语从句时,用虚拟语气,从句中谓语动词常用“(should)+ 动词原形”。He suggested that the work(should)be started at once.他建议立即动工。It is suggested that the work(should)be finished as soon as possible.有人提议那项工作要尽早完成。注意:“建议某人做某事”不可用suggest sb.to do sth.句型,但可用advise sb.to do

sth.suggest只有一个宾语。我向他提议我们早点动身去机场。误:I suggested him that we leave early for the airport.正:I suggested to him that we leave early for the airport.提示:表示向某人建议某事用to sb.置于宾语之后;也可以因强调宾语或句子结构的需要而置于宾语之前,但不可以省去to;类似的动词有:explain解释;announce宣布,通知;report报告,报到。

补充:suggest(ion)等后用虚拟语气的情况:我们表示“建议”“要求”“命令”“应当做„„”这一意义时,suggest等动词后的宾语从句中的谓语常用”(should+)动词原形”;这类动词的字头记忆口诀是:I DROP CAPS,具体为:insist坚持;demand要求,desire要求,请求;request请求,require需要;要求;order命令;propose建议;command命令;ask要求;advise建议;prefer宁愿;suggest建议(1)这些动词变被动语态(如:It is suggested + that主语从句)形式后,主语从句谓语动词仍用“(should+)动词原形”。(2)这些动词变名词(如:suggestion)后,其后的表语从句和同位语从句中的谓语部分仍用“(should+)动词原形。”(3)此类动词不表达“某事必须或很重要”这一意义时,宾语从句中不用虚拟语气。She insisted that she heard somebody in the house.她坚持说她听到房子里有人。Her expression suggested she was angry.她的表情表明她很生气。

2)allow(1)v.允许,准许 They do not allow smoking here.他们不允许在这里抽烟。They allowed her to go to the party.他们允许她去参加聚会。(2)v.给予,提供(钱或时间)He allows his son ten dollars a month.他每月给儿子10元钱。Your gift allows me to buy a car.你的赠礼使我能够买一辆车了。The facts allow no other explanation.这些事实不容易做解释。

辨析:allow,permit与let:(1)allow和permit都表示“允许”,用法也一样,在许多情况下可以互相换用,只是词义的强弱上有些差别。(2)allow词义较弱,含有“听任”“默许”“不加阻止”的意思。permit词义较强,强调“正式认可”“批准”的意思。let表示“让”,词义最弱,较口语化,用法上也不同于allow和permit;在let后面的宾补为不带to的动词不定式;let一般不能用被动语态。That teacher allows too much noise in the classroom.那位老师听任教室里大声吵闹。Schools do not permit smoking.学校不准吸烟。The nurse allowed him to remain there, though it was not permitted.护士让他留在那里,虽然这是(规定)不允许的。Let me help you.让我帮你吧。

8.„ and it is believed to be caused by a sea monster.人们认为这是由于一种海中怪兽造成的。(P.11 第二段第2行)cause:(1)v.导致;成为„„的原因;使发生He often causes trouble to / for people.他常给人们惹麻烦。His illness caused him to miss the game.他因病不能参加比赛。

(2)n.[C] 原因,起因Careless is often the cause of fires.粗心大意常常是火灾的起因。

(3)n.[C](人们强烈维护或支持的)原则或运动She fought for the cause all her life.她一生都在为事业奋斗。

辨析:cause,reason,excuse与grounds cause“起因”;指引起某种后果的起因。reason“理由,原因”;指决定做某一件事或采取某一行动的理由;由此而得出结论或解释。excuse“辩解,借口”;指为某一行为所做的解释,可以是真的,也可以是推托之辞。grounds“根据,理由”;指有根据的理由。The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving too fast.事故的原因是他车开得太快。The reason for my absence was that I was ill.我没来是因为我生病了。Too much work is no excuse for not studying.工作太忙不能成为不学习的理由。We have good grounds to believe his story.我们有充分的理由相信他的话。

9.Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster.爱瑞纳克斯博士,他的仆人和一位加拿大的猎鲸手出发去寻找这只海怪。(P.11 第二段 倒数第1行)set out:(1)开始,着手 They set out to perform the operation.他们开始做手术。They set out to work as soon as they arrived.他们一到就干了起来。

(2)启程,动身Half an hour later we set out again on our journey.半小时之后,我们又启程赶路了。They set out for Rome.他们动身去罗马。

比较:(1)set about开始,着手 He set about washing his car.(= He set out to wash his car.)他开始洗涮汽车。

I'll set about preparing supper.(= I'll set out to prepare supper.)我要开始准备晚饭了。(2)set off出发、动身 We all set off for New York next Tuesday.(= We all set out for New York next Tuesday.)下星期二我们将动身去纽约。They have set off on a journey round the world.(=They have set out on a journey round the world.)他们已出发作环球旅行。

归纳:set out(1)动身、出发(set off)(2)开始、着手(= set about)其中out,off为副词,about为介词。

拓展:set sb.an example = set an example to sb.为某人树立榜样;set about 着手(开始)做;set aside 存蓄,留出;set fire to 点燃,生火;set foot in / on 登上,涉足;访问;set off 出发,动身;set to work(使)开始干

10.„ the three companions are thrown overboard.三个伙伴都被撞翻到船外。(P.12第一段 第2行)overboard: adv.自船边缘落入水中They were thrown overboard when they were on the sea.他们出海时船翻了。

辨析:aboard,board,on board与abroad

aboard adv.在船(飞机、车)上;上船(飞机、车)/ board vt.上车,上船 / on board 在船(车等)上,上船(车等)/ abroad adv.在国外,到国外 The boat is ready to leave.All aboard!船就要开了,请大家上船。It's time to go aboard.该上船(火车、飞机)了。注意:aboard作副词时只用在动词之后。

board vt.上车、上船 Then we boarded the bus and headed for the airport.然后我们上了汽车向机场开去。What time shall we go on board? 我们什么时候上船(车)? 注意:on board作形容词或副词性短语时,一般作“在船上„” “上船”解。He lives abroad for many years.他在国外侨居多年。They are sent abroad to work.他们被派驻国 外工作。


The professor is engaged from abroad.这位教授是从国外聘来的。

11.In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself,„ 在他们努力求生时,却发现自己就在这头怪兽的身体表面。(P.12 第一段2-4行)1)effort n.努力;尽力 He lifted the heavy box without effort.他毫不费力地举起了那个重箱子。The prisoner made an effort to escape but he failed.那犯人企图越狱,但没有成功。


effect n.影响、效果 / affect v.影响 / afford v.花费得起;买得起;力足以 His stomachache is an effect of overeating.他因为吃得过量而肚子痛。Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。Since she lost her job, she can't afford to have a car.自从她下岗以后,就用不起汽车了。I can't afford three weeks away from work.我不能放下工作外出三个星期。

拓展:make an effort to do sth.尽力做„„/ redouble one's efforts 加倍努力 / spare no effort(s)to do sth 不遗余力做 / make a good effort 做很大的努力 / make every effort 尽一切努力 / do sth.without effort 毫不费力做 2)find + 宾语 + 宾语补足语

(1)find + 宾语 + 宾补(形容词)We found the prin-ciples easy to understand.我们发现这些原理很容易理解。

(2)find + 宾语 + 宾补(名词)You will find it a difficult book.你会发现这是本很难的书。

(3)find + 宾语 + 宾补(现在分词)He found a number of people already working there.我发现很多人已经在那里干了。

(4)find + 宾语 + 宾补(过去分词)He found the place much changed.他发现这 地方有了很大变化。

(5)find + 宾语 + 宾补(不定式)We found him to be dishonest.我们发现他不老实。(6)find + 宾语 + 宾补(副词)He hurried there,but found them all out.他急匆匆赶到那里,但发现大家都出去了。

(7)find + 宾语 + 宾补(介词短语)When he woke up, he found himself in hospital.当他醒过来时,发现自己躺在医院里。

注意:find后跟随复合结构时,如宾语是不定式,不定式须移至补语之后,宾语位置用it充当。He found it impossible to see her.他觉得见到她是不可能的。19.„ and huge glass windows that can be opened and closed give a view of the underwater world.巨大的玻璃窗可以打开,让人看到水下世界。(P.12第二段第3行)view:(1)n.视力;视界;视野 My view of the harbor was blocked by the new building.新大楼挡住了我的视线,我看不见港口。The valley was hidden from view in the mist.山谷笼罩在雾中,看不见。

(2)n.(画片、照片)风景;景色There's no view from my bedroom window except of some factory chimneys.从我卧室往窗外看,除了几个工厂的烟囱外,什么景色也没有。

(3)n.看;观察,眺望 If you stand here, you'll get a better view of the procession.如果你站在这里,就可以比较清楚地看到行进的队伍。(4)n.意见;观点;见解 In my view, he's a fool.在我看来,他是个傻瓜。What are your views on free education? 你对义务教育有什么看法? 辨析:scenery,scene与view


(2)view是scenery的一部分,也就是从某个地方所能看得到的景色。(3)scene在意思上可和view一样,但scene(场面)大都包括人和动作在内:The scenery of the West Lakes is beautiful.西湖的景色很漂亮。There's a fine view of the mountains from our hotel window.从旅馆的窗子往外看,我们能看到山峦的美景。It's a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里玩是多快乐的场面。

拓展:in view of 鉴于„„;考虑到,由于;on view 展览着,上映中,陈列着

20.Readers have wondered about the character of Cap-tain Nemo ever since the book was published.自从这本书出版后,读者就对尼莫舰长的性格有很多疑惑。(P.12第四段第1行)1)wonder(1)v.对„„感到疑惑(或好奇),想知道 I was wondering where to spend the weekend.我想知道在何处度周末。I wonder if you are free this afternoon.我想知道你下午是否有空。(2)n.[U] 惊奇,惊叹,惊讶 Her success struck us all with wonder.她的成功使我们大家都很惊讶。(3)n.[C]奇迹,奇观,奇事,奇才 The Great Wall is one of

the Seven Wonders of the world.长城是世界七大奇观之一。联想:wander v.漫游,漫步,漂泊

拓展:no wonder that 怪不得,难怪,不足为奇

2)since(1)prep.自从„„以来,后来 He has eaten nothing since yesterday.自从昨天以来,他没吃过东西。I have known her since 2001.我从2001年起就认识她。(2)conj.(引导时间状语从句)自从„„以来A lot of new things have happened since he left.他走了以后,已经发生了许多新情况。We have been friends since we left school.我们从毕业后一直是朋友。(3)conj.(引导原因状语从句)既然,因为,由于Since you are going, I'll go too.既然你要去,我也要去。Since you can't answer the question.I'll ask someone else.既然你回答不了这个问题,我再去问别人。(4)adv.自从„„以来 I have always been on my guard since then.从那时起,我就一直提防着。注意:正确理解过去时态的since从句。

since时间从句中,不论用短暂动词、延续动词还是状态动词的一般过去时,通常都表示从动作或状态的完成或结束时算起,因此这种since从句应理解为“自从该动作结束以来”。如:Great changes have taken place here since he left.自从他离开以来,这里发生了巨大的变化。

提示:(1)从句中使用延续性动词时,常容易误解。(2)如果要表示从句中的动作或状态延续至今,该动词须用现在完成时,有时也可以用一般过去时,但这时需要在since前加ever,强调与现在的联系。如:I haven't heard from him since he lived(was)in Beijing.自从他离开北京,我没有收到过他的来信。How long is it since you smoked? 你戒烟多久了(或你多长时间没抽烟了)?I have known her since I have lived here(或ever since I lived here / since I lived here).从我住到这儿以来,我就认识她。

拓展:ever since从那时起一直到现在;long since 很久以前,早已;since then 从那时以后,从此以后

Section III 词汇语法、综合技能

21.Instead of children’s play and adventure,„ 我没有孩子们的那些嬉戏和冒险,„(P.15 第一段第1行)instead of prep.取代,而不 He'll go to Italy instead of France.他要去意大利而不是去法国。You should be out playing instead of working indoors all day.你应该到户外去活动活动,而不要整天呆在屋子里工作。

辨析:instead,instead of,in place of,take the place of,for,“代替”

(1)instead 单独位于句首或句尾,是副词;(2)instead of 用在名词、代词、动名词、不定式、形容词、副词或介词短语前;(3)in place of 书面语(=instead of)(“代替某人”还可用in sb.'s place);(4)take the place of 作谓语,用在名词、代词前;(5)for 口语用在名词、代词前,是介词。He went there to earn money instead of to spend money.他到那儿去是为了赚钱而不是花钱的。Things are better instead of worse.现在形势是更好了,而不是更坏了。You should be out instead of in.你应当出去走走,不要老呆在家里。I'll go there by bicycle instead of by ship.我将骑自行车去那儿,而不是坐轮船。We use gas in place of coal in cooking.我们用煤气代替煤来做饭。Our monitor is away.I'm acting in place of him(in his place).班长不在,我代替他的职务。Tractors have taken the place of horses in many places.在许多地方拖拉机取代了马。Please post this letter for me.请替我寄了这封信。

22.I read all the books I could find that threw light upon these matters.我读了我能找到的并能说明这些情况的书籍。(P.15第二段第1行)matter:(1)n.[U] 物质,物体(非思想或精神)What kinds of matter is the earth made up of? 地球是由什么物质组成的?

(2)n.[C] 事情,问题 I don't talk to my employer about private matters.我不跟我的雇主谈私事。That will make matters worse.那会使事情变得更糟。

(3)n.困难,麻烦,毛病 What's the matter? Why are you crying? 怎么回事? 你为什么哭? There's nothing the matter with me.我没什么。

(4)v.有重要性It doesn't matter if I miss my train, because there's another later.我如果没赶上火车也没什么关系,因为晚些时候还有一班。I don't think anybody matters to her apart from herself.我认为她一心只顾自己,从不考虑别人。拓展:as a matter of fact 事实上;其实 / in the matter of 关于/ to make matters worse 更糟的是/ for that matter 就此而言,而且/ no matter how(when,what,where,who,whether„)不管怎样,(何时,什么,哪里,谁,是否„„)

准确记忆:a matter事情,问题 matters事态,情况the matter = wrong 23.However, I found all that was taught at university very disappointing and „然而我发现大学所教的课程都很令人失望„(P.15第二段第3行)disappoint:(1)vt.使失望,扫兴 I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't come after all.让你失望,真抱歉,可是我实在不能来。The movie disappointed me.这部电影使我失望。(2)vt.破坏(计划),使(希望)落空 I'm sorry to disappoint your hopes.害得你的希望落空,真抱歉。The experiment disappointed their hopes.那一次实验使他们的希望落空了。辨析:disappointing与disappointed

disappointing adj.令人失望的,灰心的,扫兴的 disappointed adj.(指人)失望的,扫兴的

What disappointing news it is!多扫兴的消息。Your examination marks are rather disappointing.你的成绩真叫人失望。Since he lost the election he is a disappointed man.他落选之后,一直很失意。Are you very disappointed about/at losing the race? 你跑输了是不是很灰心? 辨析:disappoint与despair

(1)在词义上,disappoint表示“使„„失望”;despair表示“绝望,彻底失望”。(2)在词性上,disappoint为及物动词;despair为不及物动词。He was disappointed,but didn’t despair.他失望,但没绝望。24.Although I knew how to create life, how to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job.尽管我知道如何创造生命,但是怎样为它制造一个又有肌肉又有器官的身躯仍然是个难题。(P.15第四段第3-4行)remain:(1)vi.剩下,遗留 After the fire,very little remained of my house.大火过后,寒舍所剩无几。

(2)说留待以后去看、去做、去说等(后跟不定式)Much work remained to be done.还有很多工作要做。

(3)vi.逗留,留下 I'll remain to see the end of the game.我将留下看比赛的结果。(4)link-v.继续保持,仍是 He remained silent after class.下课后他仍默不做声。The door remained closed.门一直关着。辨析:stay与remain

① stay 最普通用语,或长期或短期,或永远或暂时地停留;② remain 强调维持原来的状态,表示“逗留” 时比stay更正式些。如:You go;I'll stay here till you come back.你去吧,我待在这里直到你回来。Little of the original architecture remains.原来的建筑物现在留存很少了。How many days will you remain here? 你准备在此待几天? 25.I collected my instruments around me, with which I would light the flame of life in the dead thing that lay at my feet.我把身边的工具都收集起来,用这些工具我可以将生命之光注入到这个躺在我脚下没有生命的东西的身体里。(P.15倒数第二段第3-4行)

with which: 非限制性定语从句“介词+引导词”: 在非限制性定语从句中,因which在从句中充当介词宾语,一般将介词置于关系代词which的前面(固定的动词词组除外)。类似的用法有:There is a room, the window of which faces the river.有一问房子,窗户朝着这条河。The wrong you've done him is terrible, for which you should make an apology to him.你太冤枉他了,因为这件事,你该向他道歉。



Section I 课前准备、听力、口语

1.Atlanta is known as the “Big Apple”.亚特兰大以“大苹果”为人们所熟知。(p.41 Ex.1 No.3)★ be known as 作为„„而有名气

▲ known as, known by, known for与known to be known as以„„而知名,著称;be known by意为根据(按照)„得知(较少用),be known for因„而众所周知,表示之所以被众人所知的原因或特征,for后面常跟抽象动词;be known to则意为“为„所知”,仅仅表示“大家都知道”指某个地方或某一范围的人知道。例如:A man is known by the company he keeps.看其交友可知其人。She was well-known as an excellent dancer.她作为一名优秀的舞蹈家而闻名。He's known for his readiness to help others.他乐于助人是非常闻名的。He’s known to the police as a thief.警察都知道他是个小偷。


know指“知道”可表示“认识”,也可表示熟悉,了解事物。recognize指“认出,认识,承认”。例如: I don't know the star but I know of him.我不认识这位明星,但我听说过。I recognized his voice in the dark.黑暗中我听出了他的声音。

2.Why do you think Ellis Island was turn into a museum? 你认为为什么Ellis岛变成了博物馆?(p.42 Listening Ex.3 No.1)★turn into的用法

▲turn既可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词,作及物动词时,turn...into„意为“把„„变成„„”。如: ① I'm thinking of turning the flower garden into a vege-table field.我正在考虑把花园改成菜地。② We can turn a liquid into a gas.我们能使液体变成气体。③ Can you turn this passage into English? 你能把这个短文译成英语吗? ▲turn 作不及物动词时,意为“变成”“译成”。如:① He has turned into nice boy after all.他到底变成了一个不错的小伙子。② Jane is turning into quite a skilled musician.简正成长为一个训练有素的音乐家。③ Shakespeare's plays are difficult to turn into any other language.莎士比亚的戏剧译成其他语言是困难的。

3.There is a lot of history connected with people settling in the USA.有一段悠久的历史与在美国定居的人有关。(p.42 Listening Ex.3 B)★connect...with...connect...with...意为“连接”“使有关系”。如:① This road connects Beijing with Tianjin.这条公路连接北京和天津。② The early bus from the village connects with the 8:30 train.村里开出的早班公共汽车可与8点30分开出的火车接上。③ The visit of the police was not connected with the lost child.警察这次来访与失踪的孩子无关。④ Mr Thompson has been connected with our company since 1990.汤普森先生自1990年以来就与我公司有联系。⑤ It's natural to connect Australia with kangaroo.把澳大利亚与袋鼠联系在一起很自然。⑥ The police did not connect him with the murder.警方没有想到他与凶杀案有关。⑦ We usually connect spring with sunshine and flowers.通常一提起春天我们就联想到阳光和鲜花。

【注】动词join也有“连接”之意,与介词to连用,与connect...with...作 “连接”解时同义。如:Sometimes the needles are joined to electric wires.有时把针和电线连接起来。

4.Officials treated the people passing through the island badly.官员们粗暴对待那些过岛的人。(p.42 Listening Ex.3 No.2 B)★pass through的几种用法

▲ pass though 在本课中作“通过”“经过”解释。如:① He passed through the doorway

and entered the room.他穿过门道,走进房间。② The newspaper is passing through the press.报纸正在印刷中。③ His sister had passed through medical college to become a qualified doctor.他姐姐上完了医学院成了一名合格的医生。④ Henry passed through a very hard time when his wife died.亨利的妻子去世后,他经历了一段十分困难的时期。⑤ When Jane did not come home by midnight, many terrible ideas passed through Mother's mind.简到了半夜还没有回来,这使母亲脑子里闪过了许多可怕的念头。

5.Some people cried when they were refused entry into the USA.一些人在被拒绝进入美国的时候哭了。(p.42 Listening Ex.3 No.2 C)★ entry

(1)n.进入The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher.老师突然进来把孩子们吓了一跳。The thieves had forced an entry into the building.窃贼闯进了大楼内。

(2)n.[U]进入权 We can't go along that road because the sign says 'No Entry'.我们不能走那条路,牌子上写 着“禁止人内”。

(3)(日记,账本等)项目There is no entry in his diary for that day.他的日记上没有那一天的记录。

辨析:entry与entrance 两词均可表示进入,但entrance特别用于指进入仪式,演出;而entry指进入组织或指进入的权力。例如:to make an entrance onto the stage, an entrance examination;China's entry into the WTO;no entry Section II 阅读

6.Ever since the Civil War, the South has struggled to find ways to deal with its troubled past.自从南北战争以来,美国南方各州一直在竭力找办法处理动荡不安的过去。(p.43 Reading 第一段 第1行)▲struggle此处是动词,作“尽力使得”解释,后面接不定式。如:① The businessman struggled to free himself from debt.那商人竭力想要摆脱债务。② She struggled to remember where she had been at the time of the accident.她竭力回忆事故发生时她在哪里。

【注】struggle的原意是“挣扎”“斗争”后面可接不定式或for, against, with等介词。如:① Most animals have to struggle for existence in a dangerous world.大多数动物不得不在一个充满危险的世界里为生存而斗争。② The man in the boat struggled with the great waves.小船上的人与巨浪搏斗。③The boy struggled with the question and at last found the answer.那男孩苦想问题,终于找到了答案。④The swimmer struggled against the tide.游泳者奋力与海浪搏斗。▲way(1)道路,路线路途 Which is the best / right / quickest / shortest way? 哪条路是最好(正确、最快、最近)的路? The longest / farthest way round / about is the nearest way home.最远的路才是捷径。He made / pushed / fought / felt his way out.他走(挤、冲、摸索着走)出去。

(2)方法,手段 They had no way to communicate with her.他们没有办法与她联系。What's the way of address-ing the Queen? 怎么称呼女王才得体? The way(that)you are doing it is wrong.你这么做错了。拓展:by the way 顺便说

on one's way 在„„的路上;on the way 在途中;all the way 一直地;ask the way 问道;by way of 取道,经由;have a long way to go 还要走很远的路,还要做很大的努力;in a / one way 在某种程度上(in)one's own;way 按自己的方式 in the way妨碍

▲ deal with有“对付”“应付”“相处”之意。如:① That man is impossible to deal with.这人无法相处。② I'll get someone else to deal with them.我将另找一个人来对付他们。③ Deal fairly with your students!对你的学生要公正!④ He seemed to be quick-tempered, but was actually not difficult to deal with.他性子急,但不难相处。【注】deal with还常用来表示以下意思:

(1)是„„的买主;与......有生意往来 The Greens deal with the butcher at the corner of the block.格林家通常在街角处的肉铺买肉。(2)attend to 处理(事情、问题、紧急情况等)He is a person who can deal properly with all situations.他是一个能恰当处理各种局面的人。

(3)关于,论及This article deals with an important subject.这篇文章论及一个重要问题。

7....the pains of slaves brought from Africa by greedy slave owners.被贪婪的奴隶贩子从非洲带来的奴隶的痛苦。(p.43 Reading 第一段 第3行)▲ pain原意为“疼痛”,表示身体局部的疼痛,其前一般用不定冠词,也可以用复数。如:① Mary is crying because she has a pain in her stomach.玛丽胃疼得哭了起来。② She had pains in her back all the time.她背部一直痛。③ I couldn't sleep for pain.我疼得睡不着觉。

【注】表示身体某部分的疼痛,介词要用in,不可用at或on,如例句① ②。

【注】pain表示“痛苦”时,是不可数名词。如:① You will forgive me if I have given your pain.如果我给了你痛苦,请你原谅我。② The pain in her heart was intolerable.她内心的痛苦简直无法忍受。③ It will cause her infinite pain.这会给她带来无限的痛苦。④ How well I understood the confusion and pain of her parents!我非常理解她父母的迷惑和痛苦!【注】 pain作“烦恼”“辛苦”“费心”“努力”解释时要用复数形式。如:① He is a good teacher and takes great pains with his pupils.他是个好老师,非常尽力地教育学生。② With great pains and much patience, I at last managed to get from them the information I wanted.我煞费苦心,坚韧不拔,总算从他们那里弄来了我需要的信息。② The old lady had taken great pains with her hair.这老太太在头发上花了一番工夫。③ She took great pains to show me how the computer worked.她努力向我展示这台计算机的工作原理。

【注】in pain是“痛苦”“疼痛”之意,通常作表语,with pain是“疼痛地” “痛得”之意,用作状语。如:① The soldier Was wounded, and in pain.这名战士受伤了,疼得很。② The boy Was crying with pain after he broke his arm.这男孩摔断胳膊后疼得哭叫起来。【注】也可作动词用,意为“使心痛(痛苦)”“使苦恼”。如:① It pained me to watch them quarrel.看见他们争吵我很难受。② On nights like this, his wounded foot pained him.在这样的夜晚,他的伤脚就作痛。③ My tooth doesn't pain me now.我的牙齿现在不痛了。8.„ the many sacrifices of the Civil Rights Movement.许多人在民权运动中所作出的牺牲。(p.43 Reading 第一段倒数第4行)▲ sacrifice(1)n.[U]供奉,献祭,祭祀 the sacrifice of an ox to Jupiter.用牛祭祀朱庇特。(2)[C]供品,祭品,牺牲 Kill a sheep as a sacrifice.宰羊用作祭品。

(3)[U]放弃某事物(通常是重要或有价值的东西)Getting rich isn't worth the sacrifice of your principles.为致富而牺牲原则是不值得的。He became a top sports-man at some sacrifice to himself.他付出了些代价才成为优秀的运动员。(4)[C]牺牲的事物 Her parents made many sacrifices so that she could go to university.她父母为她上大学在多方面作了牺牲。

(5)v.供奉,献祭,牺牲某物 She sacrificed her career to marry him.她为了嫁给他

牺牲了自己的事业。The car's designers have sacrificed comfort to economy.汽车设计人员为降低造价舍弃了汽车舒适方面的一些设想。I'm not sacrificing my day off just to go shopping with Jane.我可不愿意牺牲一天休假日单单陪简去买东西。

9.The wounds are slow to heal and the scars run deep.伤口很难愈合,伤疤很深。(p.43 Reading 第一段 倒数第3行)▲在作表语的形容词后的不定式,如果不带宾语,则与句子的主语往往有一种逻辑上的动宾关系,如本句to heal逻辑上的宾语是句子的主语the wounds;若该不定式动词是不及物动词,则其后应加上适当的介词,与主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,请体会下列例句的意思和结构。① Your writing is impossible to read.你的书法没法认。② My car is hard to start in cold weather.我的车天冷时很难发动。③ Do you think the water is safe to drink? 你认为这水喝起来安全吗? ④ The food is not fit to eat.这食品不适合吃。

【注】上述例句中,不定式动词均为及物动词,其逻辑宾语是句子的主语,若不定式动词为不及物动词,则需加一介词。如:① The room is comfortable to live in.这房间住起来很舒服。② Mr Turner is easy to get along with.特纳先生很容易相处。③ The bench is long enough to sleep on.这凳子很长,可以在上面睡觉。▲run此处为连系动词(常作连系动词),后接形容词,意为“变得”(进入或达到某一状态)。如: ① The fiver was beginning to run dry.河水开始干涸起来。② They had to return to camp because their food supply was running low.因为粮食不够了,他们只好返回营地。③ You mustn't let the children run wild and do exactly what they like.你不要让孩子们毫无约束,爱干什么就干什么。④ Prices for fruit are running high this season.这个季节的水果价格上涨了。⑤ As the fuel ran short, the plane was forced to land.由于燃料快要用完,飞机被迫降落。

【注】(1)负责(某事物),经营,管理 He has no idea of how to run a successful business.他不知道把企业办好的办法。Stop trying to run my life for me!我的生活不用你来管。(2)(使某物)动转,起作用。Your new car seems to run very nicely.你的新车开起来不错。

(3)(指公共汽车等)(沿一固定路线)往来行驶。Buses to Oxford run every half an hour.去牛津的公共汽车每半个小时一班。The trains don't run on Christmas Day.圣诞节火车停驶。

(4)run还有“内容为„„”之意。如:① He received a note which ran as follows.他收到一个条子,内容如下。② The story runs like this.故事大致内容如下。③ This is how the song runs.这首歌曲是这样唱的。

10.Even today, the South is far behind the rest of the United States in areas such as education and economic development.甚至到今天,南部在教育和经济发展方面都远远落后于美国其他州。(p.43 Reading 第一段倒数第2行)▲ behind prep.(1)在或向(某人,物)后面 Who is the girl standing behind Richard? 站在理查德后面的那个姑娘是谁? She glanced behind her.她向身后瞥了一眼。The accident is behind you now.事情已过去了,别再想它了。

(2)落后于„„ Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology.在发展现代技术方面英国落后于日本。(3)支持(人,物),赞成 My family is right behind me in my ambition to become a doctor.我的家人对于我立志从医很赞同。

11.There are signs that a new, different south is coming out of its dark past.有迹象表明,从黑暗的过去中将诞生出一个崭新的,完全不同的南方。(p.43 Reading 第二段 第2行)▲ come out of意为“有„„的结果”。如:① Nothing came out of this talk.这次会

议没有产生任何结果。② Well, what came out of your careful planning?喂,你那样精心筹划的结果怎样? ③ No one can say what will come out of the discussion.谁也说不上讨论会有什么结果。

【注】come out后接不同的介词表示不同的意思。如come out with意为“说出来”“讲出”“发表”。如: ① If you have anything in your mind, I want you to come out with it.你要是有什么想法,我希望你说出来。② He came out with some funny ideas.他提出了一些可笑的想法。③ That year they came out with another article.那一年他们又发表了一篇文章。

【注】come out意为“出版„出来”。如:① The magazine comes out once a month.这本杂志每月出一期。② The truth has come out at last.真相终于大白。

【注】 come out还有“开花”“褪色”“罢工”等意思,要根据句意来推测其确切的意思。如:① I think the roses will come out next week.我想玫瑰下星期要开了。② Will the color come out if the cloth is washed? 这布洗了会褪色吗? ③ The dockers have come out on strike.码头工人罢工了。④ How did the film come out? 这片子拍得怎样? 12.Atlanta was burnt down in the Civil War.亚特兰大在内战中被烧毁。(p.43 Reading 第二段 第4行)▲ burn down意为“烧掉”“焚毁”,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。如:① The school building was burned down in that big fire.在那场大火中,学校大楼被烧毁。② The whole village was burned down bv the enemy.整个村庄都被敌人烧毁了。③ The woodshed burnt down in half an hour.小木屋半个小时就烧毁了。

【注】burn down所指的“烧毁”多是指将高大的物体烧毁,烧塌,而 burn up也有“烧掉”“烧毁”之意,其范围比burn down要广,既可指建筑物被烧毁,也可指其他的东西被烧毁,烧掉。如:① All his books were burnt up in the fire.他所有的书都在这场火灾中被焚。② The fire burnt up mole than £500000 worth of antiques.这次大火烧毁了价值五十万的古董。③ The house burned up before the firemen got there.还没等消防人员来到,那房子就烧毁了。

【注】请注意burn down。burn up burning与burn out的区别,后者意为 “烧完”“烧坏”“烧尽”。如:① The fire burned out for lack of fuel.由于没有燃料,火灭掉了。② Her enthusiasm seems to have burned out.她的热情似乎已耗尽了。③ The poet's ability burnt itself out before he was thirty.诗人的才能还不到三十岁就枯竭了。

【注】burn out也可表示将建筑物或其他物体烧掉。如:The building was burned out and only walls remained.大楼被焚毁,只剩下残壁。

13.Atlanta quickly recovered from the destruction caused by the Civil War.亚特兰大很快从战争的破坏中恢复过来。(p.43 Reading 第三段 第1行)▲recover在本课中作不及物动词用,通常与from连用,意为“从„„中恢复”;作及物动词用时,意为“恢复”,通常与from连用,意为 “从„„中恢复”。如: ① A healthy child quickly recovers from a fever.健康的孩子发了烧很快就会好。② The athlete soon recovered his breath after the final dash.这位运动员在冲刺之后很快就呼吸正常了。③ She had not yet recovered from the shock.她还没有完全从惊吓中恢复过来。④ Don't go back to work until you have fully recovered.等你痊愈了,再去上班。

【注】 recover与反身代词连用时意为“镇定下来”“恢复原样”。如: ① She soon recovered herself and stopped crying.不一会儿,她冷静下来,不再哭了。② The skater stumbled but at once recovered himself.滑冰的人绊了一下,但立即恢复了平衡。③ She made a great effort to recover herself.她极力使自己镇定下来。

【注】recover “恢复(能力,健康等)” I'm slowly recovering my strength after a flu.流感以后我身体慢慢恢复。She recovered her consciousness.她已恢复了知觉。

【注】recover还有“重新找到” “找回(被盗,遗失之物)重新获得某事物” “收复(回)”之意。如: ① Recently a man-made satellite we sent up has been recovered.最近我们发射的一颗人造卫星已返回地面。② The police helped them to recover their stolen jewellery.警察帮助他们把被窃的珠宝找回来了。③ The boy recovered his football from the neighbour's lawn.男孩从邻居的草坪上找回了自己的足球。

【注】重新控制(自己,行为,情绪)She recovered herself and smiled.她恢复了常态笑了笑。The murderer never recovered his peace of mind.这个杀手心里从没有平静过。【注】重新获得(金钱,时间,地位)They sought to recover damages from the firm.他们设法向那家公司索取赔偿金。

14.Despite the hardships of the post – war years and the Great Depression,„ 不管战后年代和大萧条时期有多么艰难,„(p.43 Reading 第三段倒数第2行)★介词despite的用法

▲ despite意为“不管”“任凭”,相当于in spite of,后接名词、代词或动词,但语气比后者轻,不如后者常用。如: ① He went out despite bad weather.他不管天气恶劣出发了。② Despite the fogs we went out for a walk.尽管有雾,我们还是外出散步。③ Despite myself, Harry's remarks had caused me to stop and reflect.尽管不是我的本意,哈里的话使得我停下来想了想。④ Despite waiting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letter.尽管很想再见到他,她却拒不答复他的来信。

【注】despite后可接what引导的从句。如: ① Despite what she says, I'll go.不管她怎么说,我也要去。② I would support him despite what he did.不管他做什么,我都支持他。【注】 despite = in spite of,故不能再与of连用;in spite of / despite + 名词 = although + 从句

(a)The plane took off in spite of the bad weather.(= although the weather was bad)(b)The plane will take off regardless of the weather.(= no matter whether the weather is good or bad)in spite of= despite;regardless of = without considering or taking notice of 15.„ but where segregation took away many of their rights.但是种族隔离制度剥夺了他们的许多权利。(p.44 Reading 第二段 第3行)▲ take away(1)在餐馆买(带回家),带走 Two chicken curries and rice to take away.劳驾,要两份外卖的咖喱鸡饭。

(2)(使心情等)消失 The doctor has given her some tablets to take away the pain.医生给了他些止疼药。Anxiety has taken away his appetite.他愁得吃不下饭。

(3)(从某处)移去,移开(某事或某物)What takes you away so early? 你为什么这么早就走? 拓展:take apart 拆开;take back 收回(诺言,话语);take down 拿下来,记下来;take in 接受;理解;欺骗;take off 脱下;take on 接受,从事(工作);雇佣;take out 取出,拿出;take over 接管;take up 开始学习(从事活动)16.The injustice of the city and of the South led Dr King to organize non-violent demonstrations aimed at ending segregation.这座城市以及整个南方的不公正导致金博士组织非暴力的示威运动,目的是结束隔离制度。(p.44 Reading 第二段 第3 – 4行)▲lead to和lead sb.to do sth.的区别:前者是“通向”“引起”,to为介词。后接名词、代词或动名词,而后者的to是不定式的符号,是不定式作宾语补足语,意为“使得„„做某事”。如: ① “Where does this road lead?” “It leads to the railway station.” “这条路通到哪里?” “通向火车站。” ② These passages lead to the rooms inside.这些走

廊通向里面的房间。③ Blindly copying others might lead to losses.盲目照搬别人的经验可能导致损失。④ All this has led to rapid progress in industry in the area.所有这些使这个地区的工业迅速发展。⑤ That led me to think that the boy was ill.那使我想到孩子是病了。⑥ His answer led me to make further inquiries.他的回答促使我进一步调查。⑦ His amazing intelligence led him to make many discoveries.他惊人的智力使他有很多发现。

▲aim at意为“目的是”“为的是”。① I don't understand his behavior.What's he aiming at? 我不理解他的行为,他意图何在? ② The factory must aim at increasing production.工厂必须致力于增加产量。③ He aims at perfection in everything he does.他做每一件事都力求做得尽善尽美。

【注】也可以说aim to do sth.即在aim后用不定式表示目的。如:① He aims to gain the Nobel Prize.他的目标是得到诺贝尔奖金。② We aim to produce superior goods, not large quantities.我们的目标是生产优质产品,而不是追求数量。③ The hunter aimed at the lion and fired, but missed him.猎人对着狮子开了枪,但未击中。④ The students picked up stones and aimed them at the policemen.学生们捡起一些石头,冲着警察投去。⑤ In saying this, I'm not aiming at you.我这话不是针对你说的。⑥ His speech was not only aimed at the older boys.他的话不光是说给那些年龄较大的男孩子听的。⑦ We all realized who that remark was aimed at.我们心里都明白那句话是冲谁说的。

【注】aim at作“针对”解释时,如主语是人,多用主动语态,如主语是人所说的话,所作的评论等,则常用be aimed at,见上述例句 ⑤ ⑥ ⑦。

17.The city saw a series of fierce fights between blacks and whites.这个城市目睹了黑人和白人之间一连串的冲突。(p.44 Reading 第二段 第4行)▲本句是用拟人化的手法赋予无生命的主语以人的动作,以增加句子的表现力,类似的句子有: ① The year 1949 saw the founding of the People's Republic of China.一九四九年见证了中华人民共和国的诞生。② His unselfish work is beginning to tell.他无私的工作开始产生效果。③ Her nervousness began to tell as soon as she entered the room.她一进房间就表现出紧张不安。④ My watch says it is nine already.我的表显示已经九点了。

▲series意为“连续” “系列”,单复数相同,常用a series of表示“系 列”。如: ① They carried out a series of expe-riment to test the new drug.他们进行了一系列试验试新药。② The region has suffered from a series of natural disasters.该地区遭受了一连串的自然灾害。③ She was invited to give a series of lectures on American politics.她被邀请就美国政治作系列讲座。④ There has been a series of ear accidents at the crossing.在那个交叉路口已经发生了一连串的车祸。

【注】a series of...之后要用名词复数,但通常整个谓语用单数。A series of books has been translated into English 一系列书被译成了英文。

18.„ and millions of Americans watched as people marched through Atlanta in honour of Dr King.千百万美国人观看了人们为悼念金博士而穿过亚特兰大的游行。(p.44 Reading 第二段 倒数第3行)▲ in honour of意思是“为向„„表示敬意”“为纪念(庆祝)”也可以说in sb.'s honour。如: ① A memorial was built in honour of those who died for the country.为纪念为国捐躯者建了一座纪念碑。② A holiday was declared in honour of the President's visit.为庆祝总统到来特宣布放假一日。③ Mr Mandela will attend an outdoor concert in his honour in the centre of Paris.尊敬的曼德拉先生将出席在巴黎中心举办的一场露天音乐会。④ The cere-mony Was held in honour of the Queen's birthday.这庆典是为庆祝女王的生日而举行的。⑤ A memorial meeting was held in his honour.举行了一个纪念他的集会。

【注】有关honour的用法我们学过的还有have the honour of doing sth.或it is one's honour to do sth.意为“乐于做某事”或“有幸做某 事”,do honour to或do sb.honour意思是“用„„来庆祝„„”或 “使某人增添光荣”。如: ① It's a great honour to meet you.认识你三生有幸。② He is one of the most interesting people I have the honour of meeting.他是我有幸认识的最有趣的人之一。③ Her behavior in such a difficult situation does her honour.她在逆境中的表现给自己增添了光荣。④ They dressed their ships with flags to do honour to the occasions.他们用旗帜把船只装饰起来庆祝这重要的日子。

19.Dr King's efforts were not in vain.金博士的努力没有白费。(p.44 Reading 第二段 倒数第3行)▲in vain意为“徒劳”“无效”“枉费心机”。如: ① It became obvious that all her complaints were in vain.很显然她的所有投诉都是徒劳的。② The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.警察企图驱散抗议的人群,但没有成功。③ He wants the world to know his son did not die in vain.他想让全世界的人都知道他的儿子没有白死。【注】vain adj.(1)对自己(的才干等)自视过高的,自负的 She is a vain girl.她是位虚荣的女孩。He is always vain of his appearance.他对自己的容貌总很自负。

(2)无价值的,无意义的 It is vain to try to save him 试图救他是徒然的。

(3)无结果的,徒然;无效果的,无用的 Try in vain to sleep.怎么也睡不着。The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.警察企图驱散抗议的人群,但没有成功。All our work was in vain.我们所有的工作都白费了。

【注】 vain常见的词组还有:in a vain attempt / effort to do sth.妄图做„„但未成功,in the vain hope that未能如愿。如: ① I was singing in a vain effort to cheer him up.我本想唱支歌使他高兴起来,但未能如愿。② The crazy football fans were in a vain attempt to make trouble during the match.疯狂的球迷们妄图在比赛期间捣乱,但没有成功。③ He married his fourth wife, Susan, in the vain hope that she would improve his health.他跟他的第四个妻子苏珊结了婚。,希望她能改善他的健康,但没有如愿。20.During the Olympics, the eyes of the world were on Atlanta.在奥运会期间,全世界的目光都集中在亚特兰大。(p.44 Reading 第三段 第3行)▲介词on在此处作“(视,盯)在„„(目标)上”解释。如: ① Allen is eating, her eyes on her food.埃伦吃东西时两眼盯着食物。② Jim came in, his eyes were fixed on Della as if he didn't know her.吉姆走了进来,他的眼睛盯住了黛拉好像不认识她似的。③ He fixed his eyes on something moving on the wall.他一直盯着在墙上蠕动的东西。【注】请注意on的几种常见用法

1.on表示“关于(某个题目)”“在(某个问题)上”。如:① Write a term paper 0n Shakespeare.写一篇关于莎士比亚的学期论文。② I differ from you on that point.在这一点上我和你看法不同。③ He is absorbed in his work on bacteria.他专心进行他关于细菌的工作。

2.on用于引申意义,表示“在„„身上”“在心上”等。如: ①My mind is still on the research.我的心思仍然在这项研究上。② Have you got any money on you? 你身上带钱了吗? ③ I saw it on television.我是在电视上看到的。

3.表示“在......时”后跟动名词或名词,表示一个动作紧接着另一个动作。如: ① On reaching the city,he called up Mary.一到城里,他就给玛丽打电话。② The boys stood up on the entrance of the headmaster.校长进来时男孩子们都站了起来。③Oh his return from Europe, he set to work again.他一从欧洲回来,就投入了工作。

4.表示原因,意为“根据”“由于”“在„„下”。如: ① He did it on the instruction of the manager.他是根据经理的指示这样做的。② I came on your invitation.我是在你 的邀请下来的。

4.表示目的。如: ①She had come on a visit to England.她来访问英国。② The Turners had been away on a long trip.特纳一家离开去长途旅行了。5.表示“靠„„生活”“以„„为主食”。如: ① The prisoners could not exist on bread and water.囚犯也不能单靠面包和水生活。② They lived mostly on vegetables from their garden.他们主要靠园子里的蔬菜生活。

21.„ but the people there are determined to make a new beginning.但是那儿的人民决心从头开始。(p.44 Reading 最后一段 第2行)★ 动词determine的常见用法

▲ determine意为“决定”“决心”,后面常跟不定式或从句。如: ① They determined to stay there till the year was up.他们决定在那儿一直待到年底。② The explorer determined to set out tile next day in spite of the storm.探险者决定不顾风暴次日出发。③ Have you determined where you are going to spend the holidays? 你决定去度假的地方了吗? ④Nobody determined what is to be done.没有人决定下一步怎么办。【注】determine作上述解释时,可以跟on引导的短语。如: ① They determined on an early start.他们决定早动身。② He has determined on going tomorrow.他已决定明天去。【注】上述例句⑤⑥相当于determine后接不定式。

▲determine常用作过去分词作表语,意为“有决定”“下定决心”,后接不定式或从句,如本课正是此用法。如: ① She was determined not follow his advice.她决定不按他的劝告办。② He was determined that no one should know anything about it.他决定不让任何人知道这事。③ They were determined to fight for their nation's independence and freedom to the end.他们决心为国家的独立和自由斗争到底。④ He was determined that his son should have a good education.他决定要让他的儿子接受良好的教育。

▲determine有“使决定”“使下决心”之意,后接不定式作宾补。如: ① What determined you to accept the offer? 什么原因使你接受这项提议? ② His advice deter-mined me to delay no more.他的忠告使我决定不再拖延。③ Your answer determined me to do so.你的答复使我决定这样做。

▲determine亦可作“确定”“限定”“算出”解释。如: ① The size of your feet determines the size of your shoes.脚的大小决定鞋子的尺码。② They determined the date for our party.他们确定了我们聚会的日期。③ The position of the earth in relation to the sun determines the seasons.地球与太阳之间的相对位置决定一年四季的变化。22.In 1996, Atlanta hosted the Olympic Games.一九九六年,亚特兰大举办了奥运会。(p.44 Post-Reading E)▲此处host作动词用,意为“主办”“作„„的主人”“接待”。如: ① Birmingham is hosting this year's trade fair.伯明翰将主办今年的交易会。② Which country is going to host the next World Cup? 下届世界杯由哪一个国家主办? ③ The group was hosted by the ambassador.这一群人受到了大使的款待。

【注】 host还有“作„„的节目主持人”之意,一般用于非正式场合。如: ① She's now hosting her own show.她正主持自己的节目。② Mr Smith has been hosting the show for two years.史密斯先生主持该节目有两年了。

【注】 host作名词用时有“主人”“东道主”“主办(单位、国家)”之意。如: ① Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person there.除了主人外我谁都不认识。② Barcelona was chosen to be the host of the 1992 Olympic Games.巴塞罗纳被选为一九九二年奥运会东道主城市。③ The host team and the guest team won each of the games, so they were even with each other.主队和客队各赢一场,现在他们两队打平了。

【注】host作名词时是指男主人,女主人用hostess,但hostess不能作动词用。如: My hostess

greeted me with unexpected warmth.我的女主人出乎意料地热情欢迎我。Section III 词汇、语法、综合技能

23.The Native Americans lived by gathering roots, „ 美洲土族民族以采集根茎„ 为生。(p.47 Integrating Skills Reading 第一段 第2行)* gather v.(1)聚集,集合,召集A crowd soon gathered.很快聚集起一群人。Gather round and listen, children!孩子们,围过来听我说。

(2)收集,收扰(分散的东西)Give me a moment to gather my notes together.给我些时间整理一下笔记。She gathered up her scatted belongs and left.她把自己的散乱物品收好就走了。

(3)搜集,采集(水果等)The small boy gathered mushrooms in the fields.小男孩在田中采集蘑菇。

(4)收割,收获 The harvest has been safely gathered in.庄稼已妥善收获完毕。(5)增加(某事物)The darkness is gathering.夜色渐浓。The car gathered speed.汽车速度逐渐加快了。

辨析:gather与collect 这两个词都有“聚集”的意思,gather是普通用语,指“集中起来”,既指具体的人和物,也可指抽象的印象、思维、力气等。collect是“收集,聚集”之意,指有计划,有选择的收集,强调日积月累的过程,有时和gather通用。He is gathering information.他在收集信息。The clouds are gathering。and it would probably rain.云在聚集,也许要下雨。The patient is gathering strength.病人正在恢复体力。Do you collect stamps? 你集邮吗? His work is to collect information.他的工作是收集资料。

联想:altogether adv.完全,总共;together adv.在一起,共同;gathering n.采集,集合

24.They hunted bison, a type of wild animals which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of America.土族民族狩猎野牛,这是一种曾经在美洲平原上大量存在过的一种野生动物。(p.47 第二段第1行)★ type和kind ▲(a)type of作“种类” “类型”解释时,后接单数名词,不用复数名词,该名词前不加任何限定词。例如我们可以说a different type of bicycle,但不可说a different type of a bicycle(或bicycles)如: ① What type of plan is this? 这是一种什么计划? ② The engineer designed a new type of plane.这位工程师设计了一种新型飞机。

【注】但type作“典范”解释时,其后的名词可以被限定词所修饰。① Abraham Lincoln was a fine type of the American patriotism.阿巴拉罕·林肯是美国爱国史上的典范。② Liu Hulan was a fine type of the revolutionary here.刘胡兰是革命英雄人物的典范。③ John is a fine type of school boy.约翰是学生的典范。

【注】types后面的名词可用复数,也可用单数,但作主语时相应的谓语动词一律用复数,与types保持一致。如: Several new types of computer(s)are on show.几种新型的计算机正在展出。

【注】上述type的用法,亦适用于kind,即a kind of后面的名词通常是单数,且该名词前不用冠词或其他限定词,如a certain kind of rose等, 请看下列例句: ①What kind of animal is it? 这是一种什么动物? ② Is this kind of TV set made in Shanghai? 这种电视机是上海制造的吗? 【注】kinds后的名词既可用单数,也可用复数,但其作主语时,其后的谓语动词应用复数,与kinds保持一致。如: ① These kinds of rose(s)are beautiful to look at.这几种玫瑰很好看。② There are different kinds of birds in the woods and they sing beautifully.林子里有各种各样的鸟,它们唱着悦耳动听的歌。【注】 a kind of意为“某种”或“一种不甚明确的”。如: ① The dances of the bees are a kind of language.蜜蜂的舞蹈是一种语言。② I had a kind of suspicion that he was cheating.我有点怀疑他在欺骗。

【注】kind of常用在口语中,作状语修饰动词,意为“有点”“有几分”。① I kind of thought he would come.我似乎感到他会来的。② I kind of thought this would happen.我似乎预感到此事会发生。

25.„ while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters.冬天取其皮毛御寒。(p.47 第二段第5行)★动词provide的用法

▲provide意为“提供”“供给”,在provide sb.后常接with介词短语,表示所提供的事物。在provide sth.后常接for sb.,表示向谁提供。如: ①This book will provide you with the information you need.这本书会向你提供你所需要的信息。② Food and drink were provided for all of them.向他们全体提供了食物和饮料。③ That hotel provides good meals.那家旅馆伙食很好。④ These rivers provide water flor irrigation.这些河流提供了灌溉用水。

【注】 provide亦可作“预防”“作好准备”“提供生计”解释,常与against或 for连用。如: ① We have to provide against accidents.我们必须做好应付事故的准备。② They had to provide for their old age.他们得积攒点钱以备在老年时用。③ We will see that au the old folks are provided for from now on.从现在起,我们要做到老有所养。④ He has a large family to provide for.他需赡养一大家子人。

【注】 provide还有“规定”之意。如: They enjoy all the rights provided in the constitution.他们享有宪法所规定的一切权利。

【注】 provide的过去分词可引导条件状语从句,从句中的谓语动词用一般时态,而不用将来时。如: ① You may keep the book another week provided that no one else requires it.只要没有别人要这本书,你还可再借一个星期。② Provided that no objection is raised, we shall hold the meeting here.如果没有人反对,我们就在这里开会了。

【注】provided that中的that有时可省略。如:He should be home soon provided the buses haven't been held up.只要汽车没误点,他应该就要到家了。

26.From about 1830 onwards in the USA,...在美国从大约一八三O年起。(p.47 第三段第1行)▲onwards与on同义,后缀-wards常用来构成副词,表示方向,如: eastwards,westwards,southwards,northwards,forwards,backwards,upwards,downwards等。① From now on, we'll study harder than before.从现在起,我们要比以前更努力地学习。② They went on sailing eastwards, until they saw the land.他们不断地向东航行,终于看到了陆地。③ From 1990 onwards, the seaside town began to take on a new look.从一九九O年起,这个海滨小城开始展现新的面貌。④ From 1993 onwards, they tried again and again to go across the desert on foot.从一九九三年起,他们多次努力要徒步穿过沙漠。⑤ Get back!Step forward and I'll fire.回去!再向前的话我就开枪了。

27.Settlers made agreements with native American chiefs.移民者和土著人头领达成协议。(p.47 第三段第5行)▲agreement此处作可数名词,意为“协议”,常与arrive,reach,keep,break,make,sign等动词连用。如: ① The two countries signed an agreement on nuclear weapons.两国签订了一项关于核武器的协议。② I'm sorry you couldn't arrive at an agreement.很遗憾你们不能达成协议。③ Many agreements have been made between the two countries.两国之间签订了很多协议。

【注】agreement可以后接不定式或从句表示agreement的内容作定语 ① We reached an agreement with them to cooperate fully at all time.我们与他们达成在任何情况下都合作的协议。② The negotiators came to an agreement that all troops would be withdrawn.谈判者达成协议,撤出所有部队。

【注】 agreement可用作不可数名词,意为“意见(或目的等)”“一致”“同意”。如: ① The two sides failed to reach agreement.双方未能达成共识。② We are in agreement with their decision.我们同意他们的决定。③ We are in full agreement with them on all points.在所有方面我们和他们看法完全一致。④ There's little agreement as to what our policies should be.关于我们该采取什么政策,意见很不一致。⑤ We have to get their agreement before we go ahead with the plan.在进行这项计划之前,我们必须得到他们的同意。28.While early settlers had killed bison for food, „ 早期的移民宰杀野牛是为了充饥„(p.47 Integrating Skills Reading 第四段 第2行)* while conj.在„„的同时,当„„的时候




(5)while用作并列连词,连接一个并列句,意为“而,却”,表示前后意义上的对比和转折。While he was reading,he fell asleep.他在读书的时候睡着了。He came while we were having dinner.我们在吃晚饭时他来了。When he came, we were having supper.他来时,我们正吃晚饭。(不能用while)When / While I was sleeping, a thief broke in我睡觉时,小偷撬门而入。He looked behind from time to time as he went.他一边走,一边不时地向后看。She dances as she sings.她一边唱歌,一边跳舞。As time went on / by, she became more and more worried.随着时间的推移,她变得越来越烦躁不安。As children get older,they are getting more and more interested in things about them.随着孩子们年龄的增长,他们对周围的事物越来越感兴趣。Just as he caught the flying worm, he gave a loud cry.他刚抓住那只飞虫,就大声地叫了起来。I thought of it just as you opened your mouth.我刚想起,你就开口说了出来。Some people are rich while others are poor.有些人富,有些人穷。I'm interested in sports while my brother is fond of music.我对体育很感兴趣,而我的弟弟爱好音乐。

29.They killed the bison, cut off the skins and left the bodies behind to rot.他们把野牛杀了,剥去牛皮,抛弃尸体,任其腐烂。(p.47 Integrating Skills Reading 第四段 第4行)★leave...behind的两种用法

▲leave...behind作“留下”解释,是执行者有意识的动作。如: ① The men had all run away leaving only old women and children.男人们都跑了,只留下年老的妇女和孩子。② I shall leave you behind if you are not quick.如果你不快点,我就把你丢在后面不管了。③ In their withdrawal,much of the heavy equipment had to be left behind.他们在撤退时不得不留下许多笨重的东西。④ His wife left behind two little girls.他妻子死后留下两个小女孩。⑤ You'll have to put in some extra work at night if you don't want to get left behind.如果你不想被别人超过,就必须利用晚上时间做更多的工作。

▲leave behind还有“遗忘” “遗留”之意,为执行者无意识的动作。如: ① 0h,dear!The travelling bag has been left behind.唉呀!旅行袋忘了拿了。② It left behind a long train of problems and difficulties.这遗留下一连串问题和困难。③ I have left my keys behind

at the office.我把钥匙忘在办公室里了。

30.With fewer bison, grass shoots were not eaten, „ 因为野牛少了,嫩草没有牛吃,„(p.47 Integrating Skills Reading 最后一段 第1行)▲ with(1)表原因 My hand were blue with cold.我的双手冻得发紫。The captain was beef-red with anger.上尉气得满脸通红。The boy trembled with fear.这男孩害怕得 发抖。

(2)(表示方式等)„„地,„„着,以„„ You must handle this parcel with care.这个包裹你须小心轻放。He speaks English with ease and fluency.她说英语不费力而且流利。She performed the operation with great skill.她极为熟练地给病人施行手术。

(3)(表示工具,手段等)用 Did you write with a pen or pencil? 你用钢笔写还是用铅笔写? It’s best to draw lines with a ruler.用尺子划线最合适。

31.„ which as a result became less good for growing plants.这就越来越不适合植物的生长。(p.47 最后一段第4行)★as a result和as a result of ▲as a result意为“因此”“所以”,后面的内容表示结果,而as a result of则意为“因为(由于)„„”,of后面的内容表示原因;请对照下列例句,辨析这两个词组之间的差别。① My car broke down and as a result, I was unable to get there.我的车出了故障,因此我没能到那里去。② The flight was delayed as a result of fog.因有雾,该航班误点。③ We went on walking in spite of the rain, as a result, we all got a bad cold.我们不顾下雨继续往前走,结果都得了重感冒。④ He was late as a result of the traffic jam.由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。

【注】as a result后面常接一个分句,as a result of常接名词、代词或动名词。

32.„ , and the insects which lived on these plants died out.原来靠那些植物卫生的昆虫也都死了。(p.47 最后一段第3行)★die out的含义

(1)(指家族, 物种)死光, 灭绝, 绝迹 These animals have already died out.这些动物已经绝种。

(2)(指习俗,做法)消失,过时 ① The old traditions are dying out.旧传统正在消失。② That style of music died out ten years ago.那种音乐十年前就听不到了。(3)作熄灭解,out为副词。The fire has died out.火熄了。

拓展:die away 消逝,平息,静下来;die down平息,熄灭;die for 迫切想要;die from 由于„„而死;die off 一个个死掉,绝种

【注】 注意die out与die away的区别,后者主要指风、声、光等自然现象逐渐停止、消失。如: ① The wind has died away again.风又停了。② The sound of the car died away in the distance.汽车的声响在远处消逝。

【注】die out意为“消亡”“灭绝”,而die off则意为“(一个一个)地死亡”。如: ① The leaves of this plant are dying off.这株植物的叶子正在一片一片地凋谢。② The deer in the forest are dying off from disease.森林中的鹿正因疾病而陆续死亡。

33.This in turn had an effect on the food supply for wolves.这样反过来又影响了狼的食物供应。(p.47 最后一段第2行)▲in turn意为“依次”“逐个地”“转而”“反过来”。如: ① Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论以实践为基础,反过来又为实践服务。② We'll cross the bridge in turn.我们将挨个过桥。③ The students answered the teacher's questions in turn.学生们依次回答老师的问题。④ The boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner.男孩们被依次叫进去见考官。⑤ He spends too much time on maths, and this in turn affects the progress of his other subjects.他在数学上花的时间太多,这同时影



【注】 take turns at(或in)doing sth.意为“轮流做某事”,相当于do sth.in turn。注意两短语中名词的单复数。① Mary and Helen took turns at sitting up with their sick mother.玛丽和海伦轮流熬夜陪伴她们生病的母亲。② The athletes took turns in singing songs and reciting poems.运动员们一个接一个地唱歌和朗诵诗。

【注】 turn也可解释为“短时间的活动”, 相当于a short period of activity, turn在这里作可数名词用。如: ① I'll take a few hams round the deck before I go to bed.就寝之前我要在甲板上散一会儿步。② I'll take a turn at the oars now if you want a rest.如果你要休息,我来划一会儿浆。

拓展:take one's turn 轮班(做某事);take turns 轮流(做某事);by turns 轮流;on the turn 将好转

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