第一篇:2007 人事部二级口译考试总结,CATTI 二口
(2007-05-15 21:20:58)
笔记-抓主旨,关键词和数字;最好在记笔记的同时做到在脑子里草翻;利用lag, 边记边听后面的;
抓关联词-如but, however, as a result,…
主语相对重复几率较大,抓宾语,并列关系可只翻其一; 拿不准,不会坚决不翻-但如果只记下来一句话的一部分,如果确定的话,个人觉得说上去比较好,说不定会有分;
对小词的应用:如with, in, etc.对简单动词词组的熟悉:如come,, get… call…etc.即简单动词与小词的组合;
这部分出推断题的可能性大,别死找答案; 然而有时又需要严谨的对照题干-只能说明中国考官的阴险..;
抓住一段的第一句话,通常可以从停顿、转折词来判断; 快速记录重点词组、中心词汇,边记录边听后面的细节描述,这样有时可以完成较完整的前面的记录;
偶旁边的在综合实力提前交卷了,偶崇拜的不行-她走的时候,我刚开始写综述..后来聊天,发现强人在加拿大读数学硕士,互留了msn :)磁带翻面以后,偶的劣质磁带不转了,幸亏监考老师细心,请来领导援助,才化险为夷-估计折腾了5分钟,把我本来超常发挥的中翻英状态给搅和了,害得我后面连着卡了两回,还好及时调整,没出太大的漏子;
综合考试-先添机读卡,再写综述-个人建议,80-20原理; 小数字-BILLION 是十亿,MILLION是百万-英译中;画圈添撇-中译英;
做听力练习的时候, 重理解,抓逻辑,作同传练习(瞎做也是可以的-瞎猫也是能抓耗子的);
听译-视译-听译 以及 英-中-英的循环往复,别怕麻烦,不嫌无聊 – 生活都是在无聊中发现乐趣 :)
通过持续练习找翻译的感觉和自信; 不断总结提炼自己的笔记风格-能做到有效记录,有条理记录;
第二篇:catti 二口三口经济专题及数字专题口译训练[定稿]
经济专题常见名词 协议 deals 中国民营企业 Chinese private companies 商业房地产项目 commercial real estate 基础设施 infrastructure
关键基础设施 critical infrastructure 公共基础设施 public infrastructure 医疗领域 healthcare 外国投资审查委员会 foreign investment review board 港口 port 公用事业企业 utility/utilities 严格的审查 tough scrutiny 竞购 bid 电力公司 electricity company 国家安全 national security 农业 agriculture 农业企业 agribusiness 经济体 economy/economies 国内生产总值 GDP gross domestic production 居民消费价格指数 CPI consumer price index 全年粮食产量 annual grain output 工业产值增长率 growth in industrial production 房地产市场 property market 经济支柱 pillar of economy 同比增长 year on year/compared to a year earlier 名义增长率 nominal growth GDP平减指数 GDP deflation 通货紧缩 deflation 环比增长率 quarter-on-quarter growth(单位可换)金融体系 financial system 银行业 banking sector 风险抵御能力 become better to avert risks 资本充足率 capital adequacy rate 不良贷款率 non-performing loans 坚持…调控 keep a firm grip on 根源 root cause 经济领域 economic sphere 三大突出矛盾 three critical issues 全球增长动能 robust driving force for global growth 短期性政策刺激 short-term policy stimuli 深层次结构性改革 fundamental structural reform 处在动能转换的换挡期 be in a period moving toward new driving forces 传统增长引擎 traditional engines to driving force 交易值 value of deals 收购 acquisition 境外交易总值 total value of oversea deals 收紧资本管制 tighten capital control 产生影响 take its toll 营收 revenue 中资企业 Chinese holdings 对外投资 outward investment 三位数增长 triple-digit growth 民营企业和国有企业 privately-owned companies and state-owned counterparts 贸易总量trade volume 商务部 ministry of commerce MOC 外贸总额 foreign trade volume 贸易伙伴 trade partner
贸易顺差trade surplus 出口大于进口 贸易逆差 trade deficit;trade gap
外商直接投资 FDI foreign direct investment 增长动能 driving force / growth driver 持续稳定增长 steady growth
深层次结构性改革 fundamental structural reform 传统增长引擎 traditional engines to drive growth 新经济增长点 new sources of growth 经济治理 economic governance 新兴市场 emerging markets
国际经济力量对比 international economic landscape 包容性 inclusiveness 全球产业布局 global industrial landscape
产业链,价值链,供应链 industrial chains, value chains, supply chains 机制封闭化 closed mechanisms 规则碎片化 fragmentation of rules 全球金融治理机制 global financial governance mechanism 国际金融市场频繁动荡 frequent international financial market volatility 资产泡沫聚集 build-up of capital bubbles
Day 1
毕马威 KPMG 悉尼大学 University of Sydney 表达整理:
1.Plummet 下降
也可以使用nosedive/plunge 2.brim with 充满着,文内用的搭配是 be brimming with,当然啦,你也可以选择使用be teeming with 3.select flowers 这里的select虽然本意是“选择”的意思,但是在这个语境下,“爆发的病毒选中了的花朵”其实就是“感染了病毒的花朵”的意思,又是老生常谈的话题,翻译传递的是意思而不是词。4.petal 花瓣 5.streak 条纹 6.mania 狂热 7.vessel 船只 8.exotic 异域的
9.bouquet 一束,一捧 10.intrinsic 内在的
How much would you pay for a bouquet of tulips? A few dollars? A hundred dollars? How about a million dollars? Probably not.你会花多少钱买一捧郁金香?几块钱?几百块?花个一百万怎么样?你可能不会愿意花那么多钱。
Well, how much would you pay for this house, or partial ownership of a website that sells pet supplies? 那如果把花换成房子,或者某宠物用品网站的一部分股权,你又愿意花多少钱呢?
At different points in time, tulips, real estate and stock in pets.com have all sold for much more than they were worth.In each instance, the price rose and rose and then abruptly plummeted.曾几何时,郁金香、房产和宠物用品网站的股票都卖出过比他们本身价值高得多的价格。而且以上这三种产品,都经历过价格攀升然后突然跌落谷底的过程。
Economists call this a bubble.So, what exactly is going on with a bubble? 经济学家称之为“泡沫”,那么泡沫到底是怎么回事呢?
Well, let's start with the tulips to get a better idea.The 17th century saw the Netherlands enter the Dutch golden age.为了更便于大家理解,我们还是从郁金香开始说起。话说17世纪,荷兰进入了其鼎盛时期。
By the 1630s, Amsterdam was an important port and commercial center.Dutch ships imported spices from Asia in huge quantities to earn profits in Europe.So, Amsterdam was brimming with wealthy, skilled merchants and traders who displayed their prosperity by living in mansions surrounded by flower gardens.And there was one flower in particularly high demand: the tulip.在17世纪30年代,阿姆斯特丹已然是一个重要港口和商业中心。荷兰的船只从亚洲大量进口香料,在欧洲售卖,赚取利润。因此,阿姆斯特丹随处可见技术高超的富商巨贾,他们为了炫耀自己的财富,都会住花园房。而当时需求量尤其大的一种花就是郁金香。
The tulip was brought to Europe on trading vessels that sailed from the East.Because of this, it was considered an exotic flower that was also difficult to grow, since it could take years for a single tulip to bloom.During the 1630s, an outbreak of tulip breaking virus made selected flowers even more beautiful by lining petals with multicolor, flame-like streaks.商贸船将郁金香从东方带到了欧洲大陆。也因为如此,郁金香一直都被看做是一种异域之花,并且极难种植。一棵郁金香开花可能需要数年。17世纪30年代,郁金香之中爆发出一种病毒,感染了病毒的郁金香的花瓣上长出了彩色的火焰状的条纹,它们的外观更加美丽了。
A tulip like this was scarcer than a normal tulip and as a result, prices for these flowers started to rise, and with them, the tulip's popularity.It wasn't long before the tulip became a nationwide sensation and tulip mania was born.A mania occurs when there is an upward movement of price combined with a willingness to pay large sums of money for something valued much lower in intrinsic value.像这样的郁金香比普通郁金香更加稀有,因此自然也更贵,这样一来,郁金香的热度也随之飙高。不久,荷兰举国上下都为郁金香神魂颠倒,郁金香狂热因运而生。当某种商品的价格飙升,并且人们愿意花费比商品价值高得多的价钱购买商品时,狂热就诞生了。
Marginally 微小的,微不足道的原文:
毕马威(KPMG)和悉尼大学(University of Sydney)发表的研究报告显示,在2016年两国企业签署的创纪录的103份协议中,中国民营企业签署了创纪录的78份协议,投资金额达到76亿澳元。
The record 103 deals made during the year included A$7.6bn of investments made by Chinese private companies from a record 78 deals, according to the report by KPMG and the University of Sydney.最大规模的投资是在商业房地产项目,吸引了56亿澳元,占到投资总额的36%,较2015年略有下降。其次是基础设施投资,达到43亿澳元,占到总额的28%,创出该领域的历史最高纪录。医疗领域的投资处于第三位,达到14亿澳元,占到总额的9%。
Commercial real estate saw the largest investment, attracting A$5.6bn, or 36 per cent of the total –down marginally from 2015.This was followed by A$4.3bn investment into infrastructure, which at 28 per cent of the total marked a record year for the sector.Healthcare investments put that sector in the third place with 9 per cent of total investments, or A$1.4bn.在中国投资飙升之际,澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会(Foreign Investment Review Board)更加严格地审查国内港口、公用事业企业以及其他公共基础设施的出售交易。澳大利亚去年以国家安全为由,否决了两起外资对本国电力公司Ausgrid提出的10多亿澳元的竞购,并在今年1月立新机构来识别关键基础设施。
Australia Foreign Investment Review Board has introduced tougher scrutiny of sales of ports, utilities and other public infrastructure amid a surge in Chinese investment.The country last year blocked two over-one-billion A$ foreign bids for electricity company Ausgrid on national security grounds and in January introduced a new body to identify critical infrastructure.从地区来说,中国对新南威尔士州的投资占到投资总额的53%,达到80亿澳元,排在第二位的是对维多利亚州的投资,达到39亿澳元。
In regional terms, New South Wales attracted 53 percent of total investments from China at A$8bn, followed by Victoria at A$3.9bn.塔斯马尼亚州在2016年吸引的中国投资也达到创纪录水平,其中有2.8亿澳元投向农业领域。2016年澳大利亚农业企业吸引的投资同比增长3倍,达到12亿澳元,这使得该领域的投资排名从第七升至第四。
Tasmania saw a record year for/of Chinese investment as well, with A$280m poured into agriculture.Overall investment into agribusiness tripled in 2016 compared to a year earlier, pushing it from seventh to fourth place at A$1.2bn.DAY 2.5 数字口译专题
Despite the slowdown of economic growth in the world's major economies and the manifestation of various risks, China's GDP grew by 7.8 percent in 2012 and the rise in the CPI(Consumer Price Index)fell back to 2.6 percent.China's annual grain output in 2012 reached 589.57 million tons, registering the second nine-year consecutive growth since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, topping the 500-million-ton mark for six years in a row.DAY 3 Finance and economics: China's economic data, Right on target.Is growth really 7% a year? 中国经济数据,正中红心。增长率当真是年7%?
It all seems a little too perfect to be true.The Chinese government set a growth target of “about 7%” this year;the economy, ever responsive to the Communist Party's needs, has hit exactly that number for two quarters in a row.Cue a chorus of skepticism.一切似乎完美得难以置信。中国政府今年年初制定了“约7%”的增长目标;像是一向为了回应共产党的需求,中国经济连续两个季度准确命中了7%的目标。这暗合了某些怀疑论调。
The first quarter did look suspicious.Growth in industrial production was the weakest since the depths of the financial crisis;the property market, a pillar of the economy, crumbled.China reported real growth(ie, after accounting for inflation)of 7% year on year in the first quarter, but nominal growth of just 5.8%.The only way to arrive at the higher real figure was to put the GDP deflator, a measure of inflation, at-1.1%.第一季度的确看着可疑。工业产值增长率降至金融危机后的最低点;房地产市场这一经济支柱也严重垮塌。中国发布的第一季度实际增长率(即考虑通货膨胀后的增长率)为同比增长7%,但名义增长率仅为5.8%。使得真实增长率达到更高水平的唯一途径是GDP平减指数(通货膨胀衡量指标)调整为-1.1%。That implied the economy suffered broad-based deflation, a bizarre claim given that consumer prices rose by more than 1% at the same time.Had the GDP deflator been more accurate, Chang Liu and Mark Williams of Capital Economics reckon, real growth in the first quarter would have been one or two percentage points lower.这意味着中国经济遭受了大范围通货紧缩,但离奇的是与此同时,消费价格增长大于1%。凯投宏观的刘畅和马克·威廉姆斯测算,如果GDP平减指数能更加精确,那么第一季度的实际增长率将会再低一至二个百分点。
The data for the second quarter are more credible.In nominal terms, growth rebounded strongly to 7.1%.The corollary is that the GDP deflator is now 0.1%, a reading that is much more consistent with rising consumer prices and falling producer prices.第二季度的数据则更为可信。名义增长率强势反弹至7.1%。其必然结果是GDP平减指数现已达到0.1%,表现得与增长的消费价格和下跌的生产价格更为一致。
There were signs of some tampering: without explanation, the national bureau of statistics cut the quarter-on-quarter growth rate in the second quarter of 2014 to 1.9% from 2%.That doubtless flattered the data for the second quarter of this year by lowering the base for comparison.But the impact is small: a few tenths of a percentage point, perhaps.但篡改痕迹仍然存在:国家统计局将2014年第二季度的环比增长率从2%改为1.9%,且未对此做出任何解释。这种降低比较基数的行为无疑是对今年第二季度数据的美化。但这影响不大,大概只是零点几个百分点而已。
What is more, the sources of Chinese growth in the second quarter were less mysterious than in the first.Although investment continued to slow, services accelerated.此外,二季度中国增长率的来源比一季度要来的更加明朗。投资虽持续放缓,服务业却加速上升。
Industry grew by 5.9% year on year in the second quarter, down from 6.4% in the first quarter.In contrast, services jumped to 8.9% growth from 7.9% in the first quarter.That matters since services now account for a larger share of Chinese GDP than industry.This acceleration in services is unlikely to last.二季度工业同比增长了5.9%,低于一季度的6.4%。与之相反,服务业的增长率从一季度的7.9%跃至8.9%。自从服务业占GDP比重大于工业之后,这就显得尤为重要。这种服务业的增长不太可能持续。
It derives to a large extent from the soaring stock market, which boosted financial firms.That lift has presumably become a drag in recent weeks as share prices have dived.Transient as it was, however, China's statisticians did not invent the financial boom.它在很大程度上来源于股市飙升时促进的金融机构的繁荣。但在股价骤降之后,近几周,原先的助力恐怕就成了累赘。然而这是暂时的,毕竟这一场金融盛况并不是中国的统计学家编造出来的。
DAY 3.5 数字口译 金融体系运行稳健,银行业风险抵御能力持续增强,资本充足率从2007年底的8.4%提升到去年底的13.3%,不良贷款率由6.1%下降到0.95%。坚持搞好房地产市场调控不动摇,遏制了房价过快上涨势头。
The financial system functioned soundly.The banking sector became better able to avert risks.Its capital adequacy rate increased from 8.4% at the end of 2007 to 13.3% by the end of last year, and its non-performing loans dropped from 6.1% to 0.95%.We kept a firm grip on the real estate market and kept housing prices from rising too quickly.DAY 4
Strong growth for top Chinese investments in UK 研究:在英中资企业营收增长强劲
Chinese holdings in the UK have seen revenues soar in the past two years, deflecting concerns that the “golden era” of China investing in Britain may be drawing to a close.英国的中资企业在过去两年里营收飙升,在某种意义上打消了中国投资英国的“黄金时代”可能告一段落的担忧。
Despite a slowdown in outward investment from China to the UK, figures show that Chinese-owned companies in Britain have enjoyed triple-digit growth, according to research by Grant Thornton, a UK-based professional services firm.根据英国专业服务公司均富(Grant Thornton)的研究,尽管中国对英国的对外投资放缓,但数据显示,英国的中资企业实现了三位数增长。
The best-performing 30 companies expanded revenues by an average 174 percent in 2015 against the previous year, according to the Grant Thornton data.Among these, privately-owned Chinese companies outperformed their state-owned counterparts, reporting a 210 percent increase in revenues against 146 per cent.根据均富的数据,表现最佳的30家公司2015年营收平均比上年增长174%。在这些企业中,中国民营企业的表现优于国有企业,两者分别报告营收增长210%和146%
The study marks the first time that revenues for Chinese-owned companies in the UK have been published.A total of 280-Chinese-owned companies with revenues in excess of £5m are registered in the UK but only 153 of these had reported earnings for at least two consecutive years by October last year.这项研究首次公布了中资在英企业的营收情况。总共有280家营收超过500万英镑的中资企业在英国注册,但截至去年10月仅有153家至少连续两年报告了盈利数据。
The 153 Chinese-owned companies, in sectors ranging from real estate to retail, reported revenue increases on average of 20 per cent against the previous year, according to Grant Thornton.根据均富的数据,平均而言,经营领域从房地产到零售业的这153家中资企业报告营收同比增长20%。Simon Bevan, head of China Britain services at Grant Thornton, said the 20 per cent rise was a particularly “positive performance” when set against British economic growth.Gross domestic production growth in the UK in 2015 was 2.2 per cent.均富的中英服务部负责人西蒙贝文(Simon Bevan)表示,在英国整体经济增长的大背景下,20%的升幅是尤其“积极的表现”。2015年英国国内生产总值(GDP)增长率为2.2%
The UK has become a favored destination for acquisitions by Chinese companies, with a visit in late 2015 by Xi Jinping, China’s president, leading to official claims that the UK-China relationship had entered a “golden era”.英国已成为中资企业的一个热门收购目的地。中国国家主席习近平在2015年末访问英国,促使官员们宣称英中关系进入“黄金时代”。
The most-favoured sector for Chinese acquisitions in the UK is property, followed by 28 per cent for the consumer sector, 8 per cent for financial services, 7 per cent in oil and gas and 5 per cent in healthcare, according to Grisons Peak.在英国,中资最爱的收购目标在房地产行业,其次是消费者行业(28%)、金融服务(8%)、石油和天然气(7%)以及医疗保健(5%)
DAY 4.5 数字口译
The trade volume between China and the European Union(EU)rose by 25.3% to hit US $ 272.3 billion last year, the Ministry of Commerce(MOC)has announced.China-EU trade accounted for 15.5% of China’s total foreign trade volume last year, and EU remained the top trading partner of China, according to MOC statistics issued on its website.商务部称,去年中国和欧盟的贸易总量达到2723亿美元,上升了25.3%。商务部网站发布的统计数据表明:去年,中欧贸易量占中国外贸总额的15.5%。欧盟仍然是中国最大的贸易伙伴。
China’s exports to EU reached US $181.98 billion last year, a year-on-year rise of 26.6%, and its imports from EU went up by 22.7% over the same period last year to hit US $ 90.32 billion.According to EU figures, EU’s imports from China were 135.6 billion Euros, 4.6 billion Euros more than its imports from the United States.China has replaced the United States to become EU’s largest import market.中国向欧盟出口量达到1819.8亿美元,比上年同期增长26.6%,进口量为903.2亿美元,同比增长22.7%。欧盟数据表明,欧盟从中国的进口量为1356亿欧元,比从美国的进口量多46亿欧元。中国已经取代美国成为欧盟的最大进口国。
DAY 5.5 China approved 2,738 EU-funded projects in 2006, involving a contracted EU investment of US $10.58 billion.By the end of last year, China had approved an accumulated 25,418 EU-funded projects, involving a contracted EU investment of US $97.95 billion.2006年,中国批准了2738个欧盟投资的项目,合同投资金额达到105.8亿美元。截止去年底,中国总共批准了25418个欧盟投资的项目,合同投资金额为979.5亿美元。
Every winter, there's an international meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum.It's an organization that includes politicians, businesspeople, scholars, sometimes actors, basically movers and shakers.They aimed to improve the world by addressing issues like poverty, conflict and the global economy.But the event has also been criticized as an elitist meeting that does more talking than actual problem-solving.每年冬季,瑞士达沃斯都会举行一场国际性会议——世界经济论坛。政治人物、商人、学者、有权有势的人都会参加这一论坛,有时也会有演员参加。该论坛的目标是通过解决贫困、冲突和全球经济等问题使世界进步。但是,这一活动也被批评是说得多但是实际解决问题很少的精英会议。
Either way, the meeting that's going on right now is looking at the uncertainty of the year ahead, like an investor or a skier might look at risk and then try to minimize it.2016 was a year of surprises.The word here in Davos is that 2017 could present similar challenges.不管怎样,这场目前正在进行的论坛将关注未来一年的不确定性,比如投资者可能会研究风险,然后试图将风险最小化。CNNMoney新兴市场编辑约翰·戴夫特里奥斯:2016年是意外不断的一年。达沃斯论坛表示,2017年可能会呈现出类似的挑战。
So, what are some of the risks facing the global business community? Something that could take a nice outing and turn it into an injury, steady growth into a global recession? As the political and business elites gather here in Davos, 2017 could shape up to be a year of extreme risks, and here are the biggest: 那全球商界面临哪些风险呢?是会将顺利的情况演变成损伤,还是将稳步增长演变成全球经济衰退?参加达沃斯论坛的政治领袖和商界精英认为,2017年可能将面临极端风险,而最大的风险是:
U.S.going off the path and into the trees where there's less visibility.All eyes, if you will, will be on President Trump.Will he blaze his own trail when it comes to trade? U.S.involvement within the NATO alliance, and how about the U.S., for example, in the Middle East? How about Chinese moguls? Economic relations with Beijing are always a little bit bumpy.How tough will the moguls get this year? Europe potentially going off a cliff.美国将离开道路,进入能见度低的树林里。现在所有的目光都聚焦在特朗普总统的身上。在贸易方面他会开拓自己的道路吗?美国在北约联盟的投入以及美国在中东地区的政策会如何发展?中国的大人物呢?美国同北京的经济关系一直有些坎坷。这些大人物在今年会有多艰难?欧洲有掉下悬崖的危险。
One major obstacle here in Davos is the widening gap between the rich and the poor, and the resentment that's creating within the European Union.There are major elections this year.France, Germany and the Netherlands, and the results could push Europe over the political cliff.So, I've chosen the ultimate route, slow and steady, hard work but less risky, with the ultimate goal of avoiding disaster in 2017.达沃斯论坛面临的其中一个主要障碍是不断扩大的贫富差距,以及这种差距在欧盟中引发的怨恨。今年,欧洲多国都将进行主要选举。法国、德国和荷兰都将进行大选,选举结果可能会将欧洲推向悬崖。如果让我选择最终路线,我希望是稳扎稳打、努力工作、降低风险,最终目标是避免让2017年发生灾难。
DAY 6.5
China had used US $53.18 billion of EU funds by the end of last year, or 8% of total foreign funds used in China.According to a latest survey by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, as high as 92% of EU enterprises which have investment in China are optimistic about their business development, 6% higher than in 2005.根据中国欧盟商会最近的一项调查显示,高达92%的欧盟在华投资企业对其业务发展持乐观态度,这个比例高出2005年6%。欧盟一直都是中国最大的技术提供者。2006年,它是中国技术引进的首要来源。去年中国从欧盟引进2597项技术,合同资金总计86.6亿美元,占总量的39.3%。
According to a latest survey by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, as high as 92% of EU enterprises which have investment in China are optimistic about their business development, 6% higher than in 2005.EU has been the largest technology provider for China and it was the top source of technology import for China in 2006.China imported 2,597 items of technologies from EU last year, with contractual funds totaling US $8.66 billion or 39.3% of China’s total.DAY 7 Steer 掌舵,引领
Sluggish 不景气,低迷 Addressed 解决 Robust 强健的 Sustain 支撑
Unfolding 展开,演变
Artificial intelligence 人工智能 女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,当前,最迫切的任务是引领世界经济走出困境。世界经济长期低迷,贫富差距、南北差距问题更加突出。究其根源,是经济领域三大突出矛盾没有得到有效解决。
At present, the most pressing task before us is to steer the global economy out of difficulty.The global economy has remained sluggish for quite some time.The gap between the poor and the rich and between the South and the North is widening.The root cause is that the three critical issues in the economic sphere have not been effectively addressed.一是全球增长动能不足,难以支撑世界经济持续稳定增长。世界经济增速处于7年来最低水平,全球贸易增速继续低于经济增速。短期性政策刺激效果不佳,深层次结构性改革尚在推进。世界经济正处在动能转换的换挡期,传统增长引擎对经济的拉动作用减弱,人工 智能、3D打印等新技术虽然不断涌现,但新的经济增长点尚未形成。世界经济仍然未能开辟出一条新路。
First, lack of robust driving forces for global growth makes it difficult to sustain the steady growth of the global economy.The growth of the global economy is now at its slowest pace in seven years.Growth of global trade has been slower than global GDP growth.Short-term policy stimuli are ineffective.Fundamental structural reform is just unfolding.The global economy is now in a period of moving toward new growth drivers, and the role of traditional engines to drive growth has weakened.Despite the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3D printing, new sources of growth are yet to emerge.A new path for the global economy remains elusive.二是全球经济治理滞后,难以适应世界经济新变化。前不久,拉加德女士告诉我,新兴市场国家和发展中国家对全球经济增长的贡献率已经达到80%。过去数十年,国际经济力量对比深刻演变,而全球治理体系未能反映新格局,代表性和包容性很不够。
Second, inadequate global economic governance makes it difficult to adapt to new developments in the global economy.Madame Christine Lagarde recently told me that emerging markets and developing countries already contribute to 80% of the growth of the global economy.The global economic landscape has changed profoundly in the past few decades.However, the global governance system has not embraced those new changes and is therefore inadequate in terms of representation and inclusiveness.全球产业布局在不断调整,新的产业链、价值链、供应链日益形成,而贸易和投资规则未能跟上新形势,机制封闭化、规则碎片化十分突出。全球金融市场需要增强抗风险能力,而全球金融治理机制未能适应新需求,难以有效化解国际金融市场频繁动荡、资产泡沫积聚等问题。
The global industrial landscape is changing and new industrial chains, value chains and supply chains are taking shape.However, trade and investment rules have not kept pace with these developments, resulting in acute problems such as closed mechanisms and fragmentation of rules.The global financial market needs to be more resilient against risks, but the global financial governance mechanism fails to meet the new requirement and is thus unable to effectively resolve problems such as frequent international financial market volatility and the build-up of asset bubbles.DAY 7.5 The contractual funds volume was higher than that with Japan, totaling US $5.24 billion, and that with the United States, which was US $4.23 billion.China had imported an accumulated 24,108 items of technologies from EU by the end of last year, with contractual funds of US $ 98.66 million.这超过了中国与日本之间价值52.4亿美元和与美国之间价值42.3亿美元的合同资金量。截止去年底,中国一共从欧盟引进24108项技术,合同资金总计9866万美元。
China’s imports and exports increased by 20 percent year-on-year to US $ 620.79 billion last year.Exports rose 22.3 percent to US $325.57 billion and imports grew 21.2 percent to US $ 295.22 billion.China’s trade surplus stood at US $30.35 billion.中国去年的进口和出口额同比增长了20%,总计6207.9亿美元。出口额增长22.3%,达到3255.7亿美元,进口额增长21.2%,达到2952.2亿美元。中国的贸易顺差为303.5亿美元。
Foreign direct investment(FDI)from the EU into China dropped sharply from 6 billion Euros($ 9.3 billion)in 2006 to 1.8 billion Euros last year.It was quite a small amount if compared with the total foreign investment by the EU.Meanwhile, Chinese investment in the EU also decreased significantly from 2.2 billion Euros in 2006 to merely 0.5 billion Euros last year.
catti 二口 二战经验分享 希望帮到大家
背景介绍: 雅思 7.5 / 托福 106 / 专八 79 / 专四:80 / 上海中高级口译证书 / 大学期间上过口译培训班 /
良心建议三点:1.英语听说读写基础扎实,尤其是听力!否则准备口译事倍功半。我的听力基本功是大学里听写并跟读常速BBC 和VOA 以及高级listening to this 打下的。听力练习材料个人认为不需精挑细选,大量的输入和复杂句型的快速反应是关键。2.系统学习口译:不管什么形式,大学口译课程或校外培训班都可以,不要闭门造车,虽然我是九年前上过一段时间的口译入门课,真心受益匪浅。通过老师的讲解,你会明白如何记笔记(重中之重),然后自己不断去实践,找到理解和笔记的平衡点。3.再痛苦,也要录音,做视译是远远不够的!只有不断录音并回听自己的录音,慢慢揣摩你就会发现哪个音调听起来是舒服的,哪个说话频率是适合的,哪种说话方式是自信的。
具体到两场考试对比:去年11月5号一战,综合部分:那场考得还行(69分)关键就是抓紧一切时间理解题目并注意一些字眼,比如:nearly,totally,not等,这些地方容易混淆视听。但是!切不可小瞧综合,这次我的综合就只有60分。做篇章听力部分明显感觉很多信息处理不过来,当时真有一种考试还未开始就要结束的感觉。总结:综合一定要争分夺秒的看题且多做教材和真题,熟悉catti 套路,至于summary 我的理解是:抓住总起类句子且保证文章逻辑通顺即可。
3.段落听力单选题(一段文章座5个单选题)。我觉得这个是最难的了,首先你必须在念本题考试须知的过程中看完第一段的5个问题,应为考试须知念完到念文章大概就是3秒钟,而且最要命的是很多题目要选择的是类似“which is NOT ture"这种问题,你就要看的题目来排除答案~虽然两大题之间有2分钟的时间来做题和看下面的5道题,但是在考场的时候你还是会觉得时间很紧,因为有时候你还没有在看完题目情况下听了文章内容还必须回道卷子上看题目再做选择,这样留给阅读下面题目的时间就很紧了。
根据这次的预测推出全新节目: 大家网翻译版块推出翻译“每日一练”:跬步千里
2011年5月三笔的汉译英来自“2010年9月7日国家副主席习近平在联合国贸发会的发言 ”,不免俗的还是中国领导人的演讲发言。(讨论出处:)
近年来,中国全面把握对外开放阶段性特点,按照完善内外联动、互利共赢、安全高效的开放型经济体系的要求,总结实践中的成功经验,把“引进来”和“走出去”更好地结合起来,创新对外投资和合作方式,支持企业在研发、生产、销售等方面开展国际化经营。目前,中国正在加快推进各种形式的对外投资合作,培育发展中国的跨国公司,支持有实力的企业建立国际营销网络,加强境外基础设施建设合作,规 范发展对外劳务合作,积极推动境外经贸合作区建设,缓解我国生产能力过剩、内需不足的矛盾,推动国内产业转型,带动相关产品和服务出口。
To follow the basic state policy of opening-up, unswervingly develop an open economy and pursue a win-win strategy of opening-up is a useful experience that has underpinned the sustained and rapid development of the Chinese economy over the past 30 years and more.To attract foreign investment, pick competitive foreign investors and bring in “financial resources” and “intellectual resources” both at the same time is an important element of China's opening-up policy.By July 2010, a total of 698,000 foreign-invested enterprises had been established in China, registering a paid-in capital of US$1.05 trillion.For China, continued introduction of foreign investment has provided necessary fund, advanced technologies and valuable managerial expertise and many global-minded talents to support the country's modernization drive.For foreign enterprises, investing in China has generated handsome returns.Many foreign-invested enterprises in China have become the growth engines and profit centers of their parent companies' global business.In recent years, we have worked in line with the characteristics of the different stages of opening-up, and the requirements to improve an open economic system that focuses on both domestic and international markets, that promotes win-win and mutually beneficial cooperation, and that emphasizes security and effectiveness.We are stepping up efforts to facilitate various forms of overseas investment cooperation, develop our own multinational companies and support well-positioned enterprises to establish international sales distribution networks.We are working to strengthen overseas infrastructure construction cooperation, and develop overseas labor contract cooperation in a well-managed fashion.And we are actively advancing the construction of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones.Our aim is to alleviate the tensions between overcapacity and weak domestic demand, stimulate industrial transformation at home and, at the same time, promote exports of relevant products and services.2010年11月三笔的汉译英来自“2010年6月互联网(出自政府白皮书)”(中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室2010年6月最新贴《中国互联网状况》)
2011年5月二笔的汉译英来自“胡锦涛在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上题为《坚定合作信心 振兴世界经济》演讲”(论坛来源:)
汉译英:09年胡锦涛在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上题为《坚定合作信心 振兴世界经济》演讲
60年来特别是改革开放30年来,中国取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,经济实力和综合国力显著增强,各项社会事业全面进步,人民生活从温饱不足发展 到总体小康,中国社会迸发出前所未有的活力和创造力。同时,我们清醒地认识到,中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,中国在发展进程中遇到的矛盾和问题无论 规模还是复杂性都世所罕见。要全面建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,进而基本实现现代化、实现全体人民共同富裕,还有很长的路要走。我们将继续从本国国情出发,坚持中国特色社会主义道路,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,全面推进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建 设,全力做到发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享。
China has achieved remarkable progress in those 60 years, particularly in the last 30 years since reform and opening-up.China’s economy and comprehensive national strength have grown significantly and various social programs have made big strides.The Chinese people, once lacking basic living necessities, are now leading a moderately prosperous life, and the whole society is showing unprecedented dynamism and creativity.We are keenly aware, however, that China remains the world’s largest developing country.The difficulties and problems that we face in development are rarely seen in any other part of the world in terms of their scale and complexity.We still have a long way to go before we can build, in a comprehensive way, a moderately prosperous society of a higher level that will benefit the more than one billion Chinese people, and then achieve basic modernization and bring common prosperity to all our people.We will, in the light of our national conditions, continue to follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, persist in reform and opening-up, promote scientific development and social harmony, and achieve all-round progress in the economic, political, cultural, social and environmental fields.We will ensure that our development is for the people and by the people and the fruits of development are shared among the people.第一篇英译汉,选自《纽约时报》
针对上面的总结,2011年5月参加考试的同学不妨多看看2011年3-6月份的国内领导人的演讲发言,我也会在论坛上为大家多发布一些相关的双语资料,供大家练习。英译汉的话大家多看2010年10月,或2011年3-5月份的纽约时报(【原创】关于如何在纽约时报官网查找2011年),英文官方网站 人事部二三级笔译实物英译汉我们要看什么
2011.4 国新办中国的对外援助白皮书新闻发布会双语
[大家论坛原创] 根据历届真题来源预测2011年5月三笔实务
2010年11月三笔真题: 三笔考试小记
英译汉:Poland prepares for Chopin's bicentennial(2008年11月纽约时报)
英译汉:Business of Green: An appeal to slow down on biofuel(2008年4月15日纽约时报)
英译汉:Europe Pushes to Get Fuel From Fields(纽约时报2007年5月)
汉译英:2006年12月中美首次战略经济对话举行 吴仪作主旨发言
英译汉:The College Dropout Boom(2005年5月纽约时报)
【原文】温 家宝:提起东盟国家,我就想起去年在东盟会议上,马哈蒂尔先生和吴作栋先生曾经形象地把中国比喻成一个友好的大象。他们说,中国的崛起不会对其他们存在任 何威胁。中国有5000年的文明史,有过辉煌的过去,也有过屈辱的往事。中国的崛起是多少代中国人的梦想。中国和平崛起的要义在什么地方?第一,中国和平崛起就是要充分利用世界和平的大好时机,努力发展和壮大自己。同时又以自己的发展,维护世界和平。第二,中国的崛起应把基点主要放在自己的力量上,独立自 主、自力更生,艰苦奋斗,依靠广阔的国内市场、充足的劳动力资源和雄厚的资金储备,以及改革带来的机制创新。第三,中国的崛起离不开世界。中国必须坚持开 放的政策,在平等互利的原则上,同世界一切友好国家发展经贸往来。第四,中国的崛起需要很长的时间,恐怕要多少代人的努力奋斗。第五,中国的崛起不会妨碍 任何人,也不会威胁任何人,也不会牺牲任何人。中国现在不称霸,将来即使强大了也永远不会称霸。
【译文】Wen: Your mention of ASEAN puts me in mind of an ASEAN meeting I attended last year.I remember on that occasion Mr.Mahatir and Mr.Goh Chok Tong drew a vivid analogy between China and a friendly elephant.They told me the rise of China would not pose a threat to their countries.To answer your question, let me say China has a history of 5,000 years.We had a glorious past, but we also suffered humiliation and subjugation.The rise of China and its rejuvenation are the dreams of the Chinese people for many generations.What are the connotations of China's peaceful rise? Let me make the following points.Firstly, in promoting China's peaceful rise, we must take full advantage of the very good opportunity of world peace to endeavor to develop and strengthen ourselves, and at the same time safeguard world peace with our own
development.Secondly, the rise of China can only be based on our own strength and on our independent, self-reliant and hard efforts.It also has to be based on the broad market of China, the abundant human resources and capital reserves as well as the innovation of our systems as a result of reform.Thirdly, China's rise could not be achieved without the rest of the world.We must always maintain the opening up policy and develop economic and trade exchanges with all friendly countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.Fourthly, China's rise will require a long period of time and probably the hard work of many generations of Chinese people.Fifthly, the rise of China will not stand in the way of any other country or pose a threat to any other country, or be achieved at the expense of any particular nation.China does not seek hegemony now.Nor will we ever seek hegemony even after China becomes more powerful.【学习札记】
1.Recent years have witnessed…是一个极其重要的句型,一定要会灵活运用witness的这种用法。
2.at the expense of…亦可换用at the cost of…。
英译汉:When is the Arctic no longer the Arctic?(2005年10月纽约时报)