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2013年9月25日 爱沙尼亚总统伊尔韦斯9月25日在第68届联大一般性辩论发言指出,互联网上和网下的言论自由不仅是民主的基石,也是一项基本人权。伊尔韦斯强调,国际法可在推动建设一个开放可及的网络空间方面发挥至关重要的作用。

各国首脑和政要云集的第68届联大一般性辩论25日进入第二天。当天,爱沙尼亚总统伊尔韦斯(Hendrik Ilves)是第一个在联大全体会议上发言的与会领导人。

各国首脑和政要云集的第68届联大一般性辩论25日进入第二天。当天,爱沙尼亚总统伊尔韦斯(Hendrik Ilves)是第一个在联大全体会议上发言的与会领导人。







同舟共济 共创未来










































温家宝说,中国将继续寻求和扩大同世界各国的利益交汇点。中国的发展,不会损害任何人,也不会威胁任何人。中国绝不走“国强必霸”的路子。中国讲友好,也讲原则。在涉及主权、领土完整等问题上,中国决不退让,决不妥协。2 中国坚定不移地支持联合国在国际事务中发挥主导作用。中国永远是发展中国家的好伙伴、好兄弟。







2010年9月23日 纽约

Getting to Know the Real China

--Statement by H.E.Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China

At the General Debate of the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly New York, 23 September 2010


Mr.President,Dear Colleagues,中国是联合国大家庭中的一员,中国的发展变化受到国际社会的高度关注。我愿就如何认识一个真实的中国,谈谈我的看法。

China is a member of the big family of the United Nations, and China's

development and changes have attracted worldwide attention.I wish to take this opportunity to share with you my observations on how one should get to know the real China.中华人民共和国成立以来,特别是改革开放30多年来,中国这个古老的东方大国发生了翻天覆地的变化。国家经济实力和综合国力大为增强,人民生活显著改善,社会文明程度大幅提升,国际交流与合作不断扩大。中国已经实现了由解决温饱到总体上达到小康的历史性跨越。

Since the founding of the People's Republic, and especially since the start of reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, profound changes have taken place in China, a big, ancient country in the East.Its economic and overall national strength has substantially increased.The livelihood of its people has markedly improved.Its social and cultural programs have made considerable progress.And its exchanges and cooperation with the outside world have kept expanding.In sum, my country has made a historic leap from mere subsistence to moderate prosperity.中国对自己通过艰苦奋斗而取得的成就感到自豪。同时,我们对今天中国在世界上的位置和作用,也有着清醒的认识。

We in China are proud of our achievements accomplished through strenuous efforts.At the same time, we are clear-headed about our place and role in today's world.中国国内生产总值位居世界第三,但人均水平较低,只相当于发达国家的十分之一左右。中国经济已保持30多年的快速增长,但进一步发展受到能源、资源和环境的制约。中国若干重要产品产量位居世界前列,但总体上仍处于全球产业链的低端。中国已经成为国际贸易大国,但出口产品技术含量和附加值低,核心技术仍然大量依赖进口。中国沿海地区和一些大中城市呈现出现代化的繁荣,但中西部和广大农村的不少地方仍然相当落后,还有1.5亿人口生活在联合国设定的贫困线之下。中国民生有了很大改善,但社会保障体系不健全,就业压力很大。中国社会政治生活日趋活跃,公民基本权利得到较好的维护,但民主法制还不够健全,社会不公和贪污腐败等问题依然存在。

China's GDP is the third largest in the world, but in per capita terms, it is only one-tenth of that of developed countries.China has enjoyed over 30 years of fast growth, but its further development faces energy, resources and

environmental constraints.China is a leading producer of many important products, but it remains at the lower end of the global industrial chain.China is a big trading nation, but its exports are low in technology content and value added.In many cases, we have to rely on imports to meet the demand for core technologies.China's coastal areas and some of the big and medium-sized cities thrive in modernization, but many places in the central and western regions and the vast rural areas are still rather backward, and we have 150 million people living below the poverty line set by the United Nations.The Chinese people's livelihood has made significant improvement, but we do not yet have a full-fledged social security system, and we are confronted with high employment pressure.Our people are more and more actively engaged in the country's social and political development, and citizens' basic rights and

interests are better protected, yet our democracy and legal system still have room for improvement and such social ills as inequity and corruption still exist.中国现代化走到今天,先进落后并存,新旧矛盾交织,面临诸多前所未有的挑战。中国仍然处于社会主义初级阶段,仍然属于发展中国家。这就是我们的基本国情,这就是一个真实的中国。

China, which has come a long way in modernization, is fairly advanced in some areas of development but remains backward in others.And it faces

unprecedented challenges brought by problems both old and new.Taken as a whole, China is still in the primary stage of socialism and remains a developing country.These are our basic national conditions.This is the real China.中国的战略目标是到本世纪中叶,基本实现现代化。展望今后几十年,中国人民将坚定不移地沿着改革开放、和平发展的道路前进。这条道路改变了中国的命运,给全体人民带来了福祉。我们必须坚持它、完善它,而没有任何理由改变它。

China has set the strategic goal of basically achieving modernization by the middle of this century.Looking into the coming decades,the Chinese people will

continue to move forward along the path of reform and opening up and peaceful development.This path has changed China's destiny and has

benefited people throughout the country.We must stay on this path and make further improvement.There is no reason whatsoever for us to deviate from it.中国将继续集中精力发展经济。发展仍然是中国的第一要务,是解决一切问题的基础。中国的发展主要依靠自己的力量。中国工业化城镇化的推进,数以亿计农民进入城镇,将创造有史以来最为巨大的国内需求,开辟极其广阔的市场和发展空间,为中国和世界经济增长提供持久而强劲的动力。中国将下大力转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,走出一条均衡和可持续的发展道路。

China will continue to focus on developing the economy.Development is our top priority, as it constitutes the basis for addressing all issues.We will mainly rely on our own efforts in pursuing development.With the progress in China's industrialization and urbanization, hundreds of millions of farmers will move to towns and cities.This will create more domestic demand than ever, open up broad market and development space, and serve as a powerful engine

sustaining the growth of the Chinese economy and the world economy at large.We will work hard to transform the economic development pattern, restructure the economy and set out on a path of balanced and sustainable development.中国将继续深化体制改革。我们要不断完善社会主义市场经济体制。毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济,毫不动摇地鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展。更加注重保障和改善民生,改革收入分配制度,完善养老、医疗、失业等社会保障体系,扭转城乡、地区和贫富差距扩大的趋势,使每一个公民都能够分享改革开放和发展的成果。在深化经济体制改革的同时,要推进和搞好政治体制改革。只有这样,经济体制改革才能最终成功,现代化建设才能不断发展。我们要尊重和保障人权,维护社会公平正义,实现人的自由和全面发展,这是民主法治国家的重要标志,也是国家长治久安的基本保障。

China will continue to deepen institutional reform.We will make consistent effort to improve the socialist market economy.We will unswervingly

strengthen and develop the public sector of the economy, and also unswervingly encourage,support and guide the development of the non-public sector.We will pay greater attention to ensuring and improving people's well-being.We will further reform the income distribution system and improve the social security system, including old-age support, medical care and unemployment benefit programs.We will endeavor to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, between different regions and between the rich and the poor.We want to make sure that each and every citizen shares the benefit of China's reform,opening up and development.While deepening economic restructuring, we will also push forward political restructuring.Otherwise, we cannot achieve the ultimate goal of economic reform and we will lose what we have gained from our

modernization drive.We respect and protect human rights,uphold social equity and justice, and strive to achieve the free and all-round development for our people.This is the important hallmark of a democratic country under the rule of law.It is also a basic guarantee for a country's lasting peace and stability.中国将继续扩大对外开放。互利共赢,是我们必须长期坚持的开放战略。我们要遵循国际通行的规则,扩大同世界各国的经贸往来。我们要进一步改善外商投资环境,优化利用外资结构,创新对外投资与合作方式。中国致力于推动建设公正公平、包容有序的国际金融新秩序和开放自由的国际贸易体系,反对各种形式的保护主义。在中国现代化的进程中,我们不仅要在经济和科技领域继续吸收和利用世界先进的东西,而且要在社会管理和文化建设等领域大胆借鉴人类文明的成果。

China will be even more open to the world.Mutually-beneficial cooperation for win-win progress is a long-term strategy that we will stick to in opening up to the world.We will follow established international rules in expanding business ties with other countries.We will continue to improve the environment for

foreign investors,optimize the structure of foreign capital utilization and explore new ways for overseas investment and cooperation.We are committed to promoting the establishment of a fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed new international financial order and an open and free international trading regime.We are against protectionism in all its manifestations.In the course of modernization, we will not only continue to bring in and utilize advanced achievements from the rest of the world in the economic, scientific and technological fields, but also boldly draw upon the achievements of human civilization in the fields of social management and cultural development.我们将继续发展教育科技。中国缩小同世界先进水平的差距,增强发展的后劲,根本靠什么?一靠教育,二靠科技。中国已经制订了发展教育、发展科技的两个中长期规划纲要。我们要着力抓好这两个规划纲要的实施,争取在2020年左右,基本建成人力资源强国和创新型国家。

China will continue to develop education,science and technology.How can China narrow the development gap with the advanced countries and enhance the sustainability of its strong growth? I believe two things are of fundamental importance: first, education, and second, science and technology.China has formulated medium-and long-term development programs on education and on science and technology respectively.Going forward, we will focus our efforts on implementing these two programs and build China into a country

strong in human resources and innovation by 2020.我们将继续弘扬中华优秀文化。国家发展、民族振兴,不仅需要强大的经济力量,更需要强大的文化力量。五千年中华文明所凝结的道德和智慧,属于中国,也属于世界。我们要大力发展文化事业,加快建立与社会主义现代化建设相适应、与中华民族传统美德相承接的思想道德体系。我们尊重世界文明的多样性,加强不同文明之间的对话与交流,构建人类共有的精神家园。中华民族不仅能够创造经济奇迹,也一定能够创造新的文化辉煌。

China will continue to carry forward its fine culture.The development of a

country and rejuvenation of a nation require not only great economic strength, but more importantly great cultural strength.The moral values and wisdom drawn from the 5,000-year Chinese civilization belong not only to China but also to the world.We will vigorously develop cultural programs and accelerate the development of a moral and ethical code that is commensurate with our socialist modernization drive and consistent with the traditional virtues of our nation.We respect the diversity of civilizations and will increase dialogue and exchanges

with other civilizations to forge a common cultural bond for humanity.The

Chinese nation,who has created an economic miracle,will create a new cultural splendor as well.人类进入21世纪,世界并不太平。但靠战争最终解决问题已经过时了。和平与发展,仍然是当今世界的两大主题。

The world of the 21st century is far from tranquil, but gone are the days when problems were ultimately settled by war.Peace and development remain the defining features of our time.中国将坚定不移地走和平发展道路。和平发展的精髓是什么?就是争取和平的国际环境来发展自己,又以自己的发展促进世界的和平。这也是中国特色社会主义的题中应有之义。China will stay firmly committed to peaceful development.You may ask what is the essence of peaceful development.It is to foster a peaceful international environment for our development and at the same time contribute to world peace through our development.This is something inherent in the concept of socialism with Chinese characteristics.中国在追求自身发展的进程中,将继续以促进人类的共同发展和繁荣为己任。中国将继续寻求和扩大同世界各国的利益交汇点。中国的发展,不会损害任何人,也不会威胁任何人。中国绝不走“国强必霸”的路子。

In the course of development, China will continue to take it as its own duty to promote the common progress and prosperity of mankind.We will seek and expand converging interests with other countries.China's development will not harm anyone or pose a threat to anyone.There were powers who sought hegemony once they grew strong.China will never follow in their footsteps.中国讲友好,也讲原则,坚定不移地维护国家的核心利益。在涉及主权、统一及领土完整的问题上,中国决不退让,决不妥协。

China values friendship and also sticks to principles.It firmly upholds its national core interests.When it comes to sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity, China will not yield or compromise.中国坚定不移地支持联合国在国际事务中发挥主导作用。中国将继续遵守《联合国宪章》,认真履行国际公约的各项义务。中国将一如既往地加强同发展中国家的合作,支持扩大发展中国家在国际事务中的发言权。中国永远是发展中国家的好伙伴、好兄弟!

China will continue to firmly support the leading role of the United Nations in international affairs.We will, as always, abide by the UN Charter and fulfill in good faith our obligations under international conventions.We will intensify cooperation with fellow developing countries, and support their greater say in international affairs.We will remain forever a good partner and brother of developing countries.中国的稳定和发展,有利于建设和平的国际环境,有利于建设民主的国际秩序,有利于建设繁荣的世界经济,也有利于建设和谐的文明世界。中国发展,世界机遇;中国好了,世界得利。历史将会进一步证明这一点。

China's stability and development is conducive to a more peaceful international environment, a more democratic international order,a more prosperous global economy and a more harmonious and civilized world.China's development is an

opportunity to the world.And the world stands to gain from a China that is better off.History will continue to prove this.一个和平发展的中国,一个充满活力的中国,一个敢于担当的中国,永远与世界同行。让我们携起手来,为世界的持久和平与繁荣而奋斗!

A China that develops peacefully, a China that is full of vigor and vitality and a China that is willing and ready to fulfill its responsibilities will always move forward together with the world.Let us join hands to work for a world of enduring peace and prosperity.谢谢大家!


坚持改革开放 坚持和平发展


中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝
















Full text of Chinese premier's speech

at General Debate of 63rd Session of UN General Assembly

UNITED NATIONS, Sept.25(Xinhua)--The following is the full text of the speech delivered by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at the General Debate of the 63rd Session of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.China Committed to Reform and Opening-up and Peaceful Development

Speech by H.E.Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the General Debate of the 63rd Session of the UN General Assembly 24 September 2008 Mr.President,For China, this has been a special year.We experienced two major events.One was the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, which caused grave losses of life and property.In the face of the disaster, the Chinese people showed great strength, courage, solidarity and resilience.By now, the people affected by the earthquake have been properly relocated and recovery and reconstruction work is well underway.The other was the successful hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games.This grand sporting event provided a good opportunity for athletes from around the world to show true sportsmanship.It also enabled the world to learn more about China and China more about the world.In our fight against the earthquake disaster and our efforts to host the Games, we received understanding, support and assistance from the international community.I wish to take this opportunity to express sincere gratitude on behalf of the Chinese Government and people.Now the whole world wants to know in what direction China is heading, both politically and economically, after the Beijing Olympic Games.Let me tell you in unequivocal terms that China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development, unswervingly pursue reform and opening-up, and continue to adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace.This is in the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the people of all other countries.It is also in keeping with the trend of the world.The just concluded Olympic Games was held in China, the largest developing country in the world.The international community has highly commended the efforts made by the Chinese Government and people for the Games.And its success has greatly inspired the Chinese people and given them even more confidence and strength to achieve modernization of the country.At the same time, however, we are soberly aware that China is a country with 1.3 billion people.Though its total GDP is one of the highest in the world, it trails behind more than 100 countries in terms of per capita income.Development between urban and rural areas and among different regions in China is unbalanced.The rural areas, particularly those in western China, are underdeveloped.Tens of millions of Chinese lack adequate food and clothing.China is still a developing country, where productivity remains low and further development is constrained by the shortage of resources and energy and environmental consequences.Our socialist market economic system, democracy and the rule of law need to be further improved, and certain outstanding social issues are yet to be resolved.To achieve China's modernization is a daunting task and we still have a long way to go.Both the opportunities and challenges that we face are unprecedented.We will seize the opportunities, rise up to challenges, dedicate ourselves to nation-building and focus on development.This is what the Chinese Government and people have been thinking and doing.People may ask: How does China achieve its development? The answer is through reform and opening-up.This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up policy, a policy that fundamentally changed the closed, backward, and ossified situation which had existed in China for years.It is a policy that freed people's mind and aroused their initiative, liberated the productive forces, generated great economic and social progress, and instilled vigor and vitality into the country.Without this policy, there would not have been such changes in China in the last 30 years.To achieve the goal of modernization and build a strong, prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious country, we will stick to the reform and opening-up policy.It is a choice of vital importance to the development of China today.It is also a strategy that will shape China's future.We are firm in carrying this policy forward.The Chinese nation has all along cherished the fine tradition and benefited from the wisdom of being open to new ideas and drawing on the strengths of others.The Chinese people have learned from 30 years of reform and opening-up that only continued economic and political restructuring and reform in other fields can lead to sustained economic growth and social progress, and only continued opening-up in an all-round way can lead the country to greater national strength and prosperity.This is the conclusion we have drawn both from our practice and exploration and from historical experiences.Mr.President,The world needs peace, for only with peace can there be development.China earnestly hopes to have a peaceful international environment in order to achieve its development goals.The Chinese Government is committed to an independent foreign policy of peace and stands ready to work with other countries to advance the noble cause of peace and progress of mankind.Respect for sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries is the prerequisite for sound state-to-state relations.The Chinese people have learned from their modern history of humiliation that when a country loses sovereignty, its people lose dignity and status.China is firm in upholding its hard-won sovereignty and territorial integrity and will never tolerate any external interference.Following the principle of treating each other as equals, China also respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries as well as the independent choice of their people for social systems and development paths.China is ready to develop friendly relations with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit rather than on ideology or political system.In handling international affairs, we make our own judgment on the merit of each case and take our position in light of our national interests and the wellbeing of the world's people.We will neither blindly follow the position of others nor give way to the pressure of any forces.In international relations, China does not seek to build alliance or become a leader and will never do so in the future.Peaceful settlement of international disputes is a founding purpose of the United Nations and a basic principle of international law.China is committed to addressing issues left over from history and current differences with other countries through dialogue and negotiation.As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China will continue to play an active and constructive role in promoting peaceful settlement of international hotspot issues and regional conflicts.China's development is peaceful in nature.It will not harm anyone or pose a threat to anyone.China does not seek hegemony now, nor will it do so in the future.China keeps and develops an appropriate level of military capability solely for the purpose of safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.The confidence and pride of the Chinese nation today are based on China's economic development, social justice, civility of the people and moral strength.China will, through its own development, contribute to peace and development of the world.Mr.President,In the long history of mankind, the destinies of countries have never been so closely linked as they are today.Given the global nature of issues threatening the survival and development of mankind such as climate change, environmental degradation, resources constraints, frequent outbreaks of diseases and natural disasters and the spread of terrorism, and in the face of the intertwining challenges of finance, energy and food, no country can expect to stay away from the difficulties or handle the problems all by itself.In particular, the international financial instability has spread to many countries now and its impact will grow even greater.All countries should work together to meet the challenges.So long as people of all countries, especially their leaders, can do away with hostility, estrangement and prejudice, treat each other with sincerity and an open mind, and forge ahead hand in hand, mankind will overcome all difficulties and embrace a brighter future.China, as a responsible major developing country, is ready to work with other members of the international community to strengthen cooperation, share opportunities, meet challenges and contribute to the harmonious and sustainable development of the world.Thank you.Full text of Chinese premier's speech

at General Debate of 63rd Session of UN General Assembly

UNITED NATIONS, Sept.25(Xinhua)--The following is the full text of the speech delivered by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at the General Debate of the 63rd Session of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.China Committed to Reform and Opening-up and Peaceful Development

Speech by H.E.Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the General Debate of the 63rd Session of the UN General Assembly 24 September 2008 Mr.President,For China, this has been a special year.We experienced two major events.One was the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, which caused grave losses of life and property.In the face of the disaster, the Chinese people showed great strength, courage, solidarity and resilience.By now, the people affected by the earthquake have been properly relocated and recovery and reconstruction work is well underway.The other was the successful hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games.This grand sporting event provided a good opportunity for athletes from around the world to show true sportsmanship.It also enabled the world to learn more about China and China more about the world.In our fight against the earthquake disaster and our efforts to host the Games, we received understanding, support and assistance from the international community.I wish to take this opportunity to express sincere gratitude on behalf of the Chinese Government and people.Now the whole world wants to know in what direction China is heading, both politically and economically, after the Beijing Olympic Games.Let me tell you in unequivocal terms that China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development, unswervingly pursue reform and opening-up, and continue to adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace.This is in the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the people of all other countries.It is also in keeping with the trend of the world.The just concluded Olympic Games was held in China, the largest developing country in the world.The international community has highly commended the efforts made by the Chinese Government and people for the Games.And its success has greatly inspired the Chinese people and given them even more confidence and strength to achieve modernization of the country.At the same time, however, we are soberly aware that China is a country with 1.3 billion people.Though its total GDP is one of the highest in the world, it trails behind more than 100 countries in terms of per capita income.Development between urban and rural areas and among different regions in China is unbalanced.The rural areas, particularly those in western China, are underdeveloped.Tens of millions of Chinese lack adequate food and clothing.China is still a developing country, where productivity remains low and further development is constrained by the shortage of resources and energy and environmental consequences.Our socialist market economic system, democracy and the rule of law need to be further improved, and certain outstanding social issues are yet to be resolved.To achieve China's modernization is a daunting task and we still have a long way to go.Both the opportunities and challenges that we face are unprecedented.We will seize the opportunities, rise up to challenges, dedicate ourselves to nation-building and focus on development.This is what the Chinese Government and people have been thinking and doing.People may ask: How does China achieve its development? The answer is through reform and opening-up.This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up policy, a policy that fundamentally changed the closed, backward, and ossified situation which had existed in China for years.It is a policy that freed people's mind and aroused their initiative, liberated the productive forces, generated great economic and social progress, and instilled vigor and vitality into the country.Without this policy, there would not have been such changes in China in the last 30 years.To achieve the goal of modernization and build a strong, prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious country, we will stick to the reform and opening-up policy.It is a choice of vital importance to the development of China today.It is also a strategy that will shape China's future.We are firm in carrying this policy forward.The Chinese nation has all along cherished the fine tradition and benefited from the wisdom of being open to new ideas and drawing on the strengths of others.The Chinese people have learned from 30 years of reform and opening-up that only continued economic and political restructuring and reform in other fields can lead to sustained economic growth and social progress, and only continued opening-up in an all-round way can lead the country to greater national strength and prosperity.This is the conclusion we have drawn both from our practice and exploration and from historical experiences.Mr.President,The world needs peace, for only with peace can there be development.China earnestly hopes to have a peaceful international environment in order to achieve its development goals.The Chinese Government is committed to an independent foreign policy of peace and stands ready to work with other countries to advance the noble cause of peace and progress of mankind.Respect for sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries is the prerequisite for sound state-to-state relations.The Chinese people have learned from their modern history of humiliation that when a country loses sovereignty, its people lose dignity and status.China is firm in upholding its hard-won sovereignty and territorial integrity and will never tolerate any external interference.Following the principle of treating each other as equals, China also respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries as well as the independent choice of their people for social systems and development paths.China is ready to develop friendly relations with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit rather than on ideology or political system.In handling international affairs, we make our own judgment on the merit of each case and take our position in light of our national interests and the wellbeing of the world's people.We will neither blindly follow the position of others nor give way to the pressure of any forces.In international relations, China does not seek to build alliance or become a leader and will never do so in the future.Peaceful settlement of international disputes is a founding purpose of the United Nations and a basic principle of international law.China is committed to addressing issues left over from history and current differences with other countries through dialogue and negotiation.As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China will continue to play an active and constructive role in promoting peaceful settlement of international hotspot issues and regional conflicts.China's development is peaceful in nature.It will not harm anyone or pose a threat to anyone.China does not seek hegemony now, nor will it do so in the future.China keeps and develops an appropriate level of military capability solely for the purpose of safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.The confidence and pride of the Chinese nation today are based on China's economic development, social justice, civility of the people and moral strength.China will, through its own development, contribute to peace and development of the world.Mr.President,In the long history of mankind, the destinies of countries have never been so closely linked as they are today.Given the global nature of issues threatening the survival and development of mankind such as climate change, environmental degradation, resources constraints, frequent outbreaks of diseases and natural disasters and the spread of terrorism, and in the face of the intertwining challenges of finance, energy and food, no country can expect to stay away from the difficulties or handle the problems all by itself.In particular, the international financial instability has spread to many countries now and its impact will grow even greater.All countries should work together to meet the challenges.So long as people of all countries, especially their leaders, can do away with hostility, estrangement and prejudice, treat each other with sincerity and an open mind, and forge ahead hand in hand, mankind will overcome all difficulties and embrace a brighter future.China, as a responsible major developing country, is ready to work with other members of the international community to strengthen cooperation, share opportunities, meet challenges and contribute to the harmonious and sustainable development of the world.Thank you.Full text of Premier Wen's speech at Harvard

'Turning Your Eyes to China'

DEAN KIM CLARK: It's a great pleasure and a privilege to welcome you here today to this historic occasion.On behalf of the faculty and the staff and the students of the Harvard Business School I welcome all of you to our campus.We're certainly pleased to have Premier Wen here today on this great occasion.It's my good fortune to be able to introduce to you today my good friend, Bill Kirby, who is Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.Bill.DEAN KIRBY: Thank you very much, Kim.The Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard joins in welcoming all of you and our distinguished guests from the People's Republic of China.Today is a very important occasion, an opportunity for dialogue between members of the Harvard community and the leader of one of the most rapidly transforming and transformative countries in the world, whose future is closely intertwined with our own.And in this global era, universities serve an increasingly important function.We are points of connection and communication between citizens of different regions of the world.Harvard is honored to welcome Premier Wen and his delegation.As the first line of “The Analects” tells us, “How very glad we are to welcome friends from afar.” Our guest speaker today is, as you know, the Premier of the People's Republic of China, Premier Wen Jiabao.Seated to the Premier's left is Mr.Li Zhaoxing, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic.Next to Minister Li is Ma Kai, Minister of the National Development and Reform Commission.To Mr.Ma Kai's left is Mr.Wei Liqun, who is Director of the Research Office of the State Council.And seated next to the Director is the Honorable Yang Jiechi, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United States.And let me introduce the gentleman to my right.We have already had the pleasure of hearing from Dean Kim Clark of the Harvard Business School.And the gentleman to his right, Professor Dwight Perkins, the Director of the Harvard University Asia Center.To Professor Perkins' right is Professor Wilt Edema, Director of Harvard's Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, and to his right is the Honorable Clark Randt, the United States Ambassador to the People's Republic of China.Welcome, Ambassador Grant.Thank you all for coming, and may I now introduce our next speaker, ladies and gentlemen, the President of Harvard University, Lawrence Summers.PRESIDENT SUMMERS: Thanks very much, Bill.On a day like this I am particularly glad to have a distinguished scholar of Chinese history as the Dean of our Faculty of Arts and Sciences.Premier Wen, we are honored to have you here today.On behalf of the entire Harvard community and especially the 350 Chinese students at Harvard, and the nearly 500 scholars, teachers and professors at Harvard, I am delighted to welcome you to our university.When the history of our era is written a century or two from now I suspect that the end of the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, may be the second story in that history.The first story in that history may be the dramatic developments on the Asian continent over the last quarter century and the next, and at the center of that story is your country, China.This is surely a moment of promise, of risk, and of opportunity in China.And our distinguished speaker, Wen Jiabao, is poised to lead China into a new era with great potential for growth and prosperity.A geologist by training and an experienced public servant over more than three decades, Premier Wen has the very well-established reputation of being a very able and very well-trusted statesman.He and I had a chance to meet, it was my very great privilege to meet with him, when I traveled to China several years ago on behalf of the U.S.government, and I am now delighted to welcome to Harvard University Premier Wen.Premier Wen, we look forward to your remarks.PREMIER WEN: Mr.President, ladies and gentlemen.I would like to begin by sincerely thanking President Summers for his kind invitation.Harvard is a world famous institution of higher learning, attracting the best minds and bringing them up generation after generation.In its 367 years of history, Harvard has produced seven American presidents and more than 40 Nobel Laureates.You have reason to be proud of your university.It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you.I like young people very much.Because young people are always so energetic and they have the least conservative ideas, and they represent the future of our world.And this year during the outbreak of the SARS epidemic, I thought about the students.I cared a lot for them, and I wanted to gain strength from them.So that was why I went to our Tsinghua University to have lunch with them.And also I went to Beijing University and I had a chat with the students in the library.At that time probably you could not have imagined what an atmosphere we were in, but I felt that the young people were as hopeful as ever.They always dream about a beautiful future.They pointed to the trees outside the window and said to me, “People like to say that when all the leaves grow, when the tree becomes green all over, this crisis will be over.And they also said that they would all rather be the green leaves themselves, and they asked me, Premier, in this big tree, which part of the tree are you? I immediately replied, ”I'm also one of the leaves like you.“

I think the developments proved to be like they predicted.When spring came back, when the trees became green, this outbreak was driven away.As the speaker today, of course I think I need to explain myself a little bit to my audience, and I owe you this because in this way we can have a heart-to-heart discussion.As you know, as you probably know, I'm the son of a schoolteacher.I spent my childhood mostly in the smoke and fire of war.I was not as fortunate as you as a child.When Japanese aggressors drove all the people in my place to the Central Plaza, I had to huddle closely against my mother.Later on, my whole family and house were all burned up, and even the primary school that my grandpa built himself all went up in flames.In my work life, most of the time I worked in areas under the most harsh conditions in China.Therefore I know my country and my people quite well and I love them so deeply.The title of my speech today is ”Turning Your Eyes To China.“ China and the United States are far apart, and they differ, they differ greatly in the level of economic development and culture.[At this point a protester interrupted.]

Please allow me to continue with my speech.Ladies and gentlemen, I will not be disrupted.Because I'm deeply convinced that the 300 million American people do have friendly feelings towards the Chinese people.And I'm deeply convinced the development and improvement of China-U.S.relations will not only serve the interests of our two peoples but is also conducive to peace and stability of the whole world.I know that China and the United States are far apart geographically and they differ greatly in the level of economic development and a cultural background.I hope my speech will help increase our mutual understanding.In order to understand the true China, a changing society full of promises, it is necessary to get to know her yesterday, her today, and her tomorrow.China yesterday was a big ancient country that created a splendid civilization.As we all know in history of mankind there appeared the Mesopotamian civilization in West Asia, the ancient Egyptian civilization along the Nile in North Africa, the ancient Greek-Roman civilization along the northern bank of the Mediterranean, the ancient Indian civilization in the Indus River Valley in South Asia, and the Chinese civilization originating in the Yellow and Yangtze River Valleys.Owing to earthquake, flood, plague and famine, or to alien invasion or internal turmoil, some of these ancient civilizations withered away, some were destroyed and others became assimilated into other civilizations.Only the Chinese civilization, thanks to its strong cohesive power and inexhaustible appeal, has survived many vicissitudes intact.The 5,000-year-long civilization is the source of pride of every Chinese.The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course.More than 2,000 years ago there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius.Taoism, represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theories and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought, all being covered by the famous term, ”the masters' hundred schools.“ From Confucius to Dr.Sun Yat-sen, the traditional Chinese culture presents many precious ideas and qualities, which are essentially populist and democratic.For example, they lay stress on the importance of kindness and love in human relations, on the interest of the community, on seeking harmony without uniformity and on the idea that the world is for all.Especially, patriotism as embodied in the saying, ”everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the country;“ the populist ideas that, people are the foundation of the country and that people are more important than the monarch;the code of conduct of, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you;and the traditional virtues taught from generation to generation: long suffering and hard working diligence and frugality in household management, and respecting teachers and valuing education.All these have played a great role in binding and regulating the family, the country and the society.On this year's Teacher's Day, which fell on the 10th of September, I specially went to see Professor Ji Xianlin of Peking University in his hospital ward.Professor Ji, 92 years old, is a great scholar in both Chinese and Western learning, and specializing in Oriental studies.I enjoy reading his prose.And he had a very good habit that is even in his hospital he would keep a journal, in fact a very beautiful essay about what he saw and did and felt for that particular day.And he studied a special Oriental language and probably he is among the very few in the world who actually knows this language.In our conversation we talked about the movement of Eastern learning spreading to the West, and also Western learning spreading to the East in modern times.In the 17th and 18th centuries, foreign missionaries translated Chinese classics into European languages and introduced them to Europe, and this aroused great interest in some eminent scholars and enlightenment thinkers there.Among them, Descartes, Leibniz, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Goethe and Kant all studied the traditional Chinese culture.In my younger days I read Voltaire's writings.He said that a thinker who wanted to study the history of this planet should first turn his eyes to the East, China included.He once said that when people in many other countries are debating about the origin of the human species the Chinese are already seriously writing about their history.Interestingly, one and a half centuries ago, R.W.Emerson, a famous American philosopher and outstanding Harvard graduate, also fell for the traditional Chinese culture.He quoted profusely from Confucius and Mencius in his essays.He placed Confucius on a par with Socrates and Jesus Christ, saying that we read the moral teachings of the Confucius school with profit today, though they were addressed to a state of society unlike ours.Rereading these words of Voltaire and Emerson today, I cannot but admire their wisdom and far sight.China today is a country in reform and opening up, and a rising power dedicated to peace.The late Dr.John King Fairbank used the following words to describe China's overpopulation and land scarcity.On the land owned by one farmer in the U.S., there might live hundreds of people forming a village in China.He went on to say that although the Americans were mostly farmers in the past, they never felt such pressure of population density.A large population and underdevelopment are the two facts China has to face.Since China has 1.3 billion people, I often like to say, I often like to make a very easy but at the same time very complicated division and multiplication.That is, any small individual problem multiplied by 1.3 billion becomes a big, big problem.And any considerable amount of financial and material resources divided by 1.3 billion becomes a very low per capita level.And becomes really small.This is a reality the Chinese leaders have to keep firmly in mind at all times.We can rely on no one else except ourselves to resolve the problems facing our 1.3 billion people.Since the founding of the People's Republic, we have achieved much in our national reconstruction.At the same time we have made a few detours and missed some opportunities.By 1978, with the adoption of the reform and opening up policies, we had ultimately found the right path of development.The Chinese people's path of independently building socialism with Chinese characteristics.The essence of this path of development is to mobilize all positive factors, emancipate and develop the productive forces, and respect and protect the freedom of the Chinese people to pursue happiness.China's reform and opening up have spread from rural areas to the cities, from the economic field to the political, cultural, and social arenas.Each and every step forward is designed in the final analysis to release the gushing vitality of labor, knowledge, technology, managerial expertise and capital, and allow all sources of social wealth to flow to the fullest extent.For quite some time in the past, China had a structure of highly centralized planned economy.With deepening restructuring towards the socialist market economy and progress in a development of democratic politics, there was gradual lifting of the former improper restrictions, visible and invisible, on people's freedom in the choice of occupation, mobility, enterprise, investment, information, travel, faith and lifestyles.This has brought extensive and profound changes never seen before in China's history.On one hand, the enthusiasm of the work force in both cities and countryside has been set free.In particular, hundreds of millions of farmers are now able to leave their old villages and move into towns and the cities, especially in the coastal areas.And tens of millions of intellectuals are now able to bring their talent and creativity into full play.On the other hand, the massive assets owned by the state can now be revitalized.A private capital pool in the amount of trillions of yuan can take shape, and more than 500 billion U.S.dollars' worth of overseas capital can flow in.This combination of capital and labor results in a drama of industrialization and urbanization of a size rarely seen in human history being staged on 9.6 million square kilometers of land called China.Here lies the secret of the 9.4 percent annual growth rate that Chinese economy has been able to maintain in the past 25 years.The tremendous wealth created by China in the past quarter of a century has not only enabled our 1.3 billion countrymen to meet their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter and basically realize a modestly comfortable standard of living but also contributed to world development.China owes all this progress to the policy of reform and opening up and in the final analysis to the freedom-inspired creativity of the Chinese people.It has become so clear to me that, at the current stage, China has an abundant supply of labor in proportion to her limited natural resources and short capital.If no effective measures are taken to protect the fundamental rights of our massive labor force, and in particular the farmer workers coming to the cities, they may end up a miserable plight as described in the novels by Charles Dickens and Theodore Dreiser.Without effective protection of the citizens' rights to property, it will be difficult to attract and accumulate valuable capital.Therefore the Chinese government is committed to protecting the fundamental rights of all the working and the right to property, both public and private.This has been explicitly provided for in China's laws and put into practice.China's reform and opening-up is exactly aimed at promoting human rights in China.The two are mutually dependent and reinforcing.Reform and opening-up creates conditions for the advancement of human rights, and the advancement of human rights invigorates the former.If one separates the two and thinks that China only goes after economic growth and ignores the protection of human rights, such a view does not square with the facts.Just as President FDR said, true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence, and necessitous men are not free men.I am not suggesting that China's human rights situation is impeccable.The Chinese government has all along been making earnest efforts to correct the malpractices and negative factors of one kind or another in the human rights field.It is extremely important and difficult in China to combine development, reform and stability.Seeing is believing.If our friends come to China and see for themselves, they will be able to judge objectively and appreciate the progress made there in human rights and the Chinese government's hard work in upholding human rights since the beginning of reform and opening-up.China is a large developing country.It is neither proper nor possible for us to rely on foreign countries for development.We must and we can only rely on our own efforts.In other words, while opening still wider to the outside world, we must more fully and more consciously depend on our own structural innovation, on constantly expanding the domestic market, on converting the huge savings of our citizens into investment, and on improving the quality of the population and scientific and technological progress to solve the problems of resources and the environment.Here lies the essence of China's relative peaceful rise and development.Of course, China is still a developing country.There is an obvious gap between its urban and rural areas and between its eastern and western regions.If you travel to the coastal cities in China's southeast, you will see modern size skyscrapers, busy traffic, and brightly lit streets.But that is not what China is all about.In vast rural areas of China, especially in the central and western rural parts, there are still many backward places.Not long ago, Secretary Evans of Commerce had a talk with me about China/U.S.economic relations and trade.Before he met with me he went to see some rural areas in China's west and in our meeting he showed me two pictures he shot in his visit and reflected the state of backwardness in those quarters.And in fact he felt strongly about what he saw.He said that he would never forget the people that he met within that trip.I said to him that out of the total of 2,500 counties in China I have personally been to 1,800 of them and I've been to the poorest areas in China.I said to him that what you saw in fact is not the poorest of areas and I said that if you can see what China really is then our discussion today would be very easy.And our conversation did indeed turn out to be very interesting and useful.In those poor and remote mountain villages folks still use manual labor and animals to till the land.They live in houses made of sun-dried mud bricks.In times of severe drought there will be scarcity of drinking water for people and animals.I often remember in my mind two lines from a poem written by Mr.Chen Banjao in 18th century.That is:

The rustling of bamboo outside my door Sounds like the moaning of the needy poor.As the premier of China I'm often torn with anxiety and unable to eat or sleep with ease when I think of the fact that there are still 30 million farmers lacking food, clothing and shelter, 23 million city dwellers living on subsistence allowances and 60 million disabled and handicapped people in need of social security aid.For China to reach the level of developed countries it will still take the sustained hard work of several generations, a dozen generations or even dozens of generations.China tomorrow will continue to be a major country that loves peace and has a great deal to look forward.Peace loving has been a time-honored quality of the Chinese nation.The very first emperor of the Qin Dynasty commanded the building of the Great Wall 2,000 years ago for defense purposes.The Tang Dynasty opened up the Silk Road one thousand years ago in order to sell silk, tea and porcelain to other parts of the world.Five hundred years ago, Zheng He, the famous diplomat navigator of the Ming Dynasty, led seven maritime expeditions to seek friendly ties with other countries, taking along China's exquisite products, advanced farming and handicraft skills.The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy once called the Chinese nation the oldest and largest nation, and, the most peace-loving nation in the world.As the modern times began, the ignorance, corruption and self-imposed seclusion of the feudal dynasties led China to prolonged social stagnation, declining national strength and repeated invasions by the foreign powers.Despite compounded disasters and humiliation, the Chinese nation never gave up, and managed to emerge from each setback stronger than before.A nation learns a lot more in times of disaster and setback than in normal times.Now, China has laid down her three-step strategy towards modernization.From now to the year 2020, China will complete the building of a comfortable society in an all-round way.By 2049, the year the People's Republic will celebrate its centenary, we will have reached the level of a medium-developed country.We have no illusions but believe that on our way forward, we shall encounter many difficulties foreseeable and unpredictable and face all kinds of tough challenges.We cannot afford to lose such a sense of crisis.Of course, the Chinese government and people are confident enough to overcome all the difficulties and achieve our ambitious goals through our vigorous efforts.This is because the overriding trend of the present-day world is towards peace and development.China's development is blessed with a rare period of strategic opportunities.And if we don't grasp it, it will slip away.We are determined to secure a peaceful international environment and a stable domestic environment in which to concentrate on our own development, and with it to help promote world peace and development.This is because the socialism China adheres to is brimming with vigor and vitality.From the day when I became Prime Minister, I made an analogy.I said that socialism is like an ocean that takes in all the rivers and will never go dry.While planting our feet solidly on our national conditions we will boldly press ahead with reform and opening-up, and boldly absorb all fine achievements of human civilizations.There is no limit to the life and exuberance of a socialism that is good at self-readjustment and self-improvement.This is because 25 years of reform and opening-up has given China a considerable material accumulation, and her economy has gained a foothold in the world.The motivation of China's millions to pursue happiness and create wealth is an inexhaustible reservoir of drive for the country's modernization.This is because the Chinese nation has rich and profound cultural reserves.Harmony without uniformity is a great idea put forth by ancient Chinese thinkers.It means harmony without sameness, and difference without conflict.Harmony entails co-existence and co-prosperity, while difference conduces to mutual complementation and mutual support.To approach and address issues from such a perspective will not only help enhance relations with friendly countries, but also serve to resolve contradictions in the international community.Ladies and Gentlemen, A deeper mutual understanding is a two-way process.I hope American people, young people in this country, will turn their eyes to China.I also trust that our young people will turn their eyes more to the United States.The United States is a great country.Since the days of the early settlers the Americans with their toughness, frontier spirit, pragmatism, innovation, and their respect for knowledge, admission of talents, their scientific tradition and rule of law, have forged the prosperity of this country.The composure, courage and readiness to help one another shown by the American people in the face of the September 11th terrorist attacks are truly admirable.Entering the 21st century, mankind is confronted with more complicated economic and social problems.The cultural element will have a more important role to play in the new century.Different nations may speak different languages, but the people's hearts and feelings are interlinked.Different cultures may present manifold features, yet they often share the same rational core elements that can always be passed on by people.The civilizations of different nations are all fruits of human wisdom and contribution to human progress;they call for mutual respect.Conflicts triggered by ignorance or prejudice are sometimes more dreadful than those caused by contradictory interests.We propose to seek common in a spirit of equality and tolerance, and carry on extensive inter-civilization dialogue and closer cultural exchanges.In his poem, ”Malvern Hill," the famous American poet Herman Melville wrote:

Wag the world how it will.Leaves must be green in Spring.The youth represents the future of the nation and the world.Faced with the bright prospect of China-U.S.relations in the new century, I hope the young people of China and the young people of the United States will join their hands more closely.Ladies and Gentlemen, Chinese forefathers formulated their goals as follows:

To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth.To secure life and fortune for the people.To continue lost teachings for past sages.To establish peace for all future generations.Today, mankind is in the middle of a period of drastic social change.It would be a wise approach for all countries to carry forward their fine cultural heritages by tracing back their origin, passing on the essentials, learning from one another and breaking new ground.My appeal is that we work together with our wisdom and strength for the progress and development of human civilization.Our success will do credit to our forbears and bring benefit to our posterity.In this way, our children and their children will be able to live in a more peaceful, more tranquil and more prosperous world.I am convinced that such an immensely bright and beautiful tomorrow will arrive.Thank you for your attention.Now I'll be happy to take questions from you.You may raise your hands.DEAN KIRBY: Thank you, Premier Wen, for your wide ranging and very interesting historical perspective.And as a historian I have many questions I would like to ask you, but it's not my turn.We have several questions that have been submitted by our students, and I just have to tell you that students ask much harder questions than deans.So if I may read you one question that has been submitted by our students.Premier Wen, what do you feel are the prospects for democracy in China? Do you envisage any changes in the role of the Communist Party? For example, do you envisage contested direct elections for township, county, and provincial governments?

PREMIER WEN: There's no question that to develop democracy, the objective of our endeavor, all our efforts will be aimed at building China into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and modern country.We once said that without democracy there will be no socialism.To develop socialist democracy some specific measures will have to be taken.First, we need to improve the election system.Just now you mentioned election in China.Among China's 680,000 villages we carry out direct election for the Villager's Committee.And direct/indirect election is carried out at counties and the municipalities where they don't have districts.And we also have indirect election for officials at provincial and central level.Because conditions are not ripe yet for direct election of senior officials, China is such a big country and our economic development is so uneven, to start with I think the educational level of the population is not high enough.Second, we should let the people supervise the work of the government and be critical of the performance of the government.Only when we allow the people to supervise the performance of the government, the government cannot afford to slack in its efforts in serving the people.And only when the government accepts the criticism from the public we can ensure the success of all policy.In China it would be a time-consuming process to develop China's democracy perfectly.But if you look at the U.S.history it is also time consuming for U.S.to develop its democracy from the days of the Declaration of Independence in the year 1776 to the Civil War in 1860s, and to the incidents of Martin Luther King in the 1960s.Just now in the speech I quoted President Roosevelt.He said the necessitous men were not free men.In fact in preparing his Declaration of Independence President Jefferson also placed the right to development before anything else.President Jefferson put the right to life before anything else.So we need to work to improve the living standards of 1.3 billion Chinese people.This is a big challenge ahead.Thank you.People sometimes have mixed feelings about giving a speech in Harvard.They like to come here very much because Harvard is so famous as a gathering place of the best brains in the world.But at the same time they also feel afraid because they know from the faculty and students there will be touch questions.Before I arrived here I kept recalling one remark my mother always said to me.According to my mother a person should try to be truthful, honest, sincere and candid.If a people can reach these standards then he will find himself with a very highest state of mind.I may not be able to give you good answers, yet I always speak from my mind and tell you the truth.DEAN KIRBY: A question from the floor.Yes ma'am.WOMAN: My name is Changju.I'm from the Harvard School of Education, and I came here two years ago.I got my Bachelor of Arts degree from Beijing University, from the English Department.And my question is, we are very excited that Beijing is going to host the 2008 Olympic Games, and when Premier Wen has said that we're going to do our best to host the Olympic Games, so I was wondering what kind of aspects are you talking about.Thank you.PREMIER WEN: It seems that she is more nervous than I am.I don't know about the audience if there are more Chinese students or more American students.But since you mentioned the Olympic Games that is to be hosted by China, it reminds me of a sad story in the past.Before China was liberated, before PRC was founded in '49, we at that time were only able to send one athlete by name of Yo Jangjin, he was a short distance runner, to participate in the Olympic Games.The game was held in the United States so he took a ship and had a long journey.He was already exhausted after the long journey when he reached the United States.He was the only representative of China in the Olympic Games.He did not win any medal but he had the support and attention and care of the entire Chinese population.Now it's a different story.The Olympic Games is going to be held in China.This is because China has developed itself to a great extent, and China already has the respect of the international community.I said we will stage an excellent game in China.This will mean that it will be of very high standard.But at the same time I have to say that China is still a developing country.We have to practice economy.We cannot squander the resources away.Thank you.DEAN KIRBY: The gentleman far up in the white shirt, there sir?

MAN: I hope it's OK if I speak in English for this question.You mentioned in your visit with President Bush a couple of days ago that you are hoping to encourage American imports into China to balance the trade deficit.And I was wondering what steps China will be taking to encourage American imports into China.PREMIER WEN: Indeed the Americans have a strong interest in seeing more U.S.products to be sold in Chinese market.And I also discussed this with President Bush yesterday.It will be fair to draw attention to the fact that in recent two years the U.S.export to China has grown.Last year while the U.S.export to the rest of the world grew at a rate of only two to three percent, U.S.export to China grew by 15 percent.And the first 10 months of this year U.S.export to China grew by 26 percent.We have to recognize the fact that in the trade relationship United States does run a quite significant deficit with China.I had a very good discussion with President Bush.The two of us did not get bogged down on the small details, so precisely as described by the famous poem in China, was the ascent to the top of the Mountain Tai, where the other peaks are simply dwarfed.I proposed to President Bush five principles on further expansion of our economic cooperation in trade.And the first principle is mutual benefits and a win-win situation.We need to think broadly.Each side must take into account the interests of the other side.Second, we need to find a solution to the trade imbalance problem through the expansion of trade.To cut back China's export to the U.S.market is not a good solution.The better solution is for U.S.to increase its export to China.



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