九 我家买新房子了
信息窗1: 面积和面积单位(共两课时)
1、谈话:同学们,今天我们的教室里来了一个老朋友,你们看是谁?(豆豆)豆豆家刚刚买了新房子,他今天邀请我们大家一起去他的新家看看,谁愿意去? 瞧,这就是他的新家了。
1、谈话:我们先来看“客厅和书房哪个大” ?(学生很容易就看出是客厅大)
2、那“大卧室和客厅哪个大呀”? 学生一时观察不出来,这时,让学生用提前发下的学具(客厅和大卧室的纸片)来比较。学生就很自然地就想到用重叠的方法来比较。
谁来说说厨房到底有多大啊?(因为学生选用的面积单位不同,所以答案会产生分歧。)都是测量厨房的面积可为什么摆的个数都不相同 ?
看老师手里的这个正方形,这个正方形的边长是1厘米,它的面积就是1平方厘米。用字母cm2表示。从你身边找找,哪些物体的面积大约是1平方厘米? 学生可能会找出大拇指指甲或者计算机键盘的按键面等。让我们一起来画一个1平方厘米的正方形吧。
用这个面积单位去量量课桌面的面积试一试,现在感觉怎么样了? 你能不能找一找身边哪些物体面的面积大约是1平方分米。
现在如果我们要测量一下教室地面的面积,你觉得可以用哪个面积单位? 学生根据前面学习的经验,应该能够直接说出平方米。谁能说说,1平方米是多大?该用什么字母表示呢? 请4个学生上前手拉手表示出大约1平方米的大小。你能估一估我们教室的面积吗?
五、回顾内容,共同交流收获。这节课你都有哪些收获? 课后反思:
a)拼图游戏。用12个面积是1平方厘米的正方形可以拼成多少种长方形?他们的周长和面积是多少? 小组合作拼一拼、记一记、算一算、说一说。
(三)课后总结。这一节课,我们有哪些收获? 教学反思:
教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书青岛版小学数学三年级下册46-49页 教材简析:
4、小结:通过刚才的练习,你觉得长方形的面积和什么有关系?所有的长方形都是这样的吗?教师利用课件演示长10厘米宽6厘米的长方形拼摆的过程。符合刚才我们发现的规律吗?现在谁来说一说怎样计算长方形的面积?总结出公式: 长方形的面积=长×宽
观察餐厅是什么形状的?你能不能像刚才一样,自己试着计算出这个餐厅的面积呢? 学生通过自主探索和交流合作,总结出正方形的面积公式。
四、全课总结:通过以上的学习,你有什么收获? 教学反思:
一、回顾整理 填空:
1×1=1(平方米10分米=100厘米 100×100=10000(平方厘米)
1平方米=100平方分米 1平方分米=100平方厘米
1、自主练习5 :学生独立进行单位的换算,在交流中进一步明确单位间换算的方法。
2、自主练习7 :学生弄懂题意,然后自主解决问题。
(1)下面的长方形中每个小正方形的面积是1平方厘米,每个长方形的面积是多少? 说说你是怎么想的?
4、自主练习8 :首先让学生弄明白40米是菜地一个长和两个宽的和,然后根据长宽和篱笆总长之间的关系,求出菜地的宽和菜地的面积。教学反思:
信息窗3 周长与面积的对比(共1课时)
2、培养学生积极动脑、善于思考的品质。教学过程: 活动一 谈话导入
同学们经过两个多月的忙碌,小明家的新房终于装修好了,让我们一起去参观一下吧。(出示教学挂图)活动二 质疑探索
生可能的回答:小明的房间长5米,宽3米。石膏线每米12元,木板每平方米60元。你知道石膏线在哪儿吗?谁能在图上指一指?学生交流,使学生明确石膏线的位置。根据我们所了解的这些信息,你能提出和周长、面积有关的问题吗? 学生可能提出的问题:
小明的房间需要铺多少平方米的地板? 小明的房间要用多长的石膏线?
小明房间铺地板花了多少钱? 小明房间的石膏线花了多少钱?(教师选择有价值的问题板书。)好,就让我们来帮小明一家算算装修费用吧。(板书:算费用)
师:思考地板用的材料与什么有关?我们求地板需要多少钱,首先要求出什么? 房间的面积。
正方形周长=边长×4 周长与面积的计量单位相同吗?
学生总结:求周长用长度单位,米、分米、厘米等;求面积用面积单位,平方米、平方分米等。活动三 装饰花边
教师引导学生理清思路,使其明确:要求花边的长度,应该先求枕套的周长,再求周长的3倍。你能自己列式来解答出来吗?学生独立列式并解答:(60+40)2×3。活动四 围篱笆(自主练习第1题)
小明家所在的小区可漂亮了,在他家楼下就有一个大花坛。为了保护鲜花,物业人员正打算围个篱笆呢。可是,他遇到了一点麻烦,你能帮他解决吗?学生独立完成第1小题,并在小组内交流。在解答第2小题时,有的学生可能列出:(15+4)×2×2的算式,教师要引导学生分析“这个问题和什么有关”,使学生明确此题是先求面积,再求种花棵数。活动五 参观植物园(自主练习第6题)
离小明家不远,有一个植物园,在那里又会藏着怎样的数学问题呢?让我们一起去看看吧。植物园的围墙可真高啊!你能给同桌指一指围墙的位置吗? 同桌交流,使学生明确:围墙其实是指三边的长度。你知道这个植物园的围墙长多少米吗?学生独立完成题目。你想知道这个植物园占地多少平方米吗?自己算算看!学生独立列式并计算;班级交流。活动六 猜一猜
学生画出周长相等的长方形,并计算他们的面积。最后得出结论:周长相等的长方形,面积不一定相等。活动六 课堂小结
Unit 9
Have you ever been to an amusement park? Teaching Goals:
1.Talking about past experience 2.New language(1)Sentence patterns: Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t./Me neither.(2)Some new words and phrases: neither, have a great time,seen, theme, attraction, especially, discover, population, fear, brave, excellent, all the year, dark, environment, whenever, spring, autumn, awake, type, equator, season, temperature, Indian, wonderful.1.The use of “present perfect tense ”
2.Write a passage including “present perfect tense”
The first period Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the new words and phrases:
amusement, neither, have a great time, me neither, have you ever been
2.Talk about past experience(present perfect tense)
3.Train the students’ speaking and listening ability.Important Points of Teaching
1.Train the students’ ability by talking past experience(present perfect tense)
2.Train the students’ listening ability by listening practice.Difficult Points of Teaching
1.How to lead in Present Perfect Tense
2.How to practise the students’ listening and speaking Teaching Methods:
1.Talk about fun places to arouse the ss’ interest in the past experience.2.Asking-and-answering activities to improving the ss’ speaking ability.Teaching Aids:
1.a tape recorder
2.the blackboard
3.a computer with Powerpoint Teaching procedures:
Step1: Greet and Lead-in
T: Nice to meet you, everyone.SS:
T: Have you ever been to……?
S1: Yes, I have.(help the student to answer this way)
T: When did you go there?
S1: I went there…..T:(asks more students)
S2: No, I haven’t.(Help the student to answer this way)
(Note: Ask more students to answer the questions above, if the same negative answer, help answer “ me neither”)
Step2: Asking-and-answering activities with the target language
(Show pictures of space museum, amusement park, aquarium, zoo, water park)1:(the teacher asks, and the students answer.)
T: Have you ever been to the space museum?
S1: Yes, I have.S2: No, I haven’t.S3: Me neither.(Note: Ask more students to answer the question)
:(the students ask, the teacher answer as above)
Step3: Pairwork
T: Now, ask and answer questions with your partner about the places in the pictures show here.E.g.S1: Have you ever been to an aquarium?
S2: No, I haven’t.How about you?
S1: …
Step4: Explain(Show the sentence: Have you ever been to an amusement park?)Explain the uses of “have ever been”(present perfect tense)
Step5: Listening practice(1 b)
T: Now, let some other students talking about their past experience.Are these students ever been to these places? Check the boxes.(Play the recording.When it finishes, check on the students’ answers.If necessary, play the recording again)
Step 6: Answer the students’ questions about the text.Homework
1.Remember the words and phrases
2.Understand the uses of “ present perfect tense ”
The design of writing on the blackboard
Unit 9
Sentences space museum
Have you ever been to …..? amusement park
Yes, I have.No, I haven’t./ Me neither.万州天兴国际中学 陈家全 2006.4.Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 重庆万州天兴国际学校 英语组
The Second Period Teaching Aims : 1.Learn and master the words and phrases: Water World, Fun Times Amusement Park , River Park ,go skating ,ride our bikes;2.Train the ss’ listening and speaking ability by talking about past experiences
Teaching Important Points:
1.Design a conversation about their past experiences 2.Improve the ss’ listening and speaking ability Teaching Difficult Points: 1.Make the ss clear how to talk about past experiences 2.How to improve the ss’ listening and speaking ability Teaching Aids: 1.a tape recorder 2.the blackboard Teaching Procedures;Step1.Greeting and Lead-in T: Hello,boys and girls S: T: Have you ever been to an aquarium? S: T: Have you ever been to Xi Shan Park? S: T: Have you ever been to a zoo? S: T: Have you ever been to Hainan Island? Do you love water sports? If you do, you should go to Hainan Island.It’s the second largest island of China.The capital, Haikou, is a pretty city with an interesting flower market.In the south of the island, there are many beautiful beaches.Every year, water sports, especially swimming, diving and surfing attract large numbers of tourists to the island.Hainan Island is the place to be, whether it’s summer or winter.Step2: Point to the map.Say you will hear the conversations.Each conversation is about a different place on the map.Circle the places you hear.(2a)1.Repeat the words below:
Water World, Fun Times Amusement Park, River Park, Center Street , Theater, Green Street, Aquarium, subway 2.Play the recording the first time.The students just listen.3.Play the recording the second time.This time the teacher asks ss to circle places on the map.4.Check the answers.Answers : space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park, river park
Step3: Practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.(2b)1.Read the instructions to the class
2.Point out the statements about the three conversations.Ask a different student to read each set of statements.3.Play the recording again.Ask some students to circle the word true or false after each statement.4.Check the answers.Answers: 1).T T T
3)FTT Step4: Pairwork.Look at the map above and role play conversations.Talk about where you have been, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there.(2c)1.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue.2.Ask ss to work in pairs.Talk about where you have been, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there.3.Ask a few pairs of students to present their conversations.Such as: A: Have you ever been to a zoo? B: Yes, I have.….Step 5: Grammar Focus
1.Review the grammar box 2.Ask some students what they think the word ever means in the question, Have you ever been to an aquarium? Help the ss understand that it means at some indefinite time in the past, possibly a year ago, possibly several years ago.Contrast that sentence with this sentence without the word ever: Did you go to the aquarium on Saturday? This sentence is asking about one specific time in the past.6: Homework: Exercise book P32 Presentation on the Bb:
Water World
Fun Times Amusement Park River Park
go skating
ride our bikes;Center Street
Green Street Aquarium
The 3rd period 重庆万州天兴国际学校 英语组
Teaching aims:
1.Learns to master the new words and phrases: hear of,principal,theme park, all the time, take a ride.2.Train the students’ speaking ability by talking about past experience.Teaching aids: 1.the blackboard 2.a photo of Disneyland in HK Teaching procedures: Step 1
Greeting and lead-in T: Good morning, class Have you ever been to HK? S: No.T: Do you know a Disney park in HK? S: Yes we all know.T: What other Disney parks have you ever heard of.S: …..T: OK.Let us stop here.Here is a photo of Disneyland.Who can describe it? Hands up, please.S: It is a nice picture.There are some interesting things in it.Oh, it is about the Disneyland in HK.T: Good!Do you want to go to the Disneyland in HK? S: Sure.T: You are so active.Supposing you are in the Disneyland, which places do you want to see? S: ….Step 2: Read the text.Please look at the useful expressions, then practice making dialogues by using them.Theme park, take a ride , attraction, hear of Then the teacher walks around, give help to the groups, and discusses with ss for a few minutes.T: Are you OK? S: Step 3: T: I will ask some groups to perform their conversations.Ask and answer.T: Have you ever been to an amusement park? S: T: What places have you ever been to? S: Step 4: Homework 1.Supposing you have been to Disney, and write a composition on your experience there.2.Write an article on one of your trips outside using mostly perfect tense.Blackboard Design: 1.hear of E.g.: I have heard of the news.2.Disney character 3.amusement park=theme park 4.attractions e.g.: there are a lot of attractions in Disneyland.5.Roller coaster 6.All over
all over China
all over the world 7.all the time e.g.: I get annoyed when he talks to me all the time.8.take a ride Give a ride to
You can take a ride on the boat.He always gives a ride to me.Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 重庆万州天兴国际学校 英语组
The Fourth Period Teaching Aims :
1.Learn and master the words and phrases: understand, it’s fun to …,an English-speaking country, an exchange student, travel the world, 2.Train the ss’ listening and speaking ability Teaching Important Points: 3.Improve the ss’ listening and speaking ability 4.Learn some listening skills Teaching Difficult Points: 3.Make the ss clear how to talk about past experiences How to improve the ss’ listening and speaking ability Teaching Aids: 1.a tape recorder 2.the blackboard Teaching Procedures;Step1.Greeting and Lead-in T: Hello, boys and girls.S: T: Please read the conversation on the exercises book:
A: Have you ever been to an aquarium? B: Yes, I have.I went there last month.Have you ever been to a zoo? A: Yes, I have been to the zoo many times.B: Have you ever been to a space museum? A: Yes.Of course.What about you? B: Me, too.A: What about an amusement park? Have you ever been there? B: No, never.A: Neither have I.Let’s go to Fun Times Amusement Park.Step2: Review earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words.(1a)1.Read the instructions to the class.Some of these reasons are important to you.Some of the reasons may not be important to you.2.Read each sentence to the class.Ask different ss to say each sentence in their own words.For example: I have to means that I must do something.It is necessary.I want to travel means I enjoy visiting other cities and other countries.3.Read the instructions again and put 1 after the most important reason that you learn English.Put 2 after the second most important reason and continue the same way.4.Do a quick check to ss which reasons the students think are the most important.Step3: Provide guided oral practice using the target language.(1b)1.Read the instructions to the class.2.Point to the sample dialogue.Ask two students to travel it to the class.3.Talk about your reasons for studying English with your partner.Have conversations like the sample dialogue.4.Ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step4: Provide listening practice using the target language.1.Read the instructions to the class 2.Point out the sample answer.Say one of the questions the teacher asks is how you spell your last name.3.Play the recording the first time.Ss just listen.4.Play the recording a second time.Ask ss to circle their answers.5.Check the answers.a, c, d,f Step5: Practice in understanding and writing the target language.1.Read the instructions to the class and point out the questionnaire.Ask a student to read the headings at the left.2.Play the recording.Ask ss to fill in the answers.3.Check the answers.Ask ss to write the five answers on the board.Step6: Practise using the target language.(2c)1.Read the instructions to the class.2.Point to the sample dialogue.Ask two ss to read it to the class.You can start your conversation like this one.3.Ask ss to work in small groups.4.Ask a few pairs to present their conversation to the class.5.Step7.Homework Exercise book P38 Blackboard Design It’s fun to …
an English-speaking country
an exchange student
travel the world
The Fifth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the new words and phrases: attendant, discover, requirement, guide, foreign, film
2.Train the ss’ reading ability by 3a.3.Train the ss’ writing ability by 3b and 3c.Teaching important points: 1.Train the ss’ writing ability by 3b and 3c 2.Train the ss’ reading and writing ability.Teaching Difficult Points: How to improve the ss’ reading and writing ability Teaching Methods:
1.Fast reading to improve the ss’ reading ability.2.Discuss to make every student understand the article better.2.Pair or group work to make every student take part in the activities in class.Teaching Aids:
1.A tape recorder 2.The blackboard 3.Multimedia Teaching Procedures: Step1: Greetings and Lead-in.T : Nice to meet you, everyone.S :
T : What have you done already? S1…….s2……s3…….s T : Have you ever been to…? S1…….s2……s3…….s T : Where has…gone? S1…….s2……s3…….s A few minutes later, the teacher had better make a conclusion: Come to the Hilltop Language School and change your life.Here’s what two of our students said about our school.Step2: Fast reading Please read the article(read as quickly as possible)and answer the questions: 1.What does Mei Shan do? 2.How long has she had the job? 3.Why did she want the job? 4.How long did she study English? 5.What kind of job does David want? 6.Has he ever been to an English-speaking country? 7.How long has he been studying at the school? 8.What other job is he thinking of doing? Step3: Careful Reading
1.Very good.Now read the article as carefully as possible.Learn the unknown words.2.A few minutes later, show new words and learn them with the ss.3.Then ask some students to tell the answers.Step4: Discuss and recite: 1.Now close your books.Listen to the tape and try to recite the article.Then discuss with your partners what you’ve learned in the passage.2.After listening, the teacher may join some groups to discuss what they are talking about.3.After a few minutes, ask some groups to give their opinions.Step5: writing Write an article about yourself for the school magazine.1)the kind of job you want 2)How long you have been studying English? 3)Why did you start studying English? 4)What do you like best about studying English? Tell the class about yourself Find someone who Complete the survey on page 86 Homework: Write an article about yourself.Blackboard Design
Please read the article(read as quickly as possible)and answer the questions: 1.What does Mei Shan do? 2.How long has she had the job? 3.Why did she want the job? 4.How long did she study English? 5.What kind of job does David want? 6.Has he ever been to an English-speaking country? 7.How long has he been studying at the school? 8.What other job is he thinking of doing? Expressions: 1.a flight attendant 3.get the job
5.such as
7.think about
2.All I have ever wanted…4.a tour guide 6.take lessons 8.rather than
Period 3 教学内容: Reading A—Keeping Fit and Healthy
1. 能够用英文词典预习该课文。
2. 在老师的讲解下,能够了解文章内容,并用自己的话进行复述。3. 能够熟练掌握文中的各种词汇和词组 4. 了解文中所涉及的西方文化背景。
教学重点: 一些常用短语的学习。如:keep fit, put on weight, be aware of, fitness center, insist on 教学难点:Their muscles are no longer strong.no longer 不再,例如:
He no longer smokes.Such things no longer bothered him.People find out that a regular fitness program keeps them fit and stops them from putting on weight.stop…from… 阻止… 例如:
Stop your dog from snapping at me.How do you stop children from playing matches? 计划学时: 2学时 教学方法: 讲授法 教学内容及过程:
Step 1
Warming up
T:Good morning, students.S: Good morning, teacher.T: Today we will talk about how to keep fit.You know, people are becoming more and more concerned about their health.Do you know sth about how to keep fit?
S: We do morning exercise every day to keep fit.T: Yes, it is a good way to keep your bodys fit.We also should pay attention to the foods which we eat every day.Step 2
Read the article slowly.Let students listen to me carefully.Step 3
keep fit, put on weight, be aware of, fitness center, insist on
Their muscles are no longer strong.no longer 不再,例如:
He no longer smokes.Such things no longer bothered him.People find out that a regular fitness program keeps them fit and stops them from putting on weight.stop…from… 阻止… 例如:
Stop your dog from snapping at me.How do you stop children from playing matches?
Step 4
Leading the students to read Reading A and correcting the wrong pronunciations which the students have made.Step 5
Asking and Answering Why people don’t have so much time to do exercise? Why people go to fitness center in spare time?
Step 6 Exercise
Doing exercises after Reading A and giving the right answers.Step 7 Homework
Copying the Reading A 课后小记:1.一部分学生的基础薄弱,词汇量不够,学习起文章来有一定困难。
Module 9Unit oneCan I have some sweets
知识目标:1 学习运用Can I have some…? 句型。掌握单词及词组:sweetbiscuitssoupbread
T: Morning/ Afternoon!
Ss: Morning/ Afternoon!
T: How are you?
Ss: I’m fine.And you?
T: I’m fine, too.II.学生展示
1.Do duty report
“What day is today? What is the date today? What’s the weather like today?”
2.唱歌曲 Happy Birthday.3.让学生来猜一猜今天是谁的生日。
“What does Amy want?”
3.教师出示一些食品的图片,要求学生从中选择出Amy 想要的东西。”soup/ sweets/
bread/ biscuits.”
教说biscuits时,教师取出一些饼干,告诉学生,如果他们想要吃饼干的话,可以对老师说Can I have some biscuits? 学说新句型Can I have some…?
(小小的饼干可以为学生创设真实运用新句型Can I have some biscuits?的情境,学生想吃饼干必然就要学会说这个句子,学生学习英语的热情会极大的得到提高。)教师回答引出 “Yes, you can.”当饼干分光后,教师会说 “Sorry, you can’t.板书答句,学生学说教说单词sweets时,教师找一名同学面向黑板站在教室前面,然后把一些糖果放在另一名同学的书桌内, 让站在教室前面的同学去找。在寻找的过程中,要运用句型Can I have some sweets? 被问到的同学,则根据实际情况回答。
(这个环节是在真实的环境中操练教学重点,即问题的答句Yes, you can.Sorry, you can’t.)
讲解课文中” dark/ turn on the light” 等语境语。
2、游戏活动 “Draw and eat.”
如:S1: Can I have some sweets?
S2:(didn't draw sweets on the paper)Sorry, you can’t.S2: Can I have some biscuits?
S1:(drew on the paper)Yes, you can.几组例子后,学生在同桌间进行此游戏。
()1)A.Come in, please.B.Yes, he can.C.No, I can’t.()2)A.No, I can’t.B.No, he can’t.C.Yes, I have.()3)A.Happy birthday.B.Thank you.C.You, too.()4)A.Yes, I can.B.Yes, you can.C.Yes, I am.()5)A.Yes, I can.B.Yes, you can.C.Yes, he can.VII.总结点评
Today we have learned the sentence pattern “Can I have some…?” We can use it when we want something.If someone asks you, you may answer “Yes, you can.” Or “No, you can’t.”
1.Act the dialogue with the classmates after school.Listen to the tape.
UNIT 9 Do you want to go to a movie?
1.Language Goals: Talk about movie preferences and make plans.New language:-Do you want to go to a movie? Yes,I do。I want to go to an action movie.-What kind of movies do you like? I like comedies and documentaries but I don’t like thrillers.-kinds of movies: thriller, war, documentary, comedy, romance, action movie, mystery, fantasy and adventure-descriptions: scary, boring, great, fun, exciting, sad, funny, awesome, fantastic, wonderful 2.Teaching Aids:
Movie posters
Balloon(for grammar focus)3.Vocabulary Words: film, war movies, action movies, romances or love stories, thrillers, comedies, documentaries, mysteries, fantasies and adventures, exciting, sad, scary, funny, great, fun 4.Teaching Steps:
1.Teacher talks about the movie he/she has seen lately.Make necessary gestures to get the attention of the students(like story telling).2.Ask the students about the movies they have seen recently.Let them write the answers on the board.3.Write the vocabulary words on the board.Explain clearly the meaning of each word with the use of teaching aid(posters).You may use appropriate gestures to make the explanation simple.Examples: Film – is another English word for movie.Comedies – are a kind of movies made to make people laugh and feel happy.Documentaries – are often educational and usually talk about famous historical events and study of a famous people.Action movies – are simple stories of good people against bad people, where most problems are resolved using physical force.Usually action movies have fighting scenes.Thrillers – are scary movies with lots of surprises and usually they make people jump.4.Teacher reads every word with correct pronunciation while students listen.5.Say every word and ask students to repeat after you.6.Group the class into 5 and ask each group to read the vocabulary words correctly.7.Point to the example(1a): Say number1is(a), action movie.Ask them to match the kinds of movies with the posters.Check the answers afterwards.教学一得:次项活动,帮助学生学习语言和运用语言,提高了学生的学习兴趣,提高了他们的参与意识。LESSON 2(LISTENING AND SPEAKING)1.Sing a song(to the tune of LONDON BRIDGE).I’m the first one don’t change me, don’t change me, don’t change me, I’m the first one don’t change me-oh no just let me be.2.Pair work: Ask students practice the given conversation(guided by the teacher).Take time to practice the dialog for mastery.Ex.Do you want to go to a movie / Do you want to see a movie? Yes, I do.I want to see a thriller movie.3.Listening: Ask students to do activities 2a and 2b.Tell them to listen carefully.4.Introduce GRAMMAR FOCUS.Give the rules and explain further by giving more examples.Note: A teacher could give additional examples out of the given content such as city – cities… A.Singular Noun
Plural Noun
comedies action movie
action movies-Read the singular and plural forms of nouns to the students and ask them to repeat.Point out the change from y to ies when the word documentary becomes plural.B.Explain contractions.Blow up a balloon-ask what happened?(It expanded.)Let the air out-ask what happened?(It contracted which means to get smaller.)Ex.do not –
don’t-Point out that present tense questions with want are answered with a form of the verb doI don’t like documentaries because they’re boring.3.Invite pairs of students to say the conversation or dialogue for the rest of the class.4.Ask students to share their friend’s movie preferences(likes and dislikes), what the person thinks about movies.For example: I have a friend.Her name is Ann.She likes comedies very much but she doesn’t like documentaries because they’re boring.5.Encourage every student to speak English and correct every mistake for further understanding.教学一得:新目标英语Go for it 的教材选材非常贴近学生的生活实际。每学完一个单元学生就能用英语进行简单的交流。充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。