
时间:2019-05-15 01:42:31下载本文作者:会员上传



• 教学目标:

• 1.Master the key words and sentences •(1)Key words: custom, bow, kiss, greet.•(2)Sentences:

In your country, what are you supposed to do when you • meet someone for the first time? • You are supposed to shake hands.• 2.Learn some customs in other countries and then show opinions about these customs.• 3.Improve students‘ listening and communicative skills.• 学情分析:The students are supposed to interesting because we’ll talk about some customs in other countries when meeting foreigners.• 教学重点,难点:

• 1.Master the key words and target language.• 2.Be able to talk about different customs.• 3.Improve students’

listening and speaking skills.• 4.How to make greetings when you meet someone for the first time.• 教学过程: I.Lead-in 师生讨论: 学生在学校应该做哪些事情?引出新句型。如 :Is it a good idea to come to class late? S: No.T: That’s right.It’s not a good idea to come late.You’re not supposed to come to class late.You’re supposed to …

eat in class, do homework every day, raise your hand before talking等做更多的练习,引出be supposed to句型 II.Discussion 1.大屏幕展示一张世界地图,师生对话: T: Do you know where Brazil/ the United States/ Japan/Mexico/Korea is? S:…

T: Do you know what people do when they meet for the first time? S: …

2.利用多媒体播放各国初次见面的礼仪,学习新单词:custom, bow, kiss, greet, III.Work on 1a-1c 1.1a

多媒体呈现1a图片,让学生根据图画内容,说说图中的握手,接吻,鞠躬是哪个国家的礼仪,然后按要求把书本给出的“国家”和“习俗”连接起来。老师不要给出答案。2.Listening 1b.Listen to the recording and check your answers to activities in 1a.3.Pair work: A: What are people in Korea/… to do when they meet for the first time?

B: They are supposed to bow.How about in the United States? A: They’re supposed to shake hands.4.教师介绍本单元的目标语言:You’re supposed to ….Ⅳ.Listening

1.Listening to 2a and 2b.What mistakes did Maria make? 2.Finish 2a and 2b.3.Pair work Role-play a conversation between Maria and Dan.Dan: How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night?

Maria: Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I… V.Role play Work on 2d Role play a conversation between Katie and John.Discuss different customs in different countries.VI.Consolidation 完成任务: 礼仪大荟萃

让学生展示上课前通过网络或书籍等形式查找到的各国礼仪,并分类记录,制成表格。VII.Language points 进一步向学生讲解本单元的目标语言: be supposed to, be expected to.1.You are supposed to shake hands.be supposed to do… 应该……被期望做……,当句子的主语是人时,它可以用来表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等,意思是 “to be expected to do sth., or to have to do sth.”

e.g.You’re supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.如果你要离开教室,应该先问问老师。

We are not to supposed to play football on Sunday.不准我们在星期日踢足球。

2.That’s how people in Japan are expected to greet each other.greet =to welcome or say “hello” 动词 “问候,打招呼”

e.g.He greeted her by saying “good morning”.他向她打招呼说 “早上好”。

She greeted me with a friendly smile.她向我微笑致意。VIII.Homework Write a passage about different customs in different countries.•



1. 学习一些公共场所的标志和说明,要能正确理解,规范自己的行为。

2. 掌握本单元的词汇,特别是一些短语的用法。

3. 进一步复习一些电话用语和电话对话中时态的综合运用。

4. 进一步学习被动语态,特别是一般过去时态的被动语态谓语动词形式,它的肯定式、否定式、疑问式及其答语等。

5. 认真学习“A visit to the Natural Museum”,掌握一些有关dinosaur的常识,丰富自己的背景知识。

6. 能运用所学句型及语法结构来谈论某些物品的制作、产地和作用以及制成材料的日常用语。

Lesson 37

Period: The First Period Content: Lesson 37 Properties: Recorder Teaching Objectives:

1.Study the grammar: the Passive Voice in the past Simple Tense.2.Learn some new words and useful expressions.Language Focus:on show, hundreds of, invent / invention Teaching Procedures:


Greetings and make a duty report.Ⅱ.Revision

1.check the homework.2.Revise the name of objects from the last unit and the Passive Voice: What's it made of? Where's it made? What's it used for? etc.Ⅲ.Presentation

Present the sentences:

What's it made of?

What's it used for?

Then present the sentences:

What was it made of?

What was it used for?

Ask students to compare with the groups sentences.Ⅳ.Listening.Part 1.Close books, listen to the tape and answer the questions.Where did Du Hui go yesterday?

When were the old inventions on show invented?

Play the tape again and make sure students can answer the questions correctly.Ⅴ.Practice

Ask some students to practice the dialogue.Then in groups and in pairs.At last let the students act it out.Ⅵ.Ask and answer

Part 2.Ask the students to ask and answer in pairs according to the questions in the box.Ⅶ.Practice

Ask students to make sentences, and then change them into the Passive Voice in the past Simple Tense.Ⅷ.Workbook

Do Exercise 1.Ask the students to read and complete the dialogue alone, then check the answers with the whole class.Do Exercise 2 in pairs.Ⅸ.Exercises in class.Complete the dialogues

Kate: Hello, Mary!This is Kate ________.Mary: ________ Kate.Kate: I ________ you yesterday, but you weren't ________.Mary: Oh, ________.I went to the Museum.Kate: Is it interesting?

Mary: Yes, I saw many things ________ show.They were all ________ hundreds of years ________.Kate: Are there any new ________?

Mary: Yes.Why not go there and have ________?

Kate: That's a good idea.Ⅹ.Homework

Do Exercise 3 in the exercise books.Make up a new dialogue.Lesson 38

Period: The second period Content: Lesson 38 Properties: Tape recorder;picture Teaching objectives:

1.Study the grammar: the passive voice in the Past Simple Tense.2.Learn some new words and useful expression.Language Focus:

1.be interested in…

2.on display

3.be covered with

4.in the 1920s' Teaching Procedures:



1.check the homework

2.Revise the useful expressions and some new words.Ⅲ.Presentation

Take out a picture and ask the students:

What's this animal called?

Ask some students to talk about the dinosaur.Ⅳ.Pre-reading

Read over the questions with the students.Have the students guess the meaning of “on display” from the context.Then have the students discuss the questions in pairs.Ⅴ.Listening

1.At first, ask students to read over the questions in the Exercise 1 in the workbook.2.Then close books and listen to tape.3.Play the tape again and answer the questions.Ⅵ.Teaching Language Focus

Explain some useful expressions in the passage.1.be on a visit to…

2.be interested in…

3.try to do something

4.be covered with

e.g.He is on a visit to Shanghai.Tom is interested in English.I'll try my best to pass the exam.The ground was covered with snow.Ⅶ.Teaching Grammar

1.Let the students find out these sentences with the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense.2.Have the students make sentences with the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense.Ⅷ.Workbook.Do Exercise 2 , and write down the answers.Ⅸ.Exercises in class

Change the active sentences into the passive sentences:

1.We bought a new TV last year.2.They didn't find the lost boy.3.My Uncle built a new house last year.4.My brother finished his homework yesterday.5.Dinosaurs laid the eggs long long ago.Ⅹ.Homework

1.Read the passage.2.Finish off the workbook exercises.Lesson39 步骤 1 复习1 检查家庭作业。让学生复述第38课中这段课文的故事(一个学生将一段即可)。步骤 2 介绍新语言项目

简单的讨论一下教室附近的这些东西,并问这些问题What’s it made of? What’s it used for ?让一个学生在黑板上写下这些答案。告诉学生要使用一般现在时时因为我们正在谈论的东西是人们今天用的东西。提醒学生注意课文里提到的恐龙蛋的在辽宁发现的。

步骤 3 问,答 学生用书第48页第1部分。和学生一起过一遍这些标志。并问What do they mean ? Where can you see these signs ? 让学生猜测意思或在字典中查找这些生词:entrance , exit , fragile , park , parking , danger ,pause。如果可能,用图片、海报或照片来表明这些标志在什么地方使用。

步骤 5练习册






Lesson40 步骤 1 复习1 检查家庭作业。谈论教室里的东西或任何你能带到班上的东西(一台收音机、一块手表、一个茶壶等等)。并问What’s this ? What’sit made of ? Where can I buy one ? 等等。尽可能多的练习一些许多不同的问题。步骤 2 听

学生用书第49页第1部分,第40课听力训练录音带。告诉学生Today we are going to hear about a lady,Mrs Clarke, who is going shopping.What does she want to buyWhere does she go to buy it ?给学生放一遍录音,并让他们寻找答案(a watch , at the market)。练习册第40课练习1。和学生一起过一遍这些问题,并确保他们明白这些问题的意思是什么。如果需要,再放一两次录音。在你和全班学生一起检查答案前让学生两人一组讨论他们的答案。

答案:1 A 2 C B C B

A B 步骤 3 读,答

学生用书第49页第2部分,第40课口音录音带。把多种不同的杯子带到班上,像一只纸杯、一只简易玻璃杯、一只大杯、一只啤酒杯.把它们放在你的桌子上,并向学生提问What’s this?当学生回答时,问这样的问题,如Why isn’t this called a cup? What makes a cup?就这个问题举行一个简单的班级讨论会.这将仅仅是一个没有固定答案的讨论,因为一些杯子看起来更像一只玻璃杯或者相反的东西。在你的学生准备阅读课文时,这恰恰是一种让你的学生思考和运用英语的好方法。问What’s the thing with three legs?给学生放录音,让他们找答案(It’s a cup)。再放一遍录音让学生听并重复这段文字。现在把学生四人一组分开。让他们练习这个对话。请一组学生为全班表演这个对话。然后还以小组为单位,让学生回答问题。和全班一起检查答案。1 The object in the first picture,2 In a museum of natural history, 3 suggested answer,例如把它放在一个低温的电炉上的罐子里。步骤 4 介绍新语言项目

给学生出示你的手表(或其它东西)。说This is my(watch).I’ve had it for(four)years.It was made in(china).I have worn it a lot since I got it.I like it very much.问每个学生Have you got a watch? How long have you had it?等等。(用学生用书第50课第3部分上的问题来帮助你回答,但学生要合上他们的书。)步骤 5 问,答

学生用书第50页第3部分。打开书。让学生读一遍这些问题和答案。和学生一起对话作为示例,然后让他们两人一组进行回答练习。请一些学生汇报他们伙伴的答案。步骤6 写


My friend John has got a watch.He has had it for two years.It was made in Shanghai.He bought it in a street market there and has worn it to school almost every day.But he does not like it.It has often broken down.He would like a better one.Next time he will buy one from a shop.步骤7 复习要点

过一遍复习要点10,并讨论学生遇到的疑难问题。提醒他们怎样组成被动语态(一般现在时和过去时)和什么时候用被动语态。看学生用书230—231附录中的语法注释。练习有用的习惯用语,要却保学生理解它们的意思。步骤8 测试


My brother has got a bicycle.He has had it for about four years.It was made in Shanghai.He bought it

in a shop.He has used it a lot , but it has broken down.He would like to spend more money and buy a better one next time.Ask the students to do Wb Lesson40 ,Ex.3 individually.步骤9 练习册







Unit10 1.过去完成时

(1)构成:由助动词had + 过去分词 构成

否定式:had not + 过去分词



①表示过去某一时间可用by, before 等构成的短语来表示 ②也可以用when, before, after 等引导的时间状语从句来表示


When I got there, you had already eaten you meal.当我到达那里时,你已经开始了。By the time he got here, the bus had left.到他到达这里时,汽车已经离开了 2.by the time 直到…时候


如:By the time we got to his house, he had finished supper.在我们到达他就已经吃完了晚饭。

3.英语中表示“把某物遗忘在某处”常用 leave + 地点 ,而不是forget+地点 如:Unluckily, I left my book at home不幸的是,我把书忘在家里了。4.close v.关

adv.接近地 靠近地

closed adj.关的 5.come out 出来

6.on time 按时 准时 既不早也不迟

in time 及时 指在时限到来之前 7.luckily adv.幸运地

lucky adj.幸运的 luck n.好运 8.give sb.a ride 让某搭便车


He often gives me a ride to school.他经常让我搭便车去学校。9.only just 刚刚好、恰好

10.go off(闹钟)闹响

The alarm went off just now.刚才警钟响了。11.break down 坏掉

12.fool n.傻子 呆子

v.愚弄 欺骗 如:

He is a fool.他是一个呆子。

We can’t fool our teacher.我们不能欺骗我们的教师。(动词)13.show up 出现 出席 She didn’t show up last night.昨晚她没有出现 14.invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某做事 如:

My friend invited me to watch TV.我的朋友邀请我看电视。15.set off 激起 出发 set up 建立 16.①so … that 如此…以致于

引导结果状语从句,so后面接形容词、副词.②so that作“为了”时,引导目的状语从句,从句常出现情态动词,作结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用情态动词。

如:She got up early so that she could catch the bus.为了能赶上车,她起得很早。(目的状语从句)She was so sad that she couldn’t say a word.她悲伤得一句话也说不出来。(结果状语从句)17.flee from 从…逃跑 避开 如:They fled from their home.他们从他们的家里逃了出来。18.thrill v.使人非常激动,使人非常紧张

thrilled adj.指某人感到激动或感到紧张

thrilling adj.指某事物使人心情激动 19.get married 结婚

20.convince v.使信服

convincing adj.令人信服的 21.land v.着落 22.be late for 迟到

23.a piece of 一片/块/张 如: a piece of paper/ bread 一张纸/ 一块面包 重点短语:

1.到…时候by the time +…(句子)…从过去某一点到从句所示时间为止的一段时间,即从句用过去时,主句用过去完成时。2.(闹钟)闹响go off 3.跑掉;迅速离开run off 4.损坏break down

(突然)中断break off 5.(在)愚人节(on)April Fool's Day 6.激起;引 起set off 7.一片,一块a piece of 8.按时on time 及时in time Section A 1.从…离开去…leave(from)…for …

把某物遗忘在某地leave sth.+介宾短语(表地点的)

忘记某人/某事forget sb /sth.忘记去作…forget to do …

忘记已作了…forget doing … 2.在洗沐浴get in the shower 3.开始作…start/begin to do …(前后不同的事)start/begin doing …(前后相同的事)4.我上学从未迟到,但昨天我差点迟到.I’ve never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close.5.等待(某人)作…wait(for sb)to do …

6.出来;开花come out 实现come true 从旁而过come by 来自…come/be from… 7.我必须抓紧了.I had to really rush.8.飞快冲了个澡take/have a quick shower 9.给/让某人搭便车give/get sb.a ride =give /get a ride to sb.10.我恰好赶上上课.I only just made it to my class.(此时,指“约定”之意)SectionB 1.给某人穿衣服dress sb.穿(…)衣服 be /get dressed(in +衣服)化装;打扮dress up 2.熬夜stay /sit up(late)

3.给某人看某物show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb.带某人参观…show sb.around sth.卖弄…show off…

出席,露面show up 展览

be on show =be on display 4.化妆舞会a costume party 5.在地球着陆land on the earth 6.由演员奥森·威尔斯主持的广播节目a radio program by actor Orsom Welles 7.遍及全国across the whole country =all over the whole country 8.从…逃跑;避开…flee from…=run away from…(flee过去式为fled)9.将有…there will be ….(一般将来时)

there would be …(过去将来时)10.买尽可能多的意大利面条buy as much spaghetti as they could /possible 11.结婚get married 非延续性动词

和…结婚 get /be married to sb…=marry sb

be married 为延续性动词 12.停止作…stop doing …

停下某事来作…stop to do … 13.在开学第一天on the first day of school 14.(向某人)打招呼say hello(to sb.)15.醒来wake up

叫…醒来wake sb.up 16.有一个很愉快的结局have a very happy ending

17.失去了他的女朋友和他的观众lose both his girlfriend and his show



本节课主要谈论发生在过去的事情,;通过讨论“发生在过去的事情”这个话题,学习过去完成时的构成和基本用法以及现在完成时和过去完成时的区别。培养学生对发生的事情进行客观评价的能力,并学习自主解决问题的能力。而本课是本单元的第一课,初步接触过去完成时,并且过去完成时是英语中非常重要的一种时态,占据着相当重要的位置。首先让学生对学习目标进行了解的同时,也让他们去思考:By the time I got outsidethe bus had already left..这句话中用的什么时态?为什么要用这个时态?从而引出过去完成时,直接进入时态的讲解。通过图片展示时间的前后,动作的先后,让学生直观的理解过去完成时。老师不断的强化句型练习,让学生有个模式,为后面的讨论做铺垫。通过反复操练,巩固句型,体会句型的结构,让学生更直观的了解这个时态,从而为下面的学习做好铺垫。然后通过SectionA 1a的图片,讲述图片上发生的事情,强调过去完成时的结构和用法:(had+pp)。把优化课堂教学当成教育的主渠道,尽最大可能为学生创设运用英语的情景,指导学生积极地运用语言,在学中用,在用中学。同时加强运用相关的目标句型,围绕着本单元的教学目标,让学生完成任务培养学生在实际活动中运用本单元所学的内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力,真正达到了新课标提出的培养学生综合运用语言的能力。通过本节课的学习之后,学生充分地意识到不及时做某事而造成的危害,学生学会了合理安排自己的学习和生活,守时守信的重要性。以教材为基本,但又不拘泥于课本,利用多媒体创设情景,促使学生感悟和体验教学内容与生活的内在联系,培养学生语言技能和语言运用能力。教学语言重点、难点突出,学生在活动中运用知识学会做事,教学内容注意开放性。注意语感教学。加强听说训练,努力做到视、听、说同步,培养学生语言学习兴趣。学生根据所学的知识,能够流利地讲述自己曾经有的特别的一天,使他们能够在运用中感受自己的成就感,体会到学习的快乐,很好地激发了他们学习的热情。







(1)掌握单词和短语:by the time, gotten, oversleep(2)观察目标句型:“what happened?”and“by the time i got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.”
















teacher asked, “in unit 9, we’ve learned the differences between discover and invent, do you still remember?”

student 1 answered, “my father discovered my mother, then they invent me, i i’m their invention ”

t: what do you usually do in the morning?before school? t: do you like mornings? why or why not? 2.教师先通过图片说两个完整的过去完成时的句子,让学生有个初步的了解。

by the time she got up, her brother had already got in the shower.by the time she got outside, the bus had already left.3.让学生仿照我的例句再根据图片,完成句子,进一步理解过去完成时。

t: 当我到达学校时,铃早已经响了。

s2: by the time he got to school, the bell had rung.4.通过听力来巩固过去完成时。

(1)by the time i got up, my brother ___already ___ in the shower.(2)by the time i got outside, the bus ___already ___.(3)when i got to school, i realized i ___?___ my backpack at home.make a conversation with: a: what happened this morning? b: i overslept…


when i got to school, i realized that i had left my backpack at home when i ________(get home), i _______(realize)i _______(leave)my keys by the time i ____(get)back to school, the bell ________(ring).by the time i _______(walk)into class, the teacher __________(start)teaching already.6.通过复述书上小主人迟到过程,来练习过去完成时。可以根据下面两个例子来复述。

sample one(对话形式):

what happened first? i overslept.what happened next? by the time i got up, …had already gotten….…got outside, …had left….…got to school, …had left….what happened then? by the time i got home, …had left….…got back to school, … had rung….…walked into class,… had started…

what happened at last? the teacher looked at tina and….sample two(短文形式):

tina ___(oversleep).by the time she ___(get)up, her brother ___(get)in the shower.by the time she ___(get)outside, the bus ___(leave).when she ___(get)to school, she ___(realize)she ___(leave)my backpack at home.when she ___(get)home, she ___(realize)she ___(leave)my keys in the backpack.by the time she ___(get)back to school, the bell ___(ring).by the time she ___(walk)into class, the teacher ___(start)teaching already.the teacher looked at tina and said, “ you ___(should get)to school on time ”.7.通过来给书上的故事编结局,不但可以进一步巩固语法,还可以提高他们的写作能力。

make up an ending for the story.you?can begin with: the teacher looked at tina and…


过去完成时的构成:s+ had p.p.9.家庭作业

(1)retell the story.(2)write down tina’s whole story.(可以根据上面vi的两个例子来完成作文



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