2011年高考英语一轮复习 语法篇-定语从句金学案 新人教版[样例5]

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第一篇:2011年高考英语一轮复习 语法篇-定语从句金学案 新人教版










1.先行词为不定代词everything,little,much,all,anything,nothing或被不定代词修饰时。Finally,the thief handed everything that he had stolen.2.先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词修饰时,用that引导。This is the best book(that)I’ve ever read.3.先行词被the only,the very,the last修饰时,用that引导。This is the only book that I want to read now.4.先行词同时指人和指物时,用that引导。

We talked about the things and persons that we saw then.5.定语从句内容为解释名词的性质、概念时,需用that引导。A plane is a machine that can fly.6.由which和who提问的句子由that引导。




Which is the dictionary that you want to buy?


先行词必须是指物或事的名词。若which在从句中作主语,从句谓语动词在人称和数上应与先行词保持一致;若which在从句中作及物动词的宾语时,可以省略,但用于介词后面,作介词宾语时,不能省略;“介词+which”引导定语从句时,选用介词应根据介词和先行词的习惯搭配或从句中谓语动词和介词所构成的固定词组,介词既可置于which的前面,又可放在从句谓语后面。1.The games in which the young men competed were difficult.2.You’d better not drink water which has not been boiled.which除在介词后面作宾语或引导非限制性定语从句不能用关系代词that替换外,其他情况均可用that来替换。which引导非限定性定语从句,其先行词可是一个词,也可是整个主句或主句的某一部分。





五、介词+关系代词 1.“of+which/whom”可用来限定名词、代词、分数词、数词等。2.关系代词前介词的确定。


Is that the newspaper for which you often write articles?(2)根据从句中动词或形容词的习惯搭配。

Can you explain to me how to use these idioms about which I’m sure?(3)根据先行词与介词的搭配习惯。

1949 was the year in which the P.R.C.was founded.(4)非限制性定语从句中,要表示先行词的一部分时,可用“数词/代词+of+关系代词”的结构。There are 50 students in our class,two thirds of whom have been to Beijing.(5)whose从句可转换为“of+关系代词”型。

They live in a house,whose door opens to the south.→They lived in a house,of which the door opens to the south.→They lived in a house,the door of which opens to the south.六、关系副词的运用








2.当与such或the same连用时,一般用as。

Have you read such a book as I bought yesterday? 3.as在从句中作主语时,后面常接行为动词的被动语态,如be known,be said,be reported等,如果从句中行为动词是主动语态,一般要用which作主语。


在从句开头引导一个定语从句;指代或替代先行词且先行词不可省,引导词有时可省;在定语从句中作适当成分。Put the book________it should be when you have finished reading it.A.where

B.in which C.at the place D.the place where 此题答案为A,但where并非引导一个定语从句,而是一个地点状语从句。学生极易选B或C。选B错在in which若引导定语从句,其前的先行词不可省,而book不能作表地点的先行词;选C若看成一个定语从句,倒是有先行词the place,但定语从句引导词在从句中要作表语,此时引导词不能省;在从句中作宾语的时候引导词能省。

此题答案为A,但where并非引导一个定语从句,而是一个地点状语从句。学生极易选B或C。选B错在in which若引导定语从句,其前的先行词不可省,而book不能作表地点的先行词;选C若看成一个定语从句,倒是有先行词the place,但定语从句引导词在从句中要作表语,此时引导词不能省;在从句中作宾语的时候引导词能省。


一般来说应依据如下四点选择合适的介词:介词与定语从句的先行词是一种习惯性搭配;介词与从句中的动词是一种习惯性搭配;介词与定语从句中的形容词一起构成一种习惯性的短语;表示所有格或整体与部分关系时用介词of。The gentleman________you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.A.who B.about whom C.whom D.with whom 此题极易选为A或C。依据习惯搭配只能说tell sb.sth.或tell sb.about sth.(sb.),而不能说tell sb.sb.,故A和C有误,答案应为B。4.不能准确断句

The rich,for________money was not a problem,wanted to stay at an expensive hotel.A.their B.his C.whose D.whom 此题学生易把for看做表原因而选A,却不知for表原因往往表达的是推测原因或补充原因;又易看到whose可以修饰money而选whose,两种错误的原因在于断句不清。此句应断句为money was not a problem for the rich,for表“相对于”,故答案为D。5.在定语从句中加了多余的定语




(1)[误]Some of the boys I invited them didn’t come.[正]Some of the boys I invited didn’t come.[译]我邀请的男孩中有几个没有来。

[析]应删去them,因为从句的宾语是省略了的whom,who或that。(2)[误]The book that you need it is in the library.[正]The book that you need is in the library.[译]你需要的书在图书馆里。


(1)[误]Children eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth.[正]Children who/that eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth.[译]吃糖多的孩子往往牙齿不好。

[析]应加上关系代词who或that,因为从句少主语,且主语不能省略。(2)[误]The key opens the bike is missing.[正]The key that/which opens the bike is missing.[译]开这辆自行车的钥匙不见了。

[析]应加上关系代词 that或which,因为从句少主语,且主语不能省略。7.不注意符号


一般情况下两句话间以逗号连接,则两句话间应是一种逻辑上的主从关系(特殊情况除外);另外that不能引导非限制性定语从句。Carol said the work would be done by October,________personally I doubt very much.A.it B.that C.when D.which 此题答案为D,而易错项为A或B。据逗号可知两句话应为主从关系,即后一部分只能是一个从属于前一个句子的从句,而which能引导非限制性定语从句,代替前面整句话情况且充当doubt的宾语,故D项正确。that不能引导非限制性定语从句;it可作主语却无法引导一个从句。此题如果一定要用it代替前面一句话,则可考虑改为:Carol...by October and personally I doubt it very much.用心


专心 4




I 概念



that, which, who, whom, whose, as, but, than 关系词

关系副词 when, where, why 解题思路:找先行词,看先行词在定语从句中充当何种成分,然后确定用何种关系词。He still lives in the house ______is in the north of the city.He still lives in the house ______window faces to the south.He still lives in the house ____there is a piece of furniture.(先行词分别在定语从句中作主语、定语、地点状语。因此分别用which/that;whose;where.)I’ll never forget the days ______we spent together.I’ll never forget the days ______we stayed together.(先行词the days分别在定语从句中作宾语、时间状语。因此分别用which/that;in which/ when.)The reason ______he gave us was reasonable.The reason ______he didn’t attend the meeting was that he was ill.(先行词the reason分别在定语从句中作宾语、原因状语。因此分别用which/that;why.)This is the only way ______you can find.I didn’t like the way _____he spoke to his mother.(先行词分别在定语从句中作宾语、方式状语。因此分别用that或省略;in which/that或省略)那么该如何确定关系词呢?首先看在限制性定语从句中: 一 当先行词在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语/宾补时:



表语/宾补 人

who;that who;whom;that;/

that 物

which, that


that 人和物 that



1)The lady who/that came to our class is from Australia.2)I visited the country which/that had been bombed by the US-led NATO a month before.3)He is the person(who/whom/that)I met in the park yesterday.4)I’ll never forget the years(which/that)I spent with my cousin in Australia? 5)Watch the girl and her dog that are crossing the street.6)We liked the farmers and their farm(that)we visited yesterday.7)He is not the man that he used to be.8)Hong Kong isn’t the city that it used to be.9)I’m not the fool that you thought me.注意:


1)当先行词是people, those, one/ones, anyone/anybody等时

People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly.Those who were either fools or unfit for their offices could not see the cloth.


Anyone/Anybody who breaks the rules is punished.One who doesn’t work hard will never be happy.2)He who„„用于谚语、格言中

He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man不到长城非好汉 He who plays with fire gets burnt.玩火者必自焚

He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.不犯错误的人一事无成 He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好.He who hesitates is lost.当断不断,必受其乱 3)在非限制性定语从句中

Charlie Chaplin, who died in 1977, is considered one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema.4)在分隔定语从句中

A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you German.教你们德语的老师明天来

5)一个句子带有两个定语从句,一个用who,另一个用that.The student who was praised at the meeting is the monitor that is very modest and studies very hard.在会上受到表扬的那个学生是班长,他谦虚好学 2.在下列情况下,通常用that,而不用who 1)先行词前面有the first, the last, the only或the same等所修饰时 She is the last man(that)I want to see.她是我最不愿意见到的人

She is the only person that understands me.She is the same teacher that was praised the other day.2)主句是以who或which开头的特殊疑问句时

Who that has common sense will do such a thing? Which one of us that knows something about physics does not know this? 3.先行词是物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,一般用which或that都可以。但在下列情况下, 通常用that,而不用which.。

1).先行词被形容词最高级或者序数词所修饰时,通常用that This is the best article that has been written on the subject.This is the first composition(that)I have written in English.2).当先行词是all, any, anything, nothing, everything, much, little 等时,通常用that I have done all(that)you told me to.Is there anything(that)I can do for you? This book contains much/little that is useful.3).当先行词被all, any, the very, the only, the last 等修饰时,通常用that.All the books that have been selected are useful ones.Is there any question that troubles you much? Corn was not the only food that was taken to Europe.4).主句是which开头的特殊疑问句时,通常用that.Which of the books that you have read is the most instructive? 4.在下列情况下,通常用which,而不用that.1)介词的宾语


He paid the boy 10 dollars for washing ten windows, most of which had not been cleaned for years.2)在非限制性定语从句中,代表前面的名词或整个句子

One of the Charlie Chaplin’s most famous films was “The Gold Rush”, which was made in 1925.Carol said the work would be done by October, which personally I doubt very much.The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.5.当先行词在定语从句中作主语时,关系代词通常不能省略。但是,当定语从句是there be 结构时,可以省略

We must make full use of the time(that)there is left to us and do as much as I can for the people.我要充分利用我剩下的岁月尽量为人民多做些事 This is the fastest train(that)there is to Nanjing.这是到南京的最快的一班车

6.注意下列两种句式的定语从句: 1)It is(high/about)time(that)„过去式

2)It/This/That is/will be the first/second/third„time(that)„

从句的时态用现在完成时 It/This/That was the first/second/third„time(that)„

从句的时态用过去完成时 It is time we went to bed It is the first time that he has come to meet me at the station.It will be the second time that I have been there.It was the first time that he had passed the examination in English.7.注意避免出现以下几种情况:

1)The storybook(which/that)I have just read it cannot be easily forgotten.定语从句中不可使用与关系词意义相重复的词。应删除it,因为it与关系代词which/that在意义相重复。

2)Her two daughters who are studying in Beijing.缺少谓语动词,应去掉who,改为Her two daughters are studying in Beijing.3)Prices of daily goods are bought through a computer can be lower than store prices.两个谓语动词,缺少连接词。改为Prices of daily goods(which are)bought through a computer can be lower than store prices.4)Is this museum they visited last week? 缺少表语,加上the one 使句子成立。改为Is this museum the one they visited last week? /Is this the museum they visited last week? 5)We all like Harry because he is a man whom everybody thinks is pleasant to get along with.将whom改为who.everybody thinks是插入语。

He made another wonderful discovery, which I think is of great importance to science.二 当先行词在定语从句中作定语时: 指人 指物

broken 2)Do you know the man whose house(the house of whom/of whom the house)was burned down? 2.“介词+whose+宾语” 引导的定语从句。

whose of whom whose

of which 1)They study in a classroom whose windows(the windows of which/of which the windows)are


1)The boss in whose department Mr.King worked called at the hospital.2)The engineer, from whose doctor we know all the truth, was put in a women’s room.3)The doctor, with whose help the sick child was saved, is very kind to her patients.3 在下列情况下,只能用of whom, of which.而不用whose引导定语从句。1).定语从句的主语是some, most, many, few, much, little等时.About 200 people, many of whom were Europeans, worked on the project.Those foreign engineers, most of whom have never been to China before, are enjoying their work here.They gave me much ink, little of which is red.2).定语从句的主语是all, none, both, neither, each等时

She has two sons, both of whom are PLA men.He gave us many books, none of which was interesting.3).定语从句的主语是数词时

In Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold medals, 12 of which/of which 12 were won by women.There are forty-five students in our class, two thirds of whom are girls.4).在定语从句中作表语的定语时

Look!There come a lot of students, of whom Lucy is one.The stories about the Long March, of which this is one example, are well written.三 当先行词在定语从句中作状语时: 状语 时间状语



方式状语 when where why in which;that;/ 1).My girl friend told me the day on which /when she was born.2)The bookstore in which/where his sister works is the largest one in Nanjing.3).The reason for which /why I’m writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday.4).I don’t like the way(in which / that)you speak to her.注意:

1.when/where=at/in/on which等 why=for which.2.原因状语其先行词通常是reason,方式状语其先行词通常是way 3.当先行词是situation, point, case, conditions等相当于under which, in which等。表示“在什么情况下,从„„中”。He has got himself into a dangerous situation where he has no control.The newly-married couple quarreled so much that they reached the point where they had to separate from each other.这对新婚夫妇吵架吵得这么凶,以至于到了不得不分手的地步 we had to face the conditions where pressure was heavy.我们必须面对压力很大的情况 四 as的用法: 1.引导限制性定语从句

当先行词被the same, such, so, as所修饰时,关系代词通常用as 1).You have the same opinion as I have.2).He’s such a funny sort of person as I don’t understand at all 3).Here is so heavy a stone as no one can remove.4).You will see as many children as come 你将见到所有到来的孩子们 比较:


That is the same bike as I lost.那辆自行车和我丢失的一模一样(the same„as „泛指同一类)That is the same bike that I lost.那就是我丢失的那辆自行车(the same„that„特指同一个)2.引导非限制性定语从句


As was usual with him, he went out for a walk after dinner.他又像往常一样,吃完晚饭后出去散步了

He was late for school, as is often the case.他上学迟到了,这一点对他来说是常有的事 The Beatles, as many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.你们这样年纪的人大多还记得披头士乐队吧,他们都是利物浦人 3.as和which的区别


This elephant is like a snake, as/which anybody can see.但是: 1).as引导非限制性定语从句,代表整个句子的概念,可以位于句首、句末或者句中。而which引导非限制性定语从句只能位于句末。

As is known to us everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.= The moon travels round the earth once every month, as is known to us everybody.= The moon, as is known to us everybody, travels round the earth once every month.2)as引导的非限制性定语从句,除了具有which的功能外,还多了一层含义:“正如„„所(期待/预料/想象/猜测/知道/„„)的那样”。Cyprus, as you know, is an island in the Mediterranean.He was punished, as I had expected.3)当从句和主句语义一致时,用as;反之用which.She has married again, as was expected.She has married again, which was unexpected.4)定语从句是主谓宾补结构或是否定句时,用which而不用as.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which, of course, made the others unhappy.Betty always tells a lie, which her parents find strange.Mr.Smith usually praises his student Rose in public, which she doesn’t like at all.五 but的用法: but作关系代词引导定语从句时,用于否定词语之后,相当于who do/does not或that do/does not意思是 “无人/事物不„„”.There is no man but feels pity for starving children.= There is no man who does not feel pity for starving children 没有人不同情那些嗷嗷待哺的孩子

There is not one of us but wishes to help you.= There is not one of us that does not wish to help you.我们没有一个人不想帮助你 六 than的用法: than作为关系代词,引导的一个带有比较意义的定语从句。


Yesterday he ate more than was good for him.昨天他吃的太多了,对健康没好处。


You spent more money than was intended to be spent.你花的钱超出了原来的打算 II 非限制性定语从句

非限制性定语从句通常和主句之间用逗号隔开。主语 指人 who

指物 which 宾语 指人

指物 定语 状语 whom which

whose 时间状语 when where


Einstein, who cared little for money, made great contributions to modern physics.The young musician, whom you often talk about, will go abroad for further study.The museum, which we visited last week, is newly built.His grandfather was born in 1937, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out.Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high.注意: 1.that;why不能引导非限制性定语从句。


2.限制性定语从句是主句不可缺少的一部分,不用逗号隔开,翻译成“ „„的”.而非限制性定语从句是对主句的补充说明,常用逗号隔开,翻译成两个简单句。比较:

Her brother who is a teacher is strict with her.她那位当老师的哥哥对她要求严格(不止一个哥哥)Her brother, who is a teacher, is strict with her.她哥哥是一位老师,对她要求严格(只有一个哥哥)

The journalists who reached Beijing yesterday have already started to work.昨天到达北京的那些记者们已经开始工作了(暗示还有更早到达或尚未到达的记者们)

The journalists, who reached Beijing yesterday, have already started to work.那些记者们已经开始工作了,他们是昨天到达北京的


Abraham Lincoln, who led the United States through these years, was shot on April 14,1865 at a theatre in Washington D.C.His father, who is a drug-taker, is very weak.I have been to Mount Everest, which is the highest mountain in the world.The earth, which we live on, is round.4.破折号后面和括号里面的定语从句看作是非限制性定语从句 The government----which promised to cut taxes----will be popular.这个政府将会得人心,它保证要减税

The house(for which he really paid too much money)stands in a large garden.那房子座落在一个大花园里,那房子他确实买贵了 III 介词+关系词



1.这一结构用什么关系词取决于先行词的指代.指人用whom,指物用which..注意不能用who或that,也不能省略.用什么介词取决于定语从句中谓语动词结构及“介词+whom/which”在句中的作用.He is the man for whom my sister bought a gift.(先行词指人,用whom, 谓语动词是buy sth.for sb.这一习惯搭配.故用for whom)The two things of/about which Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms of English.(先行词指物,用which.谓语动词是be sure of /about这一习惯搭配.故用of/about which)2.这一结构中的介词的位置比较灵活.但是“动词+介词”构成的短语动词一般不拆开.The person(who/whom/that)you should write to is Mr.Ball.=The person to whom you should write is Mr.Ball.Nearby were two canoes(which /that)they had come to the island in.=Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.The babies(who/whom/that)the nurses are looking after are very healthy.Is this the book(which/that)she was looking for? 3.where 和when有时用作关系代词相当于which point/place和which time用来充当定语从句中介词的宾语

His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows, from where he could see nothing but trees.He stood near the north window, from where she could see the whole garden.I met him ten years ago, since when I haven’t seen anything of him.4.介词+which+宾语

In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m., by which time many people have gone home.(by which time即by after 5:30 p.m.“到五点三十分以后”)Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance, in which case I would but stand there.Water boils at 100C,at which temperature it changes to gas Jane spent four years in college, during which time she studied medicine.Ten years of hard work changed her greatly, for which reason he could hardly recognized her at first sight.I called her by the wrong name, for which mistake I apologize.5.“短语介词+which”的结构.They arrived at a house, in front of which sat a small boy.Sound is a tool by means of which people communicate with each other.He was found disappointed at his failure, because of which he was criticized.四.分隔定语从句

一般说来,定语从句是紧跟在先行词后面作先行词的定语,但有时出于平衡句子结构或强调某个成份的需要而将定语从句与先行词分隔开来。这样的从句称为分隔定语从句。I was the only person in my office who was invited.(被状语分隔)Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace? But the Southern states wanted to set up a country of their own, where they would be free to keep black slaves.(被定语分隔)What have I said that makes you so angry? 我说了什么,把你气成这个样子?


The days are gone when we used foreign oil.(被谓语分隔)The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that far-away village.(被宾语分隔)But his enemies, the slave owners in the south and the bankers in big cities, who had grown rich on the work of slaves, could not let Lincoln continue his work.(被同位语分隔)五.定语从句中的主谓一致

(1).先行词在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句中谓语动词的单复数以及其形式取决于先行词。A biologist is a person who has a great knowledge of biology.I, who am your friend, will try my best to help you.(2)在„„one of„„who/that„„的结构中,先行词是of后面的复数名词,定语从句中的谓语动词用复数形式

在„„the(only/very)one of„„who/that„„的结构中,先行词是the(only/very)one,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数形式

He is one of the students in our class who were praised by the headmaster yesterday.他是我班昨天受到校长表扬的学生中的一个

He is the only one of the students in our class who was praised by the headmaster yesterday.他就是我班昨天唯一受到校长表扬的那个学生 六.定语从句和其他结构的区别 1.定语从句与分词

Who is the comrade that is standing by the door? =Who is the comrade standing by the door? They built a highway which leads into the mountains.=They built a highway leading into the mountains.They’re problems that have been left over by history.=They’re problems left over by history.2.定语从句与并列结构、独立主格结构

A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, most of whom are women.= A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, and most of them are women.=A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, most of them women.3.定语从句与强调句型

Was it the day on which /when you joined the army?

Was it on the day that you joined the army? 如果It is/was„的后面接的是名词词组,一般是定语从句。如果It is/was„的后面接的是副词、介词短语,一般是强调句型。4.定语从句与主语从句

Anyone who leaves(Those who leave)the room last ought to turn off the lights.=Whoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.As is known to us all, Charles Babbage invented the first computer.=It is known to us all that Charles Babbage invented the first computer.5.定语从句与宾语从句


His father’s second wife did all/everything(that)she could(do)to help him.=His father’s second wife did what she could(do)to help him.



Kennedy and Johnson, both of whom were murdered in their terms, once co-worked as president and vice-president It was a matter of who would take the position.He will shoot at whoever comes near him.6.定语从句与表语从句

What is worth remembering is the time when we came here =What is worth remembering is when we came here This is the place where we met last time =This is where we met last time Is that the reason why you are late? =Is that why you are late? This is the way(in which/that)the whole city is fed.=This is how the whole city is fed.7.定语从句与同位语从句的区别

We heard the news which/that had spread quickly.We heard the news that our team had won.引导定语从句的关系词,在定语从句中必须充当句子的成分。


He is such a good teacher as we all love and respect =He is such a good teacher that we all love and respect him Here is so difficult a question as no one can answer = Here is so difficult a question that no one can answer it.解题时,看从句中是否缺少成分。缺少成分as,是定语从句;不缺少成分,用that,是结果状语从句。


After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child.He found her calculator where she lost it.Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains often.= Bamboo grows best where it is warm and where it rains often.解题时,看有没有表示地点的名词作先行词,在从句中充当成分。如果有,是定语从句;如果没有,是地点状语从句。10定语从句与插入语

1)The navy was planning an expedition to the South Pacific Ocean with the purpose of watching a very unusual event, that is the planet Venus passing between the earth and the sun in 1769.that is “即,也就是说”。起同位语从句的作用。不能用which is代替。2)He wears, what is common in his country, a red coat.= He, as is common in his country, wears a red coat.= He wears a red coat, which is common in his country.他穿一件红衣服,这在他的国家是常见的 Her condition is, what worries me, getting worse.= Her condition, as worries me, is getting worse.=Her condition is getting worse, which worries me.what is common in his country /what worries me在句中作插入成分,起评注性状语从句的作用


专题11 名词性从句

考纲展示 命题探究

考点一 主语从句






从属连词主要有两个that, whether;从属连词在从句中不作任何成分。That he will come to the conference has excited every one of us.他要来参加会议使我们每一个人都十分激动。Whether you can succeed depends on yourself.你是否能成功取决于你自己。




What he wants to tell us is not clear.他要跟我们说什么还不清楚。

Whichever of you gets here first will get the prize.你们当中第一个到达这里的人将获得这个奖品。



What we need is water.我们所需要的是水。

What we need are useful books.我们所需要的是有用的书。(3)连接副词


Where the English evening will be held has not yet been announced.英语晚会将在哪里举行还没有宣布。

Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.它们为什么突然消失还是个谜。



(1)It+be+adj.+主语从句。常用于该句型的adj.有: necessary必要的 likely可能的 clear清楚的 important重要的 possible可能的 right正确的 wrong错误的 strange奇怪的 natural自然的 certain肯定的 obvious明显的

It_is_quite_clear_that the whole project is to fail.很清楚,整个项目就要失败。

典例1 It is by no means clear ________the president can do to end the strike.[答案] what 句意:总统可以采取什么措施来结束罢工一点儿都不清楚。此句中it是形式主语,代替后面的真正的主语从句,故设空处应填能够引导主语从句的连接词,由于从句中及物动词do后缺少宾语,故应使用连接代词what。

(2)It+be+名词/名词词组+主语从句。常用于该句型的名词或名词词组有: shame遗憾


hope希望 no wonder难怪 good news好消息

It_is_a_shame_that we should have lost such an important customer.真遗憾我们失去了一位如此重要的客户。

It_is_our_hope_that the two sides will work together.我们的希望是双方能够合作。




reported据报道 thought被认为 known所知

It_is_said_that our school will hold a sports meet next week.据说我们学校下周要举行运动会。

It_has_been_decided_that they should start the project next month.他们要在下个月开始这项工程已经定下来了。

(4)It+特殊动词/动词短语+主语从句。常用于这种结构的特殊动词/动词短语有: seem看上去


happen碰巧 matter重要 turn out结果是

It_happened_that a lion was hiding nearby.刚好有一头狮子躲在旁边。

Does it_matter_that I won't attend the meeting tomorrow? 明天我不去参加会议要紧吗?

典例2 It doesn't matter ________you turn right or left at the crossing—both roads lead to the park.[答案] whether 句意:在十字路口无论你向左转还是右转都没关系——两条路都通往公园。It是形式主语,设


典例3 It's no longer a question now ________man can land on the moon.[答案] that 句意:现在人类登上月球不再是问题。考查名词性从句,it为形式主语,后面的从句是真正的主语。由于引导词在从句中不作任何成分,只起连接作用,故用that。

[考法综述] 了解名词性从句的基本用法,掌握各引导词的用法,辨析that与what,掌握it作形式主语的常见结构。

命题法 考查主语从句的引导词

典例1 ________we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.[答案] How 句意:我们如何理解事物与我们的感受有很大关系。分析句子结构可知,________we understand things 在句中作主语,是主语从句,根据句意可知,此处应用连接副词how。

典例2 What Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some won't accept it.________________________________________________________ [答案] What→Where 依据语境可知,此处指有些人对大诗人李白的出生地存在质疑,分析句子结构可知,What Li Bai,...was born在句中作主语且其中只缺状语,因此改为Where,引导主语从句。what引导名词性从句要在从句中作主、宾或表语。





1.Exactly________the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565.答案 when [句意:马铃薯具体是在什么时候被引入欧洲的并不确定,但有可能是在1565年左右。由句意可知,后一分句是来补充说明前一分句中的不确定的内容的,根据“around 1565”可知是对时间进行提问,因此用when引导前面的主语从句。] 2.I think________impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.答案 what [句意:我认为他的画给我印象最深的是他对色彩的运用。what引导主语从句,且在从句中作主语,表示“……的”。] 3.Some people believe________has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future.答案 what/whatever [句意:一些人认为,不管是以前发生的还是现在发生的事情都会在将来重现。此处“________has happened before or is happening now”是主语从句,且从句中缺少主语,故填what/whatever。] 4.________the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather.答案 When [句意:延误的飞机何时起飞很大程度上取决于天气状况。根据句意填连接副词When。] 5.________makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.答案 What [句意:使这本书非同寻常的是这位作家创造性的想象力。What在此处引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。] 6.________you are on good terms with your classmates will affect your mood.答案 Whether [句意:你与同学相处得是否融洽会影响你的情绪。此处为主语从句,if表示“是否”且于句首时不引导主语从句。根据句意可知应用Whether。] 7.It suddenly occurred to me ________I hadn't locked my door.答案 that [句意:我突然想起我没锁门。it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。It occurs to sb.that意为“某人突然想起……”。] 8.As the spokeswoman said,________we should take action against them depends on what they will do.答案 whether [句意:正如女发言人所说的那样,我们是否应该针对他们采取行动取

决于他们将会怎么做。本空需要用连接词引导主语从句,表示“是否”,因此用whether引导。] 9.—What made her so happy? —________her son passed the college entrance examination.答案 That [句意:——是什么使她这么快乐?——她儿子通过高考了。答语为that引导的主语从句,引导词在从句中不作任何成分,只起连接作用。] 10.________will matter is not how many books you read, but how much you learn when you finish reading them.答案 What [句意:重要的不是你读了多少书,而是你读完书后学到了多少。从句子结构看,is前面是一个主语从句,从句中缺少主语,应用What。] B.单句改错

1.That you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.________________________________________________________ 答案 That→What [句意:你在会上所说的话描述了公司的光明前途。分析句子结构可知,引导主语从句,且在从句中作宾语,故用What, That引导主语从句,在从句中不作成分。] 2.It remains to be seen that the newly formed committee's policy can be put into practice.________________________________________________________ 答案 that→whether [句意:这个新成立的委员会的政策能否实施还有待观察。分析句子结构可知,It 作形式主语,而真正的主语是后面的从句“that the newly formed committee's policy can be put into practice”;再根据句意可判断,此处表示“是否”,故改为whether, that无意义。] 3.It struck me most in the movie was the father's deep love for his son.________________________________________________________ 答案 It→What [句意:这部电影最打动我的是父亲对他儿子深深的爱。“It struck me most in the movie”为主语从句,从句中缺少主语,表示“所……的”,故用What,It不引导从句。] 4.Which one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.________________________________________________________ 答案 Which→Whichever [句意:你们中任何一个人打破窗户都必须赔偿。根据题干中one of you可知,空处要用whichever修饰one, 指“你们中的任何一个人”。which指哪一个,表达疑问,故改为whichever。] 5.It doesn't matter how many times you fail;that matters is how many times you stand up and try again.________________________________________________________ 答案 that→what [句意:你失败多少次都不要紧;要紧的是你有多少次站起来并再次尝试。分析句子成分可知,“that matters”是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,指物,故用what引导。that不作成分。]

6.We have learned from the story that which is most valuable is not what we have in our lives but who we have in our lives.________________________________________________________ 答案 which→what [“which is most valuable”是主语从句,在宾语从句中作主语,根据语境可知,该主语从句缺少主语且表示事物,故用what。which指某一范围中的哪个或哪些。] 7.It was never clear that the man hadn't reported the accident sooner.________________________________________________________ 答案 that→why [句意:不清楚这个人为什么不早一点报告那起事故。此处需要连接副词引导主语从句并在从句中作原因状语,why表示“为什么……”。故把that改为why。] 8.—The manager finally agreed to our new marketing proposals.—It never occurred to me what you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.________________________________________________________ 答案 what→that [答句表示“我根本就没想到你能说服他改变自己的看法”,句中It作形式主语,这里应该用that引导主语从句,连接词在从句中不作任何成份,也无意义。故把what改为that。]

考点二 宾语从句


在句中起宾语作用的从句称为宾语从句(Object Clause)。宾语从句可分为三类:动词后的宾语从句、介词后的宾语从句、形容词后的宾语从句。宾语从句的连接词

I think(that)you should turn to the teacher for help.我认为你应该向老师求助。I wonder whether/if it is true.我想知道它是否是真的。

I wonder what I can do for you.我不知道能为你做些什么。

He didn't tell me when we would meet again.他没告诉我什么时候我们再相见。

Could you please show me how you operate the machine? 你能给我展示一下如何操作这台机器吗?

I don't know whom you should depend on.我不知道你该信任谁。

典例1 Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt ________he could have expressed it differently.[答案] that 句意:杰瑞不后悔给出评论,但是觉得自己本来可以用不同的方式来表达的。从句that he could have expressed it differently作felt的宾语,连接词that在从句中不作成分。故填that。



I know nothing about him except that he is from the countryside.除了他来自乡下以外,我对他一无所知。

He said(that)he liked rain very much and that he wouldn't use an umbrella when it was raining.他说他非常喜欢雨,下雨天他都不愿打伞。

We hope, on the contrary, that he will stay at home with us.恰恰相反,我们希望他和我们待在家里。That our team will win, I believe.我相信我们队会赢。



I don't know what is the matter with the machine.我不知道这台机器怎么了。2 动词后接宾语从句的用法


We should keep in mind that there is no short cut to learning.我们应当牢记,学习是没有捷径的。(2)用it作形式宾语的宾语从句。




think认为 consider考虑 believe相信 guess猜测 suppose假定,设想 make使得

I think it necessary that we drink plenty of boiled water every day.我认为我们每天喝大量开水是有必要的。

The teacher made it a rule that all the cleaning should be finished before 7:30 every morning.老师规定每天早晨7:30之前所有的清扫工作必须结束。

(3)动词hate, like, dislike, appreciate, enjoy等表示“喜欢”,“厌恶”的动词以及一些动词短语see to, depend on, rely on等常用it作形式宾语,而将宾语从句后置。

I hate it_when they talk with their mouths full of food.我讨厌他们满嘴食物时说话。

I would appreciate it_if you can help me.如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。

典例2 You can always rely on________Jack says, as he never tells a lie.[答案] what 句意:你完全可以相信杰克的话,因为他从不说谎。what引导宾语从句作rely on的宾语,what在从句中作says的宾语。介词后接宾语从句的用法

(1)一般情况下介词后只能接wh­类连接词引导的宾语从句。He'll talk to us about what he saw in the USA.他将给我们讲述他在美国的见闻。

典例3 When she was awake, she found that she was standing on________seemed to be a piece of stone.[答案] what 句意:当她醒来时,她发现自己好像正站在一块石头上。stand on后接宾语从句,宾语从句缺少引导词和主语,what在宾语从句中作主语,that引导的从句一般不作介词宾语。故填what。

(2)in, but, except 等少数几个介词后可接由that引导的宾语从句,但此时介词和that已形成固定搭配,即in that因为,but that要不是,except that除了。

The high income tax is harmful in_that it may discourage people from trying to earn more.所得税很高是有害的,因为它可能使人不愿意多赚钱。He would have failed but_that you helped him.若不是你帮助他,他会失败的。(but that意为“若不是,要不是”)4 形容词后接宾语从句的用法

(1)表示情感的形容词后可接宾语从句,如:afraid, certain, glad, pleased, sure, surprised, sorry, happy, confident, anxious, aware, convinced, determined, proud, worried, thankful, ashamed, annoyed, disappointed, hurt, content等。

I'm very pleased that all of your family will come.我很高兴你们全家都会来。

I'm sure that they'll make it in spite of the terrible weather.我确信尽管天气很不好,但他们会准时到达的。

(2)sure后宾语从句的连接词that, whether, if的选择。

当be sure用于肯定句时,其后的宾语从句的连接词常用that;当be sure用于否定


Are you sure that I won't bother you if I sit beside you? 你确定我坐在你旁边不会打扰你吗?

I am not sure whether I should write to him or not.我不确定要不要给他写信。

重难点 宾语从句的时态


He says that he studies at school from Monday to Friday.他说他从周一至周五都在学校学习。

He will tell us what happened to him during our absence.他会告诉我们我们不在的期间他出了什么事的。

(2)主句的谓语动词是一般过去时时,从句的谓语动词要用相应的过去时态。The boy said that there were no classes on Sunday afternoon.那个男孩说周日下午没有课。

My Chinese teacher asked me if I was reading the book Red and Black when he came in.我的语文老师问我他进来时我是否在读《红与黑》这本书。


As a child, I was told that the moon has no light of its own.I didn't believe it.孩提时,人们告诉我月亮自身不会发光,我不相信。



(1)主句主语是第一人称,谓语动词think, believe, suppose, imagine, guess等后面的宾语从句中的否定词要转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定形式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定形式。

I don't_think I can remember the 100 words within two hours.我想我不能在两小时内记住这100个单词。I don't_suppose that he likes it.我想他不喜欢它。



I don't_think(that)he is interested in that thing, is he? 我认为他对那件事不感兴趣,是吗?

You don't_imagine he passed the exam, do you? 你认为他没有通过这次考试,是吗?

“I don't think/believe/suppose/expect so.”是常见的表达,但是没有“I don't hope/guess so.”,正确的表达应为“I hope/guess not.”。

[考法综述] 考查宾语从句主要集中在对引导宾语从句的各引导词的考查上,以及it作形式宾语的宾语从句的考查。

命题法 考查宾语从句的引导词

典例1 I truly believe ________beauty comes from within.[答案] that 句意:我真的相信美是发自内心的。分析句子结构可知,________beauty comes from within在句中作believe的宾语,是宾语从句,不缺少句子成分,故填that。

典例2 As natural architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly what thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.________________________________________________________ [答案] what→how 根据语境和形容词thick可知应用how引导宾语从句,表示程度。此处表示要弄清楚到底土坯房的墙需要“多”厚。故把what改为how。





1.The exhibition tells us ________we should do something to stop air pollution.答案 why [句意:该展览告诉我们为什么我们要采取措施阻止空气污染。根据句意以及句子结构可知,空格处用why引导宾语从句。] 2.—I wonder ________Mary has kept her figure after all these years.—By working out every day.答案 how [根据答语“By working out every day”可知,空格处用how 来引导宾语从句,表示方式。] 3.Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for________ Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.答案 what [句意:读着她的自传,我对Doris Lessing 在文学上已经取得的成就赞叹不已。根据句子结构来判断,for后接一个宾语从句,而从句中缺少宾语,所以要用what。] 4.We must find out________Karl is coming, so we can book a room for him.答案 when [句意:我们一定要搞清楚Karl什么时候来,以便我们给他订房间。由句意可知,要给Karl订房间,那么就要清楚他来这里的时间,故填when。] 5.Susan made it clear to me ________ she wished to make a new life for herself.答案 that [句意:苏珊清楚地向我表明,她希望自己开始一种新的生活。it为形式宾语,设空处引导的宾语从句为真正的宾语。从句结构和句意完整,故用that。] 6.After a long journey, those young men finally reached ________they called the paradise.答案 what [句意:长途跋涉后,这些年轻人最终到达了他们称之为天堂的地方。“________they called the paradise”是宾语从句,作reach的宾语,在从句中call缺宾语,故用what引导宾语从句同时作从句中call的宾语。] 7.The 3G cellphone must be of great use and convenience to________wants to get the information through the Internet quickly.答案 whoever [句意:3G手机对于那些想要快速浏览网络获取信息的人来说一定是非常方便实用的。whoever引导宾语从句作介词to的宾语,且whoever在从句中作主语,相当于anyone who。] 8.John seemed puzzled about________the question meant.答案 what [句意:John 对这个问题意味着什么感到很迷惑。根据句子的结构判断,about后接的是一个宾语从句,而从句中meant缺少宾语,所以填what。] 9.Mom often phones me, asking________I am getting along with my studies.答案 how [句意:母亲常给我打电话,问我学习进展如何。此处asking 后为宾语从句,根据句意可知,应填how。] 10.Are you sure________Mr Li will come to your birthday party? 答案 that [句意:你确定李先生要来参加你的生日晚会吗?空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中不作成分,故用that引导。] B.单句改错

1.It is difficult for us to imagine that life was like for slaves in the ancient world.________________________________________________________ 答案 that→what [句意:对我们来说很难想象在古代奴隶的生活是什么样子的。What...be like为固定形式,表示“……是什么样子”。what引导的宾语从句作imagine的宾语,同时what在宾语从句中作介词like的宾语。] 2.Pick yourself up.Courage is doing that you're afraid to do.________________________________________________________ 答案 that→what [句意:振作起来。勇气就是做你害怕要去做的。分析句子结构可知,doing后为宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,故用what。that在名词性从句中不作成分。] 3.Police have found where appears to be the lost ancient statue.________________________________________________________ 答案 where→what [句意:警察已经找到了与丢失的古代的雕像类似的东西。分析句子结构可知,用what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语。where是副词,不作主语。] 4.Experts believe why people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.________________________________________________________ 答案 why→that [句意:专家们相信,人们只有在必要时才去购物就能减少食物浪费。根据句意和结构可知,believe后面要求接宾语从句,而且从句中不缺句子成分,也无意义,所以用that。] 5.Some people care much about their appearance and always ask if they look fine in which they are wearing.________________________________________________________

答案 which→what [句意:有些人太过在意自己的外表,总是问(别人)自己穿在身上的衣服看起来是否不错。分析句子结构,再结合句意“他们所穿的衣服”应使用连词what引导这一宾语从句,what在从句中作wear的宾语,指代人穿的衣服。which在引导名词从句时意为“哪一个”,不合题意,故把which改为what。] 6.Only when you go to New York City in person will you realize what diverse the American culture is.________________________________________________________ 答案 what→how [句意:只有当你亲自来到纽约时,你才会意识到美国文化是多么不同。根据how+adj./adv.+主语+其他部分可知,应用how。故把what改为how。] 7.The bride and groom gave who attended their wedding some gifts to share their happiness.________________________________________________________ 答案 who→whoever [句意:新郎和新娘给任何一个参加他们婚礼的人发礼物以分享他们的幸福。分析句子成分可知,“who attended their wedding”是宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,故用whoever,意为“无论谁”,而who意为“谁”,表疑问。] 8.—Dad, I want to go out for dinner with my friends tonight.—Keep in mind when you have to be home by 9:00.________________________________________________________ 答案 when→that [句意:——爸爸,今晚我想和朋友们一起出去吃饭。——记住你9点前必须回家。keep in mind that...是习惯用语,意为“记住……”,其中that引导的从句作keep的宾语。故把when改为that。] 9.This still leaves the question of that local public services should be improved in the next five years.________________________________________________________ 答案 that→how [句意:未来五年地方公共服务应该如何改进的问题仍然遗留下来。应用how引导的从句作介词of的宾语,且how在从句中作方式状语。how意为“如何”,that无意义。故把that改为how。] 10.He seems too tired today, and I wonder that he got a good sleep last night.________________________________________________________ 答案 that→if/whether [句意:他今天似乎太累了,我想知道他昨天晚上是否睡得好。宾语从句表示是否,动词后可用if或whether, that无意义,故把that改为if/whether。]

考点三 表语从句和同位语从句



在句子中作表语的从句称为表语从句(Predicative Clause)。引导表语从句的连接词主要有:从属连词that, whether;连接代词who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whomever, whichever, whatever等;连接副词when, where, why, how等。此外,表语从句还可用because和as if/as though等连接词引导。表语从句的连接词


从属连词:that,whether 连接代词:what,who,whose,which,whatever,whoever,whosever,whichever等


The question is whether you can afford it.问题是你是否买得起。

Our plan is that we'll go there once a week.我们的计划是一周去那里一次。That's what he said.那就是他说的话。

Your big opportunity is right where you are now.好机会就在你眼前。



典例1 —When choosing furniture, you only focus on function while I think more about the design.—That's ________we differ.[答案] where 句意:——在选择家具时,你只注重功能而我更注重设计。——那正是我们不同的地方。考查表语从句。where在从句中作状语。as if/as though引导的表语从句

此类表语从句可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,常跟在一些连系动词后面,如: seem似乎


taste尝起来 sound听起来 feel摸起来 appear好像

It seemed as_though it had happened yesterday.那件事好像昨天发生的一样。

It looks as_if it is going to rain.看起来天要下雨了。


as if/as though意为“好像,仿佛”,其引导的表语从句常位于系动词(如seem, appear, look, taste, sound, feel, smell等)之后。若表语从句所述的是非真实的情况,从句用虚拟语气;若从句所述的是事实或是极有可能发生的情况,从句用陈述语气。考生要仔细体会其中的语境差别。

I felt as_if we had_known each other for years.我感觉好像我们已经认识多年了。

She looks as_if she has_been_working hard for a long time.她看起来好像努力工作了很长时间。3 because, why也可引导表语从句

because引导的表语从句,主语不能是reason或cause。常用于以下句型: This/That is why...这/那是……的原因 This/That is because...这/那是因为……

This is why we missed the early bus.这就是我们错过了早班车的原因。That's because he is ill.那是因为他生病了。



The reason why...is that...……的原因是……

The reason why he came late was that he got up late.他来晚了是因为起床晚了。

二、同位语从句 在句中作同位语的从句,称作同位语从句。同位语从句常位于下列名词之后,如: advice建议


doubt怀疑 fact事实 hope希望 idea主意

information信息 message消息 news消息 whisper低语 order命令 problem问题 promise诺言 question问题 request请求 suggestion建议 truth事实 wish愿望 word消息 conclusion结论 thought想法

The_news_that we won the game was exciting.我们赢得这场比赛的消息令人激动。

The_suggestion_that the new rule be adopted came from the chairman.采纳新规则的建议是主席提出的。

I have no_idea_when they will be back and settle down.我不知道他们什么时候回来定居。2 同位语从句的引导词

(1)常用的引导词有:that, whether, why, who, where, how, when等。if一般不引导同位语从句

在同位语从句中that, whether不作成分,whether表示“是否”,其他连接词具有实义,同时在同位语从句中作一定成分。引导同位语从句的连接词一般都不省略。

The_fact_that some countries are still suffering from poverty is really a great problem to the world.有一些国家仍然贫穷对整个世界来说是一个大问题。

The_question_why so many people would choose to live in the countryside is still under discussion.为什么如此之多的人愿意到乡下去居住仍然在讨论中。

典例2 I made a promise to myself________this year, my first year in high school, would be different.[答案] that 句意:我向自己保证:今年——我高中的第一年——将会是不同寻常的一年。分析句意可知,空格处引导的是同位语从句,解释说明promise的内容,并且此从句结构和意义完整,故用that引导。


I gave the girl a big doll, exactly what she longed to have.我给了这个女孩一个大洋娃娃,那正是她渴望拥有的东西。(3)分隔式同位语从句


My_wish will come true one day that I should buy a big house for my parents.我要给父母买一间大房子的愿望终有一天会实现的。

典例3 The notice came around two in the afternoon________the meeting would be postponed.[答案] that 句意:下午两点左右,有人通知说会议要推迟了。分析句子结构可知,“________the meeting would be postponed”是同位语从句,该从句解释说明notice的具体内容,从句不缺少成分,所以用that引导。此处谓语较短,从句较长,为避免“头重脚轻”而将从句放在了谓语部分之后,形成了分隔式同位语从句。故填that。

重难点 后边不能直接跟that从句的动词

这类动词有allow, refuse, let, like, cause, force, admire, condemn, celebrate, dislike, love, help, take, forgive等。这类词后可以用不定式或动名词作宾语,但不可以用that引导的宾语从句。

(√)I admire their winning the match.我羡慕他们赢了比赛。

(×)I admire that they won the match.2 不可用that从句作直接宾语的动词

有些动词不可用于“动词+间接宾语+that从句”结构中,常见的有envy, order, accuse, refuse, impress, forgive, blame, denounce, advise, congratulate等。

(√)He impressed the manager as an honest man.他给经理的印象是个诚实人。

(×)He impressed the manager that he was an honest man.3 wh­与wh­ever引导名词性从句的区别

连接词what, which, who分别表示“……的东西或事情”、“哪一个”、“谁”,表示疑问含义;而whatever, whichever, whoever分别相当于anything that, any...that, anyone who意为“无论……”,强调一切情况。试比较:

What you choose to wear should be clean.你选择穿的衣服应该是干净的。

Whatever you choose to wear should be clean.无论你选择穿什么,你的衣服应该是干净的。



做题时,我们要认真分析语境,看看句子要表达什么意思,如果表示任何一个人或事物,无范围可言,就用wh­ever;如果有疑问的含义,且指的是具体的人或物,就用wh­。wh­ever和no matter wh­的区别

wh­ever既可以引导名词性从句,又可以引导让步状语从句,如:whatever, whichever, whoever等;而no matter wh­只能引导让步状语从句,如:no matter what, no matter where, no matter who等。

I will give this dictionary to whoever can win the first prize in the English

contest.我将把这本字典赠给在英语比赛中获得一等奖的人。(宾语从句)Whoever/No_matter_who can win the first prize in the English contest, I will give this dictionary to him.不管谁在英语竞赛中获得一等奖,我都会把这本字典给他。(让步状语从句)





④从句缺少地点状语、时间状语、方式状语或原因状语时,则分别用连接副词where, when, how, why。

命题法1 考查表语从句

典例1 A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not ________ ships are built for.[答案] what 句意:船泊港湾固然安全,可那不是造船的初衷。but连接的并列句中that's后应为表语从句,________ ships are built for表示为什么目的而造船,what for结构与句子意思相符。

典例2 As John Lennon once said, life is that happens to you while you are busy making other plans.________________________________________________________ [答案] that→what 句意:正如约翰·列侬曾经所说,生活就是在你忙于制订其他计划的时候发生在你身上的事情。此处引导表语从句并在从句中充当主语,把that改为what。

【解题法】 表语从句的解题思路




命题法2 考查同位语从句

典例3 —Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday? —Yeah, but I have no idea ________ he did it;that's one of his favorite universities.[答案] why 句意:——迈克昨天真的拒绝了耶鲁大学的录取吗?——是的,可我不知道他为什么那么做;那是他最喜欢的大学之一。设空处引导同位语从句,用于解释说明idea的内容;从句中缺少状语,根据句意此处表示原因,故用why引导。

典例4 The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief what you are better than anyone else on the sports field.________________________________________________________ [答案] what→that [句意:成功达到最高水平的唯一办法是保持这样一种信念,即你比运动场上的任何一个人都好。分析句子结构可知。此处为同位语从句,而且从句结构和意义完整,所以用that。] 【解题法】 同位语从句的解题思路

(1)掌握常跟同位语从句的一些名词如suggestion, advice, hope等,了解同位语从句的功能。

(2)在语篇型语法填空中,主要是考查引导词。同位语从句的引导词that较多见,也会考到when, where等。分析主句结构,识别关键词,判断从句种类。



1.The best moment for the football star was ________he scored the winning goal.答案 when [句意:对这个足球明星来说,进球得分的时刻是最好的时刻。when在表语从句中表时间。] 2.“Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.”This is ________my mother used to tell me.答案 what [句意:“每次你吃甜东西,喝点绿茶。”这是过去妈妈经常对我说的话。分析结构可知,此处考查的是表语从句的引导词。从句缺少tell的直接宾语,用what引导。] 3.—What a mess!You are always so lazy!—I'm not to blame, mum.I am________you have made me.答案 what [句意:——真是一团糟!你总是这么懒惰!——妈妈,别怪我。我现在这样就是你造就的呀。分析成分可知,I am后是表语从句,引导词what在从句中作made me后的宾语补足语,相当于the one that,即I am the one that you have made me。类似例子还有:He is no longer what(=the one that)he used to be。] 4.Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, “That's________I was born.” 答案 where [句意:奶奶指着那个医院说:“那就是我出生的地方。”此处考查的是名词性从句中的表语从句。] 5.Courage is a kind of quality ——and that's ________it takes to face the

challenges in life.答案 what [句意:勇气是一种好品质,那就是面对生活中挑战所需要的品质。that's 后为表语从句,而且引导词作从句中takes的宾语。故应填what。] 6.Faced with difficulties, you should believe your confidence is ________makes a difference.答案 what [句意:面对困难,你应该相信你的自信会起很大作用。make a difference意为“起作用,有影响”;本句中“________makes a difference”是表语从句,因为从句缺主语,故用what。] 7.Don't be sad.The most important thing is ________we must learn from our mistakes and move on.答案 that [句意:不要难过,最重要的是我们必须从错误中吸取教训,并继续前进。表语从句不缺任何成分,故填that。] 8.I'm afraid he is more of a talker than a doer, which is ________he never finishes anything.答案 why [句意:我觉得他说得多做得少,这就是他从来没有完成任何事情的原因。分析句子结构可知,此处which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子的内容;在定语从句中,空处引导表语从句,再结合句意可知应填why。] 9.The message of Saving Private Ryan is ________humans want peace, not war.答案 that [句意:《拯救大兵瑞恩》传达的信息是人们想要和平而不是战争。此处为表语从句,从句不缺少成分,所以用that引导。] B.单句改错

1.From space, the earth looks blue.This is why about seventy­one percent of its surface is covered by water.________________________________________________________ 答案 why→because [句意:从太空看,地球是蓝色的。这是因为地球表面大约有71%的区域被水覆盖。分析句子结构可知,此处为表语从句,表示原因,故用because。because后加原因,why后加结果。因此把why改为because。] 2.Evidence has been found through years of study why children's early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.________________________________________________________ 答案 why→that [句意:通过数年的研究,儿童早期睡眠问题长大后有可能继续的证据已经被找到了。分析句子结构可知,空格后面的部分是解释说明evidence的内容,是evidence的同位语从句,引导词在从句中不作任何成分,故把why改为that。] 3.Her only problem, if you can call it a problem, is what she expects to be successful all the time.________________________________________________________ 答案 what→that [句意:如果能称之为问题的话,她唯一的问题是她一直想成功。引导表语从句,从句中不缺少任何成分,故用that引导。] 4.The problem is what we can improve our reading skill in such a short time.________________________________________________________ 答案 what→how [句意:问题是我们如何在这么短的时间内提高我们的阅读技能。分析句子成分并结合句意可知,这里需要用连接副词how来引导表语从句。] 5.There is still some doubt that the system will work even though all the factors have been considered.________________________________________________________ 答案 that→whether [句意:即使所有的因素都考虑了,系统是否会运转仍有些疑问。whether引导同位语从句,作doubt的同位语,whether表示“是否”。] 6.People all over the world have a dream whether they will always live a peaceful life.________________________________________________________ 答案 whether→that [句意:全世界的人民都有一个梦想,即永远过着和平的生活。此处为同位语从句,解释名词dream的内容,因为从句中不缺少成分且意义完整,所以用that引导。] 7.The expert's argument what the increasing number of cars is the main cause of the rising PM 2.5 readings has got much support from the public.________________________________________________________ 答案 what→that [句意:这个专家的争论已经得到了来自公众的大力支持,争论围绕汽车数量的增加是PM2.5值上升的主要原因。此处为同位语从句,解释说明argument的内容,因从句不缺少成分,且句意完整,所以使用that引导。]


[例1] ________ surprised me most was to see some of the village people seated on the benches at the end of the room.[错解] It/That/Who [错因分析] 此处缺少主语,因此考生容易误用It, That, Who, Which等。[答案] What [心得体会]

[例2] I have no idea ________ he will come here or not this afternoon, for he is very busy at the present time.[错解] which/that/if [错因分析] 该题貌似定语从句,考生易误填which/that。此外,一些考生也许一看到后面的“or not”容易误填if。根据语意可知,idea后面接一个同位语从句,该从句是

对idea的解释说明,且由后面的“or not”可知应用whether。if不能引导同位语从句。

[答案] whether [心得体会]


[例] She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood ________ ________ he said meant.[错解] that;what [错因分析] 许多同学一看便判断出understood后为宾语从句,第一空误填that;第二个空认为said后缺宾语,填what。

[答案] what;what [心得体会]


[例] ________has been proved that eating vegetables in childhood helps to

protect you against serious illnesses in later life.[错解] What [错因分析] 考生误认为此空引导主语从句,缺少主语,误填What。[答案] It [心得体会]


第一部分 语法知识及运用

专题1 冠词 考纲展示 命题探究

考点一 冠词的基本用法

基础点 不定冠词的基本用法

(1)不定冠词有a和an两种形式,常位于名词或名词的修饰语前。当紧跟不定冠词的单词的第一个音素为辅音音素(注意:不是辅音字母)时,用a;而当紧跟不定冠词的单词的第..........一个音素为元音音素(注意:不是元音字母)时,用an。..........a university student 一个大学生 a European writer 一位欧洲作家 an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 an ugly man 一个丑陋的人

(2)泛指某个或某类人或物,或者未提到的,对方不熟悉的人或物。I was born in a small village in Hebei Province.我出生在河北的一个小村庄。


At that time, I was working in a factory.The factory produces car parts.那时,我在一家工厂工作。那家工厂生产各种汽车部件。(4)表示“一”“每一”“同一”或“某一”概念。I will return in a day or two.(=one)我将在一两天后返回。

The car can run 200 kilometres an hour.(=per)这种车每小时能行驶200公里。They are of an age.(=the same)他们年龄相同。

A Mr Smith is waiting for you.(=a certain)一个叫史密斯的先生在等你。2 定冠词的基本用法


He bought a house.I've been to the house.他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。Take the medicine.把药吃了。

(2)用于单数可数名词或形容词及分词前,表“一类人或物”。Who invented the_telephone? 谁发明了电话?

After the explosion, people rushed to help the_injured.爆炸发生后,人们赶到现场帮助受伤的人。

(3)用于序数词、形容词/副词最高级以及形容词only, very, same等前面。Is this the_first_time you have visited Beijing? 这是你第一次游览北京吗?

He runs the_fastest in his class.他是他班跑得最快的。

That's the_very_thing I've been looking for.那正是我要找的东西。


(1)副词的最高级前the可有可无。He runs(the)fastest in his school.他是全校中跑得最快的。

(2)序数词前面也可用不定冠词,但意义与用定冠词不同。I have failed twice, but I'll try a third time.我失败两次了,但我还要再试一次。(强调再一次)March is the third month of a year.三月是一年的第三个月。(强调次序)(4)用于表示姓氏的复数名词前,表示“一家人”或“夫妇俩”。The_Smiths lived in the apartment above ours.史密斯夫妇住在我们楼上的公寓里。

(5)用于宇宙中独一无二的事物、西洋乐器名词和方位名词前。the moon月亮

play the piano 弹钢琴 the west 西部

(6)用于表示朝代、年代的名词前,或用于整十的数词复数前,表示某个年代。the Ming Dynasty 明朝

in the 1990s或1990's 在20世纪90年代


表示“某人……岁”时,则用“in+one's+整十的数词复数”。in his fifties 在他50多岁时


by the hour 按小时 by the day 按天


如size, weight, time这类名词与by连用时不用冠词。by size 按大小 by weight 按重量

(8)用于固定结构“动词+sb.+介词+the+身体部位”中。hit sb.on the head 打某人的头 take sb.by the arm 抓某人的胳膊 3 零冠词的基本用法

(1)用于不可数名词、复数名词或专有名词前表示泛指,用零冠词。Man needs air_and_water.人类需要空气和水。They are teachers.他们是老师。Beijing 北京


高考中常见的纯不可数名词,它们是:baggage, luggage, furniture, health, weather, fun, space(太空), advice, word(=news), progress, information, luck, wealth(财产)等。以上不可数名词永远不能与不定冠词连用。


in spring 在春天 on Sunday 在周日 have breakfast 吃早餐 play football 踢足球 play chess 下棋

I'm very interested in English.我对英语很感兴趣。

(3)名词前已有this, that, my, your, some, each, no, any等指示代词、形容词性物主代词、限定词以及名词所有格等限定时不再用冠词。

She is not my type of woman.她不是我心目中的那类女人。

His heart was beating wildly with fear.他的心因害怕而狂跳不已。

(4)表示独一无二的头衔和职位名词作表语、补足语或同位语时。Mr Smith was elected president of our school.史密斯先生被选为我校校长。

重难点 不定冠词的特殊位置

(1)如果名词前用了many, such等具有限定意义的词和表示感叹的what等词,a(an)必须放在这些词后面,语序为:many/such/what a(an)...I have never seen such_an interesting film.我从来没看过这么有趣的电影。What_a clever boy he is!他是个多么聪明的男孩啊!


It's quite_a small house.这是一所相当小的房子。

That's rather_a/a_rather sudden change.那一变化相当突然。

(3)当单数可数名词之前的形容词有so, too, as, how等副词修饰时,a(an)必须放在形容词之后,词序为:so/too/as/how/...+形容词+a(an)...She is so_good_a_girl that all the people like her.她是如此好的女孩,所有人都喜欢她。2 定冠词的特殊位置

在名词词组中,定冠词一般放在最前面,但名词词组中如果有exactly, just, half, double, twice, all, both等修饰语,定冠词要放在这些词后面。

exactly_the same color 完全相同的颜色 just_the right place 就是这个地方 half_the story 故事的一半 double_the amount 双倍的量 3 零冠词的特殊用法


His brother has turned_writer.他弟弟已成为一名作家。

Later she turned_a_successful_singer.后来她成了一名成功的歌手。

(2)在“表示类型的名词+of...”这一结构中of后的可数名词单数前不用冠词。This_kind_of_question often appears in the exam.此类问题在考试中经常出现。


Hero_as_he_is,_he has some shortcomings.尽管他是个英雄,但是他也有一些缺点。


The teacher came in, book_in_hand(=with a book in his hand). 老师手里拿着一本书走了进来。

(5)与by连用的表示交通工具和通讯工具的名词之前不用冠词。It's quicker by_air than by_sea.乘飞机比乘船快。

[考法综述] 冠词的基本用法,尤其是冠词的泛指和特指在语篇型语法填空和短文改错中常会涉及,近五年就考查了48次之多,由此可见其重要性。

命题法1 考查冠词的泛指和特指

典例1 I can't tell you ________ way to the Wilson's because we don't have ________ Wilson here in the village.[答案] the;a 句意:我不能告诉你去威尔逊家的路,因为我们村里没有一个叫威尔逊的人。第一空特指去威尔逊家的路,故填the;第二空为泛指“一个叫威尔逊的人”,故填a。

典例2 Besides, Cleo tends to bark a average of six hours a day.________________________________________________________ [答案] average前的a改为an average以元音音素/æ/开头,故用an。

【解题法】 冠词表泛指和特指时的必备知识和一般解题思路




命题法2 考查冠词与一些特定词的基本用法

典例3 The adobe dwellings(土坯房)built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even ________ most modern of architects and engineers.[答案] the 句意:由美国西南部的普韦布洛印第安人建造的土坯房甚至受到了(当今世界上)最前卫的建筑师和工程师的青睐。根据句意和空后的最高级标志词most可知此处表示“最……的”,故填the。

典例4 Tomorrow is first day of school.________________________________________________________ [答案] first前加the 序数词通常和定冠词the搭配。

【解题法】 冠词与特定词搭配时的必备知识和一般解题思路





1.I just heard ________ bank where Dora works was robbed by ________ gunman wearing a mask.答案 the;a [句意:我刚听说Dora工作的银行被一个戴着面罩的持枪歹徒抢了。第一空,句中where引导的定语从句修饰bank,由此可知这里特指Dora工作的银行,故用定冠词;第二空,泛指“一个持枪歹徒”,因此用不定冠词。] 2.He owned ________ farm, which looked almost abandoned.答案 a [句意:他拥有一家看起来几乎荒芜的农场。farm在句中是第一次出现,而且表示泛指,所以用不定冠词。] 3.________village where I was born has grown into________ town.答案 The;a [句意:我出生的那个村庄已经变成一个城镇了。由village后的定语从句where I was born可知这里特指“我”出生的村庄,用定冠词the;第二空后town为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,泛指一个城镇,故用不定冠词a。] 4.The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ________week, often long into ________night.答案 a;the [句意:论文下个月要上交了。我现在每周工作七天,经常工作到深夜。第一空表示“每一”,故用不定冠词a;第二空是固定搭配long into the night,意为“直到深夜”,故用定冠词the。] 5.They chose Tom to be ________captain of the team because they knew he was ________ smart leader.答案 the;a [句意:他们选择汤姆为这个队的队长,因为他们知道他是一个聪明的领导。第一空后的名词captain是特指,特指这个队的队长,故用定冠词the;第二空后的名词leader表示泛指,故用不定冠词a。] 6.We can become ________ smart shopper by choosing for value, not for looks;in other words, choose good quality goods with plain packages.答案 a [句意:如果我们买东西是为了价值而不是为了包装,那么我们就能成为一个明智的消费者;也就是说,应选择普通包装的质量好的产品。shopper为单数可数名词,此处泛指“一个明智的消费者”,故填不定冠词a。] 7.________ news of the mayor's coming to our school for a visit was given out on the radio yesterday.答案 The [句意:市长来我们学校参观的新闻昨天通过收音机发布了。名词news后有介词短语修饰,起限定作用,表特指,故填The。] 8.In Germany, ________ successful project, which roughly translates as “adopt a grandparent”,has been running with a great success.答案 a [句意:在德国,一个名为“领养祖父母”的项目已成功运行。project为单数可数名词,此处意为“一个成功的项目”,表泛指,故填不定冠词a。] 9.—Mom, why can't I have ________ new bike? —Dear, you know, money doesn't grow on trees.答案 a [句意:——妈妈,我为什么不能要一辆新自行车?——亲爱的,你要知道,赚钱可不是件容易的事。bike为单数可数名词,是首次提到,此处表泛指,故用不定冠词a。] 10.________ wish always remains unrealistic that you can come first in the final exam when you make no efforts at all.答案 The [句意:你不付出任何努力而想在期末考试中得第一名的愿望是不现实的。wish后有that引导的同位语从句修饰,表特指,故填定冠词The。] B.单句改错

1.Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be Beethoven.________________________________________________________ 答案 在Beethoven前加a [此处表示泛指“一个像贝多芬的人”。] 2.She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on a top floor.________________________________________________________ 答案 把第二个a→the [floor前有top修饰,此处表示特指,故用the。] 3.Life is like a ocean;only the strong-willed can reach the other shore.________________________________________________________ 答案 a→an [ocean是以元音音素开头的单词,且此处表泛指,故用an。] 4.A best moment for the football star was when he scored the winning goal.________________________________________________________ 答案 A→The [best为最高级,故用the。] 5.An exact year which Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.________________________________________________________ 答案 An→The [year后有定语修饰,表示特指,故用the。] 6.I think good habit that in our spare time we read more books of great use.________________________________________________________ 答案 good前加a [ habit意为“习惯”,是可数名词,此处为泛指,故用不定冠词a修饰。] 7.Three years ago I failed an important exam in my life and became a student in a ordinary school.________________________________________________________ 答案 第二个a→an [ordinary是以元音音素开头的形容词,故其前应用不定冠词an。]

8.Last Sunday I saw a worst storm in years.It came suddenly and went on for over three hours.________________________________________________________ 答案 a→the [根据in years可知,此处表示“最严重的暴风雨”,形容词最高级前应加定冠词the。] 9.Rock climbing is great fun.You will get close to the nature and take adventures at the same time.________________________________________________________ 答案 第一个the去掉 [nature意为“自然,自然界”时,其前不能加冠词。] 10.Once you click the button, a e-mail will be sent to you via your e-mail address.________________________________________________________ 答案 a→an [e-mail是以元音音素开头的名词,故其前应用不定冠词an。]

考点二 冠词的习惯用语或固定搭配

基础点 不定冠词的习惯用语或固定搭配 as a result 因此

as a rule 通常,照例 in a hurry 匆忙地 in a word 总之

at a loss 困惑,不知所措 for a while 暂时,一时 all of a sudden 突然 What a pity!真遗憾!

have a population of 有……人口 have a history of 有……的历史 a collection of 一批…… a knowledge of(=know)知道

an understanding of(=understand)懂得 2 定冠词的习惯用语或固定搭配 in the end 最后,终于

make the most/best of 充分利用 in the distance 在远处 in the way 挡路 on the whole 总之

on the right/left 在右/左面 at the same time 同时

as a matter of fact 事实上 after a while 一会儿后 in a sense 在某种意义上 once in a while 偶尔 at a distance 离一段距离 once upon a time 从前 a waste of...……的浪费

at the moment 此刻

go to the doctor's 去看医生 by the way 顺便说,附带地说说

the other day(=a few days ago)几天前 on the radio/phone 通过无线电/电话 on the spot在场,到场;立即,马上;当场 to tell(you)the truth 说实话,老实说 go to the cinema 去看电影

on(the)one hand..., on the other hand...一方面……,另一方面…… 3 零冠词的习惯用法或固定搭配 under repair处于维修中 day and night 整天整夜 out of control 失控

in danger 处于危险之中 at present 目前 in peace平静 on purpose 故意 ahead of time 提前 by law 根据法律


sit at table 坐在桌旁吃饭sit at the table 坐在桌子旁at school 在上学at the school 在学校

lose heart 灰心 out of work 失业 at risk 有危险 take part in 参加 by chance/accident 碰巧 on second thoughts 再一想 in advance 提前 by mistake 由于差错 重难点



in hospital 在住院in the hospital 在医院里in prison 坐牢in the prison 在监狱里by sea 乘船由海路by the sea 在海边in front of 在in the front of 在





out of question 没问题,毫无疑问out of the question 不可能in charge of 负责,掌管in the charge of 在……的掌管之下

in possession of 拥有in the possession of 为……所拥有go to church 去做礼拜go to the church 去教堂go to school 去上学go to the school 去学校

[考法综述] 冠词的习惯用语及固定搭配是高考语篇型语法填空及短文改错的常考点,近五年考查了13次,是考查重点之一。

命题法 考查冠词的习惯用语及固定搭配

典例1 Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves in half ________ hour.[答案] an 句意:简非常匆忙,因为到达机场的列车将在半小时之后开车。half an hour为习惯用法,意为“半小时”。

典例2 Since then—for all these years—we have been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.As result, the plants are growing everywhere.________________________________________________________ [答案] result前加a as a result为固定短语,意为“因此”,故在result前加a。

【解题法】 冠词的习惯用语及固定搭配的必备知识和一般解题思路(1)首先要熟练掌握不定冠词,定冠词及零冠词的习惯用语及固定搭配。




1.Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in ________ countryside.答案 the [句意:现在我生活在一座城市,但是我想念农村的家乡。in the countryside为固定短语,意为“在乡下,在农村”。故填定冠词the。] 2.________more learned a man is, ________ more modest he usually becomes.答案 The;the [句意:一个人越博学,他通常会变得越谦逊。根据句子结构来判断,此句使用了“The+形容词/副词比较级…,the+形容词/副词比较级…”结构,意思是“越……,越……”。] 3.Jane's grandmother had wanted to write ________ children's book for many years, but one thing or another always got in ________ way.答案 a;the [句意:多年来,简的祖母一直想写一本儿童读物,但由于种种原因耽

搁下来了。第一空,book是可数名词,此处表泛指,用不定冠词a;第二空,in the way是固定词组,意为“挡路,妨碍”。故填a;the。] 4.Starting your own business could be a way to achieve financial independence.On ________ other hand, it could just put you in debt.答案 the [句意:自己创业可能是使你获得经济独立的一种方式。另一方面,它也可能让你欠债。on the other hand为固定短语,意为“另一方面”,故填定冠词the。] 5.We'll reach the sales targets in a month which we set at ________ beginning of the year.答案 the [句意:我们将在一个月内实现我们年初制订的销售目标。at the beginning of为固定短语,意为“在……之初”,故填定冠词the。] 6.I thought I'd better have ________ word with you about the task to be done.答案 a [句意:我想我最好跟你谈一下关于这项要做的任务。have a word with sb.“和某人谈一谈”为固定搭配。] 7.With the development of society, our country is badly in need of those with ________ better command of computer skills.答案 a [句意:随着社会的发展,我们国家非常需要那些可以进行电脑操作的人才。with a command of...为惯用搭配,意为“掌握……”,故填不定冠词a。] 8.We slept in a tent and took ________ long walk every day.答案 a [句意:我们睡在帐篷里,每天步行很长的路。take a walk为固定搭配,意为“散步;走路”。] 9.The tour will provide ________ unique opportunity to stay with a British family for a week in ________ hope that you will better understand the life there.答案 a;the [句意:这次旅游会提供给你一个和英国家庭生活一周的独特机会,希望你对那里的生活有一个更好的了解。“机会”强调的是一次,所以填不定冠词a;in the hope that为固定用法,意为“怀着……的希望”。] 10.If you don't have ________ good knowledge of English, it's out of the question for you to use it flexibly and fluently.答案 a [句意:如果你对英语的掌握不够好,你就不可能灵活、流利地使用它。have a good knowledge of是固定短语,意为“精通;掌握”。] B.单句改错

1.I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning.________________________________________________________ 答案 hurry前加a [in a hurry是固定短语,意为“匆忙”。] 2.The next morning Jason went to the office for his papers as an usual.________________________________________________________ 答案 把an去掉 [as usual为固定短语,意为“像通常一样”。] 3.Now, years later, this river is one of most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.________________________________________________________

答案 most前加the [根据one of知后面是形容词的最高级,因此most前加定冠词the。] 4.In the fact, hunters would stop and take pictures, because they had never seen anything like her.________________________________________________________ 答案 把the去掉 [In fact为固定短语,意为“事实上,实际上”。] 5.At an end of the day, she returned to take me back to my accommodation.________________________________________________________ 答案 an→the [at the end of为固定短语,意为“在……结尾,在……末端”。] 6.I tried to appear at the ease when the foreign guest greeted me by kissing me on the cheek.________________________________________________________ 答案 去掉第一个the [at ease“自由自在,无拘无束”,固定搭配。] 7.The driver was at loss when word came that he was forbidden to drive because of speeding.________________________________________________________ 答案 在loss前加a [at a loss是固定短语,意为“不知所措”。] 8.—Many people don't think much of the movie.—I think differently.In the way, it is a good film.And the photographed scenes are very beautiful.________________________________________________________ 答案 第二个the→a [句意:——很多人认为这部电影不好。——我不那么认为。在某种程度上,这是一部很不错的电影。拍摄的场景非常美。in a way为固定短语,“在某种程度上”。] 9.I signed it “some thankful students” and slipped it into the envelope.________________________________________________________ 答案 the→an [根据句意表示把信装进“一个”信封,故用不定冠词,且envelope的始发音为元音,故改为an。] 10.—As a child, my father often spent all Sundays relaxing outdoors, even playing for hours at time.—That's my father's story, too.________________________________________________________ 答案 time前加a [at a time为固定短语,意为“一次”。]

考点三 冠词的活用



(1)不定冠词可以用于某些具体化的抽象名词前,可以具体化的抽象名词有shame,surprise, pleasure, honour, success, help, beauty, failure等。

It's a_pleasure for me to work with you.和你一起工作我非常高兴。

She was a famous beauty in her youth.她年轻时是个有名的美人。


the world, a peaceful world;the moon, a bright moon。世界,一个和平的世界;月亮,一轮明亮的月亮。

(3)表示一日三餐的名词和专有名词前如果有形容词修饰,也可用不定冠词。I had a wonderful supper yesterday.昨晚我吃了一顿美味佳肴。

(4)“a most+形容词”表示“很……”,most在此不表示最高级含义,为“很,非常”的意思,相当于very,而“the+ most+多音节形容词”为多音节形容词的最高级形式,表示“最……”。

This is a most interesting film.这是一部非常有趣的电影。

This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.这是我看过的最有趣的一部电影。

(5)不定冠词用在表示地名的专有名词前,表示“一个……的地方”。She is now a different China from what she was twenty years ago.现在的中国是一个与二十年前不同的国家了。

(6)knowledge, collection, understanding等名词后加of...时其前常用不定冠词a/an。

Her new book is a collection of short stories.她的新书是一部短篇小说集。He has a good knowledge of French.他精通法语。



“the+序数词”表顺序,而“a/an+序数词”表“又一,再一”;序数词修饰动词时,......已成为副词,因此不必与冠词连用。如: ..Can you give me a_second chance, please?(=another chance)请再给我一次机会好吗?

He was only 5 years old when I first saw him.(adv.)当我第一次见到他时,他只有5岁。

[考法综述] 不定冠词的活用,尤其是序数词前加不定冠词,冠词的活用在语篇


命题法 考查冠词的活用

典例1 Being able to afford ________ drink would be ________ comfort in those tough times.[答案] a;a 句意:在那艰苦的岁月里能够买得起一杯饮料将会是一种安慰。drink在此表示泛指“一杯饮料”;comfort作“安慰”讲为不可数名词,但在此是抽象名词具体化指“一件令人安慰的事”,故都用a。

典例2 He missed the gold in the high jump, but will get the second chance in the long jump.________________________________________________________ [答案] 将第三个the→a 此处应该表示“又一次机会”,故用a。

【解题法】 分析名词特点,注意冠词活用

在英语中,我们要注意冠词的一些灵活用法。常用的一些抽象名词如success, failure, pity, surprise, pleasure等,当表示“具体的人或者事”时,这些抽象名词具体化了,可转化为可数名词。


1.—You are really crazy about music!—Sort of.I always find in music ________ peace which is missing in ________ world full of challenges.答案 the;a [句意:——你对音乐真痴狂!——有点吧。我总能在音乐中找到宁静,而这种宁静在一个充满了挑战的世界中是不存在的。peace后有定语从句修饰,表特指,加不定冠词;第二空是泛指,意为“一个……的世界”,故用a。] 2.—Guess what? Tom has failed in the exam ________ second time.—How come? He is second to none in English in our class.答案 a [句意:——你猜怎么着?汤姆考试又没通过。

——怎么会呢?他的英语在我们班名列前茅。此处表示“又一次,再一次”,故用不定冠词a。] 3.When you finish reading the novel, you will have ________ better understanding of society.答案 a [句意:当你读完这本小说后,你就会更好地了解社会。根据句意可知,此处表示读前与读后的比较,比较级前用不定冠词表示“更……的”。故填不定冠词a。] 4.It was by reading it ________ third time that Sammy got a thorough understanding of passage E.答案 a [句意:萨米又读了一遍才对E篇文章有了彻底的了解。根据句意可知,此处不表顺序,仅表“又一,再一”。故填不定冠词a。] B.单句改错

1.Although the experiment turned out to be failure, we decided to try a second

time.________________________________________________________ 答案 failure前加a [failure当“失败”讲为不可数名词,在此处表示“一件失败的事”,为可数名词,故用a。] 2.—What do you think of the grammar book? —Oh, it really is a useful reference book, which is worth reading the second time.________________________________________________________ 答案 第二个the→a [second此处不表示次序,而表示“又一,再一”,故用a。] 3.When you finish reading the novel, you will have better understanding of society.________________________________________________________ 答案 在better前加a [understanding为抽象名词,后面有of时前用不定冠词a/an。] 4.“The match between two teams is great,” said Jim, “and I hope to see the second.”

________________________________________________________ 答案 第二个the→a [此处表示“又一,再一”,故用a。]


[例1] Anyone who achieves success in this field can be ________success.[错解] 不填

[错因分析] 有些考生误认为success只能为抽象名词,无单复数形式,因而做错本题。[答案] a [心得体会]

[例2] My parents approached the site, which was still wet from ________

heavy rain.[错解] the [错因分析] 在这道试题中,很多考生会误填the,认为rain为物质名词,前面不用冠词,即便使用冠词也应用the。

[答案] a [心得体会]


[例] We can never expect ________ bluer sky unless we create ________ less polluted world.[错解] the;the [错因分析] 虽然sky和world是表示独一无二的事物的名词,但是一些考生忽略了它们的一些特殊用法,而误填the。

[答案] a;a [心得体会]


[例] ________Shanghai of tomorrow is sure to create new splendor and spring up as another center of international economy.[错解] 不填

[错因分析] 很多考生看到这道题后认为Shanghai是一个表示地点的专有名词,按照一般语法规则,专有名词前不用冠词,因此他们会感到无所适从或者误填其他冠词。

[答案] The [心得体会]


[例1] An apple fell from the tree and hit him on ________ head.[错解] his [错因分析] 在解此题时,考生较容易受汉语思维的干扰而误填his。[答案] the [心得体会]

[例2] As everybody knows, a plane is ________ machine that can fly.[错解] the [错因分析] 有些考生会想当然地认为machine为可数名词,且后面有定语从句修饰,所以误填定冠词the。

[答案] a [心得体会]








定语从句的引导词分为两类,关系代词(that, which, who, whom, whose)和关系副词(when, where, why),引导词在先行词和定语从句之间,既起连接作用,即连接先行词和定语从句,更重要的是,它又在定语从句中作一个成分。


1.that 指人,物,在从句中作主语,宾语,表语。

This is the photo that I took in the country.He is the singer that I met yesterday.2.which 指物,在从句中作主语,宾语,在非限定定语从句中充当定语,或者代替前句

The film which we saw last night was moving.3.who 指人,在从句中作主语,宾语。

The person who visited our classroom yesterday was our new headmaster.The man who you just talked to is Tom.4.whom 指人,在从句中作宾语。

That is the professor whom you want to know.5.whose 指人,物,在从句中作定语,相当于先行词+ ’s, 后接一名词。

I know the boy whose parents are dead.I don’t like those cities whose roads are dirty.【注】:关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略。



1,when 指时间,在从句中作时间状语,相当于at/ on/ in/ during which.I’ll never forget the day when(on which)I reached the top of the Huangshan Mountain.2,where 指地点,在从句中作地点状语,相当于at/ in / to/ which.This is the school where(at which)I studied.3,why 指原因,在从句中作原因状语,相当于for which.That’s the real reason why(for which)he was late.第二部分:关系代词的特殊用法

(一)关系代词指物时, 用that而不用which的情况: 1,先行词为something ,anything ,nothing ,everything以及all , much , little , a lot ,none , few 等不定代词时。

My mother was so proud of all that I did 2,先行词有the last , the very , the only以及all , much , few , no , any ,little等修饰时。

This is the very book that I’m looking for.3,先行词为序数词、形容词最高级(或所修饰)时。

This is the most exciting film that I’ve ever seen.When people talk about Hangzhou , the first that comes to their mind is the West Lake.4,the same 修饰先行词时 , 定语从句要用that 或as引导 , 但意义不同。

This is the same watch as I lost last Sunday.(表示相同但并非同一)This is the same knife that I used yesterday.(表示就是那个)5,先行词既有人又有物时, 只能用that。

Do you remember the book and its author that appeared on TV last Sunday 6,There be 后面的定语从句多用that引导 , 不用which。

There’s a seat in the corner that is still free.7,句子前面出现了who , which 时 , 后面的定语从句用that引导。

They built a factory which made some new products that had never been seen before.Who is the man that you were talking about just now ? 8,关系代词在定语从句作表语时, 常用that , 而不用which、who。

My home town is not the small village that it was 10 years ago.Tom isn’t the man that he used to be(二)

关系代词指人时, 有时只用who ,而不用that。

1,先行词为指人的代词one , those , the man,以及人称代词如he等。

Those who are often late for school should be punished.He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.2,先行词为someone(somebody), no one(nobody), anyone(anybody), everyone


Anyone who would like to attend the party should come on time.3,先行词指人时, 如有序数词, 最高级, the very , the only ,the last等修饰 , 定语 从句既可用that也可用who引导。

He is the first student who / that worked out the problem.(三)


1,whose 在从句中作定语,表示“先行词的…”,既可指人,也可指物。

John is my best friend , whose father is a scientist.The old man lived in the house whose window was broken.The boss , in whose company my father worked , was very friendly to the workers.2,whose 可以转换为of which(物)和of whom(人)。

1)The dictionary whose cover is missing is mine.(划线部分可改为the cover of which或of which the cover)2)They also invited Mr Wang , whose car was stolen last Sunday.(划线部分可改为 the car of whom 或 of whom the car)(四)


1,关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句 , 有时不是修饰某个先行词 , 而是指代主句的全部或部分内容。特别注意,非限定定语从句中prep+which 时,which 只能指代先行词,不可以指代句子。

1)In China , you sometimes get a hot damp cloth to clean your face and hands , which ,however , is not the custom in western countries.2)Helen often came late , which made the class teacher angry.2,which 有时可在定语从句中作定语 , 含义上相当于指示代词this / that。

1)He stayed in England for 5 years , during which time he learned English well.2)It may rain hard tomorrow , in which case I won’t go fishing.【注】:

which的这种用法与whose 作定语不同。whose 表示“ 先行词的… ”。

They’re talking about a film , whose name I have forgotten.3,以介词结尾的动词不定式作定语时 , 可借关系代词which把介词前置。

1)Tomorrow would be Christmas Day , and she had only $ 1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.2)Those poor people had no houses to live in / in which to live.【注】


I want to find a person to travel to England with / with whom to travel to England.(五)



当先行词有such , so , the same等修饰时, 关系代词要用as ; as在从句中可作主语,宾语和表语。

1).I have never seen such a kind girl as she is.2).He is such a good teacher(so good a teacher)as every student respects.比较:He is such a good teacher(so good a teacher)that every student respects him.(此句为such / so … that引导的结果状语从句)3).Such a student as often studies hard is sure to pass this exam.4).He bought the same bike as I did last week.区别 that I did last week



as we all know,as has been said above,as is usual,as is often the case,as everybody can see,as is known to us all等结构。1).He has passed the exam , as is a pleasure to us.2).As we all know , the earth moves around the sun.3).This experiment , as you had expected , succeeded at last.3.,如前所述 , which也可引导这种从句 , 两者常可互换。(非限定性定语从句谓语句末且指代前面的主句)1)Those two students are wearing the same clothes , which / as is very interesting.2)They came to the party on time , as / which had been expected.但在以下两种情况下有区别 :

1).as从句可位于句首(或主句前), 而which从句只能在主句后。

As is often the case , we have worked out the production plan.2).关系代词作主语时, 如果从句的谓语是及物动词+宾语的结构, 则只能用which。

His father died in a traffic accident , which made us greatly surprised.3)当which 在从句中指代的是先行词而不是主句,只能用which The car, which we saw on the playground, is Mike’s.4)“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句时,只能用which。

Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of which was very reasonable.5)当后置的非限定性定语从句是否定结构时只能用which引导。

He result of the experiment was very good,which we hadn't expected


Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of which was very reasonable.第三部分:关系副词的特殊用法

(一)关系副词when , where , why的用法:

1.关系代词(which / that)与关系副词(when, where, why)的选取方法: A)当先行词是定语从句中的主语或宾语时,选用关系代词。关系代词指代先行词,并代替先行词在从句中作主语或宾语。

B)如果先行词不是定语从句中的主语或宾语, 先行词前面需要加上一个介词才能在从句中作成分的时候, 选用关系副词。关系副词在从句中作状语,常可转换为“介词 +which”。

1)Do you remember the day which / that we spent in the mountain village ? Do you remember the day when(= on which)we visited the mountain village ? 2)This is the factory which / that we visited last year.This is the factory where(= in which)he worked last year.3)

We don’t believe the reason which / that he gave for his coming late.We don’t know the reason why(= for which)he has changed his mind.2.关系副词where的从句还可以修饰point,situation,case,activity , scene , stage等地点意味不明显的先行词。关系副词when的从句可以修饰occasion , stay等时间意味不明显的先行词。关系副词why只修饰reason 这一个先行词。

1)Now you can see we’ve come to the point where a change is badly needed.2)Today we’ll discuss some cases where beginners of English fail to use it

properly.3)There are few occasions when my students can’t understand what I teach in class.3.when和where 在少数情况下可作介词宾语。

1).The naughty boy was hidden behind the door , from where he saw his mother walking into the house.(where 指代behind the door。不能换为which,因为which只能指代the door)

2).They went to American three years ago,since when they have lived there.(when指代three years ago。不能换为which,因为which只能指代three years =and since then)(二)


way后面的定语从句常用that或in which引导 , 但可省略。

I don’t like the way(that / in which)you speak to your parents.The way(in which / that)he worked on the problem was wrong.[注]: 如果way在从句中作主语或宾语, 应该用关系代词which / that。

He explained the problem in a way that / which everyone could accept.2.It is(about , high)time that …

(正)是 …… 的时候了。

that从句中常用一般过去时, that在口语中可省略。It was high time that we stopped pollution.It is time that you had lunch now.比较There was a time when(during which)we were short of oil.3.This is the first(second ,… last)time that …


This is / will be the last time that I have come to China.It was the first time that he had been invited to China.第四部分:定语从句有关要注意的问题

(一)关系代词作主语时,要注意从句中谓语动词的单复数。.先行词只有one of 修饰时 , 从句谓语用复数。

He is one of the students in our class who have been to Hainan.This is one of the best books that were written by the writer.2.one of 前有the,the only,the very,the first时 , 从句谓语用单数。

Tom is the only / very one of the boys who knows the truth.(二)


定语从句和先行词之间有时会被状语, 定语或者其他成分隔开, 要注意找准先行词。

The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that village.Is there a restaurant around where we can have lunch ?

(around adv.在周围)The days are gone when we used foreign oil.(主句谓语较短, 隔开先行词与定语从句)2.定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的后面有时会出现插入语。


He is the man who I think is fit for the job.2)

---Is that the small town you often refer to ?

---Right , just the one where you know I used to work for years.(三)


Three days later , we found an old house , in front of which stood a big tree.Finally they climbed up the mountain , above which appeared a beautiful rainbow.(四)

注意区别定语从句和其他从句:.区别where引导的定语从句和地点状语从句。(最明显的区别是定语从句一定有先行词)After the war , a new school was put up where there had once been a theatre.(状语从句)A new school was put up at the place where there had once been a theatre.(定语从句)2.区别“介词+which”的定语从句和“介词+what”的宾语从句。

1)This is the company in which he worked three years ago.(which 引导定语从句)2)A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago.(what宾语从句)3.区别that的定语从句和同位语从句。

The news that he won the match made us excited.(同位语从句)The news(that)he told us made us very excited.(定语从句)

【注】:同位语从句中that不作句子成分, 但不能省略,去掉that从句仍然完整。定语从句中that是关系代词,可作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。


1.Robert went to Shanghai in his twenties _________ several years later, he became a company director.A.when



D.who 2.The kind-hearted couple decided to adopt the boy ________ parents had been killed in an accident.A.whose


C.with whom

D.his 3.Last week our school put on an English play _____ Jim acted an important part.A.which



D.what 4.The boss, _____company Ms.King worked ten years ago, looked down upon women.A.in which

B.in that

C.in whose

D.whose 5.Hangzhou, _______ we paid a visit last spring, is one of the most beautiful cities in China.A.which


C.to there

D.from which 6.Many people like to chat online, _______, as most of them think, they can express themselves freely.A.which



D.where 7.This is an important subject ______ we might argue for a long time.A.about it

B.with which

C.about which

D.with it 8.These old pictures bring to their mind the college days ______ they spent together, ____ life was hard but happy.A.which;when




9.The reason _______ he gave for his second visit to the city was simply ______ he admired the sights here so much.A.why;that



D.which;why 10.A new type of car is on sale on the market, _____ makes it attractive to young people.A.its low price

B.what low price C.the low price of which

D.the low price of it 11.It is in the factory _______ you're going to pay a visit to ______ this kind of computer is made.A./;that



D.that;which 12.We are in a difficult situation ________ we don't develop new products, we will end up closing our doors.A.if


C.if where

D.where if 13.Mr.Wilson has been to many cities in China, ______he thinks, Shanghai has impressed him most.A.with which

B.in which

C.of which

D.on which 14.You can hardly imagine the rate ________ his car has been running on the freeway.A.with which

B.to which

C.at which

D.for which 15.Sometimes our success depends on ______ we are lucky or not and sometimes it depends on the manner ______we conduct our life.A.whether;of which B.whether;in which C.that;by which D.that;for which 16.It's dangerous for you to use a kind of medicine ____________.A.that you are allergic to

B.that is allergic to you

C.which is allergic for you

D.which you are allergic for 17.Such people ________ were invited to the party showed no special interest in the soup he specially made for them, _______ made him upset.A.who;that



D.as;which 18.I often think of the hours _____ I stayed with you, ____ have a great effect on my life.A./;which



D.when;which 19.I shall never forget those days _______ I lived in the city with the workers, ______ has had a great effect on my life.A.which;that



D.when;who 20.This is one of the most exciting football games ________ I have ever seen.A.where



D.which 21.We were deeply impressed by the teachers and the schools _____ we had visited there.A.which



D.that 22.The girl _____ we met yesterday is a film star, _____ played the leading role in the film _____we saw last time.A.when;who;which



D.that;that;that 23.It is the second school _______ I used to work at, many teachers of ______ still have a good relation with me.A.which;that



D.that;which 24._______ was known to them, the manager had broken his promise _______ he would give them a rise.A.As;what



D.As;that 25.When you visit his family, you may chat for an hour or so, ________ not even a cup of coffee or a glass of water is offered.A.by this time

B.by which time

C.during this time

D.during which time 26.There are some cases _______ students obviously know the school rules but don't obey them.A.why



D.which 27.The expert offered us another piece of advice, _______ of great help to our program.A.I think it is

B.I think which is

C.which I think it is D.which I think is 28.He hid in a nearby palm tree, ______ he could see the patrols searching for him.A.from where

B.from which


D.which 29.A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, “Is there a hospital around ______ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?”




D.what 30.They lost their way in the forest, and _______ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A.it




31._______ medicine works in a human body is a question _______ not everyone can understand fully.A.How;that



D.What;that 32 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment , _____ I will always




D.what 33.The book was written in 1946 , ______ the education system has witnessed great changes.A.when

B.during which

C.since then

D.since when 34.Is this hotel_______he stayed last year ?

A.the one



D.which 35.Is this the hotel_______he stayed last year ?

A.the one



D.which 36..Is it in the hotel_______he stayed last year ?

A.the one



D.which 37.Is this hotel_______he complained about?

A.the one




The days are gone

physical strength was all you needed to make a living.A when

B that

C where

D which 39 Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, ______ the audience can buy ice-cream.A when

B where

C that

D which 40 Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, ______ of course, made all the others upset.A who

B which

C what

D that



2.【解析】答案为A。whose 引导定语从句,修饰先行词the boy。句意:那对好心的夫妇决定收养那个父母在事故中死亡的孩子。

3.【解析】答案为C。本题考查定语从句。act a part in a play在戏剧中扮演角色。该句中play为先行词,介词in后需用which来引导定语从句,而in which相当于where.4.【解析】答案为C。whose company Ms.King worked in是一个定语从句,修饰boss。本句中介词in提到关系代词前。

5.【解析】答案为B。pay a visit to...参观 / 游览(某地),where we paid a visit last spring是非限制性定语从句,补充说明Hangzhou的情况,其中,where相当于to which。

6【解析】答案为D。where引导定语从句,修饰先行词online;where在从句中作地点状语,意思是“在网络上”。as most of them think作插入语。7.【解析】答案为C。argue(with sb.)about / over sth.关于某事与某人争吵。本句为包含定语从句的主从复合句,介词about提到了关系代词前。



10.【解析】答案为C。该句是由which引导的非限定性定语从句,which代替先行词a new type of car,C选项相当于whose low price。

11【解析】答案为A。第一空考查定语从句的引导词,先行词是物,可用that或which,因为在从句作to 的宾语,that和which可省略;第二空为强调句的引导词,只能用that。

12【解析】答案为D。定语从句的先行词为situation,表示抽象地点,所以从句要用关系副词where来引导;定语从句中又包含有一个状语从句,因此选D。13【解析】答案为C。根据句子结构可看出是对定语从句的考查,which指代先行词cities,of which表示范围,“在去过的城市中”。

14【解析】答案为C。“介词 + 关系代词”引导定语从句,at which中的which指代前面的rate,它前面一般加介词at表示“以……速度”。

15【解析】答案为B。第一空构成whether...or not 结构,表示“是否……”;第二空缺定语从句的引导词,该定语从句的先行词是表示方式的manner,而表示“以某种方式”用in a manner,所以第二空应用in which。16.【解析】答案为A。be allergic to sth.(某人)对……过敏,medicine为先行词,关系代词可用that或which。


18.【解析】答案为D。______ I stayed with you是定语从句,修饰先行词the hours,关系代词在定语从句中作时间状语,因此用when。由于第二空引导的是非限制性定语从句,所以用which,指代前面整个主句。

19.【解析】答案为C。第一空用when引导定语从句,在句中作状语,先行词为those days;第二空用which引导非限制性定语从句,指代those days when I



21【解析】答案为D。the teachers and the schools是先行词,包含人和物,用that引导。


23【解析】答案为D。第一空填that,是因为先行词用序数词修饰;第二空填which,考查“介词 + which”引导定语从句的用法。

24【解析】答案为D。本句话的意思为:正如大家所知道的,经理违背了他说要给他们加工资的诺言。第一空填as,用来引导非限制性定语从句,as用来代替后一句话的意思;第二个空后的句子用来说明promise的具体内容,起补充说明的作用,是同位语从句,从句中不缺少成分,故选that。25【解析】答案为D。先行词为an hour or so。本句中during which time引导非限制性定语从句,意为“在此一小时左右的时间内”。

26【解析】答案为 B。situation, case和point作先行词,后跟定语从句时,若这几个词在从句中作状语,则定语从句常用where引导。

27【解析】答案为D。I think在从句中作插入语,which是定语从句的主语。28【解析】答案为 A。本题考查from where引导的定语从句,此处from where相当于from in a nearby palm tree。句意为:他藏在附近的一颗棕榈树里,从那里可以看到搜查他的巡逻队。

29【解析】答案为C。句中的 around 不是介词,而是副词,意为“在附近”;其后的 where 引导定语从句用以修饰其前的地点名词 hospital,句意为:附


30【解析】答案为D。what made matters worse 是主语从句(注意其后有谓语动词was),相当于 the thing that made matters worse。


32【解析】答案为C。此时,one 是分句的先行词,同时one 是 moment 的同位语

33【解析】答案为.D。此时when 相当于 in 1946 , 最简单的说法就是 and since then , and since the / this that = which 34【解析】答案为C。where引导表语从句,并非定语从句;如原句在hotel前加the,则为定语从句;A项改为the one where也正确,可理解为where引导的定语从句修饰the one。

35【解析】答案为C。where引导的定语从句修饰the hotel,并在从句中作地点状语。


37【解析】答案为A。the one 为表语,其后的定语从句省略了引导词that或which。38【解析】答案为A。横线是定语从句,修饰先行词days,而先行词days的含义在从句中作时间状语,所以选择when。

39【解析】答案为A。Interval意为间隔,休息时间。是表示时间的名词,作先行词,它的含义在从句中作状语,即:the audience can buy ice-cream(in the interval).所以选择A when.40【解析】答案为B。插入语of course,把它去掉之后,不难看出是考查which引导非限制性定语从句,which代替整个主句,所以选B which。

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