八下英语教案lesson 1

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第一篇:八下英语教案lesson 1

Unit 1 Spring is coming!Lesson 1:How’s the Weather?

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:shower,thunderstorm,thunder,sunrise,sunset,rise,set,exact, weather report,be scared of.2.Understand the meaning oh text.3.Grammar:Word building.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text.2.How to talk about the weather in spring in English? 3.Learn to use the grammar to remember the words.三、Key points:(重点)

Talking about the weather in spring.四、Difficult points:(难点)

Use the grammar—word building to remember the words.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.Review:Now we are at the beginning of the school,new term is coming and spring is coming.Last term,we learned how to talk our hobby and our future,we learned transportation,we learned neighborhood,and now what will we learn? Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Ask some Ss to introduce the weather in Mangkang.T:What’s the weather like today? S:It’s sunny/windy/cloudy........Come to “Think About It!”

How is the weather in your hometown in spring? Have you ever heard a weather report?What expressions do they often use? Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases.make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No.2Text:Give them some time to read the text themselves.Then let them act out the dialogue in groups.Correct their pronunciation when necessary.At last,the teacher explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No.3Important sentences: 1.How is the weather? It’s sunny/windy/cloudy........2.What’s the weather like today? 3.What’s the temperature? The temperature is.........4.I’m scared of thunder.(be scared of)No.4Gammar:Word building.Eg: thunderstorm,sunrise,sunset,hometown,basketball.英语构词法主要有三种:合成法、转化法和派生法。掌握基本的构词法,有助于词汇的理解、记忆和积累。合成法,就是把两个或两个以上的词按照一定的次序排列构成新词的方法。用此法构成的词叫复合词。复合词主要包括复合名词、复合代词、复合形容词和复合副词等。









(1)some(any,every,no)+body:somebody(有人,某人),nobody(没有人)(2)some(any,every,n o)+thing:something(某物,某事),nothing(没有东西)





另外,复合动词有understand(理解),复合介词有without(无,没有)等。No.5 Dig In Here are some weather icons: Sunny

light rain

moderate rain

heavy rain Cloudy



lightening Frosty


thunder shower

snowy No.6 Finish “Let’s Do It!”

Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)


Sean’s teaching plan 2010/4/28


1语音强化训练(PRONUNCIATION)[15min+45min] 1)复习元音/ i:/ / i/ / e/ / æ/

辅音 听写单词 2)学习音标U2

2课文A private conversation[25min+25min] Introduce the story Understand the situation Listening objective Intensive reading(new words&expressions)Repetition Comprehension questions 1.Where did you go last week?(To the theatre.)2.Did you have a good seat?(Yes, I did.)3.Was it an interesting play?(Yes, it was.)4.You enjoyed the play, didn't you?(No, I didn't.)5.Who was sitting behind you?(A young man and a young woman.)6.Could you hear what the actors were saying?(No, I couldn't.)7.Why couldn't you hear?(They were talking loudly.)8.Did you get angry with them or not?(Yes, I did.)9.You turned round, didn't you?(Yes, I did.)10.How did you look at them?(Angrily.)11.They didn't pay any attention, did they?(No, they didn't.)12.Could you bear it?(No, I couldn't.)13.What did you do then?(I turned round again and said angrily, ‘I can't hear a word!’)14.What did the young man say?(‘It's none of your business.This is a private conversation!’)Asking questions: Ask me if ⋯ Example:

T:Ask me if I went to the theatre last week.S:Did you go to the theatre last week? 1.I went to the theatre last week.2.I had a good seat.3.I saw an interesting play.4.they were talking loudly.5.I turned round.Pattern drill 1 T:walk across the stagerude/bad drive through the parksound/quiet listen to his storya good talk on the radio(saw or heard)S:I heard a good talk on the radio last night.just nowa fly in my soup last week – a monkey at the zoo 4 T:see the racesmall/bad writing see her facecold/deep water finish your lunchwentplay 3.young manbehind me 4.talking loudly 5.could notand lookedattention 8.In the endword’business’-man-‘private’

第三篇:八下英语教案whats the matter

Unit 1 what’s the matter? 单元目标:






Lesson 1 Aims today:

1.掌握单词表前10个单词 2.掌握身体部位英文单词


Teaching procedures: Step 1.Lead in 新学期要求:






6、成绩越好,作业越少;反之。检查作业重在考得不好的抽查。Step 2.Show the aims today Step3.Lead in the English name of the body parts.Step4.Be able to ask and answer about illness Ask:

What’s the matter?

What’s wrong?(功能:询问病痛或异常情况)拓展:...怎么了?

What’s the matter + with...?

What’s wrong+ with...?



Have 的新用法: 得...病

have a cold/ fever/ cough 区别两种 “痛”:

sore: sore throat/ back

Have a sore throat/ back

-ache: headache/toothache/stomachache

Have a headache/toothache/stomachache Step5.Practice &consolidate Step6.Have a check Step7.Homework1、10 个新单词,下节听写。

2、2d: 翻译到书上



1、最好在what’s the matter? 后紧接着讲 with ….的用法。注意with 介词后用宾格。

2、Sore / ache 学生在用哪个表示疼痛 有疑惑。Sore 一般指(过度使用)腰酸背痛

Lesson 2 Aims today: 1.10 new words 2.Review sentence patterns about asking and answering illness.3.Be able to give advice to people.Teaching procedures: Step 1.Show the aims today Step 2.Review Dictate the words and the key points we’ve learned in our last lesson.Step 3.Lisen to 2b, and do the exercises.Explain the key words in 2b first.Step4.Read the tapescripts of 2b, conclude: how to give advice? Step5.Learn to give advice

Should & Shouldn’t You should go to bed early.否定句:

一般疑问句 & 肯定回答、否定回答 Step6.Exercise about should&shouldn’t 课时练page 5 Step7.2d key points 1.我应该做什么? 2.你周末干什么了?


Step 8.Key points and have a check 1.如何提出建议? 2.翻译:




你需要去看医生。Step 9.Homework 1.10 new words.2.3a

翻译3a到课本 3.完成4b

教后思: 1、2d 应背诵部分,直接让学生当堂背诵,当堂默写。


Lesson3 Aims today: 1.10 new words 2.11 Key points in section A

Teaching procedures: STEP 1:Review & dictation

Check the answer to 4b.STEP 2: learn the 10 new words STEP 3: key words in section a(前11个黑体)Step 4: recite the key points &dictate Step 5: 3a 第二段 read Step 6: homework

1.10 new words

2.课时练page 3 单选两道

Lesson4 Aims today: 1.10 new words 2.11 Key points in section A(后11个黑体)

Teaching procedures: STEP 1:Review & dictation STEP 2: learn the 10 new words STEP 3: key words in section a(后11个黑体)Step 4: recite the key points &dictate Step 5: check the answer to 课时练page 3 单选两道 Step 6: redo the 2 exercises.Step 7: homework

1.10 new words

2.课时练page 6 单选两道 拓展题:课时练page7 短文填空

Lesson 5 Aims today: 1.10 new words 2.11 Key points in section B

Teaching procedures: STEP 1:Review & dictation STEP 2: learn the 10 new words STEP 3: key words in section B(前11个黑体)Step 4: recite the key points &dictate Step 5: check the answer to 昨天作业 Step 6: redo the 2 exercises.Step 7:homework

1.10 new words

2.Page 8 单选两道

3.完成课本page 7习题。

Lesson 6 Aims today: 1.10 new words 2.exercises in section A

Teaching procedures: STEP 1:Review & dictation STEP 2: learn the 10 new words STEP 3: check the answer to homework yesterday.Step 4: exercise on page3 单选+选词填空、page 6单选。Step 5: redo the exercises Step 6:


1、Redo the exercises.2、10 new words

Lesson 7 Aims today: 1.10 new words 2.11 Key points in section B后11个黑体)Teaching procedures: STEP 1:Review & dictation STEP 2: learn the 10 new words STEP 3: key words in section B(后11个黑体)Step 4: recite the key points &dictate Step 5: check the answer to 昨天作业 Step 6: redo the 2 exercises.Step 7: homework

1.10 new words

2.page14、15 单选

Lesson 8 Aims today: 1.10 new words 2.exercises in section B

Teaching procedures: STEP 1:Review & dictation STEP 2: learn the 10 new words STEP 3: check the answer to homework yesterday.Step 4: exercise on page14、15 单选 Step 5: redo the exercises Step 6:


1、Redo the exercises.2、写一篇作文:如何给生病的朋友提出建议。


1、写作文之前,重要的句型结构要学生记住 重要的短语要学生记住。


I’m sorry to hear that.(you have a cold)I hope you will get better soon.Lesson 9 Aims today:

How to write an essay about giving advice to others.思路:

1、开门见山,直接点题: I’m sorry to hear that„„

2、提出建议: you should„„

You shouldn’t...You need to...You’d better...3、表达希望: I hope you will feel better soon.范文

见参考书p26 页。


作文如果学生能写得好,就用学生的,更能激起学生写好作文的意识。本单元 赵紫仪 写得好,列为范文,要求大家背诵。优秀的地方:

1.给出建议的时候,用上顺序词,使得层次更清晰。First, second, third.2.每个建议后给出了为什么给这条建议的原因,使文章内容更加充实。You should go to the doctor.The doctor will give you good advice.You’d better drink more water.It’s good for your health./ it’s important.

第四篇:八下英语教案lesson 7



1.New words and phrases: hole,large,root,seedling,cover,fill,dirt,pack,dust,storm,dirty, northern,bottom,fill.....with,by the way,dust storm,turn into,for sure,in the bottom of...2.Understand the meaning of text.3.Talking about how to plant a tree.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and phrases, understand the meaning of text.2.Learn about how to plant a tree.3.Why we should plant trees? How to protect the environment in our daily life?


New words and phrases, the text.四、Difficult points:(难点)

How to plant a tree?What are the basic steps for planting a tree?

五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)1.Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.2.Review:In last unit, we talked about the weather and spring, and we talked about some activities in spring, and we knew that, when we think of spring, we think of a season of fresh air, we think of new life, green plants all around us.3.Review the grammar:Word building.Step2.Lead in.(引入)Homework check.Come to“Think About It”

When is Tree planting Day in China? What are the basic steps for planting a tree? Step3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons be fore class.Teach the new words and phrases.Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No.2 Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves.Then let them act out the dialogue in groups.Correct their pronunciation when necessary.At last, the teacher explain the text in Chinese, make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No.3 Important sentences: It’s also a great way to learn about nature.It’s fun and important to plant plants.No.4 Word building: north→northern

dirt→dirty No.5 Finish“Let’sDoIt!”

Step4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text, then let them read follow the tape.Step5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases, and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words, the master phrases, important sentences.The grammar and practice.

第五篇:八下英语教案lesson 9










HaveyoueverwatchedaprogramaboutgardeningonTV? Step3.Newlesson.(新课)No.1preparelessonsbeforeclass.Cometothevocabulary.Teachthenewwordsandphrases.makesuretheSscanreaditcorrectly.No.2Text:Givethemsometimetoreadthetextthemselves.Thenletthemactoutthedialogueingroups.Correcttheirpronunciationwhennecessary.Atlast,theteacherexplainthetextinChinese,makesuretheSscanunderstandthemeaningoftext.No.3TheGrammar:转化,英语中,有的词有几种词性。Thatway,thewindandwaterdon’tcarrythesoilaway.water(n)Pleaseremembertowateryourplants.water(v)TheshowstartsonMarch21.show(n)Marywillshowyouthebestwaytogrowroses.show(n)Letmehaveatry.try(n)Iwilltrytoimprovemyself.try(v)MarcoPolowroteafamousbookabouthistravelstoChina.book(n)Iwillbookticketsonline.book(v)Finishthepracticeonthepageof23.No.4Importantsentences: Thebestwaytogrowallkindsofplants.Gardeningisaveryenjoyablehobby.Thatisthewholepurposeofgrowingagarden.No.5Finish“Let’sDoIt!”





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