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教学模式的多样化是目前教学研究的一个重要领域。代写论文 从美国教育家乔伊斯与韦尔1972年提出“教学模式”始,我国教育界对其研究呈现出不断升温的趋势。尤其是近几年随着现代教育技术的发展应用和课程改革的深入开展,对教学模式的兴趣和热情空前高涨,其中最突出的一点就是教学模式的多样化。教学模式的多样化研究是对当前我国教育改革的顺应和促进,对传统教学反思的结果,是教学模式发展的必然。

长期以来大学英语单一的教学模式忽视了学习者的个体差异,抹杀了学习者在学习过程的主体地位和主观能动性。随着外语教学理论的深入研究和外语教学实践的不断开展,高专大学英语教学面临着新的挑战——学生人校时的英语水平参差不齐。这种明显的差异不仅存在于班级内部,而且还存在于班级与班级之间,甚至系与系之间。如果继续按照传统的方式将他们安排在一个教学层次,即教师使用相同的教案和相同的教学方法,学生在相同的时间内学完相同的内容并达到相同的教学目的,则无法提高高专大学英语教学质量。为了妥善解决这一矛盾,真正做到循序渐进、因材施教,我校对2005级新生在英语分层教学的基础上根据学生的实际水平实施了多样化的教学模式实验。这一举措正以不同寻常的广度和深度冲击着传统的外语教学模式。现在通过结题报告,研究总结该教学实验的总体效果,对比分析各种模式的特点与成效。这对于充分发挥各方面因素在教学中的积极作用,深化大学英语教学改革,促进大学英语教学具有一定的积极意义。1 教学模式及分层教学 1.1 教学模式

教学模式是指对理想教学活动的理论构造,是描述教与学活动结构或过程中各要素问稳定关系的简约化形式。简言之,教学模式是一种反映或再现教学活动现实的理论性、简约性的形式。它总是在时代的发展中不断地构建和完善。随着全面实施素质教育和现代教育技术的发展,随着教师科研意识的觉醒,构建多样化教学模式,已成为素质教育和现代教育技术研究与实践中的热门话题。1.2 教学模式应用的多样化















目前,孝感市农业推广组织类型主要有以下五大类: 【2】,把农业科学技术送到每家每1、政府型农业推广组织















































[3]中国农产品加工网.湖北孝感市农机推广工作亮点纷呈[EB/OL]., 2008年1月14日


[EB/OL].http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2009-06-08/091615753586s.shtml, 2009年06月08日







图把任务型教学法应用到英语写作教学中来提高学生的综合写作能力。因此,为了检测任务型教学法在大学英语写作教学中的有效性以及可行性,实验在山西财经大学华商学院的两个平行班中展开。其中一个班作为实验班,以任务型教学法进行写作教学。另一个班为对照班,采用传统结果教学法组织教学。三种实验工具:英语写作能力测试,问卷调查和访谈用来测试实验的结果。实验持续了一个学期,从2010年9月到2010年11月。实验后,对实验对象所写作文的评分、访谈及问卷调查的数据及结果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:1.任务型教学法能够有效地提高学生的写作水平,尤其是在语言运用方面。2.任务型教学法能够提高学生的学习兴趣,态度以及帮助学生建立写作的自信心。3.绝大多数学生赞成任务型教学法,尤其是各种任务活动,小组活动以及老师的评价。学生们参与到各种教学活动中,使学习的过程变得更加容易。此外,各种活动以小组的形式进行,在同龄人面前,学生们敢于用英语表达自己的观点,并且互相学习。而且,小组活动激发了学生们的集体主义感和合作学习。在老师批改阶段,老师注重评价的方式,尽量给予积极并且有建设性的意见。这种方式对学生来说是一种推动力,促进了学生的写作综合素质。尽管实验的结果表明任务型教学法对大学英语写作有着积极的意义,但仍然有许多不可避免的缺陷,像研究时间多短,还有小范围的实验对象。尽管这样,还是希望可以给未来相关的研究提供有价值的信息。【关键词】:任务型教学法任务成果教学法大学英语写作小组活动 【学位授予单位】:山西财经大学

【学位级别】:硕士 【学位授予年份】:2011 【分类号】:H319 【目录









[关键词]慕课(MOOC)混合式教学 翻转课堂 改革

[中图分类号]G642 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2016)10-0202-02






随着慕课(Massive Open Online Course,简称MOOC)这一新兴的教学模式被国外的很多知名大学应用到教学并取得一定的成功后,国内教育界也逐渐接受这种教学模式。慕课规模大、开放、自由的突出优势使学生牢牢地掌握了学习的主动权。但是,纵观我国高校大学英语教学的现状,慕课还不能完全替代传统课堂,必须与翻转课堂相结合形成混合式的教学模式,才能使英语教学达到最佳效果。















(一)研究目的 此次研究的主要目的是验证基于慕课的大学英语翻转课堂混合教学模式在实际教学中能否调动学生在学习的主动性、创造性,能否提升教学效果。除此之外,还要验证这种教学模式能否体现出学生的学习主体地位和教师的主导作用。





















A Research on the Effect of Listening and Speaking in the Primary Stage of English Study Abstract: Listening and speaking is a very important part of English teaching, the ability of listening and speaking influence the students’ results a lot.In this article we choose the method of priority of listening and speaking as a direction.And we did a research to take a look at the daily study at school.Then we did an experiment.The result of the experiment showed that it is a correct way to give the priority to listening and speaking in English teaching.The writer also gives some suggestion of the English teaching.Key words: priority of listening and speaking;the primary learner of English;teaching experiment


摘要: 听说教学是英语教学的一个重要组成部分,听说能力的好坏直接影响学生的学习成绩。本文以学术界流行的听说教学法为指导。对学生的日常学习进行研究,并用听说教学法进行了实验。结果证明听说教学法的确是一种行之有效的教学法,并依照听说教学法对学校的日常教学提出了一些建议。

关键词: 听说教学法;英语初学者;教学实验



1.Introduction..........................................................................................................................................1 2.The definition and characteristic of the primary English learner...................................................1 2.1 The characteristic of the primary English learner............................................................................1 2.2 The definition of the primary learner and the priority of listening and speaking.............................2 3.Teaching experiment and process.......................................................................................................3 3.1 The design and purpose of the experiment.......................................................................................3 3.2 Objects of the survey and research...................................................................................................4 3.3 The process of the experiment.........................................................................................................4 3.4 The result of the survey and experiment..........................................................................................7 4.Data analysis of the result and suggestion to improve our daily teaching....................................10 4.1 The analysis of the result in the research and experiment..............................................................10 4.1.1 The analysis of the survey.......................................................................................................10 4.1.2 The analysis of the result after the experiment........................................................................12 Scientific nature of study and autologous factors of the primary learners.......................12 4.2 The suggestion to improve daily teaching in the future.................................................................13 5.Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................15 Bibliography...........................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。


1.Introduction In an era of globalization, China is undergoing rapid and profound social, economic, political and cultural transformation, thus, English becomes an indispensable tool and vehicle to facilitate China’s access to modern scientific and technological advances and to promote commerce and understanding with other countries where English is a major language.The importance of English teaching and learning has been widely acknowledged, however, the effects are not satisfactory enough.Generally speaking, a Chinese college graduate has learned English for eight years at least.But many graduates find that they cannot use English to communicate with the foreigners in the real life.In fact, many factors influence the achievement of the language learning.The most important one is because of the influence of the traditional education model over a long period of time, in the actual study and teaching, we adopt the model of laying stress on writing translating and grammar from the traditional one self-consciously or not.We only ask the students to read or write with the overlook of the training of listening and speaking.So finally we miss the oriental purpose of teaching.The training effect of the elementary study period could make a deep influence of the later study.During the period of study, the four steps of English study include listening speaking reading and writing.And listening is the prime one of them.Today, the ability of writing cannot decide one’s whole ability of English.The more important thing is that how many information of English you can get by listening.How fluent you could be when you are speaking of English.In this research, the writer begins with all the factors that influence the effect of the beginners.Then explains why listening and speaking plays such an important role in this period.2.The definition and characteristic of the primary English learner

2.1 The characteristic of the primary English learner The primary English learner has many remarkable characteristics.中国最大的论文知识平台www.xiexiebang.com

They do not have far-reaching plans of English study.Most of them are passive when study English.Some of them are the beginner of English study.Others are not the beginners.But they still don’t know how to learn English simply and conveniently.They begin to know a little about the steps of English study but they are not very sure of that.They know most of the basic knowledge of grammar and could write or speak something in English after the study in the primary period.But they could not use the knowledge very smoothly.In a word, they are out of the door of being a real English master.2.2 The definition of the primary learner and the priority of listening and speaking The primary learners are the beginners of English study who lack for skill and ability of English study.The priority of listening and speaking means that we should regard listening and speaking as the breakthrough point in the English teaching process.Through the training of listening and speaking, the students’ whole ability will be strengthened.Nearly one hundred years ago, the USA force asked its army to learn listening and speaking only when they had mission outside of the country.Because listening and speaking are the main parts of communication.The American scholar Willian Moulton did a research of how important listening, speaking, reading and writing are in adults’ daily life.The result shows that the rate of using listening is 45% followed by speaking with the rate of 30%.The rate of reading is 16%.The final 9% is writing only.He connects his experience of working with the importance of listening and speaking and points out that listening and speaking is the key of communication.If a person could use these two skills proficiently, he could not be a good reader.Because a person could not read an article coherently without the ability of listening and speaking, and the only thing he can do is to read the article word by word.Then the meaning of the article will be missed.Languages begin with listening;we all learn to speak by listening.There is no output without input.We can also see that the primary form of language is spoken words, and written words are only secondary.Listening


and speaking are the first;reading and writing is the second in learning any languages.This is the role of human language.So, it’s very important to develop the students’ ability of listening and speaking in English teaching.In China there are also some specialists who have done some research in this area.In Dai Liangzheng’s article he said that listening and speaking are the main tools of language to communicate with each other when members are doing teamwork.And writing and reading are the secondary parts in team works.Because in every day’s work, listening and speaking occupy most of the time.Another side must be pointed out is that if someone’s abilities of listening and speaking are weak;he may read the whole passage word by word.So it is hard for him to understand a sentence very clearly, and it will waste a lot of time.So there are justification for us to see that we should give the priority to listening and speaking in English teaching.(Dai Liangzheng, 2005).The specialists involved have showed us the importance of listening and speaking, and gave their supports to give the priority to listening and speaking.But we still need to study by our own.3.Teaching experiment and process

3.1 The design and purpose of the experiment

The teaching experiment is seperated into two parts: 1.The experiement of giving the priority to listening and speaking is the main part of the research.Through the experiment, we could get the information we need to support our view.2.The Questionnaire and survey or face to face talk with teachers and students.This part is used as the circumstantial evidence to support the view of this paper from other regards.The first part is designed to find out whether the new teaching method of giving the priority to listening and speaking is available or not.And the second part is


designed to see the changes of the different factors in teaching and study.With the comparison of the situations before and after the teaching experiment, we could find out whether the students accept the new method or will it be useful to the students.3.2 Objects of the survey and research The major objects are the senior middle school students from Jin Hua JiangNan middle school.And the others are the junior middle school students from Jin Hua No15 middle school and other schools.Most of them learned English in the old way, just to take most of their times in reading and writing practices.So that their results of the same English exam are not so good, comparing with the students who take more time of listening and speaking.This time we change their focal points into taking listening and speaking as the main points in their English study for a long period such as a month.Then we also make questionnaires in the research.And there will be an exam to verify the efficiency of the new method.3.3 The process of the experiment The experiment started in 2007 March 6th and lasted to 2007 April13th.It was separated into 3 stages.1.The first week was designed to do some surveys or face-to-face talks and questionnaires to know the situation the students had at that time.And because of the amount of the students in one class, we have to separate the students into some groups.中国最大的论文知识平台www.xiexiebang.com

The place the students gotin the anterior exam***468number of English study groups10

1819363754In this table, every tandem is a group.The numbers in the table stand for the places the students got in the past exam(the exam must be the middle term exam or the final exam in one term).In the first line we ranged the numbers according their places from left to right.And the next line we ranged the numbers from right to left.The third line is the opposite order to the second.So the other lines could be ranged according to the first three lines.In this way, we could make sure all of the groups could be the same in strength.After the grouping, we also set up the incentive system.We could take the first line as an example.All of the students stand for the best one in their group.But in the competition, every line is a competitive part.If one student gets the first in the next exam, he will get 9 points for his group.Others will get 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1points ordinal.And every line is the same too.Then we could calculate all points of the groups and give rewards to the first three groups.In this way all of the students become active in study.And in the group they could help each other and make progress together.At the same time we tried our best to make the students to fit in with the new method.In this week, the students’ task was to know the new method of the priority to listening and speaking clearly before the new lesson began.And we also made them be awareness of the importance of listening and speaking.2.The formal study began at the second week.This period lasted three weeks.In


these three weeks the students were asked to study in the new way.The experiment began from the broadcast in the morning.We took English songs to wake up the students in the morning instead of the music.At breakfast time, the broadcst would send some news in English from CCTV 9 or other medium.In this way, the students’ input of Englisn information could be rised conveniently.When the students read in the morning we asked them to read out loudly, with this method, they could build up their confidence in pronunciation.The students did not read the vocabulary in class time any more.They are asked to read all of the vocabulary and passages by their own in the free time.At the beginning of the lesson, we asked one of the students to talk about something interesting or show them a short passage in English.And the 5 minutes’ report should be follow by at least 3 questions.At the beginning some of the students were very anxious about the duty report, so they would give the answers to their friends.But they would find it is all in vain, because the responder would be picked up by the teacher but not students.It forces the students to prepare the whole report very seriously.And the replier also has to try their best to listen.After a period, all of the students’ ability of oral expression and listening were improved.And all of them become more confident than before.After the duty report, sometimes we watched some videos about the articles we learned.And there also will be some questions waiting.We also showed the students something extracurricular, which is related to their lesson.And we also asked them to add something to replenish the material.All of the additional materials have already been prepared in their free time by groups.And every group would select a representative to show the class their addition in oral speaking as a competition.Some of the time we would use 5 minutes to do a dictation in class about the articles learned before.But the content is not the same as the article before.All of the articles were very simple to understand.And they just needed to repeat them orally by their own words.After training, most of them could understand the passages generally.At the same time, they could know the article much better than before.And some of


the students may be forced to read the articles they learned before.If they thought that they did not mast them well in the past.After class, they were asked to listen to some English tapes or watch some English movies appointed.After watch, they needed to write something about their idea of the movies in English.In the whole process, we also built a system of encouragement and competitiom.Groups took the competition, which were separated before.At the same time, we reckoned that the confidence of students was very important.And teachers insisted on the principle that if there were some advances made by students, you should encourage them as soon as possible.3.The final week was used to verify the efficiency of the new method;the students took an exam of listening, speaking, reading and writing together.And depending on the results they got to compare with the students in other schools.Then we could analyse the result to confirm our opinion.3.4 The result of the survey and experiment

Here some tables show the results of the survey and experiment.The next three tables show us the result of the surveys before the experiment Table 1:

Table 2:


Table 3:

Table 4:


Table 5:

The opinions and the change of confidence after the experiment.the number in 100 studentshave enoughconfidence inEnglish studyand get a goodresult in thefinal examask the schoolto open aexceptive lessonof listening andspeakingthink listeningand speaking isa very importantin English study828486889092

In these tables we can see clearly that the situation of the students’ study changed a lot.Before the survey, students were passive in English.Their time of studying listening and speaking are lower than the average of all the schools.And they did not


three items of the survey1 know phonetic symbol well than the students from other schools.Most of them were afraid of English and study with no confidence.But after the experiment, the students became active in English study.The efficiency of study is much higher than before too.And their result of exam is much better than before.4.Data analysis of the result and suggestion to improve our daily teaching

The tables in chapter 3.4 show us obvious changes at the begining and after the experiment.In this chapter, we will analyse the results of the change.4.1 The analysis of the result in the research and experiment 4.1.1 The analysis of the survey

In table 1, we can see that there are just 10 per cent of the students who listen to English tapes and news more than 30 minutes a day.And most of them do not take the exercise of listening and speaking.In table 2, we can find out that the students who took the experiment did less exercise than the average.They lack for practices of listening and speaking.And they may influence their study of English.There are many factors cause this situation.(1)The education system limits our way of teaching and the way of their learning too.The students were told to read and write but not to listen and speak at the beginning of English study, because there is no listening and speaking exam when they graduated from junior school.With the purpose to gain more points in the eleven-plus, the students have to do more and more training in reading and writing and give up listening and speaking.This way of being eager for quick success and instant benefit is not scientific.If all the schools and teachers do not think a lot of their points and reputation in the final exam they could have more time to study English in a more correct way.(2)The hardware and time do not allow teachers to give the priority to listening and speaking.In the class of experiment there are more than fifty students.If the


teacher wants to broadcast some English video in class he or she must wait because there are few classrooms with equipments that could contain the students.And many teachers have already waited for the room.So it is hard for them to teach listening and speaking in class.First there are too many students in one class and it is impossible to speak in turn because there is only 45 minutes for one lesson and teachers also have their works to do.Another penetrating problem is that practice of listening and speaking should have to take for a long period.You must use more time than reading and writing to train the students, if so, we still could get a little acquisition at the beginning.Only if we get through the most difficult time could the students walk up to the right way.But this is not the end of the study, opposite it is just the beginning of listening and speaking.In order to keep and promote your ability everyday training is needed.The good habits will benefit the learners and if they could not acquire the habit they will soon fall to the beginning and all the train will be in vain.In table 3, we can see that the students in the experiment did not think much of the phonetic symbol training and did take enough practices.But phonetic symbol is sure to be the key to your pronunciation and good pronunciation has tight reference with listening and speaking.Through phonetic symbol is so important, exactly it is the weakest part in our daily teaching.We asked the students whether they had learned phonetic symbol systemically.The answer disappointed us a lot.Most of the students could not come out all the phonetic symbols.They did not know what is vowel and what is consonant.Because that they did not take into account the importance of phonetic symbol much.Most students were asked to take the tapes as their reference substance in their primary period.Then they follow the voice of the tape recorder and speak with it.But it is not a good way to study the new words.With this method they could memorize the pronunciation of the new words.And most of them do not have scientific method to memorize the spelling except to read the words time after time or write the words on the papers repeatedly.They may keep the words in the brain for a short period but it could not last for long and in this way they waste a lot of time.So the best way to memorize the words is to study phonetic symbol seriously.To use


phonetic symbol as a tool to keep the words and etymons, in the course of time they will memorize the new words faster and faster.Only after the students could keep the words easily, they can take reading and writing comfortable.We all know the old Chinese saying told us that one reaps no more than what one has sown.But what we wants to say is that it is not enough if the learners do not know which way to take a comfortable and scientific study.And teachers have the responsibility to improve our students’ listening and speaking.4.1.2 The analysis of the result after the experiment In table 4 and 5, they show us that the advance of students’ study after the change of teaching method and the change of the students’ psychology.So it is easy to find out that the change of teaching method is a correct way.Some main respects can be concluded as reasons why this improvement was made and why we suggest giving the priority to listening and speaking in daily teaching,such as scientific nature of study and autologous factors of the primary learners. Scientific nature of study and autologous factors of the primary learners The intrinsic factor of primary learners influences the education method a lot.It is easy to know that most of the primary learners are little kids.They don’t have enough patience if the teachers blindly insist on taking writing and reading.The learners will lose their patience and feel boring and anxiety.They will also lose their interests.What we did in the one-month experiment and research considered the intrinsic factor of the students as a very important part.We did our possible to diversify the form of teaching.Reading and writing also could be diversified, depending on listening and speaking.For example, when the students were doing dictation of the article they learned before.They should have to do some reading of the articles involved first.Then they had to listen careful and speak by their own.This kind of giving the priority of listening and speaking does not mean to study listening and speaking only, but to mix the four parts of study together.And improve the whole ability of English study at last.中国最大的论文知识平台www.xiexiebang.com

Teachers can ask one student to make a speech of something interesting or funny in five minutes in turn at the beginning of the lesson.The student who is on duty can do it sufficiently.So his or her reports will receive active responses from the classmates.In this way the whole class could become active than before.And their interests of study could be inspired.At the same time the teacher should seize the chance to encourage him or her.Then the student’s self-confidence will be built and he or she will become more interested in English study.Watching English movie and listening to English songs properly in the class are also useful to improve the students’ activity of English study.Once the students cultivate the habit of watching English movie and listening to English songs, there is no need for teachers to ask them to study English after class any more, because they are used to doing these things.4.2 The suggestion to improve daily teaching in the future Because the limit of the education system now some of the design could not been done.But I think it is also useful to the English teaching.And according to the analysis we could find that the most of the students are passive to the education system now.They have no interests to do such plenty of works and are eager to do more practice of listening and speaking.We suggest dividing the experiment into two main parts: inside and out of class.There is no listening and speaking exam in the exam.So we suggest adding the two into the exam(all of the exam we talk under are listening and speaking exam if not we will point it out).All of the middle schools are using the new teaching material now.It asks the students to get enough credits for graduation.The book has been separated into many modules.If one student passes the test of one module, he or she could get 2 points.Aiming at the weakness of the students’ phonetic symbols(most of the students didn’t know how to pronounce the letter G);we did a lot of training at the first week.And after the pointed training, we did a test to make sure the efficiency of the training.And we were glad to see that most of them could pronounce the words clearly than before.So we gave the encouragement to build their self-confidence.中国最大的论文知识平台www.xiexiebang.com

Because we raised the rate of listening and speaking, we could not teach the students as before.So we selected some of the part from the book, especially to the listening parts.Because our students could not understand some of them, they are too difficult or too easy.And the sequence of the module should been changed according to the situation.The teachers should add some involved extracurricular knowledge in the class.For example teachers could teach the students the lesson of travel when they have spring outing.If the school is holding the sports meeting teacher could show the students some video of Olympic Games.And teachers also could let their students give a speech in turn of the history of the Olympics or other things concerning sports and Olympic Games.When the students are doing listening practice in the class, the teacher had better give the language situation to them.So the students could get the habits of conjecturing the substance in the passages.And the amount of information would be reduced gradually.At the beginning teacher could let the students do some spot dictation, just like what we are asked to do in the exams of CET 4 and CET 6.The passages should have connection with the substance in the book.Teachers should better select an intergraded passage and choose some key words as the spots based on the situation of the students.The blanks must been increased gradually.After the practice teachers could ask the students to retell the passage in their words.After a month’s training most of the students could retell some short passages by their own words.And the students could find out most of the key words quickly.After class we ask the students to collect the materials for the next day’s 5 minutes’ report.They can prepare whatever they want to talk.They also asked to prepare at least 5 questions to ask their classmates, but the teacher would pick up the responders.After one month’s practice, we did a test to check out whether the new method is useful.The test is not only a test of listening and speaking, but also contains reading and writing.And also do a face-to-face talk with some of the students.But no matter how important the study method is.The writer thinks the basis is the most important part.What students need is not over training but the steps of study


English and some basic knowledge that can make their basis steadier? So we have to do some practice of listening and speaking.At the same time we should create an upstanding academic environment for them.Everyday morning we could broadcast some English songs as the morning call.And at lunch time and suppertime the radio could broadcast some news in and weather report in English.So they could try to understand some interesting news in English but not the boring practices in the classroom when enjoy their dinner.When the students meet their English teacher they could try to greet their teachers in English.If allowed the writer suggests that we could separate the students again into more classes when they have English lesson.The number should been controlled under 30 in one class.After class they could go back to their former class to take other lessons.This kind of distribution could give all the students a chance to do some listening and speaking practice and communicate with their classmates or with their teachers.And teachers also have more time to know their students better.Do as what Confucius did: teach according to the student's ability.Another important thing is that we should create a ‘fair system’ in all the schools.All of the teachers take listening and speaking like the breakthrough point.Put an end to the worship of points.View them as the successors who take the responsibility from the former teachers or the guide who lead the students’ walk up to the right way.Then all of the teachers walk together with the same purpose.At the same time the teaching material and the form of final exam should be changed to suit for the new situation.Take listening and speaking as the main parts of them.And school should give more rights to decide the necessary parts of the material and give up the unnecessary parts.5.Conclusion From what has been discussed above we all can see that languages begin with listening;we all learn to speak by listening.There is no output without input.We also can see that the primary form of language is spoken words, and written words are only


secondary.Listening and speaking are the first;reading and writing is the second in learning any languages.This is the role of human language.The situation today forces us to improve our English communicative ability.It is hard to communicate with the foreigners if you could not explain your means fluently or receive the information from them by listening and speaking in the daily works.So, it’s very important to develop the students’ ability of listening and speaking in English teaching.Acknowledgements I’m greatly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Meng Dong, who has offered me academic counsel, guidance and encouragement throughout my study.She dedicated close monitoring of work and made careful revision to my paper.Professor Meng is a nice person, whose concern for me extends beyond academics.Without careful guidance of my supervisor, my


dissertation can not been completed smoothly.I appreciate for this and I would like to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Meng Dong.And thank you again for your patience.At the same time I would also like to appreciate teacher Ma yan from Jiangnan middle school, she gave me strong support and made indelible contribution to my dissertation.It has been a great experience to study in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, I

enjoy the beautiful campus and love the nice teachers and students there.Thank you very much!

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