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Address by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe at the Reception for the 62nd

Anniversary of the People's Republic of ChinaSeptember, 201


Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,在秋风送爽的美好日子里,我们在此欢聚一堂,共同庆祝中华人民共和国成立62周年。首先,我代表中国驻欧盟使团和驻比利时使馆,对大家出席招待会表示热烈欢迎!

Good evening!On behalf of the Chinese Mission to the EU and the Chinese Embassy in Belgium, I warmly welcome you on the 62nd Anniversary of the People's Republic of China.今年以来,世界政治经济形势继续发生重大而深刻的变化。部分地区局势动荡,金融危机深层次影响持续显现。在这一背景下,中国继续深化改革,着力解决发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题,实现政治上的稳定,经济上的又好又快发展。中国上半年国内生产总值实现9.6%的增长,城镇新增就业655万人,前8个月财政收入同比增长30.9%,居民收入稳步提高,各项社会事业蓬勃发展。This year, we witnessed some major and profound changes in international politics and world economy.We've seen disturbances in some regions and after-effects of the financial crisis.Despite such externalities, China carried on with its reform and opening up and made harder effort towards balanced, coordinated and sustainable development.Political stability and economic growth have been maintained.People's income is growing.Social infrastructure is improving.Fiscal revenue increased by 30.9% in the first eight months.China's GDP was up by 9.6% in the first half of the year, and 6.55 million new jobs were created.无论形势如何发展变化,中国始终坚持走和平发展道路。不久前,中国发布了《中国的和平发展》白皮书,再次向世界郑重确认了这一方针。和平发展是中


However the world changes, China remains committed to peaceful development.This commitment was solemnly reaffirmed in a recently released white paper.Peaceful development is a unique path, a path newly explored by China, the world's largest developing country.It has become the will of state.It's enshrined in the national strategy.It's already been put in practice.This year, China continued to promote friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation with our partners.We've been actively involved in global economic governance, financial cooperation, macroeconomic policy coordination, and the reform of international financial institutions.For countries that are caught in difficulties, China offered its assistance through various forms, making an important contribution to the stability and growth of the world economy.经过30多年的发展,中欧全方位、宽领域、多层次的合作格局更加成熟与稳固。今年来,中欧关系实现了新的超越。范龙佩先生作为首任欧洲理事会主席首次访华,与中方就结合中国“十二五”规划和“欧洲2020战略”推动中欧合作发展达成重要共识。中欧第二轮高级别战略对话成功举行,中欧青年交流年顺利启动。今年1至8月,双方贸易额同比增长了21.8%,双向投资和技术合作加速发展。下半年,中欧将迎来第十四次中欧领导人会晤和第四次经贸高层对话等一系列重大活动。我们愿同欧方一道,充分利用好这些契机,推动中欧关系在更新、更高水平上取得更大发展。

Thanks to our common effort over more than three decades, China and the EU have established a broad, all-directional, and multi-tiered cooperation structure that constantly grows and consolidates with new breakthroughs.This year, President Van Rompuy of the European Council paid his first official visit to China, where the two sides reached important agreements on furthering our cooperation through coordinating China's 12th Five Year Plan and Europe's 2020 Strategy.The second China-EU High-Level Strategic Dialogue and the EU-China Year of Youth also record great success.Our trade was up by 21.8% in the first eight months, while two-way investment and technological cooperation kept growing at a fast speed.In the remainder of the year, we'll work closely with the EU partners to make sure that the upcoming 14th China-EU Summit and 4th High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue(HED)will conclude with strong impetus to promote our relations to a new height.各位来宾,Ladies and Gentlemen,中欧关系不断取得进展,既是中欧各自发展的需要,也有赖于大家的理解和支持。希望你们继续做中欧友好的使者和互利合作的积极参与者和重要贡献者,为进一步提升中欧关系发挥更大作用。

A growing China-EU relationship serves our mutual interest, but at the same time requires our input and support.I sincerely hope that everyone here tonight will render your support and become envoys of our friendship and contributors to our cooperation.现在,请允许我提议:


Now, I wish to propose a toast:

To the 62nd anniversary of the People's Republic of China,To the prosperity and the welfare of our peoples,To our friendship and cooperation, and

To the health and happiness of all,Cheers!


驻英国大使刘晓明在香港第一东方投资集团董事长诸立力获“全球经济奖”招待会上的致辞 2011年6月21日,英国伦敦亚洲之家

Remarks by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Reception in Honour of Mr Victor Chu, Winner of the 2011 Global Economy Prize of the Kiel Institute 21 June 2011, Asia House, London


Sir John Boyd, Mr Victor Chu,很高兴出席亚洲之家为诸立力先生荣获“全球经济奖”举行的庆祝招待会。

Today we are gathered here to congratulate Victor Chu on winning the 2011 Global Economy Prize of the Kiel Institute.诸立力先生的名字在汉语里发音是叠音-“DOUBLE Li”,即”双Li“。由此我想谈一下另外几对与诸先生有关的“双”。

For those of you who can speak mandarin, you may find that the pronunciation of Victor's full name is quite different in mandarin as in Cantonese.Instead of Lap Lik Chu in Cantonese, we call him Li Li Zhu in mandarin, which repeats the word of Li.So he is ”Double Li“.This reminded me of other things associated with ”doubles" that I would like to share with you.首先,我要以“双重身份”祝贺诸立力先生获得基尔世界经济研究所颁发的“全球经济奖”。第一个身份是官方身份,作为中国驻英大使,我要祝贺他成为第一个获此殊荣的中国人,他是中国的骄傲;第二个身份是非官方身份,作为诸先生的朋友,我已经记不得曾经多少次与他聚首畅谈,他的卓识使每次交谈都令我受益匪浅。

Firstly, I am here today wearing double hats.I am first of all the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, and I am particularly proud that Mr Chu has become the first Chinese to win this prize.I am also here as a friend of Victor.I lost count of how many times we have met, but I do remember the interesting, informative and enjoyable conversations we have had each time.I have benefited a lot from his insight and vision.其次,我要祝贺诸先生的“双重成就”。第一个成就,他是一位成功的企业家,他创立的香港第一东方投资集团经过20多年的发展,管理的资产庞大,执业界之牛耳。第二个成就,他是一位出色的社会活动家,他不仅关注金融和投资领域,而且高度重视跨文化和国际交流,努力担当中西方沟通了解的桥梁,不遗余力,矢志不渝。

Secondly, I wish to congratulate Mr Chu on his double achievements.His first achievement is as a successful entrepreneur.The Hong Kong-based First Eastern Investment Group he founded and capably chairs has, in the past two decades and more, developed into one of the leading investment companies in China, managing huge assets worldwide.But let us not forget that Mr Chu is also active in many other areas.He takes a keen interest in inter-cultural and international dialogue and exchanges, working tirelessly to build a bridge of understanding between China and the Western world.第三,我要感谢诸先生为中国经济发展所做的“双重贡献”。第一个贡献,他促进了对华投资。他倡导“中国直接投资”理念,第一东方投资集团在华投资项目高达数百个,帮助了中国企业发展壮大。特别值得一提的是,去年第一东方投资集团又投资1亿美元,参与组建总额达5亿美元的“中英基金”,专门支持英国的中小企业,帮助它们进入迅猛发展的中国市场。第二个贡献,他为中国的对外开放做出了许多积极努力。他成功推动中国国有企业在香港上市,促进了中国资本市场的成熟发展;他积极提议夏季达沃斯论坛设在了中国,使世界更加关注中国,同时中国的声音更能被世界听到。

Thirdly, I take this opportunity to thank Mr Chu for his double contributions to the Chinese economy.His first contribution is in the area of promoting investments into China.His First Eastern Investment Group manages hundreds of projects in China to help Chinese businesses grow in strength.What is particularly worth mentioning is a 100 million US dollar investment by First Eastern last year as part of the 500 million US dollar China-UK fund to help British SMEs better explore the fast-growing Chinese market.His second contribution is in the area of greater openness of the Chinese economy.He helped Chinese state-owned enterprises to go public in Hong Kong.This is conducive to the growth of the Chinese capital markets.He actively called for the Summer Davos to be held in China.This initiative has created another platform for dialogue and interaction between China and the world.诸先生荣获“全球经济奖”名至实归。我再次向他表示热烈祝贺。

Let me conclude by saying that as far as I can see, Mr Victor Li Li Chu is a most deserving winner of this prestigious prize.Once again my warm congratulations.谢谢。

Thank you.

第三篇:2011驻印度大使国庆62周年招待会讲话 中英对照



驻印度大使张炎在庆祝中华人民共和国成立62周年招待会上的讲话 2011年9月27日,印度新德里

Speech by H.E.Ambassador Zhang Yan on the Occasion of 62nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China ITC Maurya, New Delhi, September 27, 2011 尊敬的印度外交部东亚事务秘书桑吉·辛格先生,使节们,女士们、先生们:

Hon.Shri Sanjay Singh, Secretary for East Affairs of MEA, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今晚我们欢聚一堂,庆祝中华人民共和国成立62周年。我和我的同事们对你们的到来表示热烈欢迎,共同分享节日的喜庆,对你们长期以来支持中印关系发展表示感谢。

Tonight we are assembled here to celebrate the 62nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China.My colleagues and I warmly welcome you to share the festivity with us and thank you for your long-standing support to the development of China-India relations.对中印关系而言,2011年是紧张忙碌而成果丰硕的一年。胡锦涛主席与辛格总理今年早些时候在中国举行的金砖国家领导人会议期间进行了富有 成果的会见。昨天,温家宝总理在北京会见了出席中印战略经济对话首次会议的印度计划委员会副主席阿鲁瓦利亚一行。中印各层面频繁互访已成为双边关系的重要 特征。在国际与地区事务上,双方保持着密切沟通与协调。今年6月,印度军方代表团成功访华。这些交往极大地促进了两国互信与合作。2011 is a hectic and productive year for our bilateral relations.Early this year, President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had a fruitful meeting during the BRICS Summit in China.Yesterday, Premier Wen Jiabao met Indian Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia who is attending the first ever China-India Strategic Economic Dialogue in Beijing.Frequent exchanges of visits at various levels have become an important feature of our relations.On international and regional issues both sides maintain close consultation and coordination.In June of this year, an Indian military delegation paid a successful visit to China.All these interactions have greatly enhanced the mutual trust and cooperation.在经济领域,尽管全球经济前景不明朗,中印双边贸易仍保持强劲增长势头。投资与金融领域合作不断扩大。中国工商银行在孟买开设首家分行。中印首席执行官论坛正在酝酿中,旨将中印经贸合作提升至新的水平。

In the economic field, the bilateral trade has maintained a strong momentum of growth in spite of the global economic uncertainty.Cooperation in the investment and financial sectors is expanding rapidly.The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China opened its first branch in Mumbai.The China and India CEO Forum is in the making, aiming at taking China-India economic cooperation to a new height.今年是“中印交流年”,文化与人文交流成为重点。今年四月,“感知中国·四川周”在印度成功举办。印度500人青年团正在中国进行访问,温家宝总理几天前亲切会见了全体代表团成员。此外,中国云南省杂技团正在印度巡回演出,展示中国丰富的传统文化。This year is declared as China-India Year of Exchange with emphasis on culture and People-to-People exchanges.Experience China--Sichuan Week was successfully held last April.A 500-member Indian youth delegation is currently visiting China and they were warmly received by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing few days ago.Besides, an acrobatic troupe of Yunan Province is also touring India recently to showcase China’s rich traditional culture.中国高度重视中印战略合作伙伴关系的发展,将继续致力于增进两国互信,促进互利合作,妥善处理分歧。正如两国领导人在许多场合所强调的那样,健康而富有活力的中印关系不仅造福于两国和两国人民,而且有利于亚洲乃至世界的和平与发展。

China attaches great importance to the development of China-India Strategic Cooperative Partnership and will continue to deepen mutual trust, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, and properly handle differences.As leaders of two countries stated on many occasions that a healthy and vibrant relationship between China and India is not only a fortune to the Chinese and Indian people, but also a blessing to the peace and development of Asia and the world.女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 中国始终坚持走和平发展道路,致力于维护世界和平,促进共同发展。在21世纪第二个十年伊始、中国共产党成立90周年之际,中国再次向全世 界庄严宣示和平发展的战略选择,这不仅是中国为了实现现代化和国家富强,也是为了建立持久和平与共同繁荣的和谐世界作出更大贡献。中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣与稳定也离不开中国。事实证明,中国选择和平发展的道路是正确的,我们也将始终坚持这个选择。

China all along pursues a path of peaceful development and is committed to upholding world peace and promoting common development for all countries.At the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century and on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, China has declared solemnly again to the world that peaceful development is a strategic choice made by China to realize its modernization, make itself strong and prosperous, and make more contribution to the building of a harmonious world of durable peace and common prosperity.China cannot develop itself in isolation from the rest of the world, and global prosperity and stability cannot be maintained without china.Facts have proved that it is correct for China to take the path of peaceful development and therefore China will firmly stick to it.谢谢!Thank you!



Address by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe at the Chinese New Year Concert


Your Excellency Lady Ashton,Commissioner Cioloş,Distinguished Guests,虎威辞岁,玉兔送祥。还有一周,中国人民就将迎来一年当中最隆重的传统节日春节。在这辞旧迎新的喜庆日子,我们欢迎大家出席中国驻欧盟使团举办的新年音乐会。

Good evening!

One week from today, the Chinese people will celebrate the Spring Festival, the New Year’s Day in Chinese calendar, the most important festival of a year.We are biding farewell to the Year of Tiger and welcoming the Year of Rabbit.Tonight, I welcome you to share with us the festive excitement at this New Year Concert.一年之计在于春。春节是一年的开始,传递着春天的信息,也是我们总结过去,规划未来的日子。

We Chinese believe that the Spring Festival is the right moment to review the year past and make plans for the year ahead.回首2010年,中国的和平发展经历了不平凡的一年。中国战胜了玉树地震等自然灾害的挑战,成功举办上海世博会和广州亚运会,全面完成了“十一五”规划各项目标,经济社会发展取得新的辉煌成就,综合国力得到进一步提升。

The year 2010 was an eventful year for China’s development.We have successfully held the Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games.We have accomplished all national development targets set in the 11th Five Year Plan.Impressive economic and social progress has further sustained China’s overall strength.People emerged unabated from natural disasters like the Yushu earthquake.回首2010年,中欧关系经历了成果丰硕的一年。中欧迎来了具有历史意义的建交35周年。在这一年,中欧政治关系稳步发展。胡锦涛主席、温家宝总理等多位中国领导人对欧盟及一些成员国进行了成功访问。巴罗佐主席、布泽克议长、阿什顿高级代表成功访华。中欧经贸合作再创历史新高,达到4797亿美元。中国以实际行动支持欧洲应对主权债务危机,积极购买希腊、西班牙等国的国债。中欧人文交流成为合作亮点。双方启动了青年政策对话,举行了首次青年领导人峰会和首次中欧文化高峰论坛。

The year 2010 was also a fruitful year for China-EU relations.We celebrated the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Europe.Our political relations have grown steadily.Chinese leaders including President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have paid successful visits to Europe.From the EU, President Barroso, President Buzek, and High Representative Lady Ashton visited China.In business cooperation, our two-way trade registered a record 480 billion US dollars last year.China purchased government bonds of Greek and Spain, and has taken credible steps to support Europe’s response to the sovereign debt crisis.Last year, we have also launched Youth Policy Dialogue, and held the first China-EU Youth Summit and High-Level Cultural Forum.People-to-people exchange has become the highlight of China-EU cooperation.展望2011年,中国将迎来“十二五”规划开局之年。面对复杂多变的国内外经济环境,中国政府将采取积极稳健、审慎灵活的宏观经济政策,加快转变经济发展方式,加快推进经济结构调整,保持经济平稳较快发展,促进社会和谐稳定。今后5年我们将努力实现经济平稳较快增长、经济结构明显改善、居民收入全面提高、社会建设显著进步、改革开放继续推进等5大目标。

This year, 2011, China will begin to implement the 12th Five Year Plan.In the course of next five years, we will commit ourselves to five major development goals, namely stable and steady economic growth, economic structural improvement, comprehensive household revenue increase, social progress, and continued reform and opening up.Against the backdrop of a complicated and volatile international and domestic economic environment, the Chinese government will implement the macroeconomic policy that is active, sound, prudent and flexible.We will accelerate the shift of economic growth pattern, further promote structural adjustment, and maintain stable and steady economic growth in pursuit for social harmony and stability.展望2011年,中欧关系将迎来具有重要意义的一年。世界刚刚迈入21世纪第二个十年,各种全球性挑战和热点问题层出不穷。无论是实现各自发展,应对全球性问题和挑战,还是维护世界和平、促进共同发展,中欧均需携手并肩,同舟共济。双方未来发展需要中欧成为更紧密的战略伙伴。中国“十二五”规划和“欧洲2020战略”同时启动。双方利益更加契合,既为务实合作提供新的机遇,也要求中欧更加紧密合作,深挖合作潜力。

The year 2011 also bears great significance on China-EU relations.In the second decade of the 21st century, it is even more imperative for China and Europe to strengthen our strategic partnership.This partnership is essential for our respective development, and it will contribute an active part to peace, development, and effective response to global challenges and hotspot issues.As Europe begins to ground its 2020 Strategy, we should work more closely to tap the potential of our increased converging interest for new development opportunities.借此机会,我还想特别指出,新的一年,中欧人文合作将成为中欧合作的又一根有力的支柱。两周前,我们共同见证了中欧青年交流年正式拉开序幕。明年已被确定为中欧文化间对话年。我们相信,通过密切人文交流,中欧关系将得到双方人民的更多理解和更坚定的支持。

I am particularly pleased to say that people-to-people exchange has become another main pillar of China-EU cooperation in the New Year.Two weeks ago, we have together witnessed the opening of EU-China Year of Youth.And year 2012 has already been designated as the Year of Intercultural Dialogue.We believe that these people-to-people exchanges will help us build more understanding and support for China-EU relations between our two peoples.各位尊敬的来宾,你们都是中欧关系的参与者、贡献者和见证者,为中欧关系的健康稳定发展付出了辛勤的劳动,我谨代表中国驻欧盟使团向大家表示感谢。使团将一如既往地同大家一道,在新的一年里为推动中欧关系迈上新台阶而共同努力。

Ladies and Gentlemen,The healthy and steady growth in China-EU relations wouldn’t have been possible without your dedication and support.On behalf of the Mission of China, I wish to thank you all for your valuable contribution over the past years.And I promise that in the New Year, we will continue to work with you to further promote the growth of China-EU ties.谢谢!

Thank you!





Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Reception Marking the 65th Anniversary of the Chinese People's Victory against Japanese AggressionSeptember 2010, the Chinese Embassy


Second World War Veterans,Your Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,感谢大家出席今天的招待会。今天我们在这里聚会,是为了纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利65周年,也是为了纪念世界反法西斯战争的胜利。就在不久前,英国也举行了二战对日战争胜利65周年纪念活动。

Thank you very much for joining us today, as we mark the 65th anniversary of the Chinese people's victory against Japanese aggression.Not long ago, Britain also celebrated the 65th anniversary of its Victory over Japan Day.发生在20世纪三四十年代的中国人民抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争,是世界爱好和平与正义的国家和人民同人类文明的凶残敌人进行的一场殊死搏斗。在这场世界反法西斯战争中,中国人民抗日战争开始最早、持续时间最长。中国英勇抗击了日本陆军总兵力的三分之二,歼灭日军150多万(占日军二战期间伤亡人数的70%),对打败日本侵略者起到了关键作用。中国人民抗日战争在战略上有力地支持了欧洲战场和太平洋战场抗击法西斯的行动。

Both the Chinese and the world anti-Fascist wars of the 1930's and 1940's were life and death struggles against ruthless states that were enemies of humanity.The Sino-Japanese war was the first to break out and lasted the longest.China played a key role in defeating the Japanese aggressors by fighting two-thirds of their army forces, resulting in 70% of their casualties during World War II, and by providing strategic support to our allies and assisted their operations in the European and Pacific theatres.中国人民抗日战争的胜利不仅为中国人民赢得民族独立和解放,建立人民共和国奠定了重要基础,而且为世界反法西斯正义斗争取得胜利作出了重要贡献,对促进世界和平事业产生了重大而深远的影响。

China's victory over Japanese aggression not only laid an important foundation for the achievement of national independence and liberation by the Chinese people and the founding of the People's Republic, it also contributed to the world's just struggle against Fascism.It also exerted a far-reaching impact on promoting world peace.中国人民抗日战争的胜利,是同世界所有爱好和平与正义的国家和人民、国际组织及各种反法西斯力量的同情和支持分不开的。中英两国在世界反法西斯战争中是坚定的盟友,英国为中国人民抗日战争提供了经济援助和军事合作,给予了宝贵的支持。1943年,中、美、英三国共同发表的对日作战宣言——《开罗宣言》更是具有重要历史意义。我本人担任中国驻埃及大使期间,曾专程造访金字塔脚下不远的开罗会议故址——米那豪斯大饭店(HOTEL MENA HOUSE),重温历史,牢记使命。

China's victory would not have been possible without the sympathy and support of the peace and justice loving nations and peoples of the world.Britain was a staunch ally of China, offering us economic assistance and military cooperation during our resistance against Japan.The historic Cairo Declaration was issued in 1943 by China, the United States and Britain.Whilst the Chinese Ambassador to Egypt, I visited the Hotel Mena House Oberoi, not far away from the Pyramid where the Cairo Conference was held, to remember this part of history and my responsibilities as a diplomat.中英在战场上并肩抗击日本法西斯,涌现了无数可歌可泣的英雄事迹,共同谱写了许多感人肺腑的友谊篇章。1941年12月,日军进攻香港后,部分英国军官及中国驻港军事代表组成了“突围团”,在广东人民抗日游击队——东江纵队的帮助下,最终顺利抵达安全区。

I have heard a lot of touching stories about men and women from both China and Britain, who jointly fought the Japanese fascist forces and forged a profound friendship.In December 1941 after the fall of Hong Kong, some British and Chinese officers stationed in Hong Kong formed a joint contingent to break the Japanese siege.With the help of the anti-Japanese Dongjiang Guerrillas in Guangdong Province, they finally arrived safely in the Chinese mainland.1942年春天,中国派出10万远征军入缅协助英军作战,成功地救出了被围困的英军官兵7000多人,自身付出了巨大的牺牲。1942年10月,运送英军战俘和侨民的日本运输舰“里斯本丸号”被美国军舰击沉于中国舟山东极海域,东极百姓冒着被日军杀害的危险,从海中营救


In the spring of 1942, China sent 100,000 troops to Burma to support the British operations.Many of them lost their lives while rescuing 7,000 besieged British soldiers.In October 1942 when the Japanese freighter Lisbon Maru used as a prisoner-of-war transporter was sunk by a US warship in the waters off Dongji Island, in Zhejiang Province.The local fishermen saved 384 British prisoners of war at the risk of death from the Japanese.英国青年乔治·何克怀着人道主义理想来到中国,撰写大量报道向全世界揭露日本侵略者罪行,参与创办培黎学校,并以自己的年轻生命,谱写了中英友好的颂歌。我们非常高兴英军二战老战士、中英“突围团”的后代和何克母校代表出席今天的招待会。

Another heart warming story was that of George Hogg, a 23 year old British journalist who went to China to expose the crimes of the Japanese.Whilst there, he founded the Bailie School in Shandan County and did everything he could to support the local children and the Chinese people's efforts to fight the Japanese invasion.He died in Shandan at the age of 30 and was buried there.Today we are glad to have here with us Second World War veterans, descendents of the Hong Kong Escape Party, and representatives from the former school of George Hogg.孔子说,温故而知新。我们回顾历史,是为了更好地把握今天和未来。今天的世界还没有安宁太平,人类还没有远离硝烟,同时恐怖主义、气候变化、传染性疾病等全球性挑战日益突出。但历史在发展,时代在进步,要和平、谋发展、促合作成为世界各国人民的共同愿望,同舟共济、互利共赢成为国际社会的必然选择。在新形势下,我们愿与包括英国在内的世界上一切爱好和平的国家一道,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同努力。

As Confucius said, “Consider the past, and you shall know the future”.We look back at our past to learn, to grasp our present and to shape our future.We live in a world that is far from being peaceful in many places.It still has a lot of challenging issues to deal with, from terrorism, climate change to communicable diseases.But our world is moving forward.We live at a time when people all around the world are united by an aspiration towards peace and development.Cooperation for mutual benefit has become the favoured choice of the international community.In this new era, China and the UK should further strengthen our partnership and work with other peace-loving countries in the pursuit of a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.谢谢大家!

Thank you.原文链接:

联合国贸发会秘书长第二届世界投资论坛开幕词时间:2010-09-07 21:41来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:128次


Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the World Investment Forum 2010

by Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD

Xiamen, 7 September, 2010

Excellencies,Distinguished delegates,Ladies and gentlemen,The biennial UNCTAD World Investment Forum is the most important event for the international investment community and its stakeholders.It provides a unique platform for interaction among global leaders,senior policymakers,corporate executives,investors, investment promotion agencies,and investment experts and practitioners from many countries around the world.The presence of more than 400 investment leaders from 116 countries from all parts of the investment community demonstrates the importance that international investment has gained as an engine of growth and development.Over the next three days,we will examine the challenges and opportunities for global investment in a post-crisis economy,which will be addressed by the following events:

1.The World Leaders Investment Summit will discuss the new international investment landscape in the post-crisis era.It will identify policy options for maximising the developmental benefits of foreign investment and how to take advantage of a new emerging economic and policy landscape.2.The Ministerial Round Table will address investment policy coherence in the post-crisis environment,including balancing investment liberalisation and regulation,and enhancing coherence between national and international investment policies.3.The High-level Tripartite Conference will identify the most prominent issues related to FDI and the impact of investment on sustainable development.Key topics include: world investment

prospects,re-strategising investment promotion and promoting green investment.4.The 2010 International Investment Agreements Conference will reflect on the key development challenges facing the IIA regime and how it can leverage tangible development benefits in a post-crisis economy.5.The Sustainable Stock Exchanges Conference 2010 will examine how stock exchanges can promote sustainable business practices and responsible capital markets,which will ensure stable growth and positive development outcomes.6.The Special Conference on Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing will provide an opportunity to discuss the need for a recognised set of principles for borrowers and lenders that promotes sustainable debt and credit conditions.7.The 8th Meeting of UNCTAD and the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)Investment Advisory Council will discuss how investment can used to tackle the foreseeable shortfall in achieving the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).8.Finally,the‘Investment Showcase’events will include presentations from individual countries on climate change-related investment.Other events include the launching of the G15 of Law Schools network dedicated to academic exchange on international investment law,and the UNCTAD Investment Promotion Award 2010, as well as various networking banquets,luncheons and dinners.All of these events will contribute towards the Forum’s main overall objective:to better understand the challenges and opportunities that the post-crisis investment landscape presents to all of us,and in particular to developing countries.In this new phase of globalisation –perhaps even a phase where we will see a retrenchment of globalisation–a new generation of investment policies will be needed.Such policies must encourage the transformation towards a low carbon economy,and the need for investment to work for development and the achievement of the MDGs.UNCT D’s World Investment Report 2010 provides information and analysis on some of these topics,as well as data on current trends in FDI.As such,the Report is offered as the main reference document to the World Investment Forum.Lastly,I would like to express my personal gratitude on behalf of UNCTAD to everyone who is

attending the Forum,including the numerous organizations and associations that have partnered with us in the organisation of this year’s events.Your presence and contributions to the Forum’s discussions will help make this event a success and advance UNCT D’s mission to assist developing countries make investment work for development.For their practical support and hospitality,I wish to express UNCT D’s appreciation for the marvellous co-operation extended to us by the Ministry of Commerce,Fujian Province and the City of Xiamen.I also wish to acknowledge the partnership with the 14th China International Fair for Investment and Trade(CIFIT),which will be opened tomorrow morning.So without further deliberation,I would like now to declare the World Investment Forum 2010 officially open.原文链接:



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