
时间:2019-05-13 02:59:59下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 4

Topic 1

Section A



1.———What can I do for you ?

———I want to buy some clothes for daughter。2.———May I help you ?

———Yes,please。I like the yellow coat。3.Can I try it on ?

4.———How much is it ?

———It is „..自学1a :

1.buy sth for sb= buy sb sth 给某人买某物 eg,He buys me a bike。===He buys a bike for me。

2.Not at all。

===You are welcome。===That is all right。===That is ok。(不客气)3.try on “试穿 ”

当代词作宾语,只能放于try 与 on之间。eg,try it / them on。

当名词作宾语,放于on的前后都可。eg,try on the shirt。===try the shirt on。

4.How much is /are „ 用于询问价钱.Eg, How much is your coat? How much are the apples? 当堂训练: 1.I like the green dress。Can I t it on? 2.The hat is nice。

I will t it。

3.Twenty and twenty is f。

4.He has three h books in his study。5.———How m is the shirt ?

———It is only 98 yuan。

()6.-------Would you like to eat out with me ?--------___________________________.A.Yes ,I would B.Yes,I'd like to.C.Thank s D.Yes.I like.()7.We are very glad to ______here.A.is B.are C.be D./()8.I have many good friends here.They are all kind _______me.A.for B.to C.of D/wit()9.------___________________________________.-------Yes,I' d like some jiaozi.A.May I help you,sir? B.Do you like it?

C.Why not have a glass of apple juice? D.What would you like to drink? 年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit4 Topic1 学习目标:


2.句型What do you think of------? How much is it /are they ? 3.短语try on ,a pair of, think about , not at all ,all the same 学习重点:

重点掌握句型:What do you think of----? How much is it/are they? 教学过程: 一.





二.Pair work Act out 1a.Pay atttention to the expressions about shopping.三.重点短语:

A pair of , think about , thanks all the same, make a list., 当堂训练:

根据汉语及首字母提示完成句子: How do you like the _________(裤子)They’re too short.2 Why not t____ on this pair of shoes ? 3 What about the blue ________(条)of trousers ? 4 What do you think of this pair o_____green shoes? 5 I’m sorry I can’t help you with it.Thanks all the s_______.单项选择:

()1 How do you like my T---shirt?----_____________ A I like it B It’s on the bed C Thank you D Not bad()2---How _________apples do you want ?-------I want two kilos.------How _________are they ?-------They are 5 yuan.A much many B many much C many many D much much()3---What do you _______the blue pants ?------They are ________short.A like;too B think of;too C like;very D think of;a lot of()4----Can I help you ?--------I am __________looking , thanks.A just B only C just only D A and B()5 This pair of pants _______blue.I like ___________very much.A is it B are them C is them D are it 补全对话:

A : Good afternoon!Can I ___1___ you ? B :

Yes, please.I’d like _____2_____buy a shirt ______3____my daughter.A : OK.What ___4__does she like ?Do you ____5___? B : Sorry,I don’t know.A : What ___6____this black one ? B : It looks all right , ___7____it’s too big.A : Now , look____8____this white one.B : Oh , good!That’s very nice.How ___9____is it ? A : It’s 99 yuan.B : OK , I’ll ____10___it.1._________2__________3____________4____________-5______________ 6__________7_________8____________9____________10____________ 短语快译: 想要买条新裙子_____________________-2 50个男教师___________________3想着他自己_________________ 4 试穿这件棕色外套__________________________________ 5 六百棵小树____________________________________ 6 思考一些难题______________________________________ 7 制定一个购物计划______________________________________ 8 在那边____________________

年级:七年级 课题:Unit 4 Topic 1 What can I do for you?Section C 教学目标:

1.学习并掌握用数量词表示名词的量; 2.继续学习可数名词和不可数名词的用法;

3.继续谈论购物;能够阅读、书写购物单出示问题: 自主学习:


how many + 可数名词(复数)how much + 不可数名词

How many bottles of milk do you need? How much rice do you need? 2 Could you help me do some shopping,Ben? 本,你能帮我买些东西吗?

do some shopping 买东西,购物 课堂展示: Can/May I help you? What can I do for you? How much „? Here you are.Don’t worry.课堂练习;

一.用how many/how much完成下列句子。

1.__________ rice do you want? 2.__________ hamburgers would you like? 3.__________ water is there in the glass? 4.__________ apples do they need? 二 单项选择

()1 Could you help me do some shopping? I need______ things.A a lot of B a lot C a little()2-----How much are the pants?-----The blue ______are 80 yuan.And the black______ Is 90 yuan.A one;ones B ones;one C ones;ones()3-----_________milk do you want,sir?-----Three bags.A How much bags of B How many bags of C How many()4----Would you like something _________lunch?----Yes, please.A drinks at B to drink of C to eat for()5----Would you like to have_______fish?----No, thanks.I don't want ______fish.A some;some B any;some C some;any()6----Could you help me______the heavy bags?----Sute.A carry B carries C to carry

Unit 4 Topic 1What can I do for you? Section D


在这个单元里,你学到了什么? 1.音标: 2.词汇: 3.语法:



(1)怎么记住1—999的基数词呢? 看看下面的口诀吧~巧记 100 以内的基数词



20、30至90,整十之后有-ty / ti /;


a hundred 是“一百”,请你记住别大意


事物 面 包 大 米 饭,(food, bread, rice)牛 奶 茶 水 橘 汁 甜,(milk, tea, orange juice)家 务 工 作 作 业 多,(housework, work, homework)幸 福 生 活 鱼 肉 鲜。(happiness, life, fish, meat)


小组操练句型。How much is it / are they? How many /How much „ do you want?

四、当堂检测:(总20分)some 与 any 的用法

1.I want to buy clothes for my daughter.2.How about bread? 3.Oh, we don’t have milk.4.Do you have vegetables? 单项选择

()1.--______are these bananas?---Two yuan a kilo.A What B How much C How many()2.This dress looks very nice.Can I ______? A Try on them B try it on C Try on it()3.----How much is the fish?----It's________.A a kilo five yuan B five yuan a kilo C five yuans a kilo()4.Please give me________.A Three cups of milk Bthree cup of milks C three cups milk()5.Would you please do _____things with me? A any B some C little 年级:七年级 课题:Unit4 Topic2 SectionA 学习目标


Are you free this Sunday? Yes, what’s up? Would you like to go to „? Yes ,I’d love to„。Don’t forget to bring your„。

2.学习打电话常用语。Hello.Hello,Jane.This is Kangkang.学习过程

1.自主学习1a.2.合作交流,语言点导学。(1)tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事

例如:Please tell Maria about it.(2)tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事

例如:My father tells me to buy some bread.(3)go shopping 去购物

go swimming 去游泳 go fishing 去钓鱼(4)forget to do sth 忘记去做某事(还没有做)

例如:Don’t forget to bring your guitar.学习巩固

补全对话 A: Hello.B: Hi,Maria._________________________.Are you free this Sunday? A: Sure._______________.B: Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? A:___________________________.B:Don’t forget to bring something to eat.A:______________Bye.B:Bye.排列顺序

()Hello.Lucy!This is Linda.()Are you free tomorrow?()Would you like to go shopping with me?()Hello.Linda!()I want to buy a toy my cousin.()Ok, See you then.()Yes, what’s up ?()See you.()Yes,I’d love to What do you want to buy ?

年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit4 Topic2 SectionB 教学目标:


2.熟悉并运用英语打电话的日常表达。教学重点;重点掌握句型Would you like to do sth------?及答语。What about-------? How about------?表示-------怎么样? May I speak to sb ? 教学过程:

一. 自学1a 找出提建议或征求意见的句型:

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________找出重点短语 二. 分角色表演1a 三. 自学2a 读2a回答下列问题: May I speak to Maria ? 2 Who’s this ? 3 Could you ask her to call me back this evening ? 四.表演打电话的交际用语 当堂训练:


Want , have to, for, food, fly , carry , On Sunday , KangKang goes out _____a picnic with his friends.They take some ________with them.Jane__________KangKang to sing some songs with her , but he has no time.He __________cook.Wang Junfeng and Michael would like to help KangKang.Steve _________water for them.And Maria___________a kite with the dog.They are all very happy!用所给动词的适当形式填空: Could you ask her __________(call)me back this evening ? 2 Would you like __________(fly)a kite with us ? 3 Don’t forget____________(bring)your book.4 I’m afraid I have ________(not)time.5 This is Lin Tao _______(speak).单项选择:

()1 May I speak to Tom , please ?-----________________ A Yes , I am.B I’m speaking C Yes , you may D This is speaking()2----Hello!Is that Mr.Wang speaking ?-----Yes.___________ A Who’s this ? B Who are you ? C I’m speaking.D I’m Mr.Wang.()3 Would you please _________him___________me back? A to ask;to call B to ask;call C ask;to call D ask;call()4 Would you like to go for a picnic with me ? It is ___________ A a fun B fun C very fun D funs()5-----Would you ask him to give me a call ?------Sure , I’ll___________him about it.A take B talk C tell D speak()6----Jane , Are you free this Sunday ?-----No , But I’m free___________Tuesday.What’s up ? A in B on C at D of()7---I’m sorry I can’t go to the picnic with you.I have to look after my little sister.------Oh!Do you have to ? A No problem B Not at all C I’m so sorry D Don’t worry()8 Some boys like playing_____________guitar after they have ___________supper.A /;the B the;the C the / D /;/()9 I’d like to have a picnic with my friends , but my parents don’t let me go.So I’m not ________.A afraid B young C happy D strong()10 John often asks Tom __________with him.They are good friends.A play B to play C plays D playing

Unit 4 Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic? Section C 教学目标:

1.学习并掌握约会及提建议的常用语。2 学习打电话,掌握有关电话用语。3 学习并掌握表示提醒注意的句型。自主学习:

take 带来,拿来 Why not take some apples there? bring 带走,拿走 Please bring me some apples.2 Thanks.That would be very nice.多谢,那太好了。


Would you like to have a picnic with sb.? Yes, I'd love to./Thanks.That would be very nice.What about having a picnic with sb.? 一词汇

A 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。

1---What about singing some s______ with us?---I'm sorry.I have to cook.2---May I speak to Kitty?---I'm a_______she isn't here now.3 Could you fly k_____ with me? 4 Don't f______ to bring your cap here.5 Mr.Li is very old.Xiao gang and Liangling often help him c______water.B 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1---Could you ask her _______(call)me back?---Sure.2---How about ________(have)a picnic with us?---Sorry.I'm afraid I have no time.3 I want_______(do)some shopping.4---Would you like to go ______(fish)with me?---Yes.I'd like to.5 I'd like ______(fly)a kite with you.二 单项选择

()1 I'd like to go _______a picnic Sunday.A for;on B for;in C at;on()2---Hello!---Hello,Mary_______Lucy speaking.A I'm B That's C This is()3 I want to see Mr.Brown.I'd like to ______some apples and oranges to _______.A take;he B take;him C bring;him()4---Why not _____shopping this afternoon?---_______.A to go;Good idea Bgo;Good idea C go;Yes, I do()5---How about______a picnic with us this Sunday?---_______,thanks.A having;I'd like that B have;I'd like that C having;I don't think so

Unit 4 Topic 2What can I do for you? Section D




二、合做交流。二.知识回顾: 1.音标 /aː/, /uː/, /ʊ/, /aʊ/ 2.邀请

(1)—Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? —Oh, I’d love to.(2)—Steve, how about flying a kite with me? —I’d like that, but I’m afraid I have no time.(3)—What about having a picnic with old Mcdonald? —I’d like that, thanks.3.打电话(1)—Hello!—Hello, Jane!This is Kangkang.(2)—May I speak to Maria? —Oh, sorry.She isn’t in now.(3)—Could you ask her to call me back this evening? —Sure.4.约定

—Are you free this Sunday? —Yes.What’s up?



① Would you like _____ with me? Yes, I’d love to.A.go shopping B.to go shopping C.to go shop D.going shopping ② What about ____? I’d like that, thanks.A.have a picnic with old Tom B.to have a picnic with old Tom C.has a picnic with old Tom D.having a picnic with old Tom ③ Would you like to go shopping with us? _____.A.Yes, I would.B.No, I wouldn’t.C.Yes, I’d like to.D.No, no.④ Could you ask her ____ the guitar tomorrow? A.to bring B.brings C.bringing D.bring ⑤ The teacher ____ on Sunday.A.free B.are free C.is free D.am free

填空题,每空一词 A: Hello? B: Hello.May I _______ to Wang Hai? A: Sorry.He ______ here now.Who’s this? B: _____ _____ Tom.Could you ask him to _____ me back this evening? A: _____.Does he have your phone number? B: No, he ________.My phone number is 8337-5766.A: 8337-5766.All right.I’ll tell him _______ it.B: Thank you.Goodbye.A: Bye.年级:七年级 课题:Unit4 Topic3 SectionA 学习目标

学习谈论时间表达方式 What time is it, please?What’s the time, please? 情景交际。


A: Excuse me, Wang Shan.__________________

B: Sorry, I don’t know._______________ Please go and ask Ted.A: Excuse me.What time is it, please? C: It’s about 3:30 p.m.A: Thank you, Ted.C: __________________

Look, under the desk.B: Is it black? C: ____________ B: Let me have a look.Oh, it’s mine.C: ____________ B: Thank you very much.A.Whose watch is that? B.What’s the time, please? C.Here you are.D.I can’t find my watch.E.Yes, it is.一用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1---Could you ask her _______(call)me back?---Sure.2---How about ________(have)a picnic with us?---Sorry.I'm afraid I have no time.3 I want_______(do)some shopping.4---Would you like to go ______(fish)with me?---Yes.I'd like to.5 I'd like ______(fly)a kite with you.二 单项选择

()1 I'd like to go _______a picnic Sunday.A for;on B for;in C at;on()2---Hello!---Hello,Mary_______Lucy speaking.A I'm B That's C This is()3 I want to see Mr.Brown.I'd like to ______some apples and oranges to _______.A take;he B take;him C bring;him()4---Why not _____shopping this afternoon?---_______.A to go;Good idea Bgo;Good idea C go;Yes, I do()5---How about______a picnic with us this Sunday?---_______,thanks.A having;I'd like that B have;I'd like that C having;I don't think so

课题:Unit4 Topic3 SectionB 教学目标:

1.掌握一些动物的名称: panda , monkey, tiger, elephant, 等

2.短语:on the way to our school, next time , have breakfast , get up , see the animals, find his way home, go to the zoo, go home, meet his friends, have lunch等 3.重点句型:It’s time to do sth.It’s time for---------What’s your favorite animals? What time is it? What’s the time ? 教学重难点:

重点掌握句型What time is it ? What’s the time ? It’s time to do sht It’s time for----What’s your favorite animals ? 教学过程: 自主学习: 大声地读1a找出用英语询问时间及其答语。2能够就自己喜欢的动物进行交流 3找出重点短语 学习2a 根据例子编写对话 展示1a 小组活动 当堂训练:


()1---What’s the time ?---__________________________ A It’s time to go to school B It’s for bed C It’s five o’clock D Its five()2 ___________is it ? __----It’s ten past seven.A What B Where C What time D How()3---It’s 7:30 now.----It’s time _______class.A to B for C at D have()4 I must go _________.It’s time to go ___________ A to home;bed B home to;bed C to my home D to home;to bed()5 It’s half ________three now.A past B / C of D to()6 You speak English very well ___________________.A Yes, it is B You’re right C All right D It’s very kind of you to say so()7 What’s wrong with you.Sally ? My cat is lost.A with B to C for D of 补全对话:

LI Ming : Excuse me ,________________________________________? Steve : Oh , it’s half past five.Li Ming : ___________________________________.let’s go to the playground.Steve : ____________________________________? Li Ming: I like basketball very much.______________________? Steve : I like playing basketball , too.Li Ming : _________________________________? Steve : Good idea!Let’s go 根据汉语提示完成句子: 1 六点了,该起床了。

It is six o’clock.It’s time to_________ _________ 2 该是回家的时候了。

It’s time __________ _____________ ________ 3 现在8点了,该去动物园了。It’s eight o’clock.It’s time _________ __________ _________ __________ ____________ 4 该到吃午饭的时候了。

It’s time __________ _____________

科目:英语 年级:七年级 课题:Unit 4 Topic 3 What time is it?Section C 教学目标:

1.能读懂简单的故事,并抓住大意,掌握主要信息。2 能描述自己喜欢的动物。


on my way home bring 带走,拿走 Please bring me some apples.2 Thanks.That would be very nice.多谢,那太好了。


Would you like to have a picnic with sb.? Yes, I'd love to./Thanks.That would be very nice.What about having a picnic with sb.? 一词汇

A 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。

1---What about singing some s______ with us?---I'm sorry.I have to cook.2---May I speak to Kitty?---I'm a_______she isn't here now.3 Could you fly k_____ with me? 4 Don't f______ to bring your cap here.5 Mr.Li is very old.Xiao gang and Liangling often help him c______water.B 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1---Could you ask her _______(call)me back?---Sure.2---How about ________(have)a picnic with us?---Sorry.I'm afraid I have no time.3 I want_______(do)some shopping.4---Would you like to go ______(fish)with me?---Yes.I'd like to.5 I'd like ______(fly)a kite with you.二 单项选择

()1 I'd like to go _______a picnic Sunday.A for;on B for;in C at;on()2---Hello!---Hello,Mary_______Lucy speaking.A I'm B That's C This is()3 I want to see Mr.Brown.I'd like to ______some apples and oranges to _______.A take;he B take;him C bring;him()4---Why not _____shopping this afternoon?---_______.A to go;Good idea Bgo;Good idea C go;Yes, I do()5---How about______a picnic with us this Sunday?---_______,thanks.A having;I'd like that B have;I'd like that C having;I don't think so

Unit 4 Topic 3.What can I do for you? Section D


1.学习并掌握 四个元音音标;复习一般现在时 2..复习时间的表达法。

二.知识回顾: 在这个单元中,我们学了哪些有用的句型呢? Do you have time tomorrow? Let’s meet at 9 o’clock in my home.What are your favorite animals? It’s time to go home.What’s wrong with you, Baby Monkey? I can’t find my way home.Let me help you.Here we are.It’s very kind of you.Thank you for your help.让我们来重温时间的表达法吧!

What time is it, please? / What’s the time, please? It’s one o’clock.(It’s one.)It’s a quarter past one.(It’s one fifteen.)It’s half past one.(It’s one thirty.)It’s twenty to two.(It’s one forty.)



()1.— Let’s meet _________ 10 o’clock at my home.— OK.A.at B.in C.on D.of()2.It’s five o’clock.It’s time _________.A.go home B.goes home C.to go home D.going home()3.— What’s wrong _________ you? — I can’t find my way home.A.about B.with C.of D.on()4.5:15 in English is _________.A.a quarter to five B.a quarter past five C.fifteen to five D.five to fifteen()5.— _________ are your favorite animals? — Tigers.A.What B.Which C.Who D.Whose()6.— _________ is it? — It’s Six o’clock.A.What’s time B.What’s the time C.What time D.What the time 情景交际。


A: Excuse me, Wang Shan.__________________

B: Sorry, I don’t know._______________ Please go and ask Ted.A: Excuse me.What time is it, please? C: It’s about 3:30 p.m.A: Thank you, Ted.C: __________________

Look, under the desk.B: Is it black? C: ____________ B: Let me have a look.Oh, it’s mine.C: ____________ B: Thank you very much.A.Whose watch is that? B.What’s the time, please? C.Here you are.D.I can’t find my watch.E.Yes, it is.


Unit2 Topic1 Section A 学习目标:


2学习单词:head hair eye ear nose mouth face big

wide small long round short 3.掌握have/has的用法。





A:Who are you? B:I’m „

A:Who is he/she? B:He/She is„


(1)I have a small nose,but he has a big one.我长着一个小鼻子,但他长着一个大鼻子。

has是have的第三人称单数,当主语是she,he,it时用has;当主语是I,you,we,they时用have.如:Kangkang has big eyes.I have a small mouth.(2)She has long hair.她留着长发。

long hair 前没不定冠词a,因hair是不可数名词,它没单复数,不用a/an.学习巩固


(1)He ____a big head.A.has B.have C.is(2)Mr.Lee has ____short hair, ____small nose and ____wide mouth.A.a;a;a B.a;the;/ C./;a;a(3)His____are small, but his nose is big.A.hair

B.eye C.ears(4)------Are you Li Ping?------Yes,_________.A.he’s B.you’re right C.I’m(5)This is my friend.____nose is big.A.He B.His C.She(6)-----Is he Kangkang?------____________.A.Yes, he is.B.Yes, he isn’t.C.No,he is.年级: 七年级 科目:英语 内容:Topic1SectionB 学习目标:

学习人体各部分名称,能够描述自己的外貌特征; 2 熟练使用have/has陈述,疑问和回答。3进行简单的人物描写。重难点




学习1a Does she have long hair ? Yes, She does Who's that girl? 2.学习描写外貌的形容词。

Look!She has a small face ,big eyes and a small nose.巩固练习一 单项选择

()1 ——Your English teacher ? ______Miss Zhu A What B Who C How()2----You____20 boys in your class A.have B has C are

()3 __Hi, Linda!____are you in?-----I'm in Class Five.A What B What class CWhat grade()4Sally ___a small face ,big eyes and a small mouth.A is B are Chave D has()5----Who is she?

I know.She's _______ Aa teacher B in Class Eight C a girl D.Linda()6-----Is your friend a girl ?----Yes, ____is.A it B she C I D he()7----Is he D avid?-----___________ AYes, he isn't B No,he is C You're right D That's all right()8----Han Mei has a small face ,big eyes and a small nose.----__________ A You're all right B That's right C Excuse me()9____you know his name? A do B Are C Am D Is()10.Jane and Linda _____ long hair.They are from Canada A are B is C have D has 2.根据汉语及首字母提示完成句子。

一.His nose is very b___, but his mouth is very small.二.Yao Ming's legs are long ,but Tom's legs are s___ 三.Meimei has a big head and a w___mouth.四.-----Look, she has a round face and big eyes.-------That's__________(正确)五.His______(脚)are big.六.

年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Topic1SectionC 课时:15 教学目标:



Does he/she have---? 自主学习:

I come from England.我来自英国。

come from 来自 若主语是第三人称单数,则用comes from 如 She comes from China.come from与 be from近义

We are from Japan.=We come from Japan.2 We are in the same school,but in different grades.same 常与定冠词the连用,后面跟单数名词或不可数名词 different不与the搭配,后面跟复数名词。3 听1a,确认两个人物头像,完成1b.读1a,做1c.并找不懂之处,教师加以解释。4看关键词

boy----13---English----student----face----eyes---nose---mouse---sister----12----round----big----small-----same----different复述1a的内容。巩固练习:()1----Are you in _____class?-----Yes,we are.A same B the same C different Dthe different()2Li Ping ____a car.But she has a bus.A has B have C don’t have D doesn’t have()3----Does your sister _____a new school?----No,she doesn’t.A has B have C don’t have D doesn’t have()4----____you____from English?----No,I come from the U.S.A.A Are ,come B Do,come CDoes,come DIs,come()5---What are these?----They are ____.A a bus B bike C Knives DKnifes()6 Linda and I ____in the same school, but in different grades.A am Bis Chave Dare()7---Do you have an eraser?----Yes,I do.I have an old ____.A one Bones C ruler D pen()8 Kangkang has short _____,big eyes and a big mouth.A face B nose C hair D hairs()9He doesn’t ____a big head but his feet ____big.A has, is B Have, are C Has, are D have,is()10My legs are short_____her legs are long.A and B don,t C doesn,t D But 二 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

Her _____(ear)are small and her hair is short.2 They _____(do)have long hair.3 Our English teacher _____(have)a car.4 He has two big_____”(foot).5Ann is eleven_____(year)old.I am eleven ,too.年级:七年级 学科:英语 课题: Unit2 Topic1.Section D 学习目标 :1.学习音素:/p/./b/./t/./d/./k/./g/ 2.总结本话题所学语法。

自主学习: 1.同学们,本话题我们都学习了那些表示身体部位的名词,你能迅速说出吗? 2.本话题我们还学习了have.has 的用法,你能再复述一遍吗? 同桌两人比一比谁说的好!



1.His nose is very b____ _, but his mouth is very small.2.His legs are long , but her legs are s______.3.They c______ from England.4.He is wrong(错误的),but you are r______.5.Kangkang has a big head and a w______ mouth.6.Jay Chou is from China.He is C______.7.Zhao Wei is my f______ TV star.8.We are in d______ classes.9.Does he have two big h_______? Yes, he does.10.Lily has a s______.Her name is Lucy.They are twins(双胞胎)。


Rose is a girl.______ is thirteen years old.She ______ a round face ,big eyes and a small mouth.She comes ______ England.We are good ______.We are in _______ school.()1.A.I B.She C.He()2.A.has B.have C.is()3.A.to B.from C.on()4.A.friend B.student C.friends()5.A.same B.the same C.different 三.根据汉语完成句子。


My sister and I _____ _____ _____ _____.2.你的老师有一张大嘴巴吗?

_____ your teacher _____ a _____ mount.3. 他没有长脖子。

He _____ _____ a long neck.4.他的耳朵大吗?

Are her _____ _____ ? 5.猜猜看。谁是我最喜欢的足球明星?

是大卫 贝克汗姆?


______.Who _____ my _____ _____ star.Is it David Beckham ? You are _____.年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit2 Topic2 SetionB 课时:18 教学目标: 能用表示颜色的形容词描写人物的头发、相貌。掌握‚What does he/she look like ? Please give sth to sb.“这两个重点句型。

重难点:能用”What does he/she look like ?“来描写人物的外貌。教学过程: 一 自主学习:

学习1a 找出重点短语: give sth to sb.Look like.Long hair.重点句型: ‚What does he/she look like ? She doesn't have long hair.You're welcome ” 二 合作交流 同桌练习What does the man/woman/boy/girl look like ? 2 Ask and answer the following questions: Where is he/she from ? He/She is from------What color are his/her eyes ? They are------三 巩固练习单项选择

()1----Please give the letter __Peter.-----OK, I will A to B in C of D on()2----What color is this apple ?--------It's _________ A a green B a green apple C green D green apple

()3-----What does Lisa look like ?----She has ______nose.A a red big B a big red C red big D big red()4---What's white and black ?-----It's _________ A gray B pink C blue D green()5 My teacher has long blond hair.But his teacher ___have.A don't B doesn't C isn't D aren't 根据汉语提示及首字母完成句子 Betty is from England.She has blond hair and b____byes.But our eyes are black.2 Please _______(给)the ruler to her.3-----Please give this book to Li Mei.-------I'm s____.I don't know her.4-----What do they look ______(像)?

-----They have long hair.5 Our teacher is very old, but his hair is b______ 6 My mom is_______(年级大),but my English is____(年级轻)。7-----What c____is your bike?-------It's black.8 Yao Ming is ____(高)。An orange is o______and an apple is usually(通常)red.10----Hi, Jane.Your _____(信)-----Thanks.情景反应

1-----______ _______is his hair ?----It's blond.2----_____ _________ __________these desk?----They are yellow.3----_____does the student look____?-----He has short black hair and gray eyes.4----Excuse me,______ ________their English teacher ?-----Mr.Wang.-----Thank you.5-----_______She __________long black hair ?------Yes, she does.根据短文内容,完成下面的对话。A :____is Li Ming from? B: He's ___________China.A: Who is Yukio? B: He is Li Ming's good_______ A: _______ _________is he? B: He is thirteen.A: _________ __________is his skin.B: It's yellow.A:Is he from Japan ? B:Yes,that's right.They come from_____________countries.年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit2 Topic2 SetionB 教学目标: 能用表示颜色的形容词描写人物的头发、相貌。掌握‚What does he/she look like ? Please give sth to sb.“这两个重点句型。

重难点:能用”What does he/she look like ?“来描写人物的外貌。教学过程: 一 自主学习: 学习1a 找出重点短语: give sth to sb.Look like.Long hair.重点句型: ‚What does he/she look like ? She doesn't have long hair.You're welcome ” 二 合作交流 同桌练习What does the man/woman/boy/girl look like ? 2 Ask and answer the following questions: Where is he/she from ? He/She is from------What color are his/her eyes ? They are------三 巩固练习单项选择

()1----Please give the letter __Peter.-----OK, I will A to B in C of D on()2----What color is this apple ?--------It's _________ A a green B a green apple C green D green apple

()3-----What does Lisa look like ?----She has ______nose.A a red big B a big red C red big D big red()4---What's white and black ?-----It's _________ A gray B pink C blue D green()5 My teacher has long blond hair.But his teacher ___have.A don't B doesn't C isn't D aren't 根据汉语提示及首字母完成句子 Betty is from England.She has blond hair and b____byes.But our eyes are black.2 Please _______(给)the ruler to her.3-----Please give this book to Li Mei.-------I'm s____.I don't know her.4-----What do they look ______(像)?-----They have long hair.5 Our teacher is very old, but his hair is b______ 6 My mom is_______(年级大),but my English is____(年级轻)。7-----What c____is your bike?-------It's black.8 Yao Ming is ____(高)。An orange is o______and an apple is usually(通常)red.10----Hi, Jane.Your _____(信)-----Thanks.情景反应

1-----______ _______is his hair ?----It's blond.2----_____ _________ __________these desk?----They are yellow.3----_____does the student look____?-----He has short black hair and gray eyes.4----Excuse me,______ ________their English teacher ?-----Mr.Wang.-----Thank you.5-----_______She __________long black hair ?------Yes, she does.根据短文内容,完成下面的对话。A :____is Li Ming from? B: He's ___________China.A: Who is Yukio? B: He is Li Ming's good_______ A: _______ _________is he? B: He is thirteen.A: _________ __________is his skin.B: It's yellow.A:Is he from Japan ? B:Yes,that's right.They come from_____________countries.年级:七年级 科目:英语 学科:英语 课题: Unit2 Topic2 SectionD 教学目标:




1让同学们写一写本班某个同学的外貌和衣着,让其余的同学猜猜是谁。2 双人活动,运用句型What color is are---询问对方的衣服的颜色,然后挑几组同学表演。

让学生听1录音,并跟读。试着区别同一行的两个音标。4 头脑风暴。

fine from phone face seven have give movie nice class same sister please his nose zero thank thing both thirteen they their these there 巩固练习:

一 单项选择

()1 ——What does the boy_____?-----He has brown hair and gray eyes.A like B look C look like Dlook the same()2-----This eraser is Mary’s.Please_______.------OK.A give Mary it Bgive it to Mary C give one to Mary()3----Is that girl your friend?----Sorry,I don’t know the girl____red.A in a B in C is()4Her _____black and long and her legs are long,too.A hairs is Bhair is Chair are()5 The boy in_____blue shirt and ______white pants is Peter.A a B C 二 完形填空

This girl is my friend.She is thirteen____old.She is not tall and not___.She ____have a long face,but she has a____face like an apple.She has two big black eyes and a small nose.____mouth is wide, but her ears are___.She has short black hair.She likes red.She is ____red clothes.But now she is in a yellow skirt and brown____.She is a nice girl.She and I____good friends._____is she ?She is Ma Hong.()Aa year B year C years Dyeares()A long B short C big Dwhite()A does B doesn’t C do Dwhite()A round B small C big Dwide()A She B He C Her DHis()A long Bshort C big Dsmall()Ahas Bhave C in Dwith()Ashoe Bshoes C shirt Dshirts()Ais B are C has Dhave()A Who B What C Where DWhat color

年级:七年级 课题:Unit2 Topic3 SectionA 总课时:21 学习目标


1.自主学习1a.2.合作交流,语言点导学。(1)Whose cap is it? 它是谁的帽子?

Whose意为“谁的” ,用于询问物品属于谁。此句也可表达为:Whose is this cap ?(2)It’s Sally’s.----‘s是名词所有格的表达方式。

意为“„的”.(3)Whose „is this/that? =Whose is this/that„? 其答语:It’s +名词所有格或名词性物主代词或形容词性物主代


(4)Whose „are these/those? =whose are these/those„? 其答语:They are +名词所有格或名词性物主代词或形容词性物主学习巩固(1)----______(Whose/Who----They are _____(theirs/their)bags.(2)----Are _____(this/these)buses?----Yes,_____(they/these)are.(3)----Is this coat _____(yours/your)?----Yes,_____(its/it(4)Tom has a shirt.I have a shirt ,too.But_____(his/he ______(my/I)shirt is white.(5)----______(Whose/Who)photo is this?----______(Its/It()1.-----_______bike is this?-----It A.Who c.What()2.-----Whose baby is that?-----______hers.A.She C.Its()3.-----What color are Tom-----______brown.A.It C.They()4.-----Is this skirt ______?-----No,it isn-----Oh,it A.yours;And B.yours;Then



’s)bags are they? ’s)_____(my/mine).’s)shirt is blue, ’s)_____(theirs/their).选择

’s theirs.’s B.Whose ’s B.It’s ’s pants ? ’s B.Its ’re

’t.______whose is it ? ’s Lily’s.C.your;But

年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Topic3 SectionB 教学目标:






学习1a掌握下列的句型: 3.Whose jacket is this? 4.Is it yours? No, it's not mine.5.This one is blue.Yours和mine是名词性物主代词,相当于一个形容词性物主代词加上一个名词,在句中作主语、表语。One在此不是数词“一”,是代词,代替上文提及的物品。6.I think it's Kangkang's.这是一个主从句。主句是I think, 宾语从句是it's Kangkang's.如:I think you are right.Think的主从句中,否定句常否定主句。如:I don't think you are right.我认为你不对。

We don't think he can come.我们认为他不会来。根据1a对话完成短文

It's a

blue jacket.It is not ____(I).It's

not ______(Mickael).And it isn't ___________(Kangkang).____________(he)is blue and white.Then ____________(who)jacket is it? It is ___________(Li Ming)7.Pair work.Is this your eraser ?No, it's not mine.Are these your books? No, they are not mine.Whose books are they , then? They are his.巩固练习

根据句意及汉语提示完成句子----Whose bike is it?-----It's __________(我的)----Is this ___________(你的)school? No,it's_____________(她的)

3------Are those pants___________?-------No,They are short.4-----Those are their caps.They are white.What color is yours?-----____is black.5------____________banans are these?---------They're his 单项选择

()1 The bag is nice.______color is blue and green.A what B It C It's D Its()2------Whose bike is this?-------It's________bike._____is here.A she Her B my hers C I Mine D I My()3-------The ruler is short.That__________is long.--------OK.A rulers B hands C one D bikes()4---------Is it _________shirt?------------No, it isn't.___________is red.A his, His B his;He C your;My D yours;Mine()5-------Whose food _________this?-----------I think it's Kangkang's A are B has C have D is 选用所给的词完成短文

nice one short in her its

Zhang Lan's dress is too__________,Her mom gives________a long________.It looks very____________.Zhang



her mom like ___________color.Look!Zhang Lan is ____________a red dress.Zhang Lan is happy.用所给词的适当形式填空 This is ____desk.It's_______(I)2----Are these _________oranges?-----Yes, they're ________(they)3-----Whose skirt is this ?------It's ______skirt.It's ________(she)

年级: 七年级 科目:英语 内容:Topic3SectionC 学习目标:





1We look the same ,but we are in different clothes.我们看起来很像,但是我们穿着不同衣服。

clothes “衣服”,包括上衣,裤子等,只有复数形式,不能和具体的数字连用。

Who is he? 他是谁?


——Who is he?------He is Yao Ming.------And who is she?------She is my sister.巩固练习

一 单项选择

()1-----These photos aren’t ours.-----They are ________.A their B theirs C they()2----Whose jacket is this?----It’s __________..A she Bher Chers()3----Are those shoes his?----No,I think they are ___________.A Jiang Ping B Jiang Pings’ C Jiang Ping’s()4 These pens aren’t _______.They are ours.A their Bher C his()5----_______is your new coat?----It’s white.AWhere BWhose CWhat color 二 完形填空

My name is Zhao Li.______have a good friend.______name is Zhang Nan.She _____from Heilongjiang.She is tall and______long hair.She____big eyes.She_____black and white.B ut I like gray and brown.My mom _____us new clothes.Mine _____gray and _____are white.Now we are ______them.We are happy.()1 A My B I CMine()2 A She B Her CHers()3 A comes B come Cdoes()4 A have B has Cis()5 A have B has Cis()6 A like B has Clikes()7 A give B gives Cthinks()8 A is B are Chave()9 Ashe B her Chers()10 A in B have Clike

年级:七年级 课题:Unit2 Topic3 SectionA 学习目标



(1)Whose cap is it? 它是谁的帽子?

Whose意为‚谁的‛ ,用于询问物品属于谁。此句也可表达为:Whose is this cap ?(2)It’s Sally’s.----‘s是名词所有格的表达方式。

意为‚…的‛.(3)Whose …is this/that? =Whose is this/that…? 其答语:It’s +名词所有格或名词性物主代词或形容词性物主代词+名词。

(4)Whose …are these/those? =whose are these/those…? 其答语:They are +名词所有格或名词性物主代词或形容词性物主




(1)----______(Whose/Who’s)bags are they?----They are _____(theirs/their)bags.(2)----Are _____(this/these)buses?----Yes,_____(they/these)are.(3)----Is this coat _____(yours/your)?----Yes,_____(its/it’s)_____(my/mine).(4)Tom has a shirt.I have a shirt ,too.But_____(his/he’s)shirt is blue, ______(my/I)shirt is white.(5)----______(Whose/Who)photo is this?----______(Its/It’s)_____(theirs/their).选择

()1.-----_______bike is this?-----It’s theirs.A.Who’s B.Whose c.What()2.-----Whose baby is that?-----______hers.A.She’s B.It’s C.Its()3.-----What color are Tom’s pants ?-----______brown.A.It’s B.Its C.They’re()4.-----Is this skirt ______?-----No,it isn’t.______whose is it ?-----Oh,it’s Lily’s.A.yours;And B.yours;Then C.your;But 年级:七年级


课题:Topic3 SectionB






学习1a掌握下列的句型: 8.Whose jacket is this? 9.Is it yours? No, it's not mine.10.This one is blue.Yours和mine是名词性物主代词,相当于一个形容词性物主代词加上一个名词,在句中作主语、表语。One在此不是数词“一”,是代词,代替上文提及的物品。11.I


it's Kangkang's.这是一个主从句。主句是I think, 宾语从句是it's Kangkang's.如:I think you are right.Think的主从句中,否定句常否定主句。如:I don't

think you






he can come.我们认为他不会来。根据1a对话完成短文

It's a

blue jacket.It is not ____(I).It's

not ______(Mickael).And it isn't ___________(Kangkang).____________(he)is blue and white.Then ____________(who)jacket

is it? It

is ___________(Li Ming)12.Pair work.Is this your eraser ?No, it's

not mine.Are these


books? No, they






they ,then? They are his.巩固练习

根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1----Whose



it?-----It's __________(我的)----Is this ___________(你的)school? No,it's_____________(她的)

3------Are those



short.4-----Those are

their caps.They

are white.What color is yours?-----____is black.5------____________banans


these?---------They're his 单项选择

()1 The

bag is nice.______color

is blue and












here.A she Her



hers C I



I My()3-------The







hands C



bikes()4---------Is it _________shirt?------------No, it isn't.___________is


his, His



He C



yours;Mine()5-------Whose food




Kangkang's A



has C



is 选用所给的词完成短文

nice one short






dress is too__________,Her mom

gives________a long________.It looks very____________.Zhang





like ___________color.Look!Zhang Lan

is ____________a red




happy.用所给词的适当形式填空 This is ____desk.It's_______(I)2----Are these _________oranges?-----Yes, they're ________(they)3-----Whose skirt is

this ?------It's ______skirt.It's ________(she)年级: 七年级


内容:Topic3SectionC 学习目标:




人称代词和物主代词 学习过程

1We look the same ,but we are in different clothes.我们看起来很像,但是我们穿着不同衣服。

clothes “衣服”,包括上衣,裤子等,只有复数形式,不能和具体的数字连用。

Who is he? 他是谁?


——Who is he?

------He is Yao Ming.------And who is she?

------She is my sister.巩固练习

一 单项选择

()1-----These photos aren’t ours.-----They are ________.A their

B theirs

C they

()2----Whose jacket is this?----It’s __________..A she



()3----Are those shoes his?

----No,I think they are ___________.A Jiang Ping

B Jiang Pings’

C Jiang Ping’s()4 These pens aren’t _______.They are ours.A their


C his()5----_______is your new coat?

----It’s white.AWhere

BWhose CWhat color 二 完形填空

My name is Zhao Li.______have a good friend.______name is Zhang Nan.She _____from Heilongjiang.She is tall and______long hair.She____big eyes.She_____black and white.But I like gray and brown.My mom _____us new clothes.Mine _____gray and _____are white.Now we are ______them.We are happy.()1

A My



A She

B Her


A comes

B come


A have

B has


A have

B has


A like

B has


A give

B gives


A is

B are



B her

Chers()10 A in

B have













2.指示代词、人称代词、物主代词 3.名词复数的变化;


5.特殊疑问句的构成、回答和对划线部分提问 6.实义动词的第三人称单数及变化;



























课题: Unit 1 Topic2 Section B执笔:杜 一课型:新授课 时间:审核:



1.能用who 和 where进行简单的对话。2.扩大自己的知识面,了解更多的名人。Ⅱ.课前准备

1. 请同学们先熟读本页教材上的单词,写出你不能拼读的单词。2. 请同学们参照书上的注释或借用工具书,理解下列单词及句子。

heshetheywhowherefrom 1)Who is she ?She is Deng Yaping.2)Where is Beckham from?He’s from England.3)Who are they ?They’re Maria and Jane.4)Are they from England?No, they aren’t.5)Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.Ⅲ.学习过程 1.预习情况交流。


1)放录音1a , 学生听后跟读,模仿核对语音语调(尽量不看书)。2)练习1b










1. 利用学过的句子,编一段对话。2. 试着填空。

1)Who _______ he ?He ________ Beckham.2)Wherehe from ?He is China.3)Where is from?She is from.(英国)

Ⅴ.教学后记 教后记:









U4T3 Section B


1.学习新单词:result, grammar, dictionary, improve, look up, expensive.2.复习形容词的比较级和最高级形式 II.预习检测:

1.如果你想把单词译成汉语或把汉语译成英语,那么就有能为你这样做的网站。___________________________________________________________ 2.最后,在网络词典上查找单词也是有可能的。

______________________________________________________________ 3.将来的生活将会和现在的不一样。

______________________________________________________________ III.新授

一、复习① Subject + Vt.+ Object + Object complement

② 复习功能句“be sure”的用法。


1.Read the passage and choose the correct expressions from the box on Page 104 to complete it..2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words..三、Key phrases of 1a




2把……变成……___________________________ 4.……与……不一样____________________


()1.---Do you know this English world, Li Ting?

---No, I don’t.Let’s ___________ in a dictionary.A.look for it

B.look it for

C.look up it

D.look it up()2.I can’t understand this English story.Can you ______ it _____ Chinese?---Sure.A.change;into



D.choose;to()3.---Is your coat ______ Helen’s?---Yes, it is.Mine is red but hers is yellow.A.the same as

B.different from

C.interested in

D.good at()4.Xu Lin likes sports.He usually _______ an hour playing sports.A.costs B.pays


D.takes()5.Internet can _______ us to fined information much faster.A.help






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