英语演讲与辩论 课程教学大纲

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第一篇:英语演讲与辩论 课程教学大纲




英文名:The Art of English Public Speaking and debating





选定教材:Stephen E.Lucas(美),《演讲的艺术》(第八版),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004年 课程概述:






c.语境教学法(context teaching);

d.过程教学法(process teaching).2)课堂组织形式



c.鼓励学生制作视觉辅助材料(visual aids);



f.运用评估表(evaluation sheet)分析学生演讲;


第一章 Speaking And Listening



一、Speaking in Public

1.The Power of Public Speaking

2.The Tradition of Public Speaking

3.Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation

4.Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation

5.Developing Confidence: Your Speech Class

6.Public Speaking and Critical Thinking

7.The Speech Communication Process

8.Public speaking in a Multicultural World

二、Ethics and Public Speaking

1.The Importance of Ethics

2.Guidelines for Ethical Speaking


4.Guidelines for Ethical Listening


1.Listening Is Important

2.Listening and Critical Thinking

3.Four Causes of Poor Listening

4.How to Become a Better Listener


1.In what way is public speaking likely to make a difference in your life?

2.How is public speaking different from everyday conversation?

3.How can you control your nervousness and make it work for you in your speeches?

4.What are the seven elements of the speech communication process? How do they interact to determine the success or failure of a speech?

第二章 Speech Preparation: Getting Started



Selecting a Topic and Purpose

1.Choosing a Topic

2.Determining the General Purpose

3.Determining the Specific Purpose

4.Phrasing the Central Idea

二、Analyzing the Audience


2.Your Classmates as an Audience

3.The Psychology of Audiences

4.Demographic Audience Analysis

5.Situational Audience Analysis

6.Getting Information About the Audience

7.Adapting to the Audience

三、Gathering Materials

1.Using Your Own Knowledge and Experience

2.Doing Library Research

3.Searching the Internet


5.Tips for Doing Research

四、Supporting Your Ideas

1.Supporting Materials and Critical Thinking




5.Sample Speech with Commentary


1.What is the difference between the specific purpose and the central idea of a speech? What are four guidelines for an effective central idea?

2.What methods can you use to adapt your speech to your audience before the speech? During the speech?

3.What five things should you do to take research notes efficiently?

4.What are five tips for using examples in your speeches?

第三章 Speech Preparation: Organizing and Outlining



Organizing the Body of the Speech

1.Organization Is Important

2.Main Points

3.Supporting Materials


二、Beginning and Ending the Speech

1.The Introduction

2.The Conclusion

三、Outlining the Speech

1.The Preparation Outline

2.The Speaking Outline


1.What are the five basic patterns of organizing main points in a speech? Which are appropriate for

informative speeches? Which is used only in persuasive speeches? Which is used most often?

2.What are seven methods you can use in the introduction to get the attention and interest of your audience?

3.What are four ways to reinforce the central idea when concluding your speech?

4.What is a preparation outline? What are the eight guidelines discussed in the chapter for writing a preparation outline?

5.What is a speaking outline? What are four guidelines for your speaking outline?

第四章 Presenting The Speech



一、Using Language

1.Language Is Important

2.Meanings of Words

3.Using Language Accurately

4.Using Language Clearly

5.Using Language Vividly

6.A Note on Inclusive Language


1.What is a Good Delivery?

2.Methods of Delivery

3.The Speaker's Voice

4.The Speaker's Body

5.Practicing Delivery

6.Answering Audience Questions

三、Using Visual Aids

1.Advantages of Visual Aids

2.Kinds of Visual Aids

3.Guidelines for Preparing Visual Aids

4.Guidelines for Presenting Visual Aids


1.What are three things you should do to use language clearly in your speeches?

2.Why is it important for a public speaker to use inclusive language? What are five usages of inclusive language which have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them?

3.What are the eight aspects of voice usage you should concentrate on in your speeches?

4.What are the five steps you should follow when practicing your speech delivery?

5.What steps should you take when preparing for a question-and-answer session? What should you concentrate on when responding to questions during the session?

6.What are the major advantages of using visual aids in your speeches?

第五章 Varieties of Public Speaking




Speaking to Inform

1.Types of Informative Speeches: Analysis and Organization

2.Guidelines for Informative Speaking

3.Sample Speech with Commentary

4.The Importance of Persuasion

5.Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact

6.Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value

7.Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy

二、Methods of Persuasion

1.Building Credibility

2.Using Evidence


4.Appealing to emotions

三、Speaking on Special Occasions

1.Speeches of Introduction

2.Speeches of Presentation

3.Speeches of Acceptance

4.Commemorative Speeches

5.After-Dinner Speeches

四、Speaking in Small Groups

1.What Is a Small Group?

2.Leadership in Small Groups

3.responsibilities in a Small Group

4.The Reflective-Thinking Method

5.Presenting the Recommendations of the Groups


1.Why must informative speakers be careful not to overestimate what the audience knows about the topic? What can you do to make sure your ideas don't pass over the heads of your listeners?

2.What are three methods you can use to avoid abstractions in your informative speech?

3.Explain the difference between passive agreement and immediate action as goals for persuasive speeches on questions of policy.4.What four methods of organization are used most often in persuasive speeches on questions of policy?

5.What are four tips for using evidence effectively in a persuasive speech?

6.What are the three major traits of a good acceptance speech?

7.What are the five major responsibilities of every participant in a small group?


1)Lucas, Stephen E.The Art of Public Speaking.8th Ed.New York: McGraw Hill, 2004.配有Instructor's Manual.2)Verderber, Rudolph F.The Challenge of Effective Speaking.10th Ed.Boston: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1997.3)Collins, Patrick.Say It with Power & Confidence.Paramus: Prentice Hall, 1998.4)Kay, Sue(英):《实用演讲技巧》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004.5)亚历山大(Alexander, L.G.)(英),《英语辩论手册》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.6)纪玉华、陈向军、Andrew N.Brown,《英语演讲与辩论教程》,厦门:厦门大学出版社,2004.7)王守仁,何宁,《新编英语口语教程》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998.8)杨俊峰(编译),《实用演讲技能教程》,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,2001.9)谢伯端,《实用演讲与口才教程》,武汉:华中理工大学出版社,1996.10)黄士基,《演说的技巧与艺术》,武汉:华中理工大学出版社,1991.执笔人: 韩静2006年5月

审定人: 黄能2006年5月

系负责人: 王克明 2006年7月




学时/学分:32/2课程类别/性质:通识教育/选修 适用专业:非英语专业本科生











第一章 公众演讲的基本概念(2学时)




第二章 演讲稿的特征(2学时)





第三章 演讲稿的写作(10学时)








第四章 演讲台上技巧(4学时)






第五章 演讲佳作赏析(4学时)






第六章 演讲实训(10学时)






















参考教材:名人演讲---响彻世界的声音 任课教师:辛柯教授














在公众面前发表演讲是衡量一个人语言运用能力的重要标志。能用英语和他人就一个主题进行辩论是外语学习较高层次的要求;写演讲稿也是写作的高层次要求,因为演讲稿是一种特殊的文体,从用词、修辞、句子结构到篇章结构都有严格的要求。从不同的方位和各个层次把问题分析得有条有理,给听众提供信服的证据和结论也是演讲家必备的能之一。高等教育不仅要培养工程师、教师、科学家、医生、各种管理人员,同时培养企业领导人、国家领导人以及雄辩的演讲家和辩论家也是高等教育的目标之一.要培养良好的语言表达能力需要大量的语言操练和科学思维的训练, 同时要加强背诵讲稿的能力。里根总统在当演员是就练成了非凡的记忆力。演讲时配合得当的手势、恰如其分的面部表情,以及清晰的发音,准确的句子和词的重音都是需要长期训练的。

Basic requirements for Public Speech and Debate Speeches are not magic.A speech is a combination of information and opinion

written on paper and spoken.If you can have a thoughtful conversation, you can write and give a thoughtful speech.This is just one more reason why spoken English is so important.The following are the basic requirements for a public speech. speech should focus on one topic so that the audience can easily get the gist.The speech that covers too many thoughts, opinions or ideas could only confuse the audience.No speech should last more than 20 minutes.The more important the message, the less time required to say it.The more you speak, the more boring the audient find it is.In other words, the shorter your speech is, the more easily it can be remembered!The Gettysburg Address given by President Lincoln lasted only about 3 minutes.Complicated sentence patterns should be avoided.And parallel structure may very often produce amazing effect.Choose your words carefully.It’s important to remember that your words must be hearable and comprehensible the first time they are spoken.A clear pronunciation is necessary since a lot of words sound alike and the speaker has to give a distinct pronunciation of every word, but sometimes he has to speak very slowly, sometimes very quickly with exciting rhythm.With the help of gesture, the speaker sometimes has to invite the audience for participation, resulting in an exciting atmosphere.Humor is vital.Every speech needs it, and you need it, too, probably at the top.Ronald Reagan always wanted a joke at the beginning of a speech because he needed the quick victory of laughter.It helped him relax.It also helped the audience relax.While debating with others, the most important is to collect convincing facts or data to support your point of view and come to a convincing conclusion.Debating is an art that needs techniques as well as intensive training.The rational analysis of the question concerned and a quick response are based on the participant’s wide range of knowledge.Don’t forget to say thanks.Say your thanks in the manner or with the tone.Offer a compliment or a warm word whenever you can.英语演讲及辩论课程计划

Teaching Plan

This semester we are to have 8 topics for public speech and debate and 4 press conferences.And each topic covers 4 hours;for the first 2 hours, students are divided into small groups(each consisting 4)and discuss the questions given on the topic.After class, they have to collect information on the topic through internet or by reading English newspapers.Then they have to write a speech of 800 to 1000 words.For the second 2 hours, students have to deliver their speeches, with each speech lasting for about 10 to 15 minutes.Then the speaker has to answer the questions raised by their peers and try to defend his/her view.The four press conferences are held in class but preparation is to be done after class, based on the topics given by the instructor or selected by students themselves.Each press conference needs 3 speakers, one standing for an expert in a specific academic field, another for government official, the other for organizer of the press conference.Each speaker has to deliver a short speech concerning the topic given and be ready to answer the questions raised by their peers.The preparation covers the collection of information from internet, reading newspapers, listening to the radios or discussion among students.Week 1 to 2: Topics: Urbanization in China(A constant migrant army of farmers from rural areas into urban areas, advantages and disadvantages 从乡村大量流入大城市的农民工给社会发展都带来了那些好处和弊端?)Questions to be discussed: 1.What are the advantages of a constant flow of farmers from countryside into cities? What are the major contributions that the migrating farmers have made in your view? 2.What are the disadvantages caused by the migrating farmers? Which one do you think that has the biggest potential danger? 3.What can government at different levels do when so many farmers can not get their regular pay? 4.Why do so many city people look down them while they benefit a lot from these migrating farmers? 5.Why is it inevitable to stop this constant flow of farmers

during the process of our urbanization and modernization? 6.What are the main features of Chinese urbanization?

Week 3 to 4:Topics:Marriage and divorce(The rising divorce rates, the development of man’s civilization or the decline of man’s moral standard 中国目前持高不下的离婚率是人类文明的进步还是人们道德水准的下降?)

Question to be discussed:

1.What are the main factors that caused divorce in China now? Which one do you think is more important than others? 2.Why does our society become so tolerate to the third partner in the marriage in China now? 3.Why does cohabitation(同居)becomes so popular in China now? 4.Why do students from single parent family tend to have mental problems? What help can we offer? 5.Why does economic booming in China triggers rising divorce while in Western society economic depression results in divorce booming?(for reference)

6.Who are hurt most in the divorce? The parents of those who are involved? Or the wife? Or the children? Why?

7.Why do governments at different levels adapt many policies to protect children’ benefits when their parents divorce? Why do children whose parents are not illegally married share the same benefits as other children when 4

their parents parted?

Marriage is, of course based on love but that does not necessarily mean that when love has gone the marriage is over.Marriage needs nourishing.It needs mutual trust, loyalty, understanding, consideration, patience, devotion as well as sacrifice.Week 5 to 6: Topic: Smoking, an enjoyment or slow suicide(抽烟是一种享受还是一种慢性自杀?)Questions to be discussed: 1. Why does the number of smokers, especially teenagers, keep rising dramatically in China while it drops down sharply in developed countries? 2. Why does governments warn people of the danger of smoking while encourage farmers to grow more tobaccos and manufacturers to produce more cigarettes? 3. Why do so many medical doctors keep smoking even if they know many of their patients die of smoking related diseases? 4. Why do so many college students keep smoking even if they don’t

have any income? 5. If one of your family members smokes what hazards can it bring to the family? What can you do to help him/her quit smoking? 6. Why does governments at different levels ban smoking in public places? What effective measures can be taken to do it?

7. Why is difficult to detect smoking related diseases, such as lung cancers?

8. If your spouse is a heavy smoker, what can you do help him/her? And if all that fails, what can you do?

Week 7 To 8: Topics: Develop public transportation or private cars(在中国目前经济条件下,发展公交好还是发展私人小汽车好?)

1.What benefits can we get when we try to develop car industry? 2.What problems are caused by the development of car industry? 3.Why do many people insist that we should develop public transportation first? 4.Is it reasonable for many young couples to save money to buy private cars even if the price of gasoline keeps rising? Why? 5.What is the possibility of replacing gasoline by other forms of clean energy? 6.Why does government set very strict penalty for drunk driving? 7.What does the term “car culture mean”? What is difference between American and Chinese Car Culture?

Week 9 to 10: Economic development and environment protection(经济发展与环境保护是否相互矛盾?)Questions to be discussed? 1.Is it contradictory to develop our economy and improve our living standard while focusing on the protection of our environment? Why? 2.What facts cause the global warming? What bad effects can we predict? 3.What does the policy of sustainable economic development really mean? 4.What can we learn from the developed countries when they seriously polluted their environment during industrial revolution? 5.How can we establish a friendly relationship between man and its environment?

Week 11 to 12: Pet Animals, Benefits and Problems(宠物给社会带来的好处多余弊端,还是问题多余好处

1.Can you list the main reasons why so many people raise pet animals at home? Do you think that our society is so affluent that we can afford what pet animals need? 2.What benefits do pet animals bring in? What kinds of people are likely

to raise pet animals? What kind of pet animals do they raise? 3.What problems do pet animals cause? How do we handle these problems? What is the correct attitude towards pet animals and their owners in our society? 4.It is reasonable for college students to raise pet animals at dorm? If yes, why? If no, why? What does school discipline say about it? 5.Rabies(hydrophobia 狂犬病)is a deadly disease spread by pet animals, but why do so many people risk their life to keep pet animals? What diseases do man and animals share?

6.Why does pet animals’ dropping become one of the biggest concerns for every big city across the world? What are your suggestions for it? Week 13 to 14: Topic: Facing a shrinking job market, what can we(job

hunters)do?(大学毕业生如何面对紧缩的人才市场?)Questions to be discussed:

1.Why do so many people blame the development of hi-tech for shrinking job markets? Do you think that is reasonable? 2.Do you think there is a striking gap between what you learnt in the university and what the job markets demand? If yes, Why? If not, why? 3.What have you learnt from being interviewed on the job markets? 4.Why does sex discrimination on job markets still exist even if we claim men and women are born equal? 5.Do you think it is reasonable for women to stay at home taking care of children and husbands when we are facing a shrinking job market?

Week 15 to 16: Topic: One couple, one child policy(一对夫妇,一个孩子政策给社会发展带来的利和弊)

Questions to be discussed: 1.What advantages and disadvantages does the policy of “one couple, one child” bring to the development of our society? 2.Why did “one child” policy meet strong policy in the late 70s and early 80s, especially in the rural areas but now it is well accepted? 3.What potential dangers do we have if so many young couples don’t want to have any children? 4.Do you think that we will have a shortage of labor force in 10 or 20 years if we still carry out this policy? If yes,why? If not, why? 5.What difference do you find between the only child in the family and children who have brothers and sisters?

Week 17 to 18:Topics: The early coming of the aged society and the incomplete welfare system in China(中国的老年社会的提前到来和还未健全的福利体制)Questions to be discussed:

1.How do we define the aged society? What characteristics does an aged society have? 2.How do we define a complete welfare system in a society? What can the aged people benefit from the welfare system in China? 3.Who should be responsible for the care of aged people in an “empty nest” when their adult children have gone(abroad)where they can make a living?

4.Have you ever imagined what you can do when your parents and your spouse’s parents(4 aged people)are not able to take care of themselves? 5.Do you think it is reasonable for newly married young couple to follow the 5 basic steps in their life, firstly try to save money to buy a big apartment, secondly save money to buy a private car, thirdly save money for the only child’s education, fourthly save money to enjoy themselves, fifthly save money for a decent retired life? If yes, why? If no, why?

Week 19~20 Topic: Keep away from drug(远离毒品)1.Why does drug abuse become so popular nowadays even if it was eliminated in the early 50s? 2.What are the dangers of drug abuse to our society? 3.What joint efforts can be made by international community since drug smuggling is the biggest concern in the whole world? 4.What knowledge do you have about different forms of drugs? What bad effects can they cause to human beings both physically and mentally? 5.What can we do to keep away from drugs?

Simulated Press Conferences

Procedures: The organizer of the simulated press conference gives a brief introduction to the government official and the expert veterinarian and then to the main purpose of this press conference.The government official gives a brief account of the new development of bird flu in the country and the veterinarian offers some common knowledge on bird flu and what effective measures can be taken to stop it and how to prevent human beings from suffering it.Then audience from different news medium ask questions and the three speakers give responses.Reference: Topic for 2007 I.War in Iraq Questions to be raised: 1.Is it reasonable for US government to overthrow Sardam’s Regime by force? If yes, why? If no, why?

2.Is it possible for a superpower to conquer a small nation by force? If yes, why? If no, why? 3.Why does the US government insist staying in Iraq in spite of the heavy loss of human lives including both American and British young soldiers and Iraq civilians? 4.Do you think suicide-bombs are powerful weapons to fight against intruders? 5.What is the best solution of Iraq war?

II.Topics Coal Mine Disaster in China(煤矿瓦斯爆炸频发所造成的灾难)Questions to be raised: 1.What are the main reasons of gas explosion in China and so far how many miners were killed in China this year? 2.Why does the central government demand that the local government officials withdraw their investment from local mines? Why is it so hard for them to carry out this policy? 3.What effective measures can be taken to prevent gas explosion in private mines? 4.How do you compensate for the life loss for the victim’s relatives and what penalty can you give to the responsible people? 5.Why do so many small and private coal mines still keep working even if the central government has already ordered to close down them?

Reference: Topic for 2005

Bird Flu(禽流感在中国的最新发展)Questions to be raised: 1.By what channels does bird flu spread so quickly? What effective measures can we take if bird flu is found in a chicken farm? 2.What is the potential danger of bird flu to human beings?

3.Is it curable if man suffers from bird flu? What is the death percentage

of bird flu patients? 4.What evidences can you present to show that bird flu can not spread from men to men? 5.What is the development of new vaccine to protect human beings from bird flu? And so far how many people died of bird flu?

II.Earthquake in Jiujiang(九江的地震)

Questions to be raised: 1.What effective measures have you taken so far to help homeless people after the earthquake? What do the victims of the earthquake deed badly? 2.How can you ensure that the donations of money or materials from the charity organization be fairly distributed among the victims of earthquake? Can the money be used for other purposes? 3.How do governments at different levels help the local people reconstruct their homes? 4.Is it possible to move these people on the earthquake belts to other save place? If yes, why? If not, why?

5.What is the new development in China to predict earthquake?

III.Gas Explosion in Different Coal Mines in China(煤矿瓦斯爆炸频发所造成的灾难)

Questions to be raised: 6.What are the main reasons of gas explosion in China and so far how many miners were killed in China this year? 7.Why does the central government demand that the local government officials withdraw their investment from local mines? Why is it so hard for them to carry out this policy? 8.What effective measures can be taken to prevent gas explosion in private mines? 9.How do you compensate for the life loss for the victim’s relatives and what penalty can you give to the responsible people? 10.Why do so many small and private coal mines still keep working even if the central government has already ordered to close down them?

IV.Water Pollution in Songhuajiang(松花江的水污染)1. What reasons caused the chemical explosion in Jilin Petrol Chemical Plant(吉林石化厂)? What effective measures had been taken by the local authority after the explosion to prevent water pollution? 2. How can you compensate for the loss of production of private enterprises when water supply had been closed down for 4 days in the capital city in Heilongjoiang(黑龙江)? 3. Do the chemicals deposited in the river bed have a long term effect on

human beings’ health? If it has, what can we do? 4. What penalty can you give to the local government leaders who are responsible for the water pollution? 5. If Russia people complain for the water pollution, what can you do? Many people believe that “the one couple one child policy” has brought benefits to our economic development but other people insist that we should stop this policy since China has entered gray hair society and we will lack labor force in a few years.What is your understanding of this argument?


考试要求:期末考试分为口试和笔试;口试根据本学期所给定的8-10个主题,教师对每一位学生指定或由学生选定主题准备一篇讲演稿或辩论稿。在脱稿演讲之后和教师就演讲的主题辩论,教师根据学生演讲的内容、熟练和流利程度打分,占期末总分的20%, 口试在课堂进行;笔试由教师另外所选的两个主题中任选一个在本学期规定的2 小时中写一篇500~800词的讲演稿,成绩占期末总分的20%。





1.4 written papers(computer printed)concerning the 4 topics covered 2.1 presentation on behalf the group discussion 3.1 formal speech without any materials in hand 4.Attendance

5.Final written paper of argumentation


Online games impact on youngstersRecent years, many youngsters including lots of college students are addicted to computer games.They ignore that their main task is studying.Some youngsters even play computer games day and night.They don’t have any other hobbies except computer games.Their GPA is so low that they are facing the danger of expelled from school.For the students themselves who play online games all the day, they feel it

excited when playing games.The world of the computer games is so beautiful and colorful that they even can’t distinguish what is the virtual world and what is the real world.Games seemed like everything of their life.They can give up studying, give up having a meal, give up sleeping, give up making friends with others, give up staying with family, but what they can't give up is playing games.However, their teachers and parents are worried about this.Teachers don't want to see the scene that their students are thinking about how to play games in the class.Usually, just a part of students come to class, the other are playing games instead of having classes.Parents told their children that they shall study hard at school when their children leave home.But what upsets the parents is that the children are just playing online games at school.Online game sometimes can alleviate fatigue, but youngsters can’t be

addicted to it which will damage their study and their health, even their future.So for a youngster, you must get the balance between online games and your study, your health, your family, your future!



课程名称:英语演讲 课程编号:

学时/学分:32/2 课程类别/性质:通识教育/选修 适用专业:非英语专业本科生




先修课程:大学英语 后续课程:无






第一章 公众演讲的基本概念(2学时)

教学内容:公共演讲的定义、演讲的类型、演讲的目的、演讲的特征以及演讲的构成。教学目标:让学生真正了解什么是公共演讲以及组成演讲的必要元素。重 点:演讲的类型以及构成。难 点:演讲的构成。第二章 演讲稿的特征(2学时)

教学内容:演讲稿的作用、要求、特点和分类;以及如何准备演讲稿。教学目标:让学生掌握演讲稿的基本特征。重 点:演讲稿要有针对性、可讲性和鼓动性。难 点:如何充分准备高质量的演讲稿。第三章 演讲稿的写作(10学时)


教学目标:让学生具备能够写出一篇完整的演讲稿的能力。重 点:如何写出完整的演讲稿。难 点:语言的得体。第四章 演讲台上技巧(4学时)


教学目标:使学生具备适当的演讲技巧,提高演讲的效果。重 点:各种常用的演讲技巧。难 点:肢体语言的使用。第五章 演讲佳作赏析(4学时)


教学目标:通过经典演讲的赏析,让学生学会演讲技巧的实际应用。重 点:演讲片段的特点分析。难 点:分析揣摩不同场合的演讲特点。第六章 演讲实训(10学时)

教学内容:通过模拟演讲比赛等情景,给学生实际应用所学演讲技巧的实践机会。教学目标:让学生获得一定的英语演讲实践经验。重 点:英语演讲技巧的实践。

难 点:活学活用所学的演讲知识的技巧,达到最好的演讲效果。




六、授课方式 教学方法:本课程以教师讲授为主,课堂讨论和视听材料为辅助。在教学过程中,采用演示与具体事例相结合的教学方法,对教学内容的新信息点、重点、难点,深入浅出地进行讲解,用恰当的例证加以说明。




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