
时间:2019-05-13 02:43:15下载本文作者:会员上传


Lesson 24It could be worse

★managern.经理(用能力, 办事的)






① vi.抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦(常与of,about连用)

complain of/about „(to sb.)对某人/向某人抱怨„„

Don’t complain about/of the weather.I compianed of my salary to my boss.② vi.控告,抗议(与of,about连用)

The people in that district complained to the police about the noise from that factory.那家工厂噪音太大,当地的人们已向警方投诉。

Mary complained to the Jacksons about the rubbish they had thrown everywhere.杰克逊一家乱扔垃圾,玛丽已向他们提出抗


complaintn.抱怨,不满I have a complaint.★wickedadj.很坏的, 邪恶的① adj.邪恶的,坏的(道德上的坏,可用“evil” 替代)

She saw a wiched smile on his face.② adj.淘气的,顽皮的(尤指小孩)

Don’t be so wicked, Tom.③ adj.(天气)恶劣的Few people walked about in this wicked weather.★containv.包含, 内装(强调用容器装)



The cup contains water.= The cup is full of water.includev.包含include the money in the bill账上含小费 The bag contains books, including my favourite one Pride and Prejudice.(《傲慢与偏见》)

honestyn.诚实I believed in her for her honesty.I admires her for her honesty.honestadj.诚实的honestlyadv.诚实地

I honestly don’t know.我真的不知道。=To be honest, I don't know.1、I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down.the hotel manger’s office名词可以修饰名词

telephone number电话号码

the village fair乡村集市(the fair of the village = the fair in the village)

2、I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset.losevt.遗失,丢失(宾语一般为钱物)

Don’t lose your key.Don't lose heart.别丧气。


feel upset心烦意乱,很苦恼

3、The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing.could do nothing= could do nothing about it对此事无能为力 I could do nothing to help you.我没有办法帮你, 我无能为力 Can you help me?

Sorry,I could do nothing for you./ Certainly.Of couse.It’s my pleasure.4、'Everyone's losing money these days,' he said.days可以指“时期,时代”,如in his boyhood days(在他的童年时代)。these days指“现今”用进行时态取代一般现在时,在英文是一种修辞方法, 表示不满, 一种感情。

5、He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.start to do sth.= start doing sth.开始做某事,两者无大区别(但主语为物,动作与心理活动有关,start本身用于be starting时态时侧重于用前者)

如:It started to rain.I started to understand what it meant.a knock at the door(敲门声)

knock at the door(敲门, 指动作)

6、A girl came in and put an envelope on the desk.=A girl came in with an envelope and put it on the desk.形容词作定语时的顺序:

县官(谐音 限定)行(形状)令(年龄大小)杀(色)国(国籍)才(材料)或:the long new black Chinese wooden writing desk



Lesson 72A car called bluebird


① vi.爆炸,爆裂

A tyre burst during the second run.The balloon burst.② vt.& vi.突然打开

We burst the door open.While I was reading, the door burst open and John came in.【课文讲解】

1、The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.在the second,the next/the last以及表示最高级的如the best,the most intelligent 等后可以用to引导的不定式短语做定语,这些词语后面可以接名词或one(s),也可以不接:

She’s always the first to arrive and the last to leave.You’re the best person to advise me about buying a house.你是我买房子的最好顾问。

the only后必须接一个名词或one(s):

You’re the only person/one to complain.per 表示“每一,每”,通常用于商业及技术用语,日常用语大多用a/an:You can stay at the hotel at $10 per person per night.You must have been driving at seventy miles an/per hour.2、It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine.feet in length30英尺长

3、Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run.have difficulty(in)doing sth.做……有困难

He has grown a beard and I had difficulty(in)recognizing him.the first run开始的行程

the next run is forty miles.下一段赛程为40英里。

4、Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record.follow in one’s footsteps步某人的后尘,仿效某人,继承某人的事业He intends to follow in his father’s footsteps and to become a dentist.1


Lesson 69

But not murder!【语法 Grammar in use】 被动语态


Recently it was damaged by a visitor.最近它被一个客人弄坏了。(一般过去时)Passing planes can be heard night and day.过往飞机日夜不绝于耳。(与情态助动词连用)

Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise.有一百多人肯定是被噪音逼得已经弃家远去。(must与被动语态的完成式连用)The bicycle was being sent to his home by train.人们正用火车给他把自行车送回家。(被动语态用于过去进行时)He never expected the thief to be arrested.他从未指望那小偷能被逮着。(被动语态用于复合宾语中的不定式结构中)The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost.整个村子很快知道,有一大笔钱丢失了。(用于过去完成时)(2)被动语态还可以用于介词+动名词结构中。

介词(after, before, on)+动名词这个结构通常相当于一个时间状语从句。如果两个动作中有一个在另一个开始之前已经完成,则可以用 after+动名词的完成式表示第1个动作;

如果只表示先后顺序,则可用after(或 before)+动名词结构; on+动名词通常表示两个动作几乎同时发生:

After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.在接到把车开出城的指令后,我开始有了信心。

The man called the police after being robbed.那人遭抢劫后给警方打了电话。He killed a child before being arrested.他在被捕前杀死了一个孩子。

On/After being told that her mother was seriously ill, she hurried back to England.她得知母亲病重后连忙回到英国。

被动语态用于介词+动名词结构在英语中是很正式的用法,一般不用于口语中。(3)被动语态用于 want后面的不定式中时,to be可以省略: I want the luggage fetched from the hotel this afternoon.我希望有人今天下午去把行李从旅馆取回来。

want后跟被动语态时往往表示希望别人完成所说的动作。(4)被动语态还可用于过去进行时,以强调动作的持续性 【New words and expressions】 ★murder


Murder is a horrible crime.谋杀是一种恐怖的罪行。murder v.谋杀/糟蹋,毁了

They found that he had been murdered.他们判定他是被谋杀的 Panjinlian, together with Xienqiang murdered her husband.He murdered the whole work.murderer杀人犯 ★instruct


instruct someone to do something 命令某人做某事 I have been instructed to wait here until he comes instruction n.说明书


v.取得,获得,获得,学到(知识、技术、语言等),养成(习惯等)After many years efforts, I finally acquired the trust of my workmates.acquire confidence


Mary acquired a good knowledge of Chinese in five years’ time.Tom acquired a habit of smoking.★confidence


She has a lot of confidence.她充满了自信.She has great confidence in her success.shatter sb’s confidence动摇某人的信心 with great confidence满怀信心 ★examiner n.主考人 ★suppose

v.假设 Suppose conj.如果/假设

Suppose we miss the train, what will do then? Suppose you had a Benz, how would you feel? Suppose v.假设/猜想 I suppose it will rain.Suppose you had one million dollars, what would you do? Suppose you were him, what would you do? 常用于“let us suppose that”这个结构:

Let us suppose that there is a forest fire.让我们假设发生了森林火灾。★tap


He tapped on the door.★react


How did she react to your suggestion? She reacted by getting angry.reaction n.反映

What’s her reaction to your decision?


n.刹车support Press(put on)brake / ac-ce-le-ra-tor 踩刹车/油门 The drive braked hard as the dog ran onto the road.★pedal

n.踏板 Brake pedal ★mourn-ful


There was a mournful look on her face.a joyful /mournful sound高兴[悲伤]的声音 Misery and mournful苦楚悲痛 【Text】

But not murder!I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time.I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully.After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.The examiner must have been pleased with my performance, for he smiled and said, 'Just one more thing, Mr.Eames.Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you.As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop within five feet.' I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly.Though the sound could be heard clearly, it took me a long time to react.I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and we were both thrown forward.The examiner looked at me sadly.'Mr.Eames,' he said, in a mournful voice, 'you have just killed that child!' 我当时是正在被第3次考试驶执照。我被要求在车辆拥挤的路上驾驶,并且成功地这么做了。在被指示把车开出城后,我开始有了信心。确信我已通过考试,我几乎开始喜欢起我的考试了。主考人肯定对我的表现是满意的,因为他微笑着说:“只有一件事了,Eames先生。让我们假设一个小孩子突然在你前面穿过马路。我一敲车窗,你必须得在5英尺之内停下。”我继续开车,过了一会儿,主考人大声地敲了起来。尽管声音能被很清楚地听到,但我还是花了好长时间才作出反应。我突然用力踩紧刹车踏板,我们俩都被向前扔了出去。主考人伤心地看着我。“Eames先生,”他以悲伤的声调说,“你刚刚把那个小孩压死了!” 【课文讲解】

I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time.我当时是正在被第3次考试驶执照。driving licence 驾驶执照 for表目的

Let’s go for a walk.我们出去散步吧。

I came here for my schoolbag.我来这儿取书包。for+次数

I'm meeting him for the first time today.今天我要与他初次见面.I'll never forget seeing my daughter dance in public for the first time.我永远忘不了看着我女儿第一次当众跳舞的情景.I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully.我被要求在车辆拥挤的路上驾驶,并且成功地这么做了。heavy adj.大量的,多的,密集的

Traffic is heavier on this road than on the other one.After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.在被指示把车开出城后,我开始有了信心。

介词短语作时间状语After having been instructed acquire通常表示通过努力“获得”、“学到(知识、技术、语言等)”,也可用来表示“养成(习惯等)”:

Mary acquired a good knowledge of Chinese in five years' time.5年之内玛丽学会了汉语。Tom acquired a habit of smoking.汤姆养成了抽烟的习惯。

Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.确信我已通过考试,我几乎开始喜欢起我的考试了。Sure前面省略了being 句首省略了分词being或feeling,在句中作状语(与分词结构作状语的情况类似):

Interested in the story, he finished reading the book in two hours.由于对故事(情节)感兴趣,他两个小时就把那本书读完了。As he was worried about his child, he didn’t sleep last night.Worried about his child, he didn’t sleep last night.The examiner must have been pleased with my performance, for he smiled and said, 'Just one more thing, Mr.Eames.Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you.As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop within five feet.'主考人肯定对我的表现是满意的,因为他微笑着说:“只有一件事了,Eames先生。让我们假设一个小孩子突然在你前面穿过马路。我一敲车窗,你必须得在5英尺之内停下。” must have been表示对过去的事情的猜测 performance

n.表现,表演,工作情况 be pleased with


They are pleased with his work.他们对他的工作满意。

The manager isn't very pleased with his secretary.经理对他的秘书不太满意。more附加的;额外的:

She needs some more time.她需要更多的时间 let us suppose that„让我们假设„„

Let us suppose that there is a forest fire.I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly.我继续开车,过了一会儿,主考人大声地敲了起来。

Though the sound could be heard clearly, it took me a long time to react.尽管声音能被很清楚地听到,但我还是花了好长时间才作出反应。

I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and we were both thrown forward.我突然用力踩紧刹车踏板,我们俩都被向前扔了出去。

The examiner looked at me sadly.'Mr.Eames,' he said, in a mournful voice, 'you have just killed that child!' in a mournful voice

用悲伤的声调 in a „ voice


He told them the news in a sad/excited voice.Summary writing摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 80 words.回答下列问题,将答案组成一个段落,不要超过80个单词。Had Mr.Eames driven successfully in heavy traffic during his third driving test or not? What did the examiner instruct him to do?(when)

Mr.Eames had driven successfully through heavy traffic during his third driving test when the examiner instructed him to drive out of town.What did he tell him to suppose?(that…would)

He told him to suppose that a child would suddenly cross the road in front of him.What would Mr.Eames have to do when the examiner tapped on the window?

Mr.Eames would have to stop the car within five feet when the examiner tapped on the window.4 Did he tap loudly or not? Did Mr.Eames react quickly enough or not? What was he told?(Though…and)

Though he tapped loudly,Mr.Eames did not react quickly enough and was told that he had just killed the child.Composition作文

Write two or three sentences using the ideas given below:


Three months later Earmes appeared for his fourth test----again told to stop----the examiner was thrown forward, but the child's life was saved----Eames passed his test, but the examiner said,‘You nearly killed me this time!’

Three months later,Eames appeared for his fourth driving test.He was told to stop again.He stopped, the examiner was thrown forward but the child's life was saved.At last,Eames passed his test,but the examiner said,“You nearly killed me this time!” Letter writing书信写作

Write five opening phrases which could be used in letters to friends or relations.为给朋友和亲戚的信写出5句开头语。

Key structures关键句型

After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.被动语态

a You have learnt to write sentences like these: 你已经学习了写这样的句子:

It was made in Germany in 1681.(KS10)(第10课关键句型)I told you it could be done.(KS21)(第21课关键句型)

I can't find my bag.It must have been stolen.(KS21)(第21课关键句型)The man was being questioned by the police.(KS34)(第34课关键句型)He never expected the bicycle to be found.(KS34)(第34课关键句型)

I found the parcel had been sent to the wrong address.(KS45)(第45课关键句型)b Now study these sentences:

仔细阅读以下句子: Instead of saying:

除了这种表达方法外: We can say: 还可以说:

After he was arrested, the man confessed that he had stolen the money.After being arrested, the man confessed that he had stolen the money.After he had been instructed to drive out of town, he began to acquire confidence.After having been instructed to drive out of town, he began to acquire confidence.Exercises练习

A Underline the verbs in the passage which are similar in form to the examples given above.在课文中划出与以上句型相似的动词。

B Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise.用正确的时态填空,完成练习后再对照课文核对你的答案。

I____(test)for my driving licence for the third time.I____(ask)to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully.After____(have/instruct)to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.The examiner____(must/please)with my performance, for he smiled and said,‘Just one more thing, Mr.Eames.Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you.A s soon as I tap on the window, you must____(stop)within five feet.’ I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly.Though the sound____(could/hear)clearly, it took me a long time to react.I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and we both____(throw)forward.Special difficulties难点

Words often confused 经常容易混淆的词 a Practice, Advice.Study these pairs of sentences: 细读以下各对句子:

He still needs a lot of practice.他仍需大量的练习。

He practises the piano every day.他每天练习弹钢琴。

I want to give you some advice.我想给你提点建议。

What do you advise me to do?


b Enjoy, Entertain, and Amuse.Study these examples: 细读以下各对句子:

I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.(11.4-5)We enjoyed ourselves at the party.在聚会上我们玩得很痛快。He entertained me to dinner.他请我吃饭。

He entertained everybody with his clever tricks.他精彩的戏法使大家都很高兴。

The children were amused by the circus clown.(They laughed.)孩子们被马戏团的小丑逗乐了。

His funny stories amused us all.(They made us laugh.)他那些稀奇古怪的故事把我们大家都逗乐了。

That child can amuse himself for hours playing in the sand.(He can pass his time happily.)那个孩子可以一个人在 沙堆里玩上几个小时。


Choose the correct words in the following sentences: 选择正确的词: I never(amuse)(enjoy)(practicing)(practising)the piano.2 We were all(amused)(enjoyed)by the jokes he told us.3 He(advised)(adviced)me to get a(license)(licence).4 We rarely(entertain)(amuse)these days.5 We(entertained)(enjoyed)some friends to dinner last night.6 The magician(amused)(enjoyed)the audience very much.Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension理解 Mr.Eames felt confident because ____.(a)he was sure he hadn't failed this time(b)he had driven in heavy traffic(c)he had driven out of town(d)the examiner smiled Mr.Eames probably failed his test because ____.(a)he ran over a child

(b)he didn't stop quickly enough

(c)he pressed the brake pedal too hard(d)he and the examiner were thrown forward

Structure句型 Mr.Eames was taking the driving test.The examiner ____him.(a)was being testing(b)was been testing(c)was testing(d)was tested 4 The examiner must have been pleased.He____ pleased.(a)had to be(b)was probably(c)was certainly(d)should be Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road.Imagine it ____.(a)would happen(b)happening

(c)had been happening(d)will have happened 6 Mr.Earmes continued ____.(a)to driving(b)drive(c)to drive(d)to have been driving I want the car to be stopped.I____ the car.(a)want to stop(b)want stop(c)want you stop(d)want you to stop Vocabulary词汇 When you have passed a driving test, you are allowed to ____.(a)drive a car(b)buy a car(c)sell a car(d)keep a car He began to acquire confidence.He gradually ____confident.(a)became(b)came(c)obtained(d)took He was instructed by the examiner to drive out of town.He was ____to do this.(a)taught(b)told(c)trained(d)prepared The examiner must have been pleased with my performance.He was pleased with my ____.(a)act

(b)behaviour(c)efforts(d)doings The examiner spoke in a mournful voice.His voice was ____.(a)lamentable(b)sorry(c)pitiful(d)sorrowful

Sentence structure句子结构

Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against the text.改写以下句子,然后对照课文第2-3行,核对你的答案。

I had been instructed to drive out of town and I began to acquire confidence.After ___________________________________________.




1)bulletin 公告,公报

a news bulletin 新闻简报

2)announcer 播音员

announce 宣布,宣告

Have they announced when the football games will begin?


Would you please announce the guests when they come in?


n.announcement 宣布,宣告,通告

3)we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria.......我们现


(1)go over(to...)表示“往......走过去”,暗示中间原有一段距离:

I went over to the blind man to help him across the road.我走到那个盲人身边,帮他过马路。

go over sth.检查,查看某物

Go over your work carefully before you hand it in.交作业前要仔细检查一下。go over温习,演习、She went over the text last night.昨天晚上她温习了一下课文。

(2)field 指“(一块)田”、“块”,为可数名词,常用复数:

Many people are busy harvesting in the rice fields.稻田里许多人正忙着收割。

(3)macaroni 指“通心粉”,是加工过的面粉。它不可能像wheat, rice

一样长在田里,不该与fields 连用,但由于是愚弄人的玩笑,所以这篇

文章通篇都是以通心粉长在地里为前提进行的描述。由于macaroni 是意


4)leading最重要的,最主要的play a leading role in sth.在某事中起主要作用。


expect sth.(from sb.)(从某人/某处)得到某事物

I am expecting a present from you。我正盼望着能收到你的礼物。


I expect(that)I will be back on Sunday.我预计星期天回来。


Don't expect any sympathy fro me!


expect too much(of sb.)对(某人)期望过高

You expect too much of me!I can't finish this job by Friday.你对我期望过高了,我星期五以前干不完这项工作。


not come up to(sb.'s)expectations/fall short of sb's expectations未达到理想状态 The restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations.他推荐的餐厅与我们心目中的相去甚远。

6)splendid华丽的,辉煌的,壮丽的a splendid vitory辉煌的胜利

a splendid sunset壮观的日落

(口语中)极好的,绝妙的a splendid idea极好的主意

7)between them,由于他们共同努力的结果。

between 作介词时含义之一是“作为......共同努力的结果”、“协


Between them they killed the snake.他们一起杀死了那条蛇。

Between us we pulled down the tree.我们协力把树拉倒了。

between 与among?

(1)介词between 表示“在(两者)之间”:

I picked up the receiver between two sticky finger.我用两根黏糊糊的手指拿起了话筒。

Can you tell the difference between Indian music and jazz?


This is just between you and me


Between them they finished cutting three carloads of macaroni stalks.他们协力割下了3 车通心粉秸。

当表示两两之间的相互关系时,between 可用于3 个(或3 个以上)的名词前:

The village lies between a river, a mountain and a road.这个村子位于一条河、一座山和一条马路之间。

(2)among 表示“在.....中间”或“被......环绕”,指3 者以上:

The church lies among mountains.这教堂位于群山之中。

Among those boys, Dan is the tallest.那些男孩中丹最高。



gather round(sb/sth)聚集,围拢

Gather round, and listen, children!孩子们,围拢过来听我说

gather sth(together/up)收集,收拢分散的东西

Give me a moment to gather my notes together给我些时间整理一下自己的笔记


gather flowers


a family gathering家庭聚会



10)September rains

rain 一般指“雨水”:

The rain is falling heavily.雨下得很大。

We haven't had much rain this year.今年雨水不多。

当rain 指“雨季”、“季节性的雨”,尤其是热带地区的雨季时,要用复数形式: We'd better leave the district before the April rains.我们最好在4 月的雨季之前离开这个地区。

Sometimes spring rains are really annoying.有时绵绵春雨真让人心烦意乱。


1月1日新年(New Year's Day)

2月14日 情人节(Valentine's Day)圣瓦伦丁节 Saint Valentine's Day

复活节前的星期五 耶稣受难日(Good Friday)

3月12日 复活节(Easter)

复活节的下一个星期一 复活节星期一(Easter Monday)

4月1日。愚人节(April/All fool's day)

5月的第二个星期日 母亲节(Mother's day)

6月的第三个星期日 父亲节(Father's day)

9月的第一个星期一 劳动节(Labor day)

10月31日 万圣节前夕(halloween)

11月1日万圣节Hallowmas(All Saint's Day)

11月的第四个星期四 感恩节(Tanksgiving day)

12月24日圣诞节前夕(Christmas Eve)平安夜


春节(农历一月一日)---------------Spring Festival(Chinese New Year)

元宵节(农历一月十五日)-----------the Lantern Festival

植树节(3月12日)------------------Arbor Day

清明节(4月5日)-------------------Ching Ming Festival;Tomb-sweeping Festival

中国青年节(5月4日)----------------Chinese Youth Day

端午节(农历五月初五)--------------the Dragon Boat Festival

中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)---the Party's Birthday

建军节(8月1日)--------------------the Army's Day


教师节(9月10日)-------------------Teachers' Day

重阳节(农历九月九日)--------------Double-ninth Day

国庆节(10月1日)-------------------National Day

除夕(农历十二月三十日)------------New Year's Eve


Lesson 50 Taken for a ride


1、love/like doing sth:喜欢做某事

2、lose one’s way:迷路

3、I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected.excursion : a usually short journey made for pleasure;an outing go on an excursion:做一次短途旅行=have an excursion : go on 可译为 “进行” go on a trip/journey:做一次旅行(journey指长途旅行)


It take sb sometime to do sth.某人花费多少时间做某事

5、‘I'll tell you where to get off,' answered the conductor.where to get off:疑问副词+不定式结构


例如:When to start has not been decided.作主语

6、in the front of:在…前面(内部)

in front of:在…前面(外部)

7、get a good view of:看…有更好的视野

8、as far as:表示程度或范围。“到…程度/限度”之意。

9、put sb off:让某人下车(或飞机,船等)

10、in that case:要是那样的话

in this case:要是这样的话

In any case:不管什么情况

11、prefer to:情愿做…

12、After some time…中some time是“一段时间”的意思,相近的有:

sometime: 过去或将来的某个时候 例如:

We’ll take our holiday sometime in August.我们会在八月份找个时间度假。

I bought this bag sometime last summer.我去年夏天买了这个包。


I sometimes go shopping with my mother.Sometimes I help my mother with housework.Last year he went to the city sometimes.Some time: It took us some time to clean the house.二、语法:

在第26课的语法中,我们讲到有些表示状态和感觉的动词通常用于一般现在时而不用于进行时,如:appear, appreciate, believe, feel, forget, hear, know, like, look, notice, remember, resemble, see, think, understand。除了这些动词之外,另外有些表示所属关系以及喜好、憎恶、需要等感情的动词通常也只用于一般现在时而不用于进行时。这些动词包括belong to, consist of, contain, desire, detest, dislike, hate, hope, love, matter, mean, mind, need, want, wish等。它们往往表示通常的状态而不是具体动作。

The car belongs to Dan.那辆车是丹的。(不可用进行时)

I need a new hat.我需要一顶新帽子。(表示状态)


1.lose, loose与miss


Roy has lost his job again.罗伊又失业了。

Try not to lose your ticket.别丢了你的票。

A large sum of money has been lost.有一大笔钱丢失了。

She lost her parents when she was sixteen.她16岁时便失去了双亲。(2)loose虽然词形与lose比较相似,意义与用法却有很大区别。它主要作形容词,表示“松的”、“松动的”、“松开的”:

The handle of this suitcase is very/ has come loose.这个手提箱的把手非常松/松了。(3)miss通常作及物动词,可以表示“错过”、“未能……”、“缺(课等)”、“惦念”、“想念”等多种含义:

Hurry or you'll miss the train.动作快点,否则你要赶不上火车了。

I missed my English lesson.我英语课缺课了。

The Turners left the district last year and we really miss them.特纳一家去年离开了这个地区,我们真的很想念他们。2.expect与wait for(1)expect可以表示“预计……可能发生(或来到)”、“等待”、“期盼”等。它表示等待时往往侧重人的心理而不是具体在某个地方等:

I expect/ I'm expecting to hear from you.我等着你的来信。

I'm expecting the bus to arrive in the next ten minutes.我想10分钟之内公共汽车就会到。

(2)wait for主要指“等待”这个动作本身:

I'm waiting for the next bus.我在等下一班公共汽车。

I'll wait for you outside the post office.我将在邮局外面等你。

练习答案 Key to written exercises


A love travelling(1.1);don't like losing(1.1);don't know where it is(1.5);This is as far as we go(1.10)

B 'Let's eat here,'I said to my wife.'I(would)prefer to have a drink first,'she answered.'That's a good idea,'I said.I picked up the menu.'I don't understand a thing.'I said.'It's all in Spanish.'

'It doesn't matter,'said my wife.'What does that word mean?'I asked.'I don't know,'she answered.We called the waiter and pointed to the word on the menu.'Two,'I said, holding up two fingers.After some time, my wife said suddenly,'Look!He's bringing us two boiled eggs!'


a/ b 1 miss 2 loose 3 expect 4 lose 5 waited

c 1 It takes me an hour to get to my office.It took me fifteen hours to reach Tokyo.It took him six months to write the book.3.多项选择题答案

b 2 d 3a 4c 5c 6a a 8 d 9 b 10 b 11 c 12 d



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