2010-10-24 牛津英语八年级A 阅读理解训练

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第一篇:2010-10-24 牛津英语八年级A 阅读理解训练

2010-10-24 牛津英语八年级A 阅读理解训练

When we talk about stars ,especially women stars ,it seems that they are always young,pretty and own charming body shapes.But recently a Britain‘s Got Talent(英国达人)star Susan Boyle has changed our views absolutely.Simon Cowell ,one of the judges of the talent show spoke of his shock over Ms Boyle‘s voice.―This lady camp up ,and I‘m thinking, ‗This will take five seconds and I can go to have a cup of tea‘.That changed when she began to sing I Dreamed to Dream from Les Miserables.She knew we were going to have that reaction and just to see that look of satisfaction on her face widway through –it was one of my favorite moments,‖Cowell said.The performance was posted on line and before long,the 47-year-old Scottish woman has been famous all over the world.Speaking from her home in Scotland,Ms Boyle said that she hasn‘t thought of changing her appearance.She said that her friend helped her with make-up.―I mean,that‘s hardly a makeover,‖she added.Ms Boyle also spoke of the reason she first beganto explore her vocal talents, ―I was kind of slow at school,so getting like singing was a good way of hiding behind that and thus it built my confidence.‖

44.Susan Boyle is _________

A.a judgeB.a reporterC.a beautifulD.a Scottish woman

45.Susan Boyle had a look of satisfaction on her face when she was singing because______.A.she was confident of her singing

B.she was satisfied with the judges

C.she was pretty and in good shape

D.she sang the song I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables

46.According to the passage,which is NOT true?

A.It was the vocal talents that built Susan‘s confidence

B.Susan Boyle was not good at her lesson when at school.C.Susan Boyle became famous because of her appearance.D.Simon Cowell didn‘t think Susan Boyle a good singer at the first sight.47.What can we learn from Susan Boyle‘s success

A.It‘s never too old to learn.B.It‘s easier to succeed at the age of 47.C.If you have a dream,try to make it come true!

D.If you are not able to study well,to be a singer instead.Feeling left out?

A reader wrote in to say that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend wasn’t around.Here‘s our advice to her—and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes.It’s hard when a best friend isn‘t around—maybe because she moved to a different school or a different class.You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime.You want to have new1

friends.but how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends.But remember, there‘s always room for more friends.。.

Start by looking around your classroom—think about which kids you‘d like to play with at break.Look for chances to say hi to them,smile,and be friendly.Offer to share something or express your appreciation(欣赏)to them.Invite someone to play with you orsay “Do you want to sit here?‖ in the lunchroom.When you‘re at break,walk over to kids you want to play with.act friendly,and say ―Hi,can l play, too?‖ or just join in.

If you have trouble doing this or if you‘re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you makenew friends.Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends.The best way to make friends is to be a friend.Be kind,be friendly,share,say nice things,offer to help—and pretty soon,you‘ll have one,or two,or even more new friends.You might still miss that special best friend.But when you see each other, you can sharesomething you didn‘t have before she left:You can introduce her to your new friends!



52.According to the writer, some kids feel lonely at break because they.

A.have trouble with their studiesB.don‘t have their best friends around

C.need their parents to be with themD.are too young to look after themselves

53.The underlined word 指的是.

A.sharing your ideasB.talking before many people

C.studying better at schoolD.developing new friendship

54.A.they miss their old friends a lot

B.they have no time to stay with others

C.teachers know who wants a new friend

D.they are shy or not good at making friends

55.The expression “feeling left out'‘ means―‖in Chinese.


Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness.Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, ―Happiness depends upon ourselves.‖ In other words, we make our own happiness.Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future —for example, getting into college or getting a good job —that we fail to enjoy the present.You should enjoy life‘s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends.People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your problems and time.Many people experience this dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming.You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity.Finally, many people find happiness in helping others.Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others.If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone.You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the2

house by washing the dishes.()61.The best title(标题)of the passage is ________.A.Money Makes You HappyB.The Secrets of Happiness

C.Ideas for Helping Other People to Be Happy D.Good Friends Make You Happy

()62.The second paragraph tells us that ________.A.the more friends you have, the happier you will be

B.we shouldn‘t think about our future

C.happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.D.some people fail to live a happy life

()63.The passage gives us ________ pieces of advice on happiness.A.oneB.two

()64.The writer thinks that ________.A.everyone knows how to live a happier life

B.it‘s wrong to spend time on work C.threeD.four

C.hobbies take up too much time

D.doing good things for someone can make you happier

()65.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Reading a good book.C.Playing a sport.Doctor Seuss was born in 1904.By the middle 1950s, he had become one of the best-loved and most successful children's book writers in the world.His books are very popular with young readers.They enjoy the invented words and the pictures of unusual funny animals and plants.In 1954, life magazine published(刊登)a report about school children who could not read.The report said many children's books were not interesting.Doctor Seuss strongly hoped to help children and decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read.He used words with the same ending sound, like fish and wish.He did not receive training in art.Yet, he drew the pictures for most of his books.In 1957, Dr.Seuss wrote The Cat in the Hat.He used less than 230 words to write the book and even a six-year-old should be able to read it.It was a fun story and easy to read.Children loved it.Their parents loved it, too.Today it is still one of the stories they like best.The success of The Cat in the Hat made him want to write more books for children.In 1960, he wrote a book using less than fifty words.The book is called Green Eggs and Ham.In 1984, Doctor Seuss won a Pulitzer Prize(普利策奖).He was honored for the education and enjoyment his books provided American children and their parents.He died at the age of 87, but his influence remains.Millions of his books have been sold worldwide.People say his books helped change the way American children learned to read.Yet, his books are loved by people of all ages.Doctor Seuss once said, "I do not write for children.I write for people.91.Doctor Seuss learned from the magazine that _______.A.some school children could not read

B.many children's books were interesting

C.children wanted to learn to read

3B.Traveling to a foreign country.D.Spending time with close friends.D.a writer for children was wanted

92.People like his books because the books ______.A.are cheap and easy to get

B.were written in different languages

C.are easy and interesting to read

D.were written with invented words

93.He wrote the book The Cat in the Hat at the age of _____.A.50B.53C.56D.87

94.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Doctor Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham with over 230 words.B.Doctor Seuss wrote books only for children in the United States.C.The Cat in the Hat was written only for six-year-old children.D.His books provided education and enjoyment for Americans.95.From the text we know that Doctor Seuss __________.A.won a Pulitzer Prize soon after his death B.sold millions of his books himself worldwide

C.changed American children's way of reading

D.wrote the largest number of books in the world

【答案】DACC【答案】CBDDA【答案】61-65 BCCDB91~954 ACBDC




1.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。






Important and difficult points:

1.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。





Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings and free-talk.2.Check the homework.3.Dictate the words in Unit 2.Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 18 , 1a.1.Point to the sentences.Read the sentences.Explain what each one means.2.Look at the picture.Point out the six people.Match the statements with the people in the picture.3.Check the answers.4.Practice reading.Step 3 While-task

SB Page 18 , 1b.1.Read the instructions.Make sure the Ss understand what they should do.2.Look at the dialogue in the picture.Explain :

过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing.用法:表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作,一般用时间状语来表示。

I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived.3.Play the tape twice.Circle the correct responses.4.Check the answers.Step 4 Post-task

Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived.Step 5 While-task

SB Page 19 , 2a.1.Read the sentences.Make sure the Ss understand what they mean.2.Play the tape twice.Order these statements.3.Play the tape again ,correct the answers.SB Page 19 , 2b.1.Read the instructions.2.Play the recording.Write “when” or “while” on each line.3.Play the recording again ,correct their answers.Notice: when / while

※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once.The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time.Step 6 Post-task

SB Page 19 , 2c.1.Point ort the picture.Ask what each person is doing.2.Groupwork : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?”

3.Ask a group to say its conversation to the class.Step 7 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences.Homework :

1.Go over the words in this unit


① They were talking the phone.② I was the barber’s chair.③ The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed.④ I had a very unusual experience Sunday.⑤ The alien visited the Museum Flight.课后小结





What were you doing when the UFO arrived


一. 请根据对姚明的了解写一个姚明的故事。内容包括: 1.出生于上海,身高2.26米。2.他9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入NBA打球。3.爱好:玩电脑游戏。4.对人礼貌,友好,是青少年崇拜的对象,也是中国的骄傲。

Yaoming was born in Shanghai.He is 2.26 meters tall.He began to play basketball at the age of nine, When he was 18, he joined the national team to play basketball.A few years later, he went to play in the NBA in the USA.He likes playing computer games in his free time.He is friendly to people.Many teenagers admire him because he plays basketball well, I think he is our national pride.二. 写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍一位你喜欢的成功人士。内容1.出生背景,爱好,他是怎样成功的 2.他的贡献 3.你对他的看法。Liuxiang(刘翔)is a great sportsman in China.He was born in July 1983 in Shanghai.He is good at sports.When he was a boy, He entered the Children’s sports School and received a lot of strict training under the coach Sunhaiping.He won the gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles at eht 28th Athens Olympic Games.At the 29th Beijing Olympics, he had to give up the competition because of a pain on his foot.Although he couldn’t get any medal for China at the 29th Beijing Olympics, I understand him and admire him.He is my hero.物

三.介绍一部你看过的最喜欢的电影,80词左右。内容:1.电影名称,内容 2.关于什么 3.为什么喜欢 4.你的评论。

Last week I went to see the film Snow White(白雪公主),with my little cousin.It’s a very interesting cartoon film and it was made by Disney.The main character is a beautiful princess.Her evil stepmother envied her beauty and wanted to kill her.She was hidden in the forest but luckily got the helps of seven dwarfs.The story was so attractive that almost every child liked it very much., I have seen it many times and I really enjoy it.四. 家庭生活: 描述一下自己的家庭生活,80词左右。must finish my homework in time.Secondly, I can not play computer games , even in my free time or weekends.Thirdly, I have to do some housework, such as making the bed and cleaning my room and so on.If I break the rules, I will be punished.But thanks to the rules, I can live a healthy and regular life.I think the second rules is unfair to me.I hope sometimes I could be allowed to play computer games for a while, it will make me relax.事

五. 写一件在学习中最满意或最成功的事。1.描述 2.原因 3.如何分享成功。

I was very happy that I won the first prize in the English competition and received an award.I could win the first prize because I love English very much.I enjoy reading books about English and often spend several hours reading, doing exercise.And I never feel tired.After school, while other students are having fun outside, I am listening to the tape and practicing.I shared my feelings for English and the prize with my classmates.I take great pride in winning the prize.And it will encourage me to work harder in the future.六.假设你学校暑假将组织一次走进美国家庭夏令营,你想参加,请写一份申请。1.目的 2.你的兴趣,特长 3.你对美国文化的了解和希望住在什么样的美国家庭。

Dear Sir or Madam: I want to join the summer camp because it is a good way to improve my English and can help me three children.I am sure we will have a great time.Thank you!YoursXXX



Many students think that leaning words by heart is very difficult though they are very important in learning English.Here’s some advice.Remembering words needs skills and methods.Firstly, you should know the sounds of some letters and then divide a word into different small parts.It will be easier.Taking notes and trying to put the words in an organized way are very useful.By the way, you can link the words with a passage.It will be very helpful.And of course, doing exercises as much as you can is very important.八.怎样保持健康How to keep healthy.1.饮食:多吃鲜蔬果;少吃糖类脂类;不吸烟喝酒少饮料。2.生活习惯:早睡早起,充足睡眠;坚持体育锻炼。3.不要过度疲劳。

We all know that keeping healthy is very important to brains.Here are some advice for you.First, you should have a healthy diet.Eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables because they have all kinds of vitamins that you need every day.Stop eating too much food with lots of fat or sugar.Don’t smoke or drink too much.Second, you’d better form some good habits, such as going to bed and getting up early.Make sure that you have enough sleep every day.What’s more, you should keep on doing exercise, every day.And remember not to work too hard to make you too tired.九.你的美国朋友将来广州,请介绍一下广州。1.广州是个美丽的现代化城市,很多景点游玩去处。2.气候宜人 3.多文化城市,很多外国人居住。4.亚运会在广州举行。

Dear John:Thanks for you letter.I’And the 2010Asian Games was held in Guangzhou.I hope you will enjoy yourself in Guangzhou.LoveXXX


In the world, soccer of football is the most popular sport.This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup.The World Cup is held every four years.To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called“Dream(梦幻)World Cups”in Japan.The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky.They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama.Some football teams will have games there.Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makeds more and more people interested in football.Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football.Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms.That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.1.If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______.A.Many football fans

B.a very good team

C.many football player

D.a big play-ground

2.The next World Cup will be held in_______.A.2006




3.From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________.A.people playing footballB.pictures of some football stars C.a sunny sky

D.flowers 4.In“Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______.A.to show their love for their owe country

B.to tell the people their stories

C.to show their good wishes for the football teams

D.to show their new ideas about football

5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______.A.they are interested in football

B.they are football fans

C.they think their favourite players are great

D.all of A, B and C

Americans with small families own a small car or a large one.If both parents are working, they usually have two cars.When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)

A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤).A van hold seven persons easily, so a family with three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel.They could all travel together.Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year.This made them sell a second car and buy a van.Their children can use three seats, the sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel.When they arrive at their grandparents’home , the suitcases are brought into the trunk(后备箱).The two seats can then carry the grandparents.Americans call vans motor homes.A motor home is always used for holidays.When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks.All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together.That is why motor homes have become very popular.In America there are many parks for motor homes.11.From the passage, a van is also called ____________.A.a motor car

B.a motor home

C.a motorbike

D.a big truck 12.Before Mr.Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.A.sold their old house

B.moved to their grandparents’house

C.built a new place for a van D.sold their second car

13.A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.A.a baby

B.much money C.more than two children D.interest in vans 14.Americans usually use motor homer____________.A.to travel with all the family members of holiday B.to do some shopping with all the family members C.to visit their grandparents at weekends D.to drive their children to school every day

15.Motor homes have become popular because___________.A.they can take people to another city when people are free

B.they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays

C.some people think motor homes are cheap

D.big families can put more things in motor homes

One day Mr.Brown sees a young woman in the street with children.He is very surprised because all the child-ren are wearing the same clothes.White caps, blue coats and yellow trousers.“Are all these children yours?” he asks the woman.“Yes, they are.” she answers.“Do you always dress them in the same clothes ?” asks Mr.Brown.“Yes, ” answers the mother.“When we have four children, we dress them in the same clothes because we don’t want to lose any of them.It is easy to see our children among other children because they are all wearing the same clothes.And now we have ten, we dress them like this because we don't want to take other children home by mistake.When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them because their clothes are different.[

]86.How many people does Mr.Brown see in the street one day? He sees ____in all.A.ten



D.ten children


]87.Why is he surprised? Because ________.A.all the children are boys

B.all the children are in the same clothes

C.all the children are lovely

D.all the children are wearing the same trousers


]88.Why does the woman dress her children in the same clothes? Because_______________.A.she has so many children

B.she loves her children

C.she doesn't want to take her children home

D.she wants to see her children easily among others


]89.What kinds of clothes are the children wearing when Mr.Brown sees them?

A.White caps, blue coats and yellow trousers.B.Blue caps, yellow coats and white trorsers.C.Yellow caps, white coats and blue trousers.D.White caps, yellow coats and blue trousers.A taxi hit a truck.A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the truck driver.He also spoke to Tom.He was a witness(目击者).This is what they said.TRUCK DRIVER: I was driving from the airport to Newton.A car crossed the road, so I slowed down.I did not stop.A taxi hit the back of my truck.Nobody was seriously hurt but both cars were damaged(受损害).TAXI DRIVER: I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers from Newton.The truck stopped suddenly.The driver did not give me a warning(警告).I was driving very slowly.I could not pass the truck because there were two cars coming near from Newton.My taxi hit the truck, and some glass cut my left hand.TOM: I was watching the traffic about a kilometer from the airport.A truck was going to Newton.It was not going very quickly.There was a taxi about two hundred meters behind the truck.It was going fast.When the truck slowed down, the taxi hit it.The taxi driver was not looking at the truck.He was looking out of the window at something.My friend saw the accident, too.Tom's friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.()56.How many people are mentioned(提到)in the story?

A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.()57.The truck was hit on the way ___________.A.to the airport

B.to the police station

C.to Newton

D.home()58.From the story, we know _________didn’t tell the truth.A.the truck driver


C.the taxi driver

D.Tom's friend()59.In fact, Tom's friend was also a _____________.A.witness



D.cleaner()60.What's the best title(题目)for this passage?

A.A Taxi Driver

B.A Traffic Accident

C.A Story of Tom

D.A Truck Driver

In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business.But he was not a good artist.So he invented a very simple camera(照相机).He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden.That was the first photo.The next important date in the history of photography(摄影术)was in 1837.That yeat ,Daguere,another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room.He used a new kind of cam-era in a differentway.In his picture you couild see exerything very clearly, even the smallest thing.This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way.Travellers brought back wondeful photos from all around the world.People took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.In 1840, photography was developed(发展).Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things.That was not simple.The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines.But this did not stop them, for example,some in the United Ststes worked so hard.Mathew Brady was a famous American photographers.He took many picture of great people.The picture were unusual beause they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的).Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century.Some photos were not just cooies of the real world.They showed feelings, like other kinds of art.6.The first photo taken by Niepce was a picturte of ____________

A.his business

B.his house

C.his garden

D.his window 7.The Daguerrotype was____________.A.a Frenchman B.a kind of picture C.a kind of camera D.a photographer

8.If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840j, he had to__________.A.watch lots of films

B.buy an expensive camera C.stop in most cities

D.take many films and something else with him.9.Mathew Brady______________.A.was very lifelike B.was famous for his unusual pictures

C.was quite strong D.took many pictures of moving people

10.This passage tells us_____________.A.how photography was developed

B.how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures

C.how to take pictures in the world

D.how to use different cameras



1.There are many English______________(课程)forus to choose.2.Is there a____________(可能的)chance of success?

3.My mother is ill,so I have to stay at home______________(代替)of going to school.4.___________(曾经)we lived in London.5.You must act carefully according to these_______________(指示).6.She asked me to a____________the meeting withher.’

7.I want to f___________the empty bottle with some apple juice.8.一What do the letters UN s__________ for?

一United Nations.9.The computer is such a useful t_____________.10.Can you help me p____________the walls blue?

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    This weekend I visited Beijing Wildlife Zoo. There are many wild animals there. Many visitors enjoyed themselves. They gave food to monkeys and played with tige......


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    一. 教学内容: 暑假专题:被动语态 [教学过程] 一、被动语态的定义 英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。如:We speak English. 句子中主语we是s......