
时间:2019-05-11 20:38:59下载本文作者:会员上传


This weekend I visited Beijing Wildlife Zoo.There are many wild animals there.Many visitors enjoyed themselves.They gave food to monkeys and played with tigers.Animals and people get on well with each other.We should be friendly towards them.It is important to protect environment.We mustn¡¯t litter about the zoo.Now everyone knows the importance of protecting the wildlife because protecting animals is protecting ourselves.


一. 请根据对姚明的了解写一个姚明的故事。内容包括: 1.出生于上海,身高2.26米。2.他9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入NBA打球。3.爱好:玩电脑游戏。4.对人礼貌,友好,是青少年崇拜的对象,也是中国的骄傲。

Yaoming was born in Shanghai.He is 2.26 meters tall.He began to play basketball at the age of nine, When he was 18, he joined the national team to play basketball.A few years later, he went to play in the NBA in the USA.He likes playing computer games in his free time.He is friendly to people.Many teenagers admire him because he plays basketball well, I think he is our national pride.二. 写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍一位你喜欢的成功人士。内容1.出生背景,爱好,他是怎样成功的 2.他的贡献 3.你对他的看法。Liuxiang(刘翔)is a great sportsman in China.He was born in July 1983 in Shanghai.He is good at sports.When he was a boy, He entered the Children’s sports School and received a lot of strict training under the coach Sunhaiping.He won the gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles at eht 28th Athens Olympic Games.At the 29th Beijing Olympics, he had to give up the competition because of a pain on his foot.Although he couldn’t get any medal for China at the 29th Beijing Olympics, I understand him and admire him.He is my hero.物

三.介绍一部你看过的最喜欢的电影,80词左右。内容:1.电影名称,内容 2.关于什么 3.为什么喜欢 4.你的评论。

Last week I went to see the film Snow White(白雪公主),with my little cousin.It’s a very interesting cartoon film and it was made by Disney.The main character is a beautiful princess.Her evil stepmother envied her beauty and wanted to kill her.She was hidden in the forest but luckily got the helps of seven dwarfs.The story was so attractive that almost every child liked it very much., I have seen it many times and I really enjoy it.四. 家庭生活: 描述一下自己的家庭生活,80词左右。must finish my homework in time.Secondly, I can not play computer games , even in my free time or weekends.Thirdly, I have to do some housework, such as making the bed and cleaning my room and so on.If I break the rules, I will be punished.But thanks to the rules, I can live a healthy and regular life.I think the second rules is unfair to me.I hope sometimes I could be allowed to play computer games for a while, it will make me relax.事

五. 写一件在学习中最满意或最成功的事。1.描述 2.原因 3.如何分享成功。

I was very happy that I won the first prize in the English competition and received an award.I could win the first prize because I love English very much.I enjoy reading books about English and often spend several hours reading, doing exercise.And I never feel tired.After school, while other students are having fun outside, I am listening to the tape and practicing.I shared my feelings for English and the prize with my classmates.I take great pride in winning the prize.And it will encourage me to work harder in the future.六.假设你学校暑假将组织一次走进美国家庭夏令营,你想参加,请写一份申请。1.目的 2.你的兴趣,特长 3.你对美国文化的了解和希望住在什么样的美国家庭。

Dear Sir or Madam: I want to join the summer camp because it is a good way to improve my English and can help me three children.I am sure we will have a great time.Thank you!YoursXXX



Many students think that leaning words by heart is very difficult though they are very important in learning English.Here’s some advice.Remembering words needs skills and methods.Firstly, you should know the sounds of some letters and then divide a word into different small parts.It will be easier.Taking notes and trying to put the words in an organized way are very useful.By the way, you can link the words with a passage.It will be very helpful.And of course, doing exercises as much as you can is very important.八.怎样保持健康How to keep healthy.1.饮食:多吃鲜蔬果;少吃糖类脂类;不吸烟喝酒少饮料。2.生活习惯:早睡早起,充足睡眠;坚持体育锻炼。3.不要过度疲劳。

We all know that keeping healthy is very important to brains.Here are some advice for you.First, you should have a healthy diet.Eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables because they have all kinds of vitamins that you need every day.Stop eating too much food with lots of fat or sugar.Don’t smoke or drink too much.Second, you’d better form some good habits, such as going to bed and getting up early.Make sure that you have enough sleep every day.What’s more, you should keep on doing exercise, every day.And remember not to work too hard to make you too tired.九.你的美国朋友将来广州,请介绍一下广州。1.广州是个美丽的现代化城市,很多景点游玩去处。2.气候宜人 3.多文化城市,很多外国人居住。4.亚运会在广州举行。

Dear John:Thanks for you letter.I’And the 2010Asian Games was held in Guangzhou.I hope you will enjoy yourself in Guangzhou.LoveXXX

第三篇:牛津小学英语5B Unit9单元测试

牛津小学英语5B Unit9单元测试





()2.A.AmericanB.New YorkC.Australia




()6.A.visit the cityB.a map of the cityC.in a big city

()7.A.talk in JapaneseB.write in JapaneseC.speak Japanese

()8.A.different housesB.different countriesC.different cities

()9.A.the dancing clubB.the English clubC.the basketall club

()10.A.He likes cooking.B.She likes writing stories.C.She likes cleaning.二、听录音,选择正确的回答。(每小题读两遍。10分)

()1.A.They are American.B.They are from New York.C.They are in New York.()2.A.Yes, we do.B.Yes, I am.C.Yes, he does.()3.A.No, I speak Chinese.B.Yes, I like Chinese.C.I’m from China.()4.A Yes, he’s from the UK.B.Yes, he’s my friend.C.He is Mike.()5.A.Yes, she does.B.Yes, she is living in China.C.She can speak Chinese.三、听录音,完成下列句子。(每小题读三遍。10分)

1.Hello!My name is Andy.I’m from2.They are my David and Tom countries.David speaks


四、单词辩音 判断下列单词的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的用 “√”表示, 不相同的用 “×”表示。(6分)



()1.This is Mr White.He is fromA.AmericanB.USAC.the USA

()2.— Which country do you like to visit?

— I like to visitA.AustraliaB.AustralianC.the Australia

()3.Nancy and David are from the same.A.country;countryB.country;countriesC.countries;country


(in China?


()6.—? — He’sA.from;inB.from;toC.from;from

()7.The girls are catching fireflies.Let’s go and join _______.A.theyB.themC.her

()8.Mr MaA.teachingB.teachesC.teach

()9.Look, the boys _______ in the park.A.playB.playingC.are playing

()10.The man is fromA.Japan;JapaneseB.Japanese;JapaneseC.Japanese;Japan




5.教汉语___________________6.a primary school___________

7.write stories___________________8.speak Japanese___________

9.different countries__________________10.my classmate__________






1.He has a lot of storybooks.(改为一般疑问句)

__________ __________ 对划线部分提问)

_________ __________

3.Mr Green is from England.(改为同义句)

Mr Green ____________ ___________

4.does, his, father, how, your, weekends, spend(?)(连词成句)


5.speak, do, too, you, Chinese(?)(连词成句)



1.你讲日语么?不,我不讲.2.我正在刷牙.I 3.我的朋友是法国人,他喜欢游泳和钓鱼



Mary is an American girl.She is now in Beijing with her parents.Mary doesn’t know Chinese, but she is studying Chinese.She often speaks Chinese to her Chinese friends.Sometimes they don’t understand(懂)her because(因为)she can’t speak Chinese well.It’s Sunday morning.She goes out.She is walking in the street.She is going to zoo to see elephants and monkeys, but she doesn’t know how to get there.She asks a Chinese boy.The boy can’t understand her.Then she takes out(拿出)a pen and a piece of paper(一张纸).She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy.The boy understands now, and he shows Mary the way to the zoo.根据短文内容判断正误,正确的用“√”表示,不正确的用“×”表示。

()1.Mary is studying Chinese.()2.Mary can speak Chinese well.()3.Mary wants to go to the park on Sunday morning.()4.Mary shows a picture of an elephant to the boy.()5.Mary knows how to go to the zoo at last(最后).B

Jim is from England.He’s eleven.He’s a student in a primary school.He lives in China now.His father is a teacher.He teaches English.His mother is a doctor.She’s from Japan.His parents are very busy.Jim has a sister.She’s Mary.She’s only six.She likes playing on the swings.At the weekends they often go to the park.They like watching butterflies dancing in the flowers.It’s very beautiful.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

()1.Jim’s family are A.BritishB.the USAC.Australia

()2.Jim’s father is

A.a doctorB.an English teacherC.a maths teacher

()3.Mary isA.a studentB.Jim’s sisterC.Japanese

()4.Jim’s family often go to the park

A.at the weekendsB.on MondayC.on Friday


牛津小学英语5B Unit9单元测试听力材料


1.sit2.Australia3.British4.fever5.late6.a map of the city

7.talk in Japanese8.different houses9.the English club

10.He likes cooking.二、听录音,选择正确的回答。(每小题读两遍)

1.Where are they from?

2.Do you speak english?

3.Do you like Chinese?

4.Is he from the UK?

5.Does she speak Chinese?


1.Hello!My name is Andy.I’m from2.They are my David and Tom different countries.牛津小学英语5B Unit9单元测试参考答案




三、1.England, China, vist, Where, from2.friends, come, from, French, 笔试部分



六、1.an/the English club2.be/come from the UK/England

3.every Friday afternoon4.live in China

5.teach Chinese6.一所小学




6.I have7.Nancy’s8.catching9.cold10.goes

八、1.Does, he, have

2.Where, are, you

3.comes, from, England

4.how does your father spend his weekends?

5.Do you speak Chinese, too?

九、1.Do, speak, Japanese, don’t

2.am, brushing, teeth

3.is, from, swimming, fishing.十、A.√××√√B.ABBAC




1.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。






Important and difficult points:

1.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。





Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings and free-talk.2.Check the homework.3.Dictate the words in Unit 2.Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 18 , 1a.1.Point to the sentences.Read the sentences.Explain what each one means.2.Look at the picture.Point out the six people.Match the statements with the people in the picture.3.Check the answers.4.Practice reading.Step 3 While-task

SB Page 18 , 1b.1.Read the instructions.Make sure the Ss understand what they should do.2.Look at the dialogue in the picture.Explain :

过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing.用法:表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作,一般用时间状语来表示。

I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived.3.Play the tape twice.Circle the correct responses.4.Check the answers.Step 4 Post-task

Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived.Step 5 While-task

SB Page 19 , 2a.1.Read the sentences.Make sure the Ss understand what they mean.2.Play the tape twice.Order these statements.3.Play the tape again ,correct the answers.SB Page 19 , 2b.1.Read the instructions.2.Play the recording.Write “when” or “while” on each line.3.Play the recording again ,correct their answers.Notice: when / while

※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once.The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time.Step 6 Post-task

SB Page 19 , 2c.1.Point ort the picture.Ask what each person is doing.2.Groupwork : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?”

3.Ask a group to say its conversation to the class.Step 7 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences.Homework :

1.Go over the words in this unit


① They were talking the phone.② I was the barber’s chair.③ The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed.④ I had a very unusual experience Sunday.⑤ The alien visited the Museum Flight.课后小结





What were you doing when the UFO arrived


Module 1 Unit 1 测试题


2____________________ vt.获得;赚,挣得 3____________________ n.&vt.尊敬,敬重 4__________________ vt.赢得,取得;实现 5___________________ adj.一般的;平均的 6___________________ adj.额外的,外加的 7__________________________ vt.&vi.准备 8________________________ vt.思念,想念 9________________________ vt.经历,体验 10_____________________________ vt.介绍 11______________________ adv.立即,马上 12__________________ adj.从前的,以前的 13______________________ adv.最近,近来 14_____________________________ n.文化 15_____________________ vt.培养,养成 16_____________________ vt.陈列,展览 17________________ n.善举;好意,善意 18________________ n.演说,演讲,讲话 19______________________ n.注意,关注

21_________________ adj.新近的,最近的 22___________________ vt.遗憾,抱歉;后悔 23_______________________ vt.通知,告知 24________________ vt.管理,经营


26____________________adj.可以利用的,有空的 27____________________vt.批准,同意


29___________________adv 不知怎么地,不知为什么 30___________________adj.可以到达的,可以接近的 31免费 __________________________ 32注意 __________________________ 33发表演讲 ______________________ 34通知某人某事 __________________ 35参加集会______________________ 36赢得尊敬______________________ 37获得高分______________________ 38平均__________________________ 39自我介绍______________________

40上网__________________________ 20______________________ n.朝代,王朝



41.If most breadwinners _________ a day’s pay to the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful.A.gift B.donate C.present D.give 42.—I’d like to book a room for tonight.—Sorry, sir, but we don’t have any rooms _________ right now.A.unable B.comfortable C.available D.suitable 43.This kind of exercise is most ________ , and therefore is a good test of your students’ ability.A.surprising B.encouraging C.exciting D.challenging 44.Only by hard working can you _________ the goal.A.achieve B.receive C.make D.take 45.In order to earn more money for his new car, the young man has to work for three _________ hours in the evening.A.extra B.many C.else D.another 46.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _________ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space.A.where B.what C.that D.how 47.Hand in hand with reading, Dave _________ the habit of making notes.A.caused B.brought C.created D.developed 48.Although the boy came back to life, _________ he remained weak.A.but B.yet C.however D.so 49.We will wait for further information, you should keep us_________.A.heard B.informed C.realized D.recognized 50.More than 5,000 people _________ the important meeting.A.took B.attended C.took part in D.joined 51._________ for some time after a tiring day is very enjoyable and exciting for me in summer.A.Swim B.Swimming C.Go swimming D.To swim 52.All the flowers smelling sweet look_________.A.beautifully B.lovely C.wonderfully D.well 53.—Why haven’t you bought any butter? —I _________ to, but I forgot about it.A.liked B.wished C.meant D.expected 54.—I regret _________ you John has been fired.—I can hardly believe my ears.He is such a fine worker.A.telling B.having told C.to tell D.to have told 55._________ me, he walked up to me, smiling.A.To see B.For seeing C.On seeing D.Because seeing

(二)根据首写字母填入单词。(10分)56.What’s the t________of her new book? 57.I a__________of your trying to earn some money, but please don’t neglect your studies.58.As a sales manager, you should take c_________________ of the whole business.59.While I was busy making p____________for the final examination, I spent some time doing exercises every day.60.Usually,only when you show r________for others will others honor you.61.Andy had gotten used to earthquakes during 20 years in Japan but had never e_________what he felt on March 11,2011 at the airport outside Tokyo.62.In China, out of r_______for the elderly, young people usually give up their seats for them on a

crowded bus or train.63.The woman saved a little boy’s life after seeing him s_________in the river as she made her way to a potato field.64.My father received some messages from two chatters in the Facebook account, who happened to be his f________classmates in high school.65.That swimmer’s legs were too weak to hold his weight, but s___________he managed to hold his head above the water, calling to the people on shore for help.(三)根据中文意思完成下面句子。(18分)66.我希望你常发电子邮件给我,告诉我的近况。

I hope you will__________ ________ _________and tell me how you are _________ __________.67.每个学生都必需遵守校规。

1)Every student___________ ___________ _________ __________the rules of the school.2)We _________every student_________ _________the rules of the school.3)We require that every student________ _________the rules of the school.68.老师一进来我们便停止说话了。

1)_______the teacher’s________ in, we stopped talking.2)We stopped talking __________the teacher came in.3)__________ __________the teacher came in, we stopped talking.4)We stopped talking___________ _________ ___________the teacher came in.69.培养对一门学科的兴趣是学好这门学科的关键。

_______ ________ ________ _________a subject is_______ _______ ________ ________it well.70.父亲去世后杰克掌管了农场。

1)Jack_____ _______ _______ the farm after his father died.2)Jack was_____ _______ _______ the farm after his father died.3)The farm was_________ ____________ __________ _________Jack after his father died.71.汤姆通知他的妈妈他已经安全到达。

1)Tom________his mother ________his safe arrival.2)Tom________his mother that he_______ _______safely.72.他也告诉我们获得尊敬的最好方法就是专心学习并且获得高分。

He also told us______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______was ______ _______ _______ ______ study and _______ _______ ________.73.他不仅是我的老师,而且是我的朋友。

He is ______ _______my teacher but my friend.74.当我第一次参加聚会时,要求我写一首诗并且我得大声地读给俱乐部成员听。

When I_______ the party for the first time, I______ _______ __________ ________ a poem and I had to read it____ _______the club members.75.全班同学对考试已有充分的准备。

All the class ________ ________ _________ _________ ___________ the test.三、定语从句运用(37分)


76.Mary lives in the room, the door _____ opens east.A.of it

B.of which

C.of that


77.The engineer _____ my father is talking has just come from abroad.A.with whom

B.with who

C.with which

D.that 78.He lives in a hotel, _____ is only five minutes’ walk from here.A.that


C.in which

D.where 79.Is there anything _____ I can do for you?





80.The speaker will tell us about some writers and their works _____are known to us.A.which




81.This is the reason _____ they are all against the plan.A.which




82.It was not until late in the evening _____ the traveler found a hotel.A.which



D.where 83.I didn’t like the way _____ she spoke to me.A.which



D.as 84.This is _____ I can do for you right now.A.which




85.I have seen trees, _____ open at sunrise and close at sunset.A.which the leaves

B.of which leaves

C.whose leaves

D.its leaves 86.All _____ is needed is a supply of oil.A.the thing




87.The foreign guests, _____ were scientists, were warmly welcomed at the airport.A.most of whom B.most of them C.most of which D.most of those 88.On the train I saw a girl _____ I thought was your sister.A.who



D.that 89.Is this college _____ they went to last year?



C.the one

D.the one what 90.Is this the university _____ you visited last time?

A.that one


C.the one

D.the one what











The professor, the daughter of whom teaches you English, is Dr.Williams.100 He came at a time when we needed him most.101 George ,who is my classmate, has won a scholarship(奖学金).102 I gave him a New Year card, which he liked very much.103 John was admitted into the college, as we had expected.104 As is known to all, the earth is round.



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