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logistics 物流

replenishment 补给;补充

inventory 存货,;财产清册;总量;库存 warehousing 仓库费;仓库贮存 commodity 日用品 customer service 客户服务 scheduling 时间进度安排 reliability 可靠性 availability 可得性 transaction 交易 warranty 质量保证书 dispatch 调度,发送,配送

logistics processes 物流过程;物流进程 Pareto curve 帕累托曲线 procurement 采购 stock control 库存控制

finished goods warehouse 成品仓库 fleet 车(船)队 beneficiary 受益人 notification 通知 picking 拣货

invoicing 开发票;发货单 benchmark 基准 contingency 偶发事件

national distribution centers(NDCs)全国配送中心

regional distribution centers(RDCs)地区配送中心

ISO container 国际标准化集装箱 tote bin 搬运箱

SKU stock keeping unit 最小存货单位 stockless depots 无存货仓库 transshipment depot 转运站 deadline 最终期限

bar-coding 条形码编制bar-code 条形码 quarantine 隔离;检疫 order picking 订单拣选

stretch and shrink-wrapping 伸缩包装 roll cage pallet 滚笼式托盘

random location systems 随机定位系统 economic order quantity(EOQ)经济订购批量

stock-outs 缺货 safety stock 安全库存 stock-holding 库存维持 sub-optimization 次佳效应 unit cost 单元成本;单位价格 dead stock 死库存

FMCG fast moving consumer goods 快速消费品

capital cost 资本;成本 reorder 再订购 fixed interval 固定期just-in-time 即时库存,零库存

customer’s order cycle time 顾客订货周期 lead-time gap 前滞期间隙 order-to-delivery 订货交付

supply chain mapping 供应链计划图

WIP work in process 按程序工作work-in-process 在制品

VMI vendor management inventory 供应商管


CRP continuous replenishment 连续补货

EPOS electronic point-of-sale 电子销售点

QR quick response 快速反应

ECR efficient consumer response 有效客户


EDI electronic data interchange 电子数据交

CMI co-management inventory 共同管理库

line-haul rate 长途运输费

depreciation 跌价;折旧

containerized freight 集装箱货运

variable cost 可变成本fixed cost 固定成本 hauler 承运人 re-consignment 再交付 LTL less-than truckload 零担货运LTC less-than container 拼箱货运 flatcar平台货车 TOFC trailer on flatcar 铁路平板车 stevedoring cost 装卸成本 charter 租;包(船、车等)tramp 不定期货船

Logistics: The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.Note that this definition includes inbound, outbound, internal and external movements, and return of materials for environmental purposes.物流:物流是对货物、服务及相关信息从起源地到消费地的有效率的、有效益的流动和储存进行计划、执行和控制,以满足顾客要求的过程。该过程包括流入、流出、内部和外部的移动及以环境保护为目的的物料回收。

Logistics: The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of meeting customer requirement.物流:物流是对原材料、在制品库存、产成品及相关信息从起源地到消费地的有效率的、有效益的流动和储存进行计划、执行和控制,以满足顾客需求的过程。

Important elements of logistics include the following categories:物流的重要因素有:

 Storage, warehousing and materials handling 储存,仓储和物料搬运

 Location of warehouses仓库位置

 Number and size of distribution depots配送仓库的数量和大小

 Type of operation经营类型

 Etc等等

 Transport运输

 Mode of transport运输模式

 Type of delivery operation交易方式

 Load planning装卸计划

 Route schedule配送路线

 Etc等等

 Inventory库存

 What to stock存什么

 Where to stock存放在哪

 How much to stock怎样存放

 Etc等等

 Information and control信息和控制

 Design of systems系统设计

 Control of procedures控制程序

 Forecasting预测

 Etc等等

 Packaging and unitization包装和单位化

 Unit load装卸单位

 Protective packaging保护包装

 Handling systems搬运(处理)系统

 Etc等等

It is useful, at this point to consider logistics in the context of business and the economy as a whole.Logistics is an important activity making extensive use of the human and material resources that affects a national economy.把企业和社会经济作为一个整体的背景来考虑物流问题是很有帮助的。物流是一项影响国民经济,充分利用人力和物料资源的重要活动。

Once the positive need for a customer service policy has been recognized and accepted, it is necessary to determine the basic requirements and format of this policy.These might include:  An understanding of the different market segments that exist;

 An awareness of the customers needs or perceived needs within this segmentation;

 The determination of clearly defined and quantifiable standards of customer service in

relation to the different market segments;

 An understanding of the trade-off between the costs and levels of customer service;

 Measurement of the service provided;

 Liaison with customers to ensure an understanding and appreciation of the service provided.一项肯定的必要的客户服务政策一旦被认可和接受,就有必要决定基本需求和安排这项策略。这可能包括:







What then are the key logistics processes? These will, as expected, vary between different companies, sectors and different industries.Typical examples are: 那么关键的物流过程是什么?这随公司、部门和行业的不同而不同,典型的过程有:

 Order fulfillment完成订单

 New product introduction新产品的引进

 New product development新产品的开发

 Product returns产品回收

 The provision of spares备用品的供给

 Information management信息管理

There are other associated processes that could also be relevant, such as:还有其他一些相关过程,比如:

 Supplier integration供应商的整合 Quality质量控制

 Strategic management战略管理

 Human resource management人力资源管理

 Environmental management环境管理

A typical Pareto curve is shown in Figure 3-3.In this example, which is common to most companies, 20 percent of the product lines or SKUs(stock keeping units)are responsible for 80 percent of the sales in value of the company’s products.This type of relationship holds true for many relationships in logistics and distribution the most important customers and the most important suppliers, etc.一个典型的帕累托曲线如图3-3所示。这个曲线表明,大部分公司都靠产品线或库存中20%的产品获利。在物流和配送中也存在这种现象——20%的最重要的客户、最重要的供应商等。

Capital cost: the cost of the physical stock.This is the financing charge that is the current cost of capital to a company or the opportunity cost of tying up capital that might otherwise be producing a return if invested elsewhere.This is almost always the largest of the different elements of inventory cost.资金成本:物资存储成本。对一个公司来说这是一种那个财政支出或者机会成本,即如果把这些钱投资别的项目带来的回报。这几乎是库存成本因素中占比例最大的因素。

The total time it takes to complete the manufacture and supply of a product is often known as the logistics lead-time.Customers are generally prepared to wait for limited period of time before an order is delivered.This is the customer’s order cycle time.The difference between the logistics lead-time and that customer’s order cycle time is often known as the lead-time gap.完成产品的生产和供应所花费的总的时间通常被称为物流前置期。在订单履行之前消费者通常愿意等待有限的时间,这是消费者的订单周期时间。物流前置期和消费者的订单周期时间的区别被称为前置期差距。

Specially, fixed costs are those for roadway acquisition and maintenance, terminal facilities, transport equipment, and carrier administration.Variable costs usually include line-haul costs such as fuel and labor, equipment maintenance, handling, and pickup and delivery.特别要指出的是,固定成本是指公路使用和保养费、终点码头设备费、运输设备费和运输管理费等。可变成本经常包括长途运输费,例如燃料费、劳务费、设备维修费、搬运费以及集货配货费。


Ladies and gentlemen:

Hallo!It's my pleasure to make a speech here.My name is xxx, a fresh man , and I major in international logistics.Today my speech is something about international logistics.How much do you know about it ? Some say the assignment of it is to transport some goods form one country to another , others say it is more comeplicated than domestic logistics , and still others say it is an action of business.To some extent , they are right , but they are not compeletaly right.International logistics is not just transporting something , what's more , it can bridge the gap among different counties.As time gose by , international logistics is playing a more and more important part in our country , the largest developing socialist country in the world.For one thing , not only is international logistics good for the circulation of the goods , but it also prmotes the developments of trades in many fields ,such as transportation service , service industy and so on.For another , through international logistics we can strengthen our cultural exchanges with other counries , learn form each other , and enhance our friendships.When I enter this college , when I acquire more and more knowledge about international logistics , when I realize that international logisics makes great differences on our country.I have made up my mind to be a great professional person.I deeply know “Rome is not built in one day ”.I will keep working on it , and I firmly believe that I will better day after day!My speech is over.Thank you for your attention!


Ladies and gentlemen:

Hallo!It's my pleasure to make aspeech here.My name is xxx, a fresh man , and I major in international logistics.Today my speech is something about international logistics.How much do you know about it ? Some say the assignment of it is to transport some goods form one country to another ,others say it is more comeplicated than domestic logistics , and still others say it is an action of business.To some extent , they are right , but they are not compeletaly right.International logistics is not just transporting something , what's more , it can bridge the gap among different counties.As time gose by , international logistics is playing a more and more

important part in our country , the largestdeveloping socialist country in the world.For one thing , not only is international logistics good for the circulation of the goods , but it also prmotes the developments of trades in many fields ,such as transportation service , service industy and so on.For another , through international logistics we can strengthen our cultural exchanges with other counries , learn form each other , and enhance our friendships.When I enter this college , when I acquire more and more knowledge

aboutinternational logistics , when I realize that international logisics makes great differences on our country.I have made up my mind to be a great professional person.I deeply know “Rome is not built in one day ”.I will keep working on it , and I firmly believe that I will better day after day!

My speech is over.Thank you for your attention!


Unit 1 1.The person who is sending goods is __ A the consignor 发货人 B the consignee C.the forwarder

D.the captain 2.The consignor is also called ____ A.the exporter出口商B.the underwriter

C.the importer D.the insurer 3.The consignee(收货人)refers to the ____ A.importer 进口商



D agent

Unit 3 1.Road transport undertakes(____)A.the local collection and distribution

B.long haul

C.rail transport

D.the domestic economy 2.Multimodal transport(多式联运)means the carriage of goods by at least ______ different modes of transport.()A.two


C.four.D.five 3.The multimodal transport usually operated by_______carrier(承运人)under the control or ownership of _____ operator.(____)A.one, two

B.one, one

C.two, two.D.two, one 4.A transport system of utilizing multimodal land transportation for transport by road and rail is called(______)A.land bridge

B.piggy back背负式 C.see train

D.mini-bridge 5.Which of the following is not one of the multimodal transport’s advantage?(__)A.saving costs

B.providing fast transit of goods C.reducing the cost of export

D.issuing a landing permit

Unit 4 1.The term CIF should be followed by_____ A.point of shipment

B.point of destination

C.point of origin

D.named point of shipment 2.The term CPT should be followed by A.Point of origin

B.named place of destination C.Place of shipment

D.port of shipment 3.In CFR, the point of risk transfer is

A.ship’s rail at port of shipment

B.Ship’s rail at port of destination

C.On board the vessel at port of shipment

D.On board the vessel at destination 4.()means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment.A.CPT



D.FOB 5.The CFR term requires()to clear the goods for export.A.the shipper

B.the seller

C.The buyer

D.the carrier 6.According to FCA, who usually signs the contract of carriage and pays the freight to the destination? A.Buyer



D.Carrier’s agent

7.Under FCA, if delivery occurs at the seller’s premises,who is responsible for unloading the goods according to the contract of sales? A.Carrier



D.Carrier’s agent

Unit5 1.In practice, a set of ____ original bills of lading is the most common.A.one



D.four 2.The purpose of issuing more than one original B/L is ____.A.to avoid repeating.B.to submit them to the authorities concerned C.to distribute them to consignor, consignee and carrier respectively.D.to ensure that the port of destination will receive the original when dispatched separately

3.___ are those made out to consignees with the words “to the order of×××”or “to order”.A.Order bills of lading

B.Direct bills of lading C.Straight bills of lading

D.Clean bills of lading

4.____ are those made out of to named consignees without the addition of the words “to order”.A.Clean bills of lading

B.Direct bills of lading C.Straight bills of lading

D.Order bills of lading

5.____ indicate that the goods received on board are in apparent good order and condition.A.Order bills of lading

B.Clean bills of lading C.Foul bills of lading

D.Direct bills of lading

6.Which of the following B/L confirms that the goods are actually shipped on board the vessel?()A.shipped B/L

B.clean B/L

C.straight B/L

D.direct B/L

7._____are those covering shipment between direct ports of loading and discharge.A.Shipped bills of lading

B.Clean bills of lading C.Straight bills of lading

D.Direct bills of lading

8.____ cover shipment from or to ports involving transport by two or more shipping or railways companies.A.Order B/L

B.Shipped B/L

C.Direct B/L

D.Through B/L 9.The()can not be transferred to third parties.A.straight B/L

B.direct B/L

C.shipped B/L

D.order B/L 10.The order B/L can be transferred by ___ A.selling



D.amendment 11.B/L issuing date is the ____ A.Date of sending to the dock

B.Date on board

C.date of the finished

D.Date of customs clearance

12、The()is the person or company who has concluded a contract with the shipper for carriage of goods by sea.A.shipper




13、()means that a charterer hires a ship for a particular voyage.A.Time chartering

B.Voyage chartering

C.Bareboat chartering


14、A regular service between fixed sea ports is().A.tramp service

B.liner service

C.door to door service

D.forwarding service

15、Multimodal transport has the advantages such as().A.providing faster transit of goods B.reducing cost of exports C.saving costs

D.reducing the burden of documentation and formalities

Unit7 1.The necessary jettisoning of cargo to refloat a stranded vessel may be defined as()A.General Average

B.Risks of Breakage

C.War Risks

D.Particular Average 2.The person who enters into an insurance contract with insurer is called _____.A.the insured



D.the assured Key: A = policy holder D.the assured 被保险人 3.WPA is one of the ________ A.special additional risks

B.general additional risks

C.additional risks

D.basic risks 4.____ is more suitable for bulk cargo or unpacked cargo such as logs, steel bars, pipes, etc.A.WPA

B.War Risks


D.Risk of Rust 5.Basically, no partial losses or damage is recoverable from the insurers in ____ A.FPA


C.All Risks

D.SRCC 6.Which of the following risks is not covered in FPA coverage?()A.Civil War


C.General Average

D.Sinking of the Vessel 7.Which of the following risks is not covered in All Risks coverage ?()A natural calamities 灾难

B strike

C fire D.collision 1.Under which of the following terms is the seller responsible for insurance?

FOB, CIF, FCA, CIP 2.Under what terms is the buyer liable for the contract of carriage?

CFR, FCA, FOB, CPT 3.Which of the following terms are suitable for multi-modal transport?


4.which of the terms are only used for sea or inland waterway transport? CPT, CIF, CFR ,FOB 5.which terms are suitable for export from an inland location? • CIP,CPT, FCA, CFR


学 生 实 践 报 告





物流专业英语 专业班级: 14物流管理(3)


商学院 指导教师: 张莉

2016 ——20 17 学年 第 2 学期















物流相关专业文书写作 实践学时: 16学时 同组学生姓名: 实践地点: 校内

实践日期:15-17周周三、周四 实践成绩: 批改教师: 批改时间:













1.信函的写作; 2.传真、Email的写作。



本传真是针对国外某公司的询盘的回复(发盘)一 背景(对方的询盘)收到的询盘内容如下:

Dear Mrs Ying, I need your quotation for 425g canned mushroom pieces stems including packaging / delivery time / price term is CFR / port of destination : Dam man.thanks in advance.Best regards

我方需要425克(净重)的碎片蘑菇罐头。请说明产品的包装、装运期,成交方式是CFR,目的港是达曼港,还请贵公司尽快回复,谢谢!二 发盘

TO: Wassermann Company

Attn: Mr Smith


Date: 2017/ 6/ 3

Fax No: 2233666

Ref No: FO 1216-01


Subject: canned mushroom offer


Dear Mr Smith:

We well received your inquiry in canned mushroom pieces stems dated on 2017.6.1.As per your requirement, we quote the price as below: 1.Name of Item: canned mushroom pieces stems 2.Specification:24Tinned/CTN N.W:425g G.W:227

3.Packaging: Normal export brown carton box with buyer's brand 4.Quantity: 1700 CTN /Container

5.Price:US$7.80 CFR Dam man

6.Payment terms: L/C at sight

7.Delivery date :No later than 30/12/2009

8.Term of validity:27/10/2009 If any query, please feel inform me.Best regards

致:欧曼公司 收件人:史密斯先生 发件人:盈莺 日期:2017-06-03 传真号:2233666 档案号:FO 1216-01 页数:1 主题:蘑菇罐头 发盘 内容:










FAX Attn: Mr.Smith From:Mrs.Lee DATE: 2017.6.19 Fax: +86*** To: Shenzhen Developing Company Page: 1

Subject: Wait reply

Content: Dear Mr Smith:

It was a pleasure meeting you this week and learning of your interest in our promoting project.Please find enclosed detailed information of our special promotion package for the March issue.As time is short final deadline has passed.Your prompt confirmation would be highly appreciated.Thank you for your kind attention and I look forward to your prompt reply.Best regards.亲爱的史密斯先生: 本周很高兴见到您,并获悉您对我们的推广项目感兴趣。请查收随信附上的关于我们三月号特别促销方案的详细资料。随着时间的推移,最后期限已经过去。如能及时确认,将不胜感激。谢谢您的关照,我期待您的及时回复。


Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines.We have examined our long and,I must say ,mutually beneficial collaboration.We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain.From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory.the sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified after-sales staff.We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed.Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval.On a personal note, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship.I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully.I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan.My best wishes to you and your wife.4月12日建议担任为公室器具之独家代理来信已经收悉。过去双方合作皆互利互助,能获您的眷顾作我公司于巴林的独家代理。


Dear Mr.Wang, We are Bomei Limited company.As your name and address were listed in The Fabric, we are writing to you with a desire establish business relations with you.We are one of the leading exporters of China silk fabrics and

are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years business experience.We are sure that you will be quite satisfied with our services and the excellent qualities of our goods.If you need more objective information concerning our credit, please direct all inquiries to the People's Bank of China, Nanjing Branch.We are looking forward to your early and favorable reply.Yours faithfully, Helen 王先生: 我们是博美纺织有限公司,在《纺织》杂志上看到贵公司的名称及地址,我们非常希望与你建立商务联系,故呈上此函。本公司为中国纺织产品数一数二的出口商之一,在过去的五十年的商务经验中,具有极为良好的信誉。我们确信,您对我们的服务及货品的完美品质甚为满意。如果贵公司对我们的信用需要进一步了解,请直接接洽中国人民银行南京分行。盼尽快回函。



Dear Mr./ Ms, I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and should like to call on

you at 2.00 p.m.on that day.If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time.Yours faithfully 我现正在汉堡参观港口,以让欧洲了解并使用我们的新型集装箱。星期三即六月4日,我将到安特卫普,我会于当天下午2:00打电话给你。对此约定如不来信,我将认为于这个时间打电话是方便的。您诚挚的



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